smart protect essential insurance 2

Post on 01-Dec-2015






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Achieve your goals and stay protected. Starting with just RM100.

2Capai matlamat anda dan kekal dilindungi. Bermula dengan hanya RM100.

2Dengan kedudukan kewangan yang kukuh, anda boleh mencapai matlamat dengan penuh keyakinan. SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 merupakan pelan yang mampu dimiliki di samping membolehkan anda mengejar matlamat dan menjalani hidup yang diingini, pada masa yang sama menyediakan jaringan keselamatan.

Dengan SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2, anda akan menikmati perlindungan komprehensif terhadap keadaan di luar jangkaan dari serendah RM100 sebulan dan anda boleh meningkatkan perlindungan anda dengan manfaat tambahan seperti kemasukan hospital dan perubatan.

Ia meningkatkan potensi wang andaSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 ialah pelan insurans berkait pelaburan yang mengadaptasi dengan gaya hidup anda. Ia sangat mudah – bermula dengan hanya RM100 sebulan, anda akan menerima perlindungan hayat dan peruntukan pelaburan yang meningkat seiring waktu – merealisasikan impian anda hari demi hari.

Premium insurans yang dibayar diperuntukkan kepada dana unit pada kadar berikut:

Tambahan 1% kepada jumlah asurans anda sepanjang tempoh perlindungan andaSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 memastikan orang kesayangan anda tidak dibebani dengan masalah kewangan jika berlaku perkara yang tidak diingini. Dengan jumlah asurans yang meningkat sebanyak 1% setiap tahun sepanjang tempoh perlindungan anda, mereka boleh meneruskan kehidupan dengan tenang.

Contoh pelaksanaanJosh Lim adalah seorang lelaki berumur 25 tahun yang membeli SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2. Anggapkan dia diinsuranskan sebanyak RM100,000. Jika dia hidup sehingga umur 75 tahun, dia akan mengumpul tambahan 1% setiap tahun kepada jumlah asuransnya untuk 50 tahun.

1% x RM100,000 x 50 tahun = tambahan RM50,000.

Ini bermaksud, orang kesayangannya akan menerima sejumlah RM150,000.

Nota: Tertakluk kepada terma dan syarat.

Ia memberi perlindungan kewangan terhadap keadaan di luar jangkaanSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 direka berasaskan perlindungan, untuk memastikan anda dan orang tersayang diutamakan jika berlaku perkara yang tidak diingini. Jika berlaku kematian, atau jika anda mengalami Hilang Upaya Total dan Kekal (TPD), jumlah asurans asas dan jumlah nilai pelaburan anda akan dibayar sepenuhnya, atau menurut peruntukan TPD dalam polisi, bagi memastikan orang tersayang menerima sumber kewangan yang diperlukan untuk meneruskan hidup.

Nota: Tertakluk kepada terma dan syarat.

Ia membenarkan anda memilih tahap perlindungan dan pelaburan Anda boleh bermula dengan jumlah yang kecil, namun apabila pilihan kewangan anda bertambah besar, anda boleh mengubah tahap perlindungan dan pelaburan menurut keperluan dan matlamat anda. Antaranya ialah pilihan untuk meningkatkan nilai pelaburan polisi anda melalui penambahan premium tunggal. Amaun minimum sebanyak RM1,000 bagi penambahan premium tunggal akan memberi suntikan pelaburan sebanyak 95% daripada premium yang dibayar kepada dana unit, seterusnya meningkatkan nilai pelaburan dan potensi pulangan anda.

Nota: Tertakluk kepada terma dan syarat.

Ia membenarkan anda memilih dana Anda mempunyai pilihan untuk melabur dalam dana yang sesuai dengan anda pada bila-bila masa. Rangkaian dana kami yang diuruskan secara profesional dapat memenuhi gaya risiko dan pelaburan anda. Jika anda berubah fikiran, anda boleh membuat pilihan baru dengan mudah.

Ia menawarkan perlindungan tambahan Anda boleh menikmati ketenangan minda dengan melampirkan rider yang komprehensif kepada pelan SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 anda:

• SmartMedicMenyediakan perlindungan perubatan sekiranya berlaku kecemasan

•Manfaat Penyakit KritikalMelindungi kewangan anda sekiranya berlaku penyakit kritikal

•IL Comprehensive Accident Benefits Xtra RiderPerlindungan terhadap kematian dan kecederaan akibat kemalangan

•IL Hospitalisation Benefits RiderMenyediakan pendapatan tunai harian sekiranya anda dimasukkan ke hospital

•IL Waiver of Premium Plus RiderPremium tidak perlu dibayar jika berlaku hilang upaya atau penyakit kritikal kepada hayat yang diasuranskan

•IL LadyCare / IL LadyCare AdvantageMenyediakan perlindungan terhadap penyakit berkaitan perempuan dan perlindungan berkaitan isu-isu kehamilan

Ia memberi pelepasan cukai Manfaat yang diterima daripada SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 secara umumnya tidak dikenakan cukai dan premium yang dibayar adalah layak untuk mendapat pelepasan cukai.

Nota: Manfaat cukai adalah tertakluk kepada Akta Cukai Pendapatan Malaysia 1967, dan keputusan muktamad Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri.

Soalan LazimS: Siapa yang boleh memohon?J: Sesiapa yang berumur di antara 30 hari hingga 70 tahun

hari jadi berikutnya boleh memohon SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2.

S: Bagaimana saya bermula?J: Anda boleh mula melabur dalam SmartProtect Essential

Insurance 2 dari serendah RM1,200 setahun atau RM100 sebulan.

S: Apakah pengecualian di bawah polisi ini?J: Tiada manfaat akan dibayar di bawah keadaan berikut: • Keadaan sedia ada • Kematian dalam tahun polisi pertama akibat bunuh diri, ketika waras atau tidak waras • Hilang Upaya Total dan Kekal (TPD) akibat daripada kecederaan yang dilakukan sendiri, ketika waras atau tidak waras

Pengecualian yang dinyatakan ini mungkin tidak menyeluruh. Untuk maklumat lanjut berkenaan pengecualian, sila rujuk kepada kontrak polisi.

S: Bagaimana saya boleh membuat bayaran?J: Anda boleh membayar secara kad kredit, arahan

bank, GIRO, cek atau tunai. Anda mempunyai fleksibiliti untuk membayar premium anda secara tahunan, setengah tahunan, suku tahunan atau bulanan (melalui kad kredit, arahan bank atau GIRO).

S: Berapakah yuran dan caj semasa?J: • Caj insurans:

Dikenakan mengikut jumlah asurans, berubah mengikut umur, jantina, tabiat merokok, pekerjaan dan keadaan kesihatan.

• Yuran Polisi Bulanan: RM6.

• Caj Pengurusan Dana: 0.5% - 1.50% setahun bergantung kepada dana pilihan


Nota: Levi yuran dan caj boleh berubah dari semasa ke semasa.

NOTIS PENTINGSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 merupakan polisi insurans berkait pelaburan dengan premium tetap. Pelan ini merupakan produk insurans dengan berlandaskan prestasi yang mendasari aset dan bukan suatu produk pelaburan sebenar seperti unit amanah. Premium dibayar untuk keseluruhan tempoh polisi atau sehingga berlaku kematian atau Hilang Upaya Total dan Kekal (TPD), yang mana berlaku dahulu. Anda seharusnya berpuas hati bahawa pelan ini akan memenuhi keperluan anda dengan sebaiknya dan premium yang dibayar di bawah polisi ini adalah amaun yang anda mampu bayar.

Satu tempoh memerhati bebas selama 15 hari diberi kepada anda untuk meneliti kesesuaian pelan. Jika polisi dikembalikan kepada Syarikat dalam tempoh ini, Syarikat akan mengembalikan suatu amaun yang bersamaan dengan a) jumlah nilai pelaburan polisi yang berdasarkan Nilai

Aset Bersih pada tarikh penilaian yang berikutnya; danb) nilai pelaburan unit yang telah dibatalkan untuk membayar

caj insurans dan yuran polisi; danc) amaun premium yang belum diperuntukkan;

ditolak dengan perbelanjaan yang ditanggung untuk pemeriksaan perubatan, jika ada.

Nilai Aset Bersih ialah harga tunggal apabila pemilik polisi membeli unit dalam suatu dana unit dan menjual kembali unit kepada dana unit.

Premium asas minimum yang dibenarkan bagi polisi ini ialah RM1,200 setahun. Premium akan diagihkan kepada Premium Insurans dan Imbangan (premium tetap yang merupakan lebihan Premium Insurans) jika ada, berdasarkan premium yang dilaburkan untuk polisi.

Dalam hal pembelian yang melibatkan amaun premium yang agak tinggi, contohnya RM5,000 dan ke atas, bakal pembeli perlu mempertimbangkan untuk membeli polisi insurans berkait pelaburan dengan premium tunggal kerana pelan premium tunggal menawarkan kadar peruntukan yang lebih baik untuk pelaburan. Walau bagaimanapun, sila ambil perhatian bahawa pelan premium tunggal mungkin tidak menawarkan perlindungan insurans sebaik pelan premium tetap dan mungkin terdapat kurang rider/manfaat tambahan yang boleh dilampirkan padanya.

Anda boleh berhenti membayar premium dan masih menikmati perlindungan selagi terdapat jumlah nilai pelaburan yang mencukupi untuk membayar caj insurans, yuran polisi dan premium manfaat tambahan, mana-mana yang berkenaan. Namun terdapat kemungkinan polisi menjadi lupus apabila caj yang dikenakan, termasuk caj rider, melebihi nilai unit dana yang sedia ada. Pembelian terlalu banyak rider dengan tolakan unit mungkin mengu-rangkan unit dana.

Pembelian polisi insurans berkait pelaburan adalah satu komitmen jangka panjang. Penamatan awal polisi melibatkan kos yang tinggi dan nilai pengeluaran bergantung kepada nilai pasaran semasa yang mendasari aset dana unit. Oleh itu, nilai pengeluaran mungkin kurang daripada jumlah premium yang dibayar. Nilai polisi mungkin naik atau turun berdasarkan prestasi yang mendasari dana. Prestasi dana adalah tidak dijamin. Risiko pelaburan di bawah polisi akan ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh pemilik polisi. Prestasi sebenar yang terdahulu tidak dijadikan panduan kepada prestasi akan datang, yang mungkin berbeza.

Sebarang amaun premium yang tidak diperuntukkan untuk membeli unit akan digunakan untuk membayar komisen kepada orang tengah dan perbelanjaan am Syarikat. Syarikat berhak, dalam keadaan yang dianggap terkecuali, untuk menangguhkan pengeluaran atau penebusan unit.

Risalah ini hanyalah untuk maklumat am sahaja. Ia bukan satu kontrak insurans. Anda dinasihatkan untuk merujuk Ilustrasi Jualan, Risalah Pernyataan Dana, Risalah Pemberitahuan Produk dan contoh dokumen polisi bagi mendapatkan maklumat terperinci berkenaan ciri penting dan manfaat pelan sebelum membeli pelan ini. Pengecualian dan had manfaat yang dinyatakan di atas mungkin tidak menyeluruh. Untuk maklumat lanjut, rujukan harus dibuat kepada terma dan syarat yang dinyatakan dalam polisi yang dikeluarkan oleh Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad.

Jika terdapat percanggahan di antara versi Bahasa Inggeris, Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Cina, teks Bahasa Inggeris akan digunakan.

Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi ejen perkhidmatan anda atau Customer Service Careline di (603) 4259 8333.

Tahun Polisi 1-2 3-4 5-6 7 & seterusnya

Kadar Peruntukan Premium

43% 76% 85% 100%

When your feet are on the ground, you can achieve your goals with greater confidence. SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is an affordable plan that allows you to work towards your goals and live the life you want while providing you with a personal safety net.

With SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2, you will enjoy comprehensive coverage against unexpected events from as little as RM100 per month and you can further enhance your protection with additional hospitalisation and medical benefits.

It makes your money work for youSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is an investment-linked insurance plan that adapts to your lifestyle. It’s easy to get into – starting with just RM100 per month, you’ll receive life coverage and an investment allocation that increases over time – bringing your goals closer to reality with every passing day.

The due insurance premiums paid are allocated to the unit funds at the following rates:

1% more on your sum assured every year throughout your coverage yearsSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 ensures your loved ones will not be financially burdened should the unexpected occur. With a sum assured that grows 1% every year throughout your coverage years, they can go on living with added peace of mind. An example of how this worksJosh Lim is a 25-year-old male who buys SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2. Let’s assume he is insured for RM100,000. If he lives till age of 75, he will accumulate 1% more per year on his sum assured for 50 years. 1% x RM100,000 x 50 years = RM50,000 more.

That means his loved ones will receive a total of RM150,000.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.

