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  • 7/27/2019 up2 f4 2013




    Jawab semua soalan. Setiap soalan diikuti dengan empat pilihan jawapan A, B, C dan D. Pilihsatu jawapan yang betul bagi setiap soalan dan hitamkan pada ruang jawapan yang disediakan.

    1 Protein is made up ofProtein dihasilkan daripadaA. fatty acids / asid lemakB. amino acids / asid aminoC. nucleic acids / asid nukleikD. mineral salts / garam mineral

    2 Haemoglobin is an example of a

    Hemoglobin adalah contoh bagiA. primary structure of protein / protein struktur primerB. secondary structure of protein / protein struktur sekunderC. tertiary structure of protein / protein struktur tertierD. quaternary structure of protein / protein struktur kuartener

    3 Amino acids are linked together to form aAsid amino dirangkai bersama membentukA polypeptide / polipeptidaB. polynucleotide / polinukleotidaC. polysaccharide / polisakarida

    D. polyribosome / poliribosomc

    4 A dipeptide can be broken down into amino acids by the process ofDipeptida boleh diuraikan kepada asid amino melalui prosesA. condensation / kondensasiB. heating / pemanasanC. acids addition / penambahan asidD. hydrolysis / hidrolisis

    5 What is the type of protein structure that both enzymes and hormones have ?Apakah jenis struktur protein bagi enzim dan hormon?A. Primary / primer

    B. Secondary / sekunder C. Tertiary / tertier D. Quaternary / kuartener

    6 The process when two amino acids are joined together is calledProses apabila dua asid amino bergabung bersama dikenali sebagaiA. hydrolysis / hidrolisisB. deamination / deaminasiC. condensation / kondensasiD. synthesis / sintesis

    7 Diagram 1 shows the molecular structure of proteins.


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    Rajah 1 menunjukkan struktur molekul bagi protein.

    Figure 1

    Diagram 1/ Rajah 1

    Which protein structure do X, Y and Z belong to?Manakah struktur protein bagi X, Y dan Z?

    8 Which of the following are functions of proteins ?Manakah antara berikut ialah pungsi protein?I. Formation of some hormones / pembentukan beberapa hormonII. Enzyme production / penghasilan enzimIII. Repair and built new tissue / membaiki dan membina tisu yang baruIV. Energy production / penghasilan tenaga

    A. I and II onlyB. I, II and III onlyC. II, III and IV onlyD. I, II, III and IV

    9 Which of the following elements are found in proteins?Manakah antara unsur berikut, yang terdapat dalam protein?I. Carbon / KarbonII. Nitrogen / NitrogenIII. Sulphur / Sulfur IV. Phosphorus / Fosforus

    A. I and II onlyB. III and IV onlyC. I, II and IV onlyD. I, II, III and IV

    10 Which of the following statements are true about essential amino acids?


    X Y Z









    X Y Z

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    Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar tentang asid amino perlu?I. Cannot be synthesised by human body

    Tidak boleh disintesiskan oleh badan manusiaII. Must be taken in with food.

    Mesti diperolehi dalam makanan yang diambilIII. Examples are lysine and valine

    Contohnya ialah lysine dan valineIV. derived from other amino acids.

    berasal daripada asid amino lainA. I and II onlyB. III and IV onlyC. I, II and IV onlyD. I, II and III only

    11 Among the elements in the cell, which are found in lipid ?Di antara unsur-unsur dalam sel, yang mana didapati dalam lipid?A. Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen / Karbon, nitrogen dan oksigen

    B. Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen / Karbon, hydrogen dan oksigenC. Carbon, hydrogen and sulphur / Karbon, hydrogen dan sulfurD. Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus / Karbon, nitrogen dan fosforus

    12 How many fatty acids chains are in a phospholipids molecule ?Berapa banyak rantai asid lemak di dalam molekul fosfolipid?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four

    13 A lipid is formed by condensation of

    Lipid terbentuk melalui kondensasiA. Amino acids and glucose / asid amino dan glukosaB. Amino acids and glycogen / asid amino dan glikogenC. Fatty acids and glycogen / asid lemak dan glikogenD. Fatty acids and glycerol / asid lemak dan gliserol

