inisiatif awal transformasi politik

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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  • 8/4/2019 Inisiatif Awal Transformasi Politik




    Najib Tun Razak ketika menyampaikan Perutusan Khas sempena sambutan Hari Malaysia 2011 di

    Auditorium Angkasapuri, Kuala Lumpur, pada Khamis 15 September 2011.


    Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Salam sejahtera dan Salam

    Hari Malaysia.

    Rakyat Malaysia yang dikasihi sekalian.

    Alhamdulillah dengan limpah izin dan kurnia-Nya jua, kita dapat menyambut

    ulang tahun penubuhan Malaysia bagi kali ke-48 sebagai warga sebuah negara

    yang merdeka, berdaulat, demokratik, aman dan makmur.

    Sesungguhnya kisah perjalanan Malaysia penuh warna-warni. Bermula

    daripada sebuah negara pertanian berpendapatan rendah semasa penubuhannya,

    hari ini, hasil mahsul perancangan penuh sistematik dan pelaksanaan begitu mapan,

    kita telah berjaya muncul sebagai negara perindustrian moden yang berpendapatan

    sederhana tinggi.

    Bertolak dari situ, sekalipun kejayaan yang telah dicapai bersifat monumental

    dan amat signifikan, ia bukanlah alasan yang membenarkan kita untuk berhenti

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    berusaha, berasa puas hati, berasa selesa, apatah lagi mengambil sikap bersimpuh

    sambil berpeluk tubuh.

    Apa yang sewajarnya dilakukan demi survival serta kesejahteraan rakyat terus

    meningkat lagi terjamin dalam dunia yang amat kompetitif dewasa ini, marilah kita

    melipatgandakan usaha bagi menambahbaik daya saing nasional melalui

    penggunaaan kreativiti, inovasi dan menjulat usaha penciptaan kekayaan baru

    berasaskan sifat keusahawanan mandiri.

    Semua matlamat ini tidak mungkin akan tercapai tanpa wujudnya perpaduan

    nasional, keamanan, kestabilan dan keharmonian.

    Membelek helaian-helaian tawarikh, apabila negara mencapai kemerdekaan 54

    tahun lalu sehingga Malaysia dibentuk enam tahun kemudiannya, bersama-sama

    Sabah dan Sarawak, banyak pihak ketika itu, sama ada pemerhati asing, mahupunwarga tempatan berasa ragu-ragu serta waham mempersoalkan tentang, sebuah

    negara baru yang negeri-negerinya terpisah dek Laut Cina Selatan, sedang diancam

    pula pemberontakan komunis, dengan separuh penduduknya hidup di bawah paras

    kemiskinan, ditambah oleh faktor kemajmukan demografik yang luar biasa

    kompleksitinya, mungkinkah mampu untuk kekal utuh sebagai sebuah negara

    bangsa apatah lagi untuk berjaya?

    Ternyata, pencapaian Malaysia selama ini, bertatih dan berjalan jatuh untuk

    mengecap nikmat kejayaan diiringi sebuah takdir yang penuh cabaran.

    Jika disisir sejarahnya, semacam satu keajaiban diawal usia setahun jagung

    meraih kemerdekaan, hakikat yang tersebut tadi ditambah berat pula dengan

    penerimaan sistem dan falsafah pentadbiran negara berasaskan Demokrasi

    Berparlimen, Raja Berperlembagaan serta Persekutuan, telah diterima amal secara

    tuntas oleh kita begitu awal ketika mana proses pembudayaan masih lagi tidak


    Jelas sekali, sebelum merdeka, warga tiga belas buah negeri yang bersatu

    membentuk Malaysia tidak pernah berpeluang untuk memilih kerajaan yang akan

    memerintah sekalipun corak pentadbirannya.

    Kewujudan mereka hanyalah sebagai rakyat negeri-negeri naungan atau tanah

    jajahan yang diberi keistimewaan politik terhad mengikut budi bicara kuasa

    pemerintah. Pastinya, ini, bukanlah hak politik tulen yang terbit daripada

    kewarganegaraan sebuah negara merdeka serta berdaulat.

    Menyingkap fakta, sebelum merdeka, pemilihan politik pertama yang

    berlangsung di mana rakyat telah diberi peluang secara terhad untuk memilih wakil

    mereka adalah semasa pemilihan beberapa Majlis Perbandaran pada tahun 1952

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    Sebetulnya lagi, sebagai sebuah negara demokrasi berparlimen, kuasa untuk

    menentukan parti politik mana yang akan membentuk kerajaan sama ada di

    peringkat Persekutuan mahupun di peringkat negeri terletak secara mutlak tanpa

    kekecualian di tangan rakyat.

