vliiui tiga dikompaun, dua terima not is - ocps.mpsj.gov.my · "kawasan rumah yang kotor dan...

Post on 31-Aug-2019






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HUDungl SKuaa caKna Kelrnl UIllUII.II1t:IlYClI\LIII\CIIII\VlIIUI"" o",,",u.



AWANBESAR-Tiga pengu-sahadikompaunmanakaladuanotis amarandikeluarkan Maj-lis Perbandaran Subang Jaya(MPSJ) dalam lawatan tapakYangDipertuanyake beberapakawasan sekitar Subang Jayadan Puchong, semalam.

Antara kesalahan yang di-rekodkan adalah menjadikanrumah sebagai tempat mema-sak sehingga menimbulkangangguan kepada jiran danpenduduk sekitar.

Yang Dipertua MPSJ, Da-tuk Adnan Md Ikhsanberkata,walaupun mereka tidak men-jalankan perniagaan di kawa-san rumah, namun ia menim-

bulkan ketidakselesaan jirankerana masalah bau, kebersi-han dan sebagainya.

"Kawasan rumah yang kotordan bersepah kerana barang ma-sakan diletakkan di luar menim-

bulkan pembiakan haiwan pero-sak seperti tikus dan lipas.

"Mereka melanggar ke-salahan di bawah Seksyen 70(12) Akta 133Jalan, Parit danBangunan, di mana kompaunboleh dikenakan dengan jum-

l~ maksimum RMl,OOO,"uJamya.

Adnan berkata, seorangpengusaha di Batu 14pula di-kompaunkerana membina de-poh simpanan minyak dieseltanpa mendapat kelulusan da-ripada MPSJ.

"Penduduk membuat adu-an kewujudan depoh terbabitmenyebabkankenderaan beratsering keluar masuk ke kawa-san ini sehingga membahaya-kan nyawa kanak-kanak dari-pada tiga sekolah berdekatan.

''Perkara ini tidak bolehdi-pandang remeh dan ia mem-babitkan nyawaorang awam,maka kami mengarahkan ope-

- ~


~.'" ~

awam, semalam, adalah kan-dang lembu terletak di Batu14,di sini.

"Pengusahadidapatimem-buang najis haiwan terbabit didalam parit awam sehinggamenyebabkan pencemaranair dan bau.

"Kami memberi mere-ka tempoh untuk memindah-kan kandang terbabit ke tem-pat lain sehingga April ini danuntuk sementarawaktu, mere-ka diberi notis untuk member-sihkan kawasan.

"Kesalahan dikompaunkerana mencemarkan kawa-san perparitan awam dengannajis haiwan temakim terba-bit," ujamya.

Dalam lawatan bulananyang dilakukan semalam, Ad-nan bersama kakitangannyaturnt menurunkan iklan ha-ram yang dikenal pasti tidakmemohon kelulusan daripa-da MPSJ.

Apa yang dikesalkan piha-knya semalam, ada segelintirindividu yang menampal pe-lekat kelulusan palsu bagi me-ngaburi mata penguat kuasa.

." I!I' iii!l IJI!i'-~"'iiiI


-'~ ..

Adnan Md Ikhsan (empat dari kanan) memeriksa pelekat kelulusan palsu.MPSJ yang ditampal padapapan iklan.

rasi perusahaandihentikan ser- lah agarila. 2007, dengan tindakan tutupta-mertasebelumkejadiantidak "Kami bimbang nyawa premis.diinginiberlaku,"j~lasnyaketi- kanak-kanakini terancamse- "Selainitu,pengusahajugaka ditemuidi sini,semalam. kiranyakesletupanataukebak- melanggarAktaJalanParitdan

Jelas Adnan, kedudnkan aranberlaku. Bangunankeranamendirikanlokasidepohterbabitberham- "Kompaundikeluarkandi struktursementaratanpakelu-piran rumahpendudukkam- bawah Undang-undangKe- lusanMPSJ,"katanya.pung di Batu 14dan sekolah cil, Perlesenan,Tred,Pemia- Sebuahlagi tempatyangrendahtermasuksebuahseko- gaandan PerindustrianMPSJ diserbu hasil aduan orang


C:qFEa 2008

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Sokonankeluarga,nadiKelabSukan omunitiSu~angJayaSokongandaripadakeluargapemain-pemainmenjadiaspirasikepadapembangunansukanbolasepakdi sini.


SUBANG JAYA - Walaupuntidak mempunyai jurulatihprofesionalmembimbing ahlikelab, namun dengan sokong-an ahli keluarga pemain sen-diri, Kelab Sukan Komuniti

Subang Jaya (S]) berupayamelahirkan pemain mudaberbakat.

Mencatatkan seramai 260

ahli, kelab sukan yang muladitubuhkan pada 2001 itu ba-nyak menggunakan kepakar-an sebahagian besar ibu bapaahli dalam membentuk skill

permainan anak masing-ma-sillg.

Koordinatorkelab, FaroukHashim berkata, mereka me-ngamalkan konsep sukarela-wan dalam melatih ahli yangberusia enam hingga 14tahununtuk terus maju dalambidangsukan bola sepak.

"Siapa sangka sebahagian


ibubapa ahli kelab sebenamyamempunyai bakat terpendamdalam sukan bola sepak, se-kali gus membantu kami me-latih pemain.

"Selain itu, latihan di pa-dang Sekolah MenengahKebangsaan (SMK)USJ 4 se-tiap hujung minggujuga men-

jadi tempatibubapaberkumpulsambilmemberi semangat ke-pada anak mereka," katanyaketika ditemui di sini, bam-bam ini.

Katanya, kelab ini jugamenjadi tempat ibu bapa yangmahu melepaskan keinginanuntuk bermain bola sepak dan

Sebahagian ahli kelab sempat bermesra dengan AhliDewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Subang Jaya;Datuk Lee Hwa Beng, ketika beliau bersama menyertai aktiviti kelab, di sini baru-baru ini.

ia dilihat sebagai salah satu caramerapatkan hubungan erat an-

tara keluarga.

"Kami juga turut meng-undang beberapa jurulatih ter-kemuka bagi membolehkan'mereka berkongsi pengalam-an dengan ahli, sekali gus me-motivasikan diri masing-ma-sing untuk terus berusaha.

"Apa yang cuba ditonjol-kanialah sikap tidak putus asa,semangat berpasukan dan ke-sukanan selain disiplin. Malahkami turut mengadakan bebe-rapa program khidmat masya-rakat membabitkan ahli bagimemberi banyak pengalam-an," katanya.

Menurutnya, kelab ber-

kenaan turut mengadakan per-lawanan liga di setiap musimdahim usaha mengesan ba-kat pemain muda dalam duniabola sepak.