    14 Which of the following are lipids ?Manakah antara yang berikut adalah lipid?I. Steroids / SteroidII. Triglycerides / TrigliseridaIII. Oils / MinyakIV. Waxes / Lilin

    A. I and II onlyB. I, II and III onlyC. II, III and IV onlyD. I, II, III and IV

    15 Saturated fats / lemak tepu......I. contains fatty acids which do not have double bonds between the carbons.

    Mengandungi asid lemak yang tiada ikatan ganda dua antara karbon.II. Contain fatty acids with double bonds between the carbon atoms.

    Mengandungi asid lemak yang mempunyai ikatan ganda dua antara atom karbon.III. are liquid at room temperature.

    Cecair pada suhu bilikIV. have a higher content of cholesterol


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    Mempunyai kandungan kolesterol yang tinggiA. I and IV onlyB. II and III onlyC. I, III and IV onlyD. II, III and IV only

    16 Which of the following is not true about the difference between saturated fats andunsaturated fats ?Manakah antara berikut yang tidak benar tentang perbezaan antara lemak tepu denganlemak tak tepu?

    Saturated fat/lemak tepu Unsaturated fat/lemak tak tepu

    A. Of animal originDaripada sumber haiwan

    Of vegetable originDaripada sumber tumbuhan

    B.Usually solid at room temperatureBiasanya bentuk pepejal pada suhubilik

    Usually in liquid form at roomtemperatureBiasanya bentuk cecair pada suhubilik

    C.They are found in butter and cheeseDidapati di dalam mentega dan keju

    They are found in most vegetableproducts and oilsDidapati biasanya di dalam minyaksayuran

    D. They have one or more double bondsbetween their carbon atoms.Mempunyai satu atau dua ikatanganda dua di antara atom karbon

    They do not have double bondsbetween their carbon atomsTidak mempunyai ikatan ganda duadi antara atom karbon

    17 Diagram 2 shows a structure of one lipid molecule.Rajah 2 menunjukkan satu struktur molekul lipid.

    Diagram 2 / Rajah 2The part labelled Q represents / Bahagian yang berlabel Q mewakiliA. phosphate / fosfatB. glycerol / gliserolC. fatty acids / asid lemakD. amino acids / asid amino

    18 Lipid is needed to form P while cellulose is needed to form Q. What are P and Q ?Lipid diperlukan untuk mebentuk P sementara selulosa diperlukan untuk membentuk Q.Apakah P dan Q?

    Compound P Compound QA. Protoplasm / Protoplasma Cell wall / Dinding selB. Plasma membrane / membran plasma Cell wall / dinding selC. Cell wall / dinding sel Protoplasm / ProtoplasmaD Cell wall / dinding sel Plasma membrane / Membran plasma

    19 Enzymes are made up of



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    Enzim diperbuat daripadaA. carbohydrate / karbohidratB. proteins / proteinC. lipids / lipidD. fibres / serat

    20 Which of the following is not true about general characteristic of enzyme?Manakah antara berikut yang tidak benar tentang cirri-ciri umum bagi enzim?A. Enzyme action is specific

    Tindakan enzim adalah spesifikB. Active at temperatures exceeding 60oC

    Aktif pada suhu melebihi 60oCC. Sensitive to changes in pH

    Sensitif kepada perubahan pHD. Accelerates the rate of biochemical reactions

    Meningkatkan kadar tindak balas biokomia

    21 Diagram 3 shows a stained shirt being washed by detergent containing pepsin at20oC. The result was obtained after 1 hour interval.Rajah 3 menunjukkan kotoran yang telah dibasuh dengan pencuci yang mengandungipepsin pada suhu 20oC. Keputusan diperolehi selepas 1 jam.

    Diagram 3 / Rajah 3The shirt of the same material was repeatedly washed at 37 oC. Which of the followingshows the result after 1 hour?Baju yang mempunyai material yang sama diulangi basuhannya dengan suhu 37oC.Manakah antara yang berikut adalah keputusannya selepas 1 jam?

