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22 OKTOBER 2013 (SELASA), 9.00 PAGI

Terima kasih Saudari Pengacara Majlis,


Yang Berbahagia Bapak Ir Ariffin Lambaga,

Presiden Direktur, PT Mutu Agung Lestari

Yang Berusaha En Nicholas Andrew Lissem, Pengurus Industri

Perladangan, Perbadanan Kemajuan Perusahaan Kayu Sarawak


Tuan-tuan dan Puan-puan yang saya hormati sekalian.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t., Selamat Pagi dan Salam Sejahtera.

1. Terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih

kepada Jawatankuasa Penganjur kerana sudi menjemput saya untuk

menyampaikan sepatah-dua kata dalam Majlis Perasmian Seminar

on Plywood for the Japanese Market pada hari ini.

Dato’, Tuan-tuan, puan-puan dan hadirin yang dihormati sekalian,


2. Memandangkan seminar ini turut dihadiri oleh peserta dari luar

negara, izinkan saya untuk menyampaikan ucapan aluan ini dalam

Bahasa Inggeris.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to welcome all of you to our Green Campus of

Forest Research Institute of Malaysia or FRIM.

3. As the oldest product in the wood-based panels’ family, plywood

has kept its leading position and still commands the biggest share of

the market. The future of the wood-based industry, in particular

plywood, continues to be bright, as the demand remains strong in the

global market due to its widespread usage in various applications and

industries. Plywood contributes 25.7% of Malaysian timber products

export values. As of December 2012, the total exports of timber and

timber products was recorded at RM 20.442 billion, an increase of

0.8% compared to the corresponding period in 2011. Within this

period, export value for plywood shows an increase by 0.7% to

RM5.14 billion as compared to the previous year. Japan, USA and

India remained as the major importers for timber and timber products

from Malaysia contributing RM4.27 billion, RM2.48 billion and RM1.47

billion worth of imports respectively.

4. In a recent uptake on the timber sector, a more positive picture

has been drawn on the prospects of the timber sector as a whole, on


the back of a strong recovery in log prices following log shortages in

Malaysia and improving economic activity in Japan, which is resulting

in rising plywood imports. However, although the order volume has

been improved from Japan, prices have not been raised as

significantly. Yet a rerating is predicted on its way based on

anticipated increasing exports to Japan and recovering sales volumes.

In Japan, the aggressive policy easing to reflate the economy has led

to higher government spending, aggressive monetary easing and

structural reforms hence assisting in promoting asset prices that

would stimulate consumption and business investment to sustain the

recovery over the longer term.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

5. Statistically, Malaysia is the largest tropical plywood exporter to

Japan. Thus, it would be appropriate that this seminar would address

on current scenario of plywood market in Japan. And, I was made to

understand that a prominent Japanese plywood buyer will be

presenting a paper on this issue. I hope we will get first hands

information on the current situation of the Japanese plywood market.

I believe our plywood exporters would benefit from such information

and be able to strategize their marketing plan. Furthermore, in

penetrating Japanese market, it is a requirement for any plywood to

comply with the Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS). JAS

certification scheme is a scheme that certifies plywood and LVL

products for the use in Japan. The JAS Standards System refers to the

certification system that attaches the JAS marks to the products


inspected in accordance with the JAS Standards established by the

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Japan. The

scheme is based on the law concerning standardization and proper

labeling of products for acceptance into Japanese market. This

certification system is designed to ensure the reliability of JAS marks

through certification by Registered Certifying Bodies (hereinafter

referred to as RCBs), which is a third party organizations. The

Certified Business Entities, such as producers or manufacturers, or

others who have been certified by the RCBs, grade their products or

inspect production processes by themselves can label JAS marks to

their products. As a result of the recent amendments to the Law and

Ordinances on JAS, which took effect in March 2006, any certifying

bodies from any countries are able to apply for the status of

Registered Overseas Certifying Bodies (ROCB). Therefore I am looking

forward to a stimulating discussion among the participants to share

and increase our understanding of the JAS plywood requirements so

as to fulfil our national interest and benefit all of us.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

6. On this occasion, I wish to take the opportunity to inform all

participants especially to the plywood manufacturers that FRIM is now

an accredited independent Third-party Testing Organisation. This

recognition is made possible through the collaboration with PT Mutu

Agung Lestari as the Registered Overseas Certifying Body (ROCB). I

do hope all plywood exporters will make use of FRIM’s facilities for

plywood testing under JAS Certification – we will ensure it is faster,


more cost effective and we will ensure satisfactory services. On top of

that, with our vast experiences in R&D’s, testing services, consultation

activities, and etc., FRIM not only offer you services, we welcome you

for corporation in the future.

Furthermore, based on the current scenario of Japanese market, the

local industries are urged to grab the opportunities and be ready to

face new challenges including the emergence of strong newcomers as

plywood production, such as Vietnam.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

7. Last but certainly not least, I wish to thank the organising

committee for its efforts to make this seminar a successful event. I

am convinced that this seminar will mark the beginning of our coming

together to work towards sustaining our plywood export superiority

and maintaining our plywood product quality globally.

Thank you.


Ketua Pengarah FRIM

22 October 2013

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