teknik menjawab kertas 2 dan 3 biologi spm

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  • 8/13/2019 Teknik Menjawab kertas 2 dan 3 biologi spm


    Paper 2

    SPM Biology Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for General Answering e!"nique Paper 2

    Se!tion A and B

    # eknik Men$awa% dan Soalan &a'i SPM Biologi ertas 2 Ba"agian A dan B*

    FAQ SPM 2+,+ Biology Paper 2 Se!tion A and B

    The SPM Biology question Paper 2 Section A: Structure questions (answer all questions from question number to

    !" consist of #$ mar%s in total & Section B: 'ssay questions (answer two questions from question number # to "

    consist of )$ mar%s in total* There are some %ey points that stu+ents nee+ to ta%e notes with it*

    ,) -"at is t"e first t"ing students need to do w"en students see t"e question paper.

    , woul+ suggest that stu+ents shoul+ rea+ through the whole Section A & B an+ then write +own the iportant

    point (while your min+-memory is still fresh" that relates to the question (something li%e a ind ap" such as

    phases in a cell cycle. internal structure of the human heart. circulatory system in humans. structure of stems-roots

    etc* There are too many points. structures an+ processes in Biology to be remembere+. so stu+ents nee+ to %eep

    your noteshan+y an+ easy to readespecially before stu+ents go in the e/amination hall-classroom*

    2) /an students write in point for in Se!tion A and B.

    Section A (structure question": The answer is no(same in 0hemistry"* Stu+ents are suggeste+ to answer question in a

    complete sentence (not in point form"* There are some other Biology Teachers also suggeste+ that stu+ents must fully

    use+ up all the space pro1i+e+*

    Section B (essay question": The answer isyes* Stu+ents can use point form but it must be in complete sentence*

    0) Are students1 "andwriting iportant in Biology Paper 2.

    Stu+ents han+writing is 1ery important to score in Biology* Stu+ents han+writing must be neat an+ clear* ,t will help

    stu+ents in gaining a goo+ impression an+ essential for SPM e/aminer to +etect stu+ents points-mar%s* Stu+ents

    3ust nee+ to cancel the mista%e by +rawing a line on it (or crossing out the answer" an+ not co1ering it by liquid

    paper!orre!tion pen!orre!tion tapein the answering script*4urthermore. do not usepen!il inanswering

    the questions*

    3) 4s t"e spelling iportant in Biology Paper 2.

    The answer isyesfor the entire biology name-structure-process* 5ou nee+ to spell it correctly. for e/ample

    chloroplast. 0asparian strip. 6olgi apparatus. 7ysosomes. pancreas. pasteurisation etc*

    5) 6ow to draw t"e la%elled diagras.

    ,n Biology. all the +iagrams can be +rawn free7"ands(pencil" an+ must be labelle+ clearly*

    8) /an students use ta%le in gi9ing e:planation!oparison in Paper 2 Se!tion B.

    The answer isyes an+ it is highly recommen+e+ by most of the SPM Biology teacher* Stu+ents nee+ to ma%e sure that

    e1ery point must be in complete sentence*

    ;) 6ow to answer

  • 8/13/2019 Teknik Menjawab kertas 2 dan 3 biologi spm


    Paper 0

    The SPM question Paper 9 (Answer all questions uestion an+ 2 only" consist of 5+ arksin total* ,n this

    paper. stu+ents nee+ to answer all questions* uestion consists of 00 arksan+ uestion 2 consists of ,; arks*

    The mar%s for each question range from $ (wrong response". (i+ea le1el response". 2 (inaccurate response" to 9

    (accurate response" mar%s for each questions* Paper 9 Biology in1ol1es with 1ery +etaile+ criteria of mar%ing*

    ,) 6ow to state t"e o%ser9ation.

    ;sually it in1ol1es two !riteria*


    State two +ifferent o%ser9ationsma+e from Table * (Nyatakan dua pemerhatian yang berbeza yang dibuat

    daripada Jadual 1"* (b" (i" (9 mar%s"*

    4dea le9el response (, ark)=

    The time ta%en is differentfor each temperature*

    Temperature influen!estime ta%en for io+ine solution remains yellowish*

    /. time ta%en for io+ine solution remainsyellowis"is ,2 inutes*

    At temperature 0;>/. time ta%en for io+ine solution remainsyellowis"is 0 inutes*

    At temperature 55>/. time ta%en for io+ine solution remainsyellowis"is ,5 inutes*

    (@ertical obser1ation"

    ie takenfor io+ine solution remainyellowis"for teperature 0;>/is faster

    than5>/- 2?>/- 35>/- 55>/-- @ice 1ersa

    2) 6ow to state inferen!e in Paper 0 Biology.

    Similar to obser1ation. inference in1ol1es 2 !riteria*

    '/ample 2

    State the inferen!ewhich correspon+s to the obser1ations in (b" (i"* (Nyatakan inferens yang sepadan dengan

    pemerhatian di 1 (b) (i)"* (b" (ii"

    4dea le9el response (, ark)=

    Temperature influen!esthe en?yme reaction*

    A!!urate response (0 arks)=

    P: @ate of en?yme reaction

    P2: &ow- 6ig" (e3ect:&owest - 6ig"est"

    (>ori?ontal inference"

    At temperature 5>/. the rateof en?yme (amylase" reaction is low- +ecreases - longer - lower*

    At temperature 0;>/- optiutemperature. the rateof en?yme reaction is "ig"*

    At temperature 55>/. the rateof en?yme reaction is low*

  • 8/13/2019 Teknik Menjawab kertas 2 dan 3 biologi spm


    (@ertical inference"

    At temperature 0;>/. the rateof en?yme reaction is "ig"erthan the rateof en?yme reaction

    at 5>/- 2?>/- 35>/- 55>/-- 1ice 1ersa*

    0) 6ow to get full arks in "ypot"esis for an e:perient.

