pat sains form 2 format pt3 2014

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  • 8/10/2019 PAT Sains FORM 2 FORMAT PT3 2014



    ARAHAN :

    1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 14 soalan. Jawab semua soalan.

    2. Soalan 1 hingga 10 diperuntukkan 6 markah setiap satu.

    3. Soalan 11 hingga 14 diperuntukkan 10 markah setiap satu.

    4. Jawaban hendaklah ditulis dalam ruangan yang disediakan.

    5. Kertas soalan ini hendaklah diserahkan kepada pengawas peperiksaan pada akhirpeperiksaan.

    Markah :



    Ting. 2 Nama: .. Masa : 2 jam

    Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 17 halaman beretak

  • 8/10/2019 PAT Sains FORM 2 FORMAT PT3 2014




    1.!a" # whale is supported by its endoskeleton.

    $ritepectora gir!es" pe#ic gir!esor$ack$one to label the parts o% its skeleton.

    &3 marks'

    !b" (ath the %ollowing a)uati animals with their skeleton systems. &3 marks'

    #nimals Skeleton system



    ,ydrostati skeleton

    2!a" -iagram 1 shows a %ew types o% %ood



  • 8/10/2019 PAT Sains FORM 2 FORMAT PT3 2014



    -iagram 1

    n -iagram 1/ tik !" the orret alphabet to show the %oods that need to be onsumed in a

    small )uantity by a diabeti patient. &3 marks'

    !b" ik !" the orret %untions o% the %ood labelled .. %2marks'

    romotes healthy eye %untion

    *ssential %or growth o% new ells

    *ssential %or blood lotting

    *ssential %or %ormation o% enymes and hormones

    !" oods in are rih in itamin and 7 while %oods in 8 are rih in itamin

    #/ -/ * and K.

    ik !" one di%%erene between the solubility o% itamins %rom soures and 8. &1 mark'

    9itamins %rom are water:soluble while itamins %rom 8 are %at:soluble.

    9itamins %rom are %at:soluble while itamins %rom 8 are water:soluble.

    &. -iagram 2 shows three states o% matter.



    X Y

  • 8/10/2019 PAT Sains FORM 2 FORMAT PT3 2014



    -iagram 2

    !a" n the diagram 2/ tik !" the orret proesses and tik ! '" %or the wrong proesses.

    &2 marks'

    !b" -oes heat is absorbed in the %ollowing proesses; $rite 8es or

  • 8/10/2019 PAT Sains FORM 2 FORMAT PT3 2014



    -iagram 4

    a"ris pti nere

    !b" (ath the %ollowing situations with the onditions o% the eyes.

    $hen we entera dark room

    $hen we are looking at

    near ob?ets

    $hen the image o% ob?ets

    annot be deteted

    !3 marks"



  • 8/10/2019 PAT Sains FORM 2 FORMAT PT3 2014



    )!a" -uk and penguin are birds. heir bodies are oered with %eathers.

    $hat is the adantage o% these birds %or haing %eathers; &2 marks'



    !b" $hales are the largest a)uati animals that lie in the oean.

    i) his animal is not onsidered as %ish. *+plain. !3 marks)



    !ii" Aie another a)uati animal whih has the same harateristi as the whales.[1 mark]


    *.-iagram 5 shows a deie that applies the priniple o% air pressure.



  • 8/10/2019 PAT Sains FORM 2 FORMAT PT3 2014



    -iagram 5

    !a" !i"

  • 8/10/2019 PAT Sains FORM 2 FORMAT PT3 2014



    !b" State the e%%et on eosystem i% all snakes are killed. [1 mark]


    !" ood web is a network o% a %ew %ood hains related to eah other in an eosystem.

    -iagram C shows the %ood web in a %ield.

    -iagram C

    !i" ,ow many %ood hains are there in this %ood web; [1 mark]


    !ii" State the main soure o% energy in this %ood web.[1 mark]


    !iii" 7onstrut a %ood hain based on the %ood web in the diagram aboe. [1 mark]


    ,. !a" -iagram D shows a limber limbing a hill.

    -iagram D


  • 8/10/2019 PAT Sains FORM 2 FORMAT PT3 2014



    !ii" Statet-ouses o% the %ores state in !a"!i" in our eeryday lies. &2 marks'



    !b" -iagram E shows a ar moing at high speed.

    -iagram E

    !i" $hat will happen to the tread or sur%ae o% the tyre when the drier brakes suddenly;

    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ &1 markl

    !ii" State one adantage o% using tyres with thik tread.

    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ &1


    .he diagram shows an old person using a walkingstickto assist him in walking.

    !a"$hy do you think the old person needs to use a walking

    stik to walk; (1 mark )



    b" Siti wants to arry out an e+periment to study how the entre o% graity a%%ets the stability

    o% an ob?et. he diagram below shows two di%%erent models/ and B/ whih are built %rom

    ork and pins. he two models are plaed on a wooden board.



