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DIT 1413 / SKK 1313












23 MARCH 2011



Page Number

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Example of Webpage

3.0 Analysis Report

4.0 Modification Suggestion

4.1 Typography Aspect

4.2 Color Selection

4.3 Layout Setting

4.4 Multimedia Element

5.0 Prototype Suggestion

6.0 Conclusion

7.0 References












1.0 Introduction

The term “web design” means the discipline to structure the graphic elements of a

website to reflect, through an aesthetic dimension, the visual identity of the company or

organization. It is thus a step in visual design, as opposed to the functional design (ergonomics,

navigation). The purpose of web design is to enhance the image of the company or organization

through graphics to enhance its visual identity and provide a sense of confidence to the user.

However, under the criteria of ergonomics, a website must meet the expectations of users and

enable it to easily find information they seek.

When designing a website, the destination is a computer monitor, not the printed page.

As a web designer, must create Web pages specifically for the computer screen. The most

important that should be considered is the layout, fonts and color that will appear on the screen.

The web design is a compromise between a presentation with a stunning graphics, giving

credibility and image to the company and navigation allowing the user to easily find what they

seek. By extension the term means the business web designer to design the design of a website.

The design of a web page is primarily an act implementing artistic inventiveness and

creativity. The purpose of this guide is to give some key elements to obtain an effective design;

however, a good source of inspiration may be to visit reference sites, including education sites.

2.0 Example of Web Page

• We choose education website:


– This website was created and owned by Janice Berthiaume, Med.

– It contains the best educational links on the web.

– There are many sources that can use by student in their learning.

Header Background

Link Menu



Advertisement Designer

Text Colorful

3.0 Analysis Report

There are several elements that should be considered when design the website:

– Typography aspect

– Color Selection

– Layout Setting

– Multimedia Elements (Animation, Graphic, sound, video, interactivity)

a) Typography aspect

Typography is the balance and interplay of letterforms on the page, a verbal and

visual equation that helps the reader understand the form and absorb the substance

of the page content. In this website, typography use for the typeface use is Serif

(Times New Roman) with the font Italic and bold and font size is (28pt).

Typeface Serif is suitable with the print document not the presentation document.

So the suitable use in this website is san Serif. This website also uses mixture of

color for the title and content. There are too many color in website not suitable

because no harmony. The text color uses the red and blue color. When click on

the link no different whether user has been invited that page. User get confuse

with this situation. The size of typeface is too big and use simple links as

navigation. The use of white space gives a sense of spaciousness and overall

neatness to a site. Small capitals use for the text in this website.

b) Layout Setting

In this website, the layout setting:

– No section to separate the header, content, advertisement and menu bar.

– No balance – elements arranged on the screen without regard to the weight on

both sides of the center line.

– Margins and Page Layout more too left side.

– Unclear navigation.

– There is no focal point in this website to draw the readers eye to the important

part of the layout

c) Color Selection

Color selection in this website:

– No different between visited link, active link and unvisited link color.

– No consistency color in this website.

– Use many color for text.

d) Multimedia Elements

In this website, multimedia elements use:

– Animation is annoying and distracting.

– Graphics in this website are meaningless and useless.

– The use of graphic is not effective.

4.0 Modification Suggestion

There is several modifications should be improve in this website based on the principle of

web design. The modification is from typography aspect, color selection, layout setting, suitable

design and others factor.

4.1 Typography aspect

It is strongly against the state to use more than two fonts on a website. The stylized fonts

should be used sparingly (for the title for example) and most of the web page will be made with a

classic police (Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, etc.).To use traditional print, font’s wheelbase (serif)

generally facilitates reading since wheelbases can accompany the eyes of the reader. On the web,

the use of such policies is not recommended because under the definition of the visitors screen,

the wheelbases can very quickly become handwritten embarrassing for reading. Thus, it is

desirable to opt for sans serif fonts (sans serif), plus round. Finally, be aware that texts using

non-standard fonts may not appear correctly on the screens of users. To create titles with such

policies, it is possible to circumvent this restriction by creating transparent images with the text.

Suggestion: For modification in this website, we use the typeface San Serif with the font size

is 18 suitable in this website. This size is not too small both big and suitable to

catch eye of users. In addition, the alignment text for this website is balance. The

text color, we choose black for the content, blue for the link text and red color the

title in that website.

