iy project

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/11/2019 IY Project


    IY Project : Veil untuk Akad Nikah

    Saya try google nak cari contoh DIY veil yang di kongsi kat blog-blog bride to be lain..banyak gak yang

    best-best..then, ade ternampak veil yang macam gini..tapi dorang gune lace yang heavy sket..since,

    orang tu freehair kan..tapi, for me..baju my sis dah sangat-sangat crowded dengan manik-

    manik..lace yang diguna tak bley la heavy sangat..first skali, g kamdar and cari lace macam kat bawah

    tu..kalo ikut price semeter RM19..tapi masa saya cari tu..tinggal 1.9meter jek..dah masuk plastik

    pun..so, die bagi jek 1.9meter dgn harga RM19..pastu beli net yang lembut la...semeter RM6 lebih

    kurang..i just bought 1.5meter jek..untuk my sis yang tingginye 163cm..

    First skali korang kene gunting and ambik kaki lace jek..untuk wat border veil ni...saya ambik kaki

    lace bahagian atas dan bawah..kirenye panjang sume dalam 3.8meterlah..Hampar kain net tu then

    bentukkan lace tadi bentuk bulat..takyah potong-potong ke ape..sambung jek bentuk bulat..then,

    pinkan..dah siap pin sume jahit tangan la lace dgn net tu..ala, jahit sempoi-sempoi pun takpe...bukan

    nampak..janji lekat..dah siap jahit keliling tuh..cabut pin and gunting net ikut bentuk lace..done!

  • 8/11/2019 IY Project


    Antara shoot yang boleh dibuat ngan veil ni adelah macam pic no.4 tuh..tapi tak smpt lak wat mase

    kat masjid hari tu..hihi..pic atas tu pulak memang veil tu kena tiup angin..mase baru balik dari

    masjid..kat tepi jalan kat rumah saya..then last pic pun veil tu nampak menarikkan?..korang kire

    sendirilah total budget buat veil ni dgn beli veil yang dah siap k?worth to try... :-)

    Posted by .::fIsYa::. at9:00:00 AM


    DIY Project: Gubahan Bunga PelaminSekarang kalo kat google gambar pelamin jek mesti bunga di gubah bentuk

    semi sphere ni kan? so, saya pun nak jugaklah try gubah bunga macamni..barang-barang yang diperlukan sket jek..bunga yang korang nak guna..saya

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    beli bunga ni murah je..lapan jambak RM10 dan satu jambak tu ade lima

    kuntum..satu pasu gune 16 jambak bunga..vase tu pulak beli dari jusco..harga

    RM28 camtu kot..itu pun ade less for J-card member..then gabus untuk cucuk-

    cucuk bunga tu RM1..

    Mula-mula korang potong bunga tu biar satu-satu, then cucuk start dari bawah

    tau..bentukkan bulat dari bawah, line atas sket letak bunga kat tengah-tengah

    bunga bawah tu..and so on lah!.kalo nampak ade jarak-jarak tu..cucuk la

    bunga..senang jek sebenarnye..just trust urself!

    Pic full mini pelamin, next-next entry k?Daaa....

    Posted by .::fIsYa::. at7:02:00 AM



  • 8/11/2019 IY Project


  • 8/11/2019 IY Project


    I also made pearl boutonnieres for my FI and his three groomsmen. They're kind of girly,

    but I don't care

  • 8/11/2019 IY Project


    posted byzooles1 year ago

    I love them! I want to make something similar for my FI and his groomsmen

    My DIY hand bouquet

  • 8/11/2019 IY Project


    saya akan gunakan fresh flower for my reception. very simple... i think notmore than 1 hour untuk buat this. we just need fresh flower, satin riben lebar 1inci, n jarum peniti pearl. this i cari kat google n some blog...

  • 8/11/2019 IY Project


    cupcake liner pomanders my diyposted 2 weeks ago inPomanders

  • 8/11/2019 IY Project


    these were less time consuming than the fabric pomanders and I love the texture of them.

    posted bynativedesires2 weeks ago

    Red Rose Crepe Paper Pomander Tutorialposted 10 months ago inPomanders


    Supplies Needed:

    3 rolls of crepe paper floral wire scissors glue glue dots floral foam ball ribbon sewing push pins super glue/hot glue patience

    The red "roses" are made of crepe paper from dollar tree and it took around 65 roses and 3

    rolls of crepe paper to make them all. I got the 3" ball at Michaels for $2.00, and the ribbon

    and floral wire at Walmart for $3.50. So, total it cost me around $4.50 to make one.

    Step 1: Prep work. Cut crepe paper into 18" strips. Cut floral wire into 10" pieces and foldin half. You will need 2 stips of crepe paper and 1 piece of floral wire per rose. To make the

    texture of the paper look more flower like squish it up into a small ball before making them

    into flowers.

    Step 2: Making the flower. Take the floral wire and wrap a glue dot around the tip. Wrap

    crepe paper around the floral wire and roll tightly. Half way through rolling the crepe paper

    start to roll the paper looser with gaps in the roll to form the loose petals of the rose.

  • 8/11/2019 IY Project


  • 8/11/2019 IY Project


    Once you have finished wrapping the first strip around, glue the end to the flower. I used

    ZIG's glue pen, but I'm sure you could use whatever you have. Then, I put some glue onthe beggining of the second strip of crepe paper before I start to VERY loosely roll the paperagain around the stem. It will take a couple of tries to get it to stop looking like a cinnomonroll. Once you have rolled the second strip around pinch the bottom of the paper and wrap

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    some of the floral wire around the bottom to secure it.

    Then, repeat step 2 MANY times!!!

    Step 3:Assembling the pomander. I took the floral foam ball and started to randomlystick in the roses so they were tight together and no floral ball was showing. To attach theribbon I used some sewing push pins and hot glued them in.

  • 8/11/2019 IY Project


    Once you attach all the flowers it will look like this....

  • 8/11/2019 IY Project


  • 8/11/2019 IY Project


    posted byAlexis2210 months ago

    these are so awesome !


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