analisis soalan upsr 2010 - 2012

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  • Kompilasi sisipan akhbar BH Didik


    Analisis Soalan UPSR 2010 - 2012 Kompilasi sisipan akhbar BH Didik


  • Analisis Soalan UPSR 2010 - 2012


    Analisis 2010

  • Kompilasi sisipan akhbar BH Didik


    Analisis umum


    Soalan 1 - 19Soalan 1 Soalan 19

    Analisis umum Pada keseluruhannya, kertas Bahasa Melayu Pemahaman 2009 tidak berubah dari segi format umum. Cuma, ada beberapa perubahan yang agak ketara dari aspek pilihan jawapan. Jika kita teliti, pilihan jawapan pada tahun ini telah diseragamkan kepada empat pilihan jawapan iaitu A, B, C dan D. Hal ini adalah sama seperti tahun 2008. Begitu juga jika ditinjau dari aspek pilihan jawapan bagi soalan aneka pilihan, pada tahun 2008 kita dapati pilihan jawapan yang hanya terdiri daripada dua pilihan jawapan, telah diubah kepada lebih daripada dua pilihan jawapan. Walau bagaimanapun, tiada jawapan yang semuanya betul.

    Contoh 1:Soalan 22Pilih ayat-ayat menggunakan perkataan bergaris dengan betul.22 I Cuaca hari ini cerah hingga petang. II Cermin tingkap itu menjadi cerah setelah dicuci oleh kakak. III Kulitnya kelihatan cerah selepas pulang dari luar negara. IV Sungai Langat dikunjungi orang ramai kerana airnya cerah.

    A I dan II sahaja C I, II dan III sahaja B I dan IV sahaja D II, III dan IV sahaja

    Aras kesukaran Aras kesukaran soalan-soalan yang dikemukakan pada tahun 2009 ini boleh dikategorikan sebagai sederhana. Berdasarkan maklum balas yang dikumpulkan daripada calon-calon UPSR yang telah menduduki kertas ini, kita dapati kebanyakan mereka menyatakan soalan-soalan adalah sederhana walaupun terdapat beberapa soalan mengelirukan. Seterusnya, bagi bahagian Pemahaman (Membaca dan Memahami) pula, dua buah petikan yang dikemukakan agak panjang jika dibandingkan dengan petikan pada tahun 2008. Setiap petikan mengandung antara 120 hingga 150 patah perkataan. Petikan pertama berbentuk rencana tentang Pelancaran Tahun MelawatMalaysia 2007. Petikan kedua pula berbentuk syarahan tentang Kebersihan Sekolah Tanggungjawab Bersama. Soalan-soalan yang mengikuti kedua-dua petikan pula tidak terlalu sukar dan jawapan mudah dikesan dalam petikan. Namun demikian, calon perlu lebih teliti ketika membaca petikan dan ketika menjawab soalan-soalan yang mengikutinya.

    (A) Bahagian Kemahiran Berbahasa (Tatabahasa)

    Soalan 1 - 19 Pada tahun 2009, Soalan 1 hingga Soalan 19 memerlukan calon mengisi tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang paling sesuai. Bagi bahagian ini, beberapa soalan tidak dikemukakan, iaitu Kata Nama, Kata Nafi, Kata Penegas dan Kata Pemeri. Sebaliknya soalan-soalan tentang Kata Kerja, Kata Adjektif, Kata Ganda dan Kata Majmuk lebih banyak dikemukakan. Jika diteliti, pilihan jawapan yang diberikan untuk soalan-soalan seperti Kata Kerja dan Kata Adjektif adalah hampir-hampir sama maknanya. Kemungkinan sekiranya calon kurang teliti atau kurang menguasai kosa kata Bahasa Melayu menghadapi kesukaran menjawab soalan ini.

    Contoh: (Soalan 4 - Kata Kerja)

    4 Keluarga saya telah ______ di kampung ini sejak lima tahun yang lalu. A bermastautin C bernaung B berziarah D bertukar

    Jawapan paling tepat untuk soalan ini ialah A (bermastautin) kerana kata ini bermaksud menetap atau tinggal di sesuatu tempat. Kata berziarah bermaksud melawat atau mengunjungi, bernaung pula bermaksud berlindung, sementara bertukar kurang sesuai kerana kata sendi selepasnya ialah di, bukannya ke.

