bm kssr tahun 1

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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homemake test paper


Nama: Tarikh:

Bulatkan jawapan yang betul.

Berlari Seluar Tangan Menari

berdiri selipar telinga Menyanyi

Budak lelaki Sarung kaki Bilik mandi Besi gayut

Budak perempuan

Tali pinggang Bilik bacaan Papan gelongsor

Nama: Tarikh:

Membatangkan suku kata.

1 duduk = +

2 rambut = +

3 kertas = +

4 tangan = +

5 kepala = + +

6 berlari = + +

7 sekolah = + +

8 gembira = + +

9 pemadam = + +

10 menyanyi = + +

Nama: Tarikh:

Pilih kata kerja yang betul.

1 Ibu (membeli , memotong) buahan-buahan di pasar.

2 Kishu (membina , mendapat) seekor ikan yang besar.

3 Musa (membantu , merasa) emaknya mencuci pinggan.

4 Kita mesti (mencuci , mencari) sayur-sayuran sebelum memasak.

Isi tempat kosongdengan kata nama am yang betul.

akuarium lantai buih payung khemah

1 Adik tiup sabun.

2 Ali dan Kok Seng sedang tidur di dalam .

3 Kakak mop hingga bersih.

4 Ikan-ikan berenang di dalam .

5 Sazali guna semasa hujan.

Nama: Tarikh:

Susun huruf dan lengkapkan ayat.

1 Chin Ang dan kawan-kawannya bermain

l a o b p e k s a

2 Murid-murid itu di padang.

m e r b a s n e

3 Biki dan Hadi bermain di depan rumah.

s a n g i n g

4 Nora dan Mei Chin bermain .

m i t n a n b o d

5 Kavita bermain .

p o t l a m i l a t

Nama: Tarikh:

Gariskan kata kerja yang terdapat dalam ayat di bawah.

1 Nenek (potong,pegang) sayur-sayuran dengan pisau.

2 (Angkat,Simpan) kotak itu dengan berhati-hati.

3 Buku latihan itu saya (letak,lap) di atas meja guru.

4 Ayah (duduk,naik) di atas sofa.

5 (Buang,Simpan) sampah ke dalam tong smpah.

Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.

tolong boleh Sila izinkan

1 saya pergi ke tandas.

2 padam papan putih, Seng Yi.

3 saya baca buku cerita abang.

4 beratur sebelum masuk ke makmal komputer.

Nama: Tarikh:

Bahasa Melayu 1B + u/k 2

Isikan jawapan dengan jawapan yang sesuai.

sayur seluar panjang pokok buku suratkhabar arnab

1 Puan Sofiah sedang memotong di dapur.

2 Abang membaca di ruang tamu.

3 Kakak sedang membasuh di dalam bilik air.

4 Puan Normah gemar membela .

5 Aminah memanjat rambutan.

6 Raju menyusun di dalam almari.

Pilih jawapan yang betul.

1 Kita mesti (mencuci,mencari sayur-sayuran sebelum memasak.

2 (Buah-buahan,Daging) ada vitamin.

3 Makanan ini ada lemak. Saya perlu makan (banyak,sedikit)

4 Mereka (membersihkan,membuang) kawasan kampung.

5 “Siapakah nama (saya,kamu)?” Tanya Rani kepada budak itu.

6 Mizi (pakai,makan) kain samping.

7 Kanak-kanak bermain di (pandai,pantai).

Nama: Tarikh:

Bahasa Melayu 1B- U30

Jawab semua soalan yang diberikan.

1 Kereta Malaysia sangat .

2 Ada jenis kereta Malaysia.

3 Kereta pilihan saya ialah .

4 Warna sangat menarik.

5 Kereta buatan Malaysia amat .

Lengkapkan cerita.

Ayah membawa kami bekelah ke . Sebelum bertolak ayah memeriksa kereta. pula memasukkan barang ke dalam kereta.

