  • 7/24/2019 English paper 2 Trial 2014.docx


    SULIT Name:

    1119/2 Class:


    Sept 2014

    2 Hour



    %E%EIKSAAN %E&U'AAN S%# 2014EN"LISH %A%E 2

    2 HOUS 1( #INUTES



    Kert+s so+l+n ini ,eng+n-ungi 1. h+l+,+n eret+ ter,+su oring O#



    1. Write your n+,e and or, in the

    space provided.23This question paper consists of four

    sections: Setion A Setion '

    Setion &andSetion *3

    3. Answer Setion Ain the iven O#paper.

    !. "uestions in #ection A have four

    options. Choose one answer only.$. Answer the remainin sections in

    this question paper.

    %or &'aminer(s )se

    #ection Total *ar+s

    A 1$

    , 1-

    C $

    / -

    T0TA 2-

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    Section A

    [15 marks]

    1 The notice above can most probably be found on the door of a

    A Wardrobe

    B Storeroom

    C Laboratory !efri"erator

    The #$1% &'&A World Cup (ill be the #$ th&'&A World Cup) and is scheduled to ta*e place in

    Bra+il from 1# ,une to 1% ,uly #$1%- This is the second time Bra+il has hosted the competition)

    the first bein" in 1.5$- Bra+il (ill become the fifth country to have hosted the &'&A World Cup

    t(ice) after /e0ico) 'taly) &rance and ermany- 't (ill also be the first &'&A World Cup to use

    "oal2line technolo"y- Spain in the defendin" champion) defeatin" the 3etherlands 1 4 $ after

    e0tra time-

    # Which of the follo(in" statement is true

    A The World Cup (as first held #$ years a"o

    B The "oal 4 line technolo"y has never been used beforeC The previous World Cup (as (on by the utch team

    /e0ico) 'taly) &rance and ermany have hosted the World cup thrice

    6 The (ord ingested in the label above can be best replaced (ith

    A Applied


    If ingested, /0N0T induce

    vomitin. /rin+plenty of water.

    Consult a

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    B 'nhaled

    C Affected Consumed

    % The man in the picture above is advisin" his son to

    A Tease other people

    B 7ic* a fi"ht (ith bullies

    C Avoid any confrontation Stay a(ay from other people


    Transpiration is the passa"e of (ater throu"h a plant from the roots throu"h to the atmosphere

    8vaporation is (hen the sun heats up the (ater in the rivers) la*es or the oceans and turns it into vapour

    or steam- Water vapour in the air "ets cold and chan"es bac* into li9uid) formin" clouds- This is called

    condensation- 7recipitation occurs (hen so much (ater has condensed that the air cannot hold it

    anymore- The clouds "et heavy and (ater falls bac* to the earth in the form of rain- When (ater falls bac*to earth as precipitation) it (ill collect in the oceans) la*es or rivers or it may end up on land

    5 Which of the follo(in" dia"ram best e0plains the process of (ater cycle

    A C



    When someone tries to tease

    you) :ust turn the other

    chee* and (al* a(ay

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    ; Which station has the lon"est operation hours


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    A Boys li*e roc* music the most

    B irls li*e classic music the least

    C Boys prefer country to roc* music irls prefer country to classic music


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    SA5E 6ATE

    5ere(s how:

    %i' lea+in pipes

    )se pail to wash your car

    /o not shower for too lon

    Collect rain water to water plants Turn o6 the tap while 7rushin teeth

    )se the washin machine for full load only

    > The main purpose of the poster above is to

    A 7romote "ood hy"iene

    B 'nform people about (ater shorta"e

    C 7rovide tips about (ater conservation 8ducate people about the importance of (ater

    Questions 9 15are based on the following passage. Choose the best answer to fill in each blank.

    ?nli*e To*yo) (here a visitor is surrounded by concrete :un"les and neon li"hts) a visitor to

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    Questions 16 25

    Read the following descriptions and answer the questions that follow.


