ujian sains tingkatan 4

Instruction: This question paper consists of 2 sections which are section A and B. Please answer all questions. Arahan: Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 2 bahagian iaitu bahagian A dan B. Jawab semua soalan. SECTION A (30 marks) 1. A hypothesis shows the relationship between.... Hipotesis menunjukkan hubungan antara..... A. the fixed variable and the responding variable. pembolehubah tetap dan pembolehubah bergerak balas. B. the manipulated variable and the responding variable. pembolehubah manipulasi dan pembolehubah bergerak balas. C. the manipulated variable and the fixed variable. pembolehubah manipulasi dan pembolehubah tetap. D. the fixed variable and the dependent variable. pembolehubah tetap dan pembolehubah bersandar. 2. What is the manipulated variable in the above problem? Apakah pembolehubah manipulasi bagi masalah di atas? A. The rate of dissolving Kadar keterlarutan B. The size of the solute Saiz zat terlarut C. The volume of the solvent Isipadu pelarut D. The temperature of the solvent Suhu pelarut 3. Stimuli cause response. Which of the following is not an example of stimulus? Rangsangan menyebabkan berlakunya gerak balas. Yang manakah bukan contoh bagi rangsangan? 1 How does the size of the solute affect the rate of dissolving? Bagaimana saiz sesuatu zat terlarut memberi kesan kepada kadar keterlarutan?

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ujian sains tingkatan 4 pertengahan semester satu


Page 1: Ujian sains tingkatan 4

Instruction: This question paper consists of 2 sections which are section A and B. Please answer all questions.Arahan: Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 2 bahagian iaitu bahagian A dan B. Jawab semua soalan.

SECTION A (30 marks)

1. A hypothesis shows the relationship between....Hipotesis menunjukkan hubungan antara.....

A. the fixed variable and the responding variable. pembolehubah tetap dan pembolehubah bergerak balas.B. the manipulated variable and the responding variable. pembolehubah manipulasi dan pembolehubah bergerak balas.C. the manipulated variable and the fixed variable. pembolehubah manipulasi dan pembolehubah tetap.D. the fixed variable and the dependent variable. pembolehubah tetap dan pembolehubah bersandar.


What is the manipulated variable in the above problem?Apakah pembolehubah manipulasi bagi masalah di atas?

A. The rate of dissolving Kadar keterlarutanB. The size of the solute Saiz zat terlarutC. The volume of the solvent Isipadu pelarutD. The temperature of the solvent Suhu pelarut

3. Stimuli cause response. Which of the following is not an example of stimulus?Rangsangan menyebabkan berlakunya gerak balas. Yang manakah bukan contoh bagi rangsangan?

A. The skin KulitB. Heavy rain Hujan lebatC. A loud noise Bunyi bisingD. Cold weather Cuaca sejuk


How does the size of the solute affect the rate of dissolving?Bagaimana saiz sesuatu zat terlarut memberi kesan kepada kadar keterlarutan?

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4. What is meant by the coordination of the body?Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan koordinasi badan?

A. Body coordination is the response to an external stimulus Koordinasi badan ialah gerak balas terhadap rangsangan luarB. Body coordination is the action that takes place in the excretory system. Koordinasi badan ialah tindakan yang berlaku dalam sistem perkumuhan.C. Body coordination is the involuntary action that takes place automatically. Koordinasi badan ialah tindakan luar kawal yang berlaku secara automatik.D. Body coordination is the coordination of the human organ and system to respond to stimulus. Koordinasi badan ialah koordinasi organ manusia dan sistem untuk bergerak balas terhadap rangsangan.

5. Diagram 1 shows a motor neurone. Which parts A, B, C or D helps o speed up impulse transmission?Rajah 1 menunjukkan neuron motor. Bahagian manakah, A,B,C atau D yang membantu mempercepatkan pemindahan impuls?

6. Diagram 2 shows the pathway of impulses that involves three types of neurone. What are the neurone P, Q and R?Rajah 2 menunjukkan laluan impuls yang melibatkan tiga jenis neuron.Apakah neuron P,Q dan R?


A Sensory neurone(neuron deria)

Motor neurone(neuron motor)

Relay neurone(neuron perantaraan)

B Motor neurone Sensory neurone Relay neuroneC Sensory neurone Relay neurone Motor neuroneD Relay neurone Motor neurone Sensory neurone

7. Diagram 3 shows one of the human endocrine gland.Rajah 3 menunjukkan salah satu kelenjar endokrin manusia.


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What is the immediate effect on a person if the gland is removed?Apakah kesan kepada manusia sekiranya kelenjar tersebut dikeluarkan?