Alor Setar66 & 68 Jalan Teluk Wan Jah05200 Alor Setar, KedahTel : 04-731 9877Fax : 04-731 9878

Batu Pahat109 Jalan Rahmat83000 Batu Pahat, JohorTel : 07-432 5562Fax : 07-432 5560

BintuluNo. 313, Lot 3956, Phase 4Bintulu Parkcity Commerce SquareJalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi/Jalan Tanjung Batu97000 Bintulu, SarawakTel : 086-336 676Fax : 086-332 601

Ipoh 23 & 25 Persiaran Georgetown 5Pusat Perdagangan Greentown30450 Ipoh, PerakTel : 05-254 2027Fax : 05-255 5578

Johor Bahru10th Floor, Menara PelangiJalan Kuning, Taman Pelangi80400 Johor Bahru, JohorTel : 07-334 1022Fax : 07-334 9122

KlangNo. 8 & 10 Jalan Tiara 2ABandar Baru Klang41150 Klang, SelangorTel : 03-3343 6688Fax : 03-3341 3398

KluangNo. 22 & 24Jalan Md Lazim Saim86000 Kluang, JohorTel : 07-772 3529Fax : 07-772 3449

Kota BharuNo. S25/5252-T & UJalan Sultan Yahya Petra15200 Kota Bharu, KelantanTel : 09-748 2332Fax : 09-744 9701

Kota KinabaluWisma Great EasternLevel 4 & 5, No. 65 Jalan Gaya88000 Kota Kinabalu, SabahTel : 088-252 033Fax : 088-210 437

Kuala Terengganu2nd Floor, 6FBangunan Persatuan Hin AnnJalan Air Jernih20300 Kuala TerengganuTel : 09-622 4959Fax : 09-626 5195

KuantanA25 Jalan Dato Lim Hoe Lek25200 Kuantan, PahangTel : 09-515 7666Fax : 09-515 8477

KuchingHouse No. 51, Lot 435 Section 54, KTLDTravillion Commercial CentreJalan Padungan93100 Kuching, SarawakTel : 082-412 736Fax : 082-426 684

Lahad DatuGround & 1st FloorMDLD 0819, Jalan Teratai91100 Lahad Datu, SabahTel : 089-884 136Fax : 089-884 226

MelakaNo. 23 Jalan PM 15 Plaza Mahkota75000 MelakaTel : 06-282 4577Fax : 06-283 4579

MiriLots 1260 & 1261Block 10, M.C.L.D., Jalan Melayu98000 Miri, SarawakTel : 085-413 299Fax : 085-417 518

Penang25, Light Street10200 PenangTel : 04-262 2141Fax : 04-262 2140

SandakanLot 5 & 6, Block 40Lorong Indah 15Bandar Indah, Phase 7Mile 4, North Road90000 Sandakan, SabahTel : 089-213 484Fax : 089-271 343

Seremban101 & 103 Jalan Yam Tuan70000 SerembanNegeri SembilanTel : 06-763 6120Fax : 06-763 1480

SibuNo. 10A-FWisma Great EasternPersiaran Brooke96000 Sibu, SarawakTel : 084-312 829Fax : 084-333 925

Taiping60 Jalan Barrack34000 TaipingPerakTel : 05-805 1021Fax : 05-805 1023

TawauGround FloorWisma Great EasternJalan Billian 91008 Tawau, SabahTel : 089-771 322Fax : 089-762 341

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (93745-A)

Menara Great Eastern 303 Jalan Ampang 50450, Kuala LumpurTel (03) 4259 8888 Fax (03) 4259 8000

Customer Service Careline (03) 4259 8333Email Website



For the latest contact details, please refer to the company website.Untuk maklumat hubungan terkini, sila layari laman web syarikat.







It provides financial protection against the unexpected SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is built on a foundation of protection, to ensure you and your loved ones come first if the worst should happen. In the case of death, or should you be afflicted with Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), the basic sum assured and your total investment value will be paid out in full, or in accordance to the TPD provisions of the policy, ensuring your loved ones receive the financial resources they’ll need to carry on. Note: Terms and conditions apply.

It lets you choose your own protection and investment levelYou may start with just a little, but as your financial options grow wider, you can vary the protection and investment levels according to your later needs and goals. Available to you is an option to boost the investment value of your policy via single premium top-ups. A minimum amount of RM1,000 for a single premium top-up will effectively provide a fresh injection of 95% of the paid premium to unit funds, bolstering your investment value and potential returns.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.

It lets you pick your own fundsWhatever best suits you at any time are yours to pick and invest in. Our range of professionally managed funds will cater to your risk appetite and investment style. If you ever change your mind, simply make a new selection.

It offers extra protectionYou can enjoy additional peace of mind by attaching comprehensive riders to your SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2:

• SmartMedicProvides medical protection against unexpected emergencies

• Critical Illness BenefitSecures your finances should a critical illness occur

• IL Comprehensive Accident Benefits Xtra RiderCovers against death and injuries due to accidents

• IL Hospitalisation Benefits RiderProvides daily cash income should you be hospitalised

• IL Waiver of Premium Plus RiderWaives premiums should disability or critical illness occur to the life assured

• IL LadyCare / IL LadyCare AdvantageProvides protection against female-linked illnesses and coverage for maternity-related issues

It gives you tax reliefBenefits received from SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 are generally non-taxable and premiums paid may qualify for tax relief.

Note: Tax benefits are subject to the Malaysian Income Tax Act, 1967, and final decision of the Inland Revenue Board.

Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Who can apply?A: Anyone between 30 days attained age and 70 years

next birthday can apply for SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2.

Q: How do I start?A: You can start investing in SmartProtect Essential

Insurance 2 with as little as RM1,200 a year or RM100 a month.

Q: What are some of the exclusions under this policy?A: No benefit is payable under the following circumstances:

•Pre-existing condition•Death during the first policy year as a result of

suicide, while sane or insane•Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) resulting from

self-inflicted injuries, while sane or insane

The exclusions highlighted here may not be exhaustive. Full details are available in the policy contract.

Q: How do I make my payment?A: You can pay by credit card, banker’s order, GIRO,

cheque or cash. You have the flexibility to pay your premium annually, half-yearly, quarterly or even monthly (by credit card, banker’s order or GIRO).

Q: What are the current fees and charges?A: •Insurance charges:

Applicable to the sum assured, vary according to age, sex, smoking habits, occupation and health condition.

•Monthly Policy Fee: RM6.

•Fund Management Charge: 0.5% - 1.50% per annum depending on your choice of fund.

Note: The fees and charges levied may change from time to time.


SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is a regular premium

investment-linked insurance policy. This plan is an insurance product that is tied to the performance of the underlying assets, and is not a pure investment product such as unit trusts. Premiums

are payable for the whole term of the policy, or until death

or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), whichever comes

first. You should satisfy yourself that this plan will best

serve your needs and that the premiums payable under the

policy is an amount you can afford.

A free-look period of 15 days is given for you to review the

suitability of the plan. If the policy is returned to the

Company during this period, the Company shall refund an

amount equal to the sum of

a) total investment values of the policy based on the Net

Asset Value at the next valuation date; and

b) the investment values of the units which have been

cancelled to pay for insurance charges and policy fee; and

c) the amount of premiums that have not been allocated;

minus the expenses incurred for medical examination, if


Net Asset Value is the single price at which the policy

owner buys the units in a unit fund and sells the units back

to the unit fund.

The minimum basic premium allowable for the policy is RM1,200 a year. The premium may be segregated into Insurance Premium and Balancer (regular premium in

excess of the Insurance Premium) if any, based on the

premium invested for the policy.

In cases where the purchase involves a premium of

a sizeable amount i.e. RM5,000 and more, the prospect

should consider purchasing a single premium

investment-linked insurance policy as single premium

plans offer better allocation rates for investment. However,

please take note that single premium plans may not offer

as much insurance protection as regular premium plans

and may have less riders/supplementary benefits available.

You may stop paying the premiums and still enjoy protection

as long as there is a sufficient total investment value to pay

for the insurance charges, policy fee and supplementary

benefit premiums, where applicable. However, there is a

possibility of the policy lapsing when the required charges,

including rider charges, exceed the value of the fund units

available. Purchasing too many unit-deduction riders may

deplete the fund units.

Buying an investment-linked insurance policy is a long

-term commitment. An early termination of the policy

involves high costs and the withdrawal value is dependent

on prevailing market value of the underlying assets of the

unit fund. Therefore, the withdrawal value may be less than

the total premiums paid. The policy value may rise or fall,

based on the underlying performance of the funds. The

performance of the funds is not guaranteed. The investment

risk under the policy will be borne solely by the policy

owner. Past actual performance is not a guide to future

performance, which may be different.

Any amount of the premium that has not been

allocated to purchase is used to meet the payment of

commissions to intermediaries and general expenses

of the Company. The Company reserves the right, in

circumstances it considers exceptional, to suspend

issuance or redemption of units.

This brochure is for general information only. It is not

a contract of insurance. You are advised to refer to the

Sales Illustration, Fund Fact Sheet, Product Disclosure

Sheet and sample policy documents for detailed

important features and benefits of the plan before

purchasing the plan. The exclusions and limitations of

benefits highlighted above may not be exhaustive. For

further information, reference shall be made to the

terms and conditions specified in the policy issued by

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad.

If there is any discrepancy between English, Bahasa

Malaysia and Chinese versions, the English text will


For more information, please contact your servicing

agent or Customer Service Careline at (603) 4259 8333.

Policy Year 1-2 3-4 5-6 7 & above

Premium Allocation Rate

43% 76% 85% 100%

The Lion Behind Your InvestmentGreat Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad is poised for continued growth in its second century and is off to a good start at achieving its goal to continue its reign as the market leader in the industry. With more than 100 years of experience in solid financial foundation and innovative infrastructure, it has assets in excess of RM44 billion as at 31 December 2009. The head office, 21 operational branch offices nationwide and a network of 17,000 agents serving over 2.8 million policies in force. Great Eastern continues to remain true to its stand that health, wealth and meaningful relationships make life great. Great Eastern has earned its customers' loyalty throughout the years and believed that this trust is cultivated from its excellent service.

Sang Singa Di Sebalik Pelaburan AndaGreat Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad bersedia untuk perkembangan berterusan untuk abad ini dan telah berada di landasan yang betul untuk mencapai matlamat sebagai peneraju utama industri. Dengan pengalaman lebih 100 tahun dalam bidang kewangan yang kukuh dan infrastruktur yang inovatif, kami mempunyai aset melebihi RM44 bilion pada 31 Disember 2009. Perkhidmatan diberikan menerusi ibu pejabat dan 21 buah cawangan yang beroperasi serta menerusi rangkaian ejen seramai 17,000 di seluruh Malaysia untuk lebih 2.8 juta polisi berkuat kuasa. Great Eastern terus teguh berpendirian bahawa kesihatan, kekayaan dan perhubungan bermakna memberikan hidup yang lebih hebat. Kami mempunyai pelanggan yang setia dan yakin bahawa kepercayaan ini berteraskan perkhidmatan cemerlang yang berterusan.

When your feet are on the ground, you can achieve your goals with greater confidence. SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is an affordable plan that allows you to work towards your goals and live the life you want while providing you with a personal safety net.

With SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2, you will enjoy comprehensive coverage against unexpected events from as little as RM100 per month and you can further enhance your protection with additional hospitalisation and medical benefits.

It makes your money work for youSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is an investment-linked insurance plan that adapts to your lifestyle. It’s easy to get into – starting with just RM100 per month, you’ll receive life coverage and an investment allocation that increases over time – bringing your goals closer to reality with every passing day.

The due insurance premiums paid are allocated to the unit funds at the following rates:

1% more on your sum assured every year throughout your coverage yearsSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 ensures your loved ones will not be financially burdened should the unexpected occur. With a sum assured that grows 1% every year throughout your coverage years, they can go on living with added peace of mind. An example of how this worksJosh Lim is a 25-year-old male who buys SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2. Let’s assume he is insured for RM100,000. If he lives till age of 75, he will accumulate 1% more per year on his sum assured for 50 years. 1% x RM100,000 x 50 years = RM50,000 more.

That means his loved ones will receive a total of RM150,000.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.

Alor Setar66 & 68 Jalan Teluk Wan Jah05200 Alor Setar, KedahTel : 04-731 9877Fax : 04-731 9878

Batu Pahat109 Jalan Rahmat83000 Batu Pahat, JohorTel : 07-432 5562Fax : 07-432 5560

BintuluNo. 313, Lot 3956, Phase 4Bintulu Parkcity Commerce SquareJalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi/Jalan Tanjung Batu97000 Bintulu, SarawakTel : 086-336 676Fax : 086-332 601

Ipoh 23 & 25 Persiaran Georgetown 5Pusat Perdagangan Greentown30450 Ipoh, PerakTel : 05-254 2027Fax : 05-255 5578

Johor Bahru10th Floor, Menara PelangiJalan Kuning, Taman Pelangi80400 Johor Bahru, JohorTel : 07-334 1022Fax : 07-334 9122

KlangNo. 8 & 10 Jalan Tiara 2ABandar Baru Klang41150 Klang, SelangorTel : 03-3343 6688Fax : 03-3341 3398

KluangNo. 22 & 24Jalan Md Lazim Saim86000 Kluang, JohorTel : 07-772 3529Fax : 07-772 3449

Kota BharuNo. S25/5252-T & UJalan Sultan Yahya Petra15200 Kota Bharu, KelantanTel : 09-748 2332Fax : 09-744 9701

Kota KinabaluWisma Great EasternLevel 4 & 5, No. 65 Jalan Gaya88000 Kota Kinabalu, SabahTel : 088-252 033Fax : 088-210 437

Kuala Terengganu2nd Floor, 6FBangunan Persatuan Hin AnnJalan Air Jernih20300 Kuala TerengganuTel : 09-622 4959Fax : 09-626 5195

KuantanA25 Jalan Dato Lim Hoe Lek25200 Kuantan, PahangTel : 09-515 7666Fax : 09-515 8477

KuchingHouse No. 51, Lot 435 Section 54, KTLDTravillion Commercial CentreJalan Padungan93100 Kuching, SarawakTel : 082-412 736Fax : 082-426 684

Lahad DatuGround & 1st FloorMDLD 0819, Jalan Teratai91100 Lahad Datu, SabahTel : 089-884 136Fax : 089-884 226

MelakaNo. 23 Jalan PM 15 Plaza Mahkota75000 MelakaTel : 06-282 4577Fax : 06-283 4579

MiriLots 1260 & 1261Block 10, M.C.L.D., Jalan Melayu98000 Miri, SarawakTel : 085-413 299Fax : 085-417 518

Penang25, Light Street10200 PenangTel : 04-262 2141Fax : 04-262 2140

SandakanLot 5 & 6, Block 40Lorong Indah 15Bandar Indah, Phase 7Mile 4, North Road90000 Sandakan, SabahTel : 089-213 484Fax : 089-271 343

Seremban101 & 103 Jalan Yam Tuan70000 SerembanNegeri SembilanTel : 06-763 6120Fax : 06-763 1480

SibuNo. 10A-FWisma Great EasternPersiaran Brooke96000 Sibu, SarawakTel : 084-312 829Fax : 084-333 925

Taiping60 Jalan Barrack34000 TaipingPerakTel : 05-805 1021Fax : 05-805 1023

TawauGround FloorWisma Great EasternJalan Billian 91008 Tawau, SabahTel : 089-771 322Fax : 089-762 341

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (93745-A)

Menara Great Eastern 303 Jalan Ampang 50450, Kuala LumpurTel (03) 4259 8888 Fax (03) 4259 8000

Customer Service Careline (03) 4259 8333Email Website



For the latest contact details, please refer to the company website.Untuk maklumat hubungan terkini, sila layari laman web syarikat.







