Page 1: Senarai Peribahasa Dalam Buku Teks Tingkatan 4

Senarai Peribahasa dalam Buku teks Tingkatan 4 

1. Bulat air kerana pembetung, bulat manusia kerana muafakatMaksud : Kata sepakat yang dicapai dalam mesyuarat.

2. Darah dagingMaksud : Anak dan saudara-mara daripada keturunan sendiri.

3. Berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjingMaksud : mengalami susah senang bersama-sama.

4. meninggi diriMaksud : Sombong

5. bermuka duaMaksud : Tidak jujur.

6 baik hatiMaksud : Bersikap baik dan penyayang (suka menolong).

7. tulang belakangMaksud : Punca kekuatan/ orang harapan

8. bara yang digenggam biar sampai jadi arangMaksud : Mengerjakan sesuatu yang sukar hendaklah sabar, sehingga mencapai kejayaan.

9. bagai kaca terhempas ke batuMaksud : Sangat sedih atau kecewa.

10. melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnyaMaksud : Mendidik anak biarlah sejak mereka kecil lagi.

11. duduk sama rendah, berdiri sama tinggiMaksud : dua orang atau pihak yang sama darjat dalam adat

12. seperti lembu dicucuk hidungMaksud : Orang yang selalu menurut kemahuan orang

13. yang berat sama dipikul, yang ringan sama dijinjingMaksud : Bersama-sama menghadapi atau mengerjakan sesuatu.

14. dayung sudah di tangan, perahu sudah di airMaksud : segala-gala yang dikehendaki sudah diperoleh.

15. terang hatiMaksud : Lekas pandai.

16. rendah hatiMaksud : Tidak sombong

17. murah hatiMaksud : Pemurah.

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18. tak lapuk dek hujan, tak lekang dek panasMaksud : Adat yang tidak berubah; sesuatu yang tetap utuh.

19. Tangan kosongMaksud : Hampa. 

Senarai Peribahasa dalam Buku teks Tingkatan 51. lintah daratMaksud : Peniaga yang mengambil keuntungan yang terlalu tinggi.

2. bagai aur dengan tebingMaksud : Hubungan yang rapat antara sama sama yang lain dan saling membantu.

3. anak dagangMaksud : Orang luar yang datang menetap di sesuatu tempat

4. Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, lebih baik di negeri sendiriMaksud : Walau bagaimanapun kelebihan di negara orang, tetap negeri sendiri lebih baik lagi.

5. kalau takut dilambung ombak, jangan berumah di tepi pantaiMaksud : Kalau takut berhadapan dengan penderitaan , lebih baik jangan melakukan sesuatu yang susah

6. indah khabar daripada rupaMaksud : Perkhabaran tentang sesuatu perkara yang dilebih-lebihkan.

7. hati gajah sama dilapah, hati kuman sama dicecahMaksud : Pengagihan yang sama banyak.

8. bukit sama didaki, lurah sama dituruniMaksud : Perhubungan yang sangat akrab, senang susah bersama.

9. kacang lupakan kulitMaksud : Orang yang melupakan asalnya atau orang yang pernah menolongnya setelah mendapat kesenangan.

10. Di mana bumi dipijak, di situ langit dijunjungMaksud : Menurut adat atau peraturan di tempat yang kita diami atau tinggal.

11. masuk kandang kambing mengembek, masuk kandang kerbau menguakMaksud : Menyesuaikan diri dengan tempat dan keadaan

12. ibarat telur sesangkak, pecah sebiji, pecah semuaMaksud : kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang menyebabkan orang lain yang menerima akibatnya..

13. memerah otakMaksud : Berfikir dengan bersungguh-sungguh.

14. kalau tidak dipecahkan ruyung, manakan dapat sagunyaMaksud : Tak akan tercapai maksudnya kalau tak mahu berusaha dan bersusah payah

15. berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian, bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudianMaksud : Bersusah payah terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan kesenangan pada kemudian hari.

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16. yang bulat tidak datang menggolek, yang pipih tidak datang melayangMaksud : Sesuatu benda tidak akan datang tanpa usaha

17. sedikit-sedikit, lama-lama jadi bukitMaksud : Sabar mengerjakan sesuatu lama-lama berhasil juga.

18. bak cendawan tumbuh selepas hujanMaksud : Terlalu banyak pada sesuatu masa.

19. bulat air kerana pembetung, bulat manusia kerana muafakat.Maksud : Kata sepakat yang dicapai dalam mesyuarat.

20. yang kita kejar tak dapat, yang kita kendong pula berciciranMaksud : Bernasib malang kerana setelah memperoleh sesuatu, tetapi yang sudah di tangan hilang pula.

21. mencari jalanMaksud : Berikhtiar menyelesaikan sesuatu perkara.

22. biar mati anak, jangan mati adatMaksud : orang yang kuat perpegang pada adat.

23.sediakan payung sebelum hujanMaksud : Berjaga-jaga dulu sebelum mendapat sesuatu bencana.

24. berbesar hatiMaksud : Gembira.

