tekun & sabar sekali klik dapat duit online

Post on 18-Jan-2017






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Maksud & Tujuan Pembentukan Komunitas Tekun & Sabar Sekali Klik Dapat Duit Online

Aww. dan Salam Sejahtera Bagi Kita Semua,

Menjawab pertanyan dan kekhawatiran para rekan-rekan saya yang budiman terkait dengan bisnis online yang banyak meniupkan angin surga.

Kenyataan pahit yang pernah dialami oleh sebagian peserta program atau bisnis online, yang membuat mereka jera / trauma, adalah kerugian uang, waktu dan tenaga yang tak terhitung, akibat janji-janji kosong / bohong dari kumpulan penipu (liars) di dunia maya (internet). Para pelaku tersebut adalah "orang-orang yang makan masak - mentah. Tidak peduli halal atau haram.Tidak mempersoalkan surga atau neraka."

Komunitas Sabar & Tekun ini dibentuk dengan tujuan memberikan panduan berbahasa Indonesia dan Inggris guna membimbing para anggotanya ke arah kesuksesan usaha / bisnis sesungguhnya dan MENCEGAH para anggota


Komunitas "Sabar dan Tekun" ini terjerumus mengikuti bisnis online yang tidak jelas kejuntrungannya sehingga mengakibatkan kerugian uang, tenaga dan waktu para pesertanya.

Modalnya Apa & Berapa?Para anggota komunitas ini bersedia melowongkan waktu membuka dan mengklik iklan berbahasa Inggris lebih kurang 20 menit, beberapa kali dalam se-hari/malam, dengan dana awal beberapa ratus ribu rupiah untuk pembukaan akun /pembelian Paypal (lihat no.(05) dan (06) di bawah ini). Bagi yang sabar memperoleh penghasilan kecil dan memakan waktu lama. Bagi yang ingin memperoleh penghasilan lebih cepat dan besar diperlukan biaya di atas satu juta rupiah, sesudah menjadi anggota satu atau 2 bulan.

Let me clear something up first, Neobux is a long term investment. Neobux isn’t something you do for a year and quit. It’s something you create as an investment and will retain for a long period of time.

This is your key to success. Be patient guys and rent referrals till the limit. Upgrade your membership and rent even more. In return it will generate recurring and consistent returns each month. That’s our goal.


If you do not invest anything, it will take a while for you to earn money, especially if you make 0.001 per click.

Usaha dan bisnis online begini tidak akan membuat orang kaya mendadak serta terjamin tanpa resiko. Hanya Allah SWT sajalah yang mampu memberikan jaminan demikian. Sebagai hamba Allah SWT, kita hanya berusaha dan berdoa semoga usaha kita ini sukses serta memperoleh ridhoNYA, terjauh / terbebas dari dosa di dunia dan akhirat.

Selamat datang untuk bergabung menjadi anggota Komunitas Sabar & Tekun bisnis online "Pay To Click [PTC] Group", antara lain NEOBUX" , sehingga kita semua para anggota benar-benar sukses sebagai "NEOFRIBIS" Indonesia.


Bagi para anggota yang ingin bertanya dengan bahasa Indonesia, silakan klik http://tinyurl.com/nwmsm24



Silakan klik dan dengarkan / ikuti petunjuk video ini =>How to earn money with Neobux <= <https://youtu.be/gY3dffMjafU>

As the facebook does not allow me to give you my complete link when you register to join now, please add / type "eobox" after n________before com.: <http://www.n_______.com/?rh=actnow4profit > Then click the corrected link accordingly.

You can now register first by having /?r=actnow4profit to neobux link and complete the registration form as instructed accordingly.

Don't forget to add me as your referral.

User: actnow4profit

That's the best way to say thanks for the information I give you!

But be sure you have to check that the registration link has contained "n + eobux/?r=actnow4profit. By doing that you will become my DR (Direct Referrals) and we will work together to really make money successfully.



(01) Hanya satu akun NEOBUX diperkenankan dalam satu keluarga.

(02) Harus selalu mempergunakan komputer yang sama dengan koneksi yang sama pula. Hanya kalau terpaksa sekali, diperkenankan memakai komputer lain. Itupun dibatasi hanya satu kali (proxi)

(03) Anda harus mempunyai akun Paypal dan/atau akun payza dsb yang telah mereka tentukan (teliti (05) dan (06) di bawah ini.

(04) Tidak boleh mempergunakan koneksi internet yang dipakai umum. Misalnya di sekolah, Warnet perkantoran besar dst.