    Setelah lebih lima dekad kemerdekaan negara dan hampir lima dasawarsa

    pembentukan Malaysia, kita dapati bahawa, pengalaman, kematangan serta

    kebijaksanaan rakyat negara ini dalam memilih kerajaan demi menentukan hala tuju

    masa depan yang mereka dambakan tidak boleh dinafikan oleh sesiapa pun jua.

    Bahkan, saya sering mengutarakan bahawa era kerajaan mengetahui segala-

    galanya dan memiliki monopoli terhadap kebijaksanaan sudah melewati tempohnya.

    Revolusi dalam bidang teknologi maklumat, kemajuan komunikasi dan kecanggihan

    pengangkutan telah membuka persaingan serta perbandingan secara meluas lagi

    dinamik dalam pasaran idea.

    Kontemporari ini, taraf serta akses rakyat kepada semua peringkat pendidikan

    semakin meluas seiring dengan korpus pengetahuan yang dimiliki. Di samping itu,

    pertumbuhan ekonomi yang mapan, pengurangan kadar kemiskinan dan inisiatif

    kejuruteraan sosial serta keberkesanannya, telah berjaya meningkatkan taraf hidup

    serta mewujudkan kelas menengah yang besar.

    Mutakhir pula, keutamaan kehendak dan keperluan rakyat Malaysia telah

    mengalami perubahan yang besar berbanding empat atau lima dekad yang lalu.

    Melangkah lebih jauh, mentadbir negara yang terzahir dari saat kemerdekaan

    dikudratkan oleh kehendak rakyat, kerajaan kini akan terus komited menjunjung

    sistem Demokrasi Berparlimen, Raja Berperlembagaan, kedaulatan undang-undang,

    falsafah persekutuan serta prinsip imbang dan periksa di antara ketiga-tiga cabang


    Sebagai yang ramai maklum bahawa, kecuali darurat akibat konfrontasi tahun

    1964, yang telah dibatalkan secara tersirat, kesemua proklamasi darurat lain yang

    telah diisytiharkan sebelum ini, masih dianggap berkuat kuasa sehingga hari ini.

    Justeru, menginsafi bahawa realiti negara Malaysia telah berubah, merasai

    denyut nadi, resah gelisah dan aspirasi rakyat yang mahukan Malaysia menjadi lebih

    terbuka lagi dinamik demokrasinya, di mana, pendapat, idea dan kebimbangan

    massa lebih diberi perhatian, agar dapatlah kita berdiri sama tinggi dan duduk sama

    rendah dengan sistem demokrasi lain di dunia yang berasaskan falsafah universal

    daripada rakyat, oleh rakyat dan untuk rakyat, maka, kerajaan kini, di bawah Fasal 3

    Perkara 150 Perlembagaan Persekutuan, akan membentangkan kepada kedua-dua

    Majlis Parlimen dengan usul agar ketiga-tiga proklamasi darurat yang telah diisytihar

    dulu, supaya ditamatkan kuat kuasanya.

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    Pada hemahnya, sudah tiba waktu rakyat Malaysia menuju masa depan

    dengan paradigma seterusnya yang berasaskan harapan baru dan bukannya

    terbelenggu oleh nostalgia kekangan sejarah lampau.

    Dalam menyusun atur peradaban bernegara bagi menghadapi keadaan luar

    biasa yang mengancam keselamatan tanah air dan kesejahteraan rakyat, tidak

    dapat tidak, menuntut kepada langkah-langkah khas yang kadang kala, bersifat di

    luar norma demokratik. Umpamanya, tindakan tahanan pencegahan.

    Sesungguhnya, kebijaksanaan menangani keganasan memerlukan kita

    mencegah perlakuan itu, sebelum kehilangan nyawa mereka yang tidak berdosa,

    harta benda atau menatijahkan apa-apa kecederaan. Ini merupakan satu kebenaran

    yang bersifat global dan diterima ramai.

    Dari perspektif undang-undang Islam pula, ia terangkum jelas dalam MaqasidSyariah yang berobjektif melindungi lima perkara utama yakni; pertama: agama,

    kedua: nyawa, ketiga: akal, keempat: keturunan dan maruah serta kelima: harta


    Bahkan prinsip Usul Fiqah banyak membicarakan tentang perlunya disekat

    lebih awal sesuatu kemungkaran itu, sebelum ia berlaku. Manakala satu prinsip

    menyatakan bahawa, keputusan pemerintah adalah satu amanah yang perlu dibuat

    bagi pihak yang diperintah atas kepentingan maslahah ramai.