    (BIL 769) 11 - 17 Januari 2010 03(BIL 769) 11 - 17 Januari 2010 03

    FOKUS UPSR 2010

    Soalan 20 dan 21

    oalan 21

    Soalan 22 dan 23

    Soalan 24 dan 25Soalan 24

    soalan 25

    Soalan 26 dan 27

    soalan 26

    Soalan 27

    Soalan 28 - 30Soalan 28

    Soalan 29

    Soalan 31 - 35

    Soalan 31, 32 33Soalan 34

    Soalan 35

    Soalan 36 - 40

    Soalan 36, 37 38Soalan 39

    soalan 40


    Oleh Aminuddin Sarmiran


    Analisis Bahasa Melayu PemahamanSoalan 20 dan 21 Soalan berkaitan Kata Seerti dan Kata Berlawan yang dikemukakan juga tidak terlalu sukar. Bagi kedua-dua soalan ini, murid perlu menguasai kosa kata bahasa Melayu dengan baik. Bagi soalan 21 misalnya, Kata Seerti bagi mengekalkan ialah B (memelihara) dan bagi soalan 20, Kata Berlawan bagi berseri ialah A (muram).Soalan 22 dan 23 Soalan ini menguji murid tentang penggunaan Kata Banyak Makna. Kata yang diuji ialah kata cerah dan sumbang. Di sini, murid perlu mengetahui makna kata uzur dan mencungkil, selain mengetahui perbezaan makna perkataan tersebut apabila digunakan dalam konteks ayat yang berlainan.Soalan 24 dan 25 Soalan 24 memerlukan murid memilih jawapan yang paling sesuai bagi ayat tanya yang diberikan. Sementara itu, soalan 25 pula memerlukan murid memilih soalan atau ayat tanya yang sesuai untuk ayat yang diberikan. Soalan 26 dan 27 Di sini pula, murid dikehendaki untuk memilih ayat yang sama maksud dengan ayat yang diberikan. Bagi soalan 26,murid perlu menukarkan Ayat Pasif kepada Ayat Aktif yang mempunyai maksud yang sama. Dalam Soalan 27 pula, murid perlu mencari Ayat Pindah yang sama maksud dengan Ayat Ajuk yang diberikan. Soalan 28 - 30 Dalam Soalan 28,murid perlu memilih satu sahaja ayat yang betul, iaitu ayat yang tidak terdapat sebarang kesalahan tatabahasa. Soalan 29 pula menguji murid tentang penggunaan Kata Majmuk seperti Safuan Restoran, pengasah pensel, tembikar pasu dan rumah contoh. Kata majmuk yang betul ialah pengasah pensel dan rumah contoh, maka jawapannya ialah D (III dan IV).

    Contoh: (Soalan 29 - Ayat-ayat yang betul)29 I Malam tadi kami makan di Safuan Restoran. II Di dalam beg itu terdapat pengasah pensel. III Adik mengeluarkan tembikar pasu dari almari itu. IV Cantik sungguh rumah contoh di tepi jalan itu. A I dan II C II dan IV B I dan III D III dan IV

    (B) Bahagian Membaca dan Memahami

    Soalan 31 - 35 (Petikan 1) Petikan yang dikemukakan berbentuk rencana. Petikan ini menerangkan tentang Pelancaran Tahun Melawat Malaysia (TMM) 2007 oleh Perdana Menteri di Taman Tasik Titiwangsa. Soalan 31, 32 dan 33 agak mudah dan murid boleh memperoleh jawapan terus di dalam petikan. Soalan 34 pula memerlukan murid memahami keseluruhan petikan dan memilih maklumat tidak benar berdasarkan petikan. Soalan 35 pula memerlukan murid mencari maksud rangkai kata yang terdapat dalam petikan.Soalan 36 - 40 (Petikan 2) Petikan ini berupa sebuah syarahan yang bertajuk Kebersihan Sekolah Tanggungjawab Bersama. Petikan ini menerangkan tentang peranan dan tanggungjawab . Soalan-soalan yang mengikuti petikan ini juga mudah untuk dijawab. Soalan 36, 37 dan 38, jawapannyaboleh diperoleh dalam petikan. Soalan 39 memerlukan murid memilih tujuan utama murid-murid dilibatkan dalam penjagaan kebersihan di sekolah berdasarkan petikan. Sementara soalan 40 sekali lagi menguji kosa kata murid juga.

    Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan analisis yang dibuat, dapatlah kita rumuskan bahawa soalan Bahasa Melayu Pemahaman 2009, memerlukan calon lebih bersedia menguasai kosa kata yang pelbagai dan tidak semestinya hanya yang tersenarai dalam Sukatan Pelajaran Bahasa Melayu Tahun 6 sahaja. Sebaliknya, murid perlu menambah kemahiran kosa kata dengan lebih banyak membaca akhbar, majalah atau buku-buku.



    769 11 - 17 Jan 10 Analisis Soalan UPSR 2009

    770 18 - 24 Jan 10 Pengenalan Kertas

    771 25 - 31 Jan 10 Kata Ganti Nama Diri dan Cerita

    772 1 - 7 Feb 10 Kata Kerja dan Fakta

    773 8 - 14 Feb 1015 - 21 Feb 10


    774 22 - 28 Feb 10 Kata Sendi dan Berita

    775 1 - 7 Mac 10 Kata Hubung dan Catatan

    776 8 - 14 Mac 10 Penjodoh bilangan dan Ucapan

    777 15 - 21 Mac 10 Imbuhan dan Perbahasan

    778 22 - 28 Mac 10 Kata Ganda dan Wawancara

    779 29 Mac - 4 Apr 10 Sinonim dan Peta

    780 5 - 11 Apr 10 Antonim dan Jadual

    781 12 - 18 Apr 10 Kata Hubung dan Autobiografi

    782 19 - 25 Apr 10 Kata Majmuk dan Biografi

    783 26 Apr - 2 Mei 10 Pilih Ayat Yang Betul dan Dialog

    784 3 - 9 Mei 10 Ujian Percubaan 1 (Bahasa Melayu dan Mathematics)

    785 10 - 16 Mei 10 Ujian Percubaan 1 (Bahasa Inggeris dan Science)

    786 17 - 23 Mei 10 Simpulan Bahasa dan Iklan

    787 24 - 30 Mei 10 Peribahasa dan Surat Rasmi

    788 31 Mei - 6 Jun 10 Penanda Wacana dan Sajak

    789 7 - 13 Jun 10 Ujian Percubaan 2 (Bahasa Melayu dan Mathematics)