    Similar to the hypothesis in 0hemistry Paper 9. it must always startwith anipulated 9aria%lean+ follows

    by responding 9aria%les*

    '/ample 9

    State the hypothesis for this e/periment* (Nyatakan hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini*" (+"

    4dea le9el response (, ark)=

    The temperatures influen!e the en?yme reaction*

    A!!urate response (0 arks)=

    P: Manipulated1ariable (temperature"

    P2: @esponding1ariable (time ta%en for io+ine solution remain yellowish - rate of en?yme (amylase" reaction -


    >ypothesis: relations"ip of P an+ P2 (M@ @"

    The "ig"er the teperature. the "ig"erthe rate of en?yme reaction - time ta%en for io+ine solution

    remainyellowis"(until it reaches the optimum temperature"

    Chen the teperature in!reases. the rateof en?yme reaction also in!rease(until the optimum


    3) 6ow to draw t"e grap" !orre!tly in Paper 0 Biology.

    SA&or SAPwhich is S D S"ape. A DA:isan+ 7 D &a%el- P D Point* Besi+es that. stu+ent must remember to

    write the title of t"e grap"*

    5) 6ow to e:plain t"e relations"ip in Biology.

    ,n Biology Paper 9. it is more specifie+ as compare+ to 0hemistry* Stu+ents must pro1i+e theanipulated 9aria%le

    firstan+ follow by respon+ing 1ariable an+ usually for the manipulate+ 1ariable must ha1e two

    supporting t"eoriesan+ a brief !on!lusion*

    '/ample )

    Base+ on the graph in (e" (ii". e/plain the relations"ipbetween rate of en?yme reaction an+ temperature*

    (Berdasarkan kepada graf di 1 (e) (ii), terangkan hubungan antara kadar tindakbalas enzim dengan suhu*" (f"

    4dea le9el response (, ark)=

    The higher of the temperature. the higher the rate of en?yme reaction*

    (>ypothesis statement"

    A!!urate response (0 arks)=

    Stu+ents must state the relations"ipbetween the rate of en?yme reaction an+ the temperature base on criteria:

    elationship: the temperature increases. the rate of en?yme reaction also increase* ( Theory 1"2 '/planation : at 9EF0 -- at optimum temperature the starch hy+rolyse (completely by amylase - en?yme"

    (Theory 2"

    9 '/planation 2: at the ma/imum rate (Brief conclusion"

    As teperature in!reases(!". the rate of en'ye rea!tion in!reases("!"* Atoptiu

    teperaturethe starch was "ydrolysed(completely" by amylase at thea:iu rate*

    8) 6ow to answer t"e last question (Question nu%er 2).

    There are su% se!tions(total E mar%s" that stu+ents nee+ to answer* The mar% +istribution is as followe+:

  • 8/13/2019 Teknik Menjawab kertas 2 dan 3 biologi spm


    * Problem statement (#enyataan masalah" (9 mar%s"

    2* 8b3ecti1e ($b%ektif" ( mar%"

    9* @ariables (#embolehubah&pembolehubah" ( mar%"

    )* >ypothesis ('ipotesis" (9 mar%s"

    !* 7ist of material an+ apparatus (enarai bahan dan radas digunakan" (9 mar%s"

    #* Technique use+ (Teknik yang digunakan" ( mar%"

    E* '/perimental proce+ure or metho+ (aedah atau prosedur eksperimen" (9 mar%s"

    G* Presentation of +ata (*ara data dipersembahkan" ( mar%"

    * 0onclusion (esimpulan" ( mar%"

    " Problem statement (9 mar%s"

    Problem statement must be in questionform*


    oes(M@" affect (@" of ///H

    6ow does(M@" affect the (@" of ///"H

    -"at is the effect of (M@" on the (@"H

    2" 8b3ecti1e ( mar%"

    ,t is a stateentform:


    To deterinethe effect of (M@" on the (@" of a ///*

    To study the effect of (M@" on the (@" of a ///

    To in9estigate the effect of (M@" on the (@" of a ///

    9" @ariables ( mar%"

    The entire 1ariables (M@. @ an+ 4@" ust %e !orre!tto gain one mar%s from here*

    )" >ypothesis (9 mar%s"

    The hypothesis must start with manipulate+ 1ariable an+ follow by respon+ing 1ariable ( MC D @C"

    !" 7ist of material an+ apparatus (9 mar%s"Stu+ents nee+ to separatethe list of material with the list of apparatus*


    Apparatus: photometer. stopwatch. cutter. bea%er. meter rule. basin. mar%er- threa+

    Material: Balsam plant. water. @aseline-grease. +ry cloth

    #" Technique use+ ( mar%"

    Stu+ents nee+ to state the te!"niqueuse+ in carrying out the e/periment correctly*


    Measure and re!ordthe time ta%en for the air bubble to mo1e a +istance of 2 cm by using astopwat!"*

    E" '/perimental proce+ure or metho+ (9 mar%s"

    Stu+ents are able to ention all the M@. @ an+ 4@ in the senten!e*

    G " Presentation of +ata ( mar%"

    Stu+ents are able to draw a !oplete ta%lean+ re!ord t"e rele9ant+ata base on 9 criteria*

    " 0onclusion ( mar%"

    Stu+ents are able to write a suita%le !on!lusionfor the e/periment*


    Ther higher-lower (MC". the higher-lower (RV)* >ypothesis is a!!eptedre$e!ted*