
mmd gteprtth. rm *.FEIUU -U'Y .*.. mb\ R8BURO. PB! a .. r a pi I,., CBTBCB BBBICATII I I*] KL ktXlPWt' MT-.'NIsne'X PAPER I. I neinr. the pi ,i lblpfl.1 Nu,n. Masonic distriet. ol u lin* ¦ ie i>.«- .I.lel'.e lu,-eh.rite;*.:/. ,1 En :'- response «eomplltot ni Heall- lol «n:ui. ¦lu.,1 le I j, av* I elf I a tun I, be*IB ite c in- -ni rounds au oi bc un- -ri t of 90 .'uni :> sim in -.olid Bold. Oa i et in ' ..¦ fol- V s,..-. ,| |o R, NV. [). D U. M., Klotb Dis- , January, hun ; bj el isps el to lillie branch ol Ma- xi r hall :i ponnd, and , _¦..). ly finished. This i evei I- bal i- known ;.- .'l.T - irs Bland- , of I his Iy, was ( ol a s, nn iii ri Ive ti Hi's city il Ni-it t the \ P -.. -lops (.rand fr -in Norfolk !o- : r ly*ls, Mr. I Bj***. and has ilium ions mee f lc .chi .-Mn : M I) In nd «ill he Sunday In I ..,,. ,i..i_i C\ STY. < 111- i hm 'i j 3, fe fi: We had a snow-**! il tc s ,l, |,.|, ()f anoul Dui hus rapidly melted Bar- John L. Barbour, :. f .! imi s I*, .i I, -ur. i;-.|.. nn ere be ii'- church ibis morning inc ol n f, I by theil pi I se n. .' nf the i-l.- iradi r ni iln- nm«t x ce* were conduct- i -. John McGill, :.-s|si*(i i-N sp i-i il train con¬ ti \ ¦!ly i" ii:- old family . v, bi re tbe ried. R. Outrace in IN ctr! ol L. II.J ..:-*. \ n F< Em-iin M.. An OUtragf- lt" --ii thc I ..tin:- I, '-. tn'ob, if state mei.i- ni .. t -emtIn] by thc inisi ni, ut ol' iiu eir named ii c >lor< 'I gil I, tbe daughlci k. Ol th.s eily, lei bc of exe mplai j char- l.I aboul ttve ..:, re turning l.eti.c in of in r -ti'! pupils. two NN hilt m v, is iuni, il nv i'h :i ii rudely addr. --, d thc ...iu:: for helli. t d ii:, men, wbo i .,) lime s daUK-iti r a sn, and afterwards kicked side. Her screams, j lined to - an >>. in. happen! tl t-. be in ,i ii -l*.t bim in Ibe erio and pull ful ..t ihej bad <!"iu. , In the upper isart of rte**_! ia! one t nn:.- i member of ol lbe *-itN. tte k four ol th'- and carried roi ti for nh ntl- od lbe o we re unknown to ber; lie, wbo w:n off y ber ns one- of the cul la lhe eitel. 1 (ructions from the M t.N 'Mil¬ li,lil. il ON. I' lu psrty ih.-.: lhe wound. I man fully Identified WI pou Issued aad Issued ' told"-, who ..'.i-l lo bat ccompai ted U inn. *.i Di.Mi.ii.- Denver, "¦¦ Uri ii excitement prevail! ".¦' a discover) ol gobi near tba it* Platte, twenty mile- weal al ut ii of lil.- *.le BBl .\- i-l tel I wo hundred .. Ulalie. IA big story.] A', exp:,,, .,, aeenci-ed Tnaaday la Ibe .-f lbe Knickerbocker Oas- ith itreet, x. w _©rk, '¦"¦'linn ol Jluiie pun ci through lhe JJ.*** .."' building, mid, hfte-r tWO boors' «>( tin- departtac al h:.<i tbe lamea "i-ie.i. xii* daua ..¦ was slight. Tbe JlK d lotbeexploeioB. ad thal a pssmsm* <*"*. Heine s\:. "" li;.-, el l-v Messrs. Dunlap & (:.., lyiuu brtweea Amherst * '.iiiTheni.e- and river..Lynchburg Acas. llAHTic.i.t,. COBB., l-Vl.niarv 3.-Tbi- He- publican State c.mention lor Blaetlna dele- '¦il .eal ( -u.N. i,lion i\ hi h h l-l :et law Haven on April Tu., THK LATEST NBffS. nt IIIHHIfl to tti r. niter atc ii. xx kSHIRGTON NOTES AND CONG BE88IORAL l'Ksic iii..' ri RB BRP1 B* Iis XN* s.K liXx-VI.VAMX; ORARI IO Bl SUPPORTED POI PRESIDENT RI l in" I'l NN*X I X XN| X Dli.le.ATK.N Ai CHI* , \...-v! --I i. HBBOHI at BARDY HOOR- iiu: ROI !"N MURDER TRIAl liil'.IRlsll 81 i i : RI BB; mi xii \*ru I I BTAR1! in, \i.i dy in ORTARIO; X xxiii! PAM1LY MUBDRRED AT LUCAN HX M x- KRD MEN- i IIB IRISH land i lts>i'. Vt >i*>tllu<* ton. BB. BATABB -RB nc M ix x *-TtBBORAL.-thk BAR -l ij!!! IixNXTl.l.K ns. roR-Boi sb xvii posn 01 ni i rai ki sn OLOKIAL Di ctoros or x IB- CDMA X.XIJICil - mindi; ii BBS, At-. IMl I WASHINGTON, I-'eltiTiaiy I_Jfr. ltav-ircl, iii!:: tb! .i.'"!.',- nr si..Hld.-Du islet! ship*. lars ibl visited il;** British mw- uir.ii-s r lad saw iii maini'ioili Iroo-Clatl sblps ot xvhich cost led iirin xvitiipainful ippre- !t realised ti) il wc ban bo I Miem from ste,min'.' into rta oo tba coast of tbe United States, ;itni ii. ease ol war would bsve to relj ob oar torpedo defcue* tsiooe. Heall .alluded to the four armored ihlpi baili for tbe Italian Oove roment, e Itber ol srhieb wonk! lt.* inn.s ne ti to Hie nDi.ek of aux of enir vessels, ind said tbii ooe <>! tiicsc* xs *-id* al' in- cost Blore than tin* four llllpl our Government now proposes to floiab. In bia speech on floaoee tbe otber day be iii.-idin'alix spoke '>r tbs possibility <.* a xx ;r on account *>f ibe Inter-ocesnic canal, ssly bas stimulated Iii* de¬ siri* to *(.. our Inefficient navy Improved rie-lit axx.n PERSONAL SEWS ITEMS. Mr. Bl: "- spn sbIoi * ol regret at bis attack on M Hi win n Ibo ilatue ol Willi in K was i'i--. nted lo tbe Gov¬ ernment arc regarded a* i bid f< r the- rote ot tl Bay SI 8< lalor Bayard i* bo»d- to-night. Mr. William L. Royall arrived to-nigbt. Maror ll. **. Dor- gell, ol Fredvrlcktburp- and Mr. Harrison Souihwortb were al tbe Capitol Ibis aller- :;:, : n IL OS Bl i RE TAB WAI .NS C0RR11 (VIIson, ol Iowa, sppi sn el lu foi. in! |leai - ' ommittee ur day, ind both -ii!- - ndmil tbsl be mid i i wei al rguraent In liver ol "reducing ihe duty on -l el nils from Be was fi qm nilj Inten upt< tl and qu< -Honed :¦¦. .*.!. -.! -. K< ll* y -inti t ii.;' r, bot li - re¬ plies helped his e*:in-e amazingly, aa tbey were cb ar aud inrisive. He -aid tbal there are now 110,000 indi* ol railway, s -.Teat il. al ol tbi ii mi rails ol which noxv ought t'. be repLsc* I by ste-i I rail* in ord* i- to secure fail ami eda ap Irelifht lines lo tbe producing .:.!--(-. ninl yet, owing to tbe htgb duty on tbe .h. i'i- mu i Le done, He Instanci d -.fe .Hie I" show bOW ll' st Si il; it i- Hint transportation routes i" ibe iea-co ul shoiilil be Increased snd Improved because tbe in cattle hud! be limit*d unless this i* done. He was opposed, be said, to Ibe pd* it duty because ii preveoted com¬ petition a* to quantity ind quality in tbe steel rails made In the United States. Tbe English rails are guaranteed i«> la*-! ten do lasl tl it lon;., xxliilc the American rad*, be said, are guaranteed to lasl lixe yeal*, and last no longer. Mr. < nge !.. in the c mrse ol bis remarks, asked bim if when ihe lakes are frozen tbe railroads 'I" n«>t Increase their ntei ol freight and thus oppresi ti.e people. Mr. Wilson replied, "Tbal i*- Jual wbsl i .-ur I'D 'si in tariff does by freezing up all tho avenuea by xx iii.-ii sd el ni!* can be brought from al road. You enable Ihe manufacturer! al in-ine to charge enormous profits." He .xa* not against protection to our iron int* i' -*. bul be was against a prohibitory rate s.f sltiiy stn steel rails. .Mr. Conger al.lided lo bis beina an attorney, and he said bs never engaged In any case in:!.** it ac- x*. .tia iii* conviction! ol riic-:' and tiuih, During tbe panie, be laid, while all otber Interests were paralyzed, the Meei* i ill establishments wenl on Increasing their works, and ex en then xx ere unable lo supply i: d< in ind. 'i bia -'...xv. vi tbal tbi y wei ». Ina Li lil.' III li x ,\ Inn e.! lu !- xxl le- toling lt. A Pennsylvanian followed, ind advocated st rou cly ihe continuation of tbe present rite of duty, urging tba! ** ii wai necessary h..xx. ifter 8 loi ni difficulties, to enable the iron-men lo reach the promised lind." Mr. Tueke r took bim In band, and contended Ihil from ins statementi be sliuxx.ii iii the limes of grratesl do dresslon the, steel rails over$8fi per ton, when tbey sold them al .12 per ten. '; ion xx iii be continued to¬ ni ;: xx. It looks A! ll t In* vu lee \\ ill repoi i m favor of redaction. .xi-iioi si: AND !'"-! '¦! I K I I "ir DAN¬ VILLE. Mr. (aliell wa* un hand it the Renate to¬ day looking alter iii- bill for Ihe erec'ion of a custom b* use and poit-ofi Ung :<t Danville. Senator Johnston roi ii taken np nu p| lu order, .md tbe benate promptly pug*., ii i: tvltb the committee's amendmeut. Tte amendment Increases the amount to 170,000, and provides thal it shall ii"' be s rect< d xx ii iiin forty fsa t of anj othi r build- Mr. Ci bell xvi.'! s,-(. tbere is a* little as ;.Lble in getting tbe Hou lo et.n.Tii* in Die Senate amendment, m. live i city ss Danville, and one tbal lia* such as ilium ids- tobacco trad*-, li s ntltled t a cus* use and post-office. .UH: INTERNATIONAL SISB CONVENT!! H. Houseiodsy paned ibe bill sp| . f tlie leii- resentatives of the United State* to tbe Io- >iii] Fi-!, < onveutlon lo as embie M Berlin In April. Professor Baird wltlgo ¦od lake Iii* new fishing and bltcbil ton vessel. Jail!t si Wilmington. He will carr] with bim ex] rta c inectedwith thi* department, and xviii tasks no pool stioxv iii L-omparison with tbe exhibit! s.f Euro.. mi nit lom, I bi . eli Kates arc to lie sppoloted ly tb* PresldeBt. tbe azroBTEDrosios ;\ west viroikia. Ail tbal t""k |fliee bars between Um Greenbsckers ind Bepublicaoi ol Wast Virginia will, I sn inf' »i nnd, be brought out iii dtM tin..-, nnd I lit* ir that it xviii bc* ibOWa tBBl Mr. Sturgi*- xvas leaifBBted SI the ctir.idiD- fur Govaroor, and that thc 'li.lld district in to llBVS I larg! -hare Of the Btate officers. Those who sra surprised at xvhal h.* .dread} been nindi* |,Ti!.lie, 1 am assured, xxiii lu- SStoaode .1 xv!n n tin* xx hole story is mali- public. I have seen more in ii.niiusciipt than I san iioxx publish. sk.natou RHIIIIOM AM) colonial luioiuis Ol' XilieilXlA. _'o-d:ii Senator Johnston olSTCd I r - - lution lor prtatlBg UM Virginia colonial rte- ii.i* noxv In thc* library ol Congress, and lt xx as refe.ri'U to the COfB-BtttsM *»n Print- log. Ile* Bald these* BMBRSarlpt re-cords ol Um flrglRla GBEBpBRJ aie more than two Uutidrcd and UH)' )ears old, nuU arc bo I N,*l io he* the onlv copy al thc ne.,ni- el thi* Illirie Min:., period ,,- eibtfMB. 'I hi j vu ie in th,- peal tatton of tba Bari of South* aajpton, he said, an i were Burchatad front his exmit-irs I.y WlllhHB Byrd, ol \ .r.iiiia, fioiii wboaa eatata tbey paaaed loth. Rev. w Ultana Btlth, pr. *i*iei.i of William asd M nv College, From Mathe4] weal to Pej loa Randolph, lir*f |.re-iileiit ,,f 1 he C nt,: ii,,-iit:.| CongrciB. Mr, Jefferaoa pnrebased thea lal Mr. Bandolpb'a stilt-, nmi they ware I bought, with other paper*, ni Mr. Jcffer- I eon, by tbe Uolted Mtatea G rernment. Cn- ile r the Virginia Compaa< -I- ti t- nun kl ,:. H.,. i;,.i , ti.:, ti. tit Eng- Ins lettlenx ni wai made on thia eontineot. i' * mblbbed i Legtslalare, nnd gave ta Ibe i>t opie tin- righi to vote f -r it* members' These records, lie- added, are Ol '-'rent lii-- loiical villi,*-, uml engbl lo be made ace hie to blstorlana aad otbera and placed bc* yoi,d the danger ol d. struction. BB, PAttBI El.'