Kami tiba di pantai pada pukul pagi. Saya mandi di laut bersama-sama dengan ayah. Adik pula membina pasir bersama-sama dengan ibu.

Kami pulang ke rumah pada waktu petang . Kami sangat seronok.

Nama: Tarikh:

Susun perkataan.

1 kereta pertama Proton Saga Malaysia

2 akan bangga Saya kereta buatan Malaysia

3 memang tahan Kereta Malaysia dan kukuh

4 tolong boleh saya cuci datuk ini kereta?

Membatangkan perkataan.

1 buatan =

2 komputer =

3 negara =

4 sentiasa =

5 berbunyi =

6 pertama =

7 permainan =

8 internet =

9 televisyen =

10 majalah =

Nama: Tarikh:

Tulis semula ayat berpandukan gambar.

Kami kutip siput pakai sarung tangan. Kami timbus lubang pasir selepas main. Kami berhenti mandi kerana laut berombak. Kami pakai jaket keselamatan semasa menaiki bot.

1 2

3 4

Nama: Tarikh:

Gariskan jawapan yang betul berdasarkan gambar.

1. Ayah Navin (ahli bomba;pegawai bank).

2. Bapa saudara Mei Ling (juruterbang;juruwang).

3. Ibu Sofia (guru;jurujual).

4. Encik Saiful (pegawai polis;anggota tentera).

5. Kakak Lucy (jururawat;doctor).

6. Abang Erika (posmen;pengurus)

Nama: Tarikh:

Namakan benda di bawah.

khemah bunga stoking syiling Surat khabar Lampu isyarat

1 2 3

4 5 6

Isi tempat kosong dengan kata nama khas yang betul.

1 Cikgu guru muzik kami.

2 Doktor Lim bertugas di .

3 Koperal Isa bertugas di .

4 Ibu membeli barang di .

5 Ben Li tinggal di .

6 Daniel bersekolah .

Nama: Tarikh:

Tulis frasa di bawah pada gambar yang betul.

Taman Ria Pasar Raya Sinar Hospital Melaka Lucy Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Cina) Nam Yok Balai

Polis Muar

Bas ekspres Polis trafik Penjual aiskrim Trak askar

1 2

3 4

Isikan huruf yang tertinggal.



Nama: Tarikh:

Tuliskan perkataan yang betul berpandukan gambar.









1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

Nama: Tarikh:

Lengkapkan suku kata yang tertinggal.

ne ka ru gun sa bu ma pin

Ke si ting nek ku

Pe dam tu bun til

Nama: Tarikh:

Latihan Ulangkaji

Namakan gambar di bawah.

khemah buah laici straw

1 2 3

Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.

1 2

B ya (ua)/(au) Teli a (ng)/(ny)

Nama: Tarikh:

Lengkapkan suku kata dengan huruf yang betul.

1 2

Padankan ayat dengan gambar yang sesuai.



Pis P no

Angkat buku-buku yang berat dengan berhati-


Simpan pisau di dalam laci.

Nama: Tarikh:

Susun ayat supaya menjadi ayat yang betul.

1. basikal / berhati-hati / dengan / abang / tunggang

Pilih jawapan yang betul berdasarkan soalan.

1. Kita mesti (mencuci , mencari) sayur-sayuran sebelum memasak.

Pilih jawapan yang betul.

1 . Emak sapu di belakang rumah.

A daun kering B buah laici

Namakan gambar dengan perkataan dan rangkai kata yang diberi.

gua Alat tulis serai Cermin mata


Nyonya pantai Jambu air nyiru buih

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Nama: Tarikh:

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Tulis perkataandan rangkai kata yang betul berdasarkan gambar.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Nama: Tarikh:

Susun perkataan yang diberi supaya menjadi ayat yang lengkap.

1. Kuih makan Syahira

2. di sungai tepi saya rumah

3. Winnie ibu buah jual rojak

4. menjemur sedang pakaian kakak

Nama: Tarikh:

Padankan suku kata dengan betul.Kemudian,tuliskan semula suku kata.