It provides financial protection against the unexpected SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is built on a foundation of protection, to ensure you and your loved ones come first if the worst should happen. In the case of death, or should you be afflicted with Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), the basic sum assured and your total investment value will be paid out in full, or in accordance to the TPD provisions of the policy, ensuring your loved ones receive the financial resources they’ll need to carry on. Note: Terms and conditions apply.

It lets you choose your own protection and investment levelYou may start with just a little, but as your financial options grow wider, you can vary the protection and investment levels according to your later needs and goals. Available to you is an option to boost the investment value of your policy via single premium top-ups. A minimum amount of RM1,000 for a single premium top-up will effectively provide a fresh injection of 95% of the paid premium to unit funds, bolstering your investment value and potential returns.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.

It lets you pick your own fundsWhatever best suits you at any time are yours to pick and invest in. Our range of professionally managed funds will cater to your risk appetite and investment style. If you ever change your mind, simply make a new selection.

It offers extra protectionYou can enjoy additional peace of mind by attaching comprehensive riders to your SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2:

• SmartMedicProvides medical protection against unexpected emergencies

• Critical Illness BenefitSecures your finances should a critical illness occur

• IL Comprehensive Accident Benefits Xtra RiderCovers against death and injuries due to accidents

• IL Hospitalisation Benefits RiderProvides daily cash income should you be hospitalised

• IL Waiver of Premium Plus RiderWaives premiums should disability or critical illness occur to the life assured

• IL LadyCare / IL LadyCare AdvantageProvides protection against female-linked illnesses and coverage for maternity-related issues

It gives you tax reliefBenefits received from SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 are generally non-taxable and premiums paid may qualify for tax relief.

Note: Tax benefits are subject to the Malaysian Income Tax Act, 1967, and final decision of the Inland Revenue Board.

Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Who can apply?A: Anyone between 30 days attained age and 70 years

next birthday can apply for SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2.

Q: How do I start?A: You can start investing in SmartProtect Essential

Insurance 2 with as little as RM1,200 a year or RM100 a month.

Q: What are some of the exclusions under this policy?A: No benefit is payable under the following circumstances:

•Pre-existing condition•Death during the first policy year as a result of

suicide, while sane or insane•Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) resulting from

self-inflicted injuries, while sane or insane

The exclusions highlighted here may not be exhaustive. Full details are available in the policy contract.

Q: How do I make my payment?A: You can pay by credit card, banker’s order, GIRO,

cheque or cash. You have the flexibility to pay your premium annually, half-yearly, quarterly or even monthly (by credit card, banker’s order or GIRO).

Q: What are the current fees and charges?A: •Insurance charges:

Applicable to the sum assured, vary according to age, sex, smoking habits, occupation and health condition.

•Monthly Policy Fee: RM6.

•Fund Management Charge: 0.5% - 1.50% per annum depending on your choice of fund.

Note: The fees and charges levied may change from time to time.


SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is a regular premium

investment-linked insurance policy. This plan is an insurance product that is tied to the performance of the underlying assets, and is not a pure investment product such as unit trusts. Premiums

are payable for the whole term of the policy, or until death

or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), whichever comes

first. You should satisfy yourself that this plan will best

serve your needs and that the premiums payable under the

policy is an amount you can afford.

A free-look period of 15 days is given for you to review the

suitability of the plan. If the policy is returned to the

Company during this period, the Company shall refund an

amount equal to the sum of

a) total investment values of the policy based on the Net

Asset Value at the next valuation date; and

b) the investment values of the units which have been

cancelled to pay for insurance charges and policy fee; and

c) the amount of premiums that have not been allocated;

minus the expenses incurred for medical examination, if


Net Asset Value is the single price at which the policy

owner buys the units in a unit fund and sells the units back

to the unit fund.

The minimum basic premium allowable for the policy is RM1,200 a year. The premium may be segregated into Insurance Premium and Balancer (regular premium in

excess of the Insurance Premium) if any, based on the

premium invested for the policy.

In cases where the purchase involves a premium of

a sizeable amount i.e. RM5,000 and more, the prospect

should consider purchasing a single premium

investment-linked insurance policy as single premium

plans offer better allocation rates for investment. However,

please take note that single premium plans may not offer

as much insurance protection as regular premium plans

and may have less riders/supplementary benefits available.

You may stop paying the premiums and still enjoy protection

as long as there is a sufficient total investment value to pay

for the insurance charges, policy fee and supplementary

benefit premiums, where applicable. However, there is a

possibility of the policy lapsing when the required charges,

including rider charges, exceed the value of the fund units

available. Purchasing too many unit-deduction riders may

deplete the fund units.

Buying an investment-linked insurance policy is a long

-term commitment. An early termination of the policy

involves high costs and the withdrawal value is dependent

on prevailing market value of the underlying assets of the

unit fund. Therefore, the withdrawal value may be less than

the total premiums paid. The policy value may rise or fall,

based on the underlying performance of the funds. The

performance of the funds is not guaranteed. The investment

risk under the policy will be borne solely by the policy

owner. Past actual performance is not a guide to future

performance, which may be different.

Any amount of the premium that has not been

allocated to purchase is used to meet the payment of

commissions to intermediaries and general expenses

of the Company. The Company reserves the right, in

circumstances it considers exceptional, to suspend

issuance or redemption of units.

This brochure is for general information only. It is not

a contract of insurance. You are advised to refer to the

Sales Illustration, Fund Fact Sheet, Product Disclosure

Sheet and sample policy documents for detailed

important features and benefits of the plan before

purchasing the plan. The exclusions and limitations of

benefits highlighted above may not be exhaustive. For

further information, reference shall be made to the

terms and conditions specified in the policy issued by

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad.

If there is any discrepancy between English, Bahasa

Malaysia and Chinese versions, the English text will


For more information, please contact your servicing

agent or Customer Service Careline at (603) 4259 8333.

Policy Year 1-2 3-4 5-6 7 & above

Premium Allocation Rate

43% 76% 85% 100%

The Lion Behind Your InvestmentGreat Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad is poised for continued growth in its second century and is off to a good start at achieving its goal to continue its reign as the market leader in the industry. With more than 100 years of experience in solid financial foundation and innovative infrastructure, it has assets in excess of RM44 billion as at 31 December 2009. The head office, 21 operational branch offices nationwide and a network of 17,000 agents serving over 2.8 million policies in force. Great Eastern continues to remain true to its stand that health, wealth and meaningful relationships make life great. Great Eastern has earned its customers' loyalty throughout the years and believed that this trust is cultivated from its excellent service.

Sang Singa Di Sebalik Pelaburan AndaGreat Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad bersedia untuk perkembangan berterusan untuk abad ini dan telah berada di landasan yang betul untuk mencapai matlamat sebagai peneraju utama industri. Dengan pengalaman lebih 100 tahun dalam bidang kewangan yang kukuh dan infrastruktur yang inovatif, kami mempunyai aset melebihi RM44 bilion pada 31 Disember 2009. Perkhidmatan diberikan menerusi ibu pejabat dan 21 buah cawangan yang beroperasi serta menerusi rangkaian ejen seramai 17,000 di seluruh Malaysia untuk lebih 2.8 juta polisi berkuat kuasa. Great Eastern terus teguh berpendirian bahawa kesihatan, kekayaan dan perhubungan bermakna memberikan hidup yang lebih hebat. Kami mempunyai pelanggan yang setia dan yakin bahawa kepercayaan ini berteraskan perkhidmatan cemerlang yang berterusan.

When your feet are on the ground, you can achieve your goals with greater confidence. SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is an affordable plan that allows you to work towards your goals and live the life you want while providing you with a personal safety net.

With SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2, you will enjoy comprehensive coverage against unexpected events from as little as RM100 per month and you can further enhance your protection with additional hospitalisation and medical benefits.

It makes your money work for youSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is an investment-linked insurance plan that adapts to your lifestyle. It’s easy to get into – starting with just RM100 per month, you’ll receive life coverage and an investment allocation that increases over time – bringing your goals closer to reality with every passing day.

The due insurance premiums paid are allocated to the unit funds at the following rates:

1% more on your sum assured every year throughout your coverage yearsSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 ensures your loved ones will not be financially burdened should the unexpected occur. With a sum assured that grows 1% every year throughout your coverage years, they can go on living with added peace of mind. An example of how this worksJosh Lim is a 25-year-old male who buys SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2. Let’s assume he is insured for RM100,000. If he lives till age of 75, he will accumulate 1% more per year on his sum assured for 50 years. 1% x RM100,000 x 50 years = RM50,000 more.

That means his loved ones will receive a total of RM150,000.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.

Alor Setar66 & 68 Jalan Teluk Wan Jah05200 Alor Setar, KedahTel : 04-731 9877Fax : 04-731 9878

Batu Pahat109 Jalan Rahmat83000 Batu Pahat, JohorTel : 07-432 5562Fax : 07-432 5560

BintuluNo. 313, Lot 3956, Phase 4Bintulu Parkcity Commerce SquareJalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi/Jalan Tanjung Batu97000 Bintulu, SarawakTel : 086-336 676Fax : 086-332 601

Ipoh 23 & 25 Persiaran Georgetown 5Pusat Perdagangan Greentown30450 Ipoh, PerakTel : 05-254 2027Fax : 05-255 5578

Johor Bahru10th Floor, Menara PelangiJalan Kuning, Taman Pelangi80400 Johor Bahru, JohorTel : 07-334 1022Fax : 07-334 9122

KlangNo. 8 & 10 Jalan Tiara 2ABandar Baru Klang41150 Klang, SelangorTel : 03-3343 6688Fax : 03-3341 3398

KluangNo. 22 & 24Jalan Md Lazim Saim86000 Kluang, JohorTel : 07-772 3529Fax : 07-772 3449

Kota BharuNo. S25/5252-T & UJalan Sultan Yahya Petra15200 Kota Bharu, KelantanTel : 09-748 2332Fax : 09-744 9701

Kota KinabaluWisma Great EasternLevel 4 & 5, No. 65 Jalan Gaya88000 Kota Kinabalu, SabahTel : 088-252 033Fax : 088-210 437

Kuala Terengganu2nd Floor, 6FBangunan Persatuan Hin AnnJalan Air Jernih20300 Kuala TerengganuTel : 09-622 4959Fax : 09-626 5195

KuantanA25 Jalan Dato Lim Hoe Lek25200 Kuantan, PahangTel : 09-515 7666Fax : 09-515 8477

KuchingHouse No. 51, Lot 435 Section 54, KTLDTravillion Commercial CentreJalan Padungan93100 Kuching, SarawakTel : 082-412 736Fax : 082-426 684

Lahad DatuGround & 1st FloorMDLD 0819, Jalan Teratai91100 Lahad Datu, SabahTel : 089-884 136Fax : 089-884 226

MelakaNo. 23 Jalan PM 15 Plaza Mahkota75000 MelakaTel : 06-282 4577Fax : 06-283 4579

MiriLots 1260 & 1261Block 10, M.C.L.D., Jalan Melayu98000 Miri, SarawakTel : 085-413 299Fax : 085-417 518

Penang25, Light Street10200 PenangTel : 04-262 2141Fax : 04-262 2140

SandakanLot 5 & 6, Block 40Lorong Indah 15Bandar Indah, Phase 7Mile 4, North Road90000 Sandakan, SabahTel : 089-213 484Fax : 089-271 343

Seremban101 & 103 Jalan Yam Tuan70000 SerembanNegeri SembilanTel : 06-763 6120Fax : 06-763 1480

SibuNo. 10A-FWisma Great EasternPersiaran Brooke96000 Sibu, SarawakTel : 084-312 829Fax : 084-333 925

Taiping60 Jalan Barrack34000 TaipingPerakTel : 05-805 1021Fax : 05-805 1023

TawauGround FloorWisma Great EasternJalan Billian 91008 Tawau, SabahTel : 089-771 322Fax : 089-762 341

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (93745-A)

Menara Great Eastern 303 Jalan Ampang 50450, Kuala LumpurTel (03) 4259 8888 Fax (03) 4259 8000

Customer Service Careline (03) 4259 8333Email Website



For the latest contact details, please refer to the company website.Untuk maklumat hubungan terkini, sila layari laman web syarikat.







