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Dengue and AEDES

What you need to know…

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What is dengue fever?

Dengue Fever is an illness caused by infection with a virus transmitted by the Aedes mosquito.

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• Penyakit merbahaya yang disebabkan oleh gigitan nyamuk Aedes.

• Tiada ubat khusus merawat penyakit ini, oleh itu pencegahan adalah penting sebelum ia merebak.

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Berita HarianSelasa, 12/01/2010Awas! Nyamuk Aedes

WABAK demam denggi mula dikesan sekitar 1780 di Asia. Ia mula dikesan di Asia Tenggara selepas Perang Dunia Kedua dan sejak 1975, demam denggi menjadi punca utama kematian kanak-kanak dan kemasukan wad di beberapa negara di negara di rantau ini.

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Denggi disebarkan menerusi gigitan nyamuk Aedes yang dijangkiti satu

daripada empat virus denggi. Kedudukan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang berada di

kawasan beriklim tropika, memudahkan pembiakan nyamuk


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Saban hari, pasti ada kes demam denggi yang dicatat di negara ini. Mengikut statistik Kementerian Kesihatan sehingga 19 Disember lalu, jumlah terkumpul kes denggi ialah 39,794 kes dengan 84 kematian.

Demam denggi tidak mengenal usia, malah negara pernah dikejutkan dengan kematian pemain golf profesional negara, Ali Kadir sembilan tahun lalu akibat demam denggi.

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Di Asia Tenggara:

Indonesia (2009): 199,656 kes dilaporkan dengan 1,996 kes kematian.Malaysia (2009): 38,386 kes dikesan dengan 75 kematian.Thailand (2009): 20,100 dijangkiti dengan 50 kematian.

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Filipina (2009): 18,929 kes dengan 374 kematian.Singapura (2009): 3,091 kes dikesan.Thailand (2009): 20,00 kes dikesan dan 31 kematian.Myanmar (2009): 11,383 kes dikesan dan 189 kematian.Vietnam (2009): 78,800 kes dikesan dan 98 kematian

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Demam denggi adalah sejenis penyakit berjangkit berbahaya.

Pada masa ini, tiada ubat khusus untuk merawat penyakit itu kecuali aktiviti pencegahan adalah amat penting.

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Aedes Aegypti

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Aedes Albopictus

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Do you know…•Dengue fever (DF) and dengue

haemorrhagic fever (DHF) are the most common mosquito-borne viral disease

in the world.

•Only the female mosquito feeds on blood. This is because they need the

protein found in blood to produce eggs. Male mosquitoes feed only on plant


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•The mosquito is attracted by the body odours, carbon dioxide and heat emitted from the animal or humans.

•The female Aedes mosquito searches for suitable places to lay their eggs.

•Aedes are day-biters, most active during dawn and dusk.

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Symptoms of Dengue Fever

Example of a skin rash due to dengue fever

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Demam denggi klasikal -Tanda:Kanak-kanak dan bayi -ruam dan demam panas.

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Dewasa dan remaja - demam kuat yang muncul dengan tiba-tiba yang berlangsung selama dua hingga tujuh hari, sakit kepala, sakit di belakang mata, sakit otot dan sendi yang diikuti oleh ruam yang timbul pada hari ketiga hingga keempat.

Bintik-bintik merah di bawah kulit juga boleh didapati.

Dan hasil daripada ujian makmal menunjukkan jumlah leukosit dan platlet dalam darah menurun.

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Demam denggi berdarah -Tanda•Demam yang sangat panas, pendarahan, pembesaran hati dan kegagalan sistem peredaran darah. •Pendarahan yang berlaku adalah seperti bintik-bintik merah di bawah kulit, pendarahan hidung, gusi, darah dalam najis(najis berwarna hitam), kencing •berdarah dan kadang kala mendapat haid yang berlebihan.

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•Pembesaran hati terjadi pada peringkat awal penyakit sehingga mencecah dua hingga empat sentimeter di bawah tulang rusuk kanan.

•Kesejukan dan kongesti kulit, kebiruan dan peningkatan kadar nadi.

•Pesakit juga kelihatan resah dan lemah.Mudah mengalami renjatan atau sawan

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Characteristics of theAedes Mosquito

One distinct physical feature – black and white stripes on its body and legs.

Bites during the day.Lays its eggs in clean, stagnant water.

Close-up of an Aedes mosquito

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Only the female Aedes mosquito feeds on blood. This is because they need the protein found in blood to produce eggs. Male mosquitoes feed only on plant nectar.

On average, a female Aedes mosquito can lay about 300 eggs during her life span of 14 to 21 days.

