Download - Quiz Science 2015 3



1. DARIH stands for :




H - __HIV

2. State the vision of PPDA :

Visi PPDa. Sekolah Bebas Dadah Tahun 2012, Negara Bebas Dadah Tahun 2015.

3. State 3 effects of alcohol :




4. Give 3 causes of HIV :




5. Smoking causes many types of _RESPIRATORY DISEASES__.

1. What is the name of the biggest part of the human brain? The cerebrum

2. What is the name of the substance that gives skin and hair its pigment? Melanin

3. The muscles found in the front of your thighs are known as what? Quadriceps

4. True or false? The two chambers at the bottom of your heart are called ventricles. True

5. What substance are nails made of? Keratin

6. The innermost part of bones contains what? Bone marrow

7. How many lungs does the human body have? 2

8. Another name for your voice box is the? Larynx

9. The shape of DNA is known as? A double helix

10. The flow of blood through your heart and around your body is called? . Circulation

1. DARIH stands for :




H - __HIV

2. State the vision of PPDA :

Visi PPDa. Sekolah Bebas Dadah Tahun 2012, Negara Bebas Dadah Tahun 2015.

3. State 3 effects of alcohol :




4. Give 3 causes of HIV :




5. Smoking causes many types of _RESPIRATORY DISEASES__.

6. Name 3 most commonly used illegal drugs :

____________________ , _______________________, _____________________

Marijuana,opium, heroin, kokain, ecstacy

7. Give 3 ways how a person is influenced to try drugs :




8. Name 3 categories of drugs :a. b. c. Depressants:Drugs that decrease alertness by slowing down the activity of the central nervous system (e.g. heroin, alcohol and analgesics). Stimulants:Drugs that increase the body's state of arousal by increasing the activity of the brain (e.g. caffeine, nicotine and amphetamines). Hallucinogens:Drugs that alter perception and can cause hallucinations, such as seeing or hearing something that is not there (e.g. LSD and 'magic mushrooms').Other:Some drugs fall into the 'other' category, as they may have properties of more than one of the above categories (e.g. cannabis has depr essive, hallucinogenic and some stimulant properties).

9. Give 3 effects of drugs :




10. Give 3 reasons why do people use drugs :



c.Some of these include: to have fun to relax and forget problems to gain confidence to socialise out of curiosity as a form of escapism to lessen inhibitions to remove personal responsibility for decisions to celebrate or commiserate to relieve boredom and stress self-medication to cope with problems


1.The colored part of the human eye that controls how much light passes through the pupil is called the? Iris2. What is the human bodys biggest organ? The skin3. The two holes in your nose are called? Nostrils4. The outside layer of skin on the human body is called the? Epidermis5. True or false? Your ears are important when it comes to staying balanced. TrueThe bones around your chest that protect organs such as the heart are called what? . RibsYour tongue is home to special structures that allow you to experience tastes such as sour, sweet, bitter and salty, what is their name? Taste budsAre butterflies insects? yesTrue or false? Bats are mammals. true. Is a shark a fish or a mammal? A fish

DARIH stands for :




H - __HIV

State the vision of PPDA :

Visi PPDa. Sekolah Bebas Dadah Tahun 2012, Negara Bebas Dadah Tahun 2015.

State 3 effects of alcohol :




Give 3 causes of HIV :




Smoking causes many types of _RESPIRATORY DISEASES__.

Name 3 most commonly used illegal drugs :

____________________ , _______________________, _____________________

Marijuana,opium, heroin, kokain, ecstacy

Give 3 ways how a person is influenced to try drugs :




Name 3 categories of drugs :c. d. c. Depressants:Drugs that decrease alertness by slowing down the activity of the central nervous system (e.g. heroin, alcohol and analgesics). Stimulants:Drugs that increase the body's state of arousal by increasing the activity of the brain (e.g. caffeine, nicotine and amphetamines). Hallucinogens:Drugs that alter perception and can cause hallucinations, such as seeing or hearing something that is not there (e.g. LSD and 'magic mushrooms').Other:Some drugs fall into the 'other' category, as they may have properties of more than one of the above categories (e.g. cannabis has depr essive, hallucinogenic and some stimulant properties).

Give 3 effects of drugs :




Give 3 reasons why do people use drugs :



c.Some of these include: to have fun to relax and forget problems to gain confidence to socialise out of curiosity as a form of escapism to lessen inhibitions to remove personal responsibility for decisions to celebrate or commiserate to relieve boredom and stress self-medication to cope with problems

1. What food makes up nearly all (around 99%) of a Giant Pandas diet?

2. True or false? Mice live for up to 10 years.

3. What is the name of the phobia that involves an abnormal fear of spiders?

4. What is the largest type of big cat in the world?

5. True or false? Crocodiles have no sweat glands so they use their mouths to release heat.

6. Are butterflies insects?

7. What are female elephants called?

8. True or false? Bats are mammals.

9. Bees are found on every continent of earth except for one, which is it?

10. True or false? Cats spend an average of 13 to 14 hours a day sleeping.

11. What is the fastest land animal in the world?

12. A doe is what kind of animal?

13. True or false? Cougars are herbivores.

14. Groups of lions are known as what?

15. Is a dolphin a mammal?

16. What is the largest land animal in the world?

17. True of false? Snakes have slimy skin.

18. What is the only continent on earth where Giraffes live in the wild?

19. How many pairs of wings does a bee have?

20. What type of animal is the largest primate in the world?

21. Is a shark a fish or a mammal?

22. What is the most recognizable feature of a hedgehogs appearance?

23. True or false? Owls are far-sighted, meaning that anything within a few inches of their eyes cant be seen properly.

24. What is the name of an adult female horse?

25. What are baby goats called?

26. What is the tallest animal in the world?

27. True or false? Rabbits are born blind.

28. What is the most recognizable physical feature of the male lion?

29. How many legs does a spider have?

30. The crocodile species is believed to have been around for how long? 2 million years or 200 million years?

Animal Quiz Answers1. Bamboo

2. False - Captive mice live for up to 2 and a half years while wild mice only live for an average of around 4 months.

3. Arachnophobia

4. The tiger, weighing up to 300 kilograms (660pounds).

5. True - They often sleep with their mouth open to cool down.

6. Yes

7. Cows

8. True

9. Antarctica

10. True

11. The cheetah (it can reach speeds of up to 120kph 75mph).

12. A female deer.

13. False - They are carnivores.

14. Prides

15. Yes

16. The elephant - The largest on record weighed around 12,000kilograms! (26,000lb).

17. False - Snakeskin is smooth and dry.

18. Africa

19. 2

20. The Gorilla

21. A fish

22. Their spines of spiky hair.

23. True

24. A mare

25. Kids

26. The giraffe - The average height is around 5 metres (16ft) and the tallest on record stood nearly 6metres (20ft) tall.

27. True

28. Its mane

29. 8

30. 200 million years

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