bab5 conducive classroom


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Page 2: Bab5 Conducive Classroom

1.0 Pengenalan

1.1 Pengurusan Persekitaran fizikal

1.2 Pengurusan Persekitaran sosi-emosi

1.3 Perhubungan antara hubungan etnik

1.4 Pengurusan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran

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1.5 Pedagogi Releven Budaya dan Kepelbagaian Kelompok

1.6 Pedagogi Kelas Bercantum

1.7 Sosiolinguistik

1.8 Penilaian Berasaskan Budaya

1.9 Kesimpulan

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Refers to the ability of teachers to control pupils to ensure that the teaching process runs smoothly.Implications - that teachers should create a learning environment that encourages interaction and integration among the pupils,Classroom management and teaching in the classroom relates to each other.

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Meaning: A process of participation, cooperation and intervention of members to achieve the objectives of the organization / group in any of the work.

For classroom use:Place of teaching and learning processThe main battle field career of a teacher

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Lemlech (1988) :-

Classroom management as the orchestra of life.Requires the development of curriculum, maintenance procedures and teaching resources.This aspect of priority are:    Restructuring the classroom environment to maximize efficiency, monitoring student progress and student responsibilities in advance thinking that problems might arise.

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Marzano (2003) :-

- Actions and involvement of teachers in the classroom has greater effect in student achievement compared with the school curriculum policy, assessment,co-operation between teachers and community participation.

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Basic material

Papan putih Papan kenyataan Almari

Chair and desk

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Create a harmonious atmosphere, fun and spirit to the students and teachers

A sense of belonging and mutual cooperation and self-reliance, which work together to improve themselves and the group collectively

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The success of teachers to manage physical resources and a conducive classroom environment:

Teachers successfully create a culture of discipline, cooperation, love the beauty of the environment, comply with every direction, and quality of life.

The role of teachers: -    Trigger ideas, mentor, facilitator

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Safety aspects- Provides rules and practices of the

classroom.- The purpose of the rules

   - Controlling and shaping positive behaviors and prevent unwanted behavior

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Teachers based on classroom rules and school rules circular.

For example: Timeliness, honesty, sense of responsibility, cleanliness, respect, tolerance and cooperation.

Due to breach of rules: - Given the advice, warning and action. (In

this form of education

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Space and flexibility of movement Facilitate student-centered learning

activities follow any pupil and group activities

Layout involves student desk and chair Provide comfort to students

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Examples of classroom plans that can be used in special education classrooms:

Aspects of classroom cleanliness and beauty    -Ensure that the class is always clean and cheerful.    -Students can instil moral values in students as a sense of personal responsibility, sense of belonging and pride in their class

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Aspects of lighting, ventilation and pupil position   - To encourage students to focus on teaching and learning.   - The use of bulletin boards     Improve student reading and discussion with peers.   - Increase competence in teaching and effective classroom management

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Socio-emotional management work: -

     The stimulus that evoke and sustain interest in a pupil to achieve goals (interests, attitudes and behavior)

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Woolfolk (1990):- Motivation or internal power to rise,

directing and controlling interest and student behavior.

Thus, emotion students must be managed effectively that their emotion is always stable for activities in learning.

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What is the role of teachers?

- Give praise and encouragement to students- Appreciation in accordance with

involvement- Remuneration in various forms (gift, token

economy)positive reinforcement

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Effectively to manage student emotions so that they can accept the fact of the strengths and weaknesses.

Learn to accept yourself and others

Emotionally stable students have great interest, favored close friends,

democracy, humor and bear conflict in the classroom

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Raised the curiosity of studentsInstead, they will be giving up that will affect performance

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Positive relationship between teachers and pupils should be built.

Teachers need to: -Practice democratic leadership.Concerned with physiology and academic needs of students.An assertive approach and student-centered.

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Positive relationships with classmates should be built.

Teachers need to: -Know the students by their peersPupils are given the opportunity to socialize with each other in learning activitiesPlacing a spirit of cooperation and understanding emotional peer (increase academic achievement and emotional form pupils

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Teach to recognize your feelings and emotions of others.Pupils made aware if it fails to control his feelings of self and peer

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Why does the socio-emotional development is needed?