It provides financial protection against the unexpected SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is built on a foundation of protection, to ensure you and your loved ones come first if the worst should happen. In the case of death, or should you be afflicted with Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), the basic sum assured and your total investment value will be paid out in full, or in accordance to the TPD provisions of the policy, ensuring your loved ones receive the financial resources they’ll need to carry on. Note: Terms and conditions apply.

It lets you choose your own protection and investment levelYou may start with just a little, but as your financial options grow wider, you can vary the protection and investment levels according to your later needs and goals. Available to you is an option to boost the investment value of your policy via single premium top-ups. A minimum amount of RM1,000 for a single premium top-up will effectively provide a fresh injection of 95% of the paid premium to unit funds, bolstering your investment value and potential returns.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.

It lets you pick your own fundsWhatever best suits you at any time are yours to pick and invest in. Our range of professionally managed funds will cater to your risk appetite and investment style. If you ever change your mind, simply make a new selection.

It offers extra protectionYou can enjoy additional peace of mind by attaching comprehensive riders to your SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2:

• SmartMedicProvides medical protection against unexpected emergencies

• Critical Illness BenefitSecures your finances should a critical illness occur

• IL Comprehensive Accident Benefits Xtra RiderCovers against death and injuries due to accidents

• IL Hospitalisation Benefits RiderProvides daily cash income should you be hospitalised

• IL Waiver of Premium Plus RiderWaives premiums should disability or critical illness occur to the life assured

• IL LadyCare / IL LadyCare AdvantageProvides protection against female-linked illnesses and coverage for maternity-related issues

It gives you tax reliefBenefits received from SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 are generally non-taxable and premiums paid may qualify for tax relief.

Note: Tax benefits are subject to the Malaysian Income Tax Act, 1967, and final decision of the Inland Revenue Board.

Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Who can apply?A: Anyone between 30 days attained age and 70 years

next birthday can apply for SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2.

Q: How do I start?A: You can start investing in SmartProtect Essential

Insurance 2 with as little as RM1,200 a year or RM100 a month.

Q: What are some of the exclusions under this policy?A: No benefit is payable under the following circumstances:

•Pre-existing condition•Death during the first policy year as a result of

suicide, while sane or insane•Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) resulting from

self-inflicted injuries, while sane or insane

The exclusions highlighted here may not be exhaustive. Full details are available in the policy contract.

Q: How do I make my payment?A: You can pay by credit card, banker’s order, GIRO,

cheque or cash. You have the flexibility to pay your premium annually, half-yearly, quarterly or even monthly (by credit card, banker’s order or GIRO).

Q: What are the current fees and charges?A: •Insurance charges:

Applicable to the sum assured, vary according to age, sex, smoking habits, occupation and health condition.

•Monthly Policy Fee: RM6.

•Fund Management Charge: 0.5% - 1.50% per annum depending on your choice of fund.

Note: The fees and charges levied may change from time to time.


SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is a regular premium

investment-linked insurance policy. This plan is an insurance product that is tied to the performance of the underlying assets, and is not a pure investment product such as unit trusts. Premiums

are payable for the whole term of the policy, or until death

or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), whichever comes

first. You should satisfy yourself that this plan will best

serve your needs and that the premiums payable under the

policy is an amount you can afford.

A free-look period of 15 days is given for you to review the

suitability of the plan. If the policy is returned to the

Company during this period, the Company shall refund an

amount equal to the sum of

a) total investment values of the policy based on the Net

Asset Value at the next valuation date; and

b) the investment values of the units which have been

cancelled to pay for insurance charges and policy fee; and

c) the amount of premiums that have not been allocated;

minus the expenses incurred for medical examination, if


Net Asset Value is the single price at which the policy

owner buys the units in a unit fund and sells the units back

to the unit fund.

The minimum basic premium allowable for the policy is RM1,200 a year. The premium may be segregated into Insurance Premium and Balancer (regular premium in

excess of the Insurance Premium) if any, based on the

premium invested for the policy.

In cases where the purchase involves a premium of

a sizeable amount i.e. RM5,000 and more, the prospect

should consider purchasing a single premium

investment-linked insurance policy as single premium

plans offer better allocation rates for investment. However,

please take note that single premium plans may not offer

as much insurance protection as regular premium plans

and may have less riders/supplementary benefits available.

You may stop paying the premiums and still enjoy protection

as long as there is a sufficient total investment value to pay

for the insurance charges, policy fee and supplementary

benefit premiums, where applicable. However, there is a

possibility of the policy lapsing when the required charges,

including rider charges, exceed the value of the fund units

available. Purchasing too many unit-deduction riders may

deplete the fund units.

Buying an investment-linked insurance policy is a long

-term commitment. An early termination of the policy

involves high costs and the withdrawal value is dependent

on prevailing market value of the underlying assets of the

unit fund. Therefore, the withdrawal value may be less than

the total premiums paid. The policy value may rise or fall,

based on the underlying performance of the funds. The

performance of the funds is not guaranteed. The investment

risk under the policy will be borne solely by the policy

owner. Past actual performance is not a guide to future

performance, which may be different.

Any amount of the premium that has not been

allocated to purchase is used to meet the payment of

commissions to intermediaries and general expenses

of the Company. The Company reserves the right, in

circumstances it considers exceptional, to suspend

issuance or redemption of units.

This brochure is for general information only. It is not

a contract of insurance. You are advised to refer to the

Sales Illustration, Fund Fact Sheet, Product Disclosure

Sheet and sample policy documents for detailed

important features and benefits of the plan before

purchasing the plan. The exclusions and limitations of

benefits highlighted above may not be exhaustive. For

further information, reference shall be made to the

terms and conditions specified in the policy issued by

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad.

If there is any discrepancy between English, Bahasa

Malaysia and Chinese versions, the English text will


For more information, please contact your servicing

agent or Customer Service Careline at (603) 4259 8333.

Policy Year 1-2 3-4 5-6 7 & above

Premium Allocation Rate

43% 76% 85% 100%

The Lion Behind Your InvestmentGreat Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad is poised for continued growth in its second century and is off to a good start at achieving its goal to continue its reign as the market leader in the industry. With more than 100 years of experience in solid financial foundation and innovative infrastructure, it has assets in excess of RM44 billion as at 31 December 2009. The head office, 21 operational branch offices nationwide and a network of 17,000 agents serving over 2.8 million policies in force. Great Eastern continues to remain true to its stand that health, wealth and meaningful relationships make life great. Great Eastern has earned its customers' loyalty throughout the years and believed that this trust is cultivated from its excellent service.

Sang Singa Di Sebalik Pelaburan AndaGreat Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad bersedia untuk perkembangan berterusan untuk abad ini dan telah berada di landasan yang betul untuk mencapai matlamat sebagai peneraju utama industri. Dengan pengalaman lebih 100 tahun dalam bidang kewangan yang kukuh dan infrastruktur yang inovatif, kami mempunyai aset melebihi RM44 bilion pada 31 Disember 2009. Perkhidmatan diberikan menerusi ibu pejabat dan 21 buah cawangan yang beroperasi serta menerusi rangkaian ejen seramai 17,000 di seluruh Malaysia untuk lebih 2.8 juta polisi berkuat kuasa. Great Eastern terus teguh berpendirian bahawa kesihatan, kekayaan dan perhubungan bermakna memberikan hidup yang lebih hebat. Kami mempunyai pelanggan yang setia dan yakin bahawa kepercayaan ini berteraskan perkhidmatan cemerlang yang berterusan.

When your feet are on the ground, you can achieve your goals with greater confidence. SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is an affordable plan that allows you to work towards your goals and live the life you want while providing you with a personal safety net.

With SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2, you will enjoy comprehensive coverage against unexpected events from as little as RM100 per month and you can further enhance your protection with additional hospitalisation and medical benefits.

It makes your money work for youSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is an investment-linked insurance plan that adapts to your lifestyle. It’s easy to get into – starting with just RM100 per month, you’ll receive life coverage and an investment allocation that increases over time – bringing your goals closer to reality with every passing day.

The due insurance premiums paid are allocated to the unit funds at the following rates:

1% more on your sum assured every year throughout your coverage yearsSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 ensures your loved ones will not be financially burdened should the unexpected occur. With a sum assured that grows 1% every year throughout your coverage years, they can go on living with added peace of mind. An example of how this worksJosh Lim is a 25-year-old male who buys SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2. Let’s assume he is insured for RM100,000. If he lives till age of 75, he will accumulate 1% more per year on his sum assured for 50 years. 1% x RM100,000 x 50 years = RM50,000 more.

That means his loved ones will receive a total of RM150,000.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.

Alor Setar66 & 68 Jalan Teluk Wan Jah05200 Alor Setar, KedahTel : 04-731 9877Fax : 04-731 9878

Batu Pahat109 Jalan Rahmat83000 Batu Pahat, JohorTel : 07-432 5562Fax : 07-432 5560

BintuluNo. 313, Lot 3956, Phase 4Bintulu Parkcity Commerce SquareJalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi/Jalan Tanjung Batu97000 Bintulu, SarawakTel : 086-336 676Fax : 086-332 601

Ipoh 23 & 25 Persiaran Georgetown 5Pusat Perdagangan Greentown30450 Ipoh, PerakTel : 05-254 2027Fax : 05-255 5578

Johor Bahru10th Floor, Menara PelangiJalan Kuning, Taman Pelangi80400 Johor Bahru, JohorTel : 07-334 1022Fax : 07-334 9122

KlangNo. 8 & 10 Jalan Tiara 2ABandar Baru Klang41150 Klang, SelangorTel : 03-3343 6688Fax : 03-3341 3398

KluangNo. 22 & 24Jalan Md Lazim Saim86000 Kluang, JohorTel : 07-772 3529Fax : 07-772 3449

Kota BharuNo. S25/5252-T & UJalan Sultan Yahya Petra15200 Kota Bharu, KelantanTel : 09-748 2332Fax : 09-744 9701

Kota KinabaluWisma Great EasternLevel 4 & 5, No. 65 Jalan Gaya88000 Kota Kinabalu, SabahTel : 088-252 033Fax : 088-210 437

Kuala Terengganu2nd Floor, 6FBangunan Persatuan Hin AnnJalan Air Jernih20300 Kuala TerengganuTel : 09-622 4959Fax : 09-626 5195

KuantanA25 Jalan Dato Lim Hoe Lek25200 Kuantan, PahangTel : 09-515 7666Fax : 09-515 8477

KuchingHouse No. 51, Lot 435 Section 54, KTLDTravillion Commercial CentreJalan Padungan93100 Kuching, SarawakTel : 082-412 736Fax : 082-426 684

Lahad DatuGround & 1st FloorMDLD 0819, Jalan Teratai91100 Lahad Datu, SabahTel : 089-884 136Fax : 089-884 226

MelakaNo. 23 Jalan PM 15 Plaza Mahkota75000 MelakaTel : 06-282 4577Fax : 06-283 4579

MiriLots 1260 & 1261Block 10, M.C.L.D., Jalan Melayu98000 Miri, SarawakTel : 085-413 299Fax : 085-417 518

Penang25, Light Street10200 PenangTel : 04-262 2141Fax : 04-262 2140

SandakanLot 5 & 6, Block 40Lorong Indah 15Bandar Indah, Phase 7Mile 4, North Road90000 Sandakan, SabahTel : 089-213 484Fax : 089-271 343

Seremban101 & 103 Jalan Yam Tuan70000 SerembanNegeri SembilanTel : 06-763 6120Fax : 06-763 1480

SibuNo. 10A-FWisma Great EasternPersiaran Brooke96000 Sibu, SarawakTel : 084-312 829Fax : 084-333 925

Taiping60 Jalan Barrack34000 TaipingPerakTel : 05-805 1021Fax : 05-805 1023

TawauGround FloorWisma Great EasternJalan Billian 91008 Tawau, SabahTel : 089-771 322Fax : 089-762 341

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (93745-A)

Menara Great Eastern 303 Jalan Ampang 50450, Kuala LumpurTel (03) 4259 8888 Fax (03) 4259 8000

Customer Service Careline (03) 4259 8333Email Website



For the latest contact details, please refer to the company website.Untuk maklumat hubungan terkini, sila layari laman web syarikat.







It provides financial protection against the unexpected SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is built on a foundation of protection, to ensure you and your loved ones come first if the worst should happen. In the case of death, or should you be afflicted with Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), the basic sum assured and your total investment value will be paid out in full, or in accordance to the TPD provisions of the policy, ensuring your loved ones receive the financial resources they’ll need to carry on. Note: Terms and conditions apply.

It lets you choose your own protection and investment levelYou may start with just a little, but as your financial options grow wider, you can vary the protection and investment levels according to your later needs and goals. Available to you is an option to boost the investment value of your policy via single premium top-ups. A minimum amount of RM1,000 for a single premium top-up will effectively provide a fresh injection of 95% of the paid premium to unit funds, bolstering your investment value and potential returns.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.

It lets you pick your own fundsWhatever best suits you at any time are yours to pick and invest in. Our range of professionally managed funds will cater to your risk appetite and investment style. If you ever change your mind, simply make a new selection.

It offers extra protectionYou can enjoy additional peace of mind by attaching comprehensive riders to your SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2:

• SmartMedicProvides medical protection against unexpected emergencies

• Critical Illness BenefitSecures your finances should a critical illness occur

• IL Comprehensive Accident Benefits Xtra RiderCovers against death and injuries due to accidents

• IL Hospitalisation Benefits RiderProvides daily cash income should you be hospitalised

• IL Waiver of Premium Plus RiderWaives premiums should disability or critical illness occur to the life assured

• IL LadyCare / IL LadyCare AdvantageProvides protection against female-linked illnesses and coverage for maternity-related issues

It gives you tax reliefBenefits received from SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 are generally non-taxable and premiums paid may qualify for tax relief.

