  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1




    Dosen : Dr. Stefano Mn!r" M.#.



  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


    M!nera+ ,Ore- an Coal are /!ne !n t0o 0as &

    ner2ron /!nes an srfa3e /!nes.Toa" underground mines are !2+ /e3an!5e" 0!t/a3!nes o!n2 te !22!n2" +oa!n2 an hauling !nnear+ a++ te /!nes.

    Mining Equipment : Drilling  6 Dee+o8/ent"Pro3t!on" S ort 9 Haulin   6 Tra3 ,+o3s. ; 3ars- 9

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    Most underground mines ae two accesspassages fro/ te srfa3e to te 3oa+ >e. One!s se as an entrance and exit" 0!+e te oter!s se to haul out the coal. Both are usedfor circulation of air.Te /a!n t8es of ner2ron /!nes are shaft

    mines" drift mines or slope mines. Teee8est of tese tree are te saft /!ne.Passa2es are 2 stra!2t o0n !nto te eart tote 3oa+ e8os!ts. An eleator  3a++e a hoist  !s

    +o3ate !n ea3 saft. A s+o8e /!ne !s s!/!+ar to asaft /!ne e@3e8t tat te 3oa+ !s nearer to tesrfa3e an 8assa2e to te 3oa+ !s a33esse > atnne+ tat !s 2 on s+ant. A r!ft /!ne 2oes

    stra!2t !nto te /onta!ns!e to te 3oa+. Te

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    !"pes of #nderground Coal Mines

     T!s ra0!n2 e8!3ts te tree t8es of ner2ron /!nessaft /!nes"s+o8e /!nes an r!ft /!nes. Te e3!s!on of 0at t8e of /!ne to 3onstr3te8ens on te e8t of te 3oa+ sea/ an te srron!n2 terra!n.a. Dr!ft /!nes ae or!5onta+ entr!es !nto te 3oa+ sea/ fro/ a !++s!e.>. S+o8e /!nes" 0!3 sa++ are not er ee8" are !n3+!ne fro/ te srfa3eto te 3oa+ sea/.

    3. Saft /!nes" 2enera++ te ee8est /!nes" ae ert!3a+ a33ess to te 3oa+sea/ !a e+eators tat 3arr 0orers an e!8/ent !nto te /!ne.A+/ost a++ ner2ron /!nes are +ess tan 1"))) feet ee8" >t so/e /!nesrea3 e8ts of a>ot ("))) feet.Drift mining !s a /eto of s>srfa3e /!n!n2 or ner2ron /!n!n2 tat!no+es 3tt!n2 an o8en!n2 or!5onta++ !nto te s!e of a /onta!n or !++s!e

    to a33ess a /!nera+ sea/. Te res+t !s te 3reat!on of a r!ft" a tnne+ 2an r!en !re3t+ a+on2 a or!5onta+ 8at to te sea/.

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    !he diagram depicts a cross section of three di$erent kindsof mines% along with structural elements of the undergroundshaft and slope mines. !he shaft mine has compartments for

    a skip hoist% eleators called cages% and serice facilities suchas entilation ducts. &n a slope mine% the miners also work at

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    Mater!a+ ,rock or ore and coal - fra2/ente 0!t or 0!tot a! ofe@8+os!es fro/ a 0or!n2 fa3e ,0!3 /a >e a tnne+" +ar2ener2ron 3a/>er" o8en 3t e@3aat!on at an 0or!n2 s!te or/!nes- !s no0n as muck . Te process of loading this muck !nto a3onean3e for trans8ortat!on a0a fro/ te fa3e !s no0n asmucking.Wen t!s muck !s !s3ar2e to an aCa3ent area" 8ra3t!3a++0!tot /o!n2 te /3!n2 e!8/ent" an s!/8+ > s0!n2!n2 !t"te 8ro3ess !s no0n as casting.Excavation !s te 8ro3ess of !22!n2 2ron fro/ !ts >an fa3e ,!ns!t- an e+eat!n2 > an e@3aator to !s3ar2e !t e!ter to aa+a2e n!t" or an aCa3ent area.