    22 The active site of an enzyme isTapak aktif enzim adalahA. specific to its substrate

    spesifik kepada substratnya


    After 1 hourSelepas 1 jam

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    B. identical to the active sites of other enzymessama seperti tapak aktif pada enzim yang berlainan

    C. complementary to its substrateberpadanan dengan substratnya

    D. denatured at the end of a chemical reactionternyahasli diakhir tindak balas kimia

    23 Which of the following statements regarding enzymes is true?Manakah antara pernyataan berikut benar tentang enzim?A. All enzymes in living organisms have an optimum temperature of 37C.

    Semua enzim dalam organism hidup mempunyai suhu optimumnya ialah 37CB. Enzymes increase the activation energy for the reactions they catalyses.

    Enzim meningkatkan tenaga keaktifan untuk memangkinkan tindak balasnya.C. Enzymes are denatured at 0C.

    Enzim ternyahasli pada 0C.D. Enzymes function as organic catalysts.

    Enzim berfungsi sebagai pemangkin organik

    24 Which organelle is involved in the production of extracellular enzymes ?Organel manakah yang terlibat dalam penghasilan enzim luar sel?A. Golgi apparatus / Jasad GolgiB. Mitochondrion / MitokondriaC. Chloroplast / KloroplasD. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum / Jalinan Endoplasma licin

    25 Which of the following is correct about the types of enzymes produced for P and Q?Manakah antara yang berikut adalah benar tentang jenis enzim yang dihasilkan oleh Pdan Q?

    P Q


    Intracellular / IntraselExtracellular / Luar selIntracellular / IntraselExtracellular / Luar sel

    Extracellular / Luar selIntracellular / IntraselIntracellular / IntraselExtracellular / Luar sel

    26 A suitable enzyme that can be used for these activities isA. cellulose / selulaseB. protease / proteaseC. zymase / zimaseD. amylase / amilase


    P enzymes which are synthesised in the cell but secreted from the cell to work externallyenzim yang disentisiskan di dalam sel tetapi dirembeskan untuk digunakan di luar sel

    Q enzymes which are synthesised and retained in the cell for use of the cell itselfenzim yang dihasilkan di dalam sel dan dikekalkan untuk kegunaan dalam sel.

    Remove germ from wheat

    Menanggalkan kulit daripada gandum

    Separate agar from seaweed

    Mengasingkan agar-agar daripada rumpai laut

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    27 Diagram 4 shows the mechanism of enzyme action. Which property of enzyme is shownin the diagram?Rajah 4 menunjukkan mekanisma tindakan enzim. Manakah sifat enzim yang ditunjukkandi dalam rajah di atas?A. Enzyme structure is denatured by extremes of pH.

    Struktur enzim ternyahasli pada pH yang terlampau.B. Temperature affects the rate of enzyme reaction.

    Suhu mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas enzim.C. Enzyme reaction is non-specific.

    Tindakan enzim adalah tidak spesifik.D. Structure of enzyme remains unchanged at the end of the reaction.

    Struktur enzim tidak akan berubah diakhir tindak balas.

    28 Diagram 5 shows a plant cell undergoing division process.Rajah 5 menunjukkan sel tumbuhan menjalani proses pembahagian.

    Diagram 5/Rajah 5

    What is the division phase?Apakah fasa pembahagian sel itu?A Prophase / ProfasaB Metaphase / Metafasa

    C Anaphase / AnafasaD Telophase / Telofasa

    29 Diagram 6 shows a cell division of an animal cell.Rajah 6 menunjukkan pembahagian sel bagi sel haiwan.

    P Q R S

    Duration of the cell division is 24 hours. Which of the following is true?Tempoh pembahagian sel adalah 24 jam. Manakah antara yang berikut adalah benar?I. Q is diploid / Q adalah diploidII. There will be 8 cell S after 96 hours / terdapat 8 sel S selepas 96 jamIII. R formed after the nuclear division has completed / R terbentuk selepas


