writing reflection

INSTITUT PENDIDIKAN GURU MALAYSIA KAMPUS BAHASA ANTARABANGSA, LEMBAH PANTAI, 59200, KUALA LUMPUR BORANG MAKLUM BALAS KERJA KURSUS (PROJEK/AMALI) Nama : Amani Nabilah Binti Azaman Angka Giliran Pelajar : 930326-08- 5026 Tajuk Tugasan : Reflection Pensyarah : Mdm. Razimah / Mdm Hasnah Kursus / Mata pelajaran : PISMP TESL JAN 2013 Tarikh Hantar : 13/10/2014 Tarikh Diterima ( Diisi oleh pensyarah): Pengakuan Pelajar Saya mengaku tugasan ini adalah hasil kerja saya sendiri kecuali nukilan dan ringkasan yang setiap satunya saya jelaskan sumbernya. Tandatangan :____________________________ Tarikh : _13_ / 10 / 2014_____ ( AMANI NABILAH AZAMAN ) Perincian Maklum Balas Tugasan Pemeriksa Moderator (jika berkaitan) Kekuatan Kekuatan: Aspek yang boleh diperbaiki: Aspek yang boleh diperbaiki: Tandatangan: Tarikh: Tandatangan: Tarikh:

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Nama : Amani Nabilah Binti Azaman Angka Giliran Pelajar : 930326-08-5026

Tajuk Tugasan : Reflection

Pensyarah : Mdm. Razimah / Mdm Hasnah Kursus / Mata pelajaran : PISMP TESL JAN 2013

Tarikh Hantar : 13/10/2014 Tarikh Diterima ( Diisi oleh pensyarah):

Pengakuan PelajarSaya mengaku tugasan ini adalah hasil kerja saya sendiri kecuali nukilan dan ringkasan yang setiap satunya saya jelaskan sumbernya.

Tandatangan :____________________________ Tarikh : _13_ / 10 / 2014_____ ( AMANI NABILAH AZAMAN )

Perincian Maklum Balas Tugasan

Pemeriksa Moderator (jika berkaitan)Kekuatan Kekuatan:

Aspek yang boleh diperbaiki: Aspek yang boleh diperbaiki:

Tandatangan: Tarikh: Tandatangan: Tarikh:

Pengesahan Pelajar Terhadap Maklum Balas Yang Diberikan Pensyarah

Saya mengesahkan bahawa maklum balas yang diberikan oleh pensyarah telah saya rujuk dan fahami.Catatan (jika ada)

Tandatangan Pelajar : Tarikh :

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TSL 3073




INDEX NUMBER : 930326-08-5026



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This semester we are required to carry out a micro teaching as one of the task for

Teaching Writing for primary classroom. On the last 1st October 2014, my group consists of

Anati, Hafsah and I have presented our microteaching and luckily it went out well as

planned. We have discussed and divided the lesson plan equally among us. Each of us took

one stage and carried it out during the microteaching. I was assigned to do the post-reading

stage as well as the closure. Basically, we have decided to choose a topic on ‘Pet’s World’

for year 3 students as we found out that the topic is interesting for young learners. This is

because the topic focuses on the real things that closely related to the students which is pet

and thus the students already have the prior knowledge on the topic. Cox (2014) suggested

that the students should have some background knowledge of the topic so that they will be

motivated to learn.


There is some strength that I have identified from the lesson which we have

conducted the other day. One of the strengths is the smoothness of the lesson. When we

were conducting the lesson, we were able to carry it out in order. We did have a clear plan of

what we were going to teach. Before conducting the lesson, we did study our lesson plan to

make sure that all of the stages in the lesson plan can be carried out well. Thus, I was glad

that the lesson went out well as expected. Besides that, we also delivered the lesson clearly

with the use of simple and clear instructions. Despite of using complex and long sentences,

we decided to use simple sentences to ensure that the students were able to understand our

instruction. This is important as clear instructions will lead to students’ understanding of the

lesson. This can be supported by Archer and Hughes (2011) who claim that clear and

explicit instructions are effective methodology for teaching academic skills.

Besides, the lesson that we carried out was clearly a writing lesson as the students

were taught on how to write in all the stages taught. At the beginning of the lesson, we did

give some input on writing and later on, the students are given chance to practice writing.