- Men mem-1. Mr. Parin :i md partj to-day called on tl i'i- -uis-iit Bod Metal**. Everti aad Bbl man. Tbe interviewe were pleasant, To- Blgbt Hr. Parnell ii -it tbe Congregational ehureb. To-morrow tii__-.ii then la a theati I- eal i e-; formance for tbe beni tit of tbe Ii i-ii Bufferers, nv inch be ha* agreed t-> attend. Em IE M.Nvs The House Military t-rv-dayI a: reed to report General .1 -lin I ib'i inbstl- J'_ tote for the bill to commission P. P, Powell ns an offlcei E. tin- Unite el State * armv. I'r. Pi well, it Nvill be remember. ',. .ci red rn tbi '' infederatc anny. On Mond;.v. v< bruary 9tb, the iub-.TudI- clary < ion mlttee nv iii bear ai gumenls on tba bankrupt qucstloo. Tbe Indian Training .School ;i' Carlisle is a success. Mr. Pood's bill propo-es to establish other (raining schools for Indian children. Oura; will vi-it tbe Carlisle ¦cbool. Peter Cooi r li is written Senator Beck to continue Iii- war; _*alnsi national banks. The testimony In the Keilogg-Si-olfbrd ease all tn i n taken, and counsel nv.ii pul in tbeir brit fs on Mooday, Tbe ra of tbe committee will be for unsealing Mr. Kellogg. Tir House Banking and Currency Com¬ mittee t eport ed In favor if aflPwing na¬ tional banks to Invi il ne qui rta r .-" their surplus fiiii<rl- In real estate. rhe Southern Utes wii .arrived tbe other c'.riv liinl a e nference with Mr. Schlira to¬ day. Ignacio i- .ti chief. Thomas M. Bl ul ¦ t . ion ol ¦¦ Gov-; j ernor'" Blodgett, ol Ueorci., ls eh Nvitii bavini" Eikeii Illegal lera as collector al St. Man *-. i-'li. M i ir J lin to New Vork the pap rs g iy Si nat ir .1 ibu Lon is there. I bear n pn >nl aboul further .'. . ird lilllie ni resolution. ned I'r.-.- !:. |.e,. hj telegraph lo ; oatt WASBiKGToy, February 4..Tbe House Committee on Banking and Curre. cy, al meeting tin- morn in sr, au berized Repre¬ sentative Davis I report b k to tbe House NNiUi favorable recommendation the bill In¬ troduced by Representative O'Connor, oil] .s-s,in ii Carolina, authorizm national bank*. , t m ki loam upon m rtg -. ¦. on real ' estate. i'' lt is i- ported tbal Thom is S Blodgett,' , son ol Fi iter Blodgett, formerly Governor ol U eon* ia, is in trouble va it ii lhe Treasury 1 ),-i te rt im nt about his accounts as coll al St. Mary's, <' i. Il- ls charged witb j. taking 11 If. a! lees and with otbei irregulari¬ ties. The <.t;i!).] Jory lo-day examined several witnes-i s in . be .- ise ol i.u y I'.. R. Borton, charged NtiMi assault NNiili nn Btiempl to kill J ihn ll. Morgan on New-Year's day. I bc President In* tbe papera in Hie case i-f Major Remi donn belore him, and will rici ou them al an early *l iv. 1' ^* under¬ stood be tviii approve lbe Ondlng ol tbe court-martial, wblcb sentences Ms|oi Reno to dismissal from si rt Ice. t'.irt.v-Mixtii t*.at-aaa Maenad flaaal on. W-8UIN0T0N. Febi nary I, IPSO. MENAT ic. Mr. Maxey, from tbe Committee on Mili¬ tary At, »l ted a I'll! aiithiT.zii. Secrelnrj ol VI ir to acquire foi tbe United State*, title to tbe land on which Pori Sock- ion. Texas, i- locate d. Placed on tbe calen-1, dar. Mr. Anthony, Irom tbe Committee on L Naval At! ui-. p .1 led n bill for lhe n-li.-r ', of Medic il-Din dor Jonn I bornleigh, Uni- ted St ates navy; also, from the same com- L favorably, a bill regulating ihe nu. nnii * av ol certain marine officers in the Uni .-.1 States si in ice. Placed on the dar. *i!r. ,i lubmitteda res ilution lht I tbere be printed for tbe use of < ion spic s ul transactions of the Virginia ( < e.n.j-..nus s ot London. Adopted. On motion ol Mr. Maxev the >. nut<. look | np Senate ''iii for tbe relief ol Edward!, Braden and .J. W, Angus. It directs tin4! [ rj of the Treasury to pay Bradt 18 for c sctra labor and mate ej in mc e mstruc lon of o quarter- ma ite r's tupply 'lei 61 al S in Antoni \ Texas. Mr. M ixey explain il tbe hill. Mr. Conklitig cal _ tiention <.> th ..ence ol any unil. Iii i lo ri I "r- nee ol bills of r lo commit- lees, rbi* bill was introduced byoncsen- I Btor from Texas, ri fern el to thc < 'omnitttee ¦¦ on Military ABairs, and reported favoi by tho otb. r ii nator from Ti x is, a mi ml er;:I 1' Ih^l :¦"!!,liiltH «'. ! ' MPP-oi'ikiinj* lb.H :!il Ihe claim of Bra- M den A Angus Bbould li ve hi en re fei red to 1 Hie ommittee on * ilma, if lo any c im- j' iniiti-e, hui be it Ik ved il should Ix r. fericd . to tbe Court . i < '-im-, and i-l;, ,,lin,el t tO that ell Ct. Mcsst - ( ekiT-H. McMillan,and Edmunds .iirae. A lon deb ite re- .>ulted. Mr. c. nkiin-'s amendmenl wa* agreed , to.yeas, 81; nay-, ¦__; aud tbe tull a-Hms t ,| v ii- passe al. The Cl flu tbua lo Un < our! ol ch un. ; | l be-Sen ite passed thc bill authorizing th< conveiaion ol national Bold banks into bb* lion il banks, and al P. M. weul lu ecu!Ive session. Adjourn) d. n i ;: e.)- Bf PBE8EN1 M ive-. After transae Ing omi* mUcellaneous busl- nt ss tin- ii of tbe bill reported yesterday from the Ju- j leia i y ( iu iii:.- e nm cert iln -. c- ilona ol i .-' lbe luiisdictl »n of tin1 liniii tl States Court and regulating the removal ol cau.*es Irom State e> Pi deral j Ce -. la Mr. Culbertson, <-f T. I thc !, provis! usaf ibe bill, and Mce-trs. Wi lb rn, or Texas, an Winn . ol Michigan, - lupport. Tbe tn ming bour having expired, tbe bill .'.. ni ovei without a< i be House Iben, In C immltti e ol tbe N1, ole, consider* d and pi --I--.I a j"it.r Intiou appropriating 120,000 t,- enable Ibe ruin el .-tnt'- I't-i: Commission to represent tbe United States at the international Hab¬ er] ibibitton il li.!i'm. (iiTTuai.y. in April III xi. The debate oa the revl-iou ol tbe rub i waa thea "resumed, and alter lbe rejection of an amendmenl to Rule ll giving IbeCom- mlttee on Pi it-Officea aad I'..-1-!.*: lads eon- n-.,i over ibe post-office appropriation hill, and al-c, au ann lulnn ;ii BUtboiizlOg thal committee to report sniii bill r>r reference tc tiie Appropriation*) Committee, adjourn¬ ed. l*it|tc>r "fl111 s-iTTMiiTi-.i n, "Mass.. Ft 'bruary 4..The South won ii paper Bill wai destroyed by Sra last night. L hm not elated, Insurance, 170,000._ Kfimorcd lian... x rouble -tt Ni.w Vohk, Fchru .ry 4..Tlieu- an- nn innis ihat thc: ProdOM Hank, of this city, ls In troubh-. Matters nre qolel lhere, however, to-d.y, m.jil |bc Hank offli'ials ure rctU-.ot. i ID uim, | vu ula llrpiibllrnna. Hash ,,,,( pebraarf 4..At thc- eaaeoi »l ibe B nne deft-gates field Issi Eight ie;."*, "les xvei-e,., i |n ih. la'cresl, iflerwbieh h.- esacui, by i rots ti UH 11 lift decided hal Hie '.onventtOB should to-day lelegatea '.. n.t. Kittani! ObbvibUob. Ol ni;: fln"rB (R*_-"'nDnrR*_-AT RAB¬ ID snrRO. Habbi bi ..<;, i'A.. february t..-Tim Me* I'.ii.iie.iii slat? Cooveotton paiet "jere in tbe Ipera-House t ll ''.lock to-day, and x'.a. ,; ed lo order by < Imirmin Hooteo, of tbe Commlttae. *.*. H. Miller, of i iii.- Hon. Itns-'dl terrell i" ppoiii!' <i lemporarv abalraMR. sad i;pnr- al Albright moved la sassed by sabstitu- in*.' ti.e ti m.,, ,,- e ;<-.nee V. Lawralee. A "'<. was i x* h ire oiled in favor ..( Iii Iglinsl !r_-a \.e'"ix for the il-.lit pee.).le. l' \*. i- d-clded tbal a eommNteaof obs thu ...eil senatorial dist rid be appoiated n resolutions, aad eommRteei ob eontest- ti ind p-rniain:.t ergaBlEatioB were '*" appolat* a. Af the ii-u-t! rom ine business, Senstoi lerr offered a reaolatloB Ural tba di li Eaten leeted . the Republican Nations! Conven- oii ai < hicago bc iaatrueted to support for ie presidential nomination I'. s. Graot, nd vie as .i unit on all questions thai tn ay ame liefore ti.e *'ooveulfoo. .Mr. Stone offered mi imendmeol reRflrm- )_¦ Um resolatloo isiinit ,i tbird t' rm rlopted i.v Hu- Republican BtateConveo- on of 1876. After considerable debate, in whleh a ii*.-.* number of di le. te opposed Senitor lerr's resolution ind f \ ired Biiine, Mr. ; .ne move d to imend Hen'- resolution Hy tr kin-: out the name f Gran! and insert- ig thal cl I'd.nne. The motion wis lost j t vote of IM to fi".. Tbe question then recurred on IP-rr's .-..11.1 nm, which was divide I, the yeas and sys being ordered on the Brsi pail to In* truct tbe delegates to supporl (iran', and j.' lalted.yeas, 183; nay-, li::. Tbeseeood art, lostruding thc delegation to vote ss ¦ nit .ji all qui -lion*, wi! ad >pti d bv ¦ viva- oce vote. The Pennsylvinis delegation ill therefore supporl Grant af Chicago June. Tbe plait .rm adopted eoogratulat rninrrv on thc resulta *-f 'ii Bepubliean il policy, il.'i'i'i.Ti' * further financial ¦-¦.-I.'...! al I'lT'-ent. favors a protective tri O', and reaffirms tbe general principles IJ f the Republican parij wltb regard lo ¦¦ dion il que -lim-. ;', 'I be ' onvention nomin ited Auditor-Hen- ral and Justice ol ti.e Supreme Court, I J* nd, afrer adopdng Ihe report of the com- title " on Un- appointmetil of sh ls '.. ( bl ' id presidential c I. ctois, ad] .iii"." ¦! .Mi rino I) j sn Mer-*. LonoBranch, '-.¦'.. February 1..There another vet ri -rn H indy Hook. A ob crfuI ',-i *. -el io be a two- a luz '* alongside of her. 'I letbre. -it isl. - ilioonei Stephen lin d- i-'. from Cedar Ke-Vs r* r Mew Tork, xxiih mills'!-. ime lahore ol A. M. yest* in- ei .v ol four men « is sa\i d by the rew of I.if. -.-':.vin_r Station No. _. a!---o. nnd p' rh ipa tbe v< ese!, \-. iii: * ived. ¦t.k. Fe '-i ii.u \ l.- .x ibree-ma-*ti .1' .hooner, said lo be the 1". E. L itv renes, ol ibsecoin, \. .5.. i- ashore al New Point I, Va. A me to her. P HST, _s\ .!-. Ki 'nu ny L. A aa I-i...;: ii i* ,\ i-h< d ashore n* ¦i ie the e" ii** of itxo Ballon xv, re lound n- morning. The name on i'-<- b >al ap- ears lo be *- -.Ilia " or -. Ennis." h bellev* d to belong lo the d'. D. u pta I ii George Torry, xx bleh lefl Hampton loads J Otb with o I u*-hel. ol .rn. 'roles:-*eil Irish I*re-l;if^s Igalnal I'iir- iiell's c Illirie-. New Tobe, February I..The Mansion- [ou*e lii-ii Relief Committee bas tele- ral ii d here extracts from letters and tele- ram* ' f twenty Ure Irish bishops and arch¬ er in ali parts "f tbe countr) protest igagainsl Ibe Injustice ol Mr. Parnell's barge lha! ihe committee refuses relief to :-(;¦»¦-*> el Irlih tenants who have nol paid _elr r. nt. :iinl s \p-.T --in. tbe utmost c lofl- eii't' In tbe Mani »n-Ho lei md ie tm ie -* ana in pu; nu ry or its«1. -*»..,.., sill* A Te*nrfnl il.