    Ini bukanlah ehwal yang pelik, tidak lazim atau asing. Terbukti, negara-negarademokrasi yang maju seperti Amerika Syarikat dan United Kingdom juga telah

    menggubal rangka perundangan khas bagi menangani ancaman pengganas pasca

    tragedi 11 September.

    Pucuk pangkalnya, perseimbangan serta perimbangan yang harus ada

    bagi sebuah demokrasi moden adalah, di antara keselamatan nasional dan

    kebebasan individu.

    Itulah tugas dan tanggungjawab sebuah kerajaan yang matlamat

    tertingginya, menjunjung kebajikan serta kesejahteraan rakyat untuk mencari

    keseimbangan yang betul ini.

    Misalnya, kebebasan bersuara yang dijamin dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan

    tidak sesekali bermaksud sebagai kewenangan hak kepada mana-mana pihak untuk

    membuat fitnah dan menghasut api kebencian.

    Sebagai contoh mudah yang lain, kerajaan turut bertanggungjawab untuk

    menghalang jeritan palsu tentang bom dalam sebuah stadium yang penuh sesak. Ini

    kerana, kebebasan luar kawal sebegitu, akan hanya menimbulkan panik yang bolehmembawa kepada kecederaan dan kehilangan nyawa.

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    Seperti mana yang saya janjikan dalam ucapan sulung saya semasa mula-

    mula mengambil alih jawatan Perdana Menteri pada 3 April 2009, bahawa Akta

    Keselamatan Dalam Negeri 1960 (yakni ISA) akan dikaji secara komprehensif.

    Sehubungan dengan itu, suka saya mengumumkan pada malam yang bersejarah

    ini, bahawa Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri 1960 (yakni ISA) akandimansuhkan terus.

    Untuk mencegah perbuatan subversif, keganasan terancang dan perbuatan

    jenayah bagi memelihara ketenteraman dan keselamatan awam, dua undang-

    undang baru yang sesuai akan digubal di bawah semangat serta payung

    Perkara 149 Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Pokoknya, akta-akta ini nanti

    bermatlamat untuk memelihara keamanan, kesejahteraan, kesentosaan serta

    kerukunan hidup rakyat dan negara.

    Di atas segalanya, kerajaan akan tetap memastikan hak asasi mereka yangterbabit terpelihara. Apa-apa undang-undang yang diperbuat akan mengambil kira

    hak dan kebebasan asasi berlandaskan Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

    Undang-undang baru ini akan memperuntukkan tempoh tahanan oleh polis

    yang secara substansialnya lebih pendek daripada apa yang ada sekarang dan apa-

    apa tahanan lanjut hanya boleh dibuat dengan perintah mahkamah kecuali undang-

    undang berkaitan keganasan, masih dikekalkan bawah kuasa Menteri.

    Di sudut lain, kerajaan juga memberi komitmen bahawa mana-mana individu

    tidak akan ditahan semata-mata hanya kerana ideologi politik. Umumnya pula,kuasa untuk melanjutkan penahanan akan beralih daripada badan eksekutif kepada

    badan kehakiman kecualilah undang-undang berkaitan keganasan itu tadi.

    Dalam konteks ini juga, selain memansuhkan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri

    1960, kerajaan juga akan memansuhkan Akta Buang Negeri 1959 di samping

    mengkaji semula beberapa undang-undang lain bagi memastikan ia memenuhi

    kehendak semasa. Sehubungan dengan itu lagi, kita tidak akan teragak-agak untuk

    meminda atau memansuhkan undang-undang yang tidak lagi relevan.

    Kajian semula komprehensif ini akan melibatkan Akta Kediaman Terhad 1933

    dan Akta Mesin Cetak dan Penerbitan 1984 di mana prinsip pembaharuan

    tahunan akan dihapuskan dan digantikan dengan pengeluaran lesen sehingga


    Kerajaan juga akan mengkaji semula seksyen 27 Akta Polis 1967 dengan

    mengambil kira peruntukan Perkara 10 Perlembagaan Persekutuan tentang

    kebebasan berhimpun dengan prinsip menentang sekeras-kerasnya

    demonstrasi jalanan.

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    Namun, kebenaran berhimpun diberi selaras dengan kaedah-kaedah yang

    akan ditetapkan kelak di samping mengambil kira norma-norma di peringkat


    Sebagai sebuah negara, Malaysia dan seluruh warganya kini berada di

    persimpangan jalan. Pilihan yang kita putuskan hari ini akan menentukan nasib serta

    mencorakkan rupa bentuk Malaysia pada masa hadapan, tanah air yang akan kita

    wariskan kepada anak-anak kita dan generasi mendatang.