"Pemain berbakat tidakakan dibiarkan begitu saja ke-rana mereka akan dihantar un-

tuk bermain.di peringkat lebihtinggi," katanya lagi.

?1 ~1Me...

C4 rEa 200B


Tali pinggang belakang waj'i6

JEANNEAbdullah (kanan) diiringi Chan KongChby melambaitangan kepada penunggang motosikal pada majlis PelancaranKempen Bersepadu Kempen Keselamatan Jalan Raya SempenaMusim Perayaan di Kuala Lumpur, semalam.


KUALA LUMPUR 2 Feb. -Kerajaan bersetujri mewajibkanper-aturan pemakaian tali pinggang ke-ledar bagi penu.Ip.Pangtempat du-duk belakan:g kenderaan persendi-rian, kata Menteri Pengangkutan,Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy.

Bagaimanapun, beIiau berkata,pelaksanaannya perlu menungguka-jian Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM),Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ),Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) dan ba-dan bukan kerajaan yang berkaitan.

"Kita perlu kaji mengenai meka-nisme pelaksanaan dan penguatkua-saan yang melibatkan beberapa pi-hak berkuasa.

"Selepas kajian. dibuat, barn kitaakan mengumumkan tarikh pelak-sanaannya,"katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian pada. si- .dang akhbar selepas majlis Pelan-caran Kempen Bersepadu Kempen'Keselamatan Jalan Raya Sempena

Kita semua perlu sedartentangkeselamatan diri sendiri danorang yangkita sayang

Musim Perayaan di sini hari ini.Pelancaran kempen itu dilakukan

oleh .isteri PerdanaMenteri,DatinSeri Jeanne Abdullah.

Bagaimanapun Kong Choy ber-kata, orang ramaitidak perlu me-nunggu tarikh pelaksanaan untukmemasang tali pinggang tersebut.

"Kita semua perlu sedar tentangkeselamatan diri sendiri dan orangyang kita sayang."katanya.

Terdahulu Jeanne dalam uca-pannya pada majlis itu menca-dangkan Kementerian Pengangl<.u-tan bekerjasama dengan Kemen-terian Pelajaran serta sektor swas-ta bagi meningkatkan kempen ke-selamatan j alan raya di peringkatsekolah.

"Tahap kesedaran mengenai ke-

- Chan Kong Choyselam,atanjalan raya perlu dipupukpada dirikanak-kanak sejakdi bang-ku sekolahlagi supayamereka dapatmeneruskansikapberhemah ini apa-bila dewasa kelak,"katanya.

Jeanne berkata, tanggungjawabmenjaga keselamatan di jalan rayaJ?ukanlah tanggungjawab keraja.a.nsemata-mata kerana ia adalah pe-ranan semua pihak terutamanya ibubapa.

"Di rumah, ibu bapa bertang-gungjawabmenga.mbillangkah-Iang-kah pencegahan awal ba~mening-katkan kese1amatandiri clananak-anak.Pada masa yang sama ibu bapaperlumemberi penjela.sa.nkepada.anak-anakmengenai pentingnya amalan me-makai tali pinggang serta topi ke-ledar," katanya.

UTUSAN MALAYSIATarll(h: ...0..3.. F.£.8. .2.0oa.......

salam orangSelangor & KL. ALONG,

. f:lNkt2sli

Apabllasampahmempunyalnilaikomersial /


>>>KETIKAoranglainsibukberbalahmengenaisikapsesetengahjiranyangsukamembuangsampahmerata-rata,adaorangyangkin;sibukmencaridanmengumpulsampah.Memangpelik,tapiiturealitiyangberlakudi KlangapabilaPusatPungutanSampahPandudanJualmuladibukasejakApriltahunlalu.




»> JIKAduluorangtidakpedulimelihatsampahyangbersepahditepi-tepijalan,malahramaiyangsengajamembuangsampahmerata-rata,sekarangsenarioitusudahberubah.Kiniramaiyangbersediauntukmenghabiskanmasadantenagauntukmenearisampah.SeearatidaklangsungpendekatanyangdigunakankerajaanSelangorberjayamendidikmasyarakatsupayatidaklagimenganggapsampahsebagai'sampah:sebaliknyasampahsebagaisumberpendapatan.



Padamasayangsama,ideaPusatPungutanSampahPal1dudanJualiniperludikembangkankedaerah-dilerahlaindi negeri ..SelangorsupayanegeriinibolehberbanggadenganstatusNegeri .Majuyangbebasdaripada~mpahsarap.

I ;; / // // / I



»> DARIPADAsegikosyangterpaksaditanggungkerajaannegeripula,sebenarnyalangkahmembelisampahdenganharga1°sensekilograminisememangnyatidakmerugikan,malahdapatmengurangkankosyangterpaksaditanggunguntukmengupah

kontr~kf9rmemungutsampahdarirumahkerumah.Perkaraini. memangdiakuisendiriMenteriBesarSelangor,Datuk.Seri

MohamadKhirToyo.. ...i<erajaimnegerihanyaperlumengeluarkankosuntukmenyediakanprasaranadipusatpembeliansampahberkenaandanmenguruskansampah-sampahyangdibeli.Sebaliknyaperananmemungutsampahdanmenghantarnyakepusatberkenaandiserahkankepadaorangramaitanpasebarangpaksaan.

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DE FES 2008

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New civil service mantra:§7'


The manwhooverseesthe largestgroup of personnelinthe country hasmadepromisesfew would.dare to make:telephone callsansweredby thethird ring, paymentsmadewithin 14days,queriesansweredwithin three workingdaysand an end tothe government red-tape runaroundwe've all hadtosurrenderour sanityto. ANIZA DAMISand ELIZABETHJOHNspeakto ChiefSecretaryto theGovernmentTan SriMohdSidekHassanabout the civilservice,and the briskpacehe setsfor it

0: The promises Ihat you'vemade are very daring, hecauseyou are making promises on he-hall' of Ihe 1.2 million civil ser-vants, What makes yon cooti-dent that your promises willcome throngh?

A: I have a lot of confidence in allthe people being fair to me. But Ineed aUthe support I can get. Be-cause Ihe intention is to inIprove.

I made the annOWlcement butthe commibnent is from aU of us.None of them said: 'This is lousy."They said: "This is a good idea; wewant to change."

This is their commibnent, too,because however good someoneis, there is no way thaI he can do italone.

So, the allllowlcement thatyou have made is hased onstrong trnst that everyone woulddo hisjob?

,,; Yes.But, I'm not going to pre-tend that aUis going 10be perfect.I'm prelty sure Ihat ont of the 1.2million. nol everyone ofthem willbe putting all his weight to thetask.