-tel til' Iileioel. XXTleU.K r xxiii.v BCBDEBI D ST BASEEB REN. Lucan, Ontario, February I..About 12 'clock last night a party of men with black- ned and masked fact i entered tbe dwi liing f the somewhal notorioui Donnelly family nd murdered Ibe la'her. mother, one son, -ii' ce. A boy named Connor look fuse under Ibe bed, ind i sc qi* d unhurt, 'bc party tben set Bre :.> thc boase, wbicb, .getber xxiii the bodies ol lin* murdered .mates, waa totilly consumed. Another in, reskling about three milaBkfroni tbe omestead, xxas called to bis door iboul Ibe ime hour and sbot The township li ,id xx ii ii exel nt. LAI-EAT rennin-*. MAIS. England. DI .HI OS ERINEXT ENOLISHREN. Lom..iv, February 4..-Righi Hon. Sir leorge Hamid m Seymour, retired dlplo. tallai, nd Henri Moule, n prominent phi- ind cl r ni in, and -nil ni .re imineni at a sanitarian and tbe diicoven r tbe dry-earth system, are li i Di-.ill THE LAND Ll X'.lt. February 1..-Al a meeting of ,. li¦;-:. National I. tn i I. igue yest. wis resolved that Michael Davitt should uted t wa t upein the editors ol .' i,-1, md othi r ' .ontinental news- upi - lo enlist their support In e il', rts i.r ibe ie.';.! ol thc t! stress in Ire land. Iii in.i\, Fe lunary i .Lord Mayor Gray, ec ..ii. pal,,' il by th" corporation and civil Hi.- rs "f Dublin, xviii prei *nl a petition ol rj utile wotki and ii:-' amendment of the md laws al thc bar ol tbe House of Com- ions 'ii i'i idaj next. France, \ l.iNLl.'s Bt'CCE-SOR.r x xl. HAD i;o\i. x. ii Paris, Februtry -1. Ir la expected Or. ' Broci will be elected life- n itor by a In place «-f mnl de Mon- By ¦ railway collision il Argentenll, in be II |*artin< ni . i ¦-. Ine i Dise, sevi n per- ¦.. minded. I he Arin nte nil sldent llV, l'i- ..'!-i m np ;,i- ol thc x'. ree k- d iraln v re n ell-l mi n wbo ll uing T.i. i.i x -tit, per¬ il ii .nix other! j injin. !. Ij roo- lhere - dittfcul. ¦ num- el Ol VlCtlfl I. Bna>Ia. IXTEBXAL UNDI ION OS RI -ix. Lom I irv I. .A Vienna dlspi.i it iia-tworthy ;v-<- .unti repi I-- internal condition a number ol of- ei. blgb i:i comm ind have t*c eome dlsaf- -.- bile b * x\bo xx- re not promoted fie. tbe late wsr with Turkey have, with HW eXC* pt IPOS, 'oiled fie ..¦% ..lui:. .ri *'-. s OMiLtxe i: t o :i*\Nir-:*s. BW i.\-ru.\N' E ci-'i'H i:. -. - KOBTU ILLVLNTH BTSJERT. Tile IC'ler-i^I.e I. li ITll .' (Ol Tl"' * '' -I'll'"- ur th-' parua vet eoadi nina n c.I.Nt- H.xl, INr-*I"- 111 -IN! _S la ill. Cl!) t'Hie!.ui'tlli!. Ut: limn.' :i ul -li.. el QOBDOR X ri.IISAHI aw- ).-iil*i i ami it ii.t-.l lim-ti"- IK .-i-.-.-no ne- ni'lpii ny Xii. I'. T. -tell, 'so- * "-"a Ul Et-BVI ** Ul TIIKKT, Wll-re lilt X Hit- pTS i'"l I" .1 iii ur nne sm ali si.!--. "i' prouerty, oo toe mos. t-ii-.iii.-ii.i.' i-i a.-. ni Hm rollowias "liau-t nuii .-nil..: ElAMRUBG-BREIH N.OF QBBNABT. CM* ss- .-:s, 11.234,12'Jl lurptus iit-oxe iii "'''"" ' .- , . l.v ee.NKlWCL. Ol InxNfK. < a. li assets, |8 1)77.7D1; iii'ibiirHu.-, (hSl otto. i bin e.,ni|uQlei hitxs I8B.OC0 In liiltt-smiatfi i'.vetnii.eiit bou.l, ile, i, ii.i willi Hit- Sim, D. ,- urer for the excltim,* piattatitn of Virginia lolicg-hrdder*. Losses liberally bjJIii .le J u "' .«»'.|'r^ni|'i XXd'-LIXii'iV. PL! A* *- v, -, re 5*3* Ii. A., FIMANCJLAi-. M -¦.) 8TOOK BZORAMO V '¦. sri ev. Fr-ii.-j-r- 4. lflHO. t*-Ut._"l.-6.0<lO pe-s-ler-. IE i',-.. g I at BJ ¦poas ,it 7c;;: Ito in in emtpom m I .n««i|s-r <.,,; yr,-i,,r., .,r Tani.' lilv.-r sml h's- iwt-t* OB-aicaBspBBj .tidaa bi Hi IO-namoi Minta sd ! Cfiiirleetle Air-t.l.-tr Railroad Bl PB | ll- ure. .( Vlr-I'iltt Hr.'siel Marin- in iir.ui'-e- .. ¦- n.V. .!,., ,t f| | SOB ni a Vlr,l.:l-i Us,ms- Bl ".: 3,(iou NTr-irUa sob .-¦'¦ nt TX'.: :i lbw i'-litii ..iel :ui.l natalie K.l'nnid .Kiele st 4'.. sis*! ino i,,1 anil Danville- i.'allr. ll 1 ' BteturitttSt.I'nlfo'l si-a'e: i7- t.i-n i'm-.-i Stares it. 1041,1,1,.. ; stair Boeuritlet..Xlxwlnl* I (MO**. BB Md, 87 km '- ii-auiia 1 - n , keC: Vu ¦¦. n ol -v. gg 1,1,1. rfu a*s-ed; Vlrmstla .:. rred. *; bid, ..--.. d; \ Irshtia mt ,.--' mil .ttl; Ni Ilma I lX-"er, tva , ian. 77 asked; North Caro'lot 4 e 1. 71 a il* it; Vuvihii 1.11 cooi 'i'i*. n; bid,20 fd. 'i>s . ftliTnn anl .¦. . .1 11,1 .1. :l asked; P_ferslinr_ .-ny 8*», jr. and A..lina ked; I'.i. r-inu-.'.-iiv B'l.B. atd .(! bid, lue; ked: LTocbb-ara cit) .-'-. -I. and J., 110 '':-!: *ln li's. .1. .111,1,E. loo BM. liatii-i'.o.i /;,,ni* -vn-.i 111 ira) Bailroad Bm r'-n*-.' *; ...(..uni .1 iou i.i.n Vlrali i* On ni n mud third in,.rrj. ,e,. ,; ., .1. ;.,.| .1.. im ^j. '--''.') 1 C "Iral Ita-: 1 ..I. and iut- ii: Vlntlnla and Kallroad sec- morirave 1/ .1. and J . ol Md: Virginia and ¦.¦ Bailroad iblrtl rn..r?_-.¦_.-*. H'-. J. aod .).. 1.- Railroad iir-< morrraae b's, ih.I .).. 121 bt'l| il'-li..!. Er,'.l.r| and .tomsc Bsllroa.1 rnortit-ae _.., .1. and J- ll.", I. 117, ;.*ta, I: liirii ¦.,!,.I. )r« .! nek Imiiv 11,.1 mi- Bsllro-d i.. ri-'.i.". 7'-. .1. and .E. UlV',1 1. lien ked; Klcbtnou-). r"i-e*-**-rr)ckstHirs:aod Bu- .1. nnii .E. 1 mr asked (Tm,"1..I md Danville lialiroaa coi Plated V*. .uni \.. lol bid, lOBa-ked; tTeclmont Bailroad -t .tT.rtir.- *. , .\.ai :*>. 1 ni 1 IB a k d i rrui'.a ,-tn-l < h.-irni ie N.r-l.ini. Hiilr..,,e| fir- re 7' .Eau .1 BO bid, HS asked: Richmond, .rk it r e.,.i 1 ,,..,-.,. Bail-mad ant mortcage .!. nil .1.11- .ism,n c. *-. an,1 Bailroad -1 lmn.a.c 7's. n ¦_' ,1 1. ll 3 0 ked; c., c. ind Kalin .-I er 1, mort-rea 71 .«,_ ,ii. 101 ssked. Uanoi Bondi..J ime Uiver and iel a nu vt tin < anni ..,,.._¦.,_¦¦. c y,. and N.. 50 let; J ,1 Ksnawlia Canal cond tn irt_ajr< (".*-, .M. aad M., Md. ,' stuck*..Richmond -uni I'eteret-ur-f 100 pw, ii.", iii-. Richmond, Kreeie- kst-nrs. indPoi msc Railroad common. 100 par, t,i,i Richmond. Frtrsledci b nra Pofomae inroad onere nL _n.-ir-i-.-i e.-i. inn nar. 100bid: Ichrooml. yn-derlrksotir? and E tonse Rallroad per cenf. icu irani...1. tOO par, tOB Md; Con- s-tis.ti Railroad noes, 7u par. 7-"i Md; Rich- ii 11 d Dui nils 1: dlr id. 100 p r, 1" . bl 1. Richmond, fork R ("lu -a, .-ii, "ii. :.:. a ke 1; Atlanta and f harlotte r-Ein. Railroad,23 bid,I*, askers); C.,C. and N. lll>rs '.a. - bio. f.vinfi! Stocks..dtmt* River stnd EUnawba Canal, Kl I'iir. |1.25 a I*.- I. /, ,.,/. stn As.-E:r-t Nail ti.i. inn par, llfi Ulenia) Hank i.t" NTr-iiiT. tOO par. Bil bl ked; Pk m il, 100 oar. l hld: II .> ol Vi,-., h. 1. ino ,r 'ji i.i :; Union Bank ol dimond,50 par, .".»'. bid, 6H ked; Merchant* d nun', r- Sui,1/,. ia par, IB),'Md: ( i v Bink, I pir, 21 Md: (Tthr-rii* iiii.ia.-_Ti par. 21 n ii.i.,;.: !.'ire .md Ma¬ le, 25 par, S2 i 11*1. 33 1 n ki tl: VU pur. 1U". Iii, Vu ian 26 pur, 2A asked: elia, loo par. - I bid. 'i 1 iK.inlnl .,. .--, im.uip < i.i- ny. 100 par, 00 ld, 93 a-ked. .H.V T«l«nm|in. M. .-. iry 4 slur. e. I. . meiiis .'¦.rim .-, ,; 1, r 1 ii'. \, Ifl. (j .j ,i< *. and Brm new .",'-. 103 ; J per i .">. Butei dull. t1.., I. a, E. brun vi del idtesUy. ___________________________ COMM,;:;; CORN AND FLOUR EXCHANGE. Kit imo: p. 1 . 1 - h. fiFFERING Rt OBI Ell IO tsEI RETAH.'. -Wm v -Kt -_i T hit 780 '-ii li DATS J l.e,-lie -. 71 lui I.- 1-. El. N- KI.'T li i'l N' ..1 1 bU - I.'l iii - nm - Bl POR BI) TO * Ei RKTABY. nn 11 kat. Beet, 200 bu ln-i rerj ""I Lane 1 te r OHM ll',.'..-. e; -¦:, ¦:., i- vei > .-¦ oel ,t .,-,..: 00 i-hcl* very g uki at 58c: 20 leii-lads very a. . c.; Mi Lu dels vi .: 1- \, nate ;. rm-: *iu bushels timi 00 lol lr '-. Ml. IL..14 bu Flour. -'-! 1 .*.-. :.n s*..7.-e 1.75 iii 17.20 MOND TOBACCO MARKi; 1'. !- _DOI mv 4.--T In- i*bllot tn- ar- tbec|BOUtloni: m\i ... II '. I,tn;- .I IO mi.'. *.:i.-,,1 s|..".n. I'eeeC I,-'. ..... il ill iii - ll -odlovel ,' -in T in- ah ,v< 'in ,ta 1 lon. sie tin- loove ¦¦¦.¦-.'ii adi .in.iin n -croi Ins -n le*. rit;/.i:i. n Nih rOBAe . '». Lng 1, < 1:1:1:1 1 to medium v- ¦" '.' f ".: ;". ¦'1 t" ie, *. -..aOi.i sT.'u. Leaf..Common tomi Hum. 13 f-fO.SO; (rood fo ia .... d, -7 sn .-un ,-..min.-,, .,1 shlpi ny, -7. iO |1_ ; Eii.T' h si ins, |6 ¦. |10. 1 Toll A' el. /,,,/,,,-c,,,,,. 10.50: -.I - |"25. /,,.". -i ruiui ..ii n. m. .linn.. 17.50 18.50 m.1 Oilers, -'.. - 17. M Nll.l'iVN V NNTI N1M-! II-. * nu, t.i :. :: _;o good to li::''. VKI.I.11NV V.TI MUTT1' ron in iiie-eiiiuii. "..-., " v..-,; good to flue, CHI NN I.ll M -.'INN. , nu,,1 ri pron ne.. 2(1C. I> Hi. .- .". -. ;. 7 lc. for \ Or te a Fruit; fi be \. .1. 12 '.inf T d, 1 ... , I ei - lt..: due-kit. ll !_¦.. .' I". Agin ,-i N ; lu emt* ¦.- i-j . j :. tnrke i Lesli. 5c, p tb,; lui < -. irina, l|)r- :-'. 1 L : I r, 85 1. 05c, Pork..Dre "I. ."- 7 7 -. 7.-.S-. 1 ims I la .. . I -- lolutci 17", r . - . 7 : 11.25. .11 ; 4-4 ll eC / Hal .' . .' 7 7 . : T 7 I 7 .: - mi, ll rs israel ." .. .*.".. 1 men. 7 - * 1.35 r, i .... ." .. nu re, 10.-M .p. o_^. ... I ..- sfs-is.- 53". I orr liin trills* a,.-l « ..s.e.i. ti |3 75 sli il i.s.x: easaa,va t,rsi.mrs, fee . . : ___f «!^1_-!3' *-3 ma siii.niii.-r-. a«_i7)'v*-.. vu .1,1* nama, ia-. .ini.II K)fs-llc; su_»*i. Hw .tlc: 1 ,er. Stock irl.t. 11.80 fl 7-.- SI'.'.M *'' Mit* Cofee- Bio.Co:-' A4>'-: IBU lie.; j ' »«'." .'. cuitius, liM-le.; w_r«*j *,** wt ntuug. IB's-BlSMe. -"'i.'- 3 : KosUsii rit-trr. j- ._i--.; pi_._a-.p_s, .a .7 lg ham. Il'-riinai.N'trin i srulina No. I cn .'¦rl'i s _ii,||n_ tri/JS, : Nortr. c Ina rv, \n halt-Seen'.e. cl P>i8.A0. vi -.).. i .".*.. -.¦ -. .-.. n I. in kn.. 11-8. -. -. S.81-S-0. i tem .,.':., 'i .; inn COB!BOOH -yr os.H-vsttf-iiS,. 2 _._'..: barrels. 2* ¦: io-nt):), sot- . bi Sea '.vl--siis. prim- Litre ri ...!. n :.i .,,. . |1.:,.| ..... -ni *.tiir -.Mi *. T vt-t. '¦.'d'IDS:.: do-', rt-**. 10*;« i' rr, .: *. ite i -*. .i. i 1 .-,.-. »___>!:._. .' .** . - a in -r*i...-*.*; Ktiin-.jstier, SI...-'{rtJ.y. iiiii-.. Ba-ataar. ire. 1 ."rv .. ed. IX'.: irv. ¦e. x 9 .. act ihjM i tn lim-1. -s. .- u i * 1*1.80 - ».; iraa. Btarl. .-tan,, te, le U |. ". t. ...-'.-, in 200 kern '.. Dre ; .m.illrr 1, froia 1 kt I 1 ", ; ,: mutt., 3. t.l'J J»-tr ¦;, '.V In-,. .Vi . otpv ls, omi t'ifcPl-jut e 12: Tri,I*. I '-'.. -I1'- "|,i. ll. .ld. Si ll . USO. ' I ll .. ¦¦ : '.I urkei .ure.. 1.Mitti/, 1. niarri., fc«, ¦' VT '. :-!-"''' il: --.. -ii 1.7 .; * '. . 7' . \ xi -.'