tafseer:surah maoon

Post on 18-Jul-2016






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30 Juz Tafseer


Al Falah Kids

Islamic Halaqa

Suratun Maaoon(small kindnesses)

Surah no.107

Quick Facts About Suratul-Maa’oon…Suratul-Maa’oon was revealed in Makkah. Suratul-Maa’oon gets its name from the last verse that talks about "Maa'oon“ which means "small kindnesses"Suratul-Maa’oon tells us what a hypocrite is (i.e. someone who says he is a Muslim,but does not do the things that Muslims should do.)

So what is Suratul-Maa’oon all about?Suratul-Maa’oon tells us about hypocrites!What is a hypocrite?A hypocrite, or "Faasiq" in Arabic, is a person who says he is a Muslim, buthe does not really love Allah or helping other people (like a Muslim should); a hypocrite really just loves himself.Suratul-Maa'oon teaches us what a hypocrite is and how not to be one!

There was a man, who lived at the time of Rasulullah, who was very wealthy and important., but this man treated orphans and poor people VERY badly!The scholars said that it is the mean and selfish actions of this man that led to Suratul-Maa'oon being revealed, and Allah knows best.

Many of the ayaat (verses) in the Qur’aan have a story behind them that tells whythey were revealed. These stories are called… Asbaab An-NoozoolThe story behind the revelation of Suratul-Maa'oon is about how very mean and selfish some people can be...

For example...One version of the story says that the man was in the habit of slaughtering camels every week to cook for his household. In this way, he would also show off to everyone how rich he was. So, once, while the camels were being prepared, an orphan came andasked if he could have some of the meat. The man answered the orphan by hitting him with a stick to make him go away!

Well, Allah wants us to know that we may be doing sins that are just as bad as what the mean, selfish man did. What's worse is if we do these sins then we will be hypocrites!Remember a hypocrite is a person who says he is a Muslim, but he really does not love Allah or helping other people (like a Muslim should); a hypocrite really just loves himself (like the man in the story did). Suratul-Maa'oon teaches us what a hypocrite is, and how not to be one!

In Suratul-Maa'oon, Allah starts by reminding us of the example of the mean, selfish man.This is something we see a lot in the Qur'aan. Allah gives us an example of something we know, so that when He tells us something new, we will understand better!In Suratul-Maa'oon, Allah tells us about three sins the man did that we know are very bad, so that we can learn about three more sins we might be doing that are just as bad!

#1Allah asks Have you seen the one who denies the Recompense? (The Day of Judgment). The selfish man that we learned about did not believe in Yowmul-Qiyaamah. We all know that we will come to Allah on Yowmul-Qiyaamah and answer for everything that we did, but that man did not think so. He thought he would never have to answer to Allah for what he did!That was a big sin!

#2For that is the one who drives away the orphan! Orphans are children who do not have amommy and daddy to take care of them. These children are usually poor, and need other people to help them and give them things that they need.Did you know that Rasulullah was an orphan, too? We should always take care of orphans and be nice to them. Never send a begging hand empty, for indeed an orphan is truly helpless!Being rude or driving away an orphan is a big sin!

#3Finally, Allah says , And does not encourage the feeding of the poor. The man did not feed poor people, and didn't want other people to do it either!Poor people need many things, and one of the most important things they need is food.But the man did not feed poor people, and he didn’t want anyone else to feed them either!He wanted to keep his food and money for himself. He thought that feeding poor peoplewas a waste of time and money! That was a big sin!

Now, that Allah has told us about the three sins the man did that we know are bad, He tells us three more sins that we may not know about yet, but they are just as bad!

#So woe to those who pray [But] who are neglectful of their prayerAllah tells us the people who do not pray the right way are in trouble! Good Muslims do their prayers on time, and pray slowly, remembering Allah all the time.But that is not how the hypocrites pray! They wait to make their prayers until the time is out! When they finally pray, they pray quickly, like a crow pecking at the ground!And all the time they are not even thinking about Allah. They are busy thinking aboutother things and what they will do when they get finished with the prayer!The hypocrites are sloppy and lazy in the prayer and they think that is good enoughfor Allah!Well Allah doesn’t need our prayers,,,, its we who gain or loss.And this is the sign of an hypocrite !

Allah says these people only like to pray when other people are around to see them! Buy a Good Muslim does what he is supposed to do no matter who is watching him.Muslims make their prayers in the masjid correctly, and when they go home, they pray just as nicely with no one around. But the hypocrites do not like to pray unless they are going to get something out of it. They want people to say good things about them like “Oh he is so good!” or “Masha-Allah, look at how beautiful his recitation is!”The hypocrite prays just so people will look at him and say he is good. He may not even pray at all when he is at home by himself!That is a big sin!

Those who make show [of their deeds And withhold [simple] assistance.Finally, Allah says]these people are so mean and selfish that they don’t even want to share little things with their neighbors! A good Muslim is always looking to do good things. Especially things for his family, friends and neighbors whom he sees everyday.But the hypocrite is not good like that. The hypocrites say they are Muslims, but evenwhen their neighbor asks them for a small thing, something that will not even be used up from sharing (like a pot, shovel, or dishes), they do not want to share! The hypocrite does not even what to give Zakaah when he is asked to do it!The hypocrite thinks when they share they loss !That is a big sin! Don't do it!

So what is Suratul-Maa’oon about?_________________________________________________________________________Who is an hypocrite?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are the signs of the hypocrite?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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