Weshould be prond of what weare. And I believe we in the publlc

service are proud. For example,when the prinle minister ac-knowledged that the publlc ser-vice had inIproved, we wereproud. We are proud of the ser-vice we give, and we think there isa real inlprovement, not just aperception, but a real thing.

For instance, you can make apassport very quickly, and whenyou go to the government offices,people are smiling. And when youpromise payment within 14 daysand people are paid within 14days or even five to seven days,people appreciate that, and youwant to inIprove further.

[ helieve the morale is goodright now.

Q: What was the problem lastthne? Why was there such a de-lay?

A: I think people should work tomeet a deadline.

Imagine if you don't have a

"In December2007,96.9 per cent ofpayments byfederal ministries

and agenciesamounting toRM8.455billionwere made in 14


deadline. You feel like doing, youdo tah. You don't feel like doing,youdon't do.Youcan't do that.

So,we are trying toacculturatethe civil service to that - workingto meet a deadline.

Youmustdoyour best.Youmusttake pride in your job.

Just like when I answered myphone just now. Youmust respondfast. And if you cannot respond,you must explain why.

The telephone is but one exam-ple, but the principle applies to ev-erything. Youdo it fast, and if youcannot do it, then you must ex-plain why. And thirdly, you shouldcallback.

All of us must be like this. Ev-eryone must move in tandem.And there must be pride in thework.

"Q: Doyou get any complaints ataU about rude or indifferentstaff?



A: Ada (there are complaints).When there are 1.2 million civilservants, surely there'd he times,even for me, !fyou catch me on thewrong side of the bed, don't youthink I'd scold you? Of course, Iwould!Whatmore,when youhave1.2millionstall'.

But, generally, things have to begood. Generally, the civil servicehas to be good. That's the point, toget everybody to behave.

Q: How are you trying to acbIevetbis?

A: Youhave to lead by example.And when people like you write

good things about us, don't youthink that civil servants will re-spond to that positivefeedbackbymaintaining that level of service,or inlproving on it? I tbink theywould.

It is because we feel appreciat-ed. It doesn't malter whether yougive us more payor not. The pride





Tarikh: ...D.&.F..a.g,~eD8.......


Workingto a deadline, AN IMPROVEDPUBLIC


iProgresshasbeenmade In reducing theisuffocatinggovernment red tape, and mere

!structural changes are an the way,

"r; , Sometangible results;

: There hasbeen some improVi!ment ini frontline services.Forexample:

tructural changes being made.Secretaries-general of ministries whoare put on contract haveto meet keyperformance Indicators,Their contracts

will oniy be renewed iftargets are met,.ApilotprojectisbeingcarriedOUIlO !ratethe144localcouncils i

",'.' International recognition I.World EconomicGlobal Competitive-ness Study for 2007.2008 rankedMalaysia 21st among 131 countries.WorldBank's"Doing8usiness2008" :rankedMalaysia24thoutof 178 !countries on the easeof doing business i



in doing a good job is itself a motiva-lion.

Do you think this motivation isgoing to attract a better quality ofstan?

;,; Yes.As of now, there are more ap-plicants than posts.

And they are of good quality. But itis only at the point of entry.

I am sw'e mam of lIS are enam-oured of graduales Irom MIT IMas.sachusc'lIs lustitule of Technology),Harvard, Oxford 01' Cambridge, orJ",ople with First Class Honours and

alJ those things.But that's only good as a lirst point

of entry. Because after that, noamount of Harvard training can helpyou.

So, we have a good crop of appli-cants. But. more important is tomake sure that the peopie we recruitto join us are trained to be the way wewant them to be.

How do you McDonald-ise them?How do you get the same consistentlygood service everywhere?

It's the training. And the manual.All the different sectors have their

training institutions.All tills is supposed to be building

that culture.

'50, beyond just attracting the bestto join, the training is important.

But beyond training, because youcan only train a person for six monthsor olle year at the most, it is on the jobitself that this person will learn. Men-taring by the bosses 8J1dpeers, andpeople like you (reporters) not abus-ing them so much, will realJy helpthem.

Q: How are you going to retain the. best talent?

A: What is the reason people stay?Satisfaction, chalJenge. And we haveimproved the salary.

When people like you appreciateus, tlmt is satisJying.

And we ourselves know it - thatwe C8J1make payment in 14 days.

In December 2007, alone, 96.9 percent of payments by federai min-istries and agencies amounting toRM8.455 billion were made in 14days. and 70.4 per cent of theamounts paid were made in sevendays.

Q: SO,everyone must he really hap-py.

A: I would sav so.

The same' standard must be ap-plied to all. It's easy that way.

The same thing about paymentTreat others the way you would liketo be treated.

How would you like to be paid?How would you like to be treated?Youwant to be paid fast; you want tobe served fast.

So, when it's YOW'time to serve,please serve fast: And if you can't doit, then please teli why you can't do it.And please tell nicely,lah.

q: Has the one-stop-centrechanged people's view oflocal gov-ernment?

A: Datuk Fuad (Datuk Alm1ad FuadIsmail, Housing and Local Govern-ment Mi1llstry secretary-general)tells me it's working well.

But what is govenunent to you,what is public service to you? It's thelocal authorities.

They 8J'e the largest form of gov-ernment - not the federal govern-ment, nor the state government. So,

'" ~L.~ ~'-""''''t ..~ -"'1'

U-Pemudah is about consultation and the

consultative process between thegovernment and the private sector. It/smostly to handle issues in the corporate-sectorbut it is not necessarilyconfinedto that.

it's very important they give goodservice.

Q: Since local government is so big,is it difficult to modernise 8J1dchange attitudes?

1\: What are the issues at local au-thority level? Cleaning drains, col-lecting garbage - easy, isn't it?

But it can also be the most difficultthij1g, when people refuse to work.

So to answer your question;Yes, it is very difficult because there


are so many of them.Yes, it is difficult ifyou choose not to

doit.But no, it's easy, because those are

easy issues.When someone asks you to clean

the drain, you clean it! Because that'swhat you're paid to de.

Even payment, you know. What'sso difficult about making payment in14 days?

But I must admit, a few of them willstill fall through the cracks.

But I promise you, if you come to

me, or email me, I promise you it willbe cleared within 24 hours.

Q: SOwhat's the consequence nowfor a civil servant who doesn't mea-sure up? Doesn't do the job?

A: What do you tl1ink?

Q: Isn't it the case that once thePublic Service Department hiresyou, it's pretty mnch impossible tofire you?

A: Youcannot simplylire anybody.Itdepends onthe offence.

It's very clear. Youmust followtherules.

The problem is, perhaps, in thepast, youdidn't followthe rules.

Q: If secretaries-general on con-tract don't perform, will they get arenewal?

A: There are rewards and punish-ment.