-.'; I.. .ii - j D'-. * biiWte. Poweirr. *»boi, me. .-. ::.-.¦-.'./ 11.28 R 100 ¦. "ter: *¦:<."' io -I." Atv le a _y [ 83 Tty !Tait**_«*»tplt. ¦- N! **.' ', ¦. February I--tntn.'i -fillet; -ile* ¦I bal. i-i .e. Cou:hern ur 'ia!' n..i| i.rotiplni; minnon 10 ian vira. : 10. lt: uno 10 choice, 18.25 ii 17.25. 'beat h.,en.-.1 D', h, w r: c-ostd Brm, with ilf. .'i : ii 1 i-f r .* I.-. 1 ul. 11.1" 1. 42V Corn.Cash dull ... 1l1a.lelt.srer: lu - ..a.- -I iii :. -.,..mern yi irnvi. c. 0 - 80 ats opened limier: rioted beast sad lather !- ¦-. I! ¦. unch-n red and quiet. LT" r. ros, 13 ", .-.: |olj ki -. 1 1 17.-. Mi. ai'.|ii|. an,I -om.Iv; ia tit 1 lin- . I -. ilr rn soo 11 ii.,in:-. / prime, 7 ',¦.¦; ii i ni I.ii;- di Molasses.V. n lin .1 .1'I: Nets firm and 1.1 Mr .., ,ln.1 ti, ni ni '.e. L'.i .im t :.. 81.52 -i.a.i. Turpentine kt and Arm .1 10c. XX'".! riles ier» Brm, sri .. od lni|Hlrv: dome tlc Bee e, 13<_.58<-.: nulled, ed, I* D'" Te .*." 1. "'! I Oe-. I aii'l \-l', .'i'l ii Ci.¦_'.-.'.'-!._.."ill. XDi- iil and lower: lona clear, 87.10: iln.ri clear. 7.30: ls . '-.' 20. .'¦* loin r, ',' ,.',. XVhi-kex ni |1.0r_. ifi.lils dull. BALI iXI'.IM-'. I'. 11. . un I '¦'.ll !' vi pp! uni -.,,., ,-:, ..,.,, Hi i I. I, "... 'tv M' ¦..-. \.r 1. - il: i'"i. 17.2 i.'i" bm j. -7.2;: -. 1*011.le ii vb. si .p.- ind ii. in ."iliu rn red, 11.4(1 .f. -' -e. iv. -I. r Still. led, pol, ..'i-l I 11,1 \. *!. D': xi ireh, *l. !¦.: ,.-:..! ll 111,; xi it. 11.43 1. *....'!..-.. still's-. \. flotr. lite. ".I- 1 r a.,.iii. ¦v jute, md I*, un li ml 1. ik 10c\; wp t- .!. 48 17e. i'l.ivii ns .jni* 150. Hulk ins nu.Ls. il outelerr. I','.: cleir I. iMl ;...: clear rib rides, p ¦!,,¦ :, -md 7!»e. ¦¦ rs. ¦".',".: els ar in -l«!i -. re.: ban II Ile. I ari Kellin d, Iii ll. .¦<..¦ SH 1X0. < nlli* ni-! and .'i.-'ei': Iliu cai Sugar rm: -A" .''. '¦'',.. Whlski j*, fi.D' rtls bl dall. i*iNI"INN".\ I. ''ra l\-, IT, I'l.raarv -l-Klinr il ll and ne. . XX || -,- 11 .01 I firm ul .1.28. 1 un. nil ai -cv. si.' neady al 39 r. I'"'** d .11 ai 1 111I1,ai ar 11 2.50. Lard 11 el ei ai -la.1.-".in bid. Dnlk-io.-<!-. dull and dnoiilmr: iou I. ir ,14.12'.; 16.80: ld". 80.75. asked. Itscon easier; shouldei lb-,7 e.:-'! ."'.. firerii-ineits dull mel mimi¬ li, xvii.iikev quiet at 81.09 Bnear iiulei; lim -. *_ D".e.: N. iv Orleans, 7 "*-,'.. Hom uni. t 1,inn...1 - -ian: ilvl.'.'H.L'."'?(..*,.".; |, aiv- 1. I 1. I.." ne ei -'. I. 1*0 4.80. LOUISVILLE. I,*..'... V........ lui.rv t l'l<»i»r i|..|. I /!..'. nn* liam. d. xx !.. si t .!< 1 ai 11.30. dru lui .t ic 1..' 40c, l'..ik .|.n. m "sDt.l*.:. a i.-.n. ard ii'ii.-i si . 1 '*-*--,¦-. litiik-in-ai- ipi.hi; .ImiuI- era, I,.-.;ni.-. *-.¦..>,<-; sides. I".7,, a ?.-. Uncoil !. lie V ie Ul.1l I'¦-. -". ¦¦ I.'. 7 UT. i I. m.-. "rl.'jfe. i*l C. \\T.l-k.x linn Bt 1.00. ST. LOI .. ''"..-. I',:,ra ii-. I, Ulnar ea Lr: Dtnev. 16.12 bbl. xx beal unsettled ai *i ov.r: N 9 re«l rall, ll.._-**.: No. 9 r.i fa!'. 1.19. dwi al t:'.'; 134c. inns dull md iwer in 35c. xxiii kej nea iy I 11.07. Pork ..v. r; j 1.'.iin.'. 112.60 April. Lard dud; smsll 11 .is at 17.25. Bulk, meals e»-ler: -t"ui.i-..l in -. [s6.40 16.55; .- il. CHICAGO. ITIIt_.XS iii a'i'1 ii .' Vlie-tr iin-etlled and lower; N... 2 . li..- .j.- No. 9 l.ii't." sprii ". j I n.i -I."I elect" 90s*. Corn in fair i in 1. i and lo**ir at 18 ly a I In lair demand ai i ilrdein ..ii n ul oweratl 12. IO 112.1*. . .. i ,:. ur dem ind and lowi ral87 22 li i.i-ii- in ile mund and I. wer: liooldeii>.S4.15; mn r- an,' .| "!..¦! al |4 9 iVni-kc* t. iii and iincliaiign i. I' Wheal acive nnd lower at |1.19 ...rn null 11 il lower .11 36V*. '' ca-ls bul nol nota11\ low. r. I'ork unsettled and .*. nei lows r 11.. 11 - -." Lard ea nARINE IXDI.IK.LXl 1 xi.xi xn tC.Pl iii.1 xnv 5, T.i I 5:24 . 12: ll v Jil! I*-! 1 r 4, 18SO. xii nix 1.. Schoouer Lnev .1" i. *, Uarlbaib, Nea Vork. I-..U. N.w \;<rt. j p rker. ... I.,-.,- x. rv. :: .;,-. r rle ;,i, I . L. ii -.ii ite, v. .',.' r nu i-1 ,. 1 1 xx *> kant!, 1.9. Lee. - tn.1 ". 1;. i utuic yt nt. tBBO f'.lt ni* From I'liii.i'l.ii.liii i'-lini i.y IIL- I Cl'.". X'.Tle .. A. IL BBMOBAB1 1 I ¦i-.. i'I.k. February 3..Arrived: Scb 1. h. Pitt.* ¦', x rote, ... 11.'. .. niall*, I.n.rr; r. II. Kir.. 1 . tiler; M 1. I \ i- .. li '.-nt. Ir., H.!.'.,i.... > lula. Noitfo: k. Kftirmirv 3. xn v. I: -. 1. nn r Ma- .11 ,. [.ollie ind Xi ., ni- ¦-. ,v _ni ni ral 1 rbci t,«->lmaa, iud. MIS* Bl xxx. ID*- i il "i ono Isl I'.v I' 1, .rn 011 1 Be llmad. '.. -ii r, ,. rn ... a ',rna rv I *. WlWU -ir il Ucl (mt Into «. tiery. I la Orien! L -vi !, eli .;.'., ,I Ulin*j Cen off, ini'l wrived il K" lu ¦¦ I'.v Te -..ruii'i. Pnii toil ¦¦ toma* Xr. I \r ji*e .. ij«, _,e ..ii. ri,on. lidia lound He nrl* Ita, t,. Bi nsi -.:,. ..¦n 111. N. J ii. !'. .1 letnl los v| ' MM III'.DAB. u - ',"''¦"''v.< ira*-., a '>. V tu. MANUrACTI BEBSAXU DEALI B*j IR NC. -. iNKSai TWINE. COI i«.N llcil'l I'ATKNTs )' KT - INE-1 '.X INK, LIN*. -. X AXVKINO, C .iLK*. i». .ts ge. ..,¦.!¦... ,,1 LION-BR A! Till:! Xl) .0 rani, i !.> ttl' ... .Hull). ali In ""'¦... a-ii.iui. u laslitd to call. so in IIIIKVIN. WI LIV. A*-. HllMM.. Ll. KUY, AND S^B-^SW si v,.it. ..ii ni R. l. ir_»_RN_»a_aa_. rortftaului y."'r .1" *i *.¦ ivoa aili Bml ia suii you, as wa have tb '" "ii .-.ali¬ ne, a,!,. B-L. BARRES a COj. \ j Bath I 1 »ti*CB". -...-. .gta_aud FOB 8AL__. A OOOD HOBS-C, -T**-n XX.X..*)N.a,.!NKXX..X,:N-;i. A-^ eoner ii-liteeiith and KruukHu slrt-ctt'. le.-'-I! _.___. iel' IXTUA MULI> ^NI)*S>a1> lb >.i".:-i.:j* ;^5 ejdlDl -****, *.- i-k*. .-. DKTHO Ll Ml .-H1I-.OM.Y Ufc.vL ANT) BTAOl HAIB-PMOlll/CBB^IIIiiBtcli. . r p., sud i#riw in liar,.,. * bot vo.ii.l.r.tillv .ir..Tlve. -.,1.1 t.-r "* ij'il_!*¦ NV AHM¦;., r r* riH.t. [Iii. ROBERT KARLY. .^THEVETkllAM EVNC |.,:l .;,;. KO. I.ABLT.f). ll.-*. PULI MUTT K A CT... _ ..T-in). Va. {.ARDEN RED! GARDEH .KED I BRETH** KXTBA EABLT i'i: v*. Tile-tl Bl'RN - sXn;, A,., y ...... BAG? KABfcl EENl-l.l lill . M-. ' -;*.''V: I*-'!!*"*' -_.M*M NARKE. * NHr:\c;t.. *'**** I B !. » Bl I.'...* BRI UM? labbSw?cJ_.a,ilt *t'ot>****>hhm ..'¦i-irD'r vn.-l) tie, r«r or* ««".t er vu I.-ie-, tuttt iud ¦''.'-'""T'"" edina mm. r tim asill ,..:il,i,. ir. torouwettr ai pelee, vail in*/ ,n-e tu Ki. .mond e.r etoewh* r-'. NETTE;,' .t l-l) l.e k. I'm_-n t-. cT-rttef ITtiti and Marshall .'.reeis. la lu ;N'.!.I-II HAIR-BBU8B1W, et ENLl.t-K TCMU II-i:i:l >Ilsr- ',r ; nm .in -. ni iv*-, n 11L-MU"_W -, < ITU Tl - BM -IDS. anal l*::i:i ru_Hi:v and TOILET ARTICLE! m mew*\ e.'- ai--i.y ... i:i *.:::., conn r I'.i'i-nl alli Mntll -tia T-. rOBEHOUSTD COUGH-SYBUP, Mc. Ilntri ll )DND < e-ELlE-NT'Eu. '-'.-CENTS. IIORKHOUNI) i alT.M-:-, R| |*. JJ , | \ -. IIOBI MOUND COI GII-SYRI I', B5CKNT8. RORI li'H M>. D! n. --V.;l r. 25 Cl N "*, E'.j: i-ii* .(¦ Mi e ni U-l-_YRt*.*>,B5CBNT8. HORI" HOI VU H| i.ll -Nit p,__( IN'.-. I'nrHEit.ii " ol i.ii-snt:i p,_5 i.'l N IIORKnOUND < OU-fin-Sl Rill'. 25 Cl \i .. .fold io nil dnurrtsts ami conuiry merchauU. _ _ YOUR SKIN CHAPPED .1 el! ' I ¦:: INDALUBI W BALM. ll . a : -a I I ., -t Tl, . .t .:«ii-iiiiiTii oJor, and la s.i itmhh to al 1. ll NITTS ,,'U ,it: la,.,,) TUBIEIW. .is Dared n I. MRADB .t E. NM I.'. Ti-e.: I'l, tn lie, ._¦_ 'OD-LIVER ell. lilli BEST! IMPORTED EV !'-. snd which i: i.i ni: . \ .: : I" ii': i .* i tm.i.y it ::i AM' ER -I., BOM R ' SI IDITY, nil i KIT ! V I- M. NEE .'!.' N\a,M»! I.'l-I I. RI Ml ll NI. IT.TuT tl Nt NI I Tl r COO LIV!*.!! OH.: T MORE Nf i I IT NI1.! ,1 'I '< 'I UK - I'lV N* ll \ ul III i: 'di.-. \ DI i ll N 1,1 I". .ai m Ti' M li hinnud. Va. .-i: ri. Ri ELL, LADD .v ( .>.'- BMULSlOB ( i'Ii-ein i i: nil., v nu HYi'-ilTIi-ITI* tl ¦'- OsV LBIB AND -"TN. ll unknit: YOI RAVBTOTAKBCOU _IVI -u. itn-e only 50 fnti pei MM ISS.lll THINS A I" -IEI NI ItSlrll4*. Bl* n -i..--1¦. N n K* i'n: iii I 1880. Pilli FIRM oI'.niii.i.iii-i.e.n -ii:ai h i le tbi* day di Ivs ,1 bj mnlu .1 . it. Nlr. ill - -I HAL'S .'i .!) 'ri- in liiiil- iii -ti < ii nit,i - vin;. ¦lt Eil - -ii: .! ¦. mini I 'i In tin '. . I nulli i'i ol ll i, ,. I- o, 1 ll,, public e COIltll. !'. XtS ll'l t'e III N UCCl '.I' III III ince liu»ini I! IE- -1 n ne-, -i. il line mi-, i the la's lirm is- ii Ins :- lr Inters v- IH be roll pp lori- '. he i. laiiiin." all ll:.- i**.|n|l ml* i Min¬ ni., in ni., ui-er mee ia a-.u ti ii to ibo niiuai ..¦ ---li pl ie iheir liuslne ni i- li.nel-. E i, -in \. » uni.t.e- MILLIII8EB. i- re. I take thi conlon ot te* lo my ti-.. ml¦ and ilse public in "i, a.i ny milks ir Hie nsiBds ct i*1 o i-atrotiaa. Ila- late III III. all, ¦. .: feel a a->a ;, r li * .,11- Hie -un -. I ii-- I..!:...a ii .... Hanni I. ind ii ,i I-. .-,.,i,|iiiiie .-- ,,;. si in mj .,;t|e. : . I T . .1- -Ji l's- lei ti AsMiraiici. I . 1,176,000 00 ,,i irs. f ET ,:l,.,.. NI.I.. . *¦.._.',ll ul \ Isleiit. ol ll -iii. ul. . 4 .Ot 5,01 I.ii'-li, ne | NII |..--- pr lUltttV i'l"! 'M' -Mal,tv -.til..- 1". ., 1" il evil ¦ s -. iti r pro"* -ii ..I V .: t -n i, ni ii ii,, ¦.-, ii 11, o ti, un iiuii r, e, \ prompt .¦..,- ii n -i i: ni -. So. fl (.ki-.-nl.l ! ION OF < 0 iVR. M I'- l ' -Ills- Iii- linn Of I'll M V .*; NN NTT - ls .1 slat '.'1 -..ived t.N Iii-1 il.o 'nt, Iii. All be ce.nci rn ld s -¦. ls n Pat- .a ||S lil PSI Ile s ,, *. rs I 1 NN n Ml BATTtS. ulnae Ike 11- ». i ant SHOE III SIS EM ,i lillian.* ii ure In ',.11. _ : *r OF Ma. ki PH w. L A!!*.VEE in -ii- fi-i-l-. i.. Win il- HLAIB t < : i. -: IH) TIIE win ¦' s nm. I'H IDE <»F I TIM I '. IND COUNTRY, li .. ..- .¦alili- I * * MAXTON A I ; ul iou. .1 A 'IT.'. Y *.: KB OF I' ¦'¦'¦ .S -111 ' .Tbs .:, E'NI- I: N . a .|. r ll..- IE HILL, t»NN I'AI.'l. ls mil dui i .. s i v ca i. ,i.l faarti.e-r has -***.. I ' I Uta .1 Ll, -7'.. 1 en il! .BLI - NN N I KIMS ..: rAVl'a .-ei e. :. i , ibu. cit. Off its anona -tn I'. NMI Tain-. S '-..' il I J I, ||, III- -t. N l, lill ..HT. Inelt I. eni»._. c ll itu . * n. Ill uni'* l:.-|iN. li u. ind e ii ii i NN 11 i.i .-. »t m. ,.,....] lol -, a.|ll|!.., . Wi -Td lia. Va i il arl* lim. ..ii* a til. - I tu ibe s*>t<_«al»_ aarliln«. ibis day n.,,^ .,U, I,, lor- wa I'l ie n ai satO ".-r. * /¦*.",."'¦; " .' "'*_ lu tie fl'.n ..( lin , ui-l .! 'lar* sttMltlim. m> hind Oin ti '"4 ,.' .;... >'i'-n tk. B»_ ' UJkBI.I l NNII E.4 ki l-6o ok-M.*rv .I'. \ noXK-s si,. vu .»i - \ ii.i.i: .|:NM.)>-tl.e sw.< 1- 't.'l row lu 1 II,, | :,, sullitr lor I fefMB elltll-ri.VN A NNll.i..