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    At an /!ne" tnne+" or 3!!+ 3onstr3t!on s!te on3e tero3 as >een !s+o2e fro/ its original place" !t neeto >e re/oe !//e!ate+ to !ts (nal destination atthe surface 0!3 3o+ >e a 0aste ro3 /3 8!+e or

    ore)s stock pile to feed to the processing plant" or(nal dispatch destination point 0!3 !s te sers.%ro/ the working face of the excavation site9 !t !s+oae 0!t te se of an of te mucking units as

    described in chapter 6 into a 3onean3e 0!33arr!es !t tro2 or!5onta+" !n3+!ne" ert!3a+" or3o/>!nat!on of >ot or!5onta+ an ert!3a+ rotes" to te!s3ar2e 8o!nt.Moement of the muck through a hori*ontal orinclined path is known as haulage% and through thesteepl" inclined to ertical path +up or down, ashoisting.

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    H-#L-E /0/!EM T!s 3an >e es3r!>e ner t0o ea!n2s & tra3 an tra3+ess. !rackhaulage !n3+es ro8e an +o3o/ot!e a+a2e" 0!3 rn on ra!+ or tra3. Tra3+ess sste/ !n3+es ato/o>!+e" 3oneors an trans8ortat!on tro28!8es.

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    !1-C2LE// O1 !01ED H-#L-E /0/!EMAUTOMOBIL#S Tese tra3+ess n!ts o8erate on roas an are tre 0ee+ /onte. Ma!n+fo++o0!n2n!ts are aa!+a>+e for te!r se !n srfa3e an ner2ron /!nes:

    1. LHD & 0en se as trans8ort!n2 n!t" te a+!n2 !stan3e so+ note@3ee 1*)/(. Stt+e 3ars & te +!/!t!n2 !stan3e for tese n!ts are !n te ran2e of 1&(/. Lo0 ProE+e Tr3s=D/8ers for te!r se !n =2 /!nes.a-. LHD : %++ es3r!8t!on of LHDs as >een 2!en >efore.

    >- SHUTTL# ro2t !nto /!nes !n ear+ 1F*)s anst!++ Ens !ts a88+!3at!on !n 3oa+ an non3oa+ /!nes. A 3a!n an G!2t3oneor Ette !n te 3enter of !ts >o transfers te /3 fro/ !ts rearen to0ars te front one at te t!/e of !ts +oa!n2 an !t !s3ar2es !ts/3 on to a 2r!55+" 3oneor or /!ne3ar" 0en n+oa!n2 !t. T!s e!3+estt+es >et0een te +oa!n2 fa3e an !ts !s3ar2e en" en3e" te na/e

    stt+e 3ar" an!t !s not re!re to trn aron. Batter" 3a>+e ree+e e+e3tr!3 8o0er or!ese+ 3o+ o8erate!t. Te >atter ers!on 3o+ not En !ts a88+!3at!on" en3e" !n non3oa+/!nes !ese+ o8erate an !n 3oa+ /!nes e+e3tr!3a++ rn stt+e 3ars arese. In +ater t8e /oe/ent

    of 3ar !s restr!3te to a !stan3e >e+o0 (*) / ,/a@. +en2t of 3a>+e-.Ho0eer for >etter

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    Ore Pass 0!t $r!55+

    L d H l D +LHD,

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    Load Haul Dump +LHD,M+t!8+e 8r8ose !ese+ /a3!ne se for /ater!a+ re/oa+ an +!ft!n2 an3arr!n2 s88+!es aron te /!ne.

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    UND#R$ROUND TRUe2an so/e0at !near+ 1F7)s !n ner2ron /!nes. Bot t0o 0ee+ r!es an for0ee+r!e tr3s are !n se. A t0o 0ee+ r!e tr3 Ens !ts a88+!3at!on on te+ee+ to 1( 8 2ra!ent /!ne roa0as. Te roa so+ >e 0!t arsrfa3e. It so+ not >e er s+!88er an soft. %or0ee+ r!e tr3s 3an

    >ese for ro2" s+!88er an een at te stee8er 2ra!ents tan 1(. Tr3s3an >e 3+ass!Ee!nto tree t8es: T!8 /8ers" Te+es3o8!3 /8ers an Ps8+ate /8ers

    M! T

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    M!ne Tr3s

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     TRA+et8es of /!ne 3ars are/anator to a3!ee s/oot an tro>+e free trans8ortat!on of ore" ro3san /ater!a+!n te /!ne. Se+e3t!on of a tra3 e8ens 8on te 0e!2t of +o3o/ot!e or

    te0e!2t on a 0ee+ !n 3ase of ro8e a+a2e sste/. In E2re=ta>+e 7.14,3-s22este

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    A mine railwa" ,or mine railroad U S - so/et!/es pit railwa" !s a