    790 14 - 20 Jun 10 Ujian Percubaan 2 (Bahasa Inggeris dan Science)

    791 21 - 27 Jun 10 Kata Banyak Makna dan Syarahan

    792 28 Jun - 4 Jul 10 Kata Tanya/Kata Perintah dan Rencana

    793 5 - 11 Jul 10 Kata Penguat/Kata Arah dan Pantun

    794 12 - 18 Jul 10 Ujian Percubaan 3 (Bahasa Melayu dan Mathematics)

    795 19 - 25 Jul 10 Ujian Percubaan 3 (Bahasa Inggeris dan Science)

    796 26 Jul - 1 Ogos 10 Kata Nafi/Kata Pemeri dan Berita

    797 2 - 8 Ogos 10 Pilih Jawapan Yang Sesuai dan SuratTidak Rasmi

    798 9 - 15 Ogos 10 Pilih Soalan Yang Sesuai dan Cerita

    799 16 - 22 Ogos 10 Ujian Percubaan 4 (Bahasa Melayu dan Mathematics)

    800 23 - 29 Ogos 10 Ujian Percubaan 4 (Bahasa Inggeris dan Science)

    801 30 Ogos - 5 Sep 10 Latihan Pengukuhan: Kata Kerja/Kata Ganti Nama Dri/Kata Sendi dan Ucapan

    802 6 - 12 Sep 10 Latihan Pengukuhan: Kata Adjektif/Penjodoh Bilangan/Imbuhan dan Fakta

    803 13 - 19 Sep 10 Soalan Seiras UPSR

    804 20 - 26 Sep 10 Latihan (Kata Kerja dan Catatan)

    805 27 Sep - 3 Okt 10 Latihan (Kata Adjektif dan Jadual)

    * Jadual tertakluk pada perubahan.

  • Analisis Soalan UPSR 2010 - 2012


    (BIL 769) 11 - 17 Januari 201004

    Analisis Soalan UPSR 2009BAHASA MELAYU(Penulisan)

    Oleh Cikgu FaizAnalisis Soalan UPSR 2009

    BAHASA MELAYU(Penulisan)

    Oleh Cikgu Faiz

    Panjang jawapan kamu hendaklah tidak lebih daripada 50 patah perkataan. Jawapan kamu mestilah dalam satu perenggan. Pada suatu petang ketika Sang Kancil berehat di sepohon pokok, tiba-tiba Sang Monyet datang. Sang Monyet bercerita kepada Sang Kancil yang dia sangat lapar kerana sudah tiga hari dia tidak makan. Sang Kancil menyuruh Sang Monyet mencari buah-buahan di dusun berhampiran pondoknya. Sang Monyet terus pergi dan mencari buah-buahan di dusun itu namun tidak ada. Sang Monyet tidak berputus asa dan terus mencari buah-buah untuk dimakan. Sang Kancil kasihan melihat Sang Monyet yang masih tidak jumpa buah-buahan untuk dimakan. Sang Kancil pun menyuruh Sang Monyet pergi ke seberang sungai dan mengambil buah-buahan yang terdapat di situ kecuali buah lada yang berwarna merah. Beberapa kali Sang Kancil mengingatkan Sang Monyet agar tidak mengambil buah lada. Sampai di sana Sang Monyet jadi rambang mata dan semua buah hendak dimakan. Sang Monyet makan dengan gelojohnya. Selesai makan, Sang Monyet mencari lagi buah yang boleh dimakan dan terpandang buah lada. Sang Monyet tertarik dengan warna buah lada yang merah itu. Sang Monyet terus memakan buah lada itu dengan gelojohnya. Akhirnya Sang Monyet menjerit kepedasan dan lari lintang-pukang menuju ke sungai.


    769 11 - 17 Jan Analisis Soalan UPSR 2009

    770 18 - 24 Jan Pengenalan Kertas

    771 25 - 31 Jan Bahagian B: Dialog

    772 1 - 7 Feb Bahagian A dan C

    773 8 - 14 Feb , 15 - 21 Feb


    774 22 - 28 Feb Bahagian A dan C

    775 1 - 7 Mac Bahagian B: Cerita

    776 8 - 14 Mac Bahagian A dan C

    777 15 - 21 Mac Bahagian B: Fakta

    778 22 - 28 Mac Bahagian A dan C

    779 29 Mac - 4 Apr Bahagian B: Surat Kiriman Rasmi

    780 5 - 11 Apr Bahagian A dan C

    781 12 - 18 Apr Bahagian B: Surat Kiriman Tidak Rasmi

    782 19 - 25 Apr Bahagian A dan C

    783 26 Apr - 2 Mei Bahagian B: Laporan

    784 3 - 9 Mei Ujian Percubaan 1 (Bahasa Melayu dan Mathematics)

    785 10 - 16 Mei Ujian Percubaan 1 (Bahasa Inggeris dan Science)

    786 17 - 23 Mei Bahagian A dan C

    788 31 Mei - 6 Jun Bahagian B: Berita

    789 7 - 13 Jun Ujian Percubaan 2 (Bahasa Melayu dan Mathematics)

    790 14 - 20 Jun Ujian Percubaan 2 (Bahasa Inggeris dan Science)