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Sifat Nyamuk Aedes

Gigitan pada waktu pagi dan senja.

(5 pagi – 8 pagi dan 5 petang – 8 malam)

Bertelur dalam air mati yang jernih.

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1-2 days

Stagnant waterStagnant water


4-5 days

Life cycle of the Aedes Mosquito

Larvae Eggs

2-3 days

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How Do Aedes Mosquitoes Transmit Diseases...

Mosquito bites and sucks blood containing the virus from an infected person.

Virus is carried in its body.

And passes the virus to healthy people when it bites them.

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PencegahanHapuskan tempat pembiakan

Hapuskan tempat air bertakung –air mati.

Membasmi nyamuk Aedes

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•Senarai & periksa semua tempat kemungkinan pembiakan.

•Rondaan kawasan berterusan.

•Buang air-air yang bertakong.

•Bubuh ABATE untuk bunuh jentik-jentik.

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Pembersihan menyeluruh & tidak membenarkan pengumpulan sampah & sisa binaan.

Penyemburan kabus (fogging) berterusan.Penyemburan Aerosol di dalam bangunan.

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This is what you can do to help…

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Prevent Aedes from Breeding!

Remove ALL sources of stagnant water. Deny the Aedes mosquito of any chance to breed.

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Common Mosquito Breeding Grounds Artificial containers (man-made)

1.Flower vases and pot plates2.Pails, water-storage jars, basins 3.Roof holes4.Traps and holes5.Unused toilet bowls 6.Air-cond Tray and dish rack tray7.Concrete drains

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Natural containers1.Tree Holes, bamboo stumps2.Leaf axils, fallen leaves

All these sites require constant inspection !!

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10-Minute AEDES Wipe-Out Activity

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Do the 10-Minute AEDES Wipe-out everyday.Do the 10-Minute AEDES Wipe-out everyday.

Change water in vases on alternate days.

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Do the 10-Minute AEDES Wipe-out everyday.Do the 10-Minute AEDES Wipe-out everyday.

Remove water from flowerpot plates on alternate days.

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Do the 10-Minute AEDES Wipe-out everyday.Do the 10-Minute AEDES Wipe-out everyday.

Turn over all pails and water storage containers.

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Do the 10-Minute AEDES Wipe-out everyday.Do the 10-Minute AEDES Wipe-out everyday.

Cover bamboo pole holders when not in use.

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Do the 10-Minute AEDES Wipe-out everyday.Do the 10-Minute AEDES Wipe-out everyday.

Clear blockages and put Bti insecticide in roof holes monthly.

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Unwanted itemsUnwanted items

Do not litter. Rubbish such as cups and bottles can collect rain water and breed mosquitoes.

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Before you leave for holidays…

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• Cover all toilet bowls in your home.

• Seal off the overflow pipe.

• Cover all floor traps and holes.

• Add sand granular insecticide to places that mosquitoes could potentially breed, such as flower vases and places where stagnant water could not be removed.

Before you leave for holidays…Before you leave for holidays…

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• Clear blockages and add Bti insecticide in roof holes.

• Turn over all water storage containers.

•Ask a relative or close friend to check your home regularly for stagnant water if you are going away for a long period of time.

• Leave your contact with your neighbours or the neighbourhood police centre so that you can be reached easily.

Before you leave for holidays…Before you leave for holidays…(Cont’d)(Cont’d)

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Spread the dengue prevention message to others…

Let your family, friends and neighbours know about the dangers of breeding AEDES!!

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For more information, you can visit the website at

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Thank You

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Why is the Aedes mosquito dangerous to us?

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It can carry the dengue virus and infect a healthy person with dengue fever.

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Name any two steps in the 10-Minute AEDES Wipe-out Activity

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ANSWER:1. Change water in vases on alternate.

2. Remove water from flowerpot plates on alternate days.

3. Turn over all pails and water storage containers.

4. Cover bamboo pole holders when not in use.

5. Clear blockages and put in Bti insecticide in roof gutters monthly.

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What are the things that you should do before going for a holiday?

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ANSWER:• Cover all toilet bowls in your home.

• Seal off the overflow pipe of the flushing cistern.

• Cover all gully/floor traps.

• Add sand granular insecticide to places that mosquitoes could potentially breed, such as flower vases and places where stagnant water could not be removed.

•Clear blockages and add Bti insecticide in roof gutters.

• Turn over all pails and water storage containers.

•Ask a relative or close friend to check your home regularly for stagnant water if you are going away for a long period of time.

• Leave your contact with your neighbours or the neighbourhood police post/ centre so that you can be reached easily.