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Penulisan Ilmiah

Menghindari Plagiat dengan Mensitasi danMenuliskan Referensi dengan Tepat

Siti Rokhmah Projosasmito

Bagian Pendidikan Kedokteran, Fakultas KedokteranUniversitas Gadjah Mada


Penulisan Ilmiah

Penulisan ilmiahMenghindari plagiat dengan mensitasi dan menuliskan referensi dengan tepat

Keterampilan belajarEdisi pertama© Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2011Dicetak di JogjakartaDicetak pertama: Oktober 2011

Penulis: Siti Rokhmah ProjosasmitoLayout: Rara ProjosasmitoDesain sampul: Soni Marjuki

Dipublikasikan oleh Bagian Pendidikan Kedkteran, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Gadjah Mada

All rights reservedThis publication is protected by copyright law and permission should be obtained from publisher prior to any prohibitedreproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,and recording or likewise.

Faculty of Medicine Press

Penulisan ilmiah iii


Penulisan ilmiah merupakan salah satu bagian dari keterampilan belajar yang dilatihkan pada mahasiswaBlok 1.1. Keterampilan menulis secara ilmiah dianggap penting karena kehidupan akademisi tidak dapatdilepaskan dari kegiatan menulis sebagai salah satu metode penyebarluasan ilmu.

Buku panduan ini memfokuskan pada menghindari plagiat dengan cara menuliskan sitasi dan daftarpustaka secara benar. Hal-hal yang akan dibahas dalam buku ini adalah pengertian plagiarisme, contoh-akibat dari tindakan plagiat, pengertian sitasi dan cara menuliskan daftar pustaka dengan systemHarvard dan Vancouver.

Buku ini disusun dilengkapi dengan contoh-contoh dengan penanda-penanda sebagai berikut:

Tugas atau latihan yang bisa dikerjakan sebagai alat untuk mengukur kemampuan penguasaanmateri

Contoh dari aturan penulisan sitasi dalam tulisan ataupun dalam daftar pustaka

Tutorial, menunjukkan cara menuliskan daftar pustaka

Contoh penulisan referensi didadalam sitasi dalam tulisan

Contoh penulisan referensi didalam daftar pustaka

Diharapkan dengan penanda-penanda ini memudahkan para pembaca untuk memahami isi bukupanduan ini dan mengetahui bagian yang sedang dipelajari.

Tujuan belajar yang ingin dicapai setelah mempelajari keterampilan ini adalah:1. Mahasiswa menyadari plagiat merupakan bagian dari ketidakjujuran akademik2. Mahasiswa memahami arti dan konsekuensi dari plagiat3. Mahasiswa dapat menerapkan teknik sitasi yang benar4. Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan gaya referensi Harvard dan Vancouver dalam tulisan ilmiah

Strategi Pembelajaran yang diterapkan untuk mempelajari keterampilan ini adalah:1. Belajar mandiri2. Latihan terbimbing3. Latihan mandiri4. Diskusi melalui Gamel

Pelaksanaan pembelajaran keterampilan ini meliputi beberapa langkah sebagai berikut:1. Mahasiswa mengerjakan tugas pra sesi yang dapat diunduh di Gamel dan kemudian

mengunggahnya kembali melalui Gamel.2. Mahasiswa mengunduh panduan belajar penulisan ilmiah dari Gamel, untuk dipelajari secara

mandiri3. Pada sesi latihan terbimbing, mahasiswa dan instruktur akan melakukan proses pembelajaran

dengan pembagian waktu sebagai berikut:a. Membahas hasil tugas pra sesi selama 30 menit, pembahasan ditekankan pada topic

plagiarisme,b. Pemaparan mengenai teknik penulisan pustaka oleh instruktur selama 15 menit,

Penulisan ilmiah iii


Penulisan ilmiah merupakan salah satu bagian dari keterampilan belajar yang dilatihkan pada mahasiswaBlok 1.1. Keterampilan menulis secara ilmiah dianggap penting karena kehidupan akademisi tidak dapatdilepaskan dari kegiatan menulis sebagai salah satu metode penyebarluasan ilmu.

Buku panduan ini memfokuskan pada menghindari plagiat dengan cara menuliskan sitasi dan daftarpustaka secara benar. Hal-hal yang akan dibahas dalam buku ini adalah pengertian plagiarisme, contoh-akibat dari tindakan plagiat, pengertian sitasi dan cara menuliskan daftar pustaka dengan systemHarvard dan Vancouver.

Buku ini disusun dilengkapi dengan contoh-contoh dengan penanda-penanda sebagai berikut:

Tugas atau latihan yang bisa dikerjakan sebagai alat untuk mengukur kemampuan penguasaanmateri

Contoh dari aturan penulisan sitasi dalam tulisan ataupun dalam daftar pustaka

Tutorial, menunjukkan cara menuliskan daftar pustaka

Contoh penulisan referensi didadalam sitasi dalam tulisan

Contoh penulisan referensi didalam daftar pustaka

Diharapkan dengan penanda-penanda ini memudahkan para pembaca untuk memahami isi bukupanduan ini dan mengetahui bagian yang sedang dipelajari.

Tujuan belajar yang ingin dicapai setelah mempelajari keterampilan ini adalah:1. Mahasiswa menyadari plagiat merupakan bagian dari ketidakjujuran akademik2. Mahasiswa memahami arti dan konsekuensi dari plagiat3. Mahasiswa dapat menerapkan teknik sitasi yang benar4. Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan gaya referensi Harvard dan Vancouver dalam tulisan ilmiah

Strategi Pembelajaran yang diterapkan untuk mempelajari keterampilan ini adalah:1. Belajar mandiri2. Latihan terbimbing3. Latihan mandiri4. Diskusi melalui Gamel

Pelaksanaan pembelajaran keterampilan ini meliputi beberapa langkah sebagai berikut:1. Mahasiswa mengerjakan tugas pra sesi yang dapat diunduh di Gamel dan kemudian

mengunggahnya kembali melalui Gamel.2. Mahasiswa mengunduh panduan belajar penulisan ilmiah dari Gamel, untuk dipelajari secara

mandiri3. Pada sesi latihan terbimbing, mahasiswa dan instruktur akan melakukan proses pembelajaran

dengan pembagian waktu sebagai berikut:a. Membahas hasil tugas pra sesi selama 30 menit, pembahasan ditekankan pada topic

plagiarisme,b. Pemaparan mengenai teknik penulisan pustaka oleh instruktur selama 15 menit,

Penulisan ilmiah iii


Penulisan ilmiah merupakan salah satu bagian dari keterampilan belajar yang dilatihkan pada mahasiswaBlok 1.1. Keterampilan menulis secara ilmiah dianggap penting karena kehidupan akademisi tidak dapatdilepaskan dari kegiatan menulis sebagai salah satu metode penyebarluasan ilmu.

Buku panduan ini memfokuskan pada menghindari plagiat dengan cara menuliskan sitasi dan daftarpustaka secara benar. Hal-hal yang akan dibahas dalam buku ini adalah pengertian plagiarisme, contoh-akibat dari tindakan plagiat, pengertian sitasi dan cara menuliskan daftar pustaka dengan systemHarvard dan Vancouver.

Buku ini disusun dilengkapi dengan contoh-contoh dengan penanda-penanda sebagai berikut:

Tugas atau latihan yang bisa dikerjakan sebagai alat untuk mengukur kemampuan penguasaanmateri

Contoh dari aturan penulisan sitasi dalam tulisan ataupun dalam daftar pustaka

Tutorial, menunjukkan cara menuliskan daftar pustaka

Contoh penulisan referensi didadalam sitasi dalam tulisan

Contoh penulisan referensi didalam daftar pustaka

Diharapkan dengan penanda-penanda ini memudahkan para pembaca untuk memahami isi bukupanduan ini dan mengetahui bagian yang sedang dipelajari.

Tujuan belajar yang ingin dicapai setelah mempelajari keterampilan ini adalah:1. Mahasiswa menyadari plagiat merupakan bagian dari ketidakjujuran akademik2. Mahasiswa memahami arti dan konsekuensi dari plagiat3. Mahasiswa dapat menerapkan teknik sitasi yang benar4. Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan gaya referensi Harvard dan Vancouver dalam tulisan ilmiah

Strategi Pembelajaran yang diterapkan untuk mempelajari keterampilan ini adalah:1. Belajar mandiri2. Latihan terbimbing3. Latihan mandiri4. Diskusi melalui Gamel

Pelaksanaan pembelajaran keterampilan ini meliputi beberapa langkah sebagai berikut:1. Mahasiswa mengerjakan tugas pra sesi yang dapat diunduh di Gamel dan kemudian

mengunggahnya kembali melalui Gamel.2. Mahasiswa mengunduh panduan belajar penulisan ilmiah dari Gamel, untuk dipelajari secara

mandiri3. Pada sesi latihan terbimbing, mahasiswa dan instruktur akan melakukan proses pembelajaran

dengan pembagian waktu sebagai berikut:a. Membahas hasil tugas pra sesi selama 30 menit, pembahasan ditekankan pada topic

plagiarisme,b. Pemaparan mengenai teknik penulisan pustaka oleh instruktur selama 15 menit,

Penulisan ilmiah iv

c. Latihan melakukan sitasi dan penulisan pustakan dengan teknik Harvard dan Vancouver selama25 menit,

d. Membahas hasil latihan selama 20 menit,e. Melakukan refleksi kegiatan latihan penulisan ilmiah selama 10 menit.

4. Mahasiswa dapat melakukan diskusi dengan koordinator keterampilan penulisan ilmiah secaraonline melalui Gamel

Semoga buku panduan keterampilan belajar ini dapat bermanfaat dan membantu dalam menghindariplagiat.

Saran dan pertanyaan dapat ditujukan ke Rara Projosasmito, e-mail. raraprojosasmito@gmail.com.


Penulisan ilmiah v

Daftar Isi

Kata Pengantar iii

Daftar Isi v

Academic dishonesty and plagiarisme 1

Referencing 7

Harvard referencing style 8

Vancouver referencing style 17

Practice 24

Reference list 32

Appendix: Key a

Penulisan Ilmiah 1

Academic dishonesty is an activity that is done deliberately or not in an academic situation that occurredin violation of the principles of academic freedom that is responsible. Academic dishonesty includescheating and plagiarism.