    791 21 - 27 Jun Bahagian A dan C

    792 28 Jun - 4 Jul Bahagian B: Ucapan

    793 5 - 11 Jul Bahagian A dan C

    794 12 - 18 Jul Ujian Percubaan 3 (Bahasa Melayu dan Mathematics)

    795 19 - 25 Jul Ujian Percubaan 3 (Bahasa Inggeris dan Science)

    796 26 Jul - 1 Ogos Bahagian A dan C

    797 2 - 8 Ogos Bahagian B: Syarahan

    798 9 - 15 Ogos Bahagian A dan C

    799 16 - 22 Ogos Ujian Percubaan 4 (Bahasa Melayu dan Mathematics)

    800 23 - 29 Ogos Ujian Percubaan 4 (Bahasa Inggeris dan Science)

    801 30 Ogos - 5 Sep Ujian Seiras 1

    802 6 - 12 Sep Ujian Seiras 2

    803 13 - 19 Sep Tahun 4: Latihan Bahagian A

    804 20 - 26 Sep Tahun 5: Latihan Bahagian A

    805 27 Sep - 3 Okt Tahun 4: Latihan Bahagian B

    * Jadual tertakluk pada perubahan.

    * Idea 3 - Tiba giliran menyampaikan pidato

    * Idea 4 - Penonton bertepuk dengan gemuruh - Berasa gembira kerana menyampaikan pidato * Penutup - Terkejut apabila nama diumumkan sebagai pemenangSoalan seiras:Tulis sebuah cerita dan akhiri cerita kamu dengan ayat-ayat di bawah. ......Keluargaku mengucapkan tahniah atas kejayaan aku. Aku berasa sungguh gembira.

    Soalan 2 Soalan 2 ini meminta murid menceritakan tentang temasya sukan tahunan di sekolah. Calon boleh menulis tentang sukan tahunan sekolah sendiri atau sekolah kawan. Berikut ialah analisis soalan 2:* Kunci soalan - Temasya sukan tahunan* Kehendak soalan - Ceritakan suasana semasa temasya sukan itu* Jenis karangan - Cerita (tidak berformat) Calon hanya perlu menulis tentang sukan tahunan yang ada acara larian atau acara balapan. Calon digalakkan menulis karangan berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri. Berdasarkan kunci soalan, murid-murid mestilah menulis tentang temasya sukan tahunan. Soalan seiras:Sekolah kamu atau sekolah kawan kamu telah mengadakan sukaneka. Ceritakan suasana semasa temasya sukaneka tersebut.

    Soalan 3 Soalan ini meminta murid menulis surat kiriman tidak rasmi. Calon diminta menulis surat kepada abang tentang persediaan bagi menghadapi UPSR. Lantaran itu, calon haruslah menyenaraikan dan menghuraikan apa yang dilakukan bagi menghadapi UPSR. Semasa menulis surat kiriman tidak rasmi, calon mestilah menggunakan bahasa panggilan dengan betul. Calon juga mesti menguasai format surat kiriman tidak rasmi dengan tepat. Berikut ialah analisis soalan 3: * Kunci soalan - Persediaan yang kamu lakukan bagi menghadapi UPSR * Kehendak soalan - Tulis surat kiriman tidak rasmi kepada abang * Jenis karangan - Surat kiriman tidak rasmi (berformat) Soalan seiras:Tulis sepucuk surat kepada kakak kamu dan ceritakan tentang persiapan kamu untuk bertanding dalam kuiz kesihatan peringkat negeri. Tulis surat kamu selengkapnya.

    BAHAGIAN C Dalam Bahagian C, calon dikehendaki mengulas lima nilai yang diperoleh daripada petikan yang diberi. Jawapan yang ditulis mestilah dalam satu perenggan dan bilangan patah perkataan mengikut arahan. Pada tahun 2009, bahan rangsangan yang diuji agak berlainan kerana memaparkan cerita binatang. Cerita binatang yang diajukan ialah tentang cerita Sang Semut dan Sang Merbuk yang saling menolong antara satu sama lain. Antara nilai yang terdapat dalam petikan soalan ialah:* Bersungguh-sungguh * Bersedia * Rajin * Menolong * Berbudi * Menghargai Calon perlu menukar watak binatang dalam petikan dengan menyatakan nilai yang perlu kita amalkan. Jawapan yang dicadangkan ialah seperti berikut: Antara nilai yang terdapat dalam petikan ialah sikap rajin untuk menjamin kesejahteraan hidup seperti Sang Semut yang sering mencari makanan. Seterusnya ialah sikap berusaha dengan bersungguh-sungguh apabila melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan agar berjaya. Nilai murni seterusnya ialah berhati-hati apabila melakukan sesuatu agar tidak ditimpa kecelakaan. Sikap tolong-menolong juga penting dalam kehidupan kita agar orang juga menolong kita nanti. Akhir sekali, sikap berbudi bahasa dengan menghargai pertolongan orang kepada kita dengan mengucapkan terima kasih.

    Soalan seiras:Tulis lima nilai yang dapat kamu peroleh daripada petikan di bawah.


