3 how about being a doctorproactiveducation.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/modul...8....

~~~A~~-------------------------------------------- 47 Picture 2 Picture 1 RISTO What about drinking orange juice? Pay attention to the following picture and disloguesl (Perhatikan gambar dan percakapan--percakapan di bawah inil) A. Invitation Listening and Speaking 11 1 Keglatan Tujlan Belalar Setelah mempelajari materl Inl, slswa dlharapkan mampu: 1. Merespon wacana interpersonal ringan sepertl ungkapan alakan. 2. Merespon wacana transaksional nngan mamberi informasi. 3. Merespon monolog lisan pendek lerutama yang berbenluk deskrlpsi sedernaoa 4. Melakukan tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan transaksional dan atau interpersonal sepern alakan, memberi sesuatu/ i'lto -masi/jasa dan ungkapan tertma kaslh. 5. MenggU'l3kan penanda wacana dengan tepat. 6. Menggu'lakan simple present. 7. Membaca nyaling waeana ragam tulls teks deskrlptlf dengan ucapan dan intonasl yaIl(J menun!ang pemahaman oendenuarnya. 8. Mcngioontifikasi kerangkateks (generic structure) deskripsl. 9. Mengidcnlifikasi tuluan komunlkasl dari leks yang didengar. 10. Mcnyidentiflkasi tense yang domlnan dalam leks deskripsi. 11. Melakukan scanning/sklmmlngllnferenclng. 12. Mcnul.s kalimat tungslonal sederhana. 13. Mcnghasilkan teks-teks berbentuk deskripsl melalul proses penulisan. Kompetenlj Dasar 1. Merespon makna dalam pereakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisa, sangal sederhana secara akurat, larear, dan herterima untuk berinleraksi dengan lingkungan lerdekat. 2. Membaca nyaring bermakna kala, trasa, kalimat dengan ucapan. tekanan, dan Intonasi yang bertenma yang berkallan dengan lingkungan teroekal. 3. Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam leks lui is fungslonal pendek sangat senernana seeara akurat, Ian ear. dan berterlma berkaltan dengan IIngkungan terdekat. How About Being A Doctor 3 MDDUL

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Picture 2Picture 1

RISTOWhat about drinking

orange juice?

Pay attention to the following picture and disloguesl(Perhatikan gambar dan percakapan--percakapan di bawah inil)

A. Invitation

Listening and Speaking 11 1


Tujlan Belalar

Setelah mempelajari materl Inl, slswa dlharapkan mampu:1. Merespon wacana interpersonal ringan sepertl ungkapan

alakan.2. Merespon wacana transaksional nngan mamberi informasi.3. Merespon monolog lisan pendek lerutama yang berbenluk

deskrlpsi sedernaoa4. Melakukan tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan transaksional

dan atau interpersonal sepern alakan, memberi sesuatu/i'lto -masi/jasa dan ungkapan tertma kaslh.

5. MenggU'l3kan penanda wacana dengan tepat.6. Menggu'lakan simple present.7. Membaca nyaling waeana ragam tulls teks deskrlptlf

dengan ucapan dan intonasl yaIl(J menun!ang pemahamanoendenuarnya.

8. Mcngioontifikasi kerangkateks (generic structure) deskripsl.9. Mengidcnlifikasi tuluan komunlkasl dari leks yang didengar.10. Mcnyidentiflkasi tense yang domlnan dalam leks deskripsi.11. Melakukan scanning/sklmmlngllnferenclng.12. Mcnul.s kalimat tungslonal sederhana.13. Mcnghasilkan teks-teks berbentuk deskripsl melalul

proses penulisan.

Kompetenlj Dasar

1. Merespon makna dalam pereakapan transaksional daninterpersonal yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisa,

sangal sederhana secara akurat, larear, dan herterimauntuk berinleraksi dengan lingkungan lerdekat.

2. Membaca nyaring bermakna kala, trasa, kalimat denganucapan. tekanan, dan Intonasi yang bertenma yang

berkallan dengan lingkungan teroekal.3. Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam leks lui is

fungslonal pendek sangat senernana seeara akurat,

Ianear. dan berterlma berkaltan dengan IIngkunganterdekat.

How About Being A Doctor3


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----------------------'--- Bahasa Inggris VII------------------.~------.--~


d .

How about ordering some food?


I'd love to. I



/ Lefs do our homework together .

Coba kamu perhatikan gambar berikut beserta percakapannya.

Expressing Response

-· Let's join them! · Okay.

· What about going to the beach? · I'm glad to.

· Why don't we ask to Mr. Fahri? · That's a good idea.· How about watching movie? · I'd rather stay at home.

Apa yang kamu ucapkan untuk rnengajak atau mengundang orang lain? Dan apa jawaban kamujika diajakldiundang? DaJambahasa Inggris ada beberapa ungkapan dapat kita gunakan seperti:

Together with your friends! answer these questions based on the dialogue above!

(Bersama femanmu, jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut berdasarkan percakapan pada gambardi atasl)

1. Who are they?

2. Where does the conversation (picture 1) take place?3. What does the girl say to the man?

4. Where does the conversation (picture 2) take place?5. What do the conversations tell about?

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49How AboutBeingADoctor---------- _

What about goingto the man, Dad?


How about going picnic

this weekend, Mum?

Lars practice our English.Why don't we go to

the beach?'--..,.- ~



1 .

I. Write a suitable response to the gambit in the bubbJe/

(Tulis/ah respon yang tepat untuk ungkapan pada ge/embung suara!).


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----------------------------------------- Bahasa Inggris VIJ50

I'm sorry to hear thal

Howwill you go there

Unda, tomorrow Iwill visit my 10----1 What does he 1gr~a inSolo.Heissick. sufferfrom?

Study the picture and the dislogue below!

Pertlatikan gambar dan percakapan dl bawah ini!

Giving Factual Information

1. A: Let's get some drink?

B: ------------------------------------------------------2. A: What about watching an action movie?

B: ------------------------------------------------------3. A: __

B : I'd love to.

4. A: ------------------------------------------------------B : That's a good Idea.

5. A: How about visiting grandma this weekend?

B: -------------

II. Complete the following dialogues with suitable gambit!

(Lengkapilah percakapan-percakapan berikut ini dengan gambit atau ungkapan yang tepat!)


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1. Mary got an accident this morning.

2. My parents went to the rice field earty this morning.3. My sister works at foreign company.

4. She always goes to the office by a taxi.5. This morning, she didn't go to work because she got a fever.

I. Write questions for asking the italicized words!(Buatlah partanyaan untuk menanyakan kala yang dicetak miring!)


Nah, kamu tentu sudah paham bagaimana bertanya dalam bahasa Inggris. Sekarang k9~akanlah

latlhan berikut agar kamu lebih mampu dalam bertanya.

1. Who untuk menanyakan orang

e.g. Who is your father? Amril

2. Where untuk menanyakan tempat

e.g. Where do you live? In Bandung

3. How untuk menanyakan cara atau kondisi

e.g. - Cara How do you cut an apple? By using a knHe (Pisau)

- Kondisi How are you? Good

4. When untuk menanyakan waktu

e.g. When does she leave? At 7.305. What untuk menanyakan benda

e.g What is that? It's my bag.

6. How many untuk rnenanyakan banyak

e.g. How many brothers do you have? Two brothers

7. How tall untuk menanyakan tinggi.

e.g. How tall are you? 160 emB. What time untuk menanyakan waktu

e.g. What time did you get up this morning? At 5.30

Apa yang kamu lakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi faktual? Ya, tentu kita akan bertanya Berikut

ini adalah kata tanya yang digunakan daJam bahasa Inggris.

1. Who are they?

2. Where does the conversation take place?

3. What does Budi say to Linda?

4. Does he give information?

Together with your friends, answer these questions based on the dialogue above/(Bersama temanmu, jawablah pertanyaan-partanyaan berikut in; berdasarkan percakapan di atas!)