Ifyouperform you get a reward, ifyoudon't performyougetpunished.

The rule is already there. Thequestion is whether you are enforc-ingor not.

Youmust implementthe rules. Youmust monitor,and then youmust en-force- onany subject.

Q: Has action heen taken againstanyone who hasn't performed?

A:Ves.I don't have the number here but

I'm sure it has comeoutbefore.Why are you only interested in


Q: Because, there's the incentive todo well, that's the carrot, Whatabout the stick?

A: Of course, there is a stick.If they are found to be corrupt and

charged, that is action. That means,while awaiting the decision of thecourt, he would have been suspend-ed.

If the charge is proven, then wesack 111m.

Some who didn't perform didn'tget a pay rise. And some even got de-moted.

I want to be fair. The integrity ofthe system depends on fairness.

You must be especialJy fair whenyou punish, because when you pun-ish w1fairly, it's a bad thing and quitedifficult to get out of.

But after some time, you don't haveto punish any more because theydon't do it.

The fear itselfis enough to discour-age people /Tom doing it.

Q: What is the value of Pemudab(Special Task Force to FacilitateBusiness)?

A: What is important about it is theidea of close collaboration.




Tarikh: Q3.f.~s.. 20D.8.......

15minutes 1 hourtoto renew resteryour business a new usinesshcence

2hoursto apply 3 hours toforanew renewpassport yourpassport

7 days- 14 daysthemaximumpayment made amount of timeto 60% of the beforea

contractors whocontractor is paidhadsubmitted afterhe,has

their invoices submittedhisinvoice


:run'd' f;t abad<log

of cases In landoverpaid Income offices have beent'x; and you get it cleared since 2004automatically, when "flyingwithout having to squads"wereapply for it deployed.

8 PRIMENEWS,---------------------------.----------------------------------------.-


It's a 'merit-based

public service'


Consultation should begin athome. Because, however good youare, you aren't good enough on yourown. Two heads are better than one,

Pemudab is about consultationand the consultative process be-tween the government and the pri-vate sector.

ICs mostly to handJe issues in thecorporate sector but it is not neces-sarily confmed to that.

More and more now, Pemudab istaking on others issues. Not just purebusiness issues.

For inst'UJee, traffic and seeurity,What has seeurity to do with busi-

ness? If you are an investor, yon'dlike to feel seew'e.

So, new issues have arisen.Tllis idea of interaction must go

beyond the private sector. to youreustomers.

For example, if you are in a localauthority, you must eonsult dle peo-ple in your area.

But having said that. ifyou go to thePemudah website, you ean ask anyquestion mld p,m1lldah will direct theissues to the relevant department.

That's what we mean hy the "NoWrong Door" policy.

That notion of no-wrong doordoesn't only apply to Pemudah, hutalso any goverlUl1entdepartment.

Even in my office. if! don't pick upthe phone. someone else must pick itup.

.,<:Youadvised civil servants to stopwasting their time on politics? Doyou have that prohlem?

".. Did I say dlat?I think what I memll was, like with

children who want 10watch TV. youcan. Go ahead. But what is your coreblL';iness? It Is to focus on YOW'stud.ies.

What is yom' eore business? Gov-enunentsel'vant? So, foclls on it.

Ifvou are in the husiness of clean-ing tirains, ci"'lI1 the drains.

ifvou ar" in the business of collect.ing 111<1garhage, please collect thegarbage.

If you did things last night and itaf-1<'clSyour colleeling the gnrhage thismorning, that is not acceptable.

Did I say yon c.amlOtenter polilics?Follow the rules. whatever they


',' How do you intend to achieveetlmic diversity in goverlUl1ent sel'-vire?

rIw puhlie sel'vice is about merit.j'low do vou define merit? Whoev-

'r/' the bpst.

So why is it Ihal the pnblic ser-.ice. at Ihe moment. seems to bemono-ethllic'!

I cion', know,searehme.thin~ li,l' fal' tOil Illng our sociely

11" I),'en so hiaspd,HI gender blind and eoloul'

:0 IiII'th.. best."'5l happens 10he all

111'II. )( ilmatterton",?Solong.I v Iii jOlt'! go 011 matenlity


leave al the same time.Lah.ar if all of them happen to be Chi.

nese and they are the best. the mostdesel'ving, does it matter to me?

Or all of them happen to he Indiat1,does it matter to me or to you?

When you have a serious illnessand you need at1operation. do you in-sisl on a Malay or a Muslim doctor?

I don't care. I wanl the best doetor.The hest surgeon.

So does it matter? It doesn't. It reoally does not.

For example, the KSN(chiefsecre-tary to the government). Must you in-sist on having a Malay KSN forMalays and an Indiat1 KSN for indi-ans? No.

You want a KSN wbo is fair, Andhow many times have you heard mesay the word fair today?

He has to be fair and based onmerit and all that.

Therefore, il doesn't matter whatcolour you are so long as you are be-ing fair.

Q: SO that means any Malaysiat1can apply. and as long as that per-son is weU-qualified, he will get thejob and not get any Dack for beingdilTerent?

1\: Yes.Ad n(lllSeUm I say Ihat. Until Igel fed up sometimes. Just saying ilto diJIerent people but the message isthe same. It's a meril-based publieservice.

'1: Tbat's at the entry-level. Whatabout promotions?

A: Yes. Didn't I say the same tIlingjust now? KSNor sec-gen or whatev-er.

(/: What is your message to youngpeople who are thinking of joiningthe civilservice? '

Do you know my youngest childwho is now in Form Four Wat1ts tojoin Ihe public service. Only one!

Bul I told him: "It's nollhe moneyLalz."

And I keep telling people thatwhen I was 40, I was only drawingahoutRM4,500.

My friend. who joined the privatesector, who was my classmate fromprinmry school and wenl 10 Ihesame college, same faculty of eco-nonlics - when he was 40. he he-came dIe general manager of IBMMalaysia, earning RM40,OOOat thaIlinle. Bull didn't care. I enjoyed mywork.

Of com'se, I never dreamed I wouldbe seeretary-general of a miJ1.istry,leI alone the chief secretary!

That's why this is a calling.SO,I keep t"lling young people thaI

it's nollor the money.If you want it I'm: the money. the

public senice is not the place. ForgetiUt's not.

It's not going to be an easy jobeilher?

It's easy for me. Depends on Iheperson.

But they shouldn't assmne theyare going 10have an easy linle.




'Emails are my love letters,why let others read them?'Q: Since giving out your emailad-dress (sidekfi!lpmo.gov.my) to thepublic, have you gotten a lot ofemail?

A: Sometimes, they ask for pettythings. These things may be petty tous, but not to them.