  • 8/10/2019 PAT Sains FORM 2 FORMAT PT3 2014



    !i" $hen the wooden board is tilted/ model B will %all %irst. *+plain why.(1 mark )


    !ii" ,ow an Siti make model B more stable;(1 mark )


    !" !i" ,ow does a gira%%e inrease its stability while drinking water %rom a rier; (1 mark )


    !ii" $hy is a roodile more stable than a gira%%e; [2 marks]



    1/. #inul wants to open a bisuit tin. She has a metal spoon and a 50:sen oin.

    !a" $hy it is easier %or her to open the lid o% the bisuit tin with the spoon instead o% the oin;


    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%2 marks'

    !b" >% #inul has a long metal spoon and a short metal spoon/ whih spoon will make it easier

    to open the lid; *+plain why. %2 marks'



    !" he diagram below shows a wrenh used to unsrew a nut.



    State two ways to unsrew the nut more easily. %2 marks]




  • 8/10/2019 PAT Sains FORM 2 FORMAT PT3 2014


  • 8/10/2019 PAT Sains FORM 2 FORMAT PT3 2014



    !ii"*+plain how a plunger an be used to lear pipes that are bloked. &4 marks '




    12. # student is inestigating about the temperature o% li)uids.

    !a" !i" $rite down temperature o% the distilled water be%ore e+periment based on the diagram.



    # thermometer is used to measure the temperature o% li)uid

    # retort stand is used to hang the thermometer and the bulb o% the thermometer is

    ensured not to touh the base o% the beaker

    he beaker is %illed with distilled water and heated

    he temperature o% the water is reorded eery 2 minutes %or 10 minutes

  • 8/10/2019 PAT Sains FORM 2 FORMAT PT3 2014



    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!1 mark"

    !ii" ased on the graph/ predit the temperature o% distilled water at the 12th minute.

    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!1 mark "

    !iii" 7omplete the graph o% temperature against time below/ based on the answer in !a".

    !2 marks"

    !b" $hat is the relationship between the temperature and time in this inestigation; !1 mark)



    !" he student repeated this inestigation by adding salt in the distilled water. able below

    shows the results.

    imeF min 0 2 4 6 D 10

    emperature F=7 2D.5 50 D2 E5 102 105

    !i"oiling point is the temperature at whih the apour pressure o% the li)uid is e)ual to the

    atmospheri pressure and the hange in the state o% matter ourred. $hat is the boilng point

    o% distilled water; !1 mark"


    !ii" ased on the table/ what is the possible boiling point o% salt solution; !1 mark)



  • 8/10/2019 PAT Sains FORM 2 FORMAT PT3 2014




    !iii" 7ompare the boiling point o% distilled water and salt solution. !1 mark"


    !d" $hat is impurity; *+plain the e%%et o% impurities on the boiling point o% distilled water.





    !2 marks"

    1&.# health ageny has issued an artile about diseases aused by holesterol.

    !a" #nimal %at ontains a high perentage o% saturated %at. $hy is saturated %at bad %or the

    body; ! 3 marks"





    !b" he diagram below shows a hild eating ?unk %ood.



    0ases o High 0hoestero in the 3o!4


    *ating too muh %at suh as animal %at %or e+ample/

    bee%/ milk/ eggs/ butter and heese.

    3o!4 -eight

    he body weight a%%ets the holesterol ontent in the body. >% you are

    oerweight/ the risk o% high holesterol is great.

    6ai4 acti#ities

    he atiities in li%e in%luene the health o% our bodies. >% we do not like to arry

    out e+erise/ our holesterol leels will inrease and this will lead to weight gain.


    eople who hae hereditary high holesterol will hae the potential %or high


  • 8/10/2019 PAT Sains FORM 2 FORMAT PT3 2014


  • 8/10/2019 PAT Sains FORM 2 FORMAT PT3 2014



    1(. he magnitude o% %rition produed is di%%erent based on types o% sur%ae. # student

    inestigates the e%%et o% %rition by using the apparatus below.

    he %ollowing are the steps o% the inestigationG

    Step 1G he wooden blok is plaed on a glass table.

    Step 2G he spring balane i% pulled.

    he reading on the spring balane is read as soon as the blok starts to moe.

    Step 3G Steps 1 and 2 are repeated on a wooden and plasti tables.

    !a" $hat happens i% %rition does not e+ist; &2 marks'




    !b" $hat will happen i% the wooden blok is plaed on a arpeted sur%ae; &1 mark'




  • 8/10/2019 PAT Sains FORM 2 FORMAT PT3 2014



    !" able below shows the reading o% spring balane on di%%erent sur%aes.

    Sur%ae Heading o% spring balane F