    Persoalannya, mampukah kita melampaui dan mencabar wasangka lazim

    bahawa rakyat Malaysia daripada latar belakang yang majmuk, status sosio-

    ekonomi berbeza dan fahaman politik pelbagai, secara iradat manusiawinya, tiba

    kepada konsensus untuk tidak tunduk menyerah kepada sekam kebencian dan

    kecurigaan yang pastinya mengheret kita ke lembah kehinaan. Sebaliknya, ayuhlah

    kita bersama mendaya sebuah masa depan yang sarat dengan harapan dankemuliaan.

    Yakinlah bahawa, ia satu kekuatan bukan satu kelemahan untuk kita

    meletakkan kepercayaan kepada kebijaksanaan rakyat Malaysia membuat pilihan

    dalam mencorakkan hala tuju masa depan mereka sendiri.

    Jika kita menganggap ia satu kesilapan maka, apakah maknanya pencapaian

    kita hari ini, apakah gunanya kita merancang pembangunan negara dengan begitu

    tersusun semenjak merdeka, apakah gunanya kita membelanjakan sebahagian

    besar khazanah negara setiap tahun untuk memberikan akses pendidikan berkualitikepada semua rakyat, membebaskan warga daripada cengkaman kemiskinan,

    membina infrastruktur fizikal serta teknologi komunikasi maklumat yang berkelas


    Jawapannya sangat jelas yakni, langkah-langkah yang saya umumkan

    sebentar tadi tidak lain tidak bukan adalah inisiatif awal transformasi politik secara

    tertib lagi berhemah. Ia berdiri sebagai pelengkap amat penting serta perlu kepada

    insiatif-inisiatif transformasi bidang ekonomi dan penyampaian awam yang pihak

    kerajaan telah rangka dan laksanakan semenjak lebih dua tahun kebelakangan

    dalam usaha menuju sebuah negara moden dan progresif.

    Pastinya, masa bukan terlalu awal mahupun terlalu lewat, akan tetapi inilah

    kala paling sesuai serta waktu paling tepat untuk perhitungan-perhitungan besar

    sedemikian diambil dan dilancarkan.

    Kita maklum, walaupun bagi pendapat sesetengah pihak ia penuh berisiko,

    kita akan melakukannya demi survival, setelah lebih lima puluh tahun negara

    merdeka, dan hampir lima dekad Malaysia terbentuk. Lantaran kita di ambang

    pedati yang sedang berpacu deras untuk sampai ke destinasi sebagai sebuahnegara maju sepenuhnya.

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    Akhir kalam, saya ingin tegaskan bahawa tanpa syak dan tanpa ragu-ragu lagi,

    Malaysia yang kita impikan bersama dan sedang kita cipta ini adalah Malaysia yang

    mengamalkan demokrasi berfungsi dan inklusif di mana keamanan dan

    ketenteraman awam dipelihara selaras dengan roh ketertinggian Perlembagaan,

    kedaulatan undang-undang, penghormatan kepada hak asasi manusia dan hak-hakindividu.

    Demi Malaysia, bertawakallah semua dan kepada Tuhan kita berserah.

    Wabillahitaufik Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

    Terima kasih.

    Utusan Malaysia, Jumaat 16 September 2011


    KUALA LUMPUR: Several draconian laws including the ISA and the three

    Emergency proclamations are to be repealed under major civil liberty reforms

    announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on Thursday.

    The historic changes, he stressed, were to accommodate and realise a mature,

    modern and functioning democracy; to preserve public order; enhance civil libertyand maintain racial harmony.

    The changes, which represent the biggest shake-up of the Malaysian system since

    independence from Britain in 1957, were announced by the Prime Minister in a

    prime-time television address on the eve of celebrations marking the anniversary of

    the foundation of modern Malaysia.

    The reforms include:

    *Total repeal of the Internal Security Act

    The legislation, introduced in 1960 in the wake of an armed insurgency by

    Communist rebels, gives the police wide-ranging powers to detain suspects


    It will be replaced by a new law that incorporates far more judicial oversight and

    limits the powers of the police to detain suspect for preventive reasons.

    37 people are currently being held under the ISA. There will be a six-month transition

    period while the new laws are introduced, after which their cases will be considered

    under the new legislation.
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    *Total repeal of the Emergency Ordinance

    Introduced following race riots in 1969, the Emergency Ordinance, which allows

    suspects to be detained without charge for up to two years if permission is granted

    by a Minister.

    This too will be replaced by a law that will not compromise on national security and

    terrorism while increasing democratic accountability and judicial oversight.

    *Removal of annual renewal of press and publication permits

    All licences will now remain valid indefinitely unless they are revoked, in common

    with broadcasting regulations in many Western nations.

    *Government to review Section 27 of the Police Act 1967

    The Malaysian constitution guarantees the right to freedom of peaceful assembly.