For example, if you live in Se-layat1g, and because it's Hari RayaHaji your drains don't get cleaned,your garhage doesn't get coUccted.you'll get angry, right?

It may be very minor to the per-son receiving the complaints, but toyou it's wry smelly.

I have a group of special officers.When I wat1110forward something,Isometimes don't even have time to

specify who ainong the live has todeal with the matter. so I address itto all of them.

And. they will decide who amongthem will handle it because theyhave an understanding amongthemselves on who is supposed todo what.

This is whal the prime ministerwas talking about - this is elec-tronic government.

So. our readers will know thatIf they email you. you yourseU\villread it? It won't be vetted fIfSt?

I get less now.

" What?Yes. Initially. I got a lot of emails

- in Ihe hundreds, I think.So. what I did was. I sent one

"thank you" to the guy or girl whowrote to me, and one "thank yon" tothe officer I CCed for taking thematter up.

After that. everyone (deparlmentheads) gave out his email address-es,soIgotless.

But. yon must really respond. 1b

respond does not mean wrltin~back "r have received your email- that's not responding. that's ac.knowledging.

So, you musl follow the matterthrough to Ihe end.

And if you cannot do iI, just lellwhy.

Obviously if people ask for RM20million from me, I'm nol going toagree. and I'li tell d,em why - he-cause I didn'l even give that to mygrandmother!

Youmust explain.

I read the emails on my Black-berry and 02 (personal digital as-sistant). They are my love letters,why should I let anyhody else readthem?

Actually. I like reading theWhat kind of things do people


emalls. I read the emails as andwhen they come in.

I was with the PM in Saball. in aboat. While he was talking to thechief nlinister of Sabab, I was at-tending to my email. Isn't that howit's supposed to be?

Actually, I'm excited aboulgetting emall. This is like a phonecall - an email is a phone calI.Do you let your phone ring at1dring'?

Q: Do you clear your emaU every.day?

Yes. At 11 o'clock at nighl. andwhen I'm travelling.

Tllis is Ihe "modern teclmology"thaI th" PM is talking ahout.

This is my office Oifting up theBlackberry}. It's a vil'lual office. Youdon'l have to be at your desk 10doyour work. You don't have 10he inyour room to do your work.

Tllis is all 19tIl cenlw'y (pointingaround the offiee). The offire of the21st century is aboul the virtual of.fice.

1ms is the concept the govern-ment waDis everyone 10have.

Excepl, I suppose. if you need 10clean Ihe Longkang, then you haveto clean the particular drain. laI,.Don't say: "I'm going to cleat1 it vir-tually."

NE\V 5TI.: /',: ; ,J f ..AES

Tar ikh! .u .O,.f. ~~.. ?9.q~."' liS


Tarikh: ...qJ?.f.~a..2~08.......

-- -'-.,t-tr


ServingupimprovementsTHINGS are moving within the behemoth that isthe civil service. And it's not simply because theprime minister or chief secretary to the govern-ment say so. The ordinary Malaysian is experienc-ing it. By all accounts, the delivery system has im-proved; in some instances by leaps and bounds.Passports, for example, are renewed in threehours, contractors get payments within 14 days ofthe invoice being presented, new businesses areregistered within an hour, and queries are an-swered within three working days.

Obviously, the government's initiative to reducered tape so that the public is served efficiently andquickly is achieving results. Contributing to thesuccess is the vigour with which ChiefSecretary tothe Government Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan andPemudah are driving the effort. Pemudah, the taskforce established to untie the red tape with whichthe behemoth had wound itself, has managed tomould a more business-friendly civilservice. Importantly, too, as Sidek observes, isthe realisation by civil servants of the need toshape up.

The tangibility of the improvements owes muchto the introduction of a deadline for civilservants tocomplete certain tasks. Without a deadline, peopletend to take it easy. A deadline rouses a sense ofpurpose and urgency, even responsibility. It is

. comforting to know, too, that the government istaking seriously the notion of meritocracy in thepublic sector: it wants the best people in the rightpositions, regardless of race. Performers are beingrewarded while slackers are punished.

Public servants, says Sidek, are proud of the ser-vice they provide. It is a fact that even a modicum ofpride can precipitate the shedding of a sloppy atti-tude towards any work. Sidek says morale is good.That, indubitably, is a welcome sign, as highermorale should translate into a higher level of ser-vice that is civil. Common experience reveals thatappreciation spurs a person to perform better.Psychiatrists call it recognition hunger. Dr EricBerne, the man who coined the term, saw recogni-tion hunger as the need for acknowledgement byothers of our work and efforts or, at the very least,our existence. Acknowledgement has a way ofim-proving performance, for the person praised willtry to reciprocate by striving to be more compe-tent. Perhaps it is time to better appreciate the gov-ernment and civilservants for the appreciable im-provements they have achieved. After all, the 1.2million-strong behemoth that had been lumberingis finally limbering up to serve even better.


Housebuyers queryneed to pay more

Easiermedicalchecks SOOI"l

PUTRAJAYA:Geltingmedicaltreatmentwillbemadeeasierfor civilservantssoon,with theintroductionof thee-Guaranteeletter bythe PublicServiceDepartment.

Its director-general,TanSri IsmailAdam,said therewas a biginitiativeto Introducesuchfacilities forgovernmentstaff to getmedical.treatmentathospitals.

Hesaid PSDiscollaboratingwith theHealthMinistrytocompilea database.

Ismail said with thee.Guaranteeletter,therewouldbenOneedlor aguaranteeleller fromtheollice, addingthatthePSDwas alsoworkingon a one-stopagencylor real estatedevelopment.-Bernama

.-. ...,~",, ~ ,-_._--BySUSHMAVEERA

KUALALUMPUR:Sevenyears ago,a youngfamily moved to Sri Bayu apartments inBandar Puchong Jaya, with dreams of livingon a hill with a great view.

Theywerealsodelightedto havesecuredanice corner unit and a RM7,OOOdiscount ontheir buying price of RM176,900.

House owner LimSeng Guan received aletter last month stating that the strata titlehad been issued.

"As it was under the developer's name, wewere asked to execute a memorandum oftransfer to change the strata title to ourname.

"Wewere also required to settle all out-standing amounts with the developer," saidthe 37-year-old operations manager.

"Although it was a long wait, we werehappy to receive the letter."

Lim'sdreams, however, were shatteredwhen he turned to the second page of theletter, which stated that the developer hadmade a mistake on the size of the apartment.

"They claimed that the apart-ment is bigger by 69sq ft -based on what is written in thestrata title.

Limhas been asked to pay anextra RM10,000.

"This is in addition to the feesthat we have to fork out to ex-ecute the transfer," said Lim.

"The developer even had thecheek to tell us that they areprepared to waive five per centoffthe priceif wepaidwithin30days."