    Diagram 4/Rajah 4

    Diagram 6

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    pembahagian nukleus tamatIV. The genetic contents of P and S are the same / kandungan genetic bagi P dan S

    adalah sama.A. I, II and III onlyB II, III and IV onlyC I, III and IV onlyD I, II, III and IV

    30 Which of the following is correct about uncontrolled cell division?Manakah antara yang berikut benar tentang pembahagian sel yang tidak terkawalI. Substances such as formaldehyde can cause cancer

    Bahan seperti formaldehid boleh menyebabkan kanserII. When cancerous cells divide uncontrollably, a tumor is formed

    Apabila sel kanser membahagi secara tidak terkawal, tumor akan terbentukIII. When formed, cancerous cells can compete with normal cells for nutrients

    and energySel kanser bersaing dengan sel yang normal untuk mendapatkan nutrient dantenaga.

    IV. Uncontrolled meiosis occurs due to severe disruption to the mechanism thatcontrols the cell divisionMeiosis tidak terkawal terjadi disebabkan oleh beberapa gangguan kepadamekanisma yang mengawal pembahagian sel.

    A. I, II and III onlyB. I, II and IV onlyC. I, III and IV onlyD. II, III and IV only

    31 Which of the followings are the applications of mitosis?Manakah antara yang berikut adalah aplikasi mitosis.I Cloning / Pengklonan

    II Vegetative reproduction / Pembiakan vegetatifIII Tissue culture / tisu kulturIV Sexual reproduction of plant / Pembiakan seks bagi tumbuhanA I and III onlyB II and IV onlyC I, II and III onlyD II, III and IV only

    32 Which of the following statements does not state the importance of mitotic cell division?Manakah antara pernyataan yang berikut bukan merupakan kepentingan bagipembahagian sel secara mitosis?

    A Replace dead cells / menggantikan sel mati

    B Produce gamete cells/ menghasilkan sel gametC Repair damaged cells / membaiki sel yang rosakD Increase the number of cells / menambah bilangan sel

    33 Diagram 7 shows a cell during cell division process.Rajah 7 menunjukkan suatu sel semasa pembahagian sel.


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    Diagram 7 / Rajah 7What is the chromosomal number in the daughter cell after cell division is completed?Apakah bilangan kromosom dalam sel anak selepas menjalani pembahagian sel denganlengkap?A 2 C 8B 4 D 16Which of the following cells is a product of meiosis?Manakah antara yang berikut adalah hasil daripada meiosis?





    34 Which of the following plant structures undergoes meiosis?Manakah antara struktur tumbuhan yang berikut mengalami meiosis?A Leaves / daun

    B Flowers / bunga C Pollen grains / butir debunga

    D Epidermal cells / sel epidermis

    35 Diagram 8 shows an event during meiosis.Rajah 8 menunjukkan kelakuan semasa meiosis.

    Which of the following describes the event?Manakah antara yang berikut menerangkan kelakuan itu?

    A Spindle fibre breaks down / gentian gelendung hilang B Change of genetic materials occur / perubahan maklumat genetik berlaku C Reformation of nuclear membrane / pembentukan semula membran nukleus D Chromosomes replication takes place / replikasi kromosom berlaku

    36 Diagram 5.5 shows sexual reproduction in an insect.



    Cell N

    Male parentFemale parent

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    What is cell N?

    A Diploid zygoteB Haploid gameteC Haploid zygoteD Diploid gamete


    DIAGRAM 5.5

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    Structured Items

    Answer all questions. Write your answer in the spaces provided in the question paper

    4.1: Understanding The Chemical Composition Of The Cell

    4.2: Understanding Carbohydrate

    (1) Diagram 4.4 shows the structures of 3 examples of polysaccharides P, Q and R.

    DIAGRAM 4.4(a) Identify the molecules labeled P, Q and R.

    [3 marks]

    (b) Where can the molecules be found

    [3 marks](c) Structure P can be broken down into a simpler form by a process. What is the

    process involved?

    [1 mark]

    (d) (i) State one similarity in the 3 polysaccharides

    (ii) What is the main difference between structures P and Q?