25. anak buahMaksud : a. Anak saudara. b. Pekerja di bawah jagaan kita.

26. tuan rumahMaksud : tempat berlangsungnya sesuatu acara

27. yang lama dikelek, yang baharu didukungMaksud : Adat yang lama tetap diamalkan di samping budaya hidup yang baharu.

28. batu penghalangMaksud : Halangan

29 untung anak lelaki cari-carikan, untung anak perempuan nanti-nantikanMaksud : orang lelaki yang merisik bakal isterinya.

30. bagai ikan pulang ke lubukMaksud : a. Orang yang pulang ke tempat asal. b. Kehidupan yang senang.

Page 4: Senarai Peribahasa Dalam Buku Teks Tingkatan 4

The Curse - setting: Describe the physical setting of the novel...

The novel that I learnt in Form Five is ‘The Curse’ written by Lee Su Ann. There are many places or settings involved

in this novel but today I am going to write about the physical setting of the novel.

There are two main physical settings in this novel. The story started with the setting in London when we were

introduced to the main character, Azreen Saleh. Basically, the readers are introduced to the university college

where Azreen was pursuing an undergraduate course. The readers are given more information that Azreen was

going to sit for her exams soon but she had to fly back to Malaysia due to her sister, Madhuri’s death.

Next, we are brought to experience the life of the university college when Azreen had to walk through the college’s

residential hall. Here, Azreen’s thoughts flew back when she recalled her two years of student experiences. She

had many sweet experiences in her life as a student. She also met many new friends of various races here and she

was reluctant to go back to Malaysia even for a while.

The second physical setting is when we are taken to KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport). Here, Azreen had to

wait for two hours before she could board a connecting flight to Pulau Langkawi, her hometown. When Azreen

was recalling her old times with her sister, Madhuri, the readers are brought to Langkawi International Airport.

Azreen meets her foster parents, Datin Sharifah and Datuk Zulkifli who came to receive her at the airport.

Last but not least, we are brought together with Azreen to Pulau Langkawi and a little village. In this beautiful,

small village, we are introduced to Azreen’s home where she had bitter sweet memories for Azreen when she

remembers about her sister. Next, the village itself was the place where all the drama takes place, both in the past

and present.

From my explanation above, it is proven that the physical setting of the novel varies and creates an enthusiastic

feeling when we read the novel. From London to Pulau Langkawi is what the whole novel is about.

The Curse - event: Write on an important event...

In the novel ‘The Curse’ by Lee Su Ann, an important event is the outbreak of the fire which results in the Old

Lady’s death.

Firstly, it is an important event because after this event, it creates a domino effect on a number of other events

which in turn helps Azreen to finally solve the mystery behind her sister’s murder. The fire enrages Azreen and ‘like

a wildcat’, she confronts Mohd Asraf. He apologises and admits that he had been too grief-stricken to be rational

when he has lost two important people in his life – his secret lover, Madhuri and his grandmother, Nek. After the

fire which kills the Old Lady who is trapped in the fire, Awang, the bomoh informs Azreen that Madhuri is not her

biological sister. The secret about Madhuri’s identity is finally disclosed by Azreen’s father who reveals that

Madhuri is actually an abandoned baby whom Saleh pick up from the paddy field. Moreover, the village Pontianak

is actually Madhuri’s biological mother who returns to the village to seek revenge over her daughter’s death.

According to Awang, the ‘ghostly figure’ is also the “vengeful spirit” that has killed Azreen’s chicken.

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Secondly, it is an important event because we are finally shown the reason for Madhuri’s murder and the culprit.

When Azreen confronts her father, Encik Saleh defiantly confesses that he had accidentally murdered Madhuri

after learning that Madhuri, a married woman, commits an adultery when she secretly sees another man. It is

probably out of shame, the angry father who is embarrassed of Madhuri’s unethical behaviour which he thinks has

brought shame to the family, confronts Madhuri and during the struggle, Madhuri falls to the ground and her head

knocks over the latex cup which stains her clothes. A distraught Azreen flees after hearing the shocking news while

Encik Saleh comes face-to-face with the shadowy woman – Madhuri’s mother who nears him with a parang in her

hand. Saleh collapses and dies of a heart attack. With this, peace is restored in the village when the spirit of

Madhuri’s mother disappears after bidding farewell to Azreen who leaves Langkawi to return to London.