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IL Look at this picture, then write questions asking for factual information!

(Perhatikan gambar b6rikut, kemudian buatlah perlanyaan yang menanyakan informasi faktualf)

6. She will go to the doctor.7. She sent a letter to her boss.

8. A doctor is checldng up his patient.9. Mrs. Waty looks happy.

10. Mr. Rudyalways go to his office at 6.30 every momlng.

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a fishermana teachera pilot


1. Look at these pIctures, then read the profess/on labeled below/(Perhatikan gambar berikut, kemudian bacalah nama protes; yang tertu/is di bawahnya/)

Pada keglatan reading kall inl kamu akan mengenal berbagai profesi yang ada. Apakah profesi

orang tua, paman, atau tante kamu? Sekarang man kita pelajari beberapa profesi dalam bahasa I09gris.

Reading Descrlptlves II 2Kegiatan

You (kamu) : You invite your friend to study together.Your Friend (ternan kamu) : Your friend invites you to study together.

You ask him/her some questions about when, where, and who else.You : You tell him when, where, and who else.Your Friend : Accept the invitation.


Do a conversation with your friend based on the scenario belowl(Lakukan/ah percakapan dengan ternan kamu berdasarkan skenario atau situasi di bawah {nil)


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54 ----------------------- Bahasa Inggrts VfI

Sekarang coba kamu identifikasi teks deskripsj pada halaman 57.

a. My father is sick. We took him to the ....b. . I saw a ... cultivate his land.

c. Ineveryday ... goes to sea to get a lot of fish.

d. A helps a doctor in the hospital.e. A delivered a letter for me this morning.f. At home my mother called a ... to fix out window.

g. We saw a ... come to scene to investigate the accident.h. Krisdayanti is a famous ... in our country.

i. His father Is a ... He sells many kind of clothing.

j. Students always respect their ... at school.

2. Complete each sentence below with a profession!(Lengkapilah masing·masing kafimat berikut dengan sebuah profes;!)

a plumber

a farmer

a dentist

a vendor

a surgeon

a policeman

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55H~~~AD~------------~-------- ~ ~ ~


Pokok papa ran


5. Read the text again, Identify Its text structure by rewriting In the following boxes!

(8aca teks tadl sekali Jag;dan tentukan struktur teksnya dengan menuJiskannyapada katak dibawah inil)

a. Who is a fisherman?b. Where does my sister work?

c. What are on her table?

d. What does Mr. Vanta use to catch the fish?e. How is Ms. Zubaidah?

4 Read the texts again, then, answer these questions!

(8aca kemball teks di afas kemudian jawab perlanyaan-perlanyaannyal)


Ms. Zubaidah always goes to work every morning. She

brings some books with her. She never comes late to

wor1<.She works with children. At work, she explains mathto children. She also gives them homework. The childrenlike her. She is patient and clever.


Mr. Vanto always goes to work at night and come at down.He uses a boat. He works on the sea. He is able to throw

a net far away to catch the fish. He is a brave man. He isnltafraid of the sea.


My sister works at foreign company. She has a good ability

in computer. She can speak English well. Her boss usuallyasks her to write a letter in English. On her table, there

are a computer, a printer, a telephone, and letter tray.She manages her boss schedule.

Read these short texts then, match with the profession!(Bacalah teks ber;kut ini kemudian jodohkan dengan prates; yang ada di samping kananf)

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56 ~--_;_---'---:-----'-------,,--,-----------'---- B8t1asa Inggris VU

Kamu tentu masih ingat bagaimana struktur teks deskripsi yang telah kamu pelajari pada modul 1.Untuk lebih memahami man ktta diskusikan lagl bagaimana struktur generik teks deskriptif.

Struktur generik (Iangkah-Iangkah penulisan) teks deskripsi adalah:

Writing Descriptives II 3Kegiat.an

c. Ms. Rita works at the hospital. She always wears white uniform. At the hospital, she takes care ofpatient. She gives the patient some medicine. Her duty is to help a doctor cure the patient.

She is ....

b. Mr. Maman's family lives In a small village. Surrounding their house, there are a large garden and

rice field. Mr. Maman planted some orange trees on his garden. He also cultivates his garden forsome crops. He always g09Sto work early in the morning. He takes with him a plough and wears a

sun-hat.Mr. Maman is a ....

a. Hanum is a beautiful girl. She always wears uniform at work There, she deals with money and

consumer. Consumers come to her to borrow or save their money. She uses a computer and money

counting machine. Her working hours are from 7.30 to 16.00.

Hanum is a ....

6. Read the following descriptions, then decide what profession that Is being described/(BacaJah deskflpsi berikut, kemudian tentukan protesi apa yang dideskripsikan tersebutf)

Pokok paparan(Identifikasi)



Pokok papa ran




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_________ 3._________ 2.1.

L Look at the pIcture, then write crown their profession.1(Perhatikan gambar, kemudian tulislah profes;nya!)


Bagaimana sudah pahamkah kamu tentang bagaimana menulis teks deskripsi? Kalau belum pelajarilagi bab satu. Sekarang perhatikan gambar ini kemudian desknpskan pekerjaannya.

2. DescriptionSedangkan, di bagian ini penulis atau pembicara memaparkan ciri-ciri dari subjek seperti penampilan,

fisik, kebiasaan, slfat-sifat, dan sebagainya.

Contoh:He works in a hospital. He wears a stethoscope to check his patient.

1. Identification

Bagian ini berupa pengenalan subjek yang dibicarakan.


My father is a doctor.

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58 ------------------------- BaNsa InggrisVJI

2. Description:

1. Identification:

III. Descr/be your father's profession!

(Deskripsikan pekerjaan ayahmu.')

2. Description:

1. Identification:

II. Look 81 the picture then describe their profession. Remember the generic structure of


(Lihat gambar kemudian deskripsikan pekerjaan mereka Ingatfah langkah·/angkah penulisan teK2



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C. a tailor

d. a shirt

6. What is the text about?a. sewing machine

b. our dress

Text for no 6-10A tailor is a person who makes our dress, especially a man. He always works with a sewing machine

and scissor. If I want to make a shirt, I go to a tailor. The tailor will measure my body. The tailor draws amodel of a shirt that we want.

For no. 6-10 choose the correct answer based on the available texts.

(Untuk 508/ no 6 s.d 10pillhlah jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan teks yang tersedia)

c. Fine, thanksd. That's good idea

C. You're welcomed. I'm so sorry

c. It's O.K.d. Iwill

a. That's a good Ideab. Never mind

3. X: Hi, Do you know Tony's house?

Y : Sure .....a, It's big and beautifulb. It's on Mawar street

c. He lives with his uncled. It's Pink house

4. Amir: What time do you usually go to work?Mira .....

a. On JaJan Sudlrmanb. At Sakura buildingc. At? a.rn

d. At home5. Tina: How about doing this work together'?

Tika : ....

a. You're rightb. Thank you

B : ....

1 • A: What about having lunch at canteen?

B : ....

a. Oh, sorryb. I'm glad to

2. A: Let's buy some booksl

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) s, b, C, or d/"iflhlah jawaban yang paling tepat dengan cara memberikan tanda silang (x) pada salah satu hUM a,b, c, atau dl)

Te§ Formatl"

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11. What does the text tell us about?

a. Kavin c. Kavin's job

b. a camera d. Kavin's camera12. What is Kavin's job?

a. an artist

b. a journalist

c. a cameraman

d. a photographer

13. Whare does he produce his work?

a. at the office c. at studiob. outdoor d. in this town

14. What does Kavin usa to take pictures?

a. photographs

b. a camera

c. a magazine

d. a lens15. Why does Kavin change the lens of his camera several times? Because ....