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    [2 marks](e) Sucrose and lactose are examples of disaccharides that can be formed from

    condensation of monosaccharide. What are the monosaccharide that formSucrose :

    Lactose :

    [2 marks]

    (f) Briefly describe how to test for the presence of reducing sugar in an unknownsample of food.

    [1 mark]

    4.3 : Understanding Protein

    2. Diagram 4.5 shows the organelle involved during the synthesis and secretion of protein inanimal cell.

    DIAGRAM 4.5(a) Name the organelles labeled X, Y and Z.

    [3 marks]


    Molecule P




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    (b) State the function of X and Y

    [2 marks]

    (c) Molecule P is produced from the protein excreted by the cell.(i) What is the type of structure shown by the molecule?

    (ii) Give one example of the structure mentioned in c(i).

    [2 marks](d) (i) Proteins are made from amino acids, name two types of amino acids


    [2 marks](ii) Briefly, explain the meaning of the answer in d(i).

    [2 marks]

    4.4 : Understanding Lipid

    3. Diagram 4.6 shows the structure of a lipid molecule.


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    DIAGRAM 4.6(a) Name the parts X and Y.

    [2 marks](b) (i) What is the chemical reaction P that takes place to form the bonds

    between X and Y?

    [1 mark](ii) What is product Q formed during this reaction?

    [1 mark](c) (i) What is the structural difference between a phospholipid molecule and the

    lipid molecule shown in the figure above?

    [1 mark](ii) What is the function of phospholipids in cells?

    [1 mark]

    (d) One of the main types of lipid is fat.(i) State two types of fat

    [2 marks]9ii) State two differences between the types of fat named in d(i).

    [2 marks](e) Explain why a daily intake of a diet rich in fats is bad for health.


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    [2 marks]

    4.5 : Understanding Enzyme

    4. Diagram 4.7 shows the organelles involved in the production of extracellular enzymes.

    DIAGRAM 4.7

    (a) Name the organelles labelled T and U.

    [2 marks](b) State the function of organelle labelled R

    [1 mark](c) Using an example and place produced, explain the term of extracellular enzyme.

    [3 marks](d) Based on the organelles shown in Diagram 4.7, explain how extracellular enzymes

    are produced.

    [3 marks]

    (e) Diagram 4.8 shows the action of an enzyme and its substrate.






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    DIAGRAM 4.8

    Explain the mechanism of enzyme action.

    Max : 3 marks]

    5. Diagram 4.9 shows a graph represent the effect of temperature on the rate reaction ofenzyme P.

    DIAGRAM 4.9

    (a) What is the optimumtemperature for enzyme P ?

    [1 mark]

    (b) Describe the effect of different temperature on the rate of enzyme reaction.

    [max: 4 marks](c) Enzymes are widely used in the household & industries. Explain how enzymes act

    in :(i) Helping to cook meat.

    (i) Extracting agar from seaweed

    [4 marks]


    Temperature (oC)

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    (d) State three factors besides temperature that affect the enzymes activity.

    [3 marks]

    Essay Items

    Answer all questions

    4.1 : Understanding The Chemical Composition Of The Cell

    4.2 : Understanding Carbohydrate

    4.3 : Understanding Protein

    4.4 : Understanding Lipid


    (a) Explain the importance of organic compounds like carbohydrate and protein in acell. [10 marks]

    (b) (i) Name two types of nucleic acids found in living cells. [2 marks](ii) Compare and contrast

    saturated fats and unsaturated fats

    Essential amino acids and non essential amino acids [8 marks]

    4.5 : Understanding Enzyme

    2. (a) (i) What is an enzyme? [2 marks](ii) Explain the characteristics of enzymes from the lock and key hypothesis


    There are several components in cells which form organic and inorganic

    compounds. Organic compounds normally found in cells are carbohydrate,

    proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. Each compound plays an important role in

    the cell.

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    (iii) Describe how an enzyme-controlled reaction is affected by pH.

    [4 marks]

    (b) Enzymes can be extracted and separated from cells in order to be used. Explainhow the enzymes can be used in daily life and industry.

    [10 marks ]