Nama: Tarikh:

Lengkapakan suku kata ( kata nama am ) dengan huruf yang betul.

1. 2. 3.











4. 5. 6.

Membatangkan perkataan.

1 . biola = + +

2 . selipar = + +

3 . rumput = +

4 . basikal = + +

5 . radio = + +

6 . memasak = + +

7 . kuih = +

8 . terpijak = + +

9 . orkid = +

10 . gerai = +

Nama: Tarikh:

Isi tempat kosong dengan rangkai kata dan perkataan yang sesuai.

Bola sepak Ruang tamu

Melukis Bas sekolah

Jam tangan Menyanyi

1. Virgil naik .

2. Adam memakai .

3. Kakak mengemas .

4. Ali gemar lagu Melayu.

5. Wilson bermain .

6. Siti sedang gambar.

Tulis ayat berpandukan perkataan yang diberi.




Name: Date:

My Teacher

Rearrange and write.

1 moring * Miss Chan * Good

2 today? * you * How * are

3 fine * thank * I * you * am

4 help * May * I * you?

5 welcome * You * are

Name: Date:

Circle the correct answers.

1 I brush my teeth with a

A toothbrush B comb

2 I bathe with

A shampoo B soap

3 I wash my every day.

A hair B hands

4 I wash my hands

A sleep B meals

5 I comb my hair in front of the

A window B mirror

Colour the words that have the ‘z’ , ‘zz’ or ‘qu’ sounds. Write the words and read.

1 a q u e e n i e =

2 h a t b u z z z =

3 u z z o o k e p =

4 q u i c k i n g =

5 b i g p i z z a =

6 r a q u a c k y =

7 z z i p a c k e =

8 y a s z e r o u =

Name: Date:

My Clothes

Write a sentence for each picture.


This is a cap.

It is blue.

This is a blue cap.

1 This is a blouse.

It is pink

2 These are shoes.

They are red.

3 This is a belt.

Its is black.

Name: Date:

My Family

Based on page 34 in your textbook,underline the correct answers.

1 My brother has a toy [truck , aeroplane].

He keeps his truck on a [cupboard , rack].

2 This is my [father , mother].

She has [eight chicks , ten hens].

3 My father has a [red truck , yellow van].

He carries a [handbag , backpack].

4 This is my [sister , brother].

She has a pet [duck , goose].

Write the correct words.

1 b + l + a + ck =

2 r + a + ck =

3 d + u + ck =

4 t + e + n =

5 e + g + g =

6 b + e + d =

Name: Tarikh:

At The Park

Underline the correct answers.

1 What is Jasvinder doing?

She is playing on the [ swing , slide ].

2 Who is reading the newspaper?

[ Mrs Tham , Miss Jessica ] is reading the newspaper.

3 What are the boys doing ?

They are [ cycling , flying kites ].

4 Who is climbing the monkey bar ?

[ Peter , Kumar ] is climbing the monkey bar.

Name: Date:

Spell the words correctly.






w e p s n p r e a =

k e o m n y r a b =

c l e b i y c =

n c e b h =

r a p k =


Name: Date:

Moving About

Read and write the correct answers.

Ferry taxi trains motorcycle aeroplane

i d e s i =

1 I have two wheels. I am not a bicycle. What am I?

I am a

2 I am big. I sail on the sea. I can carry people or vehicles. What am I?

I am a

3 I am a car that takes passengers to places they want to go. What am I?

I am a

4 I can fly high in the sky but I am not a bird. What am I?

I am an

Name: Date:

I Can Do It!

Rearrange the words to from correct sentences.

1 amin’s * weak * legs * are

2 want ‘s * run * he * to

Name: Date:

Write sentences with the pictures and words given.

1 I - eat chicken. 11 - is - twelve

2 - are - eyes.

3 - am - years

4 - is - mother

3 tries * very * hard * amin

4 play * with * he * can * his * friends

5 - rabbit - eat - carrots

6 - likes - apples

7 - is - house

8 - eat - mouth

9 - birds - flying

10 - flower - pretty

Name: Date:

Rearrange the words to from a sentence.