    The law requires police permission before gatherings can go ahead, including on

    private land such as stadiums. This law will now be reviewed to bring Malaysia in line

    with international standards while ensuring that the police retain the power to prevent

    violent scenes on the nation's streets.

    A host of other laws, including those governing banishment and residence, will also

    be abolished or reviewed. Any law found to be no longer relevant or justifiable will be



    My beloved Malaysians,

    1. Praise be to God, with His permission and kindness, we are able to observe the

    48th anniversary of the formation of Malaysia as an independent, sovereign,

    democratic, peaceful and prosperous nation.

    2. The story of Malaysia is colourful indeed. We have evolved from a low-income

    agricultural country at birth into a moderately high-income modern industrialised

    nation today, as a result of systematic planning and sustainable implementation.

    Although our success has been monumental and most significant, it does not give us

    any reason to stop trying, feel satisfied and comfortable or take it easy.

    3. For the continued survival and prosperity of the people in the highly competitive

    world of today, let us redouble our efforts to improve the national competitiveness

    through creativity and innovation and by stretching our resources in creating new

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    wealth based on independent entrepreneurship. It may not be able to realise all

    these objectives without national unity, peace, stability and harmony.

    My beloved Malaysians,

    4. Reflecting on history, when the country achieved independence 54 years ago and

    became Malaysia six years thence with Sabah and Sarawak, many local people and

    foreign observers questioned whether a new nation, with half the population living

    below the poverty line, having a demographic diversity of unusual complexity,

    separated by the South China Sea and threatened with a communist uprising, could

    remain intact as a nation state, let alone be successful.

    5. Evidently, Malaysia's achievements thus far, garnered through trial and error, were

    destined to be full of challenges. Looking at history, like a miracle in the early age of

    a newly independent nation, the challenges became all the more acute with the earlyadoption of a system and philosophy of national administration based on

    parliamentary democracy, constitutional monarchy and a federation when the

    acculturation process had yet to mature.

    6. Prior to independence, the people of the 13 states which came together to form

    Malaysia never had the opportunity to choose a ruling government or even the

    pattern of its administration. Their existence was merely as citizens of colonial states

    accorded limited political privileges at the discretion of the administrators. Certainly,

    this is not a genuine political right arising from the citizenship of an independent and

    sovereign state.

    7. Before independence, the people were given limited opportunity to choose their

    representatives, first in the municipal elections of 1952 and then in the election of

    some members of the federal legislative council in 1955. It was only after 1959,

    following independence, that the people began to be given the full right and

    responsibility to elect all members of the Dewan Rakyat and state legislative

    assemblies with the absolute discretion in determining the party that would form the


    My beloved Malaysians,

    8. Of course, we should be thankful because, from time to time, we were able to

    overcome every internal and external impediment which threatened democracy and

    personal freedom, such as the communist uprising, confrontation against the

    formation of Malaysia, racial riots, economic recession, religious extremism or racial

    chauvinism through prudent, democratic action based on the principles of supremacy

    of the constitution and rule of law.

    9. It should also be remembered that during that period it never at all occurred to thegovernment to switch the existing system of parliamentary democracy and

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    constitutional monarchy to any anti-democratic system, no matter how tough the

    challenges faced. As recorded in the chronology of the country, owing to the May 13

    tragedy, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, acting on the advice of the Prime Minister then

    in accordance with Article 150 of the Federal Constitution, declared an emergency.

    10. One of the effects arising from the declaration of the 1969 emergency was that

    the uncompleted election process in Sabah and Sarawak was suspended. The

    subsequent development was that the Dewan Rakyat elections were carried out

    within a period of approximately 20 months later and the system of Parliamentary

    Democracy was revived when the country was stable again.

    11. Nevertheless, the late Tun Abdul Razak, as the Deputy Prime Minister and

    Defence Minister then, who was entrusted to head the National Operations Council

    or MAGERAN, with absolute executive and legislative powers, never had the

    intention to retain the power longer than necessary.

    12. It was abundantly clear that the late Tun together with his colleagues then were

    fully aware that the limitless extraordinary powers that they held could not be made a

    habitude for the sake of our beloved country's future. Instead, they appreciated that

    the absolute power was merely a trust to curb and prevent any tragedy and chaos.

    My beloved Malaysians,

    13. In fact, as a country that practices parliamentary democracy, the power to

    determine which political party would form the government, whether at the federal orstate level, lies absolutely and without exception in the hands of the people. After

    more than 50 years of independence and almost five decades of Malaysia's

    formation, we find that the experience, maturity and wisdom of the people in the

    country in choosing a government that could ensure that the future they aspired for

    could not be denied by anyone else.

