kementerian luar negeri republik indonesia · 2020-05-12 · kementerian luar negeri republik...

Post on 04-Jul-2020






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No. D/00957/05/2020/64

Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia menyampaikan salam hormatnya

kepada seluruh Perwakilan Negara Asing dan Organisasi Internasional di Indonesia, dan

dengan hormat menyampaikan pemberitahuan mengenai Surat Edaran (SE) Menteri

Kesehatan No. HK.02.01/MENKES/313/2020 tentang Protokol Kesehatan Penanganan

Kepulangan WNI dan Kedatangan WNA dari Luar Negeri di Pintu Masuk Negara dan di

Wilayah pada situasi Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB). Adapun peraturan yang

berkenaan dengan Kedatangan WNA dari Luar Negeri adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Pengecualian bagi Warga Negara Asing (WNA) masih merujuk pada pasal 3 ayat (1) Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan HAM No. 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Pelarangan Sementara Orang Asing Masuk Wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia.

2. Kebijakan ini dimulai sejak SE Nomor HK.02.01/MENKES/313/2020 diberlakukan pada tanggal 7 Mei 2020

3. WNA yang akan masuk ke Indonesia wajib mempunyai Health Certificate dalam Bahasa Inggris, yang menyatakan hasil pemeriksaan PCR negative COVID-19. Health certificate berlaku maksimal 7 hari sejak diterbitkan oleh fasilitas kesehatan dari negara asal, dan divalidasi oleh dokter Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan di pelabuhan/ bandar udara/ Pos Lintas Batas Darat Negara (PLBDN) kedatangan.

4. WNA yang membawa health certificate dengan hasil PCR negatif COVID-19: a. Dilakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan tambahan kecuali Rapid Test atau PCR. b. Jika tidak ditemukan penyakit dan/atau faktor risiko pada pemeriksaan kesehatan,

KKP menerbitkan health clearance dan Health Alert Card (HAC) kepada yang bersangkutan.

c. Dapat melanjutkan perjalanan ke daerah tujuan dengan membawa surat jalan dari pihak Satgas Penanganan COVID-19 setempat, dan selalu memakai masker selama perjalanan.

d. Melakukan karantina mandiri di tempat tinggalnya selama 14 hari, menerapkan physical distancing, memakai masker, dan menerapkan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS).

e. Health clearance diserahkan kepada pihak perwakilan negaranya untuk selanjutnya diteruskan kepada Dinas Kesehatan setempat agar dilakukan pemantauan selama masa karantina mandiri.

5. WNA yang tidak membawa health certificate, atau health certificate dengan masa berlaku lebih dari 7 hari, atau membawa health certificate tetapi tidak membuktikan hasil pemeriksaan PCR negatif, maka : a. Tetap dilakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan tambahan termasuk Rapid Test.

b. WNA yang memiliki penyakit penyerta (komorbid), jika hasil pemeriksaan Rapid Test reaktif dilakukan tindakan rujukan dan isolasi ke RS darurat atau RS rujukan COVID-19.

c. WNA yang tidak memiliki gejala dan tidak memiliki komorbid dengan hasil Rapid Test reaktif, direkomendasikan kepada pejabat imigrasi untuk dilakukan tindakan deportasi.

d. Jika hasil pemeriksaan Rapid Test non reaktif direkomendasikan kepada pejabat imigrasi untuk dilakukan tindakan deportasi.

6. WNA kru kapal yang akan melakukan pergantian tugas (sign off) di wilayah Indonesia yang diizinkan sesuai ketentuan peraturan yang berlaku, diwajibkan memiliki health certificate dengan hasil pemeriksaan PCR negatif COVID-19, yang masa berlakunya lebih dari 7 hari dikarenakan lama perjalanan pelayaran, maka: a. Tetap dilakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan tambahan berupa wawancara,

pemeriksaan suhu, pemeriksaan tanda dan gejala COVID-19, dan pemeriksaan Saturasi Oksigen.

b. Jika tidak ditemukan penyakit dan/atau faktor risiko pada pemeriksaan kesehatan maka dapat melanjutkan perjalanan kembali ke negaranya. KKP menerbitkan health clearance dan Health Alert Card (HAC).

c. Melakukan karantina mandiri di kapal atau fasilitas karantina apabila tidak dapat langsung kembali ke negaranya dan selama menunggu perjalanan kembali ke negaranya berada di bawah pengawasan KKP, pejabat imigrasi, dan pihak keamanan.