He said as a house owner, theyare required by law to executethe MOTwithin one year, failingwhich they can be fined betweenRM1,OOO and RM10,OOO.

.',,'°'',,/' "<"


(FOUNDED1946L --


. KEYNOTE. CurrentTrends

,~ Mergingof Technologies[:!1 (InternationalSpeaker- Fulbright... USA)

.1 . BiomedicalEngineering~I . BIotechnology Advancement. Mobility and Transportation

~I . AlternativeEnergy~ . LifeSciencesTechnology&

L;.I Modelling


,~ . KEYNOTE. Suslainability:The Way

~1) Forward(InternationalSpeaker .CIB '.UnijedKingdom). Emerging Discipline in ICT

,. Smart& SustalnabilityInTall '

.,I Building,1 . Port Facilities: Automation

I"J . SatelliteTechnologies

. Safety,Health & Environment:Why Must It Be GivenThe SamePriority?


-'~!lftlyIN\IICH._~<---~~ 1!III."'C











,.,'.'' ......

~K.I-I,AI4< "'-IIMI!D '.""".,-, , ,,,,,.;;..


"Thisis wrong.""Whenwe boughtthe unit fromthe de-

veloper,it wason the basisthat the de-veloperwouldbuild an apartmentandfor acertain price," hesaid, addingthat it is notright for one party to saylater that it hadmadea mistakein pricing.

Hesaidit makesno sensehowthe de-veloperis claimingthis after so long andafter beingtold by anotherparty - the LandOffice- that they hadbuilt extraspaceforeachunit.

"Is this asaleor ascam?"askedLim."Weboughtthe unit basedonthe price,

not the size."What happensto thosewho hadbought

the units fromfirst or secondowners?"Theypaida higher priceand now,they

haveto paymorefor extraspacethat no onerequestedfor.

"It's too badthat the developermadeamistakein their calculation."

"What if it wasthe other wayaround?"askedLim.

"If the stratatitle wasissuedandwefoundthat the developerhadbuilt lessthan whatwasstatedin the S&P.wouldthey give usarefund?

"I don't think so."Lirnis alsocuriousasto howthe developer

arrivedat RM146persqft."Condopricessevenyearsagoand noware

different."I don't evenwant to discussthe leaksor

the cracksthat we hadafter the warrantyperiodexpiredor the fight for a secondpark-ing lot eventhough we weretold whenweboughtthe unit that wecould rent a secondparkinglot.

"I thought things wouldbedifferent if Iboughtfrom a listed company."

Limurgedthe government,consumeras.sociationsandother partiesto look into this.

"It is difficult enoughto raisea family withrising costs,but to be taken for a rideby a


OARSHAN: This is unacceptable

reputabledeveloperandto payfor its mistakeis anothermatter."

Limlodgeda complaintwith the NationalConsumerComplaintsCentreunderits col-laborationwith WeekendMail to gathercom-plaints on housingmatters.

NCCCdirector DarshanSinghsaidLimisbeingvictimisedby the developer.

"Thisis unacceptableandunwarranted,"said Darshan.

"Developersshouldnot beallowedtocornerconsumerslike this."

Another resident,William Goh,whore-ceiveda similar letter, saidthe paymentforthe additional built-up areais ridiculous.

Raisingsomeof the residents'concerns,hesaid: "It hasbeensix yearssincewehadstayedthere.

"Whyis it only now,whenthe stratatitle isready,sucha problemarises?"

Cornpanyexplains actionKUALA LUMPUR: M'IOI

Properties spC!kesman as-sured Urn SengGllanthatwhat the company did is inaccordance with the re-

quirements in the sale andpurchase agreement.

"Unlike a landedpropertywherethe title is basedonthe land area of the lot and

not the built-up area oUhehouse, the strata title of astrata .property is based onthe built-up.area of1;heunit," thespokesrna h~said.

"Secondly, it is commonand widely accepted that thedifference in the built-uparea may arise in the case ofa strata unit (and therefore,the government has allowedfor the adjustment clause tobe included in the standard

Schedule H agreement) asthe area stated in the S&P isan estimate, calculatedbased on plans, whereas theactual area can only be de-termined when the survey onthe actual area constructed

is done before the title isissued."

The spokesman said theactual area as stated in thestrata title is 119sq m or1,280.90sq ft. The area inthe buildingplan asstatedin the S&P is l,212sq ft.

"Therefore, the actual areais more by 68.90sq ft. Thepurchase price to be adjus.ted as-provided under clause11 (1) of the S&P for thiscase isRM145.96.

"The adjustme~t price is

derived by dividing the pur-chase price by the area as inthe S&P

(RM176,900/1,212sq ft.)"Thus, the amount due to

us is RM145.96 multiplied by68.90 sq ft which works outto RM10,056.64.

"Although we.are legallyentitled to claim the 'aboveamount. as a.gesture ofgoodwill to the buyers, wehave offeredlo reduce the

amQunfb~50~er cent,'bringing it to,RM5,028.32."

MALA. Y MAIL. - . 0 Q F E B 2008Tarlkh. ......


Housebuyers queryneed to pay more

Easiermedicalchecks soon

PUTRAJAYA: Geltingmedical treatment willbe made easier lor civilservants soon. with thl!introduction Of theI!-Guarantl!l!letter bythe Public Service

Dl!partml!nt.lis director-general.

Tan Sri Ismail Adam.said there was a biginitiative to introducesuch lacilities lor

government stall. to getmedical treatmentat

hospitals.He said PSD is

collaboratil1g with theHeallh Ministry to

compile a database.Ismail said with the

e-Guarantee letter. therewould be no need lor a

guarantee letter fromthe office. adding thatthe PSD was also

working on a one-stopagency 10f real estatedevelopment. -Rernama

.~.., ,, ,--,--By SUSHMA VEERA

KUALALUMPUR:Seven years ago, a youngfamily moved to Sri Bayu apartments inBandar Puchong Jaya, with dreams of livingon a hill with a great view.

Theywere also delighted to have secured anice corner unit and a RM7,000discount ontheir buying price of RM176,900.

House owner LimSeng Guan received aletter last month stating that the strata titlehad been issued.

"As it was under the developer's name, wewere asked to execute a memorandum oftransfer to change the strata title to ourname.

"Wewere also required to settle all out-standing amounts with the developer:' saidthe 37-year-old operations manager.

"Although it was a long wait, we werehappy to receive the letter."

Lim'sdreams, however, were shatteredwhen he turned to the second page of theletter, which stated that the developer hadmade a mistake on the size of the apartment.

"They claimed that the apart-ment is bigger by 69sq ft -based on what is written in thestrata title.

Limhas been asked to pay anextra RM10,000.