    BAHAGIAN ADalam bahagian ini, murid-murid dikehendaki membina lima ayatyang berkaitan gambar yang diberi. Berikut ialah analisis soalan bahagian A: * Bentuk gambar - Gambar tunggal * Kunci soalan - Aktiviti * Lokasi gambar - Taman flora dan fauna Soalan bahagian A UPSR tahun 2009 boleh dikatakan sederhana arasnya. Semua murid pernah pergi ke taman sama ada di sekolah atau di tempat lain. Soalan tahun 2009 menunjukkan sekumpulan murid bergotong-royong membersihkan taman. Kunci soalan ialah aktiviti. Lantaran itu, ayat yang dibina mestilah mempunyai kata kerja bagi menunjukkan aktiviti. Antara kata kerja yang terdapat dalam gambar tersebut ialah:* menabur (seorang murid perempuan)* mencabut (seorang murid perempuan)* menyiram (seorang murid lelaki) Terdapat calon yang tersilap menggunakan kosa kata. Contohnya Dua orang murid sedang membuang sampah ke dalam tong sampah menggunakan bakul. Kosa kata yang tepat bagi bakul ialah pongkes. Begitu juga dengan ayat Dua orang murid berbual-bual sambil melihat burung di dalam kandang. Kosa kata yang tepat bagi kandang ialah sangkar.

    Soalan seiras:Tulis lima ayat yang lengkap tentang aktiviti yang terdapat dalam gambar di bawah.

    BAHAGIAN B Dalam bahagian ini, murid-murid dikehendaki menulis sebuah karangan dengan memilih salah satu daripada tiga soalan yang diberi. Soalan 1 Soalan ini meminta murid menyudahkan sebuah cerita yang berakhir dengan ayat telah diberi. Berikut ialah analisis soalan 1 Bahagian B:* Kunci soalan - Rakan-rakan mengucapkan tahniah kepadaku.* Kehendak soalan - Tulis sebuah cerita* Jenis karangan - Cerita (tidak berformat) Calon bebas menulis pelbagai cerita yang bersesuaian. Calon tidak boleh menambah atau mengurangkan rangkai kata yang diberi. Berdasarkan kunci soalan, murid-murid mestilah menulis tentang kejayaan murid-murid dalam sesuatu pertandingan yang disertai dan akhirnya mencapai kejayaan. Antara pertandingan yang boleh dipilih ialah:* Pertandingan pidato * Pertandingan syarahan* Pertandingan lumba lari Contoh idea-idea yang boleh ditulis ialah: * Pendahuluan

    - Terpilih mewakili sekolah dalam pertandingan pidato - Berjanji akan berusaha untuk berjaya * Idea 1 - Menyediakan jadual latihan * Idea 2 - Hari pertandingan berasa gugup



    Analisis Soalan UPSR 2009BAHASA MELAYU(Penulisan)

    Oleh Cikgu Faiz

  • Kompilasi sisipan akhbar BH Didik


    (BIL 769) 11 - 17 Januari 2010 05(BIL 769) 11 - 17 Januari 2010 05

    Review of English PaperBAHASA INGGERIS(Paper 1)

    By P. Rangit SinghReview of English Paper


    By P. Rangit Singh

    The 2009 English UPSR paper was basically at par with the standard of the pupils. There were questions at all levels of difficulty.Thus, this has helped pupils with average competency to get good results. Unlike the 2008 paper, Paper 1 wasnt divided into sections. The questions were divided according to numbers. Questions 1 - 4 were mainly on adverb, clothes, verb and homes of animals. The questions were direct and pupils should be able to answer them correctly. Questions 5 - 7 were on planting tomatoes in flower pots. Most pupils answered these questions correctly. Various situations were given in questions 8 to 10. The questions were rather direct and pupils shouldnt have any problem answering them. Questions 11 - 15 were on everyday situations that happened around the pupils. The functions that were tested were to express gratitude, to offer assistance, to decline and to inform. They should be able to answer all these questions easily. Questions 16 - 20 were mostly on grammar items. Pupils were assessed on articles, verb to be, preposition conjunctions, subject and verb agreement. Question 21 tested pupils on antonyms. Questions 22 and 23 which tested pupils on spelling were on insects and indoor games. Although the words were simple and easy, pupils need to be cautious when selecting the correct answer as they need to select the option that has the correct spelling. Questions 24 and 25 were onpunctuation. The questions tested pupils on the use of exclamation mark and question mark.

    The cloze passage (questions 26 - 30) was about an incident at an orchard. The questions tested the pupils grammar skills and vocabulary. The questions were on noun (place, parts of body, and parts of a tree) verb, and subject and verb agreement. Questions 31 - 40 tested the pupils reading and comprehension skills. Pupils were given two passages, a linear and a non-linear. The linear passage (questions 36 - 40) was on a non-formal letter while the non-linear (questions 31 - 35) was on the process of making a vase using clay.

    Pupils were tested on a variety of reading skills; specific information, predicting outcomes, cause and effect relationships, drawing conclusions, inference and also vocabulary. Overall, Paper 1 was not too difficult although there were a few questions that require pupils to think carefully. The questions were a mixture of easy, moderate and difficult. Most pupils had no problem in answering the questions in this paper. In Paper 2, pupils were tested based on three questions in sections A, B and C. In Section A, pupils were tested on their ability to construct sentences with the helping words given based on the picture. The situation given was painting a mural on the wall. The sentences should be based on what the people in picture are doing. Pupils were required to write sentences about the situation in the picture. They must not make any assumption but write what they see in the given picture. Some pupils couldnt identify the activity that was going on. Using the exact words to describe the activities would be an advantage. In Section B, pupils needed to choose the toy that they want tobuy as a birthday present: the singing doll, the talking dictionary or the dancing elephant. With the information, pupils were required tofill in the grids in part (A). Then they have to write a short paragraph on why they chose the particular present. Pupils should choose the item that theyre familiar with as this will help them to write more information. They must also minimise the grammar errors to score higher marks. The information given in the question was not in the same sequence as the grid. Pupils have to be very careful when transferring the information into the grid in part (B).