1 riding the is girl bicycle the

2 celebrate muslims Hari Raya the

3 Dolly Dove for food was looking

4 am going park I to the

5 monkey bar I play want on the to

6 going ? are you where

7 resting on mr lim is a bench

8 on swings Sabrina Lily and are

9 afternoon a It is Sunday

10 riding bicycle Soo Lin a is

Name: Date:

11 go to pray they the mosque to

12 wears Hadi a brown and songkok green baju melayu

13 celebrate Chinese Chinese The New Year

14 Deepavali The celebrate Hindus

15 Christians The Christmas celebrate

16 wants he jump and to run

17 old man The resting is the bench on

18 taxi a four wheels has

19 look a ship Pulau Pinang they to

20 my father this is

Name: Date:

Study the picture, read and write.

1 How do I go to the canteen walk .

Turn .

2 How do I go to the field?

3 How do I go to the classroom?

4 How do I go to the staffroom?

5 I can buy and eat food at the .

6 I can borrow books at the .

7 I can play football at the .

Name: Date:

Read and choose the correct answers.

1 Which school does Ah Hui go to?

A Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan (C) Taman Jaya.

B Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan (C) Chung Hua.

C Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan (C) Siong Boon.

2 How does he goes to school?

A He walk to school .

B He goes to school by car.

C He goes to school by school bus.

Name: Date:

Tan Ah Hui is in Year I Mawar. He goes to Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan (c) Chung Hua.

He goes to school by school bus. He likes to play badminton with his friends. They are raju and David. During recess, they play together in the school field.

3 What does he like to eat?

A He likes to eat hotdog and burger.

B He likes to eat chicken.

C He likes to eat fish.

4 What does he like to play?

A football

B netball

C badminton

Write the correct greetings.

1 2

3 4

Selamat Hari Raya Merry Christmas Happy Deepavali

Happy Chinese New Year

Name: Date:

Choose the correct answer.

1 . are you doing?

A What B Where C Who

2 . Miss Li is a book.

A Drawing B Reading C Running

3 . John his parents are in the garden.

A But B Is C And

4 . They are playing the slide.

A At B On C In

5 . A travels on the road.

A Taxi B Ferry C Aeroplane

6 . A travels on the road.

A Ship B Van C Helicopter

7 . They are flying .

A Kite B Kite C Kit

8 . I can very fast.

A Run B Fly C Running

9 . He cannot .

A Cycling B Cycle C Cycles

10 . We like to a monkey bar.

A Climb B Climbed C Climbing

Name: Date:

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences.

1 smell with I nose my

2 like they eat to cabages

3 walking Siew Mei is school to

4 pet fish is my a

5 many animals there are zoo the in

6 at home we keep can animals some

7 two feet I have stand to

8 every day brush teeth I my

9 vegetable soup we eat like

10 is your what name

Name: Date:

Rewrite the sentences with the correct punctuations.

1. My name li kok fook

2. Mr singh is cooking dinner

3. Hadi and soo lin are playing badminton

4. What do you like to eat

5. We study at SJK(C) chung hua no 2

6. I live in Bintulu

Name: Date:

Read and write the correct answer.

Jonathan and his went to Pangkor Island for the


His father drove them in his new from Ipoh.

car ferry

taxi family

They stopped at Lumut. There they boarded a from the

jetty to the island. Then they took a to the hotel by the


Name: Date:

Write correctly.

1 . Chong and his family celebrate


Hari RayaChinese New year


Y .

2 . Our Christian friends celebrate

C .

3 . Our Indians neighbours celebrate

D .

4 . The Muslims celebrate

H R .

Name: Date:

Look at the picture and then answer the questions below.

Do you like chicken? (yes/no)

Do you like to eat hotdog? (yes/no)

Make a sentence for each picture.







Name: Date:

Name the picture below.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

Name: Date:

Circle the correct answer.