Other than that, it was a good decision that we used various teaching materials in our

teaching such as printed and multimedia teaching aids. With the use of colourful and various

teaching aids, we were able to catch the students’ attention. Besides, it is believe that by

using teaching aids, it will aid the students’ understanding of the lesson taught. This can be

supported by David (2009) as she mentioned that students learn best if accompanied by

teaching aids and materials.

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Despite of the strength that we have, there are few weaknesses that can be found

from the lesson. During the lesson, we were not so sure of what we were doing. We should

have more confidence in carrying out the lesson as it somehow affect the students

understanding of the lesson. There is time when we were not sure of what we want the

students to do and this has affected the flow of the lesson. It is important for a teacher to be

confident in delivering the lesson as it is one of the key ideas of an effective learning

(Bandura, 1997).

Besides, we were also having few problems with blackboard management. It was

mentioned by the lecturer that we should take the backboard management into consideration

as it will affect the students’ focus towards the lesson. As for example, we should not paste

everything on the board on the same time. We should have brought down the materials

pasted on the board after using it. This is important in order to emphasis the materials that

we were using at that point of time. If we were to paste the all of the materials together, we

might obstruct the students’ focus towards the lesson. Other than that, I was not having a

good interaction with the students during the microteaching. During the lesson, thus the

teaching looks more towards teacher centered lesson by which I am the one who controlled

the class. Varies mode of interactions such as group work, individual work and pair work is

needed as it will make the students engaged with the lesson (Candlin, 1996).


If I were given a chance to conduct the lesson again, I would surely make some

changes to make the lesson much more effective. Among the changes that I would make is

to include individual task in the lesson. An individual task is the most important part in the

lesson as it will determine the students understanding of the lesson. Besides, by having

individual task, the teachers will be able to assess the students’ achievement. Based on my

previous lesson, there was no individual task included as the students are required to do

group work. Thus, it was a bit difficult for the teachers to identify whether all of the students

have acquired the skills taught. Other than that, I will also change the closure of the lesson

into something better. As suggested by the lecturer, it will be better if we could create a short

and simple activity as the closure instead of summing up the lesson and tell the moral of the

lesson directly to the students. It is belief that by having an activity, the students will

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remember the lesson and moral values better. For an example, we can have a riddle or short

quiz session to end the lesson instead of giving a summary.


I was glad that there are many new things that I have learned through my experience

of conducting the lesson. One of the most valuable experiences is that I get to see a clearer

view of a writing class. Honestly, for me, a writing class is the most difficult class to be

carried out and I am lack of ideas to create interesting writing activities. After I saw my

friends’ microteaching, I finally get lots of new ideas on how to teach writing. It was a good

platform for us to share ideas and practice the skills to teach writing. Furthermore, by

conducting the lesson, I also get a clearer picture of the approaches that are used to teach

writing. As for my lesson, it was a product approach by which students need to produce a

product of the lesson which is writing a paragraph. Besides, I am able to get ideas on how to

create activities for every approaches and see the differences of each of them.


As a conclusion, I would say that the microteaching done by us was a great

opportunity for us to practice and apply what we have learned. It was also a good platform

for us to improve our teaching skills and share our ideas with our friends. By having the

microteaching, we were able to exchange ideas on how to conduct a writing class by using

variety of suitable activities in order to develop intended skills. Thus, the microteaching

session was somehow benefits me in various ways. I was not only developing my teaching

skills but I was also able to develop my soft skills.

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Archer. A. L., Hughes. C. A. (2011). Explicit Instruction: Effective and Efficient Teaching.

New York : The Guilford Press.

Candlin, C. N. (1996). Interaction in the language curriculum : awareness, autonomy & authencity. London : Pearson Education Limit.

Cox, C. (2014). Teaching language art a student centered classroom. United States of America : Pearson Education Inc.

David. M. (2009). Effective learning and teaching in UK higher education : A Commentary by

the Teaching and Learning Research Programme. United Kingdom : The Higher

Education Academy.

Porter, L. (2007). Student Behaviour. New South Wales: National Library of Australia.

Wright, T. (1991). Roles of teachers & learners. London : Oxford University Press.

This can be supported by Wright (1991) who claims that group works will make the

students involve actively in a lesson.

According to Carl Rogers, Maslow and Bugetal, education should focus more on

students-centred which emphasize on students’ individual potential (Porter, 2007).