a he is bored with one lens

b. he needs various shots

c. he has several kinds of lens

d. his customer wants it

Text for no. 11-15

Kavln is a professional photographer. He has a stucio. He prooices various kind photographs. He

works for a famous magazine in this town. He takes pictures outdoor and indoor. He uses a very good

camera to take pictures. His camera has several kinds of lens. He changes the lens several times

because he needs various shots.

7. What does a tailor use to work?

a. sewing machine c. a camera

b. washing machine d. a shirt

8. What will a tailor do if we want to make a shirt?a. look at you

b. talk to you

c. measure your body

d. take your picture

9. What is the form of the text?

a. recount c. narrative

b. report d. descriptive

10. What is the social function of the text?

a. to give information about the tailor

b. to entertain readers

c. to describe a tailor

d. to tall the events

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61The Gold Sflail Princess --------------------------

Picture 2

You took my comic,didn't you? I

No, I didn't.l

Pictllre 1

I'm sorry, I fell itDid you break


Pay attention to the picture and dialogues below!

(Perhatikan gambar dan percakapan-percakapan di bBwah inil)

Listening and Speaking II 1Kegiatan

Tujuan Belajar

Setelah me npelajari materi ini, SiSVJ3dtharaakan mampu:1. Merespon wacara Inrerpersoral ringa, sepert ungkapan

menenrna da'! menyangkal.2 Merespon rrorolog IIsan pendek terutama yang

berbertuk naratif sederhana.3. MelakJkan lindak nzur j3 am wacana lisa1 transaksionaldan

atau Inte-personalsepertl J1gkapanrnenerima danmenyanokal.4. Menggunaka1 penanda wacana dengan tepat.5. Me1gguna<an pas: conno.rous.6. Memmca nyaring wacanar3!Jf1nl tulis leks !larali! dmgall ucapan

dan monas yang llenllnjang pe'llahal11all pcndcngarnya7. Mengrdentif kas kerangka leks (generic structure) naratit8. Mengldenllf kasi tuiuan kornunikasi dari leks yang dide'lgar.9. Mengldenliflkasi tense ~'angdominan calam leks naratif., O. Mf!la.<ukanscannirYls~lllIlTlin9!infcrencing11. Menuhs kaumat lurgsional sederiana.12 MenghaSilkan leks-leks bel bentuk melalui proses penullsan.

A. Expressing Acceptance and Denial

Kompalensi Dasar

\1er8spon mak-ta dalam percakapan transaksional can

Interpersonal yang rrenggunakan ragam bahasa lisansangat sederhana seeara akurat ancar, dan bsrterirna

untuk bennteraksi dengan lingkL ligan :crdckal.2. Membaca nyarlng bermakna kata, frasa, kalinat dengan

ucapan, tekanan, dan intonasi yang berterima ~Iilngbsrka: tan dengan IIngkGngan terdckat.

3. Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks tullstungsionai pAnda\< sangat sederhana secara akurat,

lancar, cJan berterima berkaitan dencan I ngkunganterdekat.

The Gold Snail Princess



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62 -----~~-~-------------- Bahasa InggrisVD


ou lie to me? ]

Berikut ini ada beberapa percakapan. Coba kamu perhatikan bagaimana menggunakan ungkapan

menerima atau menolak tuduhan.

Expressing Denial (Ungkapan menyangkal)No, I didn't do it.

It's not true.She never says that.

Expressing Acceptance (Ungkapan menerima)Yes, I did it

You're right.

Apa yang akan kamu lakukan jika kamu mendengar berita yang tidak benar? Ya betul, Kita tentuakan menyangkal tuduhan/berita tersebut. Dalam bahasa Inggris, untuk menyangkal kamu dapatmenggunakan ungkapan berikut:

1. Who are they?

2. What did the boy ask his little brother?3. Did his little brother accept his brother's accuse?4. How do you know?

b. Coversation 2:

1. Who are they?2. What did the girl ask the boy?

3. Did the boy accept her friend's accuse?4. How do you know?

a. Conversation 1:

Together with your friends, answer these questions based on the dialogues above!Bersama temanmu, jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini berdasarkan percakapan pada gambar

di atas!

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63The Gold Snail Princess-------- _


You went to the movie with Anton

last night, didn't


Did you tell her

my secret? 1---------.

1. 2.

I. Write a suitable response to the gambit you hearl(Tulislah respon yang tepat untuk ungkapan yang kamu dengar!)



You are our new neighbor,


Yes, You're right


You took my book,didn't you?

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64 ...--------:;------,-----"...,.-----:----------- Bahasa Inooris VII

You left the door unlock. Luckily I came early.I

: Joni, you threw all these garbage over here. It's nasty.

: Andi why did you tear my book?•

.. ..,.: You spilt coffee on my table, didn't you?

You threw old newspapers. I really need them...,r I

Pu1,you took my pencil, didn't you?

No, '00

You cheated at the last exam. Your answer was the same with one of your friends

Did you listen to his idea? Irs wonderful.

."' ...,Look at those shoes! They are beautiful, aren't they?

1. HarryWira.

2. SantiMaya

3. Mr. WantoMr. Hamid

4. Ms. Hartati


5. AdamPuti

6. Yenny


7. TikaWawan

8. HaniAndi

9. HamidAchmad

10. Mother


n. Complete the following conversations with suitable expressionl

(LBngkapifah percakapan-pBrcakapan berikut dengan ungkapan yang sesuall)


: This lesson is very difficult..t (


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TheGold Snail Princess ------,......,---------------:----- 65

1. Who are they?

2. Where does the conversation take place?3. What does Rina ask to Nina?

4. What does Hilman ask to Dani?

Together with your friends, answer the questions based on the dialogues abovel8ersama temanmu, jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut in; berdasarkan percakapan di atasl


My mother was sewingclothes when my uncle


Dan, whatwas yourmother doing w+'ienyou



rNina, what were you doing Iwaswashingthewhile your parents were -e-i disheswhilethey

..__-;;~~~tv7~:::t were watchingtv.

Notice the picture and the dIalogues below!Pematikan gambar dan percakBpan di bBwah ini!

Past Continuous Tense

Your Friend

YouYour Friend


You (Kamu) : You called your friend asking whether she/he tells your secret to others.

Your Friend (Ternan Kamu) : Your friend called you asking whether you tell his/her secret to others.But you denied that.

: You can't believe your friend's answer.: Give some arguments to make your friend believe on you.: Say sorry to your friend for the accuse.

: Accept your apology.


Do a conversation with your fflend based on the scenario belowl (Lakukanlah percakapan dengan

ternan kamu berdasarkan skenano atau situasl dl bawah in;!)


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------------------------ Bahasa Ing9n5 VII66

Bagaimana pahamkah kamu akan kegunaan past continuous tense dan bedanya dengan simplepast tense? Bagus. Agar lebih paham mari kita simpulkan.

3. He accepted a phone call while he was writing a


2, My father was reading a newspaper while my mother

was washing the dish.

1. Budi was playing basketball at 3 o'clock in the after-



Sebagaimana telah kamu pelajari pada modul 2 bahwa struktur penulisan teks naratif ini dimu ~dengan orientasi, kemudian komplikasi setelah itu resolusi dan diakhiri dengan re-orientasi. Sedangk&~

tense yang digunakan yaitu past tense. Kegunaan tense ini untuk menyatakan kejadian wak1u tampa,

Ada beberapa bentuk past tense. Pada bab dua kamu sudah mempelajari simple past. Sekarang karr ,akan mempelajari bentuk past tense yang lain yaitu past continuous. Bagaimana penggunaan pas;

continuous ini, pematikanlah contoh kalimat berikut ini.