4.2 Color Selection

Website color selection is as important to your website design as your text and graphics!

People see color long before they can absorb anything else on your website. Color sets the mood

and tempo of your website. Select your website color combinations carefully for the message

you want to present on your website. Website color has a psychological effect on people and

how they react to your website. Some colors imply action, others peace and tranquility. The

chart above shows some psychological implications of color.

a) Focus on the Target Audience

When deciding on the appropriate color for a website, consideration should be given to

the target audience. The color used for a product focused on the elderly may not fare well

with teens or younger generations. Also, over use of extremely bright colors like red,

yellow, blue etc causes eye fatigue and could drive visitor away.

b) Background Color

We often find it helpful to have a different color background. By doing this, it

punches the body of the website page forward and keeps the focus on the website itself.

c) Make Your Text Black

When it comes to reading text, people are used to reading black text. It is the easiest on

the eye. There is no need to stray from what people have grown up using.

d) Color should relative to products being highlighted

As stated earlier, it is important to relate your product / service to a color relevant to your


Red is attractive and powerful and would go well for websites that are focused on

products meant for children and also for inducing a visitor to take action with a “Book

now”, and/or “Reserve now”. Red invokes emotion.

Orange is used in websites that promote food products. It is known to promote positive

thinking and increase creativity. The color also appeals to the younger generation. Many

technical companies use Orange.

Yellow signifies cheerfulness and creativity. It appeals to children and is used in sites that

promote leisure products. Yellow, however, can tend to strain the eyes and should be

used as an accent color in most cases.

Green is pleasing to the human eye and is apt for tourism sites and sites that relate to

nature. Green symbolizes prosperity and wealth. Green also invokes trust and is one of

the most trendy / corporate colors.

Blue is a conservative color with incredibly high trust value and is known to relax the

nervous system. It is suitable for sites offering high- tech products and also for diet

products. Many people mistakenly use blue for text color. This should be avoided as it is

not a standard color for the human eye to read with.

Black is useful for sites that relate to photography and art.

Purple is used in religious sites and vacation sites.

e) Helpful Color Chooser Tools

We all love tools that help make our lives easier. On an earlier blog post about color we

had someone comment about a great color scheme tool. We recommend you have a look

at this one if you need help picking colors that work well together.

f) Don’t Make Your Website a Rainbow

A final note – the temptation with people starting out in web design is to use many

colors. The most impactful websites are the ones that keep the use of color to a

minimum. As a rule, we recommend that your website employ the use of 2 – 3 colors at a

maximum. Often the biggest statement your site can make is in its simplicity.

Suggestion: For modification from color selection aspect, we choose to use white space. This

is because white space allows for easier scanning of a website. It reduces the

amount of text visitors see all at once and makes reading much easier. It allows

for the visual separation of design elements without adding any new elements

such as visible lines or boxes. It is clean, looks professional when used correctly,

and gives a site an uncluttered and fresh feel. We also put some blue color

because is a conservative color with incredibly high trust value and is known to

relax the nervous system. This new modification looks like professional and

suitable with the educational background.

4.3 Layout Setting

Website design is not a onetime activity. Almost all websites alter their layouts to give it

a new and better look. Also with advancement in technology, underlying code also changes

accordingly, adding new possibilities of providing a better layout.

Points to consider while designing a website layout

a) Keep it simple.

A simple website layout is user friendly. Do not create complex navigational links using

complex scripts or images that may not be viewable correctly in different browsers. Also

search engines cannot index the site properly if complex navigation is involved.

Minimize the use of bulky images which take long to load. Use smaller icons to attract

visitor's attention instead.

b) Readable font size and face

Use a standard font size of "-1" (11 or 12 pixels if using styles) so that visitors can read

the content easily. Select a professional looking font face (Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,

sans-serif are very common). Avoid using fancy fonts like Comic Sans

(unless it is a personal website). Use appropriate spacing between lines (12 or more

pixels) to avoid clumsiness.

c) Use web safe eye pleasing colors.