In academic activities, writing is one activity that is often done by academics. Writing reports,assignments, thesis or research is one of the intentions of writing, which in it need to follow the rules ofscientific writing.

In scientific writing often academics should incorporate ideas or research results from other academics.Similarly, students who must write a report or thesis, in a review of libraries or elsewhere in his writingsmust incorporate theories or ideas from other authors. In writing these ideas, the author should respectthe original author of the owner of the idea. Thus the principle of academic freedom that is responsiblecan be applied.

PlagiarismePlagiarism comes from the Latin "plagiarus" which means to kidnap.

According Hawley (1984, p. 35)

Plagiarism is perhaps best conceptualized as existing along a continuum of behaviors ranging fromsloppy paraphrasing to the intentional copying of someone else's work verbatim without credit tothe source

Plagiarism means taking somebody else’s works, ideas and information without any properacknowledgement. This is a very serious offence in academic writing.

Plagiarism or paraphrasing? Look out the examples below.1. Direct (word-for word)

When the words or sentences or paragraphs are copied directly without any acknowledgementusing quotation marks, the style, structure and idea sequencing of the original text are maintained,and citation does not include page number (required for quotation are called plagiarism.

2. Patchwork paraphrase with no acknowledgement of sourceWhen some original text copied but no acknowledgement with quotation marks, inaccurate inconveying authors’ meaning and text not adapted to suit new context are called plagiarism.

3. Legitimate paraphraseWhen authors acknowledged and citation provided, method of expression, sentence structuresand sequencing of ideas significantly different from the original text, minimal use of terminology

Academic dishonesty andplagiarisme

Penulisan Ilmiah 2

from the original text (shared language of the discipline) are not plagiarism. Shared language ofthe discipline means particular terminology and phrases are very specialised and specific that toorisky to be paraphrase that might change the meaning.

Plagiarisme includes:

1. The term refers or quotes directly, word for word or phrase, data or information without includingthe source in the bibliography or state sources are not adequate

2. Taking random samples of words, terms, word for word or phrase, data or information withoutincluding the source in the bibliography or stated source is not adequate

3. Using a source of ideas, opinions, views, or theories without stating the source of adequately4. Formulate in words or sentences themselves from other sources without stating the source of

adequately5. Submit a scholarly work produced or published by others without stating the source of adequately6. Using pictures, tables and graphs from other sources without stating the source of adequately

Example of plagiarisme case

Cases of plagiarism committed by an academic who performed in 2009. The academics wrote an opinionarticle published by one of the English-language newspaper, published after the article was obtainedPraise be to Allaah article quotes an article by Carl Ungerer, published in Australian Journal of Politic andHistory. Having proved it, academics are dismissed from his job as an educator and a universityacademic degree removed.

The article is considered plagiarism and emulated the full article can be downloaded via gamel.

Penulisan Ilmiah 3

Article of Carl Ungerer

The Evolution of the Middle Power Concept

It should be noted at the outset that there is no agreed definition of a middle powerand middle power diplomacy. The term has been used variously to describe geographic,material, normative and behavioural attributes among a diverse group of middlerankingstates from Iran to Japan.4 Such ranking exercises based on selective criteria, however,are fraught with difficulty because, as other scholars have shown, there is little or nocorrelation between a country’s size or position in the international system and theconduct of its diplomacy.5 In short, being a middle-sized country does not determineforeign policy behaviour. But having middle-ranking economic, military and diplomaticcapabilities and actively pursuing a middle power approach to international affairs doesoffer some insight into what certain states can do.

Clearly, when foreign policy practitioners make declaratory statements aboutexercising a country’s “middle power” role in the international system, they areemploying a type of shorthand for a pre-defined and generally agreed set of foreignpolicy behaviours. That set of behaviours includes a preference for working throughmultilateral institutions and processes, a commitment to promoting international legalnorms and a pro-active use of diplomatic, military and economic measures to achieveselected political outcomes. Despite obvious definitional difficulties with the concept,middle power diplomacy continues to resonate with politicians, practitioners andscholars alike as a simple way of characterising the foreign policy activities of certaincountries which are neither great powers nor small. As the Canadian scholar Dennis Stairshas argued, “the impression that there really are certain powers of secondary rank withsimilar capabilities and similar minds, and with a similar approach to the maintenance ofthe international system, seems somehow to survive the ‘real-world’ observation thatthings are in fact a jumble”.6

Ultimately, engaging in middle power diplomacy is no less self-interested than thebehaviour of any other state in the international system. That self-interest, however, isfiltered through the practical consideration of when and where middle-ranking states canachieve successful diplomatic outcomes in pursuit of national interests. In the absence ofwhat Evans referred to as “clout” in the international system, middle powers must lookfor specific, niche opportunities to exercise their power and influence. If great powers aredefined by having global interests and reach, then the middle power category defines agroup of states with a more limited regional set of core national interests and forceprojection capabilities.7 As such, the middle power category remains consistent withclassical realist interpretations of international relations.

Penulisan Ilmiah 4

Plagiat article

RI as a new middle power?

It is quite interesting to read in Santo's article on Indonesia "A new ‘middle' power" (The Jakarta Post, Oct.31, 2009) that Indonesia has been acknowledged as a new middle power in these bewildering global politics.

However, this acknowledgement has been perceived as a challenge for Indonesia; whether it can rise as anew middle power or become, on the contrary, a new semi-failed state.

In this context, it is crucial to understand what we mean by middle power. It is important because the labelof middle power is pertinent to the ability of a nation-state to make projections of its diplomatic and securityactivities in both the domestic and international environment.

We should bear in mind that there is no clear agreed definition of a middle power and middle-powerdiplomacy.

The term has been used variously to describe geographic, material, normative and behavioral attributesamong a diverse group of middle-ranking states on the global stage.

Such ranking exercises based on selective criteria, however, are fraught with difficulty because, as otherscholars have shown, there is little or no correlation between a country's size or position in the internationalsystem and the conduct of its diplomacy.

In short, being a middle-sized country does not necessarily determine foreign policy behavior. But havingmiddle-ranking economic, military and diplomatic capabilities and actively pursuing a middle-power approachto international affairs does offer some insight into what certain states can do to their internationalenvironment.

Clearly, when foreign policy practitioners make declaratory statements about exercising a country's"middle power" role in the international system, they are employing a type of shorthand for a pre-defined andgenerally agreed set of foreign policy behaviors.

That set of behaviors includes a preference for working through multilateral institutions and processes, acommitment to promoting international legal norms and a pro-active use of diplomatic, military and economicmeasures to achieve selected economic and political outcomes.

Despite obvious definitional difficulties with the concept, middle-power diplomacy continues to resonatewith politicians, practitioners and scholars alike as a simple way of characterizing the foreign policy activities ofcertain countries which are neither great powers nor small.

As the Canadian scholar Dennis Stairs has argued, "The impression that there really are certain powers ofsecondary rank with similar capabilities and similar minds, and with a similar approach to the maintenance ofthe international system, seems somehow to survive the *real-world' observation that things are in fact ajumble".

Ultimately, engaging in middle-power diplomacy is no less self-interested than the behavior of any otherstate in the international system. That self-interest, however, is filtered through the practical consideration ofwhen and where middle-ranking states can achieve successful diplomatic outcomes in pursuit of their nationalinterests.

Therefore, it is also very important to set our national interests clearly as the basis of our foreign policy anddiplomatic activities. Without having explicit, manageable and realistic national interests will only put us as anation-state without a clear road map in the global arena.

To put it another way, the so-called "middle powers", then, must look for specific, niche opportunities toexercise their power and influence. If great powers are defined by having global interests and reach, then themiddle power category defines a group of states with a more limited regional set of core national interests andforce projection capabilities.

The questions are now: are we willing to do that? And if yes, what kind of foreign policy mechanism can weutilize in defining and promoting our regional interests and force projection capabilities?

Penulisan Ilmiah 5

Sanctions for plagiarism according Permen Diknas No 17 Tahun 2010 Pasal 12 Ayat 1 are:

1. Warn2. Written warn3. Delayed student’s right4. Cancellation of one or some of units mark5. The dissmissal of plagiator as student with respect6. The dissmissal of plagiator as student without respect7. Revocation of certificate of graduation

How to avoid plagiarisme

1. Conducting legitimate citation

2. Conducting referencing appropiately

3. Paraphrasing is a key skill in academic writing. It requires you to summarise the ideas of anotherauthor in your own words, without significantly changing the meaning. Because the ideas are notyours, you must provide a citation

4. Write the quotation in appropriate manner.Use quotation when:a. an idea is particularly powerful or controversialb. an idea is expressed particularly wellc. an idea is significant or originald. you wish to express the author’s perspectivee. ideas are expressed succinctly


Setelah membaca kedua artikel tersebut:

1. Temukanlah pada bagian mana penulis artikel kedua melakukan plagiat!2. Bandingkanlah apa yang ditulis oleh penulis artikel pertama dan apa yang

ditulis oleh penulis artikel kedua!3. Berikan pendapat Saudara mengenai plagiarisme, kapan seseorang bisa

dikatakan melakukan plagiat! (100-150 kata)

Penulisan Ilmiah 5

Sanctions for plagiarism according Permen Diknas No 17 Tahun 2010 Pasal 12 Ayat 1 are:

1. Warn2. Written warn3. Delayed student’s right4. Cancellation of one or some of units mark5. The dissmissal of plagiator as student with respect6. The dissmissal of plagiator as student without respect7. Revocation of certificate of graduation

How to avoid plagiarisme

1. Conducting legitimate citation

2. Conducting referencing appropiately

3. Paraphrasing is a key skill in academic writing. It requires you to summarise the ideas of anotherauthor in your own words, without significantly changing the meaning. Because the ideas are notyours, you must provide a citation

4. Write the quotation in appropriate manner.Use quotation when:a. an idea is particularly powerful or controversialb. an idea is expressed particularly wellc. an idea is significant or originald. you wish to express the author’s perspectivee. ideas are expressed succinctly


Setelah membaca kedua artikel tersebut:

1. Temukanlah pada bagian mana penulis artikel kedua melakukan plagiat!2. Bandingkanlah apa yang ditulis oleh penulis artikel pertama dan apa yang

ditulis oleh penulis artikel kedua!3. Berikan pendapat Saudara mengenai plagiarisme, kapan seseorang bisa

dikatakan melakukan plagiat! (100-150 kata)

