Page 1: Shaklee Malaysia eNewsletter - April 2014

Greetings from Shaklee MalaysiaeNewsletter

Motivation Rally

The first Motivation Rally for the month of March was held in Tower Regency Hotel, Ipoh on 8 March 2014. More than 200 attendees filled the hall and we had two successful speakers, Master Dr. K. Prabakaran and Master Suraya to share their success stories on that day. Meanwhile, In East Malaysia, on 15 March 2014, The Pavillion ParkCity Everly Hotel, Miri was fully occupied by more than 200 attendees who were so excited to catch the motivational spirit from Master Mohd Naquib, Master Wan Nurul Hawa Othman and Master Najihah Abdul Mutalib, the three capable speakers who were there to giving their best sharing. During the events, we had also celebrated the promotion of our new Supervisors, Senior Supervisors, Coordinators and Senior Coordinators.




APRIL 2014

Page 2: Shaklee Malaysia eNewsletter - April 2014

Greetings from Shaklee Malaysia

Shaklee nutRition WoRkShop

APRIL 2014


Shaklee Nutrition Workshops were successfully held in Penang, Sabah and Sarawak in the month of March. The information-packed workshops summarized the key selling points, features and benefits of Shaklee nutrition products. Participants also took part in interactive games that help develop their self-confidence and selling skills. The nutrition workshops were conducted by our Product Training Manager, Celine Lim and Nutritionist, Tracy Yong. Come join us for upcoming workshops at Labuan (3 May), Papar (10 May), Alor setar (10 May), Melaka (17 May) and Kuala Lumpur (24 May). See you there!


Page 3: Shaklee Malaysia eNewsletter - April 2014

APRIL 2014


Shaklee nutRition WoRkShop



Page 4: Shaklee Malaysia eNewsletter - April 2014

APRIL 2014


Health & Wellness talks has been held all over Malaysia including Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Kota Bharu Kuantan, Kuala Terengganu, Johor Bahru, Melaka, Kota Kinabalu, Keningau, Limbang, Labuan dan Lahad Datu, Throughout the program, the company’s background as well as product knowledge was shared by our professional Nutritionists. It is a good platform for those to gain more knowledge about Shaklee products and business.

health & WellneSS talk

kuala luMpuR

kota BahRu





JohoR BahRu Melaka

Page 5: Shaklee Malaysia eNewsletter - April 2014

APRIL 2014


health & WellneSS talk


lahaD Datu


kota kinaBalu

neW DiStRiButoR tRaininG (nDt)

In the month of March 2014, we conducted an NDT in New York Hotel, Johor Bahru. The speaker was our Business Development Manager, Sharifah Jamilah. A total of 40 attendees joined the event and they were given tips and strategies on how to start their Shaklee business. The upcoming NDT will be held in KL on 12 April 2014. See you there!!

JohoR BahRu

Page 6: Shaklee Malaysia eNewsletter - April 2014

APRIL 2014


taWau papaR

aloR SetaR lahaD Datu

BuSineSS oppoRtunity MeetinG (BoM)

In March, we have conducted Business Opportunity Meetings in Home Office, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Penang, Alor Setar, Kuala Terengganu, Kota Bharu, Lahad Datu, Sandakan, Tawau, Labuan and Papar. The attendees were given tips on how to start their Shaklee Business, while they also learned why Shaklee is the right company and how it has helped many people to change their lives. Total attendees were 250 for all events.

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