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I*]KL ktXlPWt' MT-.'NIsne'X PAPER

I. I

neinr. the pi,i lblpfl.1

Nu,n. Masonic distriet.ol

u lin*¦ ie i>.«-


lu,-eh.rite;*.:/. ,1 En:'- response

«eomplltot ni

Heall-lol «n:ui.

¦lu.,1 leI j, av* I i» elf

I a

tun I, be*IBite c in-

-ni rounds au oi bc un--ri t of 90 .'uni :>

sim in -.olid Bold. Oai et in ' ..¦ fol-V s,..-. ,| |o R, NV.

[). D U. M., Klotb Dis-, January,

hun ; bj el ispsel to lillie

branch ol Ma-

xi r hall :i ponnd, and, _¦..). ly finished. This

i eveiI- bal i- known ;.-

.'l.T -

irs Bland-, of I his Iy, was (


s, nn iii ri Ive ti Hi's cityil Ni-it t the

\ j..intP

-.. -lops(.rand

fr -in Norfolk !o-: r ly*ls,


I Bj***. andhas ilium ions

mee f lc .chi.-Mn : M

I) Innd «ill heSunday In

I..,,. ,i..i_i

C\ STY.< 111- i hm 'i j 3,

fe fi: We had a snow-**! il tcs ,l, |,.|, ()f anoul

Dui hus rapidly melted

Bar-John L. Barbour,

:. :¦ f .! imi s I*, .i I, -ur. i;-.|.. nn erebe ii'- church ibis morning

inc ol nf, I by theil pi I se n.

.' nf the i-l.- iradi r ni iln- nm«tx ce* were conduct-

i -. John McGill, :.-s|si*(i i-Nsp i-i il train con¬

ti \ ¦!ly i" ii:- old family. v, bi re tbe

ried. R.

Outrace in IN ctr! ol L.II.J

..:-*. \ n F< Em-iin M.. An OUtragf-lt" --ii thc I ..tin:-

I, '-. tn'ob, if state mei.i- ni.. t -emtIn] by thc

inisi ni, ut ol' iiu

eir named ii c >lor< 'I gil I, tbe daughlcik. Ol th.s eily,

lei bc of exe mplai j char-l.I aboul ttve

..:, re turning l.eti.c inof in r -ti'! pupils.

two NN hiltm v, is iuni, il nv i'h :i

ii rudely addr. --, d thc...iu:: for helli.

t d ii:, men, wboi .,) lime

s daUK-iti r a

sn, and afterwards kickedside. Her screams, j lined to


an >>. in. happen! tl t-. be in,i

ii -l*.t bim in Ibeerio and pull ful

..t ihej bad <!"iu.

, In the upper isart ofrte**_! ia! one

t nn:.- i member ofol lbe *-itN. tte ..i--.mtk four ol th'-

and carriedroi ti for nh ntl-od lbe o

we re unknown to ber;lie, wbo w:n off

y ber ns one- of the

cul la lheeitel. 1

(ructions from the Mt.N 'Mil¬

li,lil. il ON. I' lu


lhe wound. I man fully Identified WI

pou Issued aadIssued

' told"-, who..'.i-l lo bat ccompai ted U inn.

*.i Di.Mi.ii.- Denver,"¦¦ Uri ii excitement prevail!

".¦' a discover) ol gobi near tbait* Platte, twenty mile- weal al

ut ii of lil.- *.le BBl .\- i-ltel I wo hundred

.. Ulalie.IA big story.]A', exp:,,, .,, aeenci-ed Tnaaday la Ibe

.-f lbe Knickerbocker Oas-ith itreet, x. w _©rk,

'¦"¦'linn ol Jluiie pun ci through lheJJ.*** .."' building, mid, hfte-r tWO boors'

«>( tin- departtac al h:.<i tbe lamea"i-ie.i. xii* daua ..¦ was slight. Tbe

JlK d thal a pssmsm*

<*"*. Heine s\:. "" li;.-, el l-v Messrs.Dunlap & (:.., lyiuu brtweea Amherst* '.iiiTheni.e- and river..LynchburgAcas.

llAHTic.i.t,. COBB., l-Vl.niarv 3.-Tbi- He-publican State c.mention lor Blaetlna dele-

'¦il .eal ( -u.N. i,lion i\ hi hh l-l :et law Haven on April Tu.,

THK LATEST NBffS.nt IIIHHIfl to tti r. niteratc ii.


I'l NN*X I X XN| X Dli.le.ATK.N Ai CHI*, \...-v! --I i. HBBOHI at BARDY HOOR-iiu: ROI !"N MURDER TRIAl liil'.IRlsll81 i i : RI BB; mi xii \*ru I IBTAR1! in, \i.i dy in ORTARIO; Xxxiii! PAM1LY MUBDRRED AT LUCANHX M x- KRD MEN- i IIB IRISH land i lts>i'.

Vt >i*>tllu<* ton.BB. BATABB -RB nc M ix x *-TtBBORAL.-thk

BAR -l ij!!! IixNXTl.l.K ns.roR-Boi sb xvii posn 01 ni i rai ki sn

OLOKIAL Di ctoros or x IB-CDMA X.XIJICil - mindi; ii BBS, At-.

IMl IWASHINGTON, I-'eltiTiaiy I_Jfr. ltav-ircl,

iii!:: tb! .i.'"!.',-nr si..Hld.-Du islet! ship*.

lars ibl visited il;** British mw-uir.ii-s r lad saw iii maini'ioili

Iroo-Clatl sblps ot xvhich costled iirin xvitiipainful ippre-

!t realised ti) il wc ban boI Miem from ste,min'.' into

rta oo tba coast of tbe United States,;itni ii. ease ol war would bsve to relj oboar torpedo defcue* tsiooe. Heall .alludedto the four armored ihlpi baili for tbeItalian Oove roment, e Itber ol srhieb wonk!lt.* inn.s ne ti to Hie nDi.ek of aux of enir

vessels, ind said tbii ooe <>! tiicsc*xs *-id* al' in- cost Blore than tin* four llllplour Government now proposes to floiab.In bia speech on floaoee tbe otber day beiii.-idin'alix spoke '>r tbs possibility <.* a

xx ;r on account *>f ibe Inter-ocesnic canal,ssly bas stimulated Iii* de¬

siri* to *(.. our Inefficient navy Improvedrie-lit axx.n

PERSONAL SEWS ITEMS.Mr. Bl: "- spn sbIoi * ol regret at bis

attack on M Hi win n Ibo ilatue olWilli in K was i'i--. nted lo tbe Gov¬ernment arc regarded a* i bid f< r the- roteot tl Bay SI 8< lalor Bayard i* bo»d-

to-night. Mr. William L.

Royall arrived to-nigbt. Maror ll. **. Dor-gell, ol Fredvrlcktburp- and Mr. HarrisonSouihwortb were al tbe Capitol Ibis aller-

:;:, : n IL OS Bl i RE TAB WAI.NS C0RR11(VIIson, ol Iowa, sppi sn el

lu foi. in! |leai - ' ommittee ur

day, ind both -ii!- - ndmil tbsl be mid i

i wei al rguraent In liver ol"reducingihe duty on -l el nils from Bewas fi qm nilj Inten upt< tl and qu< -Honed:¦¦. .*.!. -.! -. K< ll* y -inti t ii.;' r, bot li - re¬

plies helped his e*:in-e amazingly, aa tbeywere cb ar aud inrisive. He -aid tbal thereare now 110,000 indi* ol railway, s -.Teat

il. al ol tbi ii mi rails ol which noxv ought t'.

be repLsc* I by ste-i I rail* in ord* i- to secure

fail ami eda ap Irelifht lines lo tbe producing.:.!--(-. ninl yet, owing to tbe htgb duty on

tbe .h. i'i- mu i Le done, He Instanci d-.fe .Hie I" show bOW ll' st Si il; it

i- Hint transportation routes i" ibe iea-co ulshoiilil be Increased snd Improved becausetbe in cattle hud! be limit*d unlessthis i* done. He was opposed, be said, toIbe pd* it duty because ii preveoted com¬

petition a* to quantity ind quality in tbesteel rails made In the United States. TbeEnglish rails are guaranteed i«> la*-! ten

do lasl tl it lon;., xxliilc theAmerican rad*, be said, are guaranteed tolasl lixe yeal*, and last no longer. Mr.< nge !.. in the c mrse ol bis remarks,asked bim if when ihe lakes are frozentbe railroads 'I" n«>t Increase their nteiol freight and thus oppresi ti.e people.Mr. Wilson replied, "Tbal i*- Jual wbsli .-ur I'D 'si in tariff does by freezing up all tho

avenuea by xx iii.-ii sd el ni!* can be broughtfrom al road. You enable Ihe manufacturer!al in-ine to charge enormous profits." He

.xa* not against protection to our ironint* i' -*. bul bewas against a prohibitory rate

s.f sltiiy stn steel rails. .Mr. Conger al.lidedlo bis beina an attorney, and he said bsnever engaged In any case in:!.** it ac-

x*. .tia iii* conviction! ol riic-:' andtiuih, During tbe panie, be laid, while allotber Interests were paralyzed, the Meei*i ill establishments wenl on Increasing theirworks, and ex en then xx ere unable lo supplyi: .¦ d< in ind. 'i bia -'...xv. vi tbal tbi y wei ».

Ina Li lil.' III li x ,\ Inn e.! lu !- xxl le- toling lt.

A Pennsylvanian followed, ind advocatedst rou cly ihe continuation of tbe presentrite of duty, urging tba! ** ii wai necessaryh..xx. ifter 8 loi ni difficulties, toenable the iron-men lo reach the promisedlind." Mr. Tueke r took bim In band, andcontended Ihil from ins statementi besliuxx.ii iii the limes of grratesl dodresslon the, steel rails over$8fiper ton, when tbey sold them al .12 perten. '; ion xx iii be continued to¬ni ;: xx. It looks A! ll t In* vu lee \\ ill

repoi i m favor of redaction..xi-iioi si: AND !'"-! '¦! I K I I "ir DAN¬

VILLE.Mr. (aliell wa* un hand it the Renate to¬

day looking alter iii- bill for Ihe erec'ion ofa custom b* use and poit-ofi Ung :<t

Danville. Senator Johnston roi ii takennp nu p| lu order, .md tbe benate promptlypug*., ii i: tvltb the committee's amendmeut.Tte amendment Increases the amount to

170,000, and provides thal it shall ii"' bes rect< d xx ii iiin forty fsa t of anj othi r build-

Mr. Ci bell xvi.'! s,-(. tbere is a* littleas ;.Lble in getting tbe Hou lo

et.n.Tii* in Die Senate amendment, m. livei city ss Danville, and one tbal lia* such as

ilium ids- tobacco trad*-, li s ntltled t a cus*use and post-office.


Houseiodsy paned ibe bill sp|. f tlie leii-

resentatives of the United State* to tbe Io->iii] Fi-!, < onveutlon lo as embie M

Berlin In April. Professor Baird wltlgo¦od lake Iii* new fishing and bltcbilton vessel. Jail!t si Wilmington. Hewill carr] with bim ex] rta c inectedwiththi* department, and xviii tasks no poolstioxv iii L-omparison with tbe exhibit! s.f

Euro.. mi nitlom, I bi . eli Kates arc to lie

sppoloted ly tb* PresldeBt.tbe azroBTEDrosios ;\ west viroikia.Ail tbal t""k |fliee bars between Um

Greenbsckers ind Bepublicaoi ol WastVirginia will, I sn inf' »i nnd, be broughtout iii dtM tin..-, nnd I lit* ir that it xviii bc*

ibOWa tBBl Mr. Sturgi*- xvas leaifBBted SI

the ctir.idiD- fur Govaroor, and that thc'li.lld district in to llBVS I larg! -hare Of the

Btate officers. Those who sra surprised atxvhal h.* .dread} been nindi* |,Ti!.lie, 1 am

assured, xxiii lu- SStoaode .1 xv!n n tin* xx hole

story is mali- public. I have seen more inii.niiusciipt than I san iioxx RHIIIIOM AM) colonial luioiuis

Ol' XilieilXlA._'o-d:ii Senator Johnston olSTCd I r - -

lution lor prtatlBg UM Virginia colonialrte- ii.i* noxv In thc* library ol Congress, andlt xx as refe.ri'U to the COfB-BtttsM *»n Print-log. Ile* Bald these* BMBRSarlpt re-cords olUm flrglRla GBEBpBRJ aie more than twoUutidrcd and UH)' )ears old, nuU arc bo

I N,*l io he* the onlv copy al thc ne.,ni- elthi* Illirie Min:., period ,,- eibtfMB. 'I hi jvu ie in th,- peal tatton of tba Bari of South*aajpton, he said, an i were Burchatad fronthis exmit-irs I.y WlllhHB Byrd, ol \ .r.iiiia,fioiii wboaa eatata tbey paaaed loth. Rev.w Ultana Btlth, pr. *i*iei.i of William asdM nv College, From Mathe4] weal to Pej loaRandolph, lir*f |.re-iileiit ,,f 1 he C nt,: ii,,-iit:.|CongrciB. Mr, Jefferaoa pnrebased thea

lal Mr. Bandolpb'a stilt-, nmi they wareI bought, with other paper*, ni Mr. Jcffer-I eon, by tbe Uolted Mtatea G rernment. Cn-ile r the Virginia Compaa<-I- ti t- nun kl ,:. H.,. i;,.i , ti.:, ti. tit Eng-Ins lettlenx ni wai made on thia eontineot.i' * mblbbed i Legtslalare, nnd gave ta Ibei>t opie tin- righi to vote f -r it* members'These records, lie- added, are Ol '-'rent lii--loiical villi,*-, uml engbl lo be made acehie to blstorlana aad otbera and placed bc*yoi,d the danger ol d. struction.

BB, PAttBI El.'- Men mem-1.

Mr. Parin :i md partj to-day called ontl i'i- -uis-iit Bod Metal**. Everti aad Bbl r«man. Tbe interviewe were pleasant, To-Blgbt Hr. Parnell ii -it tbe Congregationalehureb. To-morrow tii__-.ii then la a theati I-eal i e-; formance for tbe beni tit of tbe Ii i-iiBufferers, nv inch be ha* agreed t-> attend.

Em IE M.Nvs

The House Military t-rv-dayIa: reed to report General .1 -lin I ib'i inbstl- J'_tote for the bill to commission P. P, Powellns an offlcei E. tin- Unite el State * armv. I'r.Pi well, it Nvill be remember. ',. .ci red rn

tbi '' infederatc anny.On Mond;.v. v< bruary 9tb, the iub-.TudI-

clary < ion mlttee nv iii bear ai gumenls on tbabankrupt qucstloo.Tbe Indian Training .School ;i' Carlisle is

a success. Mr. Pood's bill propo-es toestablish other (raining schools for Indianchildren. Oura; will vi-it tbe Carlisle¦cbool.

