Page 1: Mengisahkan Tragedi Yang Berlaku Dalam Keluarga Kamarul Azam

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Mengisahkan tragedi yang berlaku dalam keluarga Kamarul Azam. Dia memohon kebenarandaripada keluarganya untuk mengadakan perkhemahan bersama-sama kawannya di Tanjung

Pangku. Perkhemahan itu diadakan untuk mengambil Ujian Kelas Pertama. Kebetulan pada hariitu En. Razali, ayah Kamarul Azam perlu mengiringi Menteri Pertanian dalam rangka lawatan ke

negeri-negeri utara. Kapal terbang yang dinaiki mereka itu dirampas dan akhirnya meletup di


Kamarul Azam dapat melihat kejadian itu tapi tidak menyangka bahawa itulah kapal terbang

yang dinaiki ayahnya. Kamarul Azam dan Razi yang cuba pergi ke tempat kapal terbangterhempas itu telah diculik beberapa orang lelaki bersenjata yang dipercayai ada kaitan dengan

kejadian rampasan itu. Mereka meninggalkan dua sahabat itu setelah melepaskan tembakanuntuk membocorkan bot itu. Motobot yang dinaiki Azam dan Razi dipenuhi air dan terbalik,

tetapi mereka bernasib baik kerana telah diselamatkan oleh Pak Widodo Samsi, nelayan dariPulau Rangsang, Sumatera Timur.

Dengan bantuan Antik, anak Pak Widodo mereka berjaya pulang ke Johor dan sempat

memberikan penghormatan terakhir kepada jenazah ayahnya di majlis pengebumian mangsasecara beramai-ramai di tanah perkuburan Jalan Kebun Teh.

Page 2: Mengisahkan Tragedi Yang Berlaku Dalam Keluarga Kamarul Azam

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Budiman bin Budin tinggal di Rumah Bonda setelah kematian bapa dan ibunya. Budimanmewarisi bakat seni ayahnya yang merupakan penggesek biola yang terkenal. Budiman mewakili

ayahnya menerima PJK daripada Sultan bagi pihak ayahnya kerana banyak berjasa dalam bidangseni.

Di RumahB


udiman bersahabat baik dengan Chandra dan Chong. Mereka berhadapandengan pelbagai ranjau dan duri. Di Rumah Bonda juga, diperkenalkan watak seperti Pak Jais,Pak Mat Tukang Masak dan Pak Man Tukang Jahit.

Budiman dapat mengetahui rahsia kehilangan biola Bayu Senja kepunyaan ayahnya dan orang

yang bertanggungjawab mencuri wang jualan buku muzik ayahnya. Mereka bertiga juga berjayamengesan pencuri bekalan makanan anak-anak yatim.

Budiman berjaya memperdaya Pak Mat Tukang Masak yang cuba menggunakannya sebagai pengedar dadah. Akhirnya Pak Mat ditangkap polis.

Budiman berkenalan dengan penggesek biola buta iaitu Pak Wan

Busu yang kemudiannyamenjadi guru biolanya. Kebetulan Pak Wan Busu dulunya pernah berguru dengan bapa


Budiman terus mendapat galakan meneruskan cita-citanya apabila diperkenalkan kepada Datin

Siti Norbayu. Budiman dipelawa belajar muzik dengan Datin di Sekolah Muzik Lagu Bayu.

Berkat kesungguhan dan bimbingan daripada guru-gurunya dan semua pihak, Budiman telah

 berjaya mendapat tempat pertama dalam pertandingan Bintang Biola Remaja Kota Raya.

Budiman kemudian dapat hidup berdikari dan membantu Datin mengajar kanak-kanak bermain

 biola di sekolah muzik itu.B

udiman mengajar muzik pada siang hari manakala pada malamnya pula beliau menyambung pelajaran muziknya untuk melanjutkan pelajaran muziknya ke Jepun.

Chong dan Chandra kini telah berdikari dan tidak tinggal lagi di Rumah Bonda.

1.  Lesson that can be learnt

There are many lesson that can be learned from the novel, Potato People. Perhaps the most important is

that we should never give up hope.

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Patrick Flynne was a young orphan in Ireland during the time of great famine. He had to fend for himself.

All around him were people suffering from the effects of the famine. Some of this people were nasty and

took advantage of weaker people, but others were good. Patrick, like many other people, ate whatever he

could find. Once he had to eat the rotten meat of a dead dog. Patrick saw his home in his village

destroyed and burn down. He saw his best friend, Sean, being arrested. He dream of escaping to Amerika.

We should never give up hope and must strive for a better life.

2. Enjoyed reading the novel?

Yes, I have enjoyed reading the novel, Potato People. The story is interesting, and it has an important

message. The story tells about the food famines during the Irish potato blight in 1840s. Its message is that

we must control our destiny and work hard towards achieving a better life, like Patrick and Marie. They

persevered and never gave up hope for a better life. In the end they settle down in California and became

cattle ranchers. I am inspired by the story of their success.