Penulisan Ilmiah 5

Sanctions for plagiarism according Permen Diknas No 17 Tahun 2010 Pasal 12 Ayat 1 are:

1. Warn2. Written warn3. Delayed student’s right4. Cancellation of one or some of units mark5. The dissmissal of plagiator as student with respect6. The dissmissal of plagiator as student without respect7. Revocation of certificate of graduation

How to avoid plagiarisme

1. Conducting legitimate citation

2. Conducting referencing appropiately

3. Paraphrasing is a key skill in academic writing. It requires you to summarise the ideas of anotherauthor in your own words, without significantly changing the meaning. Because the ideas are notyours, you must provide a citation

4. Write the quotation in appropriate manner.Use quotation when:a. an idea is particularly powerful or controversialb. an idea is expressed particularly wellc. an idea is significant or originald. you wish to express the author’s perspectivee. ideas are expressed succinctly


Setelah membaca kedua artikel tersebut:

1. Temukanlah pada bagian mana penulis artikel kedua melakukan plagiat!2. Bandingkanlah apa yang ditulis oleh penulis artikel pertama dan apa yang

ditulis oleh penulis artikel kedua!3. Berikan pendapat Saudara mengenai plagiarisme, kapan seseorang bisa

dikatakan melakukan plagiat! (100-150 kata)

Penulisan Ilmiah 6

Referencing is a specific method of acknowledging the information or sources use in writing process. Itis necessary to avoid plagiarism, to verify quotation, to help reader to track the sources and read themain author. All kind of source, direct quotation, ideas, graph, table and figure, from other people haveto be reference. In other way, every time you quote, paraphrase and summarize others’ work you haveto provide the reference.

There are many style of referencing; some of main reference styles are APA, Harvard and Vancouver.The usual referencing style use in Medical school is Harvard style. However, in a publication, the usualone is Vancouver style.

There are two referencing style:

a. author-date, eg. Harvard, APA, Chicago,b. numbering, eg. Vancouver, MLA.

The most important thing that must be considered in the writing of literature is consistent in his writing.Throughout the scientific literature and bibliography should be written by the writing style of the samelibrary. If we choose to adopt the Harvard system since the introduction to the bibliography are basedon the Harvard library writing style, so when we decided to use the system Vancover. We cannot mix upthe system we choose to use Harvard in the body of the text and use the Vancouver system in thebibliography section or vice versa.

There are two types of referencing namely in-text citation and bibliography or reference list. Both aredepend on the reference style we choose:

1. In-text citation is a note of source use in the body of writing.

2. Reference list is bibliographic information from the source in the in-text citation.

At the time of taking the source from the second source is the source of written sources cited place toget information. Example: Harden write the definition of PBL taken from the writings of Barlow, thenthat is written in the source library is the description of the article was written by Harden.

Penulisan pustaka (Referencing)

Penulisan Ilmiah 7

Harvard referencing style based on author-date. References are used alphabetically ordered in references.

In-text citation

General instruction:

1. Sources indicated by stating the author's last name and year of publication separated by a spacewithout any punctuation

2. If the name of the author is not a part of the sentence then the information that is written is thename and year in parentheses open and close

3. The source is written to the left of the dot or comma

4. If the name of the author become part of the sentence then only the year are included inparentheses

5. If there are 2 (two) author then provides conjunctions and or & between the two names the author

6. If the author is more than three then only included the first author followed by et al.

7. If the source is taken from the same author of several articles in the same year marked the yearbehind the small Arabic letters

8. If the source is taken from the same author from different years is written in it in order

… as an activating and cooperative learning environment (Schmidt 1993), hypotheses …

… but non-robust effects for knowledge (Dochy et al. 2003).

Pascarella and Terenzini (2005) describe these …

Tinto’s model on student persistence (1997, 1998) provides …

… a reasonable error of approximation (Browne & Cudeck 1992); …

Schmidt has proven the effectiveness of PBL (1999a, 1999b) that …

HHaarrvvaarrddrreeffeerreenncciinngg ssttyyllee

Penulisan Ilmiah 7

Harvard referencing style based on author-date. References are used alphabetically ordered in references.

In-text citation

General instruction:

1. Sources indicated by stating the author's last name and year of publication separated by a spacewithout any punctuation

2. If the name of the author is not a part of the sentence then the information that is written is thename and year in parentheses open and close

3. The source is written to the left of the dot or comma

4. If the name of the author become part of the sentence then only the year are included inparentheses

5. If there are 2 (two) author then provides conjunctions and or & between the two names the author

6. If the author is more than three then only included the first author followed by et al.

7. If the source is taken from the same author of several articles in the same year marked the yearbehind the small Arabic letters

8. If the source is taken from the same author from different years is written in it in order

… as an activating and cooperative learning environment (Schmidt 1993), hypotheses …

… but non-robust effects for knowledge (Dochy et al. 2003).

Pascarella and Terenzini (2005) describe these …

Tinto’s model on student persistence (1997, 1998) provides …

… a reasonable error of approximation (Browne & Cudeck 1992); …

Schmidt has proven the effectiveness of PBL (1999a, 1999b) that …

HHaarrvvaarrddrreeffeerreenncciinngg ssttyyllee

Penulisan Ilmiah 7

Harvard referencing style based on author-date. References are used alphabetically ordered in references.

In-text citation

General instruction:

1. Sources indicated by stating the author's last name and year of publication separated by a spacewithout any punctuation

2. If the name of the author is not a part of the sentence then the information that is written is thename and year in parentheses open and close

3. The source is written to the left of the dot or comma

4. If the name of the author become part of the sentence then only the year are included inparentheses

5. If there are 2 (two) author then provides conjunctions and or & between the two names the author

6. If the author is more than three then only included the first author followed by et al.

7. If the source is taken from the same author of several articles in the same year marked the yearbehind the small Arabic letters

8. If the source is taken from the same author from different years is written in it in order

… as an activating and cooperative learning environment (Schmidt 1993), hypotheses …

… but non-robust effects for knowledge (Dochy et al. 2003).

Pascarella and Terenzini (2005) describe these …

Tinto’s model on student persistence (1997, 1998) provides …

… a reasonable error of approximation (Browne & Cudeck 1992); …

Schmidt has proven the effectiveness of PBL (1999a, 1999b) that …

HHaarrvvaarrddrreeffeerreenncciinngg ssttyyllee

Penulisan Ilmiah 8

9. If the article is taken from several sources write all the sources in parentheses, sorted by year-earlierfirst and separated using a semicolon

10. If the author of the article is used as a source taken from other sources then listed the name of theauthor and the author referred to the referenced sources listed in parentheses preceded writingscited in comes with years of publication and pages. Complete written sources are sources thatreferred directly by the student, not the source referred to by the author who wrote the article.

Direct quotation (their ideas, their words)Use quotations sparingly and paraphrase wherever possible. If you must quote, then do so briefly.

1. All direct quotations must be accurately reproduced (using the exact words), and page numbersmust be included in your citation:

2. An ellipsis (3 dots ...) can be used to indicate that part of the original passage has been omitted:(If quotations are short, two lines or so, they can be incorporated into the text, but must beenclosed within quotation marks).


The findings of this meta-analysis confirm conclusions of other reviews on the effects ofPBL (Vernon and Blake 1993; Albanese and Mitchell 1993).

Barrows (cited in Dent 2009, p. 45) defined PBL as …

Artikel yang diacu oleh mahasiswa

Sumber yang diacu oleh penulis artikel

Penulisan Ilmiah 8

9. If the article is taken from several sources write all the sources in parentheses, sorted by year-earlierfirst and separated using a semicolon

10. If the author of the article is used as a source taken from other sources then listed the name of theauthor and the author referred to the referenced sources listed in parentheses preceded writingscited in comes with years of publication and pages. Complete written sources are sources thatreferred directly by the student, not the source referred to by the author who wrote the article.

Direct quotation (their ideas, their words)Use quotations sparingly and paraphrase wherever possible. If you must quote, then do so briefly.

1. All direct quotations must be accurately reproduced (using the exact words), and page numbersmust be included in your citation:

2. An ellipsis (3 dots ...) can be used to indicate that part of the original passage has been omitted:(If quotations are short, two lines or so, they can be incorporated into the text, but must beenclosed within quotation marks).


The findings of this meta-analysis confirm conclusions of other reviews on the effects ofPBL (Vernon and Blake 1993; Albanese and Mitchell 1993).

Barrows (cited in Dent 2009, p. 45) defined PBL as …

Artikel yang diacu oleh mahasiswa

Sumber yang diacu oleh penulis artikel

Penulisan Ilmiah 8

9. If the article is taken from several sources write all the sources in parentheses, sorted by year-earlierfirst and separated using a semicolon

10. If the author of the article is used as a source taken from other sources then listed the name of theauthor and the author referred to the referenced sources listed in parentheses preceded writingscited in comes with years of publication and pages. Complete written sources are sources thatreferred directly by the student, not the source referred to by the author who wrote the article.

Direct quotation (their ideas, their words)Use quotations sparingly and paraphrase wherever possible. If you must quote, then do so briefly.

1. All direct quotations must be accurately reproduced (using the exact words), and page numbersmust be included in your citation:

2. An ellipsis (3 dots ...) can be used to indicate that part of the original passage has been omitted:(If quotations are short, two lines or so, they can be incorporated into the text, but must beenclosed within quotation marks).


The findings of this meta-analysis confirm conclusions of other reviews on the effects ofPBL (Vernon and Blake 1993; Albanese and Mitchell 1993).

Barrows (cited in Dent 2009, p. 45) defined PBL as …

Artikel yang diacu oleh mahasiswa

Sumber yang diacu oleh penulis artikel

Penulisan Ilmiah 9

4. Quotations longer than three lines should beindented; quotation marks are not used in this case:


1. Written at the end of the writing and writing down the whole bibliographic information2. The List of References is ordered alphabetically by primary authors' surnames.

3. Same author Same author; different years

o Arrange in chronological order. Same author; same years

o If there is more than one reference by an author in the same year, these are generallylabelled in order of publication using a lower-case alphabetical suffix. The same suffix isused to distinguish that reference in the List of References at the end of the assignment.