1 Pigeons ( coo , roar ).

2 Snakes ( meow , hiss ).

3 Lions ( roars , growl).

4 Tigers ( growl , roars ).

5 Monkey ( chatter , hiss).

6 Elephants ( coo , trumpets ).

7 A dog ( barks , clucks ).

8 A bee ( buzzes , meows).

Fill in the blanks with the given words.

Washing machine

reuse plants night hens

1 Some animals eat and some animals eat other animals.

2 give us eggs.

3 helps us wash clothes.

4 We can usually see the Moon and stars at .

5 Some things can be used again or .

Name: Date:

Match the words to the correct pictures.










Name: Date:

1 . What is the tittle of the book ?

The tittle of the book is .

2 . Who wrote the book?

wrote the book.

3 . Who Published the book?

published the book.

4 . How much does the book cost?

It is .

5 . The Illustrator of the book is .

Name: Date:

Group words according to alphabetical order.

1. 4. 7. 10. 13.

Grass water arrow boat rocket donkey van scissors jar lamp

car key zero toy nest

2. 5. 8. 11. 14.

3. 6. 9. 12. 15.

Name: Date:

Copy and write the phrases correctly.




Elephant trumpets Monkey chatter

Tiger growl Lion roar Snake hiss Pigeons coo




Name: Date:

Read the story and number the pictures.

1 . The tortoise and the hare had a race.

2 . Mojo became the judge.

3 . The hare run fast but the tortoise was slow.

4 . The tortoise continue crawled on. The hare slept.

5 . At last , the tortoise won.

Name: Date:

Read the story and the number the pictures.

1 . Once , a lion caught a mouse.

2 . He let the mouse go.

3 . Later , the lion was caught in a net.

4 . The mouse chewed through the net and saved the lion.

Name: Date:

Fill in the blank with these words.

1 .I have two eyes to

2 .I have two ears to

3 .I have one nose to

4 .I have two hands to

5 .I have ten fingers to

6 .I have two feet to

See smell hear touch count stand

Name: Date:

Circle the correct anwers.

1 This is my ( head , leg ).

2 This is my ( mouth , nose ).

3 ( These , This ) are my fingers.

4 ( These , This ) are my eyes.

5 I wash my hair with ( shampoo , toothbrush).

6 I brush my teeth with toothbrush and ( soap , toothpaste ).

7 I bathe with ( water , shampoo) and soap.

8 This is a ( square , rectangle ).

9 We like to eat ( zip , pizza ).

10 My friend ( like , likes ) to eat noodles.

11 I ( like , likes ) to eat salad.

12 These ( are , is ) fruits.

13 This ( is , are ) a butter cookie.

Name: Date:

Make a sentence for each picture.

1 have parrot

2 rabbit ears

3 like apples

4 is cucumber

5 number six

Name: Date:

Make a sentence for each pictures.

6 This axe.

7 see eyes

8 zebra stripe body

9 is mopping floor

10 name Bong Siaw Fen

Name: Date:

English 1B Revision U 20

Circle the correct answer.

1 This ( is , are ) my father.

2 She ( is , am ) my mother.

3 Mr Singh ( cutting , cuts ) the grass.

4 Raj and Sabrina ( are , is ) singing songs.

5 Please ( come , comes ) to my birthday party.

6 I ( am , is ) your father.

7 He ( likes , like ) to eat papayas.

8 She can ( run , runs).

9 I (go , goes ) to the playground.

10 Ali cannot ( walk , walks ).

11 ( They , I ) are jumping.

12 (We , She ) skip in the garden.

13 Mei Ling is ( skip , skipping).

14 The boys ( are , is ) jogging.

15 They ( are , am ) flying kites.

16 A car (has , have ) four wheels.

17 We can ( sing , sings) together.

Name: Date:

English 1B – Revision U 20

Circle the correct answers.