The choice of colors may reflect one's personal taste. Every webmaster or designer wants

the color combination that he/she likes best. However, it is a wise decision to get

feedback from users or friends about what they feel about the color combination

of the website. Use web safe colors whenever possible.

d) Webpage Dimensions:

One important aspect of layout is keeping track of dimensions of a web page. Most

successful commercial websites limit the width and height of the webpage so that the

important content of the webpage lies within the top 600x600 viewable area without

scrolling. To avoid a horizontal scrollbar, set the page layout to expand and shrink with

changes in browser window size. Sometimes this interferes with image and text positions

relative to each other and throws the layout structure out of sync. The best choice is to

limit the width by placing a table with a fixed width of 750 or 775 pixels. See the layout

of this web page for an example. The page height should not be any more than 4 scroll

lengths. Limit the content of the page and if more content needs to be added, move it to a

new web page. Provide a navigational link to the next page and a link back from the

second page. This will also increase your web site's page views (adding more advertising


e) Limit File Size

Webpage size is defined by the total size of text, images and supporting files (including

JavaScript, flash etc.) that is downloaded from the server to view a webpage. Page size is

very critical for high volume websites because of high bandwidth needed. However, it is

also very important for any other site in order to keep loading times to a minimum. Most

of the population on the internet use a slow 56K modem to access the internet. And

smaller page sizes load faster. If you look at some very high volume websites like and, they hardly have any images, making their site load faster.

There is a tradeoff between making your webpage look nicer with lots of graphics and

making it faster to load. The rough target for page size should be below 35K for at least

the cover page. However, for e-commerce sites, it is often not possible because they have

to present multiple product images to attract attention. As a general rule of thumb, a

visitor will leave your site if the loading time is more than 8 seconds.

Suggestion: For modification from layout setting, we decide to make this design is

professional. Then we put the header as the banner for this website. In addition we

make some navigation button to ensure that users can find their way in this

website. Navigation is a key component of a website, relating directly to its

success. Also known as a button bar, website navigation is the gateway into the

different sections of content, and there are some general rules to follow to design

it effectively. Besides that, the effective navigation is putting up good navigation

on your Web sites allows your readers to easily find their way around. There are

several button that is home button for the home page, about us link is about the

designer that make this website, learning button for learning for students,

activities button for the tutorial or games that can use by users, resources button

for some material in education and the last button is how to contact with the

author of this website.

4.4 Multimedia Elements

It is advisable to use symbols or icons to establish a visual signal. Caution still the choice

of symbols because the sense perceived by the user may be different from that attributed to him,

especially if the website has an international vocation. The following symbols are commonly


A magnifying glass usually symbolizes a search function.

Indicates an envelope can contact the webmaster by mail

A question characterizes online help.

A house is a link to the homepage.

A flag indicates the language of the current page or the possibility of changing language

Great design doesn’t need fancy graphics. But poor graphics will definitely hurt a design.

Graphics add to the visual message. Websites like Web Designer Wall have impressive

illustrations, while others are understated. Try to make the graphics go well together, and

make sure they embody the style you are aiming for. We are not all gifted with the same natural

ability, though. You can pick up some things by learning from others, but sometimes you just

have to pick the style.

Suggestion: For modification from multimedia elements, we use simple graphic for the home

page. This picture use can assume that that website is education website. No need

to put many graphic because that can be annoying. There is some audio and

sound use in this website. Video use for the resource where student can follow

their instructor when make some activities. Audio also use for sound button in

games activities.

5.0 Modification Suggestion Prototype

A model is a fake website and summary (prototype) with the design of the site and its

navigation. The model allows formalizing the design of the site and is usually the validation

stage of this phase, to move to the implementation phase. The model represents the main pages

of the site (without content) with static pages and can simulate navigation. Thus, the dynamic

elements such as search engine, for example, lead to a page with fake results. The figure below is

show the design after the modification.

6.0 Conclusion

In Web design it is too easy to get engrossed in the many unique constraints of the

medium and completely forget some of the underlying concepts that can strengthen any design.

To better discuss such concepts, we need to step back from our specific discipline and look to the

history of the field. It is here we find the axioms of our profession. Good Web design is not

limited to the seven key principles discussed here. Aspects such as accessibility, readability and

usability play a part, too.








White Space

7.0 References


- www.wikipedia .com



- Principles of web design / Joel Sklar- Australia : Course Technology, 2000

- Developing online content : the principles of writing and editing for the web /

Irene Hammerich, Claire Harrison- New York : John Wiley, 2002

- Web application architecture : principles, protocols and practices / Leon Shklar,

Rich Rosen- Chichester, England ; Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2009