4. References are written according to the left margin with indentation for the second and next lines.


General Instruction

1. Author name is last name or family name followed with first name abbreviation with coma,example: Mohammad Hakimi write Hakimi, M, J. R. Torres Bermudez write Bermudez, JRT

2. If there are more than one authors than the last two author separated with and or &, example:Hakimi, M, Rahayu, GR & Emilia, O

3. Author 1 – 6, all are written in the reference list, if more than 6, write only to the six and add et al.4. Title of publication are not capitalized except on the excepted word and italized, example: Ganong's

review of medical physiology, The Smithsonian atlas of the Amazon

Penulisan Ilmiah 9

4. Quotations longer than three lines should beindented; quotation marks are not used in this case:


1. Written at the end of the writing and writing down the whole bibliographic information2. The List of References is ordered alphabetically by primary authors' surnames.

3. Same author Same author; different years

o Arrange in chronological order. Same author; same years

o If there is more than one reference by an author in the same year, these are generallylabelled in order of publication using a lower-case alphabetical suffix. The same suffix isused to distinguish that reference in the List of References at the end of the assignment.

4. References are written according to the left margin with indentation for the second and next lines.


General Instruction

1. Author name is last name or family name followed with first name abbreviation with coma,example: Mohammad Hakimi write Hakimi, M, J. R. Torres Bermudez write Bermudez, JRT

2. If there are more than one authors than the last two author separated with and or &, example:Hakimi, M, Rahayu, GR & Emilia, O

3. Author 1 – 6, all are written in the reference list, if more than 6, write only to the six and add et al.4. Title of publication are not capitalized except on the excepted word and italized, example: Ganong's

review of medical physiology, The Smithsonian atlas of the Amazon

Penulisan Ilmiah 9

4. Quotations longer than three lines should beindented; quotation marks are not used in this case:


1. Written at the end of the writing and writing down the whole bibliographic information2. The List of References is ordered alphabetically by primary authors' surnames.

3. Same author Same author; different years

o Arrange in chronological order. Same author; same years

o If there is more than one reference by an author in the same year, these are generallylabelled in order of publication using a lower-case alphabetical suffix. The same suffix isused to distinguish that reference in the List of References at the end of the assignment.

4. References are written according to the left margin with indentation for the second and next lines.


General Instruction

1. Author name is last name or family name followed with first name abbreviation with coma,example: Mohammad Hakimi write Hakimi, M, J. R. Torres Bermudez write Bermudez, JRT

2. If there are more than one authors than the last two author separated with and or &, example:Hakimi, M, Rahayu, GR & Emilia, O

3. Author 1 – 6, all are written in the reference list, if more than 6, write only to the six and add et al.4. Title of publication are not capitalized except on the excepted word and italized, example: Ganong's

review of medical physiology, The Smithsonian atlas of the Amazon

Penulisan Ilmiah 10

Book with one author… (Bell 2006). atau Bell (2006) menjelaskan …

Bell, J 2006, Doing your research project, Open university press, England.

Book with two authors… (Lengnick-hall & Lengnick-hall 2003). atau Lengnick-hall dan Lengnick-hall (2003) menyatakan ….

Lengnick-hall, ML & Lengnick-hall, CA 2003, Human resource management in the knowledgeeconomy, Berrett-Koehler Publisher, Inc., San Fransisco.

Book with three authors… (Robbins, DeCenzo & Moon 2003). atau Robbins, DeCenzo, dan Moon (2003) berargumen ….

Robbins, SP, DeCenzo, DA & Moon H 2003, Fundamentals of management: essential concepts andapplications, Prentice Hall, New York.

Book with more than three authors (1-6)… (Gilroy et al. 2008). atau Gilroy et al. (2008) mendeskripsikan ….

Gilroy, A, MacPherson, B, Ross, L, Schuenke, M, Schulte, E & Schumacher, U 2008, Atlas ofanatomy (Thieme anatomy), Thieme Medical Publisher, Inc., New York.

E-book… (Yun-tao, 2011). atau Yun-tao (2011) menemukan ….

Yun-tao, M 2011, Biomedical acupuncture for sport and trauma: dry needling techniques, ChurchillLivingstone, Elsevier Inc., USA, Sciencedirect, viewed 20 September 2011.

Author Date, Book title, Edition edn, Publisher, Place of publication.

Netter, FH 2011, Atlas of human anatomy, 5 edn, Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia.


Tahun terbit

Judul buku



Tempat penerbitan

Penulisan Ilmiah 10

Book with one author… (Bell 2006). atau Bell (2006) menjelaskan …

Bell, J 2006, Doing your research project, Open university press, England.

Book with two authors… (Lengnick-hall & Lengnick-hall 2003). atau Lengnick-hall dan Lengnick-hall (2003) menyatakan ….

Lengnick-hall, ML & Lengnick-hall, CA 2003, Human resource management in the knowledgeeconomy, Berrett-Koehler Publisher, Inc., San Fransisco.

Book with three authors… (Robbins, DeCenzo & Moon 2003). atau Robbins, DeCenzo, dan Moon (2003) berargumen ….

Robbins, SP, DeCenzo, DA & Moon H 2003, Fundamentals of management: essential concepts andapplications, Prentice Hall, New York.

Book with more than three authors (1-6)… (Gilroy et al. 2008). atau Gilroy et al. (2008) mendeskripsikan ….

Gilroy, A, MacPherson, B, Ross, L, Schuenke, M, Schulte, E & Schumacher, U 2008, Atlas ofanatomy (Thieme anatomy), Thieme Medical Publisher, Inc., New York.

E-book… (Yun-tao, 2011). atau Yun-tao (2011) menemukan ….

Yun-tao, M 2011, Biomedical acupuncture for sport and trauma: dry needling techniques, ChurchillLivingstone, Elsevier Inc., USA, Sciencedirect, viewed 20 September 2011.

Author Date, Book title, Edition edn, Publisher, Place of publication.

Netter, FH 2011, Atlas of human anatomy, 5 edn, Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia.


Tahun terbit

Judul buku



Tempat penerbitan

Penulisan Ilmiah 10

Book with one author… (Bell 2006). atau Bell (2006) menjelaskan …

Bell, J 2006, Doing your research project, Open university press, England.

Book with two authors… (Lengnick-hall & Lengnick-hall 2003). atau Lengnick-hall dan Lengnick-hall (2003) menyatakan ….

Lengnick-hall, ML & Lengnick-hall, CA 2003, Human resource management in the knowledgeeconomy, Berrett-Koehler Publisher, Inc., San Fransisco.

Book with three authors… (Robbins, DeCenzo & Moon 2003). atau Robbins, DeCenzo, dan Moon (2003) berargumen ….

Robbins, SP, DeCenzo, DA & Moon H 2003, Fundamentals of management: essential concepts andapplications, Prentice Hall, New York.

Book with more than three authors (1-6)… (Gilroy et al. 2008). atau Gilroy et al. (2008) mendeskripsikan ….

Gilroy, A, MacPherson, B, Ross, L, Schuenke, M, Schulte, E & Schumacher, U 2008, Atlas ofanatomy (Thieme anatomy), Thieme Medical Publisher, Inc., New York.

E-book… (Yun-tao, 2011). atau Yun-tao (2011) menemukan ….

Yun-tao, M 2011, Biomedical acupuncture for sport and trauma: dry needling techniques, ChurchillLivingstone, Elsevier Inc., USA, Sciencedirect, viewed 20 September 2011.

Author Date, Book title, Edition edn, Publisher, Place of publication.

Netter, FH 2011, Atlas of human anatomy, 5 edn, Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia.


Tahun terbit

Judul buku



Tempat penerbitan

Penulisan Ilmiah 11


General Instruction

1. Chapter’s author name is last name or family name followed with first name abbreviation withoutcoma, example: Mohammad Hakimi write Hakimi, M, J. R. Torres Bermudez write Bermudez, JRT

2. Editor’s name is abbreviation of the first name followed with last or family name, withoutpunctuation or coma followed with ed. (single editor) or eds (multiple editor) in the bracket,example: Mohammad Hakimi ditulis M Hakimi (ed.)

3. Another rules follow the authored book4. Chapter title is written on the ‘…’5. Put the pages of the chapter after the word pp.

Chapter with author… (Dunphy & Benveniste 2000). atau Menurut Dunphy dan Benveniste (2000) ….

Dunphy, D & Benveniste, J 2000, ‘An introduction to the sustainable corporation’, in D Dunphy, JBeveniste, A Griffiths & P Sutton (eds), Sustainability the corporate challenge of the 21stcentury, Allen & Unwin, Australia, pp. 3-18.

Chapter’s author Year, ‘Chapter title’, in Editor’s name (ed./eds), Book title, Editionedn, Publisher, Place of publication, pp. pages.

Levine, DA 2011, ‘Growth and development’, in KJ Marcdante, RM Kliegman, HB Jenson & RE Behrman(eds), Nelson essentials of pediatrics, 6 edn, Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, pp. 13-44.

Pengarang bab Tahun terbit Judul bab

Edisi Tempat penerbitanJudul bab Penerbit

Editor buku


Penulisan Ilmiah 11


General Instruction

1. Chapter’s author name is last name or family name followed with first name abbreviation withoutcoma, example: Mohammad Hakimi write Hakimi, M, J. R. Torres Bermudez write Bermudez, JRT

2. Editor’s name is abbreviation of the first name followed with last or family name, withoutpunctuation or coma followed with ed. (single editor) or eds (multiple editor) in the bracket,example: Mohammad Hakimi ditulis M Hakimi (ed.)

3. Another rules follow the authored book4. Chapter title is written on the ‘…’5. Put the pages of the chapter after the word pp.

Chapter with author… (Dunphy & Benveniste 2000). atau Menurut Dunphy dan Benveniste (2000) ….

Dunphy, D & Benveniste, J 2000, ‘An introduction to the sustainable corporation’, in D Dunphy, JBeveniste, A Griffiths & P Sutton (eds), Sustainability the corporate challenge of the 21stcentury, Allen & Unwin, Australia, pp. 3-18.

Chapter’s author Year, ‘Chapter title’, in Editor’s name (ed./eds), Book title, Editionedn, Publisher, Place of publication, pp. pages.

Levine, DA 2011, ‘Growth and development’, in KJ Marcdante, RM Kliegman, HB Jenson & RE Behrman(eds), Nelson essentials of pediatrics, 6 edn, Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, pp. 13-44.