    &9&CI#&!e"ular aerobic e0ercise can help you live lon"er and healthier- ealthy adults should aim for at least

    15$ minutes of moderate aerobic activity or =5 minutes of vi"orous aerobic activity a (ee*- That does

    not have to be all at one time) thou"h- Aerobic e0ercise can even be done in 1$2minute increments- So

    (hat are you (aitin" for

    &or many obese people) (al*in" is a "reat choice- 'n fact) (al*in" is one of the most natural forms of

    e0ercise- 't is safe and simple D and all it ta*es to "et started is a "ood pair of (al*in" shoes and your

    commitment to do it- Eou (ill be surprised ho( much you can easily shed some *ilos from your body


    Boost up your stamina by enrollin" yourself in an aerobic dance class- 't may ma*e you tired in the

    short term but slo(ly it (ill reduce fati"ue- /ore importantly for be"inners) try :o""in" around your

    nei"hborhood area- As you :o") the heart pumps blood more efficiently) (hich improves blood flo( to

    all parts of your body- Thus) you (ould not suffer from cardiovascular diseases- &or patients (ho suffer

    arthritis) doctors (ould advise s(immin" as a therapy as it may ease the pain (ithout stressin" their


    Stay active and independent as you a"e- Traditional aerobic e0ercise li*e Tai2chi also *eeps your mind

    sharp and can remove the "loominess of depression- Thus) it brin"s rela0ation to your mind and mood

    Studies sho( that people (ho participate in any re"ular aerobic e0ercise live lon"er than those (ho do

    not e0ercise re"ularly

    So) are you ready to "et more active reatF ,ust remember to start (ith small steps and it is advisable

    to "et your doctorGs approval first- o it slo(ly first) then steadily and re"ularly-


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    Questions 16 25

    Based on the descriptions given, complete the following table.

    Types Benefits elp to prevent


    1; @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


    1= @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


    1> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


    1. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


    #$ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'mprove blood flo(

    #1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


    ## @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


    !elieve pain (ithout stressin"

    the :oints

    #6 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


    Tai2 chi

    #% @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


    #5 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@



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    Section C

    [#5 marks]

    Questions 26 31 are based on the following passage.








    Shan"ri2La) a place surrounded by sno(2capped mountains and (here the people live peacefully to

    over a hundred years- The air is pure and flo(ers are every(here- 7eople are happy) helpful and

    healthy- This is (hat

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    clean clear air) cold bree+e and the chan"in" colours of the mountain ran"es (hich surrounded the


    The panoramic vie( (as astoundin" as the sun rose and sho(ed more clearly each pea* (ith each

    passin" minute- There (ere almost a hundred tre**ers there but conversation was quiet- Someho(

    sound didnt carry (ell in the chilly rarefied air- But all too soon) the sun became too hot and ' had to

    descend- ' rested in Chomron for another ni"ht and ordered chic*en curry for dinner- 't cost me !/#$

    for the chic*en because their staple meal (as dalbat Ilots of rice (ith lentil curry) potatoes and someve"etablesJ- 't must very "ood because the porters (ho survived on this (ere e0tremely stron") (ith

    fabulous stamina-

    When ' made my final (al* to the base camp at Annapurna) ' met some tre**ers (ho had to stay the

    ni"ht at a lod"e at the entrance- Some (ere sufferin" from mountain sic*ness 4 headache (ith nausea

    due to the hei"ht of the place- As ' (al*ed) sno( be"an to fall- ' crossed small "laciers (here a slip

    meant slidin" do(n to the valley belo(- Since no one seemed to bother about (al*in" on the narro(

    led"es) ' also pluc*ed up my coura"e and pic*ed my (ay across- Soon) ' (as trud"in" on sno( and

    ice- Breathin" became laboured- 't (asnt much fun no( but since the e0perience (as novel) ' (as