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The Gold Snail Princess -----------------------


While Subject was/were v-ing,

Subject was/wereI

v-ing. I

While they were waiting for me I was standing on

the line

When Subiect V2 Subiect was/ware v-Ing

when I came In, she was sleepingwhen they went out We were discussing

our plan

Subject was/were • when subject I V2v-Ing

-She was sleeping when I came inWe were discussing our plan when they went out

Subject was/were v-Ingf-

They were taking short course at London University.

He was standing there at 10 o'clock.

Past Continuous Tense menggunakan bentuk (form) sebagai berikut:

Past Continuous Tense digunakan:

Pertama, untuk menyatakan kegiatarv'kejadian yang sedang bertangsung pada waktu tertentudi waktu lampau.8.g. I was having fun at the last vacation.

They were taking short course at London University.

Kedua, untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang terganggu di masa lampau di mana satu kegiatansedang te~adi ketika kegiatan lain muncul.

e.g. She was sleeping when I came in.She turned on the TV while we were studying.

Ketiga, untuk menyatakan dua kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung bersamaan di waktulampau.

e.g. I was standing on the line while they were waiting for me.

While my father was taking a bath, we were talking at the diningroom.

Past Continuous Tensa

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----------------------- Bahasa Inggris VII68


II. Look at thesepictures, these activities are happened last week. Writea sentence for eachpicture in past continuous tense!(Perhatikan gambar in;. kegiatan in; terJ8dr nlinggu /atu. Tu/isJahsebuah kalimat untuk maslng·

masing gambar da/am past conllfluous tense')

She ... (take) my paper while I ... (talk) to you.She took my paper while I was talking to you.

w(('< 1;~~:rl"<J~t,io:~~'1. They (study) when I ... (enter) the room. e, IAi (t.~2. Tini (cook) while her mother (wash) the dish. o: I3. When he (come), my friends ... (sit) under three. Zo"'\:t4. The tutor (talk) to me while Owi ... (talk) to Unda I ,,\"""-'

5. The boys (play) football while the girls ... (eat) in·canteer I ~e6. My mother (cook) in the kitchen when my father ... (call). J 4.$. Ccc~ ~ I7. Rizal ... (read) a newspaper when I ... (come). r: f'lle

8. While Mr. lrawan ... (make) a call. her secretary ... (knock) the door. 1M

9. My brother ... (work) in the foreign company at this time last year.10. While Tom's sister ... (watch) TV, he ... (do) his homework.

Examples:We ... (have) lunch at the canteen when the bell ... (ring).

We were having lunch at the canteen when the bell rang.- ~ ...f

t: ,,''''''' --"" t: \ ;.I '- •

t. Change the verb in bracket into past continuous tense!(Ganti/ah kala kerja yang dl da/am kurung rnenjadl bentuk past continuous tense!)


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The Gold SnaIl Princess -------------------------- 69




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71TheGoldSnaiPrilcess ----------------------

Orientation .




1. Rewrite the story based on its part.

If. Read the text again and then do the following taskl

(Baca teks kembaJidan lakukan tugas berikut inif)

1. Mention the characters of the storyl (Sabutkan karakter dalam cerita di atasl)2. Who worked hard in the summer? (Siapa yang bekerja keras waktu musim panas?)3. Who had no food in the winter? (Siapa yang tidak punya makanan di waktu musim dingin?)

4. What lesson did the grasshopper get from the Ant? (Pelajaran apa yang diperoJeh Grasshopperdari Ant?)

5. How is the end of the story? (Bagaimana akhlr cerltanya?)

I, Read the story carefully, then answer these questions!

(8aca/ah cerita dengan telitl kemudian jawab pertanyaannyaf)


In the field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hoping about, chirping and

singing to its heart's content. An Ant passed by. He was carrying an ear of com. He wastaking it to the nest

"Why not come and chat with me,· said the grasshopper, "we have got plenty offood at present." But the ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the wintercame the Grasshopper had no food, found himself dying of hunger, while it saw the Ant

distributing com and grain every day from the stores they had collected in the Summer.

Kamu tentu masih ingat bentuk teks cerita naratif yang telah kamu pelajari. Pada modul 4 ini, kamumasih akan membaca carita narat;f. Kamu diharapkan dapat membaca cerita dengan Intonasi yang

baik. Untuk itu, pahamilah isi cerita terlebih dahulu. Sakarang, perhatikan cerita berikut ini, kemudiankerjakanlah latihannya.

Reading Narratives II 2Kegiatan

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--~---=:.......------------------ Bahasa InggrisVlI72

IV. Write down 5 simple past sentences taken 'rom the storyl(Tu/is/ah 5 kaJimat simple past yang diambil dari centa!)

1. Mention the character of the storyl (Sebutkan karakter dalam cerita di atasl)

2. What did a countryman find at the nest of his goose? (Apa yang ditemukan seorang lakl-Iaki desa

di sarang angsanya?)

3. Why was a countryman going to throw it? (Kenapa laki-laki desa itu mau melempar telur tersebut?)

4. How was a countryman when he grew rich? (Bagalmana keadaan lakHaki desa itu ketika dia jadi


5. Why did he kill the goose? (Kenapa dia membunuh angsanya?)

In. Read the story again to answer thess questionsl(Bacalah cerita kembali untuk menjawab pertanyaan-perfanyaan berikut inN)

One day a countryman going to the nest of his goose found there an egg all yellow and glittering.

When he took it up it was as heavy as lead and he was going to throw it away, because he thought a trick

had been played on him. But he took it home on second thoughts, and soon found that it was an egg of

pure gold. Every moming the same thing occurred, and he grew rich by selling his eggs. As he grew rich

he grew greedy; and thinking to get at once all the gold the goose could give, he killed it and opened it

only to find nothing.

The Goose with the Golden Eggs

Here is another story. Read it carefully, then answer questions that follow!

2. Read the story loudly, and ask your friends to listen to you.

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c. Mimid. Fairy

Peter Pan was an orphan. His fairy godmother gave him the gift of flight. Peter's fairy took him toNeverland, He met many friends there. He took out his pipe and played a few songs.

One night, Peter flew Into town. He saw a mother sleeping with her baby. "How Iwish I had a mother," he

said sadly. He then flew back to Neverland. There he met Mimi. Mimi, too, was an orphan. They becamefriends.

Peter and Tinker Bell, a fairy, flew into town and be friended Wendy and her brothers. Wendy'smother saw Peter. She tried to catch him but only caught his shadow. Peter begged Wendy to sew his

shadow back and she agreed, He then took Wendy and her brothers to Neverland.There Wendy and her brothers were captured by Captain Hook, the evil pirate. Peter with the help

of Tinker 8ell, fought the pirates and won.

Peter then bought Wendy and her brothers home.

1. Who gave Peter Pan the gift of flight?a. Wendy's motherb. Wendy , ,

2. Where did Fairy take Peter Pan to?

a. Town c. The sleeping mother

b. Neverland d. Orphanage3. What did Peter Pan see when he flew into town?

a. The sleeping mother c. The pirates

b. Orphanage d. Mimi4. Who did Peter Pan meet when he was back to Never1and?

a. Wendy's mother c. Mimi

b. Wendy d. Fairy5. Who is Tinker Bell?

a. Wendy's mother c. A Good Fairy

b. Wendy's brother d. The Pirates6. What did Wendy's mother do when she saw Peter? She ""

a. greeted Peter c. caught Peter's shadow

b. begged Peter d. sew Peler's shadow


VI. Read this story carefully, then answer the questions that follow/

(Baca/ah cerita berikut dengan teliti kemudian jawab penanyaan-pertanyaannya!)