Pengarang bab Tahun terbit Judul bab

Edisi Tempat penerbitanJudul bab Penerbit

Editor buku


Penulisan Ilmiah 11


General Instruction

1. Chapter’s author name is last name or family name followed with first name abbreviation withoutcoma, example: Mohammad Hakimi write Hakimi, M, J. R. Torres Bermudez write Bermudez, JRT

2. Editor’s name is abbreviation of the first name followed with last or family name, withoutpunctuation or coma followed with ed. (single editor) or eds (multiple editor) in the bracket,example: Mohammad Hakimi ditulis M Hakimi (ed.)

3. Another rules follow the authored book4. Chapter title is written on the ‘…’5. Put the pages of the chapter after the word pp.

Chapter with author… (Dunphy & Benveniste 2000). atau Menurut Dunphy dan Benveniste (2000) ….

Dunphy, D & Benveniste, J 2000, ‘An introduction to the sustainable corporation’, in D Dunphy, JBeveniste, A Griffiths & P Sutton (eds), Sustainability the corporate challenge of the 21stcentury, Allen & Unwin, Australia, pp. 3-18.

Chapter’s author Year, ‘Chapter title’, in Editor’s name (ed./eds), Book title, Editionedn, Publisher, Place of publication, pp. pages.

Levine, DA 2011, ‘Growth and development’, in KJ Marcdante, RM Kliegman, HB Jenson & RE Behrman(eds), Nelson essentials of pediatrics, 6 edn, Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, pp. 13-44.

Pengarang bab Tahun terbit Judul bab

Edisi Tempat penerbitanJudul bab Penerbit

Editor buku


Penulisan Ilmiah 12


General instruction

1. Rules on writing author’s name followed the rule on the book section

2. Article title is written in the ‘ … ‘

3. The title is not capitalized except on the first word and the excepted word

4. Journal’s name are completely written and italized

5. Added information should be written are volume, number or issue, page

6. If journal is accessed electronicaly, add date of access, and URL

Author Year, ‘Article’s title’, Journal name, vol. (volume), no. (issue), pp. (page).

Author Year, ‘Article’s title’, Journal name, vol. (volume), no. (issue), pp. (page),viewed (date of access), name of database.

Siddharthan, K, Hodgson, M, Rosenberg, D, Haiduven, D & Nelson, A 2006, Under-reporting of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the VeteransAdministration, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, vol. 23, no.3, pp. 20-5.

Pengarang Judul Artikel

Nama JurnalIsu Volume



Cole, P 2011, ‘Reducing the impact on employers and employees of musculoskeletaldisorders: a strategic approach’, Strategic HR Review, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 23-31,viewed 20 September 2011, Emerald database.

Pengarang Judul Artikel



Nama Jurnal HalamanNama databaseTanggal akses

Penulisan Ilmiah 12


General instruction

1. Rules on writing author’s name followed the rule on the book section

2. Article title is written in the ‘ … ‘

3. The title is not capitalized except on the first word and the excepted word

4. Journal’s name are completely written and italized

5. Added information should be written are volume, number or issue, page

6. If journal is accessed electronicaly, add date of access, and URL

Author Year, ‘Article’s title’, Journal name, vol. (volume), no. (issue), pp. (page).

Author Year, ‘Article’s title’, Journal name, vol. (volume), no. (issue), pp. (page),viewed (date of access), name of database.

Siddharthan, K, Hodgson, M, Rosenberg, D, Haiduven, D & Nelson, A 2006, Under-reporting of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the VeteransAdministration, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, vol. 23, no.3, pp. 20-5.

Pengarang Judul Artikel

Nama JurnalIsu Volume



Cole, P 2011, ‘Reducing the impact on employers and employees of musculoskeletaldisorders: a strategic approach’, Strategic HR Review, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 23-31,viewed 20 September 2011, Emerald database.

Pengarang Judul Artikel



Nama Jurnal HalamanNama databaseTanggal akses

Penulisan Ilmiah 12


General instruction

1. Rules on writing author’s name followed the rule on the book section

2. Article title is written in the ‘ … ‘

3. The title is not capitalized except on the first word and the excepted word

4. Journal’s name are completely written and italized

5. Added information should be written are volume, number or issue, page

6. If journal is accessed electronicaly, add date of access, and URL

Author Year, ‘Article’s title’, Journal name, vol. (volume), no. (issue), pp. (page).

Author Year, ‘Article’s title’, Journal name, vol. (volume), no. (issue), pp. (page),viewed (date of access), name of database.

Siddharthan, K, Hodgson, M, Rosenberg, D, Haiduven, D & Nelson, A 2006, Under-reporting of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the VeteransAdministration, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, vol. 23, no.3, pp. 20-5.

Pengarang Judul Artikel

Nama JurnalIsu Volume



Cole, P 2011, ‘Reducing the impact on employers and employees of musculoskeletaldisorders: a strategic approach’, Strategic HR Review, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 23-31,viewed 20 September 2011, Emerald database.

Pengarang Judul Artikel



Nama Jurnal HalamanNama databaseTanggal akses

Penulisan Ilmiah 13

Printed journal… (Gray & Densetn 2003). atau Berdasarkan penelitian Gray dan Densetn (2003) ….

Gray, JH & Densetn, IL 2003, ‘Towards an integrative model of organizational culture andknowledge management’, International Journal of Organizational Behaviour, vol. 9, no. 2,pp. 594-603.

Online journal or from electronic database If document taken from database or website which is not clear wheter it is a database or not so it

has to be put the word “database” after the source

… (Dagherty 1998). atau Dagherty (1998) menemukan ….

Dagherty, RMJ 1998, ‘Leading among leaders: the dean in today’s medical school’, AcademicMedicine, vol. 73, no. 6, pp. 649-53, viewed 29 September 2009, Ovid database.

If document is taken from open source or free, the complete URL address has to be written down

… (Koh et al. 2008). atau Koh et al. (2008) menemukan ….

Koh, GC, Khoo, HE, Wong, ML, Koh, D 2008, ‘The effects of problem-based learning during medicalschool on physician competency: a systematic review’, CMAJ, vol. 178, no. 1, pp. 34-41,viewed 21 September 2011,http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2151117/pdf/20080101s00018p34.pdf?tool=pmcentrez

Example of free journal with author more than 6… (Schlett et al. 2010). atau Menurut Schlett et al. (2010) …..

Schlett, CL, Doll, H, Dahmen, J, Polacsek, O, Federkeil, G, Fischer, MR et al. 2010, ‘ Jobrequirements compared to medical school education: differences between graduates fromproblem-based learning and conventional curricula’, BMC Medical Education, vol. 10: 1,viewed 28 September 2011,http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2824799/pdf/1472-6920-10-1.pdf?tool=pmcentrez

Other source

Web page/document from internet

Information should be written:o Author/editoro Date of documento Document titleo Sponsoro Access dateo URL

Penulisan Ilmiah 13

Printed journal… (Gray & Densetn 2003). atau Berdasarkan penelitian Gray dan Densetn (2003) ….

Gray, JH & Densetn, IL 2003, ‘Towards an integrative model of organizational culture andknowledge management’, International Journal of Organizational Behaviour, vol. 9, no. 2,pp. 594-603.

Online journal or from electronic database If document taken from database or website which is not clear wheter it is a database or not so it

has to be put the word “database” after the source

… (Dagherty 1998). atau Dagherty (1998) menemukan ….

Dagherty, RMJ 1998, ‘Leading among leaders: the dean in today’s medical school’, AcademicMedicine, vol. 73, no. 6, pp. 649-53, viewed 29 September 2009, Ovid database.

If document is taken from open source or free, the complete URL address has to be written down

… (Koh et al. 2008). atau Koh et al. (2008) menemukan ….

Koh, GC, Khoo, HE, Wong, ML, Koh, D 2008, ‘The effects of problem-based learning during medicalschool on physician competency: a systematic review’, CMAJ, vol. 178, no. 1, pp. 34-41,viewed 21 September 2011,http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2151117/pdf/20080101s00018p34.pdf?tool=pmcentrez

Example of free journal with author more than 6… (Schlett et al. 2010). atau Menurut Schlett et al. (2010) …..

Schlett, CL, Doll, H, Dahmen, J, Polacsek, O, Federkeil, G, Fischer, MR et al. 2010, ‘ Jobrequirements compared to medical school education: differences between graduates fromproblem-based learning and conventional curricula’, BMC Medical Education, vol. 10: 1,viewed 28 September 2011,http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2824799/pdf/1472-6920-10-1.pdf?tool=pmcentrez

Other source

Web page/document from internet

Information should be written:o Author/editoro Date of documento Document titleo Sponsoro Access dateo URL

Penulisan Ilmiah 13

Printed journal… (Gray & Densetn 2003). atau Berdasarkan penelitian Gray dan Densetn (2003) ….

Gray, JH & Densetn, IL 2003, ‘Towards an integrative model of organizational culture andknowledge management’, International Journal of Organizational Behaviour, vol. 9, no. 2,pp. 594-603.

Online journal or from electronic database If document taken from database or website which is not clear wheter it is a database or not so it

has to be put the word “database” after the source

… (Dagherty 1998). atau Dagherty (1998) menemukan ….

Dagherty, RMJ 1998, ‘Leading among leaders: the dean in today’s medical school’, AcademicMedicine, vol. 73, no. 6, pp. 649-53, viewed 29 September 2009, Ovid database.

If document is taken from open source or free, the complete URL address has to be written down

… (Koh et al. 2008). atau Koh et al. (2008) menemukan ….

Koh, GC, Khoo, HE, Wong, ML, Koh, D 2008, ‘The effects of problem-based learning during medicalschool on physician competency: a systematic review’, CMAJ, vol. 178, no. 1, pp. 34-41,viewed 21 September 2011,http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2151117/pdf/20080101s00018p34.pdf?tool=pmcentrez

Example of free journal with author more than 6… (Schlett et al. 2010). atau Menurut Schlett et al. (2010) …..

Schlett, CL, Doll, H, Dahmen, J, Polacsek, O, Federkeil, G, Fischer, MR et al. 2010, ‘ Jobrequirements compared to medical school education: differences between graduates fromproblem-based learning and conventional curricula’, BMC Medical Education, vol. 10: 1,viewed 28 September 2011,http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2824799/pdf/1472-6920-10-1.pdf?tool=pmcentrez

Other source

Web page/document from internet

Information should be written:o Author/editoro Date of documento Document titleo Sponsoro Access dateo URL

Penulisan Ilmiah 14

If there is no date or author, give n.d. after title. Becarefull when using this type of publicationbecause of the reliability and validity issue

Example:… (Gelfand 2010). Atau … merupakan gejala-gejala common cold menurut Gelfand (2010).