Children can show awareness, receive different partners and express emotions and feelings.Using toys to explain the feelings and socio-emotional problems

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Ability to face daily challenges and adapt to change and accept what can not be changed resulting in an alternative option.Development of problem-solving skills to develop self esteem and a sense of respect among the students.Moral values , confidence, self and intiatif intiatif social interaction and understanding between them also developed their own when they are encouraged to make responsible decisions and effectively

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Provide adequate rest timeReduce stress, increase circulation of oxygen and glucose to the brain and stimulates the adrenalin.Provide space to carry out kinestik, mix in elements of the musical, poetic and theatrical

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Ralp Linton (1945) :-CULTURAL all learned and repeated in a

society of social heritage community members.

FRIENDLY A close relationship that exists between individuals in a society.

FRIENDLY CULTURE A culture may be agreed upon by all members in a community and they recognize culture as a common good practice through which people can forge stronger ties among them.

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Recommended that young people understand the Federal Constitution which guarantees the right of every Malaysian.

What is ethnicity and how an understanding of the Federal Constitution may help to take care of ethnic relations in this country?

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Ethnicity: - human groups determined by the cultural differences, such as customs, dress, language, economic activity and so forth.

Starting with the concept of ethnicity. Can be divided through the cultural and

demographic differences or place of residence.

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Ministry of Higher Education began efforts to strengthen ethnic relations by requiring first-year student to take up Ethnic Relations course.Ethnic Relations module approved kebinet previously also been distributed to all public universities.Copies of the final module Ethnic goodwill was due to instructions Ministry of Higher Education (Oct 2004) requires all undergraduate students taking the subject of public universities as a condition of graduation

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Important aspect discussed in Ethnic Relations Module:

- Traditional elements in the Constitution of Malaysia,

- the national language- The main reason the Malaysian identity and foster understanding towards unity

- religion of the federation- the special position of Malays

Natives of Sabah and Sarawak  monarchy

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Social contract: -

Symbolic agreement reached between the leaders of Malaysia's major ethnic groups as the Federation of Malaya Agreement (1948)

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Ethnic Relations module that must be read that at least six matters affecting ethnic relations in Malaysia Constitution, namely:

Article 8: equality and equal rights and waiver provisions in questions of religion, the special position of MalaysArticle 10 (4): limitation of free speech touching the position of the rulers, Islam, Malays, citizenship

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Article 38: Powers of the Council of Malay Rulers prevent Parliament to make laws affecting the position of the Malay Rulers, the Malays, Malay language and IslamArticle 150 (6A): the position of Islam, Malay customs, Natives of Sabah and Sarawak, nationality despite the state of emergencyArticle 152: Ranking of Malay as the national language, without denying the rights of other ethnic groups use their languageArticle 153: The special position of Malays without denying the legal position of other ethnic

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Responsibilities of students:- Enhance their knowledge about the

religion or customs of other ethnic- Recommended creating a harmonious

ethnic relations- Thinking focused on ethnic relations in

Malaysia (historical, political and economic background)

- Acquire five key areas that can help serve to improve and promote ethnic relations from the perspective and their ability. (Awareness, understanding, accommodation, mutual respect and solidarity)

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AWARENESS ability of students to identify that there is diversity in the Malaysian society

For example: religious, cultural, economic, political and social.

Diversity can be a strength because in terms of natural, man has been there in crowds clustered and reside in different places.

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Feeling concerned about all the different ethnic groups be based on deep understanding of

After there is understanding, behavior and actions are built accommodation

Accommodation - to accept other and accommodate of different ethnic lifestyles, habits, customs and religion

The emergence of the value of respect.

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With the emergence of a strong awareness, understanding, accommodation is high, the relationship of mutual respect unity is achieved

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The implications of teacher- Selection of topics related to cultural

diversity learning communities in Malaysia.- Provides an opportunity for each ethnic

take part in learning activities- Activities and programs designed for

students should not touch the sensitive issues that can hurt the feelings of any party

- Stressed the importance of unity, compromise and cooperate in maintaining peace and prosperity, regardless of ethnicity.

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Management of teaching and learning is the most important aspects in the classroom and should be taken seriously by a teacherProfessionalism of teachers in the classroom is seen in the ability to shape

quality of teaching organize learning climate in the classroom shaping the development of students in


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To achieve efficiency in the management of T & L, teachers need to

Planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reflection T & L wisely and carefully

Planning the curriculum, syllabus, additional reference material from various sources

Have the creativity and innovation in T & L

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Benefit:Guarantee the increased quantity and quality to the process of learning and outcomes.

