paper 3 pep percubahan spm 2015

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  • 8/20/2019 Paper 3 Pep Percubahan SPM 2015


    Section A [28 marks]Bahagian A [28 markah] 

     Answer all the question in this sectionJawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini.

    1. A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the depth ofwater, d, and the wavelength, λ, of water waves with its frequency kept constant. The

    apparatus set up for this experiment is shown in iagram 1.1.Seorang murid menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk menyiasat hubungan antara kedalamanair, d, dengan panjang gelombang, , bagi gelombang air yang !rekuensinya dimalarkan.Susunan radas bagi eksperimen ini ditunjukkan dalam "ajah #.#.

    !ater is poured into the ripple tank until the depth of water, d is 1." cm. Then, the powersupply and motor are switched on to start the vibration of the vibrator. A stroboscope is usedto observe the bright and dark bands on the white paper placed below the ripple tank. Thefirst and the last dark bands are marked as A and # respectively. The distance of separationbetween two successive dark bands equals the wavelength, λ, of the water waves. Thenumber of λ between A and # is counted. iagram 1.$ shows the reading of the wavelength,λ, when the depth of water, d % 1." cm.

     Air dituang ke dalam tangki riak sehingga kedalaman air, d ialah #.$ %m. &emudian, bekalankuasa dan motor dihidupkan untuk memulakan getaran penggetar. Sebuah stroboskopdigunakan untuk memerhatikan jalur %erah dan gelap di atas kertas putih yang diletakkan di

    bawah tangki riak itu. Jalur'jalur gelap yang pertama dan terakhir masing'masing ditandakansebagai A dan B. Jarak pemisahan antara dua jalur gelap berturutan bersamaan panjanggelombang, , bagi gelombang air itu. Bilangan antara A dan B dibilang. "ajah #.2menunjukkan ba%aan panjang gelombang, , apabila kedalaman air, d ( #.$ %m.

    The experiment is repeated with the depth of water, d % 1.& cm, $." cm, $.& cm, and '." cm.The corresponding readings of the wavelength, λ are shown in iagrams 1.',1.(,1.& and1.).)ksperimen diulangi dengan kedalaman air, d ( #.* %m, 2.$ %m, 2.* %m dan +.$ %m. Ba%aan

     panjang gelombang, yang sepadan ditunjukkan pada "ajah #.+, #., #.* dan #.-.


    iagram 1.1 * "ajah #.#

  • 8/20/2019 Paper 3 Pep Percubahan SPM 2015



  • 8/20/2019 Paper 3 Pep Percubahan SPM 2015


    (a)   +or the experiment described above, identify  Bagi eksperimen yang diteruskan di atas, kenal pasti 

    -i The manipulated variable * /embolehubah yang dimanipulasikan 

    / 1 mark 0

      -ii The responding variable * /embolehubah yang bergerakbalas

    / 1 mark 0  -iiiThe constant variable * /embolehubah yang dimalarkan

     / 1 mark 0

    -b #ased on iagrams 1.$, 1.', 1.(, 1.& and 1.)Berdasarkan "ajah #.2, #.+, #., #.* dan #.-

    -i ecord the readings of the distance A# and the number of λ between A#.0atatkan ba%aan jarak AB dan bilangan antara AB.

      / $ marks0-ii 2alculate the wavelength, λ of the water waves using the following equation

    1itung panjang gelombang, bagi gelombang air dengan menggunakan persamaan berikut

      / $ marks0-c Tabulate your results for all values of d and λ in the space below.

      Jadualkan keputusan anda bagi semua nilai d dan dalam ruang di bawah.

      /' marks0

    (d) 3n the graph paper, draw a graph of  against d.  /ada kertas gra!, lukis gra! melawan d.

    /& marks0

    -e #ased on your graph, state the relationship between  and d.Berdasarkan gra! anda, nyatakan hubungan antara dan d.