4, Re-orientation

3, Resolution

2. Complicatlon

1, Orientation

V. Rewrite the story based on their parts!(Tulis/ah kemball cerlta berdasarkan bagian·bagiannyal)

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~:)~Jr?f!-!~?-74"'~?;~~';~~~·~~<?"i:··:jC;!·,~~·,~,~~ ·~··"iih1iaJM1.ris·fiR, v~:"':.:;1,;~':.o._._~JJ'bI '~$~'" ""O\i""ao\~~~~~:':!t==== •• - a:"~-:=:-...-:'!.-.:;;.~;_"'~?i'~

2. Pinocchio3. Nyi Roro Kidul

4. Sangku'iang

5. Si Kabay9n

I. Write down a narl1llive text (1(1 Ofie of the following topics. (Tulislah sebuah carita naratif tentang

salah satu clari topik berikuf ini). FIIStdo brmstcmllllg, and then. tl}' to make Iifirst draft, (Pertamalalwkanlah pengumpulan ide, dan sa/elah itu 1JJ/isJah dtaf pelfama)


1. Qinderella


Selain itu juga jang8Jl lupa bahwa dalam menufis leks naratif !<.itamenggunakan past tense, balksimple past maupun past continuou s.

Bagalmana? Sudah pahamkah kamu tentang bagatnana bentuk teks naratif? Sekarang marl berlatlhmenulls sebuah cadta narat~.

Pertu dllngat bahw3 teks naratif terdL1alas 4 bagian. yaitu:a. Orientation

b. ComplicationC. Aesolution

d. Re·orlentation


Writing Narratives II 3

c. 10 entertain the reader

d. to refeillhe events

c. dsscriplive

d. nanalive

a. recountb. report

10. What is Ihe purpose 01 the text?a. to give information about !he story.

b. to describe Peter Pan

7. Which one is complication part 01 the sIo!y?a. Peter and Tinker Bell flew into tOY.'Il.

b. Wendy's molher saw Peter.C. Peter Pan was an orphan

d. Peter and Mimi became friends.

8. "Peter then boughl Wendy and her brcithers hooIe." This part of slory is calted?

a. orientation c. resolutionb. complication d. re-orientation

9. What is the form of Ihe text?

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The Gold SoaiI Princess ------..::...:.;::.....=....--'----''---''---;;-----;;--_-.::.. _ 75

b. Revise your story by asking your friend to read your story and give opinion on each part. (Revisilah

cerita kamu dengan meminta teman kamu membacanya dan memberikan pendapat terhadapmasing-masing bagian.) After that rewrite your story based your friend's opinion that you think it will

make your story better. (Setelah itu tulislah kembali cerita kamu atas masukkan pendapat temankamu yang kamu anggap dapat membuat cerita kamu menjadi lebih baik.)

Orientation Once upona time,






Orientation) ..___..• where

• when

• who• what

,__..... ( Re·orientation rending


r----.( Resolution r sotve the problem


• series of events ~ comPlication)...----,• conflict (problem)


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76 -----:-----:------------------ Bahasa Inggris VII

1. I .., (wait) for the bus when the accident ... (happen)

2. They (play) football when Andi ... (come)3, She (to be) busy ... (make) a cake when her boyfriend ... (come)

4. Ina (go) to her unc Ie's house when you ... (phone)5. Desi and Ria ... (attend) Dina's party at this time yesterday

U. Change the verb in bracket into past continuousl(Gantilah kata kerja yang ada di da/am kurung menjadi bentuk past continuous!)

1. A : You broke my bicycle. didn't you?

S : ....a. No. I donotb. No. I didn't

c. No, I amnold. No, I cannot

2. x : She told you a lie.y : ....a. good c. It's not trueb. Irs bad d. I will

3. A : 0 •••

S : No, I didn't sweara. You are beautiful

b. You are kindc. You are pretty

d. You read my letter, didn't you?4. A : She didn't love you at all.

B : ....a. She never says that c. Ifs goodb. It's bad d. II's wonderful

5. Mrs. Ita : You are my student, aren't you?lis .. ....a. No, I don't

b. Yes, Idac. Yes, you're right

d. Yes, you are

Chooss the correct answer by crossing (x) 8, b, c, or d!(Pilihlah Jawaban yang paling tepat dengan cara memberikan randa silang (x) pada salah satu huruf ab..c, atau d!)


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77I Agreewlth You --------------------------

Picture 2

to save

Picture' 1

I think you need I - -a rest '

A. Expressing Ideas/Opinions

Pay attentIon to the pictures and dialogues below!(Perhatikan gambar dan percaklJp8n-percakapan di bawah ini!)

Listening and Speaking II 1


KompBtensi Dasar

Mcrcspon makna dalam percakapan lransaksional dan

Interpersonal yang menggunakar :agam bahasa lisansanga! sederhana seeara akurat, lancar, da'l berterima

unluk berinteraks dengan Ilngkungan terdekaL2. Membaca nyaring bermakna kata, 'rasa, ca mal dengan

ucapan, tekanan, dan intonasi yang berterima yang

berkaltan dengan Ilngkungan terdekat.3. Merespon makna yang !erdapat dalam leks tulis

fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat,lanear, dan berterima berkaitan dengan lingkungan


Tujuan Bllajar

Setelah mempelajari materi ini, siswa diharapkan mampu:1. Merespon wacana interpersonalringan seperti IdelPendapat2. Merespon monolog lisan pendek terutama yang

berbentuk recount sederhana3. Melakukan tindak tutur daJamwaeana lisan transaksional

dan atau interpersonal seperti mengungkapkan Ide ataupendapat dan menyetujuilmenolak ide/pendapat

4. Menggunakan penanda waeana dengan tepat.5. Menggunakan simple past6. Membaca nyaring waeana ragam tulls teks recount

dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang menunjaAgpemahaman pendengarnya.

7. Mengidentifikasi kerangka leks (generlc structure) recount.8. MengideotiflkaslbJjal komunlkasl dar! teks yang didengar.9. Mengidentifikasl tense yang dominan dalam teks recount10. Melakukan scanning/skimmlng/inferencing.11. Menulis kallmat fungsional sederflana.12. Menghasilkan teks-teks berbentuk recount melalul proses


I Agree with You5


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----------------------- Bct1asalnggrisVII78


No, don'ldo


Irsbetter we talk to


I agree with


I thin k It's good.

Coba kamu perhatikan gambar berikut beserta percakapannya.

• No, don't do that.

• I disagree.

- I don't agree.- I don't think so.


- I agree with you.- I'm with you.

- Yes, thars good.• I think so.


Sedang untuk menanggapi pendapatlide, ungkapan berikut dapat kamu gunakan.

e. Whatabout 0 , •••••• to. 0., •••••••••••••••••••••.•••••

f. wtlydon' .

g. Shellle , , , o.

a.. Ittlink ..... ,.." .......................•...................................

b. According to my opinion .c. It's better ..

d. Based on my mine ..

Apa kamu sering mengungkapkan ide atau pendapat kamu kepada orang lain? Bagaimanatanggapan kamu jika seseorang menyatakan ide/pendapatnya? Dalam bahasa Inggris, untuk

mengungkapkan ide atau pendapat kamu dapat menggunakan ungkapan berikut:

1. Who are they?

2. Where does the conversation take place?3. What did Ririn say to Nina (picture 1)?

4. What did Irfan advise Reza (picture 2)?

Together with your friend, answer these question based on the dialogue above!

(Bersama temanmu, jawablah peftanyaan·perlanyaan berdasarkan tentang percakapan di atas!)

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I Agree with You ------------------------ 79


(He'ldra was notgoodh:==~"""

~ back position.


T'lis is toodirty. How

aboul c ea'ling il up?J'------,-


1think you needa hand.


I Write a Buitable response to the gambit you heard in the bubbler(Tulis/ah respon yang tepat untuk ungk1Jpanyang kamu dengar pada gelembung sua,a/).


Bagaimana? Pahamkah kamu bagaimana mengungkapkan pendapatJide dalam bahasa Inggris

beserta responnya? Sekarang saalnya kamu mengerjakan latihan berikut.


Accordingtomy ~_ :------11 don'tthinkso.

