  • Questions 1 -

    4Read the text and choose the best word based on the pictures given.

    Donald is the head of SJKC Yuk Cheng. He is a very dedicated

    with his fellow

    with his friehds every evening in the local park.


    leader. Sometimes, he helps to clean the school

    prefects. Donald is also an athlete. He is a high jumper and a 200-metre

    Donald is very fit. He (4)

    Questions 5 -7

    Choose the best phrase to complete the senfences below.

    5 The rich and famous usually have


    expensive motorcars in their garages.

    l Ateacher Bprefect2 4yard B park3 Aputter B swimmer4 Aplays B dances

    A a team ofB a fleet of6 The stallion and mareA run quicklyB gdop freely7 The ballerina wasappreciatively.A assmooth as silkB aspretty as a picture

    on the open field,swing swiftlyslither silently

    as agile as a monkeyas graceful as a swan

    when she performed on stage. The audience clapped

    C monitorC canteenC throwerC exercises


    C a group ofD a display of



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