A. The blood pressure increasePeningkatan tekanan darah

B. The metabolic rates become low Kadar metabolisme menjadi rendah

C. The blood sugar level increasePeningkatan aras glukosa darah

D. The secondary sex characteristics are not developed Menjejaskan perkembangan ciri-ciri seks sekunder

8. Which is the correct pathway of body coordination?Yang manakah laluan yang betul bagi koordinasi badan?

A. Stimuli receptors central nervous system effectors responsesRangsangan reseptor sistem saraf pusat efektor gerak balas

B. Receptors stimuli central nervous system responses effectorsC. Receptors stimuli responses central nervous system effectorsD. Stimuli central nervous system receptors effectors responses

9. Diagram 4 shows the structure of a neuron.Diagram 4 menunjukkan struktur satu neuron.


Diagram 4

What is the function of P?Apakah fungsi P?

A. To conduct impulse towards the cell body Untuk mengarahkan impuls masuk ke dalam badan selB. To conduct impulse away the cell body Untuk mengarahkan impuls keluar daripada badan selC. To speed up the transmission of nerve impulses Untuk mempercepatkan pemindahan impuls sarafD. To control the activities of the cell Untuk mengawal aktiviti dalam sel


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10. Which of the following is the function of the spinal nerve?Yang manakah fungsi saraf spina?

A. Connects all interior organs to the brain.Menghubungkan semua organ dalaman dengan otak

B. Connects all organs in the head to the brain.Menghubungkan semua organ di dalam kepala dengan otak

C. Connects all interior organs to the spinal cord.Menghubungkan semua organ dalaman dengan saraf tunjang

D. Connects all organs in the head to the spinal cord.Menghubungkan semua organ dalam kepala dengan saraf tunjang.

11. Which of the following is an example of voluntary action?Yang manakah contoh tindakan terkawal?

A. Knee-jerking C. HeartbeatSentakan lutut Denyutan jantung

B. Peristalsis D. TalkingPeristalsis Bercakap

12. What is the function of sensory neurone?Apakah fungsi neuron deria?

A. Carries impulse from receptors to the central nervous systemMembawa impuls dari reseptor ke sistem saraf pusat

B. Carries impulse from central nervous system to the effectors.Membawa impuls dari sistem saraf pusat ke efektor

C. Carries impulse from sensory neurone to the relay neurone.Membawa impuls dari neuron deria ke neuron perantaraan

D. Carries impulse from effectors to the receptors.Membawa impuls dari efektor ke reseptor.

13. What is the function of relay neurone?Apakah fungsi neuron perantaraan?

A. Carries impulse from receptors to the central nervous systemMembawa impuls dari reseptor ke sistem saraf pusat

B. Carries impulse from central nervous system to the effectors.Membawa impuls dari sistem saraf pusat ke efektor

C. Carries impulse from sensory neurone to the motor neurone.Membawa impuls dari neuron deria ke neuron motor

D. Carries impulse from effectors to the receptors.Membawa impuls dari efektor ke reseptor


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14. Which of the following parts of the brain controls the process of breathing?Yang manakah bahagian otak yang mengawal proses pernafasan?

A. CerebrumSerebrum

B. CerebelumSerebelum

C. Spinal cordSaraf tunjang

D. Medulla oblongata Medula oblongata

15. What is the function of spinal cord?Apakah fungsi saraf tunjang?

A. To maintain the balance of the bodyUntuk mengekalkan keseimbangan badan

B. To control involuntary actionsUntuk mengawal tindakan luar kawal

C. To carry out voluntary actionsUntuk menjalankan tindakan terkawal

D. To carry out reflex actionsUntuk menjalankan tindakan refleks

16. Diagram 4 shows the presence of proprioceptors in muscles.Rajah 4 menunjukkan kehadiran reseptor regang dalam otot.

Diagram 4

Which of the following activities depend on proprioceptors?Yang manakah antara aktiviti berikut bergantung kepada reseptor regang?

A. Kicking a ballMenendang bola

B. Reading a bookMembaca buku

C. Blowing a whistleMeniup wisel

D. To carry out reflex actions Untuk menjalankan tindakan refleks

17. Proprioceptors can be found in...5

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Reseptor regang boleh dijumpai pada...

A. muscle and ligaments C. ligaments and tendon otot dan ligamen ligamen dan tendonB. muscle and tendon D. muscle, ligaments and tendon otot dan tendon otot, ligamen dan tendon

18. Akmar combs her hair without looking at the mirror. Which of the following enables the students to carry out this activity?Akmar menyikat rambutnya tanpa melihat cermin. Yang manakah antara berikut yang membolehkan pelajar tersebut melakukan aktiviti ini?