Peter Cooi r li is written Senator Beck tocontinue Iii- war; _*alnsi national banks.The testimony In the Keilogg-Si-olfbrd

ease all tn i n taken, and counsel nv.ii pulin tbeir brit fs on Mooday, Tbe raof tbe committee will be for unsealing Mr.Kellogg.Tir House Banking and Currency Com¬

mittee teported In favor if aflPwing na¬tional banks to Invi il ne qui rta r .-" theirsurplus fiiii<rl- In real estate.

rhe Southern Utes wii .arrived tbe otherc'.riv liinl a e nference with Mr. Schlira to¬

day. Ignacio i- .ti chief.Thomas M. Bl ul ¦ t . ion ol ¦¦ Gov-; j

ernor'" Blodgett, ol Ueorci., ls ehNvitii bavini" Eikeii Illegal lera as collectoral St. Man *-. i-'li.

M i ir J lin to NewVork the pap rs g iy Si nat ir .1 ibu Lon isthere.

I bear n pn >nl aboul further.'. . ird lilllie ni resolution.

ned I'r.-.- !:. |.e,. hj telegraph lo ;oatt

WASBiKGToy, February 4..Tbe HouseCommittee on Banking and Curre. cy, almeeting tin- mornin sr, au berized Repre¬sentative Davis I report b k to tbe HouseNNiUi favorable recommendation the bill In¬troduced by Representative O'Connor, oil].s-s,in ii Carolina, authorizm national bank*. ,

t m ki loam upon m rtg -. ¦. on real '

estate. i''lt is i- ported tbal Thom is S Blodgett,' ,

son ol Fi iter Blodgett, formerly Governorol Ueon* ia, is in trouble va it ii lhe Treasury1 ),-i te rt im nt about his accounts as collal St. Mary's, <' i. Il- ls charged witb j.taking 11 If. a! lees and with otbei irregulari¬ties.The <.t;i!).] Jory lo-day examined several

witnes-i s in . be .- ise ol i.u y I'.. R. Borton,charged NtiMi assault NNiili nn Btiempl tokill J ihn ll. Morgan on New-Year's day.

I bc President In* tbe papera in Hie casei-f Major Remi donn belore him, and willrici ou them al an early *l iv. 1' ^* under¬stood be tviii approve lbe Ondlng ol tbecourt-martial, wblcb sentences Ms|oi Renoto dismissal from si rt Ice.

t'.irt.v-Mixtii t*.at-aaa Maenad flaaalon.W-8UIN0T0N. Febi nary I, IPSO.

MENAT ic.Mr. Maxey, from tbe Committee on Mili¬

tary At, »l ted a I'll! aiithiT.zii.Secrelnrj ol VI ir to acquire foi tbe UnitedState*, title to tbe land on which Pori Sock-ion. Texas, i- locate d. Placed on tbe calen-1,dar.Mr. Anthony, Irom tbe Committee on L

Naval At! ui-. p .1 led n bill for lhe n-li.-r ',of Medic il-Din dor Jonn I bornleigh, Uni-ted St ates navy; also, from the same com- L

favorably, a bill regulating ihe nu.nnii * av ol certain marine officers in theUni .-.1 States si in ice. Placed on thedar.

*i!r. ,i lubmitteda res ilution lht Itbere be printed for tbe use of < ion

spic s ul transactions of the Virginia (< e.n.j-..nus s ot London. Adopted.On motion ol Mr. Maxev the >. nut<. look |

np Senate ''iii for tbe relief ol Edward!,Braden and .J. W, Angus. It directs tin4! [

rj of the Treasury to pay Bradt18 for c sctra labor and mate

ej in mc e mstruc lon of o quarter-ma ite r's tupply 'lei 61 al S in Antoni \

Texas. Mr. M ixey explain il tbe hill.Mr. Conklitig cal _ tiention <.> th

..ence ol any unil. Iii i lo ri I "r-nee ol bills of r lo commit-

lees, rbi* bill was introduced byoncsen- I

Btor from Texas, ri fern el to thc < 'omnitttee ¦¦

on Military ABairs, and reported favoiby tho otb. r ii nator from Ti x is, a mi ml er;:I

1' Ih^l :¦"!!,liiltH «'. ! '

MPP-oi'ikiinj* lb.H :!il Ihe claim of Bra- Mden A Angus Bbould li ve hi en re fei red to 1Hie ommittee on * ilma, if lo any c im- j'iniiti-e, hui be it Ik ved il should Ix r. fericd .

to tbe Court . i < '-im-, andi-l;, ,,lin,el t tO that ell Ct.

Mcsst - ( ekiT-H. McMillan,and Edmunds.iirae. A lon deb ite re-

.>ulted.Mr. c. nkiin-'s amendmenl wa* agreed ,

to.yeas, 81; nay-, ¦__; aud tbe tull a-Hms t,| v ii- passe al. The Cl flu tbua

lo Un < our! ol ch un. ; |l be-Sen ite passed thc bill authorizing th<

conveiaion ol national Bold banks into bb*lion il banks, and al P. M. weul luecu!Ive session.Adjourn) d.

n i ;: e.)- Bf PBE8EN1 M ive-.

After transae Ing omi* mUcellaneous busl-nt ss tin- iiof tbe bill reported yesterday from the Ju-jleia iy ( iu iii:.- e nm cert iln -. c-ilona ol i .-' lbe luiisdictl »nof tin1 liniii tl States Court and regulatingthe removal ol cau.*es Irom State e> Pi deral jCe -. la

Mr. Culbertson, <-f T. I thc !,provis! usaf ibe bill, and Mce-trs. Wi lb rn,or Texas, an Winn . ol Michigan, -

lupport. Tbe tn ming bour havingexpired, tbe bill .'.. ni ovei without a<

i be House Iben, In C immltti e ol tbeN1, ole, consider* d and pi --I--.I a j"it.rIntiou appropriating 120,000 t,- enable Iberuin el .-tnt'- I't-i: Commission to representtbe United States at the international Hab¬er] ibibitton il li.!i'm. (iiTTuai.y. in AprilIII xi.The debate oa the revl-iou ol tbe rub i

waa thea "resumed, and alter lbe rejectionof an amendmenl toRule ll giving IbeCom-mlttee on Pi it-Officea aad I'..-1-!.*: lads eon-n-.,i over ibe post-office appropriation hill,and al-c, au ann lulnn ;ii BUtboiizlOg thalcommittee to report sniii bill r>r referencetc tiie Appropriation*) Committee, adjourn¬ed.

l*it|tc>r "fl111 n, "Mass.. Ft'bruary 4..The

South won ii paper Bill wai destroyed bySra last night. L hm not elated, Insurance,170,000._

Kfimorcd lian... x rouble -tt

Ni.w Vohk, Fchru .ry 4..Tlieu- an- nn

innis ihat thc: ProdOM Hank, of thiscity, ls In troubh-. Matters nre qolel lhere,however, to-d.y, m.jil |bc Hank offli'ials urerctU-.ot. i

ID uim, | vu ula llrpiibllrnna.Hash ,,,,( pebraarf 4..At thc- eaaeoi

»l ibe B nne deft-gates field Issi Eight ie;."*,"les xvei-e,., i |n ih. la'cresl, iflerwbiehh.- esacui, by i rots ti UH 11 lift decidedhal Hie '.onventtOB should to-daylelegatea '.. n.t. Kittani! ObbvibUob.

Ol ni;: fln"rB (R*_-"'nDnrR*_-AT RAB¬IDsnrRO.

Habbi bi ..<;, i'A.. february t..-Tim Me*I'.ii.iie.iii slat? Cooveotton paiet "jere in tbeIpera-House t ll ''.lock to-day, and x'.a.,; ed lo order by < Imirmin Hooteo, of tbe

Commlttae. *.*. H. Miller, ofi iii.- Hon. Itns-'dl terrell i"

ppoiii!' <i lemporarv abalraMR. sad i;pnr-al Albright moved la sassed by sabstitu-in*.' ti.e ti m.,, ,,- e ;<-.nee V. Lawralee. A"'<. was i x* h ire oiled in favor ..(

Iii Iglinsl !r_-a \.e'"ix for theil-.lit pee.).le.l' \*. i- d-clded tbal a eommNteaof obsthu ...eil senatorial distrid be appoiatedn resolutions, aad eommRteei ob eontest-

ti ind p-rniain:.t ergaBlEatioB were'*" appolat* a.Af the ii-u-t! rom ine business, Senstoi

lerr offered a reaolatloB Ural tba di li Eatenleeted . the Republican Nations! Conven-oii ai < hicago bc iaatrueted to support forie presidential nomination I'. s. Graot,nd vie as .i unit on all questions thai tn ayame liefore ti.e *'ooveulfoo..Mr. Stone offered mi imendmeol reRflrm-

)_¦ Um resolatloo isiinit ,i tbird t' rmrlopted i.v Hu- Republican BtateConveo-on of 1876.After considerable debate, in whleh a

ii*.-.* number of di le. te opposed Senitorlerr's resolution ind f \ ired Biiine, Mr.; .ne move d to imend Hen'- resolution Hytr kin-: out the name f Gran! and insert-ig thal cl I'd.nne. The motion wis lostj t vote of IM to fi"..Tbe question then recurred on IP-rr's.-..11.1 nm, which was divide I, the yeas andsys being ordered on the Brsi pail to In*truct tbe delegates to supporl (iran', and j.'lalted.yeas, 183; nay-, li::. Tbeseeoodart, lostruding thc delegation to vote ss ¦nit .ji all qui -lion*, wi! ad >pti d bv ¦ viva-oce vote. The Pennsylvinis delegationill therefore supporl Grant af Chicago

June.Tbe plait .rm adopted eoogratulatrninrrv on thc resulta *-f 'ii Bepubliean

il policy, il.'i'i'i.Ti' * further financial¦-¦.-I.'...! al I'lT'-ent. favors a protectivetri O', and reaffirms tbe general principles IJf the Republican parij wltb regard lo ¦¦

dion il que -lim-. ;','I be ' onvention nomin ited Auditor-Hen-

ral and Justice ol ti.e Supreme Court, I J*nd, afrer adopdng Ihe report of the com-title " on Un- appointmetil of sh ls'.. ( bl ' id presidential cI. ctois, ad] .iii"." ¦!

.Mi rino I) j sn Mer-*.

LonoBranch, '-.¦'.. February 1..Thereanother vet ri -rn H indy Hook. Aob crfuI ',-i *. -el io be a two-

a luz '* alongside of her.'I letbre. -it isl. - ilioonei Stephen lin d-

i-'. from Cedar Ke-Vs r* r Mew Tork, xxiihmills'!-. ime lahore ol A. M. yest*in- ei .v ol four men « is sa\i d by therew of I.if. -.-':.vin_r Station No. _.

a!---o. nnd p' rh ipa tbe v< ese!, \-. iii: * ived.¦t.k. Fe '-i ii.u \ l.- .x ibree-ma-*ti .1'

.hooner, said lo be the 1". E. L itv renes, olibsecoin, \. .5.. i- ashore al New Point

I, Va. A me to her.P HST, _s\ .!-. Ki 'nu ny L. A

aa I-i...;: ii i* ,\ i-h< d ashore n*¦i ie the e" ii** of itxo Ballon xv, re loundn- morning. The name on i'-<- b >al ap-ears lo be *- -.Ilia " or -. Ennis." hbellev* d to belong lo the d'. D.

u pta I ii George Torry, xx bleh lefl Hamptonloads J Otb with o I u*-hel. ol.rn.

'roles:-*eil Irish I*re-l;if^s Igalnal I'iir-iiell's c Illirie-.

New Tobe, February I..The Mansion-[ou*e lii-ii Relief Committee bas tele-ral ii d here extracts from letters and tele-ram* ' f twenty Ure Irish bishops and arch¬

er in ali parts "f tbe countr) protestigagainsl Ibe Injustice ol Mr. Parnell'sbarge lha! ihe committee refuses relief to:-(;¦»¦-*> el Irlih tenants who have nol paid_elr r. nt. :iinl s \p-.T --in. tbe utmost c lofl-eii't' In tbe Mani »n-Ho lei mdie tm ie -* ana in pu; nury or its«1. -*»..,..,


A Te*nrfnl il.-tel til' Iileioel.XXTleU.K r xxiii.v BCBDEBI D ST BASEEB REN.

Lucan, Ontario, February I..About 12'clock last night a party of men with black-ned and masked fact i entered tbe dwi liingf the somewhal notorioui Donnelly familynd murdered Ibe la'her. mother, one son,

-ii' ce. A boy named Connor lookfuse under Ibe bed, ind i sc qi* d unhurt,

'bc party tben set Bre :.> thc boase, wbicb,.getber xxiii the bodies ol lin* murdered.mates, waa totilly consumed. Anotherin, reskling about three milaBkfroni tbeomestead, xxas called to bis door iboul Ibeime hour and sbot The township li,id xx ii ii exel nt.

LAI-EAT rennin-*. MAIS.


Lom..iv, February 4..-Righi Hon. Sirleorge Hamid m Seymour, retired dlplo.tallai, nd Henri Moule, n prominent phi-

ind cl r ni in, and -nil ni .reimineni at a sanitarian and tbe diicoven rtbe dry-earth system, are

li i Di-.illTHE LAND Ll X'.lt. February 1..-Al a meeting of,. li¦;-:. National I. tn i I. igue yest.wis resolved that Michael Davitt should

uted t wa t upein the editors ol.' i,-1, md othi r ' .ontinental news-

upi - lo enlist their support In e il', rtsi.r ibe ie.';.! ol thc t! stress in Ire land.Iii in.i\, Fe lunary i .Lord Mayor Gray,

ec ..ii. pal,,' il by th" corporation and civilHi.- rs "f Dublin, xviii prei *nl a petition ol

rjutile wotki and ii:-' amendment of themd laws al thc bar ol tbe House of Com-ions 'ii i'i idaj next.

France,\ l.iNLl.'s Bt'CCE-SOR.r x xl.

HAD i;o\i. x. ii

Paris, Februtry -1. Ir la expected Or.' Broci will be elected life- n itor by a

In place «-f mnl de Mon-

By ¦ railway collision il Argentenll, inbe II |*artin< ni . i ¦-. Ine i Dise, sevi n per-

¦.. minded.I he Arin nte nil sldent

llV, l'i-..'!-i m np ;,i- ol thc x'. ree k-d iraln v re n ell-l mi n wbo

ll uing T.i. i.i x -tit, per¬il ii .nix other!

j injin. !. Ij roo-lhere

- dittfcul. ¦ num-el Ol VlCtlfl I.


Lom I irv I..A Vienna dlspi.iit iia-tworthy ;v-<- .unti repi

I-- internal conditiona number ol of-

ei. blgb i:i comm ind have t*c eome dlsaf--.- bile b * x\bo xx- re not promoted

fie. tbe late wsr with Turkey have, withHW eXC* pt IPOS, 'oiled fie ..¦% ..lui:. .ri *'-.

sOMiLtxe i: t o :i*\Nir-:*s.

BW i.\-ru.\N' E ci-'i'H i:.