    In Section C, pupils were tested on their ability to write creatively. Pupils were given three pictures with helping words about helping mother to earn additional income. Pupils need to be careful while writing the answer. They need to describe the process correctly in the form of a story. Pupils need to read the words and make sure what they should write. This will help pupils add relevant details to the

    FOKUS UPSR 2010 BAHASA INGGERISBIL DATE OF PUBLICATION TOPIC769 11 - 17 Jan 10 Review of the UPSR 2009 Bahasa Inggeris Paper770 18 - 24 Jan 10 Introduction to the Paper771 25 - 31 Jan 10 Paper 1 (Vocabulary / Sec A: Qs 1 - 4) & Paper 2 (Qs 1)772 1 - 7 Feb 10 Paper 1 (Nouns / Section A: Qs 5 - 7) & Paper 2 (Qs 2)773 8 - 14 Feb 10 ,

    15 - 21 Feb 10

    Paper 1 (Adjectives / Sec A: Qs 8 - 10) & Paper 2 (Qs 3)

    NO PUBLICATION (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)774 22 - 28 Feb 10 Paper 1 (Antonyms / Sec B: Qs 11 - 15) & Paper 2 (Qs 1)775 1 - 7 Mar 10 Paper 1 (Synonyms / Sec C: Qs 16 - 21) & Paper 2 (Qs 2)776 8 - 14 Mar 10 Paper 1 (Tenses / Sec C: Qs 22 - 25) & Paper 2 (Qs 3)777 15 - 21 Mar 10 Paper 1 (Pronouns / Sec D: Qs 26 - 30 ) & Paper 2 (Qs 1)778 22 - 28 Mar 10 Paper 1 (Continuous Tenses / Sec E: Speech) & Paper 2 (Qs 2)779 29 Mar - 4 Apr 10 Paper 1 (Prepositions / Sec E: Map) & Paper 2 (Qs 3)780 5 - 11 Apr 10 Paper 1 (Articles / Sec E: Dialogue) & Paper 2 (Qs 1)781 12 - 18 Apr 10 Paper 1 (Conjunctions / Sec E: Factual) & Paper 2 (Qs 2)782 19 - 25 Apr 10 Paper 1 (Subject Verb Agreement / Sec E: News Report) & Paper 2 (Qs 3)783 26 Apr - 2 May 10 Paper 1 (Quantifiers / Sec E: Diary) & Paper 2 (Qs 1)784 3 - 9 May 10 Trial Exam 1 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)785 10 - 16 May 10 Trial Exam 1 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)786 17 - 23 May 10 Paper 1 (Similes / Sec E: Dialogue) & Paper 2 (Qs 2)787 24 - 30 May 10 Paper 1 (Verbs / Sec E: Duty-Roster) & Paper 2 (Qs 3)788 31 May - 6 June 1 Paper 1 (Adverbs / Sec E: TV Programme) & Paper 2 (Qs 1)789 7 - 13 June 10 Trial Exam 2 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)790 14 - 20 June 10 Trial Exam 2 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)791 21 - 27 June 10 Paper 1 (WH Questions / Sec E: Notice) & Paper 2 ( Qs 2 )792 28 June - 4 July 10 Paper 1 (Sec E: Poem & Advertisement) & Paper 2 (Qs 3)793 5 - 11 July 10 Paper 1 (Sec E: Narrative & Pie-chart) & Paper 2 (Qs 1)794 12 - 18 July 10 Trial Exam 3 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)795 19 - 25 July 10 Trial Exam 3 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)796 26 July - 1 Aug 10 Paper 1 (Sec E: Advertisement & Menu / Recipe)

    & Paper 2 (Qs 2)797 2 - 8 Aug 10 Paper 1 (Sec E: Label & Letter) & Paper 2 (Qs 3)798 9 - 15 Aug 10 Paper 1 (Exercises Sec A, B & C) & Paper 2 (Qs 1, 2 & 3)799 16 - 22 Aug 10 Trial Exam 4 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)800 23 - 29 Aug 10 Trial Exam 4 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)801 30 Aug - 5 Sep 10 Paper 1 (Exercises Sec D & E) & Paper 2 (Qs 1, 2 & 3)802 6 - 12 Sep 10 Paper 1 (Exercises Sec A, B & C) & Paper 2 (Qs 1, 2 & 3)803 13 - 19 Sep 10 Questions Similar to UPSR (Paper 2)804 20 - 26 Sep 10 Paper 1 (Exercises Sec D & E) & Paper 2 (Qs 1, 2 & 3) 805 27 Sep - 3 Oct 10 Paper 1 (Exercises Sec A, B & C) & Paper 2 (Qs 1, 2 & 3)* Subject to change.

    story. Pupils need not use all the words given. They were given more freedom to write creatively using words they feel appropriate andcorrect based on the pictures. As always, pupils needed to be careful of the spelling, punctuation, grammar and also their writing. The questions in Paper 2 were moderate in difficulty and pupils were able to answer all the questions. Pupils with a good command of

    English were able to answer the questions correctly and scored highermarks.Overall, all the questions in both the papers were to the level of the pupils. Most of them were able to answer all the questions. The new format helped pupils to get better marks and with that the number of pupils who passed, also increased.