A. Effectors C. ProprioceptorsEfektor Proprioseptor

B. Receptors D. Sense of touchReseptor Deria sentuh

19. Which of the following statements is true about the difference between the nervous?Yang manakah antara berikut benar mengenai perbezaan antara saraf?

Nervous coordinationKoordinasi saraf

Hormonal coordinationKoordinasi kimia

A Effects can last longerKesannya bertahan lama

Effects are temporaryKesannya sementara

B Affects the target organMemberi kesan kepada organ sasaran

Affects the effectorsMemberi kesan kepada efektor

C Speed of transmission is slowerKelajuan utusan adalah perlahan

Speed of transmission is rapidKelajuan utusan adalah pantas

D Messages are carried in the formof electrical impulsesUtusan adalah dalam bentuk impuls elektrik

Messages are carried in the formof chemical substancesUtusan adalah dalam bentuk bahan kimia

20. Which type of drugs can relieve pain and ease mental stress?Dadah jenis yang manakah boleh melegakan kesakitan dan mengurangkan tekanan mental?

A. Inhalants C. Hallucinogens Inhalan HalusinogenB. Stimulants D. Depressants Stimulan(peransang) Depresen(penenang)

21. The central nervous system consists of the....Sistem saraf pusat mengandungi...

A. brain and spinal cordotak dan saraf tunjang


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B. brain and cranial nervesotak dan saraf kranium

C. spinal nerves and cranial nervessaraf spina dan saraf kranium

D. spinal nerves and medulla oblongatasaraf spina dan medula oblongata

22. Heartbeat is a type of...Denyutan nadi adalah suatu jenis...

A. reflex actiontindakan refleks

B. voluntary actiontindakan terkawal

C. involuntary actiontindakan luar kawal

D. kinaesthesis actiontindakan kinestetik

23. The motor neurone carries impulse from the...Neuron motor membawa impuls daripada....

A. receptors to the central nervous system.reseptor ke sistem saraf pusat

B. sensory neurone to the relay neuroneneuron deria ke neuron perantaraan

C. central nervous system to the effectors.sistem saraf pusat ke efektor

D. effectors to the receptorefektor ke reseptor

24. The diagram 5 shows the three types of neurones.Rajah 5 menunjukkan tiga jenis neuron.


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Diagram 5 The flow of the impulse is from..... Laluan impuls adalah daripada....

A. P → Q → R C. Q → P → RB. R → P → Q D. R → Q → P

25. Which of the following is paired correctly?Yang manakah antara berikut dipadankan dengan betul?

Hormone(Hormon) Function(Fungsi)A Thyroxine

TiroksinaPrepares the body from emergencyMenyediakan badan untuk bertindak dalam keadaan kecemasan.

B InsulinInsulin

Controls the body’s metabolic rateMengawal kadar metabolisme badan

C AdrenalineAdrenalina

Stimulates the conversion of glucose into glycogen in the liverMerangsang penukaran glukosa kepada glikogen di dalam hati

D TestosteroneTestosteron

Controls the development of secondary sexual characteristicsMengawal perkembangan ciri-ciri seks sekunder




Which of the following action has a nervous pathway as shown in the above diagram?Yang manakah antara tindakan berikut menunjukkan laluan saraf seperti rajah di atas?

A. Yelling out in pain after stepping on a nailMenjerit kesakitan selepas terpijak paku

B. Peristalsis in the intestinePeristalsis dalam usus

C. Reading bookMembaca buku

D. Shivering with coldMenggigil kesejukan





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27. Which of the following statements is TRUE about hypothesis?Yang manakah pernyataan berikut BENAR mengenai hipotesis?

I. Hypothesis must be tested by carrying out experiments Hipotesis mesti diuji melalui eksperimenII. More than one hypothesis can be proposed in an investigation Lebih daripada satu hipotesis boleh diusulkan dalam penyiasatanIII. Hypothesis relate manipulated variables to responding variables Hipotesis menghubungkan pembolehubah manipulasi dan pembolehubah bergerak balas

A. I and II onlyB. I and III onlyC. II and III onlyD. I, II and III

28. A student carrying out an experiment to study the relationship between the ability of an object to float and sink in water and its density. While recording the data, the student must be…Seorang pelajar menjalankan eksperimen untuk mengkaji hubungan antara keupayaan sesuatu objek untuk terapung dan tenggelam dalam air dengan ketumpatannya. Semasa merekod data, pelajar tersebut mestilah....