Thirdly, the fire at the Old Lady’s house is the climax of the novel. From that point onwards, events dramatically

unfold and Azreen gets to the bottom of the mystery. Azreen puts the pieces of facts here and there together and

begins to understand the reasons behind the cover-up of Madhuri’s murder by her husband, Haji Ghani. Most

importantly, we are also exposed to the crime of the villagers who are willing to do anything including planning an

attack on the innocent and harmless Old Lady just because of superstition. Under the instigation of Puan Normala,

the villagers are convinced to believe that the Old Lady possesses a special power to turn people into rats and

squirrels, so the latter is accused to be an evil witch who brings all the misfortunes and bad omen to the village. In

fact, when the rain continues to pour for more than four days, causing the town to be flooded, the Old Lady is

blamed to have put the curse on the village. From this event, we can see how gullible the villagers are to believe

the vicious rumours spread by the village gossiper, Puan Normala. She does not seem to care about the destruction

she causes. Her irrational behaviour thus destroys the reputations of victims such as the Old Lady even in the eyes

of children. At the same time, through this event too that we see the purity of the Old Lady’s heart. Despite being

ostracised by the villagers, the Old Lady bears no grudges and is still willing to help people like Asraf’s Nek. More

importantly, the Old Lady at the point of her death before the burning house collapses on her, she reminds Azreen

to forgive all the villagers who have wronged her.

could picture him now, nostrils flared, sweat trickling down his forehead, the gestures of his hand animating his words, eyes that shine with a wild black fire and a head shinier than usual (sometimes you can even see his veins becoming visible and that makes his complexion become a weird shade of red).

He was athletically built and tall with mocha coloured skin. His hair was neat and it looked as though it was woven from the hues of midnight sky. His eyes, brown and alert but with certain mysterious glint. It made him looked arrogant and egoistical. I could see that he was so anxious and restless that even his friend’s comforting words could not help to soothe him.

Then suddenlya tear trickled down my cheek and fell into the coffee, obscuring my reflection.

The President, The Neighbourhood Committee, 81300 Skudai, Johor._______________________________________________________________________________

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The Chairman, The District Council 81300 Skudai, Johor. 25 JANUARY 2010

Dear Sir,

Abandoned Houses Visited by Suspicious Youths

I, Jamie Lee, would like to draw your attention to the abandoned houses visited regularly by suspicious youths on motorbikes.

2 My neighbourhood has been a peaceful district until the appearance of a few youths. Every night, they will come in gangs of five to ten and loiter around the abandoned houses. To add flesh to the bone, they have been seen abusing drugs in these abandoned houses. When the drugs start to take effect, the youths will make a lot of noise, sing and even yell out vulgarities.

3 Sad to say, ever since the gang of youths appeared, many houses have been broken into randomly. Many residents complain about missing motorcycles, car rims and even flower pots. These items have also been reportedly found in the proximity of the abandoned houses.

4 Other than that, the residents have also seen these youths vandalise public property. They draw graffiti on the walls of shop houses and break the windows of cars with large stones. Thereafter, items like the music player in the car will go missing. Many shopkeepers have also reported that their beer and cigarettes have been burglared. These shopkeepers have lost a great deal of money and feel like they are living in hell.

5 These youths make trouble for the residents by playing loud metal music in the abandoned houses and thus, disrupt their sleep. Undeniably, life has been like hell since the youths intruded into their lives. Apart from these, they have also carried out illegal racing on the main road of the neighbourhood, endangering the lives of the residents and their children.

6 It is an undeniable truth that these youths have upset the peaceful committee that we are staying in and we hope that The District council would be able to help us to weather out the storm.

Thank you.

_________________________(Jamie Lee)

Telling: She is angry.Showing: Her hands held tightly to the sides of her table. Her jaw tightened. Her eyes flashed heat waves at me. She hissed at me, "I want to see you outside, right now."

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The Warning

It was the same bus I got onto every morning, but today, when I got into the bus, I sensed something was unusual.

All of a sudden, my right hand felt cold. Immediately, I turned around and holding tightly to me was a sorrowful-

looking old woman. She whispered, “Don’t go!”

A loud crash could be heard from behind. It was a terrifying car accident. The passengers, who got down earlier,

innocently, walked into the accident scene. Looking for further guidance, I realised that she was no longer there. It

was a narrow escape. (a close shave) Sweating, I realised it was the same dream for the past few months.

Mondays were never my favourite days. Samad, my colleague had his car sent to the workshop and he had

decided to ride with me. That day, I felt very uneasy and kept on thinking about the dream. Nevertheless, it was

like any ordinary day and my fears slowly faded away. Samad showed me his family photo and I was shocked to

see his grandmother, Puan Asyalia. It was the same old woman in my dream. He told me that she had died when

he was only 3 years old. Speechless, I nodded away sadly yet worried.

Before I could tell him about my dream, the bus finally stopped in front of our office. Due to the traffic jam, we

were 30 minutes late. Impatiently, Samad rushed down quickly. A nagging thought flashed to my mind as I

shouted, “Samad! Wait! Don’t go!”

It all happened in a wink of an eye. Samad was lying on the street bleeding profusely from his head. Alarmed and

panicking, I rushed towards him. He was unconscious and many people gathered around us. Among them, I

thought I saw Puan Asyalia staring at me. I could hardly believe my eyes.

“I tried to warn you…” With tears in her eyes, she disappeared. Within 5 minutes, the ambulance came and they

took Samad away on a stretcher. Unfortunately, he died before they could take him to the nearest hospital. I could

not control my tears. That day was very memorable to me.

Maybe to some people this seems like a dream; to others, it is just a naughty joke. However to me, I do believe

that dreams do come true.

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