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    A mine railwa" ,or mine railroad" U.S.-" so/et!/es pit railwa"" !s ara!+0a 3onstr3te to 3arr /ater!a+s an 0orers !n an ot of a /!ne.1 Mater!a+s trans8orte t8!3a++ !n3+e ore" 3oa+ an oer>ren ,a+so 3a++ear!os+ s8o!+s" 0aste" s+a3" 3+/"( an t!+!n2s9 a++ /ean!n2 0aste ro3-. It!s +!tt+e re/e/>ere" >t te /!@ of ea an >+ /ater!a+s 0!3 a to

    >e a+e !nto an ot of /!nes 2ae r!se to te Erst seera+ 2enerat!ons ofra!+0as" at Erst /ae of 0oo ra!+s" >t eenta++ a!n2 8rote3t!e !ron"stea/ +o3o/ot!on > E@e en2!nes an te ear+!est 3o//er3!a+stea/ +o3o/ot!es" a++ !n an aron te 0ors aron /!nes.


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    MIN# o9 an are aa!+a>+e 8 to for a@+es an 0!t 3arr!n2 3a8a3!t 8to 1))

    tons.F M!ne 3ars 8 to 1* tons. 3a8a3!t are er 3o//on. In 3oa+/!nes /!ne3ars of s/a++ s!5e ,1" 1" (" " tons.- are se 0ere as !n /eta+ /!nes >!2 s!5e /!ne3ars ,"*" 7" 1) or /ore- are 3o//on. Tese 3ars aa!+a>+e !n ar!os es!2ns8art!3+ar+ as 8er

    te!r /oe of !s3ar2!n2 /3 te o+" an 8ro/!nent a/on2st te/ are:s!e !s3ar2e,E2. 7.1*,a--" en !s3ar2e ,E2. 7.1*,>--" >otto/ !s3ar2e ,E2. 7.1*,3--"s!e!s3ar2e $ran> 3ars" an ato/at!3 >otto/ !s3ar2e 3ars. Botto/!s3ar2e 3ars

    ae te aanta2e of 2ett!n2 r! of /3 st!3!n2 at te!r >otto/s an a+sore!re+ess e!2t of 0or!n2s r!n2 /3 !s3ar2e o8erat!on. %!2re 7.1*,-!++strates te8ro3ess of /3 !s3ar2e fro/ te >otto/ !s3ar2e 3ars as 8er S0e!s8ra3t!3e.

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    #+eators are e!3es tat /oe 8eo8+e an 2oos ert!3a++ 0!t!n a

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    #+eators are e!3es tat /oe 8eo8+e an 2oos ert!3a++ 0!t!n ae!3ate saft tat 3onne3ts te Goors of a >!+!n2.S!8 an 3a2e o!st!n2 sste/s for ertical and inclined shafts !n3+e:Koe8e" r/ an >+a!r 0!ners 0!t 3onent!ona+ an !nte2rate

    /otorHo!st!n2 to0ers an ea fra/esHea an eGe3t!on seaesMo>!+e 0!ners for ser!3e an e/er2en3 seS!8s an 3a2es" ro8e atta3/ents for 0!n!n2" >a+an3e an

    2!e ro8es" ro8e +oa /easr!n2 e!3esLoa!n2 an n+oa!n2 stat!ons


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    /&EM- !ECBE1 3 Hoisting !echnolog"% /haft and/lope Hoisting

    S+o8e o!st!n2 sste/s are es!2ne for o!st!n2 ea tr3s ors!8s !n te fastest an /ost e3ono/!3a+ /anner s!n2 te sortest

    !stan3e fro/ /!ne >otto/ to te srfa3e. Open3pit hoisting

    s"stems 4 SI#MA$ T#!+!t ,)) t 8+s-" ener2 e3!ent an 3ostee3t!e s!8 o!st!n2 an Tr3L!ft Sste/s. Te Tr3L!ft Sste/ >SI#MA$ T#otto/ to srfa3e. Te >eneEts !n3+e: Re3e tr3 Geet !nest/ent" O erat!n an /a!ntenan3e 3osts