    Review of English PaperBAHASA INGGERIS(Paper 1)

    By P. Rangit Singh

  • Analisis Soalan UPSR 2010 - 2012


    (BIL 769) 11 - 17 Januari 2010 07(BIL 769) 11 - 17 Januari 2010 07

    Review of Maths PaperMATHEMATICS(Paper 1)

    By Roslan Rasip


    769 11 - 17 Jan 10 Review of the UPSR 2009 Maths Paper 1

    770 18 - 24 Jan 10 Introduction to the Paper

    771 25 - 31 Jan 10 Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division of Whole Numbers

    772 1 - 7 Feb 10 Mixed Operation of Whole Numbers

    773 8 - 14 Feb 1015 - 21 Feb 10

    Solving Problems of Whole NumbersNO PUBLICATION (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)

    774 22 - 28 Feb 10 Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Mixed Operation of Fractions

    775 1 - 7 Mar 10 Solving Problems of Fractions

    776 8 - 14 Mar 10 Decimals Numbers

    777 15 - 21 Mar 10 Percentage

    778 22 - 28 Mar 10 Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division of Money

    779 29 Mar - 4 Apr 10 Solving Problems of Money

    780 5 - 11 Apr 10 Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division of Period and Time

    781 12 - 18 Apr 10 Solving Problems of Period and Time

    782 19 - 25 Apr 10 Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division of Length

    783 26 Apr - 2 May 10 Solving Problems of Length

    784 3 - 9 May 10 Trial Exam 1 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)

    785 10 - 16 May 10 Trial Exam 1 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)

    786 17 - 23 May 10 Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division of Mass

    787 24 - 30 May 10 Solving Problems of Mass

    788 31 May - 6 June 10 Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division involving Volume of Liquid

    789 7 - 13 June 10 Trial Exam 2 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)

    790 14 - 20 June 10 Trial Exam 2 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)

    791 21 - 27 June 10 Solving Problems involving Volume of Liquid

    792 28 June - 4 July 10 Two-dimensional Shapes

    793 5 - 11 July 10 Three-dimensional Shapes

    794 12 - 18 July 10 Trial Exam 3 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)

    795 19 - 25 July 10 Trial Exam 3 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)

    796 26 July - 1 Aug 10 Solving Problems involving Shape and Space

    797 2 - 8 Aug 10 Average

    798 9 - 15 Aug 10 Data Handling (Interpret Data from Pictograph and pie chart)

    799 16 - 22 Aug 10 Trial Exam 4 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)

    800 23 - 29 Aug 10 Trial Exam 4 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)

    801 30 Aug - 5 Sep 10 Data Handling (Interpret Data from Bar Charts)

    802 6 - 12 Sep 10 UPSR Forecast Questions

    803 13 - 19 Sep 10 Questions Similar to UPSR

    804 20 - 26 Sep 10 Questions Similar to UPSR

    805 27 Sep - 3 Oct 10 Questions Similar to UPSR

    * Subject to change.

    This week, we will discuss the format and type of Mathematics Paper 1 in UPSR 2009. Before that, a bouquet of roses to those excellent students who got A for Mathematics in the UPSR 2009. In my view, the distribution of this years questions are not that much different from previous questions. There are easy questions and also challenging question. Anyway, i believe well prepared candidates can answer any type of questions. As in the past, there were 40 questions with 4 tables and 19 diagrams in Paper 1. At the beginning, the easy questions tested the candidates knowledge (10%) followed by the direct questions which included calculating (45%); and the high level questions; problem solving, mixed operations, diagram, tables and graph (45%). These type of questions require candidates to do more thanone operation or skills to get the exact answer. The candidates not only need to memorise the formula, but more importantly should understand the given information and the needs of the questions.

    The table shows the distribution of topics and its analysis:

    Knowledge Question

    Direct Question

    Problem Solving Question

    Bil Topic Question Total

    1 Whole Numbers

    1 2 3 7 4

    2 Combined Operation

    11 21 22 3

    3 Fractions 8 9 12 15 23 5

    4 Decimals 10 13 16 3

    5 Percentages 17 24 2

    6 Money 14 25 26 3

    7 Time 4 18 27 3

    8 Length 28 29 2

    9 Mass 5 30 31 34 4

    10 Volume of Liquid

    19 20 32 3

    11 Two and three-dimensional

    6 33 36 37 38 39 40 7

    12 DataHandling

    35 1

    Total 40

    Based on the analysis of UPSR 2009 questions, it is found that there is a certain pattern or topics that are frequently asked in the examination, namely: (a) Two and three-dimensional (b) Fraction (c) Whole numbers (d) Mass

    To follow this discussion, candidates have to refer to the UPSR 2009 Mathematics Paper 1.

    Knowledge Question

    Question number 1, 2, 3 and 6 are knowledge questions. This question can be regarded as a bonus for candidates as it require basic mathematics skill. For example, in question number 3, candidates need only to round off the money given to the nearest ringgit. Similarly in question 2, candidates need only to indicate the value of digit 8 on the card in the place value of ten thousands. For question 6, candidates only have to identify the shapes of X and Y based on characteristics shown in the table.