(05) Sebuah cara mendaftar paypal terbaru tanpa perlu ragu mendapatkan limitasi akibat dari pendaftaran menggunakan VCC. Cara mendaftar paypal terbaru ini terbukit ampuh, aman dan praktis untuk digunakan semua kalangan yang ingin berbisnis online di internet saat ini. <https://youtu.be/f7e8accMmWM>

(06) Anda bisa pula memesan Paypal melalui =>Jual Saldo Paypal


Kami menjual saldo paypal 100% legal. Klik <http://yuzzlin.com/paypal.php> Jangan lupa menyimak / meneliti =>FAQ | Paypal <= Akun Paypal saya belum verified, Apakah saya bisa membeli saldo paypal dari Yuzzlin.com?

TIPS You don't need to pay to start earning. Start earning money now!

Let me clear something up first, Neobux is a long term investment. Neobux isn’t something you do for a year and quit. It’s something you create as an investment and will retain for a long period of time.

This is your key to success. Be patient guys and rent referrals till the limit. Upgrade your membership and rent even more. In return it will generate recurring and consistent returns each month. That’s our goal.

If you do not invest anything, it will take a while for you to earn money, especially if you make 0.001 per click.

If you put in $5.00 to $10.00 initially and rent some referrals, you will get ahead of the game a lot faster than others.


Keep recycling until you have a team of active users. I recommend recycling anyone that has not clicked in 4 days.

If a RR has over 100 clicks total, recycle after 10 days of inactivity. If they are inactive for 14 days, the system will automatically recycle them anyways. You should focus on manually recycling RR’s who have not clicked in 4 days to 10 days.

If there are too many, don’t drain your funds, recycle 10% every day. If there are 100 inactive RR’s, recycle 10 of them every day.

You can identify golden RR’s by monitoring their averages – if their average is 4.0 to 8.0, they are a golden member – never recycle them!

Do not upgrade to golden until you've had at least 300 RR's. It will be tough to get RR's when you are golden, as you can only rent at certain times of the day.

Our recommendation is: when you have $120 in your account, upgrade. Golden costs $90, and the rest of the $30 goes towards rentals.

Keep renting new referrals after you upgrade to golden and don’t cash out. Remember, you haven’t cashed out at all, and you shouldn’t until you have 2000 referals. But


when you do cashout, you will be able to cash out about $50 a day.

Neobux is a long term investment. Neobux isn’t something you do for a year and quit. It’s something you create as an investment and will retain for a long period of time. In return it will generate recurring and consistent returns each month.

My math is spot on, but let’s make sure. Here is the break even points with AutoPay and AutoRenew discounts applied:

Refer to <http://tinyurl.com/q245jq7> or Click v EDIT POST

(A) Referrals (B) Cost Monthly (C) After AutoPay/Renew (D) Standard (E) Golden (F) Standard (G) Golden

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G)

0 -> 250 $0.2000 $0.1700 $0.0050 $0.0100 1.13 0.57

251 -> 500 $0.2100 $0.1785 $0.0050 $0.0100 1.19 0.60

751 -> 1000 $0.2300 $0.1955 $0.0050 $0.0100 1.30 0.65

1001 -> 1250 $0.2400 $0.2400 $0.0050 $0.0100 1.36 0.68

1251 -> 1500 $0.2500 $0.2125 $0.0050 $0.0100 1.42 0.71

1501 -> 1750 $0.2600 $0.2210 $0.0050 $0.0100 1.47 0.74

more than 1750 $0.2700 $0.2295 $0.0050 $0.0100 1.53 0.77


What I’m saying here, is that for this particular example – by break even point (ignoring recycle fees) is when my rented referrals click an average of 1.13 clicks per day.

Let’s see if this balances.

Revenue = 300 x 1.13 x 0.005 = $1.7

Expenses = 300 x 0.0057 = $1.71

Some small rounding difference makes up the penny difference here, but we balance. Again, remember we are ignoring recycling fees here, this is just to check our AutoPay/AutoRenew discounts are being properly accounted for.


The key to having a high average is to constantly monitor your neobux referrals, and develop a strategy based on how your referrals click. => <https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1211003488915887&id=1096475883701982>

Welcome to Komunitas Tekun & Sabar Klik Duit Online!

Now you can multify your earnings just by viewing advertisements. At NEOBUX you get paid just for browsing our advertisers' websites.


May Allah always bless us. To our success!


Drs. Noersal Samad, MA (UI)

Catatan Penting


01. Bagi para anggota yang ingin bertanya dengan bahasa Indonesia, silakan klik <http://tinyurl.com/nwmsm24>

02. Harap Anda beritahu saya melalui email <kandomarajo@gmail.com>, kalau Anda menginginkan informasi tambahan. Lebih cepat Anda bergabung, akan lebih baik karena tugas Anda mudah, hanya mengklik sekitar 30 iklan perhari yang bisa Anda kerjakan sekitar 10 - 15 menit saja dengan hasil lumayan.

03. Neobux memiliki pula program =>Neobux Make 5$ daily without any investment<= <https://youtu.be/z80lQe2yhO4>

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