    /haft sinking ppt..underground mines

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    /haft sinking ppt..underground minesSaft s!n!n2" e@3aat!on fro/ te srfa3e of an o8en!n2 !n te eart. Safts"0!3 are 2enera++ ert!3a+" are sa++ !st!n2!se fro/ tnne+s" 0!3 areor!5onta+. L!tt+e !3+t !s e@8er!en3e !n saft s!n!n2 tro2 so+! ro3"0!3 3onta!ns +!tt+e 0ater. Safts sn !n +oose 0ater>ear!n2 so!+s an +!ne

    0!t 3ast !ron or 0!t 3on3rete /asonr 1 to ( ft ,)1 3/- t!3" >!+t !nse3t!ons as te 0or aan3es. Saft s!n!n2 tro2 ro3 !s 2enera++a33o/8+!se > >+ast!n2. D!a/eter an e8t e8ens 8on te t8e of tesaft Safts are sa++ 3!r3+ar or re3tan2+ar. Tese are9 1. Do0nteo+e Saft s!n!n2 Metos (. Re/ote Saft s!n!n2Metos . Ra!se>or!n2 Meto

    1. Do0nteo+eSaft s!n!n2 /eto 1. Ro3 >o+t!n2 /es!n2 (. 3ast!n8+a3e +!n!n2 . 8re3ast +!n!n2 1. Dr!++!n2 >+ast!n2 (. saft>or!n2 /3!n2. '/o+e 0!t 8!+ot o+e

    a. Dr!++!n2 >+ast!n2: A saft !s 3onstr3te > r!++!n2 o+es an E++!n2 te/0!t e@8+os!es. Us!n2 t!s /eto" r!++!n2 an >+ast!n2 3an s!n aron *1) /etres !n one >+ast. T!s !s er +a>or!ntens!e" nsafe an as !2

    rnn!n2 3osts. Te /ost !a>+e a+ternat!e for safts 8 to 1))/ !n +en2t.>. M3!n2: Te o8erat!on of +oa!n2 >roen ro3 > an or /a3!ne" sa++

    !n safts or tnne+s. Note: M3" an se+ess /ater!a+ 8ro3e !n /!n!n2./3!n2 ot 3tt!n2s fro/ te >otto/ of te saft. Usa++ t!s 0o+re!re so/e s!8o!st!n2" >3eto!st!n2 or 3+a/se++2ra> e!8/ent.

    3. Ro3 >o+t!n2 an /es!n2 A 0!re /es !s fastene to te 0a++s 0!t een+

    s8a3e ro3 >o+ts. Ro3 >o+t!n2 !s a 3o//on+ se" 3ea8 /eto. Tero3>o+ts !n3rease nor/a+ stresses on o!nts so tat sear fa!+re a+on

    . It !s 8oss!>+e to 3ast 3on3rete r!n2s as te saft s!n 8ro2resses. T!s

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    . It !s 8oss!>+e to 3ast 3on3rete r!n2s as te saft s!n 8ro2resses. T!s/eto 8ro!es a s/oot" 0atert!2t an 8er/anent +!n!n2 for te saft. Te 3as!n2 3an >e re!nfor3e to 3o8e 0!t or!5onta+ stresses ,!.e. r!n2sa8e re!nfor3e/ent- /a!n2 te 3as!n2 e+e/ents /ore e3ono/!3a+.1(. In sans" /stone an sanstone" stee+" 8restresse 3on3rete or

    3o/8os!te +!ners 0!t a s/a++er !a/eter ,!.e. 8 to te 4.* !a: -tan tesaft are +o0ere after r!++!n2 ot te o+e. e 8ore>e!n te 0a++s to 3reate te +!n!n2.1. a- Woo=Stee+ P!+!n2 Te Erst set of 8!+es" for/!n2 a 3!r3+e aron tesaft s!te !s starte at te srfa3e. As te 8!+es are r!en o0n" te 2ron!s e@3aate" an a 3!r3+ar 3r!> !s 8t !n eer fe0 feet. In t!s 0a te

    saft !s sn !n a ser!es of sort 0ooen 3+!ners. >- O8en !22!n2 a sa++o0 e@3aat!on an 8+a3!n2 a3tt!n2 soe on te >otto/ of te 8!t. Te 2ron !ns!e an Cst ner tesoe !s e@3aate an te +!n!n2 !s >!+t 8 as te soe s!ns.14. 3- 1*. Saft t8e D!a/eters ,/- De8ts ,/- M!n!n2 ent!+at!on 1 *)1*))M!n!n ore asses 7 *)1*)) M!n!n a33ess safts *1) *)1*)) Water