Note: Tax benefits are subject to the Malaysian Income Tax Act, 1967, and final decision of the Inland Revenue Board.

Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Who can apply?A: Anyone between 30 days attained age and 70 years

next birthday can apply for SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2.

Q: How do I start?A: You can start investing in SmartProtect Essential

Insurance 2 with as little as RM1,200 a year or RM100 a month.

Q: What are some of the exclusions under this policy?A: No benefit is payable under the following circumstances:

•Pre-existing condition•Death during the first policy year as a result of

suicide, while sane or insane•Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) resulting from

self-inflicted injuries, while sane or insane

The exclusions highlighted here may not be exhaustive. Full details are available in the policy contract.

Q: How do I make my payment?A: You can pay by credit card, banker’s order, GIRO,

cheque or cash. You have the flexibility to pay your premium annually, half-yearly, quarterly or even monthly (by credit card, banker’s order or GIRO).

Q: What are the current fees and charges?A: •Insurance charges:

Applicable to the sum assured, vary according to age, sex, smoking habits, occupation and health condition.

•Monthly Policy Fee: RM6.

•Fund Management Charge: 0.5% - 1.50% per annum depending on your choice of fund.

Note: The fees and charges levied may change from time to time.


SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is a regular premium

investment-linked insurance policy. This plan is an insurance product that is tied to the performance of the underlying assets, and is not a pure investment product such as unit trusts. Premiums

are payable for the whole term of the policy, or until death

or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), whichever comes

first. You should satisfy yourself that this plan will best

serve your needs and that the premiums payable under the

policy is an amount you can afford.

A free-look period of 15 days is given for you to review the

suitability of the plan. If the policy is returned to the

Company during this period, the Company shall refund an

amount equal to the sum of

a) total investment values of the policy based on the Net

Asset Value at the next valuation date; and

b) the investment values of the units which have been

cancelled to pay for insurance charges and policy fee; and

c) the amount of premiums that have not been allocated;

minus the expenses incurred for medical examination, if


Net Asset Value is the single price at which the policy

owner buys the units in a unit fund and sells the units back

to the unit fund.

The minimum basic premium allowable for the policy is RM1,200 a year. The premium may be segregated into Insurance Premium and Balancer (regular premium in

excess of the Insurance Premium) if any, based on the

premium invested for the policy.

In cases where the purchase involves a premium of

a sizeable amount i.e. RM5,000 and more, the prospect

should consider purchasing a single premium

investment-linked insurance policy as single premium

plans offer better allocation rates for investment. However,

please take note that single premium plans may not offer

as much insurance protection as regular premium plans

and may have less riders/supplementary benefits available.

You may stop paying the premiums and still enjoy protection

as long as there is a sufficient total investment value to pay

for the insurance charges, policy fee and supplementary

benefit premiums, where applicable. However, there is a

possibility of the policy lapsing when the required charges,

including rider charges, exceed the value of the fund units

available. Purchasing too many unit-deduction riders may

deplete the fund units.

Buying an investment-linked insurance policy is a long

-term commitment. An early termination of the policy

involves high costs and the withdrawal value is dependent

on prevailing market value of the underlying assets of the

unit fund. Therefore, the withdrawal value may be less than

the total premiums paid. The policy value may rise or fall,

based on the underlying performance of the funds. The

performance of the funds is not guaranteed. The investment

risk under the policy will be borne solely by the policy

owner. Past actual performance is not a guide to future

performance, which may be different.

Any amount of the premium that has not been

allocated to purchase is used to meet the payment of

commissions to intermediaries and general expenses

of the Company. The Company reserves the right, in

circumstances it considers exceptional, to suspend

issuance or redemption of units.

This brochure is for general information only. It is not

a contract of insurance. You are advised to refer to the

Sales Illustration, Fund Fact Sheet, Product Disclosure

Sheet and sample policy documents for detailed

important features and benefits of the plan before

purchasing the plan. The exclusions and limitations of

benefits highlighted above may not be exhaustive. For

further information, reference shall be made to the

terms and conditions specified in the policy issued by

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad.

If there is any discrepancy between English, Bahasa

Malaysia and Chinese versions, the English text will


For more information, please contact your servicing

agent or Customer Service Careline at (603) 4259 8333.

Policy Year 1-2 3-4 5-6 7 & above

Premium Allocation Rate

43% 76% 85% 100%

The Lion Behind Your InvestmentGreat Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad is poised for continued growth in its second century and is off to a good start at achieving its goal to continue its reign as the market leader in the industry. With more than 100 years of experience in solid financial foundation and innovative infrastructure, it has assets in excess of RM44 billion as at 31 December 2009. The head office, 21 operational branch offices nationwide and a network of 17,000 agents serving over 2.8 million policies in force. Great Eastern continues to remain true to its stand that health, wealth and meaningful relationships make life great. Great Eastern has earned its customers' loyalty throughout the years and believed that this trust is cultivated from its excellent service.

Sang Singa Di Sebalik Pelaburan AndaGreat Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad bersedia untuk perkembangan berterusan untuk abad ini dan telah berada di landasan yang betul untuk mencapai matlamat sebagai peneraju utama industri. Dengan pengalaman lebih 100 tahun dalam bidang kewangan yang kukuh dan infrastruktur yang inovatif, kami mempunyai aset melebihi RM44 bilion pada 31 Disember 2009. Perkhidmatan diberikan menerusi ibu pejabat dan 21 buah cawangan yang beroperasi serta menerusi rangkaian ejen seramai 17,000 di seluruh Malaysia untuk lebih 2.8 juta polisi berkuat kuasa. Great Eastern terus teguh berpendirian bahawa kesihatan, kekayaan dan perhubungan bermakna memberikan hidup yang lebih hebat. Kami mempunyai pelanggan yang setia dan yakin bahawa kepercayaan ini berteraskan perkhidmatan cemerlang yang berterusan.

When your feet are on the ground, you can achieve your goals with greater confidence. SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is an affordable plan that allows you to work towards your goals and live the life you want while providing you with a personal safety net.

With SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2, you will enjoy comprehensive coverage against unexpected events from as little as RM100 per month and you can further enhance your protection with additional hospitalisation and medical benefits.

It makes your money work for youSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is an investment-linked insurance plan that adapts to your lifestyle. It’s easy to get into – starting with just RM100 per month, you’ll receive life coverage and an investment allocation that increases over time – bringing your goals closer to reality with every passing day.

The due insurance premiums paid are allocated to the unit funds at the following rates:

1% more on your sum assured every year throughout your coverage yearsSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 ensures your loved ones will not be financially burdened should the unexpected occur. With a sum assured that grows 1% every year throughout your coverage years, they can go on living with added peace of mind. An example of how this worksJosh Lim is a 25-year-old male who buys SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2. Let’s assume he is insured for RM100,000. If he lives till age of 75, he will accumulate 1% more per year on his sum assured for 50 years. 1% x RM100,000 x 50 years = RM50,000 more.

That means his loved ones will receive a total of RM150,000.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.

Alor Setar66 & 68 Jalan Teluk Wan Jah05200 Alor Setar, KedahTel : 04-731 9877Fax : 04-731 9878

Batu Pahat109 Jalan Rahmat83000 Batu Pahat, JohorTel : 07-432 5562Fax : 07-432 5560

BintuluNo. 313, Lot 3956, Phase 4Bintulu Parkcity Commerce SquareJalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi/Jalan Tanjung Batu97000 Bintulu, SarawakTel : 086-336 676Fax : 086-332 601

Ipoh 23 & 25 Persiaran Georgetown 5Pusat Perdagangan Greentown30450 Ipoh, PerakTel : 05-254 2027Fax : 05-255 5578

Johor Bahru10th Floor, Menara PelangiJalan Kuning, Taman Pelangi80400 Johor Bahru, JohorTel : 07-334 1022Fax : 07-334 9122

KlangNo. 8 & 10 Jalan Tiara 2ABandar Baru Klang41150 Klang, SelangorTel : 03-3343 6688Fax : 03-3341 3398

KluangNo. 22 & 24Jalan Md Lazim Saim86000 Kluang, JohorTel : 07-772 3529Fax : 07-772 3449

Kota BharuNo. S25/5252-T & UJalan Sultan Yahya Petra15200 Kota Bharu, KelantanTel : 09-748 2332Fax : 09-744 9701

Kota KinabaluWisma Great EasternLevel 4 & 5, No. 65 Jalan Gaya88000 Kota Kinabalu, SabahTel : 088-252 033Fax : 088-210 437

Kuala Terengganu2nd Floor, 6FBangunan Persatuan Hin AnnJalan Air Jernih20300 Kuala TerengganuTel : 09-622 4959Fax : 09-626 5195

KuantanA25 Jalan Dato Lim Hoe Lek25200 Kuantan, PahangTel : 09-515 7666Fax : 09-515 8477

KuchingHouse No. 51, Lot 435 Section 54, KTLDTravillion Commercial CentreJalan Padungan93100 Kuching, SarawakTel : 082-412 736Fax : 082-426 684

Lahad DatuGround & 1st FloorMDLD 0819, Jalan Teratai91100 Lahad Datu, SabahTel : 089-884 136Fax : 089-884 226

MelakaNo. 23 Jalan PM 15 Plaza Mahkota75000 MelakaTel : 06-282 4577Fax : 06-283 4579

MiriLots 1260 & 1261Block 10, M.C.L.D., Jalan Melayu98000 Miri, SarawakTel : 085-413 299Fax : 085-417 518

Penang25, Light Street10200 PenangTel : 04-262 2141Fax : 04-262 2140

SandakanLot 5 & 6, Block 40Lorong Indah 15Bandar Indah, Phase 7Mile 4, North Road90000 Sandakan, SabahTel : 089-213 484Fax : 089-271 343

Seremban101 & 103 Jalan Yam Tuan70000 SerembanNegeri SembilanTel : 06-763 6120Fax : 06-763 1480

SibuNo. 10A-FWisma Great EasternPersiaran Brooke96000 Sibu, SarawakTel : 084-312 829Fax : 084-333 925

Taiping60 Jalan Barrack34000 TaipingPerakTel : 05-805 1021Fax : 05-805 1023

TawauGround FloorWisma Great EasternJalan Billian 91008 Tawau, SabahTel : 089-771 322Fax : 089-762 341

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (93745-A)

Menara Great Eastern 303 Jalan Ampang 50450, Kuala LumpurTel (03) 4259 8888 Fax (03) 4259 8000

Customer Service Careline (03) 4259 8333Email Website



For the latest contact details, please refer to the company website.Untuk maklumat hubungan terkini, sila layari laman web syarikat.







It provides financial protection against the unexpected SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is built on a foundation of protection, to ensure you and your loved ones come first if the worst should happen. In the case of death, or should you be afflicted with Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), the basic sum assured and your total investment value will be paid out in full, or in accordance to the TPD provisions of the policy, ensuring your loved ones receive the financial resources they’ll need to carry on. Note: Terms and conditions apply.

It lets you choose your own protection and investment levelYou may start with just a little, but as your financial options grow wider, you can vary the protection and investment levels according to your later needs and goals. Available to you is an option to boost the investment value of your policy via single premium top-ups. A minimum amount of RM1,000 for a single premium top-up will effectively provide a fresh injection of 95% of the paid premium to unit funds, bolstering your investment value and potential returns.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.

It lets you pick your own fundsWhatever best suits you at any time are yours to pick and invest in. Our range of professionally managed funds will cater to your risk appetite and investment style. If you ever change your mind, simply make a new selection.

It offers extra protectionYou can enjoy additional peace of mind by attaching comprehensive riders to your SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2:

• SmartMedicProvides medical protection against unexpected emergencies

• Critical Illness BenefitSecures your finances should a critical illness occur

• IL Comprehensive Accident Benefits Xtra RiderCovers against death and injuries due to accidents

• IL Hospitalisation Benefits RiderProvides daily cash income should you be hospitalised

• IL Waiver of Premium Plus RiderWaives premiums should disability or critical illness occur to the life assured

• IL LadyCare / IL LadyCare AdvantageProvides protection against female-linked illnesses and coverage for maternity-related issues

It gives you tax reliefBenefits received from SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 are generally non-taxable and premiums paid may qualify for tax relief.

Note: Tax benefits are subject to the Malaysian Income Tax Act, 1967, and final decision of the Inland Revenue Board.

Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Who can apply?A: Anyone between 30 days attained age and 70 years

next birthday can apply for SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2.

Q: How do I start?A: You can start investing in SmartProtect Essential

Insurance 2 with as little as RM1,200 a year or RM100 a month.

Q: What are some of the exclusions under this policy?A: No benefit is payable under the following circumstances:

•Pre-existing condition•Death during the first policy year as a result of

suicide, while sane or insane•Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) resulting from

self-inflicted injuries, while sane or insane

The exclusions highlighted here may not be exhaustive. Full details are available in the policy contract.

Q: How do I make my payment?A: You can pay by credit card, banker’s order, GIRO,

cheque or cash. You have the flexibility to pay your premium annually, half-yearly, quarterly or even monthly (by credit card, banker’s order or GIRO).

Q: What are the current fees and charges?A: •Insurance charges:

Applicable to the sum assured, vary according to age, sex, smoking habits, occupation and health condition.

•Monthly Policy Fee: RM6.

•Fund Management Charge: 0.5% - 1.50% per annum depending on your choice of fund.

Note: The fees and charges levied may change from time to time.


SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is a regular premium

investment-linked insurance policy. This plan is an insurance product that is tied to the performance of the underlying assets, and is not a pure investment product such as unit trusts. Premiums

are payable for the whole term of the policy, or until death

or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), whichever comes

first. You should satisfy yourself that this plan will best

serve your needs and that the premiums payable under the

policy is an amount you can afford.

A free-look period of 15 days is given for you to review the

suitability of the plan. If the policy is returned to the

Company during this period, the Company shall refund an

amount equal to the sum of

a) total investment values of the policy based on the Net

Asset Value at the next valuation date; and

b) the investment values of the units which have been

cancelled to pay for insurance charges and policy fee; and

c) the amount of premiums that have not been allocated;

minus the expenses incurred for medical examination, if


Net Asset Value is the single price at which the policy

owner buys the units in a unit fund and sells the units back

to the unit fund.

The minimum basic premium allowable for the policy is RM1,200 a year. The premium may be segregated into Insurance Premium and Balancer (regular premium in

excess of the Insurance Premium) if any, based on the

premium invested for the policy.

In cases where the purchase involves a premium of

a sizeable amount i.e. RM5,000 and more, the prospect

should consider purchasing a single premium

investment-linked insurance policy as single premium

plans offer better allocation rates for investment. However,

please take note that single premium plans may not offer

as much insurance protection as regular premium plans

and may have less riders/supplementary benefits available.

You may stop paying the premiums and still enjoy protection

as long as there is a sufficient total investment value to pay

for the insurance charges, policy fee and supplementary

benefit premiums, where applicable. However, there is a

possibility of the policy lapsing when the required charges,

including rider charges, exceed the value of the fund units

available. Purchasing too many unit-deduction riders may

deplete the fund units.

Buying an investment-linked insurance policy is a long

-term commitment. An early termination of the policy

involves high costs and the withdrawal value is dependent

on prevailing market value of the underlying assets of the

unit fund. Therefore, the withdrawal value may be less than

the total premiums paid. The policy value may rise or fall,

based on the underlying performance of the funds. The

performance of the funds is not guaranteed. The investment

risk under the policy will be borne solely by the policy

owner. Past actual performance is not a guide to future

performance, which may be different.

Any amount of the premium that has not been

allocated to purchase is used to meet the payment of

commissions to intermediaries and general expenses

of the Company. The Company reserves the right, in

circumstances it considers exceptional, to suspend

issuance or redemption of units.

This brochure is for general information only. It is not

a contract of insurance. You are advised to refer to the

Sales Illustration, Fund Fact Sheet, Product Disclosure

Sheet and sample policy documents for detailed

important features and benefits of the plan before

purchasing the plan. The exclusions and limitations of

benefits highlighted above may not be exhaustive. For

further information, reference shall be made to the

terms and conditions specified in the policy issued by

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad.

If there is any discrepancy between English, Bahasa

Malaysia and Chinese versions, the English text will


For more information, please contact your servicing

agent or Customer Service Careline at (603) 4259 8333.

Policy Year 1-2 3-4 5-6 7 & above

Premium Allocation Rate

43% 76% 85% 100%

The Lion Behind Your InvestmentGreat Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad is poised for continued growth in its second century and is off to a good start at achieving its goal to continue its reign as the market leader in the industry. With more than 100 years of experience in solid financial foundation and innovative infrastructure, it has assets in excess of RM44 billion as at 31 December 2009. The head office, 21 operational branch offices nationwide and a network of 17,000 agents serving over 2.8 million policies in force. Great Eastern continues to remain true to its stand that health, wealth and meaningful relationships make life great. Great Eastern has earned its customers' loyalty throughout the years and believed that this trust is cultivated from its excellent service.

Sang Singa Di Sebalik Pelaburan AndaGreat Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad bersedia untuk perkembangan berterusan untuk abad ini dan telah berada di landasan yang betul untuk mencapai matlamat sebagai peneraju utama industri. Dengan pengalaman lebih 100 tahun dalam bidang kewangan yang kukuh dan infrastruktur yang inovatif, kami mempunyai aset melebihi RM44 bilion pada 31 Disember 2009. Perkhidmatan diberikan menerusi ibu pejabat dan 21 buah cawangan yang beroperasi serta menerusi rangkaian ejen seramai 17,000 di seluruh Malaysia untuk lebih 2.8 juta polisi berkuat kuasa. Great Eastern terus teguh berpendirian bahawa kesihatan, kekayaan dan perhubungan bermakna memberikan hidup yang lebih hebat. Kami mempunyai pelanggan yang setia dan yakin bahawa kepercayaan ini berteraskan perkhidmatan cemerlang yang berterusan.

When your feet are on the ground, you can achieve your goals with greater confidence. SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is an affordable plan that allows you to work towards your goals and live the life you want while providing you with a personal safety net.

With SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2, you will enjoy comprehensive coverage against unexpected events from as little as RM100 per month and you can further enhance your protection with additional hospitalisation and medical benefits.

It makes your money work for youSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is an investment-linked insurance plan that adapts to your lifestyle. It’s easy to get into – starting with just RM100 per month, you’ll receive life coverage and an investment allocation that increases over time – bringing your goals closer to reality with every passing day.

The due insurance premiums paid are allocated to the unit funds at the following rates:

1% more on your sum assured every year throughout your coverage yearsSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 ensures your loved ones will not be financially burdened should the unexpected occur. With a sum assured that grows 1% every year throughout your coverage years, they can go on living with added peace of mind. An example of how this worksJosh Lim is a 25-year-old male who buys SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2. Let’s assume he is insured for RM100,000. If he lives till age of 75, he will accumulate 1% more per year on his sum assured for 50 years. 1% x RM100,000 x 50 years = RM50,000 more.

That means his loved ones will receive a total of RM150,000.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.

Alor Setar66 & 68 Jalan Teluk Wan Jah05200 Alor Setar, KedahTel : 04-731 9877Fax : 04-731 9878

Batu Pahat109 Jalan Rahmat83000 Batu Pahat, JohorTel : 07-432 5562Fax : 07-432 5560

BintuluNo. 313, Lot 3956, Phase 4Bintulu Parkcity Commerce SquareJalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi/Jalan Tanjung Batu97000 Bintulu, SarawakTel : 086-336 676Fax : 086-332 601

Ipoh 23 & 25 Persiaran Georgetown 5Pusat Perdagangan Greentown30450 Ipoh, PerakTel : 05-254 2027Fax : 05-255 5578

Johor Bahru10th Floor, Menara PelangiJalan Kuning, Taman Pelangi80400 Johor Bahru, JohorTel : 07-334 1022Fax : 07-334 9122

KlangNo. 8 & 10 Jalan Tiara 2ABandar Baru Klang41150 Klang, SelangorTel : 03-3343 6688Fax : 03-3341 3398

KluangNo. 22 & 24Jalan Md Lazim Saim86000 Kluang, JohorTel : 07-772 3529Fax : 07-772 3449

Kota BharuNo. S25/5252-T & UJalan Sultan Yahya Petra15200 Kota Bharu, KelantanTel : 09-748 2332Fax : 09-744 9701

Kota KinabaluWisma Great EasternLevel 4 & 5, No. 65 Jalan Gaya88000 Kota Kinabalu, SabahTel : 088-252 033Fax : 088-210 437

Kuala Terengganu2nd Floor, 6FBangunan Persatuan Hin AnnJalan Air Jernih20300 Kuala TerengganuTel : 09-622 4959Fax : 09-626 5195

KuantanA25 Jalan Dato Lim Hoe Lek25200 Kuantan, PahangTel : 09-515 7666Fax : 09-515 8477

KuchingHouse No. 51, Lot 435 Section 54, KTLDTravillion Commercial CentreJalan Padungan93100 Kuching, SarawakTel : 082-412 736Fax : 082-426 684

Lahad DatuGround & 1st FloorMDLD 0819, Jalan Teratai91100 Lahad Datu, SabahTel : 089-884 136Fax : 089-884 226

MelakaNo. 23 Jalan PM 15 Plaza Mahkota75000 MelakaTel : 06-282 4577Fax : 06-283 4579

MiriLots 1260 & 1261Block 10, M.C.L.D., Jalan Melayu98000 Miri, SarawakTel : 085-413 299Fax : 085-417 518

Penang25, Light Street10200 PenangTel : 04-262 2141Fax : 04-262 2140

SandakanLot 5 & 6, Block 40Lorong Indah 15Bandar Indah, Phase 7Mile 4, North Road90000 Sandakan, SabahTel : 089-213 484Fax : 089-271 343

Seremban101 & 103 Jalan Yam Tuan70000 SerembanNegeri SembilanTel : 06-763 6120Fax : 06-763 1480

SibuNo. 10A-FWisma Great EasternPersiaran Brooke96000 Sibu, SarawakTel : 084-312 829Fax : 084-333 925

Taiping60 Jalan Barrack34000 TaipingPerakTel : 05-805 1021Fax : 05-805 1023

TawauGround FloorWisma Great EasternJalan Billian 91008 Tawau, SabahTel : 089-771 322Fax : 089-762 341

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (93745-A)

Menara Great Eastern 303 Jalan Ampang 50450, Kuala LumpurTel (03) 4259 8888 Fax (03) 4259 8000

Customer Service Careline (03) 4259 8333Email Website



For the latest contact details, please refer to the company website.Untuk maklumat hubungan terkini, sila layari laman web syarikat.







It provides financial protection against the unexpected SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is built on a foundation of protection, to ensure you and your loved ones come first if the worst should happen. In the case of death, or should you be afflicted with Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), the basic sum assured and your total investment value will be paid out in full, or in accordance to the TPD provisions of the policy, ensuring your loved ones receive the financial resources they’ll need to carry on. Note: Terms and conditions apply.

It lets you choose your own protection and investment levelYou may start with just a little, but as your financial options grow wider, you can vary the protection and investment levels according to your later needs and goals. Available to you is an option to boost the investment value of your policy via single premium top-ups. A minimum amount of RM1,000 for a single premium top-up will effectively provide a fresh injection of 95% of the paid premium to unit funds, bolstering your investment value and potential returns.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.

It lets you pick your own fundsWhatever best suits you at any time are yours to pick and invest in. Our range of professionally managed funds will cater to your risk appetite and investment style. If you ever change your mind, simply make a new selection.

It offers extra protectionYou can enjoy additional peace of mind by attaching comprehensive riders to your SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2:

• SmartMedicProvides medical protection against unexpected emergencies

• Critical Illness BenefitSecures your finances should a critical illness occur

• IL Comprehensive Accident Benefits Xtra RiderCovers against death and injuries due to accidents

• IL Hospitalisation Benefits RiderProvides daily cash income should you be hospitalised

• IL Waiver of Premium Plus RiderWaives premiums should disability or critical illness occur to the life assured

• IL LadyCare / IL LadyCare AdvantageProvides protection against female-linked illnesses and coverage for maternity-related issues

It gives you tax reliefBenefits received from SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 are generally non-taxable and premiums paid may qualify for tax relief.

Note: Tax benefits are subject to the Malaysian Income Tax Act, 1967, and final decision of the Inland Revenue Board.

Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Who can apply?A: Anyone between 30 days attained age and 70 years

next birthday can apply for SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2.

Q: How do I start?A: You can start investing in SmartProtect Essential

Insurance 2 with as little as RM1,200 a year or RM100 a month.

Q: What are some of the exclusions under this policy?A: No benefit is payable under the following circumstances:

•Pre-existing condition•Death during the first policy year as a result of

suicide, while sane or insane•Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) resulting from

self-inflicted injuries, while sane or insane

The exclusions highlighted here may not be exhaustive. Full details are available in the policy contract.

Q: How do I make my payment?A: You can pay by credit card, banker’s order, GIRO,

cheque or cash. You have the flexibility to pay your premium annually, half-yearly, quarterly or even monthly (by credit card, banker’s order or GIRO).

Q: What are the current fees and charges?A: •Insurance charges:

Applicable to the sum assured, vary according to age, sex, smoking habits, occupation and health condition.

•Monthly Policy Fee: RM6.

•Fund Management Charge: 0.5% - 1.50% per annum depending on your choice of fund.

Note: The fees and charges levied may change from time to time.


SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is a regular premium

investment-linked insurance policy. This plan is an insurance product that is tied to the performance of the underlying assets, and is not a pure investment product such as unit trusts. Premiums

are payable for the whole term of the policy, or until death

or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), whichever comes

first. You should satisfy yourself that this plan will best

serve your needs and that the premiums payable under the

policy is an amount you can afford.

A free-look period of 15 days is given for you to review the

suitability of the plan. If the policy is returned to the

Company during this period, the Company shall refund an

amount equal to the sum of

a) total investment values of the policy based on the Net

Asset Value at the next valuation date; and

b) the investment values of the units which have been

cancelled to pay for insurance charges and policy fee; and

c) the amount of premiums that have not been allocated;

minus the expenses incurred for medical examination, if


Net Asset Value is the single price at which the policy

owner buys the units in a unit fund and sells the units back

to the unit fund.

The minimum basic premium allowable for the policy is RM1,200 a year. The premium may be segregated into Insurance Premium and Balancer (regular premium in

excess of the Insurance Premium) if any, based on the

premium invested for the policy.

In cases where the purchase involves a premium of

a sizeable amount i.e. RM5,000 and more, the prospect

should consider purchasing a single premium

investment-linked insurance policy as single premium

plans offer better allocation rates for investment. However,

please take note that single premium plans may not offer

as much insurance protection as regular premium plans

and may have less riders/supplementary benefits available.

You may stop paying the premiums and still enjoy protection

as long as there is a sufficient total investment value to pay

for the insurance charges, policy fee and supplementary

benefit premiums, where applicable. However, there is a

possibility of the policy lapsing when the required charges,

including rider charges, exceed the value of the fund units

available. Purchasing too many unit-deduction riders may

deplete the fund units.