Gelfand, JL 2010, Understanding common cold – symptoms, WebMD, viewed 21 September 2011,< http://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/understanding-common-cold-symptoms>

Thesis/disertation… (Aryanty 2010). atau Aryanty (2010) menjelaskan ….

Aryanty, N 2010, Pengalaman belajar mahasiswa tahun pertama Fakultas Kedokteran UniversitasGadjah Mada menggunakan problem-based learning, thesis, Yogyakarta, Universitas GadajahMada.

Lecture/personal communication Lectures are not publish taken as personal communication and it is not necessary to be written on

the literature list section

Information abaout the literature is written in the in text citation section with:o Lecturer name or source name, first name followed with last nameo University name or place the lecture take place inside the [ … ]o Yearo Unit codeo Date of lecture

Example In text citation… Mahasiswa kedokteran harus mampu menjadi “pembelajar yang kritis” (GR Rahayu [UniversitasGadjah Mada] 2011, Adult learner lecture, 20 September). …

Newspaper Information:

o Article’s authoro Yearo Article’s title in the ‘…’o Newspaper title is italizedo Date of publicationo Page

Example… (Ikawati 2011). atau Ikawati (2011) mengemukakan bahwa RAMA …

Ikawati , Y 2011, ‘RAMA mengendus La Nina’, Kompas, 26 September, p. 14.

If there is no information about the author so it has to be written in text citation section but not inthe reference list section (Newspaper name, date of publication, page)

… terdapat desa tertinggal (Kompas 21 September 2011, p. 2).

Penulisan Ilmiah 14

If there is no date or author, give n.d. after title. Becarefull when using this type of publicationbecause of the reliability and validity issue

Example:… (Gelfand 2010). Atau … merupakan gejala-gejala common cold menurut Gelfand (2010).

Gelfand, JL 2010, Understanding common cold – symptoms, WebMD, viewed 21 September 2011,< http://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/understanding-common-cold-symptoms>

Thesis/disertation… (Aryanty 2010). atau Aryanty (2010) menjelaskan ….

Aryanty, N 2010, Pengalaman belajar mahasiswa tahun pertama Fakultas Kedokteran UniversitasGadjah Mada menggunakan problem-based learning, thesis, Yogyakarta, Universitas GadajahMada.

Lecture/personal communication Lectures are not publish taken as personal communication and it is not necessary to be written on

the literature list section

Information abaout the literature is written in the in text citation section with:o Lecturer name or source name, first name followed with last nameo University name or place the lecture take place inside the [ … ]o Yearo Unit codeo Date of lecture

Example In text citation… Mahasiswa kedokteran harus mampu menjadi “pembelajar yang kritis” (GR Rahayu [UniversitasGadjah Mada] 2011, Adult learner lecture, 20 September). …

Newspaper Information:

o Article’s authoro Yearo Article’s title in the ‘…’o Newspaper title is italizedo Date of publicationo Page

Example… (Ikawati 2011). atau Ikawati (2011) mengemukakan bahwa RAMA …

Ikawati , Y 2011, ‘RAMA mengendus La Nina’, Kompas, 26 September, p. 14.

If there is no information about the author so it has to be written in text citation section but not inthe reference list section (Newspaper name, date of publication, page)

… terdapat desa tertinggal (Kompas 21 September 2011, p. 2).

Penulisan Ilmiah 14

If there is no date or author, give n.d. after title. Becarefull when using this type of publicationbecause of the reliability and validity issue

Example:… (Gelfand 2010). Atau … merupakan gejala-gejala common cold menurut Gelfand (2010).

Gelfand, JL 2010, Understanding common cold – symptoms, WebMD, viewed 21 September 2011,< http://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/understanding-common-cold-symptoms>

Thesis/disertation… (Aryanty 2010). atau Aryanty (2010) menjelaskan ….

Aryanty, N 2010, Pengalaman belajar mahasiswa tahun pertama Fakultas Kedokteran UniversitasGadjah Mada menggunakan problem-based learning, thesis, Yogyakarta, Universitas GadajahMada.

Lecture/personal communication Lectures are not publish taken as personal communication and it is not necessary to be written on

the literature list section

Information abaout the literature is written in the in text citation section with:o Lecturer name or source name, first name followed with last nameo University name or place the lecture take place inside the [ … ]o Yearo Unit codeo Date of lecture

Example In text citation… Mahasiswa kedokteran harus mampu menjadi “pembelajar yang kritis” (GR Rahayu [UniversitasGadjah Mada] 2011, Adult learner lecture, 20 September). …

Newspaper Information:

o Article’s authoro Yearo Article’s title in the ‘…’o Newspaper title is italizedo Date of publicationo Page

Example… (Ikawati 2011). atau Ikawati (2011) mengemukakan bahwa RAMA …

Ikawati , Y 2011, ‘RAMA mengendus La Nina’, Kompas, 26 September, p. 14.

If there is no information about the author so it has to be written in text citation section but not inthe reference list section (Newspaper name, date of publication, page)

… terdapat desa tertinggal (Kompas 21 September 2011, p. 2).

Penulisan Ilmiah 15

If taken from electronic database or online newspaper please add:o Date of access by added the word “viewed” in fronto Data base address or URL address

Example… (Mason 2011). atau Mason (2011) mengungkapkan ….

Mason, M 2011, ‘Sniffling, sneezing and turning cubicles into sick bays’, The New York Times, 17February, viewed 21 September 2011, The New York Times Archives database.

Penulisan Ilmiah 15

If taken from electronic database or online newspaper please add:o Date of access by added the word “viewed” in fronto Data base address or URL address

Example… (Mason 2011). atau Mason (2011) mengungkapkan ….

Mason, M 2011, ‘Sniffling, sneezing and turning cubicles into sick bays’, The New York Times, 17February, viewed 21 September 2011, The New York Times Archives database.

Penulisan Ilmiah 15

If taken from electronic database or online newspaper please add:o Date of access by added the word “viewed” in fronto Data base address or URL address

Example… (Mason 2011). atau Mason (2011) mengungkapkan ….

Mason, M 2011, ‘Sniffling, sneezing and turning cubicles into sick bays’, The New York Times, 17February, viewed 21 September 2011, The New York Times Archives database.

Penulisan Ilmiah 16

Vancouver referencing style is a numbered style. Each source of information is translated into arabicnumber.

Further information can be obtained from Citing Medicine, http://www.nlm.nih.gov/citingmedicine.

In-text citation

General instruction

1. Sources are showed as arabic number (1, 2, 3, dst).2. Number use in the writing is static, means everytime the same source is used the same number is

used.3. Number is listed according to the appearance in the writing, first appear first listed.4. Number is writed down in the right side of coma or punctuation and in the left side of semicolon or

colon5. If the citation sources are two or more, give coma between number6. If citation sources are three or more with consequtive number put – between numbers

7. Number can be written down as superscript or inside the bracket8. If written down the name of the source in the body of writing, put the number after the last or the

family author name9. If cite a sources, the number of the source is placed at the end of the citation

Direct quotation

Harsono1 … atau Harsono(1) ….

… tutor berperan sebagai fasilitator.1 atau … tutor berperan sebagai fasilitator.(1)

Undergraduate and graduate medical education programs continue toexpand ambulatory training, recognizing the discordance the educationalcontent of inpatient education and the practice of medicine. New trainingsites include university-based teaching practices and community offices.1-3

Although these experiences offer unique opportunities,4,5 they presentseveral challenges for preceptors, including limited interaction time,6 …

Sumber: J Gen Intern Med 2003;18:468-74

VVaannccoouuvveerrrreeffeerreenncciinngg ssttyyllee

Penulisan Ilmiah 16

Vancouver referencing style is a numbered style. Each source of information is translated into arabicnumber.

Further information can be obtained from Citing Medicine, http://www.nlm.nih.gov/citingmedicine.

In-text citation

General instruction

1. Sources are showed as arabic number (1, 2, 3, dst).2. Number use in the writing is static, means everytime the same source is used the same number is

used.3. Number is listed according to the appearance in the writing, first appear first listed.4. Number is writed down in the right side of coma or punctuation and in the left side of semicolon or

colon5. If the citation sources are two or more, give coma between number6. If citation sources are three or more with consequtive number put – between numbers

7. Number can be written down as superscript or inside the bracket8. If written down the name of the source in the body of writing, put the number after the last or the

family author name9. If cite a sources, the number of the source is placed at the end of the citation

Direct quotation

Harsono1 … atau Harsono(1) ….

… tutor berperan sebagai fasilitator.1 atau … tutor berperan sebagai fasilitator.(1)

Undergraduate and graduate medical education programs continue toexpand ambulatory training, recognizing the discordance the educationalcontent of inpatient education and the practice of medicine. New trainingsites include university-based teaching practices and community offices.1-3

Although these experiences offer unique opportunities,4,5 they presentseveral challenges for preceptors, including limited interaction time,6 …

Sumber: J Gen Intern Med 2003;18:468-74

VVaannccoouuvveerrrreeffeerreenncciinngg ssttyyllee

Penulisan Ilmiah 16

Vancouver referencing style is a numbered style. Each source of information is translated into arabicnumber.

Further information can be obtained from Citing Medicine, http://www.nlm.nih.gov/citingmedicine.

In-text citation

General instruction

1. Sources are showed as arabic number (1, 2, 3, dst).2. Number use in the writing is static, means everytime the same source is used the same number is

used.3. Number is listed according to the appearance in the writing, first appear first listed.4. Number is writed down in the right side of coma or punctuation and in the left side of semicolon or

colon5. If the citation sources are two or more, give coma between number6. If citation sources are three or more with consequtive number put – between numbers

7. Number can be written down as superscript or inside the bracket8. If written down the name of the source in the body of writing, put the number after the last or the

family author name9. If cite a sources, the number of the source is placed at the end of the citation

Direct quotation

Harsono1 … atau Harsono(1) ….