"This is in addition to the feesthat we have to fork out to ex-ecute the transfer," said Lim.

"The developer even had thecheek to tell us that they areprepared to waive five per centoff the price if we paid within 30days."

He said as a house owner, theyare required by law to executethe MOTwithin one year, failingwhich they can be fined betweenRM1,000and RM10,000.

.""0.0,,,., '""" '.I ... a "'-


,<FOUNDED194~ --


rl PAPERS" DAY ONE. KEYNOTE-Current Trends

, Merging of Technologies.~ (International Speaker - Fulbright;! USA)

.1 . Biomedical Engineering\1 . Biotechnology Advancement. Mobility and Trensportation[,'I . Alternative Energy'"::! . LifeSciencesTechnology&f;J' Modelling'"L\:JI:;;}



,. KEYNOTE. Sustainability: The Way

Forward (International Speaker .CIB. United Kingdom)~ . Emerging Discipline in ICT

,. . Smart&SustainabilltyInTall

~.. BUilding. Port Facilities: Automation

T. . Satellite Technologies. Safety. Heaith &Environment:

Why Must ItBe Given The SamePriority?

'~wH.""M-'!'~':~',., -~- -- --,-'V -~. __



_ I!!IIII_-



ASi. K!lA"""JlMIU!1J


"Thisis wrong.""Whenweboughtthe unit from thede-

veloper, it was on the basis that the de-veloper would build an apartment and for acertain price," he said, adding that it is notright for one party to say later that it hadmade a mistake in pricing.

He said it makes no sense how the de-veloper is claiming this after so long andafter being told by another party - the LandOffice - that they had built extra space foreach unit.

"Is this a sale or a scam?" asked Lim."Webought the unit based on the price,

not the size."What happens to those who had bought

the units from first or second owners?"They paid a higher price and now, they

have to pay more for extra space that no onerequested for.

"It's too bad that the developer made amistake in their calculation."

"What if it was the other way around?"asked Lim.

"If the strata title was issued and we foundthat the developer had built less than whatwas stated in the S&P,would they give us arefund?

"I don't think so:'Limis also curious as to how the developer

arrived at RM146 per sq ft."Condo prices seven years ago and now are

different."I don't even want to discuss the leaks or

the cracks that we had after the warrantyperiod expired or the fight for a second park-ing lot even though we were told when webought the unit that we could rent a secondparking lot.

"I thought things would be different if Ibought from a listed company:'

Limurged the government. consumer as-sociations and other parties to look into this.

"It is difficult enough to raise a family withrising costs, but to be taken for a ride by a


OARSHAN: This Is unacceptable

reputable developer and to pay for its mistakeis another matter:'

Limlodged a complaint with the NationalConsumer Complaints Centre under its col-laboration with WeekendMail to gather com-plaints on housing matters.

NCCCdirector Oarshan Singh said Um isbeing victimised by the developer.

"This is unacceptable and unwarranted,"said Oarshan.

"Developers should not be allowed tocorner consumers like this."

Another resident, WilliamGoh, who re-ceived a similar letter, said the payment forthe additional built-up area is ridiculous.

Raising some of the residents' concerns, hesaid: "It has been six years since we hadstayed there.

"Whyis it only now, when the strata title isready, such a problem arises?"

Com.panyexplains actionKUALA LUMPUR: AlflOI

properties spokesman as-sured Lim Seng Guan thatwhat the company did is inaccordance with the re-

quirements in the sale andpurchase agreement.

"Unlike a landed propertywhere the title is based onthe land area of the lot and

not the built-up areaofthehouse,the strata title of a

strata property is based onthe built-up area of theunit/' thespokesman'.said.

"Secondly, it is commonand widely accepted that thedifference in the built-uparea may arise in the case ofa strata unit (and therefore,the government has allowedfor the adjustment clause tobe included in the standardSchedule H agreement) asthe area stated in the S&Pisan estimate, calculatedbased on plans, whereas theactual area can only be de-termined when the survey onthe actual area constructed

is done before the title isissued:'

The spokesman said theactual area as stated in the

strata title is 119sq m or1,280.90sq ft. The area inthe building plan as statedin the S&P is 1,212sq ft.

"Therefore, the actual areais more by 68.90sq ft. Thepurchase price to be adjus-ted as provided under clause11 (1) ofthe S&P for thiscase is RM145.96.

"The adjustment price is

derived by dividing the pur-chase price by the area as inthe S&P

(RM176,900/1,212sq ft.)"Thus, the amount due to

us is RM145.96 multiplied by68.90sq ft which works outto RM10,056.64.

"Although we are legallyentitled to claim the above

amount. as a gesture ofgoodwill to the- buyers, wehave offered to reducethe

amC1Qntb~50percent,bringing ittoRM5,028.32:'

MALAY MAIL" . 0"3 FEB 2008

Tarlkh. ...........................


I-CityPerintis'BandarayaIImu'. AZIEYAHAYA

I-CITV Selangor, cadangan projekbemilai RMl.5 bilion yang sedangdilaksanakan oleh I-Berhad, bolehmenjadi projek perintis untuk men-gnbah Shah Alam menjadi sebnah'Bandaraya Hmu'.

Projek yang menggnnakan tekno-logi maklumat dan komunikasi (lCT)bagi mempermudah kehidupan seha-rian menjadikan i-City sebagai printisyang membolehkan Kerajaan NegeriSelangor meneapai cita-citanya untukmenjadikan ibu negeri itu sebagai se-bl\ilh 'Bandaraya iImu'.

i-City yang dinobatkan seha-gai Bandaraya Siber MSC (KoridorRaya Multimedia) pertama Selangordi Inar Cybe~iaya, sudah pun bersediauntuk membawa faedah langsung dantidak langsung kepada negeri ini khas-nya dan selumh pendnduk Selangoramnya.

Di bawah program MSC Malay-sia, syarikat yang menjalankan per-niagmUldi lokasi tersebut akan dapatmenikmati kelebihan dan faedah yangdisedia dan diselia di bawah 'Bill ofGuarautees'

i-City, yang melibatkan kawasanseluas 45hektar, bermatlamat menja-di pusat siber bel1araf dunia. Ia jugamempakan pusat siber MSC pertamayang diusahakan oleh pihak swasta diShah Alam, selepas Perdona Mente-ri Daluk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Ba-dawi mengumumkan pada Disembertahunlepas bahawa keseluruhan Lem-bah Klang akan menjadi sebahagiandaripada MSC

Langkah itn berseslwian keranaLcmbah Klang mempunyai pe11umbu-ban ekonomi yang menggalakkan dariseei ak!iv;ti komersil dan ekonomi.