Tile IC'ler-i^I.e I. li ITll .' (Ol Tl"' * '' -I'll'"-ur th-' parua vet eoadi nina n c.I.Nt- H.xl, INr-*I"-

111 -IN! _S la ill. Cl!) t'Hie!.ui'tlli!. ni.irUt: limn.' :iul -li.. el

QOBDOR X ri.IISAHIaw- ).-iil*i i ami it ii.t-.l lim-ti"- IK .-i-.-.-no ne-ni'lpii ny Xii. I'. T. -tell, 'so- * "-"a Ul Et-BVI ** UlTIIKKT, Wll-re lilt X Hit- pTS i'"l I"

.1 iii ur nne sm ali si.!--. "i' prouerty, oo toe mos.t-ii-.iii.-ii.i.' i-i a.-. ni Hm rollowias "liau-tnuii .-nil..:ElAMRUBG-BREIH N.OF QBBNABT. CM* ss-

.-:s, 11.234,12'Jl lurptus iit-oxe iii"'''"" '

.- , .

l.v ee.NKlWCL. Ol InxNfK. < a. li assets,|8 1)77.7D1; iii'ibiirHu.-, (hSl otto.i bin e.,ni|uQlei hitxs I8B.OC0 In liiltt-smiatfi

i'.vetnii.eiit bou.l, ile, i, ii.i willi Hit- Sim, D. ,-

urer for the excltim,* piattatitn of Virginialolicg-hrdder*.Losses liberally bjJIii .le J u "' .«»'.|'r^ni|'iXXd'-LIXii'iV. PL! A* *- v, -,re 5*3* Ii. A.,


V '¦. sri ev. Fr-ii.-j-r- 4. lflHO.t*-Ut._"l.-6.0<lO pe-s-ler-. IE i',-.. g I at BJ¦poas ,it 7c;;: Ito in in emtpom m I.n««i|s-r <.,,; yr,-i,,r., .,r Tani.' lilv.-r sml h's-iwt-t* OB-aicaBspBBj .tidaa bi Hi IO-namoiMinta sd ! Cfiiirleetle Air-t.l.-tr Railroad Bl PB | ll-ure. .( Vlr-I'iltt Hr.'siel Marin- in iir.ui'-e- .. ¦-

n.V. .!,., ,t f| | SOB ni a Vlr,l.:l-i Us,ms- Bl".: 3,(iou NTr-irUa sob .-¦'¦ nt TX'.: :i lbwi'-litii ..iel :ui.l natalie K.l'nnid .Kiele st 4'.. sis*!

ino i,,1 anil Danville- i.'allr. ll 1

' BteturitttSt.I'nlfo'l si-a'e:i7- t.i-n i'm-.-i Stares it. 1041,1,1,.. ;stair Boeuritlet..Xlxwlnl* I (MO**. BB Md, 87km '- ii-auiia 1 - n , keC: Vu¦¦. n ol -v. gg 1,1,1. rfu a*s-ed; Vlrmstla .:.rred. *; bid, .» ..--.. d; \ Irshtia mt ,.--' mil

.ttl; Ni Ilma I lX-"er, tva, ian. 77 asked; North Caro'lot 4 e

1. 71 a il* it; Vuvihii !¦ 1.11 cooi 'i'i*. n; bid,20fd.

'i>s . ftliTnn anl .¦. . .1 11,1 .1.:l asked; P_ferslinr_ .-ny 8*», jr. and A..linaked; I'.i. r-inu-.'.-iiv B'l.B. atd .(! bid, lue;ked: LTocbb-ara cit) .-'-. -I. and J., 110 '':-! *ln li's. .1. .111,1,E. loo BM.

liatii-i'.o.i /;,,ni* -vn-.i 111 ira) Bailroad Bmr'-n*-.' *; ...(..uni .1 iou i.i.n Vlrali i* On ni

n mud third in,.rrj. ,e,. ,; ., .1. ;.,.| .1.. im ^j.'--''.') 1 C "Iral Ita-: 1 ..I. andiut- ii: Vlntlnla and Kallroad sec-morirave 1/ .1. and J . ol Md: Virginia and

¦.¦ Bailroad iblrtl rn..r?_-.¦_.-*. H'-. J. aod .)..1.- Railroad iir-< morrraae b's,

ih.I .).. 121 bt'l| il'-li..!. Er,'.l.r| and.tomsc Bsllroa.1 rnortit-ae _.., .1. and J- ll.",I. 117, ;.*ta, I: liirii ¦.,!,.I. )r« .! nek Imiiv 11,.1

mi- Bsllro-d i.. ri-'.i.". 7'-. .1. and .E. UlV',11. lien ked; Klcbtnou-). r"i-e*-**-rr)ckstHirs:aod Bu-

.1. nnii .E. 1 mr asked(Tm,"1..I md Danville lialiroaa coi Plated V*..uni \.. lol bid, lOBa-ked; tTeclmont Bailroad

-t .tT.rtir.- *., .\.ai :*>. 1 ni 1 IB a k d i

rrui'.a ,-tn-l < h.-irni ie N.r-l.ini. Hiilr..,,e| fir-re 7' .Eau .1 BO bid, HS asked: Richmond,.rk it r e.,.i 1 .¦ ,,..,-.,. Bail-mad ant mortcage

.!. nil .1.11- .ism,n c. *-. an,1 Bailroad-1 lmn.a.c 7's. n ¦_' ,1 1. ll 3 0 ked; c., c. indKalin .-I er 1, mort-rea 71 .«,_ ,ii. 101 ssked.Uanoi Bondi..J ime Uiver and iel a nu vt tin < anni

..,,.._¦.,_¦¦. c y,. and N.. 50 let; J,1 Ksnawlia Canal cond tn irt_ajr< (".*-, .M. aad M.,Md.

,' stuck*..Richmond -uni I' 100 pw, ii.", iii-. Richmond, Kreeie-kst-nrs. indPoi msc Railroad common. 100 par,

t,i,i Richmond. Frtrsledci b nra Pofomaeinroad onere nL _n.-ir-i-.-i e.-i. inn nar. 100bid:Ichrooml. yn-derlrksotir? and E tonse Rallroadper cenf. icu irani...1. tOO par, tOB Md; Con-

s-tis.ti Railroad noes, 7u par. 7-"i Md; Rich-ii 11 d Dui nils 1: dlr id. 100 p r, 1" . bl 1.

Richmond, fork R ("lu -a, .-ii,"ii. :.:. a ke 1; Atlanta and f harlotte

r-Ein. Railroad,23 bid,I*, askers); C.,C. and N.lll>rs '.a. - bio.f.vinfi! Stocks..dtmt* River stnd EUnawba Canal,Kl I'iir. |1.25 a I*.- I./, ,.,/. stn As.-E:r-t Nail ti.i. inn par, llfiUlenia) Hank i.t" NTr-iiiT. tOO par. Bil blked; Pk m il, 100 oar. l hld:II .> ol Vi,-., h. 1. ino ,r 'ji i.i :; Union Bank oldimond,50 par, .".»'. bid, 6H ked; Merchant*d nun', r- Sui,1/,. ia par, IB),'Md: ( i v Bink,I pir, 21 Md: (Tthr-rii* iiii.ia.-_Ti par. 21

n ii.i.,;.: !.'ire .md Ma¬le, 25 par, S2 i 11*1. 33 1 n ki tl: VUpur. 1U". Iii, Vu ian 26 pur, 2Aasked: elia, loo par. - I bid.

'i 1 iK.inlnl .,. .--, im.uip < i.i-

ny. 100 par, 00 ld, 93 a-ked.

.H.V T«l«nm|in.M. .-.

iry 4 slur.e. .¦ I. .


.'¦.rim .-, ,; 1, r 1 ii'. \,Ifl. (j .j ,i< *. and Brm new .",'-. 103 ;

J per i .">. Butei dull.t1.., I. a,

E. brun vi del



Kit imo: p. 1 . 1 - h.

fiFFERING Rt OBI Ell IO tsEI RETAH.'.-Wm v -Kt '¦ -_i

T hit 780 '-ii liDATS J l.e,-lie -.

71 lui I.- 1-.El. N- KI.'T li i'l N' ..1 1 bU

- I.'l iii- nm - Bl POR BI) TO * Ei RKTABY.

nn 11 kat. Beet, 200 bu ln-i rerj ""I Lane 1 te r

OHM ll',.'..-. e; -¦:, ¦:., i- vei > .-¦ oel ,t .,-,..: 00i-hcl* very g uki at 58c: 20 leii-lads very a.. c.; Mi Lu dels vi .: 1- \,nate ;. rm-: *iu bushels timi 00 lollr '-.

Ml. IL..14 bu

Flour.-'-! 1 .*.-. :.n s*..7.-e

1.75 iii 17.20

MOND TOBACCO MARKi; 1'.!- _DOI mv 4.--T In- i*bllot tn- ar- tbec|BOUtloni:

m\i ...

II '. I,tn;- .I IOmi.'. *.:i.-,,1 s|..".n.

I'eeeC I,-'. ..... il ill iii - ll

-odlovel ,' -inT in- ah ,v< 'in ,ta 1 lon. sie tin- loove ¦¦¦.¦-.'ii

adi .in.iin n -croi Ins -n le*.rit;/.i:i. n Nih rOBAe . '».

Lng1, < 1:1:1:1 1 to medium v- ¦" '.' f ".: ;". ¦'1 t"

ie, *. -..aOi.i sT.'u.Leaf..Common tomi Hum. 13 f-fO.SO; (rood foia .... d, -7 sn .-un ,-..min.-,, .,1 shlpi ny, -7. iO|1_ ; Eii.T' h si ins, |6 ¦. |10. 1 Toll A' el.

/,,,/,,,-c,,,,,. 10.50: -.I- |"25.

/,,.". -i ruiui ..ii n. m. .linn.. 17.50 18.50m.1 Oilers, -'.. - 17.

M Nll.l'iVN V NNTI N1M-! II-.* nu, t.i :. :: _;o good to li::''.


ron in iiie-eiiiuii. "..-., " v..-,; good to flue,

CHINN I.ll M -.'INN.

, nu,,1 ri pronne..

2(1C. I> Hi.

.- .". -.;. 7 lc. for


Or tea Fruit; fi be \. .1.12 '.inf T d, 1 .¦ ...

, I ei -

lt..: due-kit. ll !_¦.. .' I".Agin ,-i N ; lu emt* ¦.- i-j .

j :. tnrke i Lesli. 5c, p tb,; lui < -. irina, l|)r-

:-'. 1 L

:I r, 85


Pork..Dre "I. ."- .¦7

7-. 7.-.S-.

1 ims I la .. . I--


17", r

. - .



11.25..11 ; 4-4 ll

eC/ Hal .' .

.'7 7 . : '¦ T

7 I7

.: - mi, llrs

israel ." .. .*."..



7- *

1.35 r, i.... ."

.. nure, 10.-M


... I ..- sfs-is.- 53".I orr liin trills* a,.-l « ..s.e.i.

ti |3 75 sli il i.s.x: easaa,va

t,rsi.mrs, fee. . : ___f «!^1_-!3' *-3ma siii.niii.-r-. a«_i7)'v*-.. vu

.1,1* nama, ia-..ini.II K)fs-llc; su_»*i. Hw .tlc:1 ,er. Stock irl.t.

11.80 fl 7-.-SI'.'.M

*'' Mit*

Cofee- Bio.Co:-' .¦ A4>'-: IBUlie.; j ' »«'."


cuitius, liM-le.; w_r«*j

*,** wt ntuug. IB's-BlSMe. -"'i.'-3 : KosUsii rit-trr. j- ._i--.; pi_._a-.p_s, .a

.7 lg ham.Il'-riinai.N'trin i srulina No. I cn

.'¦rl'i s _ii,||n_ tri/JS, : Nortr. cIna rv, \n halt-Seen'.e. cl P>i8.A0. vi-.).. i .".*.. -.¦ -. .-..

n I. in kn..11-8. -. -. S.81-S-0.

i tem .,.':., 'i .; inn

COB!BOOH -yr os.H-vsttf-iiS,. 2_._'..: barrels. 2* ¦: io-nt):), sot- . bi

Sea '.vl--siis. prim-Litre ri ...!. n :.i .,,. . |1.:,.| .....

-ni *.tiir -.Mi *. T vt-t.'¦.'d'IDS:.: do-', rt-**. 10*;«

i' rr, .: *. itei -*. .i. i 1 .-,.-.

»___>!:._. .'.** . -


in -r*i...-*.*; Ktiin-.jstier, SI...-'{rtJ.y.iiiii-.. Ba-ataar. ire.

1 ."rv .. ed. IX'.: irv.¦e. x 9 .. act ihjM

itn lim-1. -s.

.- ui

* 1*1.80 - ».;iraa. Btarl. .-tan,, te,

le U |.". t.

...-'.-, in 200 kern '..Dre ; .m.illrr 1, froia 1 kt


1 ", ;,: mutt., 3.

t.l'J J»-tr ¦;, '.V In-,. .Vi .

otpv ls, omi t'ifcPl-jut e

12: Tri,I*. I'-'.. -I1'- "|,i.

ll. .ld. Si

ll. USO.

' I ll .. ¦¦ : '.I urkei .ure..1.Mitti/, 1. niarri., fc«,

¦' VT'.

:-!-"'''il: --.. -ii

1.7 .; *

'. . 7' . \ xi

-.'-.'; I.. .ii -

jD'-. * biiWte.Poweirr. *»boi, me.

.-. ::.-.¦-.'./ 11.28 R 100¦. "ter: *¦:<."' io -I." Atv le a _y

[ 83

Tty !Tait**_«*»tplt.¦-

N! **.' ', ¦. February I--tntn.'i -fillet; -ile*¦I bal.i-i .e. Cou:hernur 'ia!' n..i| i.rotiplni; minnon 10 ian vira.: 10. lt: uno 10 choice, 18.25 ii 17.25.

'beat h.,en.-.1 D', h, w r: c-ostd Brm, with ilf..'i : ii 1 i-f r .* I.-. 1 ul. 11.1"

1.42V Corn.Cash dull ... 1l1a.lelt.srer: lu -

..a.- -I iii :. -.,..mern yi irnvi. c. 0 - 80ats opened limier: rioted beast sad lather

!- ¦-. I! ¦. unch-n red and quiet.LT" r. ros, 13 ", .-.: |olj ki -. 1 1

17.-. Mi. ai'.|ii|. an,I -om.Iv; ia tit 1 lin- . I -.ilr rn soo 11 ii.,in:-. / prime, 7 ',¦.¦;ii i ni I.ii;- di Molasses.V. n lin

.1 .1'I: Nets firm and 1.1 Mr.., ,ln.1 ti, ni ni

'.e. L'.i .im t :.. 81.52 -i.a.i. Turpentinekt and Arm .1 10c. XX'".! riles ier» Brm, sri ..od lni|Hlrv: dome tlc Bee e, 13<_.58<-.: nulled,

ed, I* D'" Te .*." 1. "'! I Oe-.I aii'l \-l', .'i'l ii Ci.¦_'.-.'.'-!._.."ill. XDi-

iil and lower: lona clear, 87.10: iln.ri clear.7.30: ls . '-.' 20. .'¦* loin r,

',' ,.',. XVhi-kex ni |1.0r_.ifi.lils dull.