Buying an investment-linked insurance policy is a long

-term commitment. An early termination of the policy

involves high costs and the withdrawal value is dependent

on prevailing market value of the underlying assets of the

unit fund. Therefore, the withdrawal value may be less than

the total premiums paid. The policy value may rise or fall,

based on the underlying performance of the funds. The

performance of the funds is not guaranteed. The investment

risk under the policy will be borne solely by the policy

owner. Past actual performance is not a guide to future

performance, which may be different.

Any amount of the premium that has not been

allocated to purchase is used to meet the payment of

commissions to intermediaries and general expenses

of the Company. The Company reserves the right, in

circumstances it considers exceptional, to suspend

issuance or redemption of units.

This brochure is for general information only. It is not

a contract of insurance. You are advised to refer to the

Sales Illustration, Fund Fact Sheet, Product Disclosure

Sheet and sample policy documents for detailed

important features and benefits of the plan before

purchasing the plan. The exclusions and limitations of

benefits highlighted above may not be exhaustive. For

further information, reference shall be made to the

terms and conditions specified in the policy issued by

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad.

If there is any discrepancy between English, Bahasa

Malaysia and Chinese versions, the English text will


For more information, please contact your servicing

agent or Customer Service Careline at (603) 4259 8333.

Policy Year 1-2 3-4 5-6 7 & above

Premium Allocation Rate

43% 76% 85% 100%

The Lion Behind Your InvestmentGreat Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad is poised for continued growth in its second century and is off to a good start at achieving its goal to continue its reign as the market leader in the industry. With more than 100 years of experience in solid financial foundation and innovative infrastructure, it has assets in excess of RM44 billion as at 31 December 2009. The head office, 21 operational branch offices nationwide and a network of 17,000 agents serving over 2.8 million policies in force. Great Eastern continues to remain true to its stand that health, wealth and meaningful relationships make life great. Great Eastern has earned its customers' loyalty throughout the years and believed that this trust is cultivated from its excellent service.

Sang Singa Di Sebalik Pelaburan AndaGreat Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad bersedia untuk perkembangan berterusan untuk abad ini dan telah berada di landasan yang betul untuk mencapai matlamat sebagai peneraju utama industri. Dengan pengalaman lebih 100 tahun dalam bidang kewangan yang kukuh dan infrastruktur yang inovatif, kami mempunyai aset melebihi RM44 bilion pada 31 Disember 2009. Perkhidmatan diberikan menerusi ibu pejabat dan 21 buah cawangan yang beroperasi serta menerusi rangkaian ejen seramai 17,000 di seluruh Malaysia untuk lebih 2.8 juta polisi berkuat kuasa. Great Eastern terus teguh berpendirian bahawa kesihatan, kekayaan dan perhubungan bermakna memberikan hidup yang lebih hebat. Kami mempunyai pelanggan yang setia dan yakin bahawa kepercayaan ini berteraskan perkhidmatan cemerlang yang berterusan.

When your feet are on the ground, you can achieve your goals with greater confidence. SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is an affordable plan that allows you to work towards your goals and live the life you want while providing you with a personal safety net.

With SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2, you will enjoy comprehensive coverage against unexpected events from as little as RM100 per month and you can further enhance your protection with additional hospitalisation and medical benefits.

It makes your money work for youSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is an investment-linked insurance plan that adapts to your lifestyle. It’s easy to get into – starting with just RM100 per month, you’ll receive life coverage and an investment allocation that increases over time – bringing your goals closer to reality with every passing day.

The due insurance premiums paid are allocated to the unit funds at the following rates:

1% more on your sum assured every year throughout your coverage yearsSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 ensures your loved ones will not be financially burdened should the unexpected occur. With a sum assured that grows 1% every year throughout your coverage years, they can go on living with added peace of mind. An example of how this worksJosh Lim is a 25-year-old male who buys SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2. Let’s assume he is insured for RM100,000. If he lives till age of 75, he will accumulate 1% more per year on his sum assured for 50 years. 1% x RM100,000 x 50 years = RM50,000 more.

That means his loved ones will receive a total of RM150,000.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.

Alor Setar66 & 68 Jalan Teluk Wan Jah05200 Alor Setar, KedahTel : 04-731 9877Fax : 04-731 9878

Batu Pahat109 Jalan Rahmat83000 Batu Pahat, JohorTel : 07-432 5562Fax : 07-432 5560

BintuluNo. 313, Lot 3956, Phase 4Bintulu Parkcity Commerce SquareJalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi/Jalan Tanjung Batu97000 Bintulu, SarawakTel : 086-336 676Fax : 086-332 601

Ipoh 23 & 25 Persiaran Georgetown 5Pusat Perdagangan Greentown30450 Ipoh, PerakTel : 05-254 2027Fax : 05-255 5578

Johor Bahru10th Floor, Menara PelangiJalan Kuning, Taman Pelangi80400 Johor Bahru, JohorTel : 07-334 1022Fax : 07-334 9122

KlangNo. 8 & 10 Jalan Tiara 2ABandar Baru Klang41150 Klang, SelangorTel : 03-3343 6688Fax : 03-3341 3398

KluangNo. 22 & 24Jalan Md Lazim Saim86000 Kluang, JohorTel : 07-772 3529Fax : 07-772 3449

Kota BharuNo. S25/5252-T & UJalan Sultan Yahya Petra15200 Kota Bharu, KelantanTel : 09-748 2332Fax : 09-744 9701

Kota KinabaluWisma Great EasternLevel 4 & 5, No. 65 Jalan Gaya88000 Kota Kinabalu, SabahTel : 088-252 033Fax : 088-210 437

Kuala Terengganu2nd Floor, 6FBangunan Persatuan Hin AnnJalan Air Jernih20300 Kuala TerengganuTel : 09-622 4959Fax : 09-626 5195

KuantanA25 Jalan Dato Lim Hoe Lek25200 Kuantan, PahangTel : 09-515 7666Fax : 09-515 8477

KuchingHouse No. 51, Lot 435 Section 54, KTLDTravillion Commercial CentreJalan Padungan93100 Kuching, SarawakTel : 082-412 736Fax : 082-426 684

Lahad DatuGround & 1st FloorMDLD 0819, Jalan Teratai91100 Lahad Datu, SabahTel : 089-884 136Fax : 089-884 226

MelakaNo. 23 Jalan PM 15 Plaza Mahkota75000 MelakaTel : 06-282 4577Fax : 06-283 4579

MiriLots 1260 & 1261Block 10, M.C.L.D., Jalan Melayu98000 Miri, SarawakTel : 085-413 299Fax : 085-417 518

Penang25, Light Street10200 PenangTel : 04-262 2141Fax : 04-262 2140

SandakanLot 5 & 6, Block 40Lorong Indah 15Bandar Indah, Phase 7Mile 4, North Road90000 Sandakan, SabahTel : 089-213 484Fax : 089-271 343

Seremban101 & 103 Jalan Yam Tuan70000 SerembanNegeri SembilanTel : 06-763 6120Fax : 06-763 1480

SibuNo. 10A-FWisma Great EasternPersiaran Brooke96000 Sibu, SarawakTel : 084-312 829Fax : 084-333 925

Taiping60 Jalan Barrack34000 TaipingPerakTel : 05-805 1021Fax : 05-805 1023

TawauGround FloorWisma Great EasternJalan Billian 91008 Tawau, SabahTel : 089-771 322Fax : 089-762 341

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (93745-A)

Menara Great Eastern 303 Jalan Ampang 50450, Kuala LumpurTel (03) 4259 8888 Fax (03) 4259 8000

Customer Service Careline (03) 4259 8333Email Website



For the latest contact details, please refer to the company website.Untuk maklumat hubungan terkini, sila layari laman web syarikat.







It provides financial protection against the unexpected SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is built on a foundation of protection, to ensure you and your loved ones come first if the worst should happen. In the case of death, or should you be afflicted with Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), the basic sum assured and your total investment value will be paid out in full, or in accordance to the TPD provisions of the policy, ensuring your loved ones receive the financial resources they’ll need to carry on. Note: Terms and conditions apply.

It lets you choose your own protection and investment levelYou may start with just a little, but as your financial options grow wider, you can vary the protection and investment levels according to your later needs and goals. Available to you is an option to boost the investment value of your policy via single premium top-ups. A minimum amount of RM1,000 for a single premium top-up will effectively provide a fresh injection of 95% of the paid premium to unit funds, bolstering your investment value and potential returns.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.

It lets you pick your own fundsWhatever best suits you at any time are yours to pick and invest in. Our range of professionally managed funds will cater to your risk appetite and investment style. If you ever change your mind, simply make a new selection.

It offers extra protectionYou can enjoy additional peace of mind by attaching comprehensive riders to your SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2:

• SmartMedicProvides medical protection against unexpected emergencies

• Critical Illness BenefitSecures your finances should a critical illness occur

• IL Comprehensive Accident Benefits Xtra RiderCovers against death and injuries due to accidents

• IL Hospitalisation Benefits RiderProvides daily cash income should you be hospitalised

• IL Waiver of Premium Plus RiderWaives premiums should disability or critical illness occur to the life assured

• IL LadyCare / IL LadyCare AdvantageProvides protection against female-linked illnesses and coverage for maternity-related issues

It gives you tax reliefBenefits received from SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 are generally non-taxable and premiums paid may qualify for tax relief.

Note: Tax benefits are subject to the Malaysian Income Tax Act, 1967, and final decision of the Inland Revenue Board.

Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Who can apply?A: Anyone between 30 days attained age and 70 years

next birthday can apply for SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2.

Q: How do I start?A: You can start investing in SmartProtect Essential

Insurance 2 with as little as RM1,200 a year or RM100 a month.

Q: What are some of the exclusions under this policy?A: No benefit is payable under the following circumstances:

•Pre-existing condition•Death during the first policy year as a result of

suicide, while sane or insane•Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) resulting from

self-inflicted injuries, while sane or insane

The exclusions highlighted here may not be exhaustive. Full details are available in the policy contract.

Q: How do I make my payment?A: You can pay by credit card, banker’s order, GIRO,

cheque or cash. You have the flexibility to pay your premium annually, half-yearly, quarterly or even monthly (by credit card, banker’s order or GIRO).

Q: What are the current fees and charges?A: •Insurance charges:

Applicable to the sum assured, vary according to age, sex, smoking habits, occupation and health condition.

•Monthly Policy Fee: RM6.

•Fund Management Charge: 0.5% - 1.50% per annum depending on your choice of fund.

Note: The fees and charges levied may change from time to time.


SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is a regular premium

investment-linked insurance policy. This plan is an insurance product that is tied to the performance of the underlying assets, and is not a pure investment product such as unit trusts. Premiums

are payable for the whole term of the policy, or until death

or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), whichever comes

first. You should satisfy yourself that this plan will best

serve your needs and that the premiums payable under the

policy is an amount you can afford.

A free-look period of 15 days is given for you to review the

suitability of the plan. If the policy is returned to the

Company during this period, the Company shall refund an

amount equal to the sum of

a) total investment values of the policy based on the Net

Asset Value at the next valuation date; and

b) the investment values of the units which have been

cancelled to pay for insurance charges and policy fee; and

c) the amount of premiums that have not been allocated;

minus the expenses incurred for medical examination, if


Net Asset Value is the single price at which the policy

owner buys the units in a unit fund and sells the units back

to the unit fund.

The minimum basic premium allowable for the policy is RM1,200 a year. The premium may be segregated into Insurance Premium and Balancer (regular premium in

excess of the Insurance Premium) if any, based on the

premium invested for the policy.

In cases where the purchase involves a premium of

a sizeable amount i.e. RM5,000 and more, the prospect

should consider purchasing a single premium

investment-linked insurance policy as single premium

plans offer better allocation rates for investment. However,

please take note that single premium plans may not offer

as much insurance protection as regular premium plans

and may have less riders/supplementary benefits available.

You may stop paying the premiums and still enjoy protection

as long as there is a sufficient total investment value to pay

for the insurance charges, policy fee and supplementary

benefit premiums, where applicable. However, there is a

possibility of the policy lapsing when the required charges,

including rider charges, exceed the value of the fund units

available. Purchasing too many unit-deduction riders may

deplete the fund units.

Buying an investment-linked insurance policy is a long

-term commitment. An early termination of the policy

involves high costs and the withdrawal value is dependent

on prevailing market value of the underlying assets of the

unit fund. Therefore, the withdrawal value may be less than

the total premiums paid. The policy value may rise or fall,

based on the underlying performance of the funds. The

performance of the funds is not guaranteed. The investment

risk under the policy will be borne solely by the policy

owner. Past actual performance is not a guide to future

performance, which may be different.

Any amount of the premium that has not been

allocated to purchase is used to meet the payment of

commissions to intermediaries and general expenses

of the Company. The Company reserves the right, in

circumstances it considers exceptional, to suspend

issuance or redemption of units.

This brochure is for general information only. It is not

a contract of insurance. You are advised to refer to the

Sales Illustration, Fund Fact Sheet, Product Disclosure

Sheet and sample policy documents for detailed

important features and benefits of the plan before

purchasing the plan. The exclusions and limitations of

benefits highlighted above may not be exhaustive. For

further information, reference shall be made to the

terms and conditions specified in the policy issued by

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad.

If there is any discrepancy between English, Bahasa

Malaysia and Chinese versions, the English text will


For more information, please contact your servicing

agent or Customer Service Careline at (603) 4259 8333.