lOPinion, she'll win

the game.

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___;:.......--__.:::,-=-:=---=--=-:;:.=-.===.::.=...,;;:...;:_-=-=-=-===-------~;-- Bahasa Inoons VII80

Playing go~Playing football


Playing tennis


ReadingPlaying piano


III These are pictures of leisure activities (/n; merupakan gambar dari kegiatan waktu senggang).

Match them with the words on the list (Jodohkanlah gambar dengan kata-kala yang merupakannama kegiatan yang ada da/am daftar yang tersedia).

1. A: According to me, our team will win the game.

B:2. A: What about asking our tutor about this problem?

B: ------------------------------------------------------3. A: I think she will come.

B: ------------------------------------------------------4. A: Why don't you give pesticide?

B: -----------5. A: Ifs better you ask pennission from your parents.

B: ------------------------------------------------------6. X: Playing goff is an expensive hobby.

Y: ------------------------------------------------------7. A: Surfing is not suitable for her. She is very weak.

B: ------------------------8. X: I think jogging is good for your health.

Y: ------------------------------------------------------9. X: What about putting chess as one of the game in tfle next class meeting?

Y: ------------------------------------------------------10. A : Hobby can take us into a famous person.

B: ------------------------------------------------------

II. Give response to the following gambltl(Beri/ah response yang tepat untuk ungkapan-ungkapan berikutl)


II is her best

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I Agree with You ------------------------~:_::___:-=-,







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IV. What do think of these leisure activities? Which of them doyou enjoy doing and why? (Ape pendapatkamu tentang kegiatan wBktuS6nggang ini? Yang mana dari kegiatsn Ini yang kamu S6nsngi dankl'lnapa?)



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I Agreewilh You ----------------------- 83

Fungsi teks ini adalah untuk menceritakan pengalamanlkejadianlperisliwa kepada pembaca (to

tell the experience/events to the readers).

Orientatione.g. Yesterday, my friend and I went to the zoo.


e.g. We saw some birds.Re-orientatione.g. We really enjoyed our day.

Setiap orang memiliki hobi atau kesukaan, Bagaimana dengan kamu?

Tahukah kamu, bahwa hobby dapat membawa seseorang kepada kesuksesan dan ada juga yangmembawa kemunduran. Ada berbagai pengalaman yang menarik dan yang mengecewakan dari hobby

kita. Pada bah ini kim akan membaca pengaJaman seseorang dalam melaksanakan hobinya. Bacalahpengalaman tersebut dan pematikan bagaimana cara menyampaikannya.

Teks recount adalah sebuah teks yang menceritakan tentang pengalaman baik fakta maupun fiktif.Ada beberepa macam teks recount di antaranya adalah personal recount, factual recount, etc. Struktur

generik dari teks recount ini adalah:

Reading Recounts II 2Kegiat:an

You (Kamu) : You ask your friend opinion about your plan to join Hiking Club.

Your Friend (Teman Kamu) : Your friend asks your opinion about hislher plan to join Hiking Club. Soyou say that It Is a good activity and tell himther that hiking is a good

hobby. It trains us to be brave and love the environment.You : You agree with your friend opinion and you thank your friend for hiS/ her

opinion.Your Friend : Reply your friend's gratitute.


Do B conversation with your friend based on the scenario be/owl(Lakukanlah percakapan dengan ternan ksmu berdasarkan skenario atau situasi cfi bawah ini!)


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84 -----~:---------~--------::__ Bahasa InggriSYtl

I. Choose the best answer to the following questions!(Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini!)

1. The text talks about ....a. Andi's experience c. Andi's hobbyb. Traffic accident d. A motorcyclist

2. What was Andi's hobby?

a. Traveling c. Motor racingb. Car racing d. Motorcyclist

3. What happened to Andi?

a. Fell down to the valley. c. Join the racing.b. Got an accident in the racing. d. Using a wheel chair.

4. Who took him to hospital?

a. His friend c. Policemanb. His coach d. The rescue team

5. How long was he in the ICU room?a. One day c. A week

b. Three day d. A month


1. accident = kecelakaan2. motorcyclist = pengendara motor

3. wheel chair = kursi roda4. racing = Balapan5. unconscious= tidak sadar

Last year, Andi got an accident at the racing circuit. Since that time he had to use a

wheel chair. He was a motorcyclist. Racing was his hobby.On the last June, Andi joined a motor racing competition. Unfortunately, he got an

accident. He fell down as he got on the hidden road. And another motorcyclist hit him. Hewas unconscious. He lost a lot of blood. The rescue team took him to the hospital

Immediately. Andl has been in the ICU room for a week. He had to lost his legs.Since that time he has to wear the wheel chair and he had to give up his hobby.

I. Read thIs text, then answer the questions that follow!

(BBcalah teks berikut kemudian jawab pertanyaannyaJ)


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85I Agree with You -----=-=-_:_::~-----------,-____,..------

Teks recount adalah sebuah teks yang menceritakan tentang pengalamanlperistiwalkejadian, baik

fakta maupun fiktif. Ada beberapa macam teks recount di antaranya adalah personal recount, factual

recount, etc.

Writing Recount II 3Kegiat.an

1 Where was I driving?

2 What did I see?

3 Why did I have to do?

4 What happened when I back to town?

5 Mention the orientation part of this story!

IV. Read the tert again cBlefully, then answer these questions!

(Bacalah teks dengan teliti kemudian jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaannyaJ)

I was driving along the coast road when the car suddenly lurched to one side. At first

I thought a tire had gone but then I saw telegraph poles collapsing like matchsticks.

The rocks came tumbling across the road and I had to left the car. When Igot back to

town, well, as I said, there wasn't much left.

What is the text about?

•. Read this tert, then Bnswer the following questions!

(Baca teks berikut la/u jawab pertanyaan-penanyaannya/)

last year, Andi got an accident at the racing

circuit. Since that time he had to use a wheel Since that time he has to wear the wheelchair. He was a motorcyclist. Racing was chair and he had to give up his hobbyhis hobby. B


On the last June, Andi joined a motor racing competition. Unfortunately, he got an accident. He

fell down as he got on the hidden road. And another motorcyclist hit him. He was unconscious.

He lost a lot of blood. The rescue team took him to the hospital immediately. Andi has been in

the ICU room for a week. He had to lost his legs.


I Mention which part of the text is orientationl eventsl or re-orientationl(Sebutkan bagian mana yang termasuk orientasi, events, atau reorientasi/)

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First Draft:

Event 2

Event 1 '" i / Event 3


2. Complication


Who? ~ i / When?

[ ORIENTATION ISecond step:

1. Orientation

First Step:

Writedown what you did yesterdaymomlng. 51attyour wrillllg by dcing a brainstorming. Then. writeyoulfirstdran.

Ciri<iri leks Il!COUnt adaJah:

1. StruktutgeneIik dart leks recount ini adalah mulai dengan orientation kemudian dJilruti EWsntsdi marlamemapaJl(an belbagai penstiwa yang diceritakan secara kronologis. dan dtutup re-onemason

2. Menggunakan kalimat past tense.

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Yesterday, Lou short was driving his car 90 miles an hour. He went through six red lights. He

knocked over a fruit.stand. He forced another car off the road, and it crashed into the water. Then, hedrove right over the top of parked truck, across the side walk, and through the front window of a depart-

ment store. His car finally stopped in the middle of the shoe department. Luckily no one was hurt. All this

happened in the movie. Lou is a stuntman.

For no. 6-15 choose the coitea answer based on the following text!

(Untuk soal no 16 s.d 15pilihlah satu jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan teks berikut ini!)

c. sleeps

d. slept

a. You did?

b. I don't think so

c. I'm really sorry.d. I deny that

4. Amir: What was happening to you?

Mira : I ... my bike when the car hit something.