3. Enjoyed reading the novel Potato People

The story is interesting and tells about the food famines during the Irish potato blight in 1840s. Many Irishwanted to migrate to the new world. Its message for it readers is that we must work hard towards

achieving a better life, like Patrick and Marie. In the end, they settled down in California and became

cattle ranchers. I am inspired by the story of their determination and success.

4. Message of Love 

Potato People highlights the message of love. Sean showed his love for Patrick by turning up with the

money for the ship tickets after having gone to great lengths to obtain the money. Patrick and Marie

struggle together in a new country. Love blossomed between them for they shared difficult as well as

happy times. Patrick showed his love for the poor and hungry when he welcomed them at his home in

California. These characters portray the value of selfless love.

5. Brave Character

The character in Potato People who is brave is Patrick. He showed a great courage by leaving Ireland for

a new life in Amerika. Life was full of hardship. He endured the struggle and even joined the Union Army

to fight against slavery. His courage paid off when he was promoted to the rank of Captain and had the

respect of the people. After the war, he travelled a lot, experiences many dangers and finally, settled

down in California.

6. Theme of Perseverance and determination 

Patrick and Marie show perseverance and determination to achieve a better life in America. Life in the

new country was tough. Often, they had to go hungry. However, they persevered for they never gave up

hope for a better future. After so much hardship, they settled down in California. Patrick married Marieand became a wealthy cattle rancher.

7. Lesson that I have learnt

I have learnt an important lesson from Potato People. It is the effort taken in working towards a better

future. During their early years in America, Patrick and Marie had to endure many years of hardship.

However, the hope or a better life in a new country made them persevere. Their perseverance paid off for

life become much better many years later. I have learnt that if one is determined to struggle, one can

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achieve ones dreams for a better future.

8. The character I like most

The character I like most in Potato People is Marie. She is intelligent, cheerful and determined. She

remained cheerful despite the widespread hunger an uncertainty. Her intelligence save her and Patrick

when she stopped him from revealing their identity to the soldiers. In New York, she was determined tomake a better life for herself. Her struggle finally paid off when she married Patrick and they both settled

down in California.

9. The character that u like

I like the character Sean. I think that he was very loyal to his village and he love the people very much.

Although he stole from Mr Greystone, he did it because he felt that Mr Greystone was greedy and unfair

by burning the village down. The money that he stole, he gave to Patrick and Marie so that they could go

to America to lead a better life, a live that he could not live. He was punished for stealing the money, but

he did it because he could not bear injustice.

10. Message of loyalty for it readers The novel Potato People has the message of loyalty for its readers. Sean and Patrick were loyal in their

friendship with one another. Sean did not reveal the identity of Patrick and Marie to the soldiers. This was

to save their lives. When Patrick saw Sean being led away in chains, he wanted to approach Sean, showing

his loyalty. Fortunately, Marie saved his life by stopping him from doing so. Like them, we too, must be

loyal to our friends.

11. Brings attention to the value of love

The novel Potato People brings attention to the value of love. Sean showed his love for Patrick by turning

up with the money for the ship fare. Patrick and Marie struggled in the new country, sharing the hope for

a better future. Love blossomed between them as they shared their hardships with one another. Patrick

showed his love for the poor and hungry when he welcomed them at his ranch in California.

12. The title Potato People is relevant to the novel 

The title Potato People is relevant to the novel. The story is about the potato blight in Ireland in the

1840s. the people who were victims of this famine were called the Potato People. They fed on whatever

they could find, even decayed meat of dead animals. These people, like Patrick and Marie, saw emigration

to the New World as an escape from the starvation and national chaos.

13. Interesting incident

In the novel Potato People I especially find the incident in the chapter The Feast somewhat intriguing.

When Patrick following Marie into the house full of food on the table, it seemed like they had wandered

into a dream. This experience was somewhat exciting, yet was dangerous. Had they been caught, thestory would have surely ended differently. Strangely, they found humour in narrowly escaping danger.

This was both exciting and thrilling to me. It has taught me to strive hard to achieve my dreams

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Jamal the main character in the short story decides to get

married. He does not look for the bride himself but leaves the

task to his mother and sisters. His mother finds a suitable bride

for him and Jamal is satisfied with his mothers choice. The

wedding is to be held in three month s time. The time is needed

to make the wedding arrangements. Jamals becomes busy with

the wedding preparations. He plans out a budget to meet the

cost of the wedding. He faces a problem with the bunga telur as

he finds the cost of preparing and giving out bunga telur

expensive. He sells a few of his thing s to raise money for his

wedding. He tries to get a bank loan but does not take offer for

loan, as the repayment is high. He gets some money from his

mother to help cover the cost of the wedding. The wedding

preparation are almost done. Everyone compliments Jamals on

his wedding rehealsal. When it is time for Jamal to put on his

shoes, his bally shoes are no longer around.

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