7. Alat angkut yang digunakan pelaku perjalanan dengan hasil rapid test reaktif atau adanya informasi awal bahwa terdapat penyakit dan/atau faktor risiko kesehatan di alat angkut, dilakukan disinfeksi oleh KKP.

Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk

sekali lagi menyampaikan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada seluruh Perwakilan

Negara Asing dan Organisasi Internasional di Indonesia.

Jakarta, 12 Mei 2020

Seluruh Perwakilan Negara Asing dan Organisasi Internasional Indonesia

Unofficial translation

No. D/00957/05/2020/64

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia presents its compliments

to all Foreign Missions and International Organization in Indonesia, and has the honor to

convey notification regarding the Circular Letter from Minister of Health No.

HK.02.01/MENKES/313/2020 which stipulates the Health Protocol for Handling Returning

Indonesian Citizens and Foreign Arrivals from Foreign Countries at State and Regional

Entrances in Situations of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (LSSR/PSBB). The Ministry

further informs the Latter of the stipulations specifically concerning Foreign Arrivals, as follows:

1. The exception for Foreign Nationals still refers to Article 3 paragraph (1) of the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 Year 2020 regarding Temporary Restriction towards Foreign Nationals Entering the Republic of Indonesia.

2. This protocol has since been in effect starting from when the Circular Number HK.02.01/MENKES/ 313/2020 was implemented on 7 May 2020.

3. Foreigners entering Indonesia must have a Health Certificate in English, stating a negative Covid-19 PCR test result. The health certificate is valid for maximum of 7 days after being issued by the health facility from the country of origin, and shall be validated by the Port Health Authority at the port / airport / Land Border Port of Entry (PLBDN) upon arrival.

4. For foreigners carrying health certificates with negative COVID-19 PCR results, the following protocol shall be implemented: a. Additional health checks shall be performed upon the individual(s) (except Rapid

Test or PCR). b. If the individual(s) is found with no diseases and/or health risk factors during the

health checks, the Port Health Authority shall issue a health clearance and Health Alert Card (HAC) for the individual.

c. The individual(s) shall be allowed to continue their journey to their respective destinations by bringing a travel permit from the local COVID-19 Handling Task Force, and is required to always wearing a mask during the trip.

d. The individual(s) shall be required to perform self-quarantine in their respective residences for 14 days, excercise physical distancing, wear masks, and implement Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS).

e. The individual(s)’ health clearance shall be submitted to the respective representative of their country to be forwarded to the Local Health Department in order for the District Health Department to monitor the self-quarantine period performed by the individual(s).

5. For foreigners without any health certificate, or that carry health certificates with a validity period of more than 7 days, or health certificates which do not prove negative PCR examination results, the following protocol shall be implemented: a. Additional health checks shall still be performed upon the individual(s) including

Rapid Test. b. Foreigners who have comorbidities, and if showing reactive Rapid Test results,

shall be referred to and isolated at the emergency hospital or COVID-19 referral hospital.

c. Foreigners who have no symptoms and do not have comorbidities, and showing reactive Rapid Test results, shall be recommended to immigration officials for deportation.

d. Foreigners showing non-reactive Rapid Test results shall be recommended to the immigration officials for deportation.

6. For vessel crews (foreigners) signing-off in the territory of Indonesia as permitted in accordance with prevalent regulations, are required to have a health certificate with a negative PCR COVID-19, which has a validity period of more than 7 days due to the duration of the voyage, the following protocol shall be implemented: a. Additional health checks shall still be performed upon the crews in the form of

interviews, temperature checks, examinations for COVID-19 signs or symptoms, and Oxygen Saturation checks.

b. If the crews are found with no disease and/ or health risk factors during the health checks, the crews shall be permitted to continue their journey back to their respective countries. The Port Health Authority shall issue health clearance and Health Alert Cards (HAC) for the crews.

c. If the crews cannot return directly to their respective countries, they are required to perform self-quarantine on their respective ships or quarantine facilities while waiting for a trip back to their country under the supervision of the Port Health Authority, immigration officials, and security forces.

7. The vessel/aircraft that recently carried traveller(s) showing reactive rapid tests results, or based on preliminary information that the vessel/aircraft carries disease and/or health risk factors, shall be disinfected by the Port Health Authority.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia avails itself of this

opportunity to renew to all Foreign Missions and International Organizations, the assurances

of its highest consideration.

Jakarta, 12 May 2020

All Foreign Mission and

International Organizations


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