BALIiXI'.IM-'.I'. 11. . un I'¦'.ll !' vi pp! uni -.,,., ,-:, ..,.,, Hi i I. I,


'tv M' ¦..-. \.r 1. -

il: i'"i. 17.2 i.'i" bm j. -7.2;:-. 1*011.le ii vb. si .p.-ind ii. in ."iliu rn red, 11.4(1

.f.-' -e. iv. -I. r Still.led, pol, ..'i-l I 11,1 \. *!. D': xi ireh, *l. !¦.:,.-:..! ll 111,; xi it. 11.43 1. *....'!..-..

still's-.\. flotr. lite. ".I- 1 r a.,.iii.

¦v jute, md I*, un li ml 1. ik 10c\; wp t-.!. 48 17e. i'l.ivii ns .jni*

150. Hulk insnu.Ls. il outelerr. I','.: cleirI. iMl ;...: clear rib rides, p ¦!,,¦ :, -md 7!»e.

¦¦ rs. ¦".',".: els ar in -l«!i -. re.: banII Ile. I ari Kellin d, Iii ll. .¦<..¦ SH 1X0. < nlli*ni-! and .'i.-'ei': Iliu cai Sugarrm: -A" .''. '¦'',.. Whlski j*, fi.D' ls bl dall.

i*iNI"INN".\ I.''ra l\-, IT, I'l.raarv -l-Klinr il ll and ne.

. XX || -,- 11 .01 I firm ul .1.28. 1 un.nil ai -cv. si.' neady al 39 r. I'"'** d .11 ai 1111I1,ai ar 11 2.50. Lard 11 el ei ai

-la.1.-".in bid. Dnlk-io.-<!-. dull and dnoiilmr:iou I. ir ,14.12'.; 16.80: ld".80.75. asked. Itscon easier; shouldeilb-,7 e.:-'! ."'.. firerii-ineits dull mel mimi¬li, xvii.iikev quiet at 81.09 Bnear iiulei; lim -.

*_ D".e.: N. iv Orleans, 7 "*-,'.. Hom uni. t1,inn...1 - -ian: ilvl.'.'H.L'."'?(..*,.".; |, aiv-1. I 1. I.." ne ei -'. I. 1*0 4.80.

LOUISVILLE.I,*..'... V........ lui.rv t l'l<»i»r i|..|. I /!..'. nn*liam. d. xx !.. si t .!< 1 ai 11.30. dru lui .t ic1..' 40c, l'..ik .|.n. m "sDt.l*.:. a i.-.n.ard ii'ii.-i si .

1 '*-*--,¦-. litiik-in-ai- ipi.hi; .ImiuI-era, I,.-.;ni.-. *-.¦..>,<-; sides. I".7,, a ?.-. Uncoil!. lie V ie Ul.1l I'¦-. -". ¦¦ I.'. 7

UT. i I. m.-. "rl.'jfe. i*l C. \\T.l-k.x linn Bt1.00.

ST. LOI ..

''"..-. I',:,ra ii-. I, Ulnar ea Lr: Dtnev.16.12 bbl. xx beal unsettled ai *i

ov.r: N 9 re«l rall, ll.._-**.: No. 9 r.i fa!'.1.19. dwi al t:'.'; 134c. inns dull mdiwer in 35c. xxiii kej nea iy I 11.07. Pork..v. r; j 1.'.iin.'. 112.60 April. Lard dud; smsll at 17.25. Bulk,meals e»-ler: -t"ui.i-..l

in -. [s6.40 16.55; .- il.CHICAGO.

ITIIt_.XS iii a'i'1 ii .'

Vlie-tr iin-etlled and lower; N... 2 . li..- .j.-No. 9 l.ii't." sprii ". j I n.i -I."I

elect" 90s*. Corn in fair i in 1. i and lo**ir at18 ly a I In lair demand ai i

ilrdein ..ii n ul oweratl 12. IO 112.1*. .

.. i ,:. ur dem ind and lowi ral87 22 lii.i-ii- in ile mund and I. wer: liooldeii>.S4.15;mn r- an,' .| "!..¦! al |4 9iVni-kc* t. iii and iincliaiign i.

I' Wheal acive nnd lower at |1.19...rn null 11 il lower .11 36V*. '' ca-ls bul nolnota11\ low. r. I'ork unsettled and .*. nei lows r

11.. 11 - -." Lard ea


xi.xi xn tC.Pl iii.1 xnv 5,T.i I5:24 . 12: ll

v Jil! I*-! 1

r 4, 18SO.xii nix 1..

Schoouer Lnev .1" i. *, Uarlbaib, Nea Vork.I-..U.

N.w \;<rt.j p rker.

... I.,-.,- x. rv. :: .;,-. r rle ;,i, I . L.ii -.ii ite, v. .',.' r

nu i-1 ,. 1 1 xx *> kant!,1.9. Lee.

- tn.1 ".

1;. i utuic

yt nt.tBBO f'.lt ni*

From I'liii.i'l.ii.liii i'-lini i.y IIL-I Cl'.". X'.Tle ..


BBMOBAB1 1 I¦i-.. i'I.k. February 3..Arrived: Scb

1. h. Pitt.* ¦', x rote, ... 11.'... niall*, I.n.rr; r. II. Kir.. 1 . tiler; M1. I \ i- .. li '.-nt. Ir., H.!.'.,i.... >

lula.Noitfo: k. Kftirmirv 3. xn v. I: -. 1. nn r Ma-

.11 ,. [.ollie ind Xi ., ni- ¦-. ,v _nini ral 1 rbci t,«->lmaa, iud.

MIS* Bl xxx.

ID*- i il "i '¦ ono IslI'.v I'

1, .rn 011 1 Be llmad.'.. -ii r, ,. rn...

a ',rna rv I *. WlWU -ir il Ucl(mt Into «.

tiery. I la Orien! L-vi !, eli .;.'., ,I Ulin*j

Cen off, ini'l wrived il K" lu ¦¦

I'.v Te -..ruii'i.Pnii toil¦¦ toma*

Xr. I \r ji*e ..

ij«, _,e ..ii. ri,on. lidialound He nrl* Ita, t,. Bi nsi


..¦n 111. N. J ii. !'..1 letnl los

v| ' MM III'.DAB.

u - ',"''¦"''v.< ira*-.,

a '>. V tu.


i». .ts ge...,¦.!¦... ,,1 LION-BR A!

Till:! Xl) .» .0 rani, i !.> ttl' ... .Hull).ali In ""'¦...

a-ii.iui. u laslitd to call. so in


HllMM.. Ll. KUY, AND S^B-^SWsi v,.it. ..ii ni R. l. ir_»_RN_»a_aa_.

rortftaului y."'r .1" *i *.¦ ivoa aili ia suii you, as wa have tb '" "¦ "ii .-.ali¬ne, a,!,. B-L. BARRES a COj.\ j Bath I 1 »ti*CB".

-...-. .gta_audFOB 8AL__. A OOOD HOBS-C, -T**-n

XX.X..*)N.a,.!NKXX..X,:N-;i. A-^eoner ii-liteeiith and KruukHu slrt-ctt'.

le.-'-I! _.___.iel' IXTUA MULI> ^NI)*S>a1>lb >.i".:-i.:j*;^5


-****, *.- i-k*. .-.

DKTHOLl Ml .-H1I-.OM.Y Ufc.vL ANT)BTAOl HAIB-PMOlll/CBB^IIIiiBtcli.. r p., sud i#riw in liar,.,.* bot vo.ii.l.r.tillv .ir..Tlve. -.,1.1 t.-r


ij'il_!*¦ NVAHM¦;., r r* riH.t.

[Iii. ROBERT KARLY..^THEVETkllAM EVNC |.,:l .;,;.

KO. I.ABLT.f). ll.-*.

PULI MUTT K A CT..._..T-in). Va.


Tile-tl Bl'RN - sXn;, A,., y ......

BAG? KABfcl EENl-l.l lill . M-.

' -;*.''V: I*-'!!*"*' -_.M*M NARKE. * NHr:\c;t..*'**** I B !. » Bl I.'...* BRI UM?labbSw?cJ_.a,ilt *t'ot>****>hhm

..'¦i-irD'r vn.-l) tie, r«r or* ««".ter vu I.-ie-, tuttt iud

¦''.'-'""T'"" edina mm.r tim asill ,..:il,i,. ir. torouwettr ai pelee, vail in*/,n-e tu Ki. .mond e.r etoewh* r-'.

NETTE;,' .t l-l) l.e k. I'm_-n t-.cT-rttef ITtiti and Marshall .' lu

;N'.!.I-II HAIR-BBU8B1W,etENLl.t-K TCMU II-i:i:l >Ilsr- ',r ;nm .in -. ni iv*-,n 11L-MU"_W -,

< ITU Tl - BM -IDS. anal

l*::i:i ru_Hi:v and TOILET ARTICLE! m


e.'- ai--i.y ... i:i *.:::.,

conn r I'.i'i-nl alli Mntll -tia T-.

rOBEHOUSTD COUGH-SYBUP, Mc.Ilntri ll )DND < e-ELlE-NT'Eu. '-'.-CENTS.IIORKHOUNI) i alT.M-:-, R| |*. JJ , | \ -.

IIOBI MOUND COI GII-SYRI I', B5CKNT8.RORI li'H M>. D! n. --V.;l r. 25 Cl N "*,E'.j: i-ii* .(¦ Mi e ni U-l-_YRt*.*>,B5CBNT8.HORI" HOI VU H| i.ll -Nit p,__( IN'.-.

I'nrHEit.ii " ol i.ii-snt:i p,_5 i.'l NIIORKnOUND < OU-fin-Sl Rill'. 25 Cl \i ..

.fold io nil dnurrtsts ami conuiry merchauU._


I ¦:: INDALUBI W BALM.ll . a : -a I I ., -t Tl,

. .t .:«ii-iiiiiTii oJor, and la s.i itmhh to

al 1. ll NITTS ,,'U ,it: la,.,,) TUBIEIW.

.is Dared n I. MRADB .t E. NM I.'.

Ti-e.:I'l, tn

lie, ._¦_

'OD-LIVER ell. lilli BEST!IMPORTED EV !'-.

snd which

i: i.i ni: . \ .: : I" ii': i .* i tm.i.y it ::iAM' ER -I.,BOM R ' SI IDITY,

nil iKIT ! V I- M. NEE .'!.'

N\a,M»! I.'l-I I. RI Ml ll NI. IT.TuTtl Nt NI I Tl

r COO LIV!*.!! OH.:T

MORE Nf i I IT NI1.! ,1 'I '< 'I UK - I'lV N* ll\ ul III i: 'di.-.

\ DI i ll N 1,1 I" m Ti' M

li hinnud. Va.

.-i: ri. Ri ELL, LADD .v ( .>.'-

BMULSlOB ( i'Ii-ein i i: nil.,


HYi'-ilTIi-ITI* tl ¦'- OsV LBIB AND -"TN.


itn-e only 50 fnti pei MM

ISS.lll THINS A I" -IEI NI ItSlrll4*.Bl* n -i..--1¦. N n K* i'n: iii I 1880.

Pilli FIRM oI'.niii.i.iii-i.e.n -ii:ai hi le tbi* day di Ivs ,1 bj mnlu .1 . it. Nlr.ill - -I HAL'S .'i .!) 'ri- in liiiil-

iii -ti < ii nit,i - vin;.¦lt Eil - -ii: .!

¦. mini I 'i In tin '. . Inulli i'i ol ll i, ,. :¦ I- o, 1 ll,, publice COIltll. !'. XtS ll'l t'e III N UCCl '.I' III IIIince liu»ini I! IE- -1 n ne-, -i. il line

mi-, i the la's lirm is-ii Ins :- lr Inters v- IH be roll pp lori-'. he i. laiiiin." all ll:.- i**.|n|l ml* i Min¬ni., in ni., ui-er mee ia a-.u ti ii to ibo

niiuai ..¦ ---li pl ie iheir liuslne nii- li.nel-. E i, -in \.

» uni.t.e- MILLIII8EB.i- re. I take thi conlon ot te*

lo my ti-.. ml¦ and ilse public in "i, a.i nymilks ir Hie nsiBds ct i*1 o i-atrotiaa.Ila- late III III. all, ¦. .: feel a a->a ;, r li * .,11-

Hie -un -. I ii-- I..!:...a ii .... Hanni I. indii ,i I-. .-,.,i,|iiiiie .-- ,,;. si in mj .,;t|e. :

. I T . .1- -Jil's- lei ti AsMiraiici. I

. 1,176,000 00,,i irs. f ET ,:l,.,.. NI.I..

. *¦.._.',ll ul\ Isleiit. ol ll -iii. ul.

. 4 .Ot 5,01I.ii'-li, ne

|NII |..--- pr lUltttV i'l"! 'M' -Mal,tv -.til..- 1".

., 1" il evil ¦ s -.

iti r pro"* -ii ..I V .: t -n i, niii ii,, ¦.-, ii 11, o ti, un iiuii r, e, \ prompt .¦..,-

ii n -i i: ni -.

So. fl

(.ki-.-nl.l ! ION OF < 0 iVR. M I'-l '

-Ills- Iii- linn Of I'll M V .*; NN NTT - ls.1 slat '.'1 -..ived t.N Iii-1 il.o 'nt, Iii. All

be ce.nci rn ld s -¦. ls n Pat-.a ||S lil PSI Ile s ,,

*. rs I 1NN n Ml BATTtS.

ulnae Ike 11- ». i ant SHOE III SISEM,i

lillian.* ii

ure In',.11._

: *r OF Ma. ki PH w.L A!!*.VEE in -ii- fi-i-l-.

i.. Win il- HLAIB t < :i. -:

IH) TIIE win ¦' s nm. I'H IDE <»FI TIM I '. IND COUNTRY, li .. ..- .¦alili-

I *



ul iou..1 A 'IT.'.

Y *.: KB OF I' ¦'¦'¦.S -111 ' .Tbs .:, E'NI-

I: N .

a .|. r ll..- IE HILL, t»NNI'AI.'l. ls

mil duii

.. s ivca

i.,i.l faarti.e-r has .¦ -***..

I ' I Uta .1 Ll,-7'..

1 enil! .BLI - NN N I KIMS

..: rAVl'a .-ei e.

:. i , ibu. cit. Off its anona -tn

I'. NMI Tain-. S '-..' il I JI, ||, III- -t. N l, lill ..HT. Inelt

I. eni»._. c ll itu . * n. Ill uni'* l:.-| u. ind e ii ii i NN 11 i.i .-. »t m.

,.,....] lol -, a.|ll|!.., .

Wi -Td lia. Va i il

arl* 1» lim. ..ii* a til. -

I tu ibe s*>t<_«al»_ aarliln«. ibis dayn.,,^ .,U, I,, lor- wa I'l ie n ai satO ".-r.

* /¦*.",."'¦; " .' "'*_lu tie fl'.n ..( lin

, ui-l .! 'lar*sttMltlim.

m> hind Oin ti '"4 ,.' .;... >'i'-ntk. B»_ ' UJkBI.I l NNII E.4ki l-6o


.I'. \ noXK-s si,. vu .»i - \ ii.i.i:

.|:NM.)>-tl.e sw.< 1- -¦ 't.'l row lu 1

II,, | :,, sullitr lor I

fefMB elltll-ri.VN A NNll.i..