    The base camp loomed throu"h the fallin" sno( about one *ilometre in front but no( the climb (as

    steep- 't too* more than an hour to reach it- What a feelin" of success ' had (hen ' too* the final step

    into the lod"e of the base camp- That (as until ' met a thinly clad Sherpa (ho said he (as =$ years

    old and had been climbin" up here every year- e (as sippin" a cup of cocoa a tre**er bou"ht him

    and obviously he didnt thin* "ettin" there (as a bi" deal- And here ' (as) raisin" my arms in

    :ubilation as ' made the final step-

    #; &rom para"raph 1)

    IaJ 3ame the to(n that (as dirty-

    MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM----------M- [1 mark]IbJ What (as the reason for the (riter to (rap the to(el round his face

    MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM----------M- [1 mark]#= &rom para"raph #) ho( did the (riter "o to 7o*ara

    MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM--------------------- [1 mark]#> IaJ Which wo! in para"raph 5 means panorama

    MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM-----------MM- [1 mark]IbJ &rom para"raph ;) (hy (as bathin" a problem to the (riter







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    #. IaJ &rom para"raph =) (hy did the (riter said that conversation was quiet even (hen

    there (ere many tre**ers



    IbJ &rom para"raph >) (hat made breathin" difficult for the (riter


    IcJ &rom para"raph .) (hat is the evidence that sho(s the (riter had a challen"in" (al*

    before he reached the base camp



    [1 mark]

    6$ What *ind of man (as the (riter

    ive one 9uality and provide a reason to support your ans(er


    [1 mark]


    [1 mark]

    31 Based on the passa"e) (rite a su""#$ ofK

    the difficulties the (riter faced durin" his :ourney to the base camp

    Credit (ill be "iven for use of o(n (ords but care must be ta*en not to chan"e the ori"inal meanin"

    Eour summary mustK

    be in continuous (ritin" form Inot in note formJ

    use material %o" &ine 14 to &ine 52

    not be lon"er than 130 wo!s' inc&u!in te 10 wo!s "iven belo(

    Be"ins your summary as follo(sK

    n the wa! to "nnapura base camp, the writer #

    [15 marks]





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    Section *

    [#$ marks]

    32 !ead the poem belo( and ans(er the 9uestions that follo(-

    ARE Y+, ST-LL .LAY-/ Y+,R L,TE


    "re !ou still pla!ing !our flute%

    &hen there is hardl! time for our love

    ' am feeling guilt!

    (o be longing for !our song

    (he melod! concealed in the slim hollow of the bamboo

    )ncovered b! the breath of an artist

    Composed b! his fingers

    Blown b! the wind

    (o the depth of m! heart


    "re !ou still pla!ing !our flute%

    'n the village so quiet and deserted

    "midst the sick rice field

    &hile here it has become a lu+ur!

    (o spend time watching the rain

    a-ing at the evening ra!s

    Collecting dew drops

    r eno!ing the fragrance of flowers


    "re !ou still pla!ing !our flute%

    (he more it disturbs m! conscience

    to be thinking of !ou

    in the ha-ard of !ou

    m! !ounger brothers unemplo!ed and desperate

    m! people disunited b! politics

    m! friend slaughter mercilessl!

    this world is too old and bleeding

    Zurinah Hassan

    IaJ Which #se in stan+a 1 refers to the flute

    MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM- [1mark]IbJ Where do you thin* here in stan+a # refers to


    IcJ Why does the persona feel "uilty


    IdJ What do you thin* is a lu0ury for you as a student





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    33 (he following are the novels studied in the literature component in 0nglish 1anguage

    The Curse 2 Lee Su Ann

    Step By Wic*ed Step 2 Anne &ine

    Catch ?s 'f Eou Can 2 Catherine /ac7hail

    Choose an! one of the novels above and answer the question below.

    Based on the novel you have studiedO sho( ho( this statement is displayed in any t(o

    characters in the novel-

    With close reference to the te0t) "ive reason and e0amples to support your ans(er-

    [15 marks]












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    Sometimes, we hurt the ones who are

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    E/* + Q,EST-+/ .A.ER


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