- I-City Icbihdaripada sekadar per-kakasan kernna ia mcliputi programbagi memupuk iudustri ICT. Buat per-mulaan, i-City tclah meminta bantuanUnivcrsili Induslri Selaugor (UNISEUuntuk membangunkan usahawan danpckclja bcrkcmahiran tinggi scbagai

Pembangunan I-Cityyang dicadangkan ini dilaksanakan di kawasan seluas 30 hektar inl mengandungl pejabat kedai,menara pejabat korporat, tlga hotel, pangsapuri berperkhldmatan, kawasan beli-belah dan sebuah sekolah bestari.

sebahagian daripada program pem-bangnnan insan bagi meningkatkankedudukan ntarna Selangor sebagainegeri maju.

i-City juga akan memberi tum-puan dalam membangunkan penye-lidikan dan pembangunan kelompokuntuk usahawan kecil dan sederhanadalam industri berasaskan pengetahu-an di Selangor.

Projek i-City disasarkan seba-gai lokasi pelaboran perdana Kori-

dor Raya Multimedia bagi Selangor,mengandungi pejabat korporat, premisbeli belah dan kawasan pejalan kaki,pejabat kedai serta mang nmcit, ho-tel dan pangsapuri berperkhidmatanserta sebuah pusat inovasi.

Apabila ia beroperasi sepenuhnyakelak, i-City dianggarkan mempunyai50,000 pekerja berpengetahuan danmereka akan membawa faedah-fae-dah sampingall ekonomi yang besardari segi pennintaan bagi penginapan



lebihluas.dan perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan eko-

nom.i yang lain.Namun, eabaran dalam pem-

bangnnan i-City ialah bagaimana men-

terjemahkan visi Selangor itu dan padamasa yang sama mengekalkan faedah-

faedahnya sebagai sebuah projek sek-tor swasta.

Dua unsur penting bagi meneapaivisi 'Bandarayailmu' ialahke",uudanprasarana asas bagi memastikan ke-berkaitan, keboleheapaian dan kesela-matannya, serta persekitaran yang me-nyokong aplikasi-aplikasi e-kerajaanboleh saling bemperasi bagi menjaminpenyertaan rakyat secara lebih luas.

Justern, sebelum ShahAlam bolehbembah menjadi 'Bandaraya ilmu',perlu ada sokongan yang menggalak-kan daripada Kerajaan Negeri dalarnperkara-perkara sepelii meletakkanasas bagi prasarana jalor lebar, men-didik orang ramai mengenai kehidu-pan dalam era digital, menggnnakanprogram e-kerajaan secara berternsandan menyediakan insentif-insentif per-dagangan.

PemangkinsektorperniagaandanperdaganganSEBAGAI perintis bandar digital,bekerjasama dengan kerajaan negeridan pihak terbabit akan dijalin bagimelaksanakan projek bandar digi-tal ini.

Tambahan pula, i-City merupakanpemangkin kepada sektor awam danswasta dalan] menggembleng tenagauntuk memajukan sektor pemiagaandan perdagangan di negeri ini sertamemacu kepada pertumbuhan sosio-ekonomi negeri.

i-City jugaakan menjadikan ShahAlam sebagai bandar pintar di matadunia. Khidmat pakar dari luar ne-gara digunakan bagi merealisasikanhasrat kerajaan untuk menjadikan i-City sebagai destinasi antarabangsadi Malaysia.

Malah, hasrat menjadikau i-CitySelangor sebagai destinasi pelancon-gan tumt dipersetujui oleh Menteri Pe-lancongan Malaysia.

Walau bagaimanapun, i-City bak-al berdepan dengan beberapa cabarankemajuan yang unik dan luarbiasa sel-aras dengan kemajuan gaya hidup dankeperluan teknologi yang menjadi tu-lang belakang dalam mengintegrasi-kan dunia ICT.

Projek i-City ini bakal menjadipenanda aras serta kayo pengukur diperingkat antarabangsa dan diramal-kan projek ini bakal menukar wa-jah Shah Alam menjadi sudut selesaantarabangsa.

Kerajaan Negeri Selangor jelasmenunjukkan visi serta komitmendalam menyokong sepenuhnya pem-bangunan bertaraf dunia ini.

Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Dr.Mohamad Khir Toyo menyatakanmasyarakat setempat bakal menik-mati faedah kesan limpahan projekini terutama dalarn industri sains danteknologi.


SINARHARIAN S5Ahed 03 Februeri 2008 .


PelaburasingtunjukminatterhadapI-CityDALAM padaitu,projeki-Cityinime-mpakan salah satu mega projek yangdapat menarik m.inatpelabur asing un-tuk membuat pelaburan dan sekali gusmeningkatkan taraf ekonomi negeriSelangor.

Malah, i-City dimajukan seba-gai tempat di mana masyarakat anta-rabangsa boleh menikmati gaya hidupkosmopolitan.

Pembangnnan yang dibangnnkandi kawasan tersebut memherikan pelu-ang pemiagaan kepada usahawan tern-tamanya di kalangan usahawan Bu-miputera di sekitar Shah Alarn uutukmelibatkan diri dalam industri digi-tal di samping mendidik masyarakatmeugenai teknologi ICT.

Projek mega ini bukan sahaja da-pat meningkatkan ekonomi negeri ma-lah seeara langsung menarik pelaburasing membuat pelaburan serta me-mantapkan kedudukan Shah Alamsebagai lokasi ulama bagi pelaburasing.

i-City juga bakal memenuhi ke-perluan pelabur di Selangor dan Kera-jaan Negeri akan menangani sebarangperkara yang berkaitan dengan pelabu-ran, termasuk menyediakan maklumatyang komprehensifkepada mereka.

Kerajaan negeri akanjuga meng-kaji saranan supayakeutamaan dibe-rikan kepada syarikat ICT yang ter-letak dalam i-City bagi projek-projekkerajaan.

Schubungan itu, Kerajaan NegeriSelangor mempunyai raneangan un-tuk mengadakan sistem pengangku-tan awam yang baik bagi i-City sepertihubungan terus dari Lebuhraya Per-sekutuan, stesen transit aliran ringan(LRT) apabila landasannya dilanjut-kan ke Klang dan perkhidmatan basZ4jam.

Projek itu akan membawa faedahlangsung kepada Shah Alam, terma-suk pendapatan tamiJahan daripadakadar taksiran dan pemiagaan ekoranpembangnnan itu yang bakal mewn-judkan peluang pekerjaan bagi pekerjaberpengetahuan dan sekali gns mengn-rangkan masalah penganggnran tem-tamanya golongan belia.

Pada masa yang sarna, akan wnjudkesan pengganda bagi pemiagaan danwarga Shah Alam, malah i-City akanmeningkatkan nilai tanah dan harta-harta di sekitarnya.

'?IN AA-

Q § FE B 200B

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