spm 4551 2007 biology k1 berjawapan

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  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2007 Biology k1 Berjawapan


    PaperL TInstructionz This questionpaper consistsof 50 questions.Answer a

    Which of the following cells forms the basic. tissues in plants?Antara sel berikut,yang manakahmemb ntuktisu asasdalarn turnbuhan?A Guard cellSelpengawalB Xylem cellSel xilem

    2 Which of the fooxygen in the bAntara sel daraberfungsi menbadan?A

    DEpidermal cellSel epid,errnisParenchymacellSel parenkirna

    SPM 2007 BIOLOGY P1

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2007 Biology k1 Berjawapan


    c $$*"oi* *Diagram 3 is a graph showing the result of an "$tli*"nt lo aof the cell sap of potatoes.Rajah 3 ialah graf yang menunjukkan hasil eksperimen. untuksel ubi kentang.Percentage change in mass / %Peratusperubahan jisirn lYo

    Concentration of sucrosesKepekatan larutan sukrosaD

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2007 Biology k1 Berjawapan



    7 Diagram 4 shows the structures of asubstrate and an enzyme.Rajah 4 menunjukkan struktur substratdan enzim.

    Diagram 4Rajah 4EnzymeEnzim

    Which of the labelled parts A, B, C or Dis the active site?Antara A\8, C danD, yang mq,nakah apak

    I Diagram 6 showssheep.Rajah 6 menunjukambing biri-biri.Anll t ll

    l (vL)SubstrateSubstrat

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2007 Biology k1 Berjawapan



    Which of the labelled parts A, B, C or Dperforms osmoregulation?Antara bahagian ber label A, B, Cdan D, yang manakah menjalankanpengos t-Lkaw alatur an?The following equation shows the processof photosynthesis.

    SunlightP+Water , , " t e+RChlorophyll -Persamaan berikut rnenunjukkan prosesfotosintesis.

    p + Air Cahaw mataharif f i Q+R TJa

    TestUjianBenedict's estUjian Benedict

    Biuret testUjian BiuretIodine testUjian lodin

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2007 Biology k1 Berjawapan


    0.I3%CO.at 25'CO.l3o/o O,"pad.a25"C

    0.03o/o Orat 25 "CO.O3o/oOrpada25"Q

    Rate of photos;rnthesrs

    Light intensitYKeam,atan ahaYa

    Diagram 8Rajah 8Which of the following can be concludedabout the rate of photosynthesis between

    C Night blindneRabun malarD Muscular dysDistrofi ototThe following areBerikut'adalah e

    o Amyla. Sucrao Laetao MaltaWhich nutrientthe four types ofNutrienyangrnanoleh kesemuaetnA Carbohydrate


  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2007 Biology k1 Berjawapan


    P aVolume increasesIsipadu bertambah ExpandMengernbangVolume decreasesIsipadu berkurang ContractMengecutPressure increasesTekanan bertambah ExpandMengem.bangPressure decreasesTekanan berkurang ContractMengecut

    The following equathat takes place inathlete while doing




    Persarnaan berikutyang berlaku dalamsetnasa melakukan

    19 Diagram 10 shows he structure of the gillof.a fish..Rajah 10 menunjukkan struhtur insangikan.

    Gluhosa----------Wliat is R?Apakah R?A CarbondioxideKarbon diohsid.B Lactic acidAsid laktik

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2007 Biology k1 Berjawapan


    28 Which of the following is the correct sequence in the processpond?Antara urutan berikut, yang manakah betul bagi prosessesaranholam?A Groundplantth,mbuhandaratB Submergedplantlltmbuhan

    tenggelamC AmphibiousplantTfu.rnbuhanamfibiaD Floating

    -) Amphibiousplant-+ Tltmbuhanamfibia-) Floatingvegetation-t lb.mbuhan

    apulugan-+ Floatingvegetation-) Tlt'tnbuhanapungan-> Submerged

    -+ Floatingvegetation-+ Tb.mbuhanaputugan-+ Amphibiousplant-+ Tt"tmbuhan

    amfi'bia-) Groundplant-) Tltmbuhand,arat+ Ground

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2007 Biology k1 Berjawapan


    25 Which of the fol lowing descr ibes ahabitat?Antara yang berikut, yang maruakah.meneranghan tentang suatu habitat?A The function of an organism in anecosystemPeranan suatu organisma d,alom suatuehosistemB The natural surroundings whereorganisms liver Persekitaran semulajad.i d, i tnanaorganisrna hidupC Different specieswhich live together inan ecosystemSpesjs berlainan yang tinggal bersama dalarn ehosistemD Several speciesof organisms which livetogether in the same place

    \__4 Beberapa sllesisorganismayang tinggal

    27 Which of theeutrophication?Antara yang bemenyebabkan eutro

    Diagram 13 showsRajah L3 menunjuk28

    A Pesticide' PestisidB HerbicideHerbisid

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2007 Biology k1 Berjawapan


    30 Diagram 14 shows a longitudinal sectionof the human heart.Rajah 14 menunjukkan suatu keratanmembujur jantung rnanusia.