18 These ( are , is) Mr and Mrs Lim.

19 They ( have , has ) two children.

20 He will ( sleep , sleeps).

21 I can ( win , wins).

22 She must ( sleep , sleeps).

23 We cannot ( water , watering ) the plants.

24 Puan Anis is ( preparing , prepared) drinks.

25 I ( have , has ) two uncles.

26 We ( have , has ) three children.

27 She ( prepares , prepare ) ketupat, rending and other food.

Complete the sentences.

Play Fly Draw Sit

1 My grandfather can on a beach.

2 He can with a ball.

3 My sister can picture.

4 They can kites.

Name: Date:

A Write the correct greetings.

Selamat Hari Raya Happy Deepavali

1 2

Rearrange the words to form a sentence.

1 riding The is girl bicycle the

2 celebrate Muslims hari Raya the

Name: Date:

Choose the correct answer to complete the text.

Mr and Mrs Tong celebrate Chinese New Year. They have a big reunion with their family on the Chinese New Year. In the

morning of Chinese New Year day, the children will serve to their parents. They will receive red. Then, then younger members of the family will go visiting.They will bring and presents. There is plenty to eat and drinks during Chinese New Year.

1. A. lunch B. dinner

2. A. tea B. cakes

3. A. paper B. packets

4. A. Apples B. oranges

Name: Date:

Write out the sentences according to the pictures.

1. Lucy is cycling.

2. Kumar jumps across the drain.

3. Sam is flying the kite.

Choose the correct answer.

1. Alice and Mary ( is , are ) jogging.

2 . I can (jump , jumping ).

3. The Chinese celebrate ( Deepavali ,Chinese New Year ).

Name: Date:

Look at the picture and choose the correct answer.

1. A. Su Chin is reading.

B. Kit is jogging.

Name: Date:

Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks correctly.

skip jump run climb

2. A.The girls are playing on

the swings.

B.The girls are playing on thr slide.

1.He can . 2.She can . 3.I can . 4.He can .

Name: Date:

English 1B P/Revision.

Look at the book cover and answer the questions.

1.What is the title of the book?

A The Hare and The Tortoise.

B The Ant and The Dove.

2.What is The write of the book?

A.Alice Wong.

B.Shree Devi

3.What are the two animals in the story?

A.The ant and the dove.

B.The hare and the tortoise.


1. Miss stork wa thirsty.

2. She found a jar.

3. She tried to drink but could not reach the water.

4. She dropped in some pebbles.

5.Finally, she drank the water.

Name: Date:



They got married and lived happily ever after.

They fell in love.




Name: Date:

Choose the correct answers.

1) The lorry travels on ( land , water).

2) The ship sails on ( land , sea ).

3) An aeroplane ( flies , fly ).

4) I wash my hair with (soap , shampoo ).

5) The boys are ( sitting , climbing ) the monkey bars.

6) I ( count , eat ) with my mouth.

7) Kumar ( does not , do not ) like to eat hotdog.

8) I brush my teeth with ( soap , toothbrush ).

9) I have ten ( feet , fingers ) to count.

10) My pet is a ( parrot , lion ).

The princess kissed the frog.

The frog got the ball.

He turned into the prince.

Answers th questions.

1.What is your name?

2.How old are you?

3.Where do you live?

4.What is the name of your school?

Name: Date:

5.How are you?

6.How many circle are there? OOOOO

7.What colour is this ? White

8.What do you like to eat?

9.What number is this? ( 12 )

10.Are you a boy or a girl?

Rearrange the words to form sentences.

1 have yellow banana I a

2 taman sunshine they in live

Name: Date:

3 are you going where

4 six oranges he and an apple eats

5 to play computer I like games

6 name is the my school of sjk chung hua

7 how are there rectangles many

8 where does he live ( kampong mas)

Write the correct answer for each picture.

sunflower florist postman ship

Name: Date:

Fill in the blank with correct answers.

petals flowers stars musician Cycle

1. We can buy at the florist’s.

2. The works in the post office.

3. There is a on a Christmas tree.

4. The hibiscus has five .

5. They to school.

C. Choose the correct spelling.

a.thorns a.ploti a.cwor a.bakre

b.thsonr b.pilot b.corw b.baker

c.thonrs c.polit c.crow c.bekar

Name: Date:

Match the sentences.