a. Is riding

b. Was ridingc. ride

d. will ride

5. Jane: What was he doing when you came?

Nela : He ....

a. was sleepingb. is sleeping

1. A : I think Rian is wrong.

B : I •••

a. I'm sorry for that

b. Good afternoon

c. Thank you.

d. I agree with you.2. A : What about going camping next weekend?

8 : .,.. •

a. It's a good idea

b. Good!

c. I'm sony

d. Thanks

3. X : It's really a wonderful action.Y : ....


Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!(Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat dengan cara memberikan tanda silang (x) pada salah satu huruf a,

b, c, atau dl)



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88 ----------------------- Bahasa Inggns VII

c. stalld. ready

c. Today

d. two days ago

6. The text tells us about ....

a. Stuntman

b. Lou is a stuntman

c. How do you do, too Loud. How are you? Lou's car

7. How was Lou driving his car?a. Slowly

b. Very fast

c. Recklesslyd. Normal speed

8. When did the events happend?a. Last weekb. Yesterday

9. Where did the car stop? In front of ....a. red light

b. parked truckc. a department store

d. shoe department

10. He knocked over a fru~ stand.The underlined word means .....a. straight

b. erect11. What kind of text is H?

a reportb. recount

C. narratived. descriptive

12. Which one of these sentences is not past event?a. He knocked over a fruit standb. He forced another car off the road

c. Luckily no one was hurt.

d. He is a stuntman13. It crashed into the water. The underlined word means .

a. broken c. cameb. hit d. fell

14. His car finally stopped in the middle of the shoe department. The underlined word means ........a. centerb. front

c. backd. side

15. What is purpose of the writer?

a. to give i1formationb. to describe Lou shortC. to tell the eventsd. to entertain with the story

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Coba karnu perhatikan gambar berikut beserta percakapannya

Apa yang akan kamu lakukan jlka kamu mendengar bema yang tidak menggembirakan atau melihat

ternan kamu bersedih? Ya betul, kita tentu akan mengungkapkan rasa empati. Dalam bahasa Inggris,

untuk memberi empati kita dapat menggunakan ungkapan berikut:

Oh no, you fell over.

Oh, sorry to hear that.

Poor you.


Ustening and Speaking 1 I 1

Expressing Empathy


1ujuan Belsjsr

Setelah mempelajari maleri ini, sisYla diharapkan mampu:1. Merespon wacana interpersonal ringan seperti ungkapan

memberi empati.

2. Merespon mono log lisan pe~dek 'tarutarna yangberbenluk recount sedernana. .

3. Melakukan tindak tutur daJamwacana lisan transakslonaldan atau interpersonal sepsrn ungkapan memberi empali.

4. Menggunakan penanda wacana dengan tepa!.

5. Menggunakan simple past.6. Membaca nyaring wacana ragam tulis teks recount

dengan ucapan dan lntonasl yang menunjang

pemahaman pendengarnya.7. Mengidentifikasi kerangkaleks (generic structure) recount

8. Mengidentitikasitujuan komunikasi dan teks yang dldengar.9. Mengidentifikasi tense yang dominan dalam leks recount1O. Mela~ukan scanninglskimminglinferencing.

11. Menu.lis kalimat fungsional sederhana.12. Menghasllkan teks-teks berbentuk recount melalui proses


Kompelensi DaSlr

1. Merespon makna dalam percaKapan transakslohal danlnterpersonal yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan

sangal sederhana secara akurat, Ianpar, dan berterirnauntuk berlnteraksi dengan lingkungan tercekar, .

2. Membaca nyaring bermakna kata, frasa, kaliniat denganucapan, tekanan, dan intunasi yang berterima yangberkaltan dengan ilngkungan terdekat.

3. Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks tutisfungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat,

lancar, dan berterima berkaitan denoan IIngkunganterdekat.



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------------------------ Bahasa InggrisVlJ90


Complete the following dialogue with suitable responses I

(Lengkapilah percakapan berikut inl dengan respon yang tepat!)


Bagaimana? Pahamkah kamu bagaimana mengungkapkan rasa empati dalam bahasa Inggris'"

Sekarang saatnya kamu mengerjakan latihan berikut.

Oh no, you failr;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;::::~:;r~Poor you, but.you c;I ' can try again.

.:I:!? _

I lost my wallet. 1( .

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~91... ..~





My grandmahasbeen




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Open the window! (buka jendela)

PUI your book on the table! '(Ietakkan bukumu di alas meja)

Bagaimana'kita memberi perintah dalam bahasa Inggri5? Jika kamu ingin memerintahkan

seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu (command) maka gunakanlah kata keria dasar pada awal kalimat.e.g. .

1. Who are they?

2. Where do the conversation take place?

3. What does mother, say to Rita?4. What does the man say to his friend?

Together with your friends, IInswer the following questloos based on the dialogues abovel(Bersama temanmu. jawablal1pertanyaan-pertanyaanberikutberdasarlranpeTCakapandi alas)

Study the pictures and the dialogues below!(Perliatlkan gambar dan pe1l:8kapan.percak8pondl baw8h inll)

Did you know. Tom's house was

fired last night?


Command and Prohibition

His father die:!9.

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Maka kata kerja yang digunakan untuk perintah adalah kata kerja pada kolom pertama (bentuk

pertama), kolom kedua digunakan untuk menunjukkan waktu lampau. Perhatikanlah ungkapan perintah

dan larangan berikut.

Infinitive Past Perfect Meaning (arti)

be (is, am, are) was been adalah

went went•go pergl


do did done melakukan

sit sat sat duduk

wash washed washed•


eat ate eaten makan

• •memberigive gave given

write wrote writen menulis/mencatat •

•• •sing sang sung menyanyi

sleep slept slept tidur

see saw seen melihat

work worked worked bekerja

wash washed washed•


play played played bermain

help helped•

helped menolong

clean cleaned cleaned membersihkan

Berikut ini adalah daftar kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris, pelajarilah bentuk dan artinya.

- Don't leave me alone! Uangan tinggalkan saya sendiri)

- Don't go away! Uangan pergi jauh)

Sedangkan untuk mengatakan jangan melakukan sesuatu (prohibition), awalilah dengan kata

Don't dan diikuti kata kerja dasar (Verb I)


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94 ----------------------- -- Bahasa InggrisViI

/1This box is very heavy.

Ican not lift it.

2.U's very hard to open. ~ ]......,........~l


t. Give command or prohibition based on the situation in the bubblel(Berifah perintah atau /arangan yang tepat berdasarkan situasi da/am ge/embung suaral)


-- Bring it tomorrow. 1I forgot to bring 1your cassette.


fAitSn the dishes inI~e CUPboard.:.__j

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II. Look at the picture, then write down a suitable command for each picture!

(Lihatlah gambar, kemudian buatlah perintah yang sesuai untuk masing-mas;ng gambar tersebutf)

[ .....JI found a wallet in th~



I'm not feeling well.

I got a fever. J



- --'jI


Oh, this math problem is

very difficult.


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------------------------- Bahasa Inggrls VII96

You need some money. Then you tell your problem to your friend.

Your friend needs some money. You ask him/her to ask his/her father.

You feel sad because your father is sick. He is in the hospital now. You

tell your friend about your father.

You (Kamu)

Your Friend (Temanmu)



Do a conversation with your friend based on the scenario below!

(Lakukanlah percakapan dengan teman kamu berdasarkan skenario atau situasi di bawah in;!)






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Yesterday at my neighbor, we celebrated our Independent Day_We had performances, food stalls,

displays, and game.

We started our day off with performances but the one I liked best was climbing a palm tree. We

played various games. The performance I was in was Lenong Betawi.