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    S3e/at!3 of headframe

    1. o!st 9 (. 3a>+e  9 . 0ee+  9 4.seer  9 *. fa+se e2e  9 .o!stroo/  9 7. /!nesaft

     A stee+ Heafra/e ,te ert!3a+!stan3e Q *) / !2 a>oe te3o++ar- an 0!n!n2 r/s

    M!ne o!st!n2 sste/s :

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    gA ra!se !s a ert!3a+ or stee8+!n3+!ne o8en!n2 tat 3onne3ts !erent+ee+s !n te /!ne. It /a sere as a +aer0a a33ess to sto8es" asan ore 8ass or as an a!r0a !n te /!nes ent!+at!on sste/. Ra!s!n2!s a !3+t an an2eros" >t ne3essar Co>. Ra!s!n2 /etos ar

    fro/ s!/8+e /ana+ r!++ an >+ast to /e3an!3a+ ro3 e@3aat!on 0!tra!se >or!n2 /a3!nes ,RBMs-

    1-&/&5 ME!HOD/ 4

    RAIS#BORIN$ STA$#S : Ra!se>or!n2 3an >e !!e !nto t0o 3ate2or!es : Ra!se

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    Dr!++!n2 Bo@o+e Dr!++!n2. At+as as!3s an te E2res are so0n >e+o0:

    Boxhole drilling

    1aise drilling

    DeEn!t!ons: 1aise4 ,1- A ert!3a+ or !n3+!ne o8en!n2 !n a /!ne r!en 80ar

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     Te ta>+e >e+o0 so0s a t8!3a+ re8resentat!on of te !erent sta2es !n8ro3t!on ra!se>or!n2 fo++o0e > >a3E++!n2 of te ra!se" 0!t eta!+s +!e/an8o0er" rat!on" 8erfor/an3e an te t8es of 0or one.

    fro/ a +ee+ to 3onne3t 0!t te +ee+ a>oe" or to e@8+ore te 2ron for a+!/!te !stan3e a>oe one +ee+. After t0o +ee+s are 3onne3te" te3onne3t!on /a >e a 0!n5e or a ra!se" e8en!n2 8on 0!3 +ee+ !s taen aste 8o!nt of referen3e. ,(- A /!ne o8en!n2" +!e a saft" r!en 80ar fro/

    te >a3 of a +ee+ to a +ee+ a>oe" or to te srfa3e. ,- To tae 8 te Gooror >otto/ ro3 !n a roo/" 2an20a" or entr to !n3rease te e!2t fora+a2e.1aise Borer: Tese /a3!nes are se to 8ro3e a 3!r3+ar e@3aat!one!ter >et0een t0o e@!st!n2 +ee+s !n an ner2ron /!ne or >et0een tesrfa3e an an e@!st!n2 +ee+ !n a /!ne. In ra!se >or!n2" a 8!+oto+e !s r!++e

    o0n to te +o0er +ee+" te r!++>!t !s re/oe an re8+a3e > a rea/erea a!n2 a !a/eter 0!t te sa/e !/ens!on as te es!re e@3aat!onan t!s ea ten !s rotate an 8++e >a3 8 to0ars te /a3!ne.1aise Clim'er: #!8/ent se !n an o8en!n2 ,ra!se- tat !s /!ne 80ar.

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    Des3r!8t!on= S8e3!E3at!on of

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    /ater!a+ trans8ortat!on !n ner2ron 3oa+ /!nes 0!t ar!n2 3a8a3!t!es"e8enent on te a88+!3at!on. Mater!a+ !s trans8orte on t0!n ot>oar 3a!ns0!t G!2ts. Tese 3a!ns are r!en > s8ro3ets 8ro!e at te r!e ens9s8ro3ets are a+so 8ro!e at te ta!+ en to ensre te s/oot rnn!n2 ofte 3a!ns. Te r!e n!t 3ons!sts of 3o/8a3t s!e/onte 2ear >o@es 0!tGan2es for atta3!n2 te /otor an te G! 3o8+!n2.

