set 3 pt3

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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SET 3 PT3 a) dapat mencari alatan tangan dengan mudah b) alatan tangan tidak akan mudah hilang c) suasana bengkel menjadi kemas dan teratur d) kawasan menjadi lapang dan ruang kerja tidak terganggu e) urusan kerja menjadi lebih cepat f) sukar mencari alatan tangan g) alatan tangan mudah hilang h) suasana di bengkel berselerak dan berserabuti) ruang kerja menjadi sempit dan menyukarkan pergerakan j) urusan kerja menjadi lambat

Based on the novel , The Railway Children , by Edith Nesbit , there is a main theme in this novel which is still vivid in my mind . The theme of this novel is the importance of familys love and loyalty . Firstly , Father and Mother live happily with their three children in London . The children have everything like pretty clothes , warm house and even a maid who is called Ruth . Father and Mother love them very much and are always ready to play with them . However , their life transformed completely when Father is falsely accused of spying and imprisoned . Mother keeps everything to herself and grief in silence alone and did not tell the children what had happened because she does not want them to worry and be sad . Just like the children , they know their Mother will be unhappy if they ask questions about Father , so they will not talk about Father . This show both the children and

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