Straight after our performances we had our lunch. There were food stalls. They offer various kinds

of food, especially traditional rood

Dear Aminah,





Penqumpul dana


Karya seni

Hari libur


Pada modul5 kamu sudah mempelajari bagaimana bentuk teks recount dan tense yang digunakan.

Marl berlatih kernbali untuk menfngkatkan kemampuan membaca kamu terutama tentang teks recount.

Untuk memudahkan kamu memahami isi teks pelajari dulu kata-kata berikut.

a. Study the sentences below then try to guess the meJJningof the words In italic!(Pel8jari kalimat di bawah Ini kemudian tebak artl kata yang dicetak miring!)

1. Aia invited me to her party last night. She celebrated her birthday.

2. The offices are closed today because it is the day off.

3. Udin was climbing a mango tree when I came. He took tree mangoes.

4. When you are 12 to 19 years old, you are teenage not kid anymore.5. Trash and Treasure committee collected used clothing to distribute to earthquake victims.

6. Painting, film, drama and craft are artwork.

7. My little brother played with his toys. He has many toys such as cars.8. On October 28, 1928, All Youth from all over Indonesia gathered and made a pledge. It's known as

Youth Pledge.

b. Match the words in italic with their Indonesisn equivalents on this list!

(Jodohk8n kala yang dlcetak mjnng dengan kata-kata da/am bahasB Indonesia pada daftar benkut!)

Reading Recounts II 2Kegiatan

: You ask for apologize to your friend. You make him!her sad.

: You give response to your friend's apology.

Your Friend


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98 ----------------------- Bahasa InggrisVl1




Rewrite the story based on its part in this table.

II. Read the text again and then do the following task!

(Baca kembali teks kemudian kerJBkan tugas berikut inN)

1. Who sent a letter?2. What is the letter about?3. How does the letter started?4. What do you call the beginning part of the letter?

5. What many events does the writer mention in the text? What are they?6. What does the writer like best in those events?

7. What did the writer do after lunch?8. Why does the writer write the letter?

9. How does the writer end the letter?10. What is the relation between reader and writer?

L Read the text carefully, then answer these questions I(BacaJah teks dengan teliti kemudian jawab pertanyaan-penanyaannyaJ)

Love tram Venn;

-Everyone had a job. I did my job after I had lunch. My job was to sell books.We had displays in the hall. These displays were good but I didn't have time to see them. ThE·

displays were teenage artwork.

There were also trash and treasure stalls where they sold toys. The committee got these things t'I;asking the youth to bring them in.

Although I didn't win anything, Independent Day was still tun.

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III. Read this story and answer the questions that follow!

(Bacafah cerita berikut lalu jawab pertanyaan·perlanyaannyaJ)

Last week, my sister and I went to our grandma house in the village. We went there by bus.

On the way, I sat by the window. I saw beautiful sceneries. Once I passed rice field. Our bus got flat tire.

So he had to stop for while.While we were waiting, I noticed some farmers plugged his field. The farmer was helped by a

buffalo. The buffalo went around the field. It went from one side to another side. The buffalo did it several

times.Finally, our bus was ready. We continued our trip. My sister and I really enjoyed this trip because

traveling Is our hobby.

Questions; •

1 Where did you and your sister go?

2 When did you and your sister go?3 How did you go there?4 Mention events In the text!5 How does the writer end the letter?

Under1ine the synonym of these words in the text

1. stands

2 exhibit

3. appearances

4. free

5. enjoyable

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100 ---------------------- BahasainggrisVlI

First Draft:

Event 2

Event 1"" t / Event 3


2. Complication

Second step:

1. Orientation

Write a letter about your unforgettable experience to your penpaJ(sahabat penal starting from orientation,

then events, finally re-orientation. (Tulislah sebuah surat menceritakan pengalaman menarik kamupada sahabat pena kamu yang dimulai dari orientasi, kejadian-kejadian, dan reorientasi) Begin with

brainstorming (Mulailah dengan mengkoleksi ide-ide).

First Step:

.~ Tugas



Who? "<, i / When?



Writing Recounts II 3

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For no. 6-15 choose the conea answer based on the following text!(Untuk 508/ no 6 s.d 15pilihlah satu jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan leks berikut inif)

Judy Russell was born on December 8, 1946. Her father was American and her mother was British.Her father met her in London during the war. She was a bus driver, and rode on her bus.

Judy Russell was born in Chicago, but she grew up in Virginia. She met her husband, Fred, atcollege, They were in the same class. They both graduated from college in 1967. They were married in

1969. They have two children. Peggy was born in 1972 and Mark was bom in 1975.

1- A : I'm sorry to hear that you were sick last week.S : ...

a. I'm sony.

b. Poor you.

c. Thank you.d. You're welcome.

2. A : Ani's mother died yesterday.

S : ...

a. I'm deeply sony to hear that.b. I'm really sorry.c. Don't mention it

d. Ifs not my fault.

3. X : Thief took my wallet on the bus.

Y : ...a. Thanks very much.b. How are you?

c. Poor you.d. Sorry.

4. Look at this picture. How many ants are there?

a. threeb. fourc. fived. SIX

5. Look at the picture. How many bananas are there?

a. sixb. nine

c. seven

d. ten

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) s, b, c, or dl(Pilihlah jawaban yang paling topat dengan cam memberikan tanda silang (x) pads salah satu hUM a,b, C, atsu dl)

Jr rAJ ~,W iii TesFa. rnatit'


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102 --==::..::...===-::.=-:=--::..;.---=-=-..:...=:....=.=.---=-=-=-==;..__------ Bahasa Inooris VII

c. 28

d. 43

c. 3d. 4

C. Russelld. Fred

Judy Russell worked on a newspaper before Peggy was born. Now, she works for Faces andPlaces magazine. She is a writer.

c. Chicago

d. Virginia

c. Chicago

d. Virginia

6. The text is about ....

a. Judy Russa

b. Peggy

c. Fred

d. Mark7. When was Judy Russell born?

a. In 1972

b. In 1975c. In 1969

d. In 1946

8. What was his fattier origin?a. Americab. British

c. Chicago

d. Vi~nia9. Where did his father meet his mother?

8. America

b. london10. Where did Judy Russell grow up?

a. America

b. london .

11. Where did Judy Russell meet his husband?a. At the Faces and Places

b. In Chicagoc. At colleged. In Virginia

12. Who is her husband?a. Peggy

b. Mark

13. How many children does she have?a. 1

b. 2

14. How old is Peggy oow?a. 35b. 30

15 What kind of ~xt is it?a. report

b. recountc. descriptive

d. narrative

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Modul 1res Formatif

1. a 5. a 9. a 13. d 17. d

2. b 6. a 10. b 14. b 18. b

3. a 7. c 11. b 15. d 19. C

4. b B. b 12. c . 6. :l 20. a

Modul 2

res Format"1. b 4. 0 7. c 10. a 13. a

2. a 5. 0 8. a 11. d 14. d

3. c 6. c 9. a 12. c 15. b

Modul 3

T,. Formati'

1. c 4. c 7. a 10. a 13. C

2. a 5. d 8. e . 11. a 14. b

3. b 6. e 9. d 12. d 15. b

Modul 4Tes Formstlf


1. b 2. C 3 d 4. a 5. c


1. was waitin~ ha~pa,ed

2 were playing, came

3 was, 'flaking, come

4. was going, phoned5. were at1ending

Modul 5res Formall'

1. d 4. b 7. b 10. e 13. d

2. a 5 a 8. b 11. b 14. a

3. b 6 b 9. d 12. d 15. C

Modul 6

Tes Formst"

1. e 4. c 7 d 10. d 13. b

2. a 5. b B a 11. c 14. a3. c 6 a 9 b 12. d 15. c

Kunci _Jawaban