I. honest jujurII. flexible fleksibelIII. accurate tepat

A. I and II onlyB. I and III onlyC. II and III onlyD. I, II and III

29. Which of the following must be done first before planning the framework of an experiment?Yang manakah antara berikut mesti dilakukan dahulu sebelum merancang rangka eksperimen?I. Collecting data Mengumpul dataII. Identifying the problem Mengenalpasti masalahIII. Making a hypothesis Membuat hipotesis

A. I and II onlyB. I and III onlyC. II and III only


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D. I, II and III

30. Which of the following statements is TRUE about cerebellum?Yang manakah antara berikut BENAR mengenai serebelum?I. Lies at the posterior side of the cerebrum Terletak di bahagian bawah serebrumII. The cortex is made up of gray matter Korteks terdiri daripada jirim kelabuIII. Controls involuntary actions Mengawal tindakan luar kawal

A. I onlyB. I and II onlyC. II and III onlyD. I, II and III

SECTION B (20 marks)

1. The diagram below shows three types of neurons.



Neurone Y

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a) Name the neurons labelled X, Y and ZNamakan neuron yang berlabel X,Y dan Z.

i) X: ____________________________________ ii) Y:______________________________

iii)Z: ____________________________________ (3 marks)

b) i) What is the part labelled P? Apakah bahagian yang berlabel P?

___________________________________________________________________________( 1 mark)

ii)State the function of the part labelled P. Nyatakan fungsi bahagian yang berlabel P.


___________________________________________________________________________( 1 mark)

c) What is the function of neurone Z?Apakah fungsi neuron Z?


___________________________________________________________________________( 1 mark)

d) Which neurone can be found only in the central nervous system?Neuron yang manakah boleh dijumpai dalam sistem saraf pusat?


Neurone X

Neurone Z

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___________________________________________________________________________( 1 mark)

2. A student carried out an experiment to determine the amount of sugar needed to make a saturated sugar solution. He adds 5 grams of sugar into 100 ml of water in a beaker and stirs the solution. He adds another 5 grams of sugar into the water and stirs the solution. He repeats the process until no more sugar can dissolve in the water.Seorang pelajar menjalankan eksperimen untuk menentukan jumlah gula yang diperlukan untuk membuat larutan gula tepu. Dia menambah 5 gram gula ke dalam 100 ml air di dalam bikar dan mengacau larutan tersebut. Dia menambah lagi 5 gram gula ke dalam air dan mengacau lagi larutan tersebut. Dia mengulangi proses tersebut sehingga tiada lagi gula yang boleh larut dalam air tersebut.


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The table below shows the result of the experiment. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen tersebut.

Amount of sugar(g)Jumlah gula (g)


5 Sugar dissolves in the waterGula larut dalam air

10 Sugar dissolves in the waterGula larut dalam air

15 Sugar dissolves in the waterGula larut dalam air

20 Sugar dissolves in the waterGula larut dalam air

25 Some sugar is left in the beakerAda sebahagian gula tertinggal dalam bikar

30 Sugar cannot dissolve any moreGula tidak boleh larut lagi

a) State a hypothesis for this experiment.Nyatakan hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini.


___________________________________________________________________________( 1 mark)

b) State the variables in this experiment.Nyatakan pembolehubah eksperimen ini.i) Manipulated variable(Pembolehubah manipulasi)


ii) Responding variable(Pembolehubah bergerak balas)__________________________________________________________________________

iii) Constant variable(Pembolehubah tetap/malar)__________________________________________________________________________

(3 marks)


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c) Suggest a method that can be used to increase the solubility of sugar in water.Cadangkan satu cara yang boleh digunakan untuk meningkatkan keterlarutan gula di dalam air.


___________________________________________________________________________( 1 mark)

3. When a person touches a hot iron, a reflex action is shown. Figure below shows part of the reflex are involved in the production of the reflex action.Apabila seseorang menyentuh seterika panas, tindakan refleks ditunjukkan. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan bahagian refleks yang terlibat dalam penghasilan tindakan refleks.

a) What is a reflex action?Apakah tindakan refleks?


___________________________________________________________________________( 1 mark)

b) What is the importance of a person’s ability to carry out reflex actions?Apakah kepentingan keupayaan seseorang untuk melakukan tindakan refleks?


___________________________________________________________________________( 1 mark)

c) Complete the reflex arc in Figure above and label its parts.Lengkapkan arka refleks pada gambarajah dia atas dan labelkan bahagiannya (4 marks)


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d) What is the stimuli in this reflex action?Apakah rangsangan dalam tindakan refleks di atas?

___________________________________________________________________________( 1 mark)

e) What is the effector in this reflex action?Apakah efektor dalam tindakan refleks di atas?

___________________________________________________________________________( 1 mark)

…………………………END OF QUESTION PAPER…………………………………………

Good luck all my dear students!