To be effective learning, teachers need to:Determine the objectives of what is to be learn by a student

The planned objectives need accurate, clear and achievable by all students who have diverse cultures and backgrounds.

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◦ Determine the module, model, method or technique T & L

◦ The method used should be suitable to target groups and

◦ Good communication skills, interpersonal skills, guidance and counseling

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To be effective the implementation of teaching and learning, teachers need to

Implement the delivery of teaching based on the planned objectivesProvide appropriate motivationResources to be used must be consistent with the methods, techniques, p & p are chosen.

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While teaching,teachers should encourage students to ask and answer questions

Focus for student-centered learning Cooperative and collaborative approach so

that students can take part in the t & l

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◦ Provide time and space for students to relax the mind during the implementation of t & l so that students do not feel tired and enhances learning.

◦ Using a set of induction to introduce the topic of teaching to attract the students on topics to be teach.

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◦ Learning content development should occur gradually

◦ From the simple – complex◦ Teaching techniques and activities appropriate to

student abilities◦ Teaching and learning activities should be

implemented in a timely .◦ Using available resources such as teaching aids,

information technology facilities and reference materials in addition to the t & l more effective

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Combined Class occurs whenNumber of pupils in one school year of less than 15 peopleNumber of pupils in one school does not exceed 15 people

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Group-centered teaching students

Purpose:Enable pupils to active and to accomodate student needs of various intelligence

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Group the pupils according to ability in each subject

Purpose:Pupils can follow the activities t & l in stages according to their achievement

Help a weak student

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Using the method of discussion- Whole class discussion- Group discussion

Summary, teachers need to acquire and master the combined classroom pedagogy so that students have a strong interest to learn

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Unity Sociology with linguistic. Viewed in the main debate this knowledge: society &

language Interdisciplinary knowledge also to discuss and arrange the

theory on the relationship between society and the language spoken in everyday communication

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Community: - The parties I complicity in big and small group interaction, group function, a clash between the groups, the social sector, relationships & differences in language.Language: - The difference between the type of language codes. Observed with semantics.~ Variety regional: national, state~ Variety of social groups: social class~ Variety stailistik: official situation, relaxed, intimateSociology: - The knowledge I learn the structure of the society & the community, including perubahan2 society. Social science & abstak absolute.Linguistics: - The knowledge I study the language as a form of oral & written. I have a formula describing the system, rational, empirical, & kesimpulan2 Set as a description.

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Habit / convention speech used to manage oriented social goal. Discussion & interaction structure (arrangement pattern of

teaching oral / oral, respectivelyHow social norms and values influence the linguistic behavior

Differences in speech patterns middle class & upper class society, a difference of style between the groups viewed in a society, a variation of communication between group, & ethnicity

Variations connected with the speaker's social framework.Social information. Starting from the accents lead to a selection of vocabulary & grammatical system, presents the speaker's social status indicators.

Utilization of elements viewed in political language. Exploitation in the interest of political language

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Social identity of the speaker

Social identity complicity listener communication

Discussion of the social environment where events occur

Synchronic & diachronic analysis of social dialect

Social evaluation by speakers of different speakers will shape behavior

Linguistic modes

Practical application of sociolinguistic research

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sociolinguisticAn interdisciplinary study that studied the influence of culture on the way a language is used.

Involving social interaction & language in a culture.

Social relations is the interaction comes from its diverse community despite cultural, social background and lingo used

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A guideline, action & desired behavior patterns

Influence the development of good behavior and ensure the harmonious atmosphere of the classroom

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Can influence the environment

Effective classroom environment reflects the discipline

Building accountable individual

Shape a very good character, regardless of cultural background

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Classroom based on the existence of a culture that effectively reflects the dynamic development of social relationships, harmony, and responsible.

Indicate the existence of social responsibility and social awareness to perform tasks.

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Determine what should be done and who did not fit.

including orientation attitudes and responsibilities of study orientation, the orientation of the use of time & orientation adaptation & interaction.

Determine the climate of the classroom and in turn affect learning

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Dynamic cultureoffers various opportunities and develop potential, interests and talents

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Budaya yg dinamik ◦ Menawarkan pelbagai peluang mengembangkan

potensi, minat & bakat Psychology that build confidence and

courageEncourage the formation of personality and behavior

organizationIncrease the importance of social control to uniformity, stability and compliance.Influence perceptions of ability and opportunity

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