     Te Ar/ore %a3e ase for2!!n2 te /!n!n2 /a3!ne. S3 ro++e S!2/a Se3t!ons are !/8orte fro/

    $er/an" S8a!n an Po+an.

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  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1



  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


    W!e+ se a/on2st te 3oneor sste/ of a+a2e arete >e+t 3oneors a!n2 te!r a88+!3at!ons >ot forsrfa3e as 0e++ as ner2ron /!nes.

    Be+t 3oneor !s >as!3a++ an en+ess stra8 stret3e>et0een t0o r/s. Te >e+t 3arr!es te /ater!a+ antrans/!ts te 8++. A >e+t 3oneor sste/ essent!a++3ons!sts of stee+ str3tre a++ a+on2 !ts +en2t. To t!sstr3tre" 3arr!n2 !+ers ,E2. 7.,>--" 0!3 3an >e fro/(&*" an retrn !+ers are /onte. Te s8a3!n2 >et0een3arr!n2 !+er ar!es fro/ 1.( to (.1 / an fro/ (.4 to .1/ for retrn !+ers. In orer to a3!ee a tro2 sa8e toa33o//oate /ore an /ore fra2/ente or +oose

    /ater!a+" te 3arr!n2 !+ers /onte on te s!es areE@e at ()&* to te or!5onta+. A r!!n2 n!t !nsta++eat !ts one of ens a!n2 a /otor" 2ears" r!!n2 r/,E2. 7.,3-- an oter Ett!n2s to start" sto8" or rn te


  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


    +e >e+t 0!t > of)"F@B*) for B 8 to ())) // an B(*) for 0!er tan ())) //. Teoret!3a+ 3one!n2 ant!t !n /V=:

     Teoret!3a+ 3one!n2 ant!t !n t=:

  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


    A >e+t ).F / 0!e 3ones ore of >+ ens!t 1.* t=3/. at a s8ee of1.7* /=se3.

  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


    M!ne !s3ar2!n2 8o!nt ,after$as!e0!35 an Pe+3" 1FF-1. a+er9 (. ra+!3 a//er9 .

    !s3ar2e 2rate9 4. 3te9 *. >e+t3oneor

    Sr2e >ner at +oa!n2 8o!nt for/!ne ra!+ 3ars ,after $as!e0!35 anPe+3" 1FF-1. >e+t 3oneor9 (. a+er9 . 8!to+eas a >ner9 4. /!ne 3ar feeer9 *.

    /!ne 3ar

  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


    Des3r!8t!on= S8e3!E3at!on of

  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


    8 2 2 8 "e8enent on te a88+!3at!on. Mater!a+ !s trans8orte on t0!n ot>oar 3a!ns0!t G!2ts. Tese 3a!ns are r!en > s8ro3ets 8ro!e at te r!e ens9s8ro3ets are a+so 8ro!e at te ta!+ en to ensre te s/oot rnn!n2 ofte 3a!ns. Te r!e n!t 3ons!sts of 3o/8a3t s!e/onte 2ear >o@es 0!tGan2es for atta3!n2 te /otor an te G! 3o8+!n2.

     Te Ar/ore %a3e ase for2!!n2 te /!n!n2 /a3!ne. S3 ro++e S!2/a Se3t!ons are !/8orte fro/$er/an" S8a!n an Po+an.

  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1


    Nine miners missing after fire broke out at Harmony's Doornkop gold mine /0124*567!, eb #$%8 9 %$'$8 2M (5:;) *y ' "2

  • 8/18/2019 Transportasi (Tambang) Bawah Tanah # 1



    ine miners missing after fire broke out at 1armony=s >oornkop gold mine

    ' ine miners ere unaccounted for after a fire broke out at 1armony=s

    ?;ontact has been made ith eight employees in a refuge bay@ efforts continue to reach

    these employees and to establish the hereabouts of a further nine employees ho arecurrently unaccounted for,? spokesman /ames >uncan said in a statement.

    ?:he fire as reported to have occurred in a stope adjacent to %A# level haulage (some

    %B33 metres underground) at around Cpm on :uesday.?

    >uncan said rescue teams ere immediately dispatched underground but access to theaffected area as hampered by smoke and a subsequent fall of ground.

    0perations at the mine ere suspended.

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