    Diagram 14Rajah 14

    Table 3 showJadual 3 meitu.

    The percentagschool's field i

    QuadratKuad.rat AKel123456

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2007 Biology k1 Berjawapan


    A pH of waterpH oir84I


    B pH of waterpH air87



    C pH of waterpH air8dI




    D pHofpH

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2007 Biology k1 Berjawapan


    If the concentration of the auxin is in the range of 10'2 o 1 pareffect on the growth of the cells of the shoot tip and the cells ofJika kepekatan auksin berad.apada julat L0'2hingga L bahagianterhad.ap pemanjangan sel hujung picuk dan sel hujung akar?Cells of shoot tipSel hujung pucuk Cells of

    root tipSel hujung akarStimulates the growth of cellsMerangsangpemanjangan sel Inhibits

    the growth of cellsMerencatpernaniangan selInhibits the growth of.cellsMerencatpernanjangansel

    Stimulates the growth of ceMerangsdngpemaniangan sStimulates the growth of cellsMerangsangpemaniangan sel Stimulates the

    growth of ceMerongsangpemaniangan sInhibits the growth of cellsMerencatpemaniangan sel Inhibits

    the growth of cellsMerencatpemaniangan sel


  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2007 Biology k1 Berjawapan


    39 Diagram 18 shows a cross section of the stem of a dicotyledon psecondary growth"Raiah L8 menuniukkan keratan rentas batang tumbuhan d.ikotitpertumbuhan sekunden

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2007 Biology k1 Berjawapan


    B Rate of reaction of trypsin/min-lKad.ar tindak balns tripsin/min-l

    Rate of reaction of trypsin/min-1Kadar tindak balas tripsin/mirrl

    pH valueNilaipHt32


  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2007 Biology k1 Berjawapan


    What is X?Apakah X?A Synergid cellsSel sinergidB Antipodal cellsSel antipodC Polar cellsSel kutubD Egg cellsSel telur

    43 Which of the follthe process of oAntara hormonnxerangsangproA ProgesteroneProgestronB LuteinizingHormon peluC Follicle stimHormon peraD OestrogenEstrogen44 Dia'gram 2L shows the stages in the development of the embryo o.Raiah 2l menuniukhan peringkat-peringhai d,alam perkembaigon

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2007 Biology k1 Berjawapan


    46 Diagram 22 shows a cell which expertencemitosis twice.Rajah 22 rnenunjukkan satu sel yatug telahrnengalami rnitosis sebanyak dua kali.

    Diagtam.22Raiah 22

    How many new cells are producedafter thecell experiencesmitosis three times?Berapakah bilangan sel baru yang terhasilsetelah sel tersebut mengalami rnitosis

    P is a locuschromosomes.What is P?P ialah lohustersebut..Apakah P?A Locus of doLokus ciri dB Locus of recLokus ciri rC Locus of geLokusgenoD Locus of geLakus gen

    49 Diagram 24 ithe distributionhuman.

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2007 Biology k1 Berjawapan


    The following is information about twoindividuals, F and Q.Berikut adalah maklumat tentang d.uaindiuidu, P dan Q.

    Which factor causefor the two individFaktor yang manaperbezaan rait baitu?A GeneticGenetikEnvironmentPersekitaran'MutationMutasiHormone


    Individual PIndiuidu PIndividual QIndiuidu Q

    Can roll the tongueBoleh rnenggulung lidahCannot roll the tongueTldak boleh menggalungliddh

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2007 Biology k1 Berjawapan


    SPM D(AMINATION PAPER 2OO7Paper Irc 2c 3D 4A7C 8D 9A 10A13B L4 B 16C 16C19B 20 D 2L B 22 A25 B 26 A 27 C 28 D31A 32 B 33A 34 D37 C 38D 39D 40 C43 B 44 C 45 D 46 C49 D 50A