… tutor berperan sebagai fasilitator.1 atau … tutor berperan sebagai fasilitator.(1)

Undergraduate and graduate medical education programs continue toexpand ambulatory training, recognizing the discordance the educationalcontent of inpatient education and the practice of medicine. New trainingsites include university-based teaching practices and community offices.1-3

Although these experiences offer unique opportunities,4,5 they presentseveral challenges for preceptors, including limited interaction time,6 …

Sumber: J Gen Intern Med 2003;18:468-74

VVaannccoouuvveerrrreeffeerreenncciinngg ssttyyllee

Penulisan Ilmiah 17

1. If direct quotation is less than 4 lines so the direct quotation is written inside the “…” and the pagehas to be noted after the source’s number

2. If direct quotation is more than 4 lines, it is writed down as a block of writing and using smallerletter and without “…”

3. Page can be writed after the source number in the round bracket

RReeffeerreennccee LLiisstt

1. Write at the end of the writing and note all bibliographic information from the information sourcesare used

2. Write according number at the in text citation section3. Numbers are writed as arabic number with punctuation afterward4. Reference list is writed down according to the left margin


General Instruction

1. Author name is last name or family name followed with first name abbreviation without coma orpunctuation, example: Mohammad Hakimi write Hakimi M,

2. If the first name is more than 2 words it is abbreviated to the second name, example: Raka ArifRahman Ghifari ditulis Ghifari RA

3. If the last name is comprised of 2 or more words with or without hypen, all have to be writed down,example: Joseph Raul Torres Bermudez ditulis Torres Bermudez JR

4. If the last name is using family rank, it is writed down after the abbreviation of the first name,change the roman number with arabic number, example: Vincent T. DeVita, Jr. ditulis DeVita VT Jr,James G. Jones II ditulis Jones JG 2nd

5. If author is more than one, names are not separated with the word or sign and, example: Hakimi M,Rahayu GR, Emilia O

6. If author is more than six, write until the sixth and add et al. behind the last author7. Title of publication are not capitalized except on the excepted word and italized, example: Ganong's

review of medical physiology, The Smithsonian atlas of the Amazon

Smith, Dollase, Boss5(p101) explained that “the beginning level represents the level of abilitythat should be achieved by a student prior to entering the clinical portion of the medicalcurriculum”.

Smith, Dollase, Boss5(p101) stated that:In evaluating competency in history-taking performance in the fourth-year OSCE stations that assess this skill,the overall average rating is used to determine passing or failing. The pass/fail cutoff is derived using acompromise standard setting technique described by Hofstee5 in which faculty estimates of maximallyacceptable rates of passing and failing are combined with empirically derived data.

Xxxxxxxxxxxx next sentences xxxxxxx

Penulisan Ilmiah 17

1. If direct quotation is less than 4 lines so the direct quotation is written inside the “…” and the pagehas to be noted after the source’s number

2. If direct quotation is more than 4 lines, it is writed down as a block of writing and using smallerletter and without “…”

3. Page can be writed after the source number in the round bracket

RReeffeerreennccee LLiisstt

1. Write at the end of the writing and note all bibliographic information from the information sourcesare used

2. Write according number at the in text citation section3. Numbers are writed as arabic number with punctuation afterward4. Reference list is writed down according to the left margin


General Instruction

1. Author name is last name or family name followed with first name abbreviation without coma orpunctuation, example: Mohammad Hakimi write Hakimi M,

2. If the first name is more than 2 words it is abbreviated to the second name, example: Raka ArifRahman Ghifari ditulis Ghifari RA

3. If the last name is comprised of 2 or more words with or without hypen, all have to be writed down,example: Joseph Raul Torres Bermudez ditulis Torres Bermudez JR

4. If the last name is using family rank, it is writed down after the abbreviation of the first name,change the roman number with arabic number, example: Vincent T. DeVita, Jr. ditulis DeVita VT Jr,James G. Jones II ditulis Jones JG 2nd

5. If author is more than one, names are not separated with the word or sign and, example: Hakimi M,Rahayu GR, Emilia O

6. If author is more than six, write until the sixth and add et al. behind the last author7. Title of publication are not capitalized except on the excepted word and italized, example: Ganong's

review of medical physiology, The Smithsonian atlas of the Amazon

Smith, Dollase, Boss5(p101) explained that “the beginning level represents the level of abilitythat should be achieved by a student prior to entering the clinical portion of the medicalcurriculum”.

Smith, Dollase, Boss5(p101) stated that:In evaluating competency in history-taking performance in the fourth-year OSCE stations that assess this skill,the overall average rating is used to determine passing or failing. The pass/fail cutoff is derived using acompromise standard setting technique described by Hofstee5 in which faculty estimates of maximallyacceptable rates of passing and failing are combined with empirically derived data.

Xxxxxxxxxxxx next sentences xxxxxxx

Penulisan Ilmiah 17

1. If direct quotation is less than 4 lines so the direct quotation is written inside the “…” and the pagehas to be noted after the source’s number

2. If direct quotation is more than 4 lines, it is writed down as a block of writing and using smallerletter and without “…”

3. Page can be writed after the source number in the round bracket

RReeffeerreennccee LLiisstt

1. Write at the end of the writing and note all bibliographic information from the information sourcesare used

2. Write according number at the in text citation section3. Numbers are writed as arabic number with punctuation afterward4. Reference list is writed down according to the left margin


General Instruction

1. Author name is last name or family name followed with first name abbreviation without coma orpunctuation, example: Mohammad Hakimi write Hakimi M,

2. If the first name is more than 2 words it is abbreviated to the second name, example: Raka ArifRahman Ghifari ditulis Ghifari RA

3. If the last name is comprised of 2 or more words with or without hypen, all have to be writed down,example: Joseph Raul Torres Bermudez ditulis Torres Bermudez JR

4. If the last name is using family rank, it is writed down after the abbreviation of the first name,change the roman number with arabic number, example: Vincent T. DeVita, Jr. ditulis DeVita VT Jr,James G. Jones II ditulis Jones JG 2nd

5. If author is more than one, names are not separated with the word or sign and, example: Hakimi M,Rahayu GR, Emilia O

6. If author is more than six, write until the sixth and add et al. behind the last author7. Title of publication are not capitalized except on the excepted word and italized, example: Ganong's

review of medical physiology, The Smithsonian atlas of the Amazon

Smith, Dollase, Boss5(p101) explained that “the beginning level represents the level of abilitythat should be achieved by a student prior to entering the clinical portion of the medicalcurriculum”.

Smith, Dollase, Boss5(p101) stated that:In evaluating competency in history-taking performance in the fourth-year OSCE stations that assess this skill,the overall average rating is used to determine passing or failing. The pass/fail cutoff is derived using acompromise standard setting technique described by Hofstee5 in which faculty estimates of maximallyacceptable rates of passing and failing are combined with empirically derived data.

Xxxxxxxxxxxx next sentences xxxxxxx

Penulisan Ilmiah 18

8. If place of publication come from the not so well known city put in the bracket the name of thecountry behind it, example: Clayton (Australia), Cebu (Philippines)

9. For e-book add information of date of access and the URL, example: e-book accessed date 22October 2010 write [cited 2010 Oct 22], URL: Available from: SpringerLink

General pattern

Authored book


Author. Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year.

Chapter author. Chapter title. In: Editor name, editor(s). Book title. Edition. Placepublication: Publisher; Year.

Author. Title of e-book [Internet]. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year[accessed date]. Length of page. Available from: URL

1. Dahlan MS. Statistik untuk kedokteran dan kesehatan. 4th ed.Jakarta: Salemba Medika; 2009.

Pengarang Judul buku Edisi Tempat terbit

Tahun terbitPenerbit

2. Mann K, Dornan T, Teunissen PW. Perspectives on learning. In: Dornan T,Mann K, Scherpbier A, Spencer J, editors. Medical education theory and practice.Edinburg (UK): Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 2011.

Pengarang bab Judul bab Editor

Judul bukuTempat penerbitan Penerbit Tahun terbit

3. Rubin JP, Matarasso A. Aesthetic surgery after massive weight loss [Internet].New York: Elsevier; 2007 [cited 2011 Sep 23]. Available from:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781416029526

Judul bukuTempat penerbitan

Penerbit Tahun terbit


Tanggal akses Alamat URL

Penulisan Ilmiah 18

8. If place of publication come from the not so well known city put in the bracket the name of thecountry behind it, example: Clayton (Australia), Cebu (Philippines)

9. For e-book add information of date of access and the URL, example: e-book accessed date 22October 2010 write [cited 2010 Oct 22], URL: Available from: SpringerLink

General pattern

Authored book


Author. Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year.

Chapter author. Chapter title. In: Editor name, editor(s). Book title. Edition. Placepublication: Publisher; Year.

Author. Title of e-book [Internet]. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year[accessed date]. Length of page. Available from: URL

1. Dahlan MS. Statistik untuk kedokteran dan kesehatan. 4th ed.Jakarta: Salemba Medika; 2009.

Pengarang Judul buku Edisi Tempat terbit

Tahun terbitPenerbit

2. Mann K, Dornan T, Teunissen PW. Perspectives on learning. In: Dornan T,Mann K, Scherpbier A, Spencer J, editors. Medical education theory and practice.Edinburg (UK): Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 2011.

Pengarang bab Judul bab Editor

Judul bukuTempat penerbitan Penerbit Tahun terbit

3. Rubin JP, Matarasso A. Aesthetic surgery after massive weight loss [Internet].New York: Elsevier; 2007 [cited 2011 Sep 23]. Available from:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781416029526

Judul bukuTempat penerbitan

Penerbit Tahun terbit


Tanggal akses Alamat URL

Penulisan Ilmiah 18

8. If place of publication come from the not so well known city put in the bracket the name of thecountry behind it, example: Clayton (Australia), Cebu (Philippines)

9. For e-book add information of date of access and the URL, example: e-book accessed date 22October 2010 write [cited 2010 Oct 22], URL: Available from: SpringerLink

General pattern

Authored book


Author. Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year.

Chapter author. Chapter title. In: Editor name, editor(s). Book title. Edition. Placepublication: Publisher; Year.

Author. Title of e-book [Internet]. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year[accessed date]. Length of page. Available from: URL

1. Dahlan MS. Statistik untuk kedokteran dan kesehatan. 4th ed.Jakarta: Salemba Medika; 2009.

Pengarang Judul buku Edisi Tempat terbit

Tahun terbitPenerbit

2. Mann K, Dornan T, Teunissen PW. Perspectives on learning. In: Dornan T,Mann K, Scherpbier A, Spencer J, editors. Medical education theory and practice.Edinburg (UK): Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 2011.

