terengganu 2

Senarai kawasan pelancongan menarik di Terengganu, Malaysia Kenyir Lake / Tasik Kenyir Tasik Kenyir is the largest man-made lake in Southeast Asia, spanning 260,000 hectares. It is also Malaysia's largest rock filled hydroelectric dam. When the area was flooded, most of the hills were above the water level, thus creating about 340 man-made islands. The rainforest that cradles the area furnishes the lake with an incredible assortment of flora and fauna. These include rare ferns, exotic orchids, hornbills, elephants, and panthers. It is also home to more than 8,000 species of flowers, 2,500 species of plants and trees, 800 species of orchids, and 300 species of fungus. It is a popular retreat for nature lovers as it is surrounded by lush tropical rainforest. It is also an anglers haven as the lake is home to hundreds of species of freshwater fish like Baung, Toman, Kelisa, Lampam and Kelah. Surounded by a vast tropical jungle, the lake area is a popular spot for angling, boating, canoeing, jungle- trekking, 4WD driving and golfing. Accommodation varies from a 3 star resort, chalets on the islands, floating

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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Senarai kawasan pelancongan menarik diTerengganu, MalaysiaKenyir Lake / Tasik KenyirTasik Kenyir is the largest man-made lake in Southeast Asia, spanning 260,000 hectares. It is alsoMalaysias largest rock !illed hydroelectric dam. "hen the area #as !looded, most o! the hills #erea$o%e the #ater le%el, thus creating a$out &'0 man-made islands. The rain!orest that cradles the area!urnishes the lake #ith an incredi$le assortment o! !lora and !auna. These include rare !erns, e(otic orchids, horn$ills, elephants, and panthers. It is also home to morethan ),000 species o! !lo#ers, 2,*00 species o! plants and trees, )00 species o! orchids, and &00species o! !ungus. It is a popular retreat !or nature lo%ers as it is surrounded $y lush tropical rain!orest. It is also an anglers ha%en as the lake is home to hundreds o! species o! !resh#ater !ish like +aung,Toman, Kelisa, ,ampam and Kelah. Surounded $y a %ast tropical -ungle, the lake area is a popular spot !or angling, $oating, canoeing,-ungle- trekking, '". dri%ing and gol!ing. Accommodation %aries !rom a & star resort, chalets on theislands, !loating resort or house$oats #here rooms and meals are pro%ided. The house$oat tra%els to#ater!alls and !ishing sites pro%iding an e(hilarating ad%enture !or nature lo%ers. Tasik Kenyir is also agate#ay to Taman /egara through Tan-ung Mentong. Pulau Redang / Redang Islands0ulau 1edang, located '*km o!! the coasto! Kuala Terengganu, isthe largest o!agroupo! nineprotected islands dotting the South 2hina Sea o!! the Terengganu coast. The island o!!ers crystal clear#aters and numerous di%e sites !or enthusiasts. Sheltered #ithin the 0ulau 1edang Marine 0ark, the#aters here are rich in marine li!e. At midday #hen sun rays penetrate the sea, $rilliant hues o! coral,anemones and !ish can $e seen.The #aters around 0ulau 1edang also contain t#o historic ship#recks3 The 4.M.S. 0rince o! "alesand 4.M.S. 1epulse, #hich sank here at the start o! "orld "ar II, setting the stage !or the 5apaneseoccupation o! Malaya. This paradise island is per!ect !or snorkelling, s#imming, scu$a- di%ing, -ungletrekking, $oating and canoeing. /o !ishing is allo#ed #ithin a &.2km radius o! the island as 0ulau1edang is ga6etted as a marine park. The collection o! corals and other a7uatic li!e is also strictlyprohi$ited. +er-aya 1esort o!!ers a gol! course in an idyllic setting.Pulau Perhentian / Perhentian IslandsThe0erhentianIslandsaret#oislandsnamed0ulau0erhentianKecil 8Small 0erhentianIsland9and0ulau 0erhentian +esar 8,arge 0erhentian Island9. The Malay name 0erhentian is translated as:place to stop; and this is e(actly #hat these t#o islands #ere !or traders tra%elling $et#een Malaysiaand +angkok in years gone $y. These islands are still a gorgeous place to stop and rest today, al$eit!or touristsdisconnecting !romthe stressandroutineo! e%eryday li!e and not !or #eary sea!aringtraders. The islands remain relati%ely untouched and the only permanent inha$itants li%e in a small!ishing%illage on 0erhentian Kecil. Apart !rom !ootpaths that cut through the -ungle, there are no roads on theislands. The only #ay to get around is $y #alking through the -ungle or taking a sea ta(i. I! you treadcare!ully,youmaye%enencountersomeo! theislands