    λ = Distance AB

      Number of λ 

    λ =  Jarak AB

       Bilangan λ 

  • 8/20/2019 Paper 3 Pep Percubahan SPM 2015


    /1 mark 0


    Graph λ against d.

    Graf  λ melawan d..

  • 8/20/2019 Paper 3 Pep Percubahan SPM 2015


    $. 4raph of + against a below shows the result of an experiment to determine the relationshipbetween force and acceleration of a moving ob5ect along of surface.

      ra! 3 melawan a di bawah menunjukkan keputusan satu eksperimen untuk menentukanhubungan antara daya dan pe%utan bagi satu objek yang bergerak di atas suatu



    a)   #ase on the graph above 6  Berdasarkan gra! di atas

    i 7tate the relationship between + and a  4yatakan hubungan antara 3 dengan a.



    2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0







     12.0 14.0




  • 8/20/2019 Paper 3 Pep Percubahan SPM 2015


      888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 /1 mark *# markah] 

    ii) etermine the value of force, + when acceleration a % 1(." ms9$. 7how howyou obtain the value of + on the graph.5entukan nilai daya ,3 apabila pe%utan a ( #.$ ms'2 . 5unjukkan bagaimanaanda mendapatkan nilai daya, 3 tersebut dari gra!.

    /' marks * + markah] 

     b)   i 2alculate the gradient, m, of the graph. 7how on the graph how you determine m.  5entukan ke%erunan,m, gra! itu. 5unjukkan pada gra! itu bagaimana anda

    menentukan m.

    m % ...................................  / ' marks * + markah] 

    ii) The gradient of the graph is given by the formula m % +*a, where + is the forceand a is the acceleration of the motion. :n the experiment, a % 1) ms 9$. 2alculatethe value of +.&e%erunan gra! diberikan oleh !ormula m ( 36a, di mana 3 ialah daya dan aialah pe%utan gerakan. 7alam eksperiment, a ( #- ms'2  . 1itungkan nilai 3 


    / $ marks * 2 markah] 

    iii) The work done, ! by a force is  ν given by the formula !% ".&m ν$, where m isthe gradient of the graph. 2alculate work done when its velocity of motion,

       ν % $." m91.

      &erja yang dilakukan, oleh satu daya diberi oleh rumus ($.*mν 2 , di mana

    m ialah ke%erunan gra!. 1itungkan kerja yang dilakukan apabila halaju

    gerakannya ν  ( 2.$ ms'#.

    /$ marks * 2 markah] 

    i!) 7tate one precaution that should be taken to improve the result of thisexperiment.4yatakan satu  langkah berjaga'jaga yang perlu diambil untuk memperbaikikeputusan eksperiment.



  • 8/20/2019 Paper 3 Pep Percubahan SPM 2015


     888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888   /1 mark * #markah] 

    Section B / Bahagian B[12 marks] / [#2 makah] 

     Answer all the question in this sectionJawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini.

    '. iagram '.1 shows the air pressure reading on a #ourdon gauge which is attached to the tyreof a car before a long 5ourney. After the 5ourney, the driver of the car measured the air pressure again as shown in iagram '.$. ;e found that the #ourdon gauge reading hadincreased from $"" k

  • 8/20/2019 Paper 3 Pep Percubahan SPM 2015


    7enarai radas dan bahan.-iv The arrangement of the apparatus.

    Susunan radas.

    -v The procedure of the experiment which should include one method of controlling themanipulated variable and one method of measuring the responding variable./rosedur eksperimen yang patut mengandungi satu kaedah mengawal pembolehubah dimanipulasikan dan satu kaedah mengukur pemboleh ubah bergerak balas.

    -vi The way you tabulate the data.0ara anda menjadualkan data.

    -vii The way you analyse the data.0ara anda menganalisis data.