Policy Year 1-2 3-4 5-6 7 & above

Premium Allocation Rate

43% 76% 85% 100%

The Lion Behind Your InvestmentGreat Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad is poised for continued growth in its second century and is off to a good start at achieving its goal to continue its reign as the market leader in the industry. With more than 100 years of experience in solid financial foundation and innovative infrastructure, it has assets in excess of RM44 billion as at 31 December 2009. The head office, 21 operational branch offices nationwide and a network of 17,000 agents serving over 2.8 million policies in force. Great Eastern continues to remain true to its stand that health, wealth and meaningful relationships make life great. Great Eastern has earned its customers' loyalty throughout the years and believed that this trust is cultivated from its excellent service.

Sang Singa Di Sebalik Pelaburan AndaGreat Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad bersedia untuk perkembangan berterusan untuk abad ini dan telah berada di landasan yang betul untuk mencapai matlamat sebagai peneraju utama industri. Dengan pengalaman lebih 100 tahun dalam bidang kewangan yang kukuh dan infrastruktur yang inovatif, kami mempunyai aset melebihi RM44 bilion pada 31 Disember 2009. Perkhidmatan diberikan menerusi ibu pejabat dan 21 buah cawangan yang beroperasi serta menerusi rangkaian ejen seramai 17,000 di seluruh Malaysia untuk lebih 2.8 juta polisi berkuat kuasa. Great Eastern terus teguh berpendirian bahawa kesihatan, kekayaan dan perhubungan bermakna memberikan hidup yang lebih hebat. Kami mempunyai pelanggan yang setia dan yakin bahawa kepercayaan ini berteraskan perkhidmatan cemerlang yang berterusan.

When your feet are on the ground, you can achieve your goals with greater confidence. SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is an affordable plan that allows you to work towards your goals and live the life you want while providing you with a personal safety net.

With SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2, you will enjoy comprehensive coverage against unexpected events from as little as RM100 per month and you can further enhance your protection with additional hospitalisation and medical benefits.

It makes your money work for youSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is an investment-linked insurance plan that adapts to your lifestyle. It’s easy to get into – starting with just RM100 per month, you’ll receive life coverage and an investment allocation that increases over time – bringing your goals closer to reality with every passing day.

The due insurance premiums paid are allocated to the unit funds at the following rates:

1% more on your sum assured every year throughout your coverage yearsSmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 ensures your loved ones will not be financially burdened should the unexpected occur. With a sum assured that grows 1% every year throughout your coverage years, they can go on living with added peace of mind. An example of how this worksJosh Lim is a 25-year-old male who buys SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2. Let’s assume he is insured for RM100,000. If he lives till age of 75, he will accumulate 1% more per year on his sum assured for 50 years. 1% x RM100,000 x 50 years = RM50,000 more.

That means his loved ones will receive a total of RM150,000.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.

Alor Setar66 & 68 Jalan Teluk Wan Jah05200 Alor Setar, KedahTel : 04-731 9877Fax : 04-731 9878

Batu Pahat109 Jalan Rahmat83000 Batu Pahat, JohorTel : 07-432 5562Fax : 07-432 5560

BintuluNo. 313, Lot 3956, Phase 4Bintulu Parkcity Commerce SquareJalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi/Jalan Tanjung Batu97000 Bintulu, SarawakTel : 086-336 676Fax : 086-332 601

Ipoh 23 & 25 Persiaran Georgetown 5Pusat Perdagangan Greentown30450 Ipoh, PerakTel : 05-254 2027Fax : 05-255 5578

Johor Bahru10th Floor, Menara PelangiJalan Kuning, Taman Pelangi80400 Johor Bahru, JohorTel : 07-334 1022Fax : 07-334 9122

KlangNo. 8 & 10 Jalan Tiara 2ABandar Baru Klang41150 Klang, SelangorTel : 03-3343 6688Fax : 03-3341 3398

KluangNo. 22 & 24Jalan Md Lazim Saim86000 Kluang, JohorTel : 07-772 3529Fax : 07-772 3449

Kota BharuNo. S25/5252-T & UJalan Sultan Yahya Petra15200 Kota Bharu, KelantanTel : 09-748 2332Fax : 09-744 9701

Kota KinabaluWisma Great EasternLevel 4 & 5, No. 65 Jalan Gaya88000 Kota Kinabalu, SabahTel : 088-252 033Fax : 088-210 437

Kuala Terengganu2nd Floor, 6FBangunan Persatuan Hin AnnJalan Air Jernih20300 Kuala TerengganuTel : 09-622 4959Fax : 09-626 5195

KuantanA25 Jalan Dato Lim Hoe Lek25200 Kuantan, PahangTel : 09-515 7666Fax : 09-515 8477

KuchingHouse No. 51, Lot 435 Section 54, KTLDTravillion Commercial CentreJalan Padungan93100 Kuching, SarawakTel : 082-412 736Fax : 082-426 684

Lahad DatuGround & 1st FloorMDLD 0819, Jalan Teratai91100 Lahad Datu, SabahTel : 089-884 136Fax : 089-884 226

MelakaNo. 23 Jalan PM 15 Plaza Mahkota75000 MelakaTel : 06-282 4577Fax : 06-283 4579

MiriLots 1260 & 1261Block 10, M.C.L.D., Jalan Melayu98000 Miri, SarawakTel : 085-413 299Fax : 085-417 518

Penang25, Light Street10200 PenangTel : 04-262 2141Fax : 04-262 2140

SandakanLot 5 & 6, Block 40Lorong Indah 15Bandar Indah, Phase 7Mile 4, North Road90000 Sandakan, SabahTel : 089-213 484Fax : 089-271 343

Seremban101 & 103 Jalan Yam Tuan70000 SerembanNegeri SembilanTel : 06-763 6120Fax : 06-763 1480

SibuNo. 10A-FWisma Great EasternPersiaran Brooke96000 Sibu, SarawakTel : 084-312 829Fax : 084-333 925

Taiping60 Jalan Barrack34000 TaipingPerakTel : 05-805 1021Fax : 05-805 1023

TawauGround FloorWisma Great EasternJalan Billian 91008 Tawau, SabahTel : 089-771 322Fax : 089-762 341

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (93745-A)

Menara Great Eastern 303 Jalan Ampang 50450, Kuala LumpurTel (03) 4259 8888 Fax (03) 4259 8000

Customer Service Careline (03) 4259 8333Email Website



For the latest contact details, please refer to the company website.Untuk maklumat hubungan terkini, sila layari laman web syarikat.







It provides financial protection against the unexpected SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is built on a foundation of protection, to ensure you and your loved ones come first if the worst should happen. In the case of death, or should you be afflicted with Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), the basic sum assured and your total investment value will be paid out in full, or in accordance to the TPD provisions of the policy, ensuring your loved ones receive the financial resources they’ll need to carry on. Note: Terms and conditions apply.

It lets you choose your own protection and investment levelYou may start with just a little, but as your financial options grow wider, you can vary the protection and investment levels according to your later needs and goals. Available to you is an option to boost the investment value of your policy via single premium top-ups. A minimum amount of RM1,000 for a single premium top-up will effectively provide a fresh injection of 95% of the paid premium to unit funds, bolstering your investment value and potential returns.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.

It lets you pick your own fundsWhatever best suits you at any time are yours to pick and invest in. Our range of professionally managed funds will cater to your risk appetite and investment style. If you ever change your mind, simply make a new selection.

It offers extra protectionYou can enjoy additional peace of mind by attaching comprehensive riders to your SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2:

• SmartMedicProvides medical protection against unexpected emergencies

• Critical Illness BenefitSecures your finances should a critical illness occur

• IL Comprehensive Accident Benefits Xtra RiderCovers against death and injuries due to accidents

• IL Hospitalisation Benefits RiderProvides daily cash income should you be hospitalised

• IL Waiver of Premium Plus RiderWaives premiums should disability or critical illness occur to the life assured

• IL LadyCare / IL LadyCare AdvantageProvides protection against female-linked illnesses and coverage for maternity-related issues

It gives you tax reliefBenefits received from SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 are generally non-taxable and premiums paid may qualify for tax relief.

Note: Tax benefits are subject to the Malaysian Income Tax Act, 1967, and final decision of the Inland Revenue Board.

Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Who can apply?A: Anyone between 30 days attained age and 70 years

next birthday can apply for SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2.

Q: How do I start?A: You can start investing in SmartProtect Essential

Insurance 2 with as little as RM1,200 a year or RM100 a month.

Q: What are some of the exclusions under this policy?A: No benefit is payable under the following circumstances:

•Pre-existing condition•Death during the first policy year as a result of

suicide, while sane or insane•Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) resulting from

self-inflicted injuries, while sane or insane

The exclusions highlighted here may not be exhaustive. Full details are available in the policy contract.

Q: How do I make my payment?A: You can pay by credit card, banker’s order, GIRO,

cheque or cash. You have the flexibility to pay your premium annually, half-yearly, quarterly or even monthly (by credit card, banker’s order or GIRO).

Q: What are the current fees and charges?A: •Insurance charges:

Applicable to the sum assured, vary according to age, sex, smoking habits, occupation and health condition.

•Monthly Policy Fee: RM6.

•Fund Management Charge: 0.5% - 1.50% per annum depending on your choice of fund.

Note: The fees and charges levied may change from time to time.


SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 is a regular premium

investment-linked insurance policy. This plan is an insurance product that is tied to the performance of the underlying assets, and is not a pure investment product such as unit trusts. Premiums

are payable for the whole term of the policy, or until death

or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), whichever comes

first. You should satisfy yourself that this plan will best

serve your needs and that the premiums payable under the

policy is an amount you can afford.

A free-look period of 15 days is given for you to review the

suitability of the plan. If the policy is returned to the

Company during this period, the Company shall refund an

amount equal to the sum of

a) total investment values of the policy based on the Net

Asset Value at the next valuation date; and

b) the investment values of the units which have been

cancelled to pay for insurance charges and policy fee; and

c) the amount of premiums that have not been allocated;

minus the expenses incurred for medical examination, if


Net Asset Value is the single price at which the policy

owner buys the units in a unit fund and sells the units back

to the unit fund.

The minimum basic premium allowable for the policy is RM1,200 a year. The premium may be segregated into Insurance Premium and Balancer (regular premium in

excess of the Insurance Premium) if any, based on the

premium invested for the policy.

In cases where the purchase involves a premium of

a sizeable amount i.e. RM5,000 and more, the prospect

should consider purchasing a single premium

investment-linked insurance policy as single premium

plans offer better allocation rates for investment. However,

please take note that single premium plans may not offer

as much insurance protection as regular premium plans

and may have less riders/supplementary benefits available.

You may stop paying the premiums and still enjoy protection

as long as there is a sufficient total investment value to pay

for the insurance charges, policy fee and supplementary

benefit premiums, where applicable. However, there is a

possibility of the policy lapsing when the required charges,

including rider charges, exceed the value of the fund units

available. Purchasing too many unit-deduction riders may

deplete the fund units.

Buying an investment-linked insurance policy is a long

-term commitment. An early termination of the policy

involves high costs and the withdrawal value is dependent

on prevailing market value of the underlying assets of the

unit fund. Therefore, the withdrawal value may be less than

the total premiums paid. The policy value may rise or fall,

based on the underlying performance of the funds. The

performance of the funds is not guaranteed. The investment

risk under the policy will be borne solely by the policy

owner. Past actual performance is not a guide to future

performance, which may be different.

Any amount of the premium that has not been

allocated to purchase is used to meet the payment of

commissions to intermediaries and general expenses

of the Company. The Company reserves the right, in

circumstances it considers exceptional, to suspend

issuance or redemption of units.

This brochure is for general information only. It is not

a contract of insurance. You are advised to refer to the

Sales Illustration, Fund Fact Sheet, Product Disclosure

Sheet and sample policy documents for detailed

important features and benefits of the plan before

purchasing the plan. The exclusions and limitations of

benefits highlighted above may not be exhaustive. For

further information, reference shall be made to the

terms and conditions specified in the policy issued by

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad.

If there is any discrepancy between English, Bahasa

Malaysia and Chinese versions, the English text will


For more information, please contact your servicing

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The Lion Behind Your InvestmentGreat Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad is poised for continued growth in its second century and is off to a good start at achieving its goal to continue its reign as the market leader in the industry. With more than 100 years of experience in solid financial foundation and innovative infrastructure, it has assets in excess of RM44 billion as at 31 December 2009. The head office, 21 operational branch offices nationwide and a network of 17,000 agents serving over 2.8 million policies in force. Great Eastern continues to remain true to its stand that health, wealth and meaningful relationships make life great. Great Eastern has earned its customers' loyalty throughout the years and believed that this trust is cultivated from its excellent service.

Sang Singa Di Sebalik Pelaburan AndaGreat Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad bersedia untuk perkembangan berterusan untuk abad ini dan telah berada di landasan yang betul untuk mencapai matlamat sebagai peneraju utama industri. Dengan pengalaman lebih 100 tahun dalam bidang kewangan yang kukuh dan infrastruktur yang inovatif, kami mempunyai aset melebihi RM44 bilion pada 31 Disember 2009. Perkhidmatan diberikan menerusi ibu pejabat dan 21 buah cawangan yang beroperasi serta menerusi rangkaian ejen seramai 17,000 di seluruh Malaysia untuk lebih 2.8 juta polisi berkuat kuasa. Great Eastern terus teguh berpendirian bahawa kesihatan, kekayaan dan perhubungan bermakna memberikan hidup yang lebih hebat. Kami mempunyai pelanggan yang setia dan yakin bahawa kepercayaan ini berteraskan perkhidmatan cemerlang yang berterusan.

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