2015 form 4 scheme of work1


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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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The form 4 scheme of work for 2015.


SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEBANGSAAN JALAN KEBUNENGLISHSCHEME OF WORKFORM 4 2015SMK JALAN KEBUNSCHEME OF WORK ENGLISH LANGUAGEFORM 4 2015Week/DateTe!e/Ca"te#La$%&a%e O&t'(!e) La$%&a%eC($te$tS&%%e)te* A't+,+t+e) E*&'at+($a-E!"a)e)I$te#"e#)($a- U)e I$.(#!at+($a- U)e Ae)tet+' U)e112/1 16/1C-a)) Ma$a%e!e$t a$* F(#! 4 O#+e$tat+($2 - 319/1 30/1People and social issues:Chapter 1Portrait of a Young PersonLeel 1 !a"ing part in conersation #isagreeing politel$ %ffering adice &eeping a 'ournal of dail$ e(periencesLeel 3 )riting a*out one+s e(periences in an infor,al letterLeel 1 Listening for i,portant details -canning for details .(tracting ,ain ideasLeel 2/eading e(tracts fro, a diar$: 0dentif$ing supporting details 1nderstanding conte(t clues 0dentif$ing topic sentences -u,,arising and paraphrasing topic sentencesLeel 3 )riting infor,al letter 2ppl$ing process 3riting s"illsPoe,: Leaing PhotographLeel 1 /eciting a poe, 1nderstanding rh$th, and rh$,eLeel 2 !al"ing a*out:4alues4,essageLeel 3 1nderstanding:4 figuratie language4 poetic deices !al"ing a*out the,es5ra,,ar -u*'ect-er* agree,ent er* +to *e+ and +hae+ Punctuation: apostrophe6oca*ular$ 0dentif$ing a**reiation )ord association-ound s$ste, 6o3el / e / 0ntonation17 .(press one+s feelings and e(periences27 2s" for and gie adice37 2ns3er )h-8uestions97 :atch 3ords 3ith ,eanings;7 0dentif$ topic sentences67 )rite topic sentences and supporting sentenceas27 0dentif$ the ,essage37 0dentif$ ,oral alues97 #educe the the,e!hin"ing -"ills: 0dentif$ing causesi-!hin":Circle ,apWeek/DateTe!e/Ca"te#La$%&a%e O&t'(!e) La$%&a%eC($te$tS&%%e)te* A't+,+t+e) E*&'at+($a-E!"a)e)I$te#"e#)($a- U)e I$.(#!at+($a- U)e Ae)tet+' U)e92/2 6/243/2!haipusa,People:Chapter 2?riends@ countr$,en 777Leel 1 !al"ing a*out oneself 5iing instructions and adiceLeel 2 .(changing ideas and opinions on friendshipLeel 3 )riting a*out social custo,s of a :ala$sian ethnic groupLeel 1 Listening for i,portant details /eading a 3e* page: -"i,,ing for gist -canning for detailsLeel 2 0dentif$ing ,ain ideas and supporting details 1nderstanding conte(t clues -u,,arising and paraphrasing ,ain ideasLeel 3 )riting an articlePoe,: Liing PhotographLeel 1 /eciting a poe, /etelling the poe,Leel 2 !al"ing a*out aluesLeel 3 1nderstanding figuratie language !al"ing a*out: the,es@ ,essage5ra,,ar :odals: need to@ should 0,peraties 2rticles 3ith singular and plural counta*le nouns6oca*ular$ Co,pound 3ords #ictionar$ s"ills: counta*le anduncounta*le nouns-ound s$ste,s 6o3el / 0 /@ / i: / -tress and intonation in state,ents and 8uestions17 .(press personal ideas and opinions27 Co,plete a diagra,37 0dentif$ and classif$ nouns97 2ns3er )h-8uestions;7 :atch 3ords 3ith,eaning67 -horten sentencesas27 0dentif$ the ,essage37 0dentif$ ,oral alues97 #educe the the,e!hin"ing -"ills: .aluating 5iing casual e(planation:ultiple 0ntelligence: intrapersonal isual- spatiali-!hin":Au**le ,ap4 1LA- 1Week/DateTe!e/Ca"te#La$%&a%e O&t'(!e) La$%&a%eC($te$tS&%%e)te* A't+,+t+e) E*&'at+($a-E!"a)e)I$te#"e#)($a- U)e I$.(#!at+($a- U)e Ae)tet+' U)e; - 69/2 16/2.niron,ent:Chapter 3)ildlife )arriorsLeel 1 Persuading so,eone to do so,ethingLeel 2 /eading topics of current interest and e(changing ideasLeel 3 5iing opinionsLeel 1 Listening for i,portant details Present infor,ation in a cluster diagra,Leel 2 Botting do3n "e$ 3ords and phrases /eading an article 0dentif$ing ,ain ideas 1nderstanding conte(t clues -u,,arising and paraphrasing ,ain ideasLeel 3 )riting an article .(panding notes and outline-hort stor$:!an'ung /huLeel 1 /ecogni>ing ele,ents in stor$ #escri*ing charactersLeel 2 !al"ing a*out ,oral alues !al"ing a*out the the,esLeel 3-tating one+s opinion of a character5ra,,ar -i,ple present and past tense Present perfect tense Punctuation: capital letters@full stop@ co,,a6oca*ular$ 2cron$,s )ord fa,ilies: deriaties )ord association-ound s$ste, Consonants: / 3/ and //1/ 5roup discussion2/ )rite a dialogue using persuasie language0/ !rue / ?alse state,ents4/ 2ns3er )h-8uestions5/ :atch 3ords/phrases 3ith ,eaning1/ -tate the si,ple past tense2/ 0dentif$ ,ain ideas3/ Co,plete a diagra,4/ )rite a su,,ar$10/ )rite an articleLiterature17 0dentif$ ele,ents in a stor$27 0dentif$ the setting of stor$37 #escri*e characters97 2rrange eents in se8uence;7 0dentif$ the,e and ,oral alues!hin"ing s"ills: identif$ing true / false state,ents:ultiple 0ntelligences: *odil$ "inaesthetici-!hin":?lo3 ,ap1enship .ducation: research stories of courage / organisations that care for co,plaint a*out a sericeclues 0dentif$ ,ain ideas -u,,arising and paraphrasing ,ain ideas )riting a letter of co,plaintLeel 3 .(panding outline 2ppl$ing process 3riting s"ills Consonants: / e"s /@ / > /8uestions