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Rancangan Pengajaran Harian1 Minggu/ Hari/ Tarikh Sunday/ 1.3.20152 Kelas/ Masa/ Mata Pelajaran3C/ 8.00!.30/ "#3 Te$a/ Tajuk Stended Pe$%elajaran &k'd()nit 3* My C'usins+ My ,eigh%'ur1.2&a(- .%jekti/ Pe$%elajaran Pu0ils sh'uld %e a%le t'*1. kn'1 h'1 t' use - 0r'n'uns gi2en.3#,)S2. kn'1 a%'ut - 0r'n'uns.5 4kti2iti P5P 1 Tea6her d' si$0le 6'n2ersati'n+ greets the0u0ils.2 Tea6her talks a%'ut the 0i6tures 1ith 0u0ils.3 Then+ tea6her 1ill intr'du6e the t'0i6 t' 0u0ils.- 3ater+ tea6her 1ill e70lain a%'ut the 0r'n'uns t' 0u0ils and h'1 t' use the$.5 ,e7t+ 0u0ils 1ill %e ask t' try the 1riting a6ti2ity 'n the t'0i6.8 Tea6her 1ill guide the$ thr'ugh'ut the a6ti2ity.3#,)S9 Tea6her 1ill intr'du6e the 0r'n'un t' the$'ne %y 'ne.8 Tea6her e70lains t' the$ the /un6ti'n /'r ea6h 0r'n'un.! Then+ tea6her hel0s the$ t' 0r'n'un6e the 0r'n'un.10 4/ter that+ tea6her asks the$ t' 1rite the 0r'n'un in the %''k.11 3ater+ tea6her asks the$ t' d' thea6ti2ity'n the t'0i6.12 Tea6her 1ill guide the$ thr'ugh'ut the less'n.8 :le$en Merentas Kurikulu$ &:MK(Thinking skills+ 1riting skills+ 6'$$uni6ati'n skills.9 "ahan %antu $engajar Te7t%''k 0age 23+ 0i6ture 6ards8 Penilaian P5P 1. Pu0ils talks a%'ut the 0i6tures.2. Pu0ils 1rite d'1n the 0r'n'uns.3. Pu0ils d' the 1riting a6ti2ity a%'ut the t'0i6.! ;e

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