1.The nurse works * * a ferry to Pulau Langkawi

2.The farmer ploughed the paddy field * * in the hospital.

3.Priang and his family took * * with a tractor.

4.The florist sells * * roses and orchids.

5.The crows * * eat the grains of rice.

Look at the pictures , choose the correct sentence.

A. Rose have many petals.

B. Roses have five petals.

A. They went to Penang by train.

B. They go to school by bus.

A. The sunflowers is purple

B. The sunflower is yellow.

Name: Date:

Group the words in their own categories.

baker roses Carlorry policeman Morning glory

Occupations Transpot Flowers

A. Rose have many petals.

B. Roses have five petals.

A. They went to Penang by train.

B. They go to school by bus.

A. The sunflowers is purple

B. The sunflower is yellow.

Choose the correct answer.

1.Long ago,there was an old man.He had(two,three,four) children.

2.His children liked to (figth,play,shout).

3.The old man gave each of them a (box,stick,stem).

4.Children (broke,hit,ate) the stick easily.

5.They (could,could not) break the bundles of sticks.

Name: Date:

Make a sentence for each picture.

Name: Date:

Read the passage and fill in the blanks.

Choose the correct answer.

1.Long ago,there was an old man.He had(two,three,four) children.

2.His children liked to (figth,play,shout).

3.The old man gave each of them a (box,stick,stem).

4.Children (broke,hit,ate) the stick easily.

5.They (could,could not) break the bundles of sticks.

1. - baker - cake

2. - morning glory - purple

3. - firefighter - puts out

4. - aeroplane - kuching

Sheila is a teacher. She teaches in SJK (C) Ming Yu. She teaches English. She teaches children how to speak and write English. She is a kind good teacher. The children like her very much.

1. Sheila is .

2. She teaches in .

3. She teaches children .

4. She is a .

5. The children .

Match the sentence. Write.

1.He is riding * * a book.

2.She is flying * * a bicycle.

3.Mr.Lee is reading * * a kite.

4.Mother is resting * * the swing.

5.The girl is on * * on the beach.

Name: Date:






Rearrange the words and write the sentence.

1 are slow you

2 am not I

3 race Let us

4 I win will

5 late You are

Name: Date:

Choose the correct answers and write its letter in the brackets.

1 A peacock has a very long and beautiful . ( )

(a) neck (b) tail (c) nose (d) leg

2 A fireman uses a to put out fire. ( )

(a) ladder (b) hammer (c) hose (d) nail

3 Miss Tong is a cashier. She collects from the customers. ( )

(a) garbage (b) petrol (c) food (d) money

4 A polar bear likes to eat . ( )

(a) leaves (b) sugar cane (c) meat (d) fish

5 Hassim enjoy the ride at the zoo. ( )

(a) tram (b) taxi (c) bus (d) MRT train

6 You can find this road sign outside a . ( )

(a) school (b) hospital (c) shop (d) market

Name: Date:

7.The opposite of selfish is . ( )

(a) long (b) small (c) generous (d) clever

8.A zebra has black and stripes.

(a) yellow (b) brown (c) white (d) orange

9.Tiger have sharp . ( )

(a) hands (b) paws (c) claws (d) horns

10.Mr Lam is waiting for the train at the . ( )

(a) airport (b) bus stop (c) taxi stand (d) railway station

11.A mechanic cars. ( )

(a) treats (b) figths (c) repairs (d) serves

12.All the pupils like their teacher because she is . ( )

(a) wicked (b) kind (c) ugly (d) selfish

13.A lion uses its sharp to chew the meat. ( )

(a) claws (b) nails (c) horns (d) teeth

14.A hippopotamus has a mouth. ( )

(a) huge (b) small (c) tiny (d) long

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