      /1" marks 6 #$ markah0

    4$ %a&ah 4$1 dan %a&ah 4$2 menun&u''an dua 'ren pengang'at besi sedang mengang'at besi

     buru' ang berbea muatan$ *o+enoid da+am 'ren pada %a&ah 4$1 mempunai bi+angangege+ung ang 'urang berbanding dengan 'ren pada %a&ah 4$2$ ,edua-dua 'ren

     beroperasi dengan magnitud be'a+an arus ang sama 'uat$

     Diagram 4.1 and Diagram 4.2 show two cranes transferring different loads of

     scrapped irons. The solenoid used in the crane in Diagram 4.1 has fewer coils than the

    crane in Diagram 4.2. Both using the same magnitude of current supply to operate$

    Berdasar'an ma'+umat dan pemerhatian di atas

     Based on the information and the oser!ation ao!e"

    (a) Nata'an satu inferens ang sesuai#tate one suitale inference

      .1 mar'ah / 1 mark 0

    (b) Nata'an satu hipotesis ang sesuai

  • 8/20/2019 Paper 3 Pep Percubahan SPM 2015


    *tate one suitab+e hpothesis $

      .1 mar'ah / 1 mark 0

    (c) Dengan mengguna'an radas seperti aar bertebat be'a+an 'uasa dan

    +ain-+ain radas ang sesuai terang'an satu rang'a 'er&a e'sperimen untu'meniasat hipotesis ang anda nata'an di 4(b)$ Di da+am penerangan

    anda nata'an dengan &e+as ang beri'ut

    $ith the use of apparatus such as insulated wires% power supply and other  suitale apparatus% descrie an e&periment framework to in!estigate thehypothesis stated in 4'(. )n your description% state clearly the following"

    (i) 5u&uan e'sperimen  Aim of the e&periment 


    (ii) 6embo+ehubah da+am e'sperimen*ariales in the e&periment 

    (iii) *enarai radas dan bahan

     +ist of apparatus and materials.

    (i!) *usunan radas

     Arrangement of the apparatus 

    (!) 6rosedur e'sperimen termasu' 'aedah mengaa+

     pembo+ehubah dimanipu+asi'an dan 'aedah mengu'ur pemb+ehubah bergera' ba+as$

     The procedure of the e&periment which includes the method of

    controlling the manipulated !ariale and the method ofmeasuring the responding !ariale.

    (!i) 7ara anda a'an men&adua+'an data

    The way you would taulate the data 

    (!ii) 7ara anda a'an mengana+isis data

    The way you would analyse the data. 

    .18 mar'ah / 1, marks0




  • 8/20/2019 Paper 3 Pep Percubahan SPM 2015


    Skema paper 3 Mid Yera Exam. !"sics #orm $ %2&1$'Section A ( )o1

    1$(a) (i) Depth of ater d / -edalaman air% d 

    (ii) :a!e+ength λ / an/ang gelomang% λ

    (iii) ;re

  • 8/20/2019 Paper 3 Pep Percubahan SPM 2015


     λ adalah erkadar terus dengan d.

    Section A ( )o2 a i berkadar langsung* directly proportional

      ii meman5angkan garisan graf -extrapolasi beri 1 markah

      menun5ukkan garisan pada graf beri 1 markah

      >enyatakan nilai sekirat ($." = atau ($." = -dengan unit yang betul beri 1 markah

    b i ada menun5ukkan segitiga atau beri 1 markah

      Ada 5alan pengiraan beri 1 markah

      ' = ms9$  atau ' kg -dengan unit yang betul beri 1 markah

    ii ' x 1) beri 1 markah  % (? = -dengan unit yang betul beri 1 markah

    iii % ".& x' x $$  menggunakan rumus beri 1markah  % ) @ atau ) =m dengan init yang betul beri 1 markah

    iv kedudukan mata semasa mengukur -pita detik mestilah bersetentang degan alatpengukur -mengelakkan parallax error

    Baha!a" B # S$a%a" 3

    (a) 5he air pressure in the tre is affected b the temperature changes of the tre$