    14. In fact, I have often pointed out that the era where the government knew

    everything and owned a monopoly on wisdom has long gone. The revolution in the

    fields of information technology, development in communication and sophistication in

    transportation had opened up competition as well as a wide and dynamic

    comparison in the ideas market.

    15. Currently, public access to all levels of education is expanding in line with the

    corpus of knowledge that they possess. At the same time, sustainable economic

    growth, the reduction in the poverty rate and the social engineering initiatives and

    their effectiveness, have succeeded in raising the standard of living and created a

    significant middle class. Now, the preference and requirements of Malaysians have

    undergone massive changes compared to four or five decades ago.

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    16. Moving further ahead, administering a nation that emerged from the

    independence driven by the wishes of the people, the government is now committed

    towards upholding the system of Parliamentary Democracy, Constitutional

    Monarchy, rule of law, the federation philosophy and principles of checks and

    balances between the three branches of the government.

    My beloved Malaysians,

    17. As many of you know, except for the emergency resulting from the (Indonesian)

    Confrontation of 1964 which has been implicitly revoked, all proclamations of

    emergency before this are still in force. Hence, realising the changing realities, taking

    the pulse of the nation and feeling the restlessness of the people aspiring for a more

    open Malaysia with a dynamic democracy where the views, ideas and concerns of

    the masses are given greater attention so that our system would be comparable to

    the other democracies of the world that are based on the philosophy "of the people,by the people, and for the people", the government will present a motion, under

    Clause 3 Article 150 of the Federal Constitution, to the two houses of Parliament for

    the three proclamations of emergency to cease being in force. It is time for Malaysia

    to forge ahead with a new paradigm based on new hope and not be constrained by

    nostalgia for the past.

    18. In our nation building, while facing extraordinary circumstances threatening the

    security of the country and the well-being of the people, sometimes measures

    outside the norms of democracy had been called for. For example, preventive

    detention. Prudence in handling terrorism calls for preventive measures to protect

    innocent lives and property. This is a universally accepted truth.

    19. From an Islamic perspective, this (preventive principle) is contained in the

    Syariah law aimed at protecting religion, lives, minds, ancestry and dignity, and

    property. The discipline of Syariah methodology deals at length with the need to

    prevent evil. One principle states that the ruler was entrusted to make a decision for

    the good of the many.

    20. This is not anything strange, unusual or isolated. Advanced democratic nations

    like the United States and United Kingdom had formulated special legislation to

    handle terrorism after the September 11 tragedy.

    21. The checks and balances that must exist in a modern democracy are between

    national security and personal freedom. Finding the right balance is the duty and

    responsibility of a government whose highest objective is the wellbeing of the


    22. For example, the freedom of expression guaranteed in the Federal Constitution

    does not mean a right to slander and stoke the fires of hate. The government is alsoresponsible, to take another example, of preventing anyone in a packed stadium

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    raising a false alarm of a bomb. An out-of-control freedom like this will cause panic

    leading to injury and loss of lives. My beloved Malaysians,

    23. I promised in the maiden speech I made when I took over as the country's Prime

    Minister on April 3, 2009, that the Internal Security Act (ISA) 1960 will be reviewed

    comprehensively. As such, I would like to announce on this historic night that the

    Internal Security Act (ISA) 1960 will be abolished.

    24. As a means of preventing subversive activities, organised terrorism and crime to

    maintain peace and public order, two new pieces of legislation will be formulated

    under Article 149 of the Federal Constitution. Basically, these laws will be aimed at

    maintaining peace and wellbeing.

    25. Above all, the government will ensure that the rights of those involved will be

    safeguarded. Legislation formulated will take into consideration fundamental rightsand freedom based on the Federal Constitution. The new laws will provide for a

    substantially shorter duration of police custody and further detention can only be

    made with a court order, except laws pertaining to terrorism which will remain under

    the jurisdiction of the minister.

    26. On the other hand, the government also gives its commitment that no individual

    will be arrested merely on the point of political ideology. In general, the power to

    extend the detention period will shift from the executive to judiciary, except for the

    laws pertaining to terrorism.

    27. In this context, besides abolishing the Internal Security Act (ISA) 1960, the

    government will also abolish the Banishment Act 1959 and review several other laws

    to ensure that they meet current requirements. Hence, we will not hesitate to amend

    or abolish laws that are no longer relevant.

    28. The comprehensive review will involve the Restricted Residence Act 1933 and

    the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 where the annual renewal principle

    will be abolished and replaced with the issuance of a licence until and unless

    revoked. The government will also review Section 27 of the Police Act 1967 by

    taking into consideration the provision under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution on

    freedom of assembly, but with a principle that is strongly against street

    demonstration. Nevertheless, the approval to assemble will be given in accordance

    with methods that will be outlined later and after taking into consideration

    international norms.