    Direct Question

    There were 18 direct questions in UPSR 2009, numbered 4, 5, 7, 8,

    9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 31 and 40. Actually this type of question is easy because they are mechanical question. Even though it has a diagram, it is easy to understand. So the clever candidates can use mental arithmetic skill to correctly answer the question. Although this question looks easy, candidates have to be reminded to solve the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and make sure the place of value is placed in the correct place. For example, in question 4, candidates have to find Ravis birth date. Question number 5 is about mass topic. Candidates have to find the total mass of two papayas, each with the same mass as the papaya in Diagram 4. For this question the candidates must know the mass shown in the diagram. Questions 8, 9, 12, and 15 is about calculating the fraction using addition, subtraction and mixed operation. Questions 11, 13 and 14 are about mixed operation (multiplication, subtraction, addition and bracket). To answer these questions, candidates must know BODMAS so as not to make mistakes. For questions 10, 13 and 17, the skill of finding out the decimal is tested upon. For these questions, candidates must be able to put the decimal point in its proper place.

    Problem Solving Question

    Beside that, there are 18 questions on problem solving in the UPSR 2009, which are 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39 Normally this type of question require candidates to solve it by using more than two operations. Candidates need to expertly identify the connection and pattern tested in the question. When answering this question, candidates should solve the question in order by using some information given in the question. Candidates must be able to read diagram, table, bill, bar chart, pictograph and pie chart. They also have to identify the correct formula of calculation asked in the question. The candidates also should be careful when answering questions which include tables and the diagrams. Some critical and creative thinking skills (CCTS) questions were put out. Pupils should master and be able to answer problem solving questions based on application and CCTS. This skill tests pupils understanding of the mathematical words and sentences in the questions. Pupils should also master and be able to use the four operations (+, -, , ) in all situations. For example, question 22 is about finding the total badges Kelvin and Jeya have while question 32 is to calculatethe marbles left in the jar. Please remember that the diagram, table, bill, bar chart,pictograph and pie chart are part of the questions. So candidates must be careful when reading questions on diagrams and attach the information to the question given. There was one question on data handling included in the diagram. For example, question 35, in which the candidates have to find out the average number of books read by Kamal in a month over a period of five months based on the pictograph given. Questions 33, 36, 37, 38 and 39 are on two and three-dimensional topics. All the questions contain diagrams. For question 33, candidates only need to identify the correct method to calculate the area of the coloured region. Question 36 require candidates to calculate the perimeter of the coloured region, whereas in question 37, they have to calculate the total area of the coloured region. For question 38, candidates haveto calculate the coloured surface area of cuboid X and in question 39, they have to calculate the height of cuboid T. In question 39, candidates only need to identify the diagram which has the same area as triangle R. Finally, I hope candidates for UPSR 2010 will find this analysis useful. You may start your revision and exercise from now in order to master all the topics learn in Year 4 until Year 6.

  • Kompilasi sisipan akhbar BH Didik


    (BIL 769) 11 - 17 Januari 201008

    Review of Maths Paper 2MATHEMATICS(Paper 2)

    By Cikgu Mokhtar



    769 11 - 17 Jan 10 Review of the UPSR 2009 Maths (Paper 2)

    770 18 - 24 Jan 10 Introduction to the Paper

    771 25 - 31 Jan 10 Whole Number - Basic Operations

    772 1 - 7 Feb 10 Whole Number - Mixed Operations & Problem Solving

    773 8 - 14 Feb 1015 - 21 Feb 10

    Fractions - Basic OperationsNO PUBLICATION (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)

    774 22 - 28 Feb 10 Fractions - Problem Solving

    775 1 - 7 Mar 10 Decimals - Basic Operations

    776 8 - 14 Mar 10 Decimals - Problem Solving

    777 15 - 21 Mar 10 Percentage - Relationship Between Fraction And Decimal

    778 22 - 28 Mar 10 Percentage - Problem Solving

    779 29 Mar - 4 Apr 10 Money - Up to RM10 Million (Basic)

    780 5 - 11 Apr 10 Money - Problem Solving

    781 12 - 18 Apr 10 Time - Duration (Hour and minutes) (Day/Week/Year)

    782 19 - 25 Apr 10 Time - Duration / Calendar

    783 26 Apr - 2 May 10 Time - Problem Solving

    784 3 - 9 May 10 Trial Exam 1 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)

    785 10 - 16 May 10 Trial Exam 1 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)

    786 17 - 23 May 10 Length - Basic Operations

    787 24 - 30 May 10 Length - Problem Solving

    788 31 May - 6 June 10 Mass - Basic Operations

    789 7 - 13 June 10 Trial Exam 2 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)

    790 14 - 20 June 10 Trial Exam 2 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)

    791 21 - 27 June 10 Mass - Problem Solving

    792 28 June - 4 July 10 Volume Of Liquid - Basic Operations

    793 5 - 11 July 10 Volume Of Liquid - Problem Solving

    794 12 - 18 July 10 Trial Exam 3 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)

    795 19 - 25 July 10 Trial Exam 3 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)

    796 26 July - 1 Aug 10 Shape And Space - Introduction (Two & Three Dimensional)

    797 2 - 8 Aug 10 Shape And Space - Perimeter and Area

    798 9 - 15 Aug 10 Shape and Space - Volume of Solid/Problem Solving

    799 16 - 22 Aug 10 Trial Exam 4 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)

    800 23 - 29 Aug 10 Trial Exam 4 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)

    801 30 Aug - 5 Sep 10 Data Handling - Average & Pie Charts

    802 6 - 12 Sep 10 Questions