Pengarang bab Judul bab Editor

Judul bukuTempat penerbitan Penerbit Tahun terbit

3. Rubin JP, Matarasso A. Aesthetic surgery after massive weight loss [Internet].New York: Elsevier; 2007 [cited 2011 Sep 23]. Available from:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9781416029526

Judul bukuTempat penerbitan

Penerbit Tahun terbit


Tanggal akses Alamat URL

Penulisan Ilmiah 19

Book with 1 – 6 authors1. Moore KL, Dalley AF, Agur AM. Clinically oriented anatomy. 6th ed. Maryland: Lippincott Williams &Wilkins; 2009.

2. Rohen JW, Lutjen-Drecoll E, Yokochi C. Color atlas of anatomy: a photographic study of the humanbody. 7th ed. Maryland: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2010.

Book with > 6 authors3. Phillips H, Rogers B, Bernheim KL, Liu H, Hunter PG, Evans J, et al. Community medicine in action.New York: Eastern Press; 2005.

e-Book4. Field T. American Psychological Association. Complementary and alternative therapies research[Internet]. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association; 2009 [cited 2010 Mar 3]. Availablefrom: American Psychological Association.

5. Dempsey J, French J, Hillege S, Wilson V, Taylor CR, Lillis C, et al. Fundamendals of nursing andmidwifery: a person-centered approach to care [Internet]. 1st ed. Broadway (USA): Lippincott Williams& Wilkins; 2009 [cited 2009 Sep 18]. Available from: Books@Ovid

Editored book Each chapter should be writed down as different entry eventhough from the same book

ExampleChapter with author6. Curtis TC. The nervous system. In: Rubin R, Strayer DS, editors. Rubin's pathology: clinicopathologicfoundations of medicine. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2007.

Chapter without author7. Normal anatomy of the chest. In: Collins J, Stern EJ, editors. Chest radiology: the essentials[Internet]. 2nd ed. Philadelphia (PA): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008 [cited 2009 Apr 6]. Availablefrom: Books@Ovid


General Instruction1. Rule for name of author same with the rule on the Book section2. Article’s title are not necessarily to be capitalised except on the first word and the excepted word

according to the capitalisation rule, example: Adenoidectomy in children with recurrent upperrespiratory infections

3. Name of the journal has to be abbreviated, list of journal abbreviation can be found inwww.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/lji.html atau http://www.bioscience.org/atlases/jourabbr/list.htm

4. Page number can be truncated in the same part, example: page 81 – 89 write 81-9, 1120 – 1145write 1120-45

5. For e-journal add date of access and URL like on the e-book section

Penulisan Ilmiah 20

General pattern

Printed journalExample

1 – 6 authors1. Resch KD. Postmortem inspection for neurosurgery: a training model for endoscopic dissectiontechnique. Neurosurg Rev. 2002;25(1-2):79-88.

> 6 authors2. Bermudez JR, Buess G, Waseda M, Gacek I, Garcia FB, Manukyan GA, et al. Laparoscopicintracorporal colorectal sutured anastomosis using the Radius Surgical System in a phantom model. SurgEndosc. 2009;23(7):1624-32.

No author3. Pelvic floor exercise can reduce stress incontinence. Health News. 2005 Apr;11(4):11.

Organisation as author4. Parkinson Study Group. A randomized placebo-controlled trial of rasagiline in levodopa-treatedpatients with Parkinson disease and motor fluctuations: the PRESTO study. Arch Neurol. 2005Feb;62(2):241-8.

Issue with supplemen5. Mastri AR. Neuropathy of diabetic neurogenic bladder. Ann Intern Med. 1980;92(2 pt 2):316-8.

Author. Article title. Name of the jornal. Year;Volume(issue):page.

Author. Article title. Journal title [Internet]. Year [tanggal akses];Volume(issue):page.Available from: URL

D'Eon M, Proctor P, Bassendowski S, Udahl B. Effective programmatic tutor trainingfor interprofessional problem-based learning. J of Fac Dev. 2009;23(3):20-5.

Pengarang Judul Artikel

IsuVolumeTahunNama Jurnal Halaman

Dolmans DH, Janssen-Noordman, Wolfhagen HA. Can students differentiatesbetween PBL tutors with different tutoring deficiencies?. Med Teach [Internet].2006 [cited 2011 Sep 4];28(6):e156-e161. Available from: Informa Healtcare.

IsuVolumeTahun Nama JurnalHalaman

Pengarang Judul Artikel

Tanggal akses Nama database

Penulisan Ilmiah 20

General pattern

Printed journalExample

1 – 6 authors1. Resch KD. Postmortem inspection for neurosurgery: a training model for endoscopic dissectiontechnique. Neurosurg Rev. 2002;25(1-2):79-88.

> 6 authors2. Bermudez JR, Buess G, Waseda M, Gacek I, Garcia FB, Manukyan GA, et al. Laparoscopicintracorporal colorectal sutured anastomosis using the Radius Surgical System in a phantom model. SurgEndosc. 2009;23(7):1624-32.

No author3. Pelvic floor exercise can reduce stress incontinence. Health News. 2005 Apr;11(4):11.

Organisation as author4. Parkinson Study Group. A randomized placebo-controlled trial of rasagiline in levodopa-treatedpatients with Parkinson disease and motor fluctuations: the PRESTO study. Arch Neurol. 2005Feb;62(2):241-8.

Issue with supplemen5. Mastri AR. Neuropathy of diabetic neurogenic bladder. Ann Intern Med. 1980;92(2 pt 2):316-8.

Author. Article title. Name of the jornal. Year;Volume(issue):page.

Author. Article title. Journal title [Internet]. Year [tanggal akses];Volume(issue):page.Available from: URL

D'Eon M, Proctor P, Bassendowski S, Udahl B. Effective programmatic tutor trainingfor interprofessional problem-based learning. J of Fac Dev. 2009;23(3):20-5.

Pengarang Judul Artikel

IsuVolumeTahunNama Jurnal Halaman

Dolmans DH, Janssen-Noordman, Wolfhagen HA. Can students differentiatesbetween PBL tutors with different tutoring deficiencies?. Med Teach [Internet].2006 [cited 2011 Sep 4];28(6):e156-e161. Available from: Informa Healtcare.

IsuVolumeTahun Nama JurnalHalaman

Pengarang Judul Artikel

Tanggal akses Nama database

Penulisan Ilmiah 20

General pattern

Printed journalExample

1 – 6 authors1. Resch KD. Postmortem inspection for neurosurgery: a training model for endoscopic dissectiontechnique. Neurosurg Rev. 2002;25(1-2):79-88.

> 6 authors2. Bermudez JR, Buess G, Waseda M, Gacek I, Garcia FB, Manukyan GA, et al. Laparoscopicintracorporal colorectal sutured anastomosis using the Radius Surgical System in a phantom model. SurgEndosc. 2009;23(7):1624-32.

No author3. Pelvic floor exercise can reduce stress incontinence. Health News. 2005 Apr;11(4):11.

Organisation as author4. Parkinson Study Group. A randomized placebo-controlled trial of rasagiline in levodopa-treatedpatients with Parkinson disease and motor fluctuations: the PRESTO study. Arch Neurol. 2005Feb;62(2):241-8.

Issue with supplemen5. Mastri AR. Neuropathy of diabetic neurogenic bladder. Ann Intern Med. 1980;92(2 pt 2):316-8.

Author. Article title. Name of the jornal. Year;Volume(issue):page.

Author. Article title. Journal title [Internet]. Year [tanggal akses];Volume(issue):page.Available from: URL

D'Eon M, Proctor P, Bassendowski S, Udahl B. Effective programmatic tutor trainingfor interprofessional problem-based learning. J of Fac Dev. 2009;23(3):20-5.

Pengarang Judul Artikel

IsuVolumeTahunNama Jurnal Halaman

Dolmans DH, Janssen-Noordman, Wolfhagen HA. Can students differentiatesbetween PBL tutors with different tutoring deficiencies?. Med Teach [Internet].2006 [cited 2011 Sep 4];28(6):e156-e161. Available from: Informa Healtcare.

IsuVolumeTahun Nama JurnalHalaman

Pengarang Judul Artikel

Tanggal akses Nama database

Penulisan Ilmiah 21

Volume with supplemen6. Frumin AM, Nussbaum J, Esposito M. Functional aspensia: demonstration of splenic activity bybone marrow scan. Blood. 1979;59 Suppl 1:26-32.

Forthcoming article (in press or forthcoming)7. Laking G, Lord J, Fischer A. The economics of diagnosis. Health Econ. Forthcoming 2006

Online article



8. Re VL 3rd, Gluckman SJ. Fever in the returned traveler. Am Fam Physician [Internet]. 2003 [cited2011 Sep 22];68:1343-50. Available from: http://www.aafp.org/afp/2003/1001/p1343.pdf.

Database from library9. Johansen MA, Henriksen E, Berntsen G, Horsch A. Electronic symptom reporting by patients: aliterature review. Stud Health Technol Inform [Internet]. 2011 [cited 2011 Sep 8];169:13-7. Availablefrom: Pubmed

Other sourceDocument from internet10. Neithercott T. The importance of breakfast [document on the internet]. American diabetesassociation; 2011 [cited 2011 Sep 10]. Available from: http://forecast.diabetes.org/magazine/food-thought/the-importance-breakfast/?utm_source=Homepage&utm_medium=FeatureSlider1&utm_content=forecast-breakfast-sept2011&utm_campaign=DF

11. British thoracic society and scottish intercollegiate guidelines network. British guideline on themanagement of asthma: quick reference guide [document on the internet]. British thoracic society;2011 [cited 2011 Sep 17]. Available from: http://www.brit-thoracic.org.uk/Portals/0/Clinical%20Information/Asthma/Guidelines/qrg101%202011.pdf

12. Diabetes Australia. Diabetes management in general practice: guidelines for type 2 diabetes[document on the internet]. 17th ed. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioner; 2011 [cited2011 Sep 18]. Available from:http://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au/PageFiles/763/Diabetes%20Management%20in%20General%20Practice%202011-12.pdf

NewspaperNo author13. Cacat bawaan: tim dokter pasang selaput pelindung jantung. Kompas. 2011 Sep 22; 13.

With author14. Pabottingi M. Munir dalam kerangka keindonesiaan. Kompas. 2011 Sep 22; 6.

Penulisan Ilmiah 22

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