    My beloved Malaysians,

    29. As a country, Malaysia and its citizens are at a crossroads. The choice we make

    today will determine the fate and the future facade of Malaysia, the motherland whichwe will pass on to our children and the generations to come. The question is, can we

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    rise beyond, and challenge, conventional wisdom that we as plural Malaysians, with

    varying economic status and political ideologies, can come to a consensus to not to

    bow and give in to the ember of hatred and suspicions, which will surely drag us to

    the valley of disgrace. On the other hand, come and let us power a future that is filled

    with hope and dignity.

    30. Let us have faith, that it is a strength and not a weakness to put our trust in the

    wisdoms of Malaysians in determining our future. If we take this as a mistake, what

    then is the meaning of our achievement today, what is the use of planning the

    country's development in a structured way since merdeka, what is the use of

    spending most of the country's resources each year to give access to quality

    education to the people, to free the people from the clasp of poverty, to build

    physical infrastructure and world-class information communication technology?

    31. The answer is clear, that is, the measures which I have just announced are aprecursor to an orderly and prudent political transformation. This is an important and

    necessary complement to the initiatives in the economic field and public delivery

    which the government has formulated and implemented since more than two years

    back in the effort to move towards becoming a modern and progressive nation.

    32. What is certain is that time is not too early neither it is too late; this is the most

    opportune time for us to make and implement these major changes. We are

    absolutely aware that, although some my think it is risky, we are doing this for our

    survival after 50 years of independence, after nearly five decades of Malaysia's

    nationhood. We are indeed galloping forth towards our destination to become a full-

    fledged developed nation.

    My beloved Malaysians,

    33. Finally, I would like to stress in no uncertain term that Malaysia which we dream

    of and one that we are currently building, is Malaysia which practices functional and

    inclusive democracy, where peace and public order are safeguarded in line with the

    supremacy of the Constitution, the rule of law and respect for basic human rights and

    individual rights.

    For Malaysia, let's do our best and leave the rest to God. Wabillahitaufik Walhidayah

    Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Thank you.

    The Star Online

    Published: Thursday September 15, 2011 MYT 8:52:00 PM

    Updated: Thursday September 15, 2011 MYT 11:19:14 PM

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    The reforms announced by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak are still reverberating

    in the minds of many people. They stunned his critics and shocked many in

    Umno but he has shown political will to ring in change.

    THE Prime Minister looked quite relaxed at Datuk Rauf Yusohs Hari Raya

    open house considering that this has been a big week for him.

    Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had spent the morning at the Malaysia Day

    parade, and the night before, he had made a speech that sent shock waves through

    political circles on both sides of the divide.

    He did look like he has had a load lifted off his shoulders. Anyway, the major

    load is now on the shoulders of his Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun

    Hussein who was also there, and the two cousins chose cendolfor dessert.

    Rauf does not believe in moderation, and his open house was a sort of mini

    version of TV3s Jom Hebohwith a live band, easy flow of food and so many guests

    and cars he must have driven his neighbours crazy.

    And just as Najib stepped out of his car, there was a sudden bang as fireworksexploded in the sky. That part must have driven the Prime Ministers security detail

    up the wall.

    Big day: Najib is trying to take the middle ground by bringing to an end

    draconian laws like the ISA; the Prime Minister is seen here with

    Hishammuddin (left) and Rauf at the latters Hari Raya open house.

    GLENN GUAN / The Star

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    Najib stayed for almost two hours while Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri

    Muhyiddin Yassin was there for more than an hour. The last time so many big

    political names had assembled at his Hari Raya open house was three years ago.

    The political transition in Umno had yet to take place then and the gathering that

    included Najib, Muhyiddin, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and other top Umno leaderssent out a powerful message that the three men were standing together.

    Their alliance was crucial given the difficult time Umno was going through then.

    Dr Mahathir was not even an Umno member as he had quit in protest of Tun

    Abdullah Ahmad Badawis leadership. Many read the event as Dr Mahathir giving his

    blessing to the incoming echelon.

    Today, the tall and sumo-sized Rauf is the executive secretary of Umno,

    fiercely loyal to Najib and one of the most powerful men working in the partys PWTC


    Raufs do this year was less political but no less star-studded. The younger

    brother of the Sultan of Selangor was also there. Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, whom

    Rauf had also invited, could not make it but sent a huge bouquet.

    Najibs Malaysia Day address outlining civil liberty and democratic reforms sent

    shock waves among political circles and is still reverberating in the minds of many

    people. He had announced that the Internal Security Act would be replaced by two

    new laws to safeguard peace and order, lifting the emergency proclamations and

    ending the Restricted Residence and Banishment Acts.