      Tekanan udara dalam tayar dipengaruhi oleh peruahan suhu pada tayar itu.   .+m0

    (b) 5he air pressure increases hen the temperature increases at constant !o+ume$

      Tekanan udara ertamah apaila suhu ertamah pada isi padu malar.  .+m0

    (c) (i) 5o in!estigate the re+ationship beteen the air pressure in a container and the temperature

    of air in the container 

      0ntuk menyiasat huungan antara tekanan udara dalam seuah ekas dengan suhu udaradalam ekas itu.  .+m0

    (ii) anipu+ated !ariab+e 5emperature of air > emoleh uah dimanipulasikan" #uhu udara%

    %esponding !ariab+e Air pressure 6 emoleh uah ergerak alas" Tekanan udara%  


    7onstant !ariab+e ?o+ume of air in the container


  • 8/20/2019 Paper 3 Pep Percubahan SPM 2015


      emoleh uah dimalarkan" )si padu udara dalam ekas  .2m0

    (iii) %ound-bottomed f+as' bea'er ice cubes stirrer rubber tubing thermometer Bourdon gauge

    and sto!e$

       -elalang erdasar ulat% ikar% ketulan ais% pengacau% salur getah% termometer% tolok Bourdon dan dapur. .+m0

    (!) - 5he apparatus is set up as shon abo!e$

       Alat radas disusun seperti dalam ra/ah di atas.

      - @ce cubes are p+aced into ater unti+ the temperature > reaches 87$ 5he pressure reading

    6 on the Bourdon gauge is obser!ed and recorded$

       -etulan ais dimasukkan ke dalam air sehingga suhu% mencapai ,3. Bacaan tekanan% %

     pada tolok Bourdon dicerap dan dicatat.

      - 5he eperiment is repeated b heating ater to temperature 8= 287 487 "87 #87 and

    87$ ksperimen diulang dengan memanaskan air kepada suhu% , 5 2,3% 4,3% 6,3%

    7,3 dan 8,3.  .3m0


  • 8/20/2019 Paper 3 Pep Percubahan SPM 2015


    (!i) 5he resu+ts obtained are tabu+ated in the tab+e be+o$ -eputusan yang diperoleh di/adualkan dalam /adual erikut.

    (!ii) A graph of the air pressure 6 against temperature > is p+otted as shon be+o$

      #atu graf tekanan udara% % melawan suhu% % diplotkan seperti yang erikut.


  • 8/20/2019 Paper 3 Pep Percubahan SPM 2015



  • 8/20/2019 Paper 3 Pep Percubahan SPM 2015


    #ahagian # 7oalan (

    4 (a) Inference :  The Crane (b) had attracted more load of scrapped irons than the cranebecause of its larger no. of coils/turns of the solenoid // the strength of the magnetic fielddepends on the no. of turns/coils of the solenoid.


    (b) Hypothesis : Bigger number of turns in the solenoid , the stronger will be itselectromagnetic field strength 1

    (c) Aim : To investigate the relationship between the number of turns and theelectromagnetic field strength 1

    Variables : Manipulated : number of turns in the solenoidResponding :electromagnetic field strength / no. of pins attracted 1

    Constant Variable : Current soft iron core . 1

    !ist of apparatus : Solenoid, VC tube ! large iron nail  , iron nails! pins!paper clips,ammeter , rheostat and po"er supply.


    "rrangement of apparatus:


    Control of Manipulated Variable  : #ind the insulated wire around the large iron nail/$%Ctube , starting with &' coils . 1

    Measurement of Responding Vble : !ower the solenoild until it touches the iron nails. ecord the number of iron nails attracted b it. 1

    Repeat the e*periment + procedure more times with no. of coils at 1'' , 1&' , -'' and -&'. 1

    #abulation of data

    o. of turns o of nails attracted







    Analysis of data .0etch the graph of no. of coils against no. of nails attracted



    #$#A% &'