    He also announced something close to the hearts of the media community

    the Printing Presses and Publications Act would be amended. The annual licence

    renewal requirement for newspapers and publications would be replaced with a one-

    off permit. This is something which media groups have been petitioning for for

    decades and it was a biggie as far as the media was concerned.

    Najib has made good on the commitment he made in his first speech as Prime

    Minister three years ago.

    He has, said an Umno insider, gone beyond rhetoric to real measures and

    shown that he is truly committed to the political transformation that he talks about.

    It is the boldest and most controversial step taken by him since he took over

    from Pak Lah, and the challenge is just about to begin. He will now have to steer the

    proposals through Parliament and convince sceptics that the reforms are for real.

    The changes are not an uncalculated move. While he is responding to the call

    by civil society, it also has to do with his own political survival as well as that of hisruling coalition.

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    Najibs situation is the opposite to that of his father. He is no longer dealing with

    those cramped at the back of the train but with an expanding middle-class and

    younger people who are not afraid to take their aspirations to the ballot box.

    No one wants to live with injustice and unequal development. His

    administration recognises a certain disconnect with urban middle-class voters and he

    is attempting to bridge that gap. It is the sort of gradual change that should be

    welcomed. Gradualism is not as dramatic or sexy as a revolution but it carries more

    people with it, said Dr Khor.

    It is possible that none of the Pakatan politicians saw it coming. Or rather, they

    did not want to see it. Abolition of the ISA has always been their baby, so to speak, a

    cause for them to champion and a promise they believed would help carry them to


    Klang MP Charles Santiago of the DAP had an article in a Pakatan-aligned

    news portal on Thursday predicting that Najibs speech would be nothing but hot


    They are still scrambling to do damage control, struggling to show that they are

    not against the reforms without appearing to support the fact that it is coming from


    Actually Pakatan politicians should take this issue to show Malaysians that

    there is a future for a professional two-coalition system in the country, that noteverything that comes from one side has to be opposed by the other side and that

    both sides can work together on common causes that are good for society. Finding

    common ground rather than finding fault is a big part of a two-party system.

    KITA president Datuk Zaid Ibrahim was one of the few gentlemen on the other

    side to come out and admit that he had underestimated Najibs political will and to

    congratulate him.

    Many people are going to look at him differently after this. It has put the other

    side on the offensive. Itll give the PM traction among the fence-sitters, said Kota

    Belud MP Datuk Rahman Dahlan.

    Rahman, on his part, had insider information of what was to come.

    Despite that, I found myself cheering and clapping when the moment came.

    The PM is responding to a maturing society, he said.

    Rahman is also one of the most tactical politicians on Twitter. He could see

    how Pakatan politicians were trying to claim credit for Najibs decisions, to cast

    doubts on his sincerity and to even disparage what he has done. A PKR leader

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    tweeted that Umno politicians are being two-faced in supporting Najib on this when

    they had previously endorsed the ISA.

    Rahman tweeted back: BN leaders who now support the ISAs abolishment u

    call hypocrites. Anwar the biggest turncoat ever u call born again democrat!


    Meanwhile, all that election is coming talk will remain just talk.

    Najibs administration will have to put more work into what he has announced

    before the ground can really move with him.

    The proposed reforms are what civil society has wanted for so long but it has

    also resulted in concern and anxiety among right wing and conservative Malays.

    The thing about the ISA is that, over the years, it has become part of the

    psyche among conservative Malays. They dont like it but they see it as a necessary

    evil, a whip to crack when issues on race, religion and sovereignty threaten to boil

    over into anarchy. It made the conservatives in the ruling party feel secure to have it

    as an executive measure of last resort in a crisis.

    Umno is by and large a conservative party. It is a party where the men are

    more likely to endorse traditional values than modernism and where the women are

    not the sort to advocate bra-burning.

    It is likely that Najib will use the Umno general assembly in December to

    explain the reforms in a way that the party can relate to. He had used the same

    platform very effectively last year to assure the Malays of their Constitutional rights

    and position.

    Umno Youths deputy head of Teluk Kemang, Najib Isa, is quite aware of the

    sentiments in Umno. He is young and well-educated enough to recognise that these

    reforms are the way to go forward but he also admits that not many around him are

    taking well to them.

    I never thought the ISA would ever go but I can see where the PM is going on

    this. Its going to change the way things are done but it could be good. I think we

    have to give the PM a hell of a credit for this decision. It is drastic and major and it

    has taken a great deal of political will to come to this, he said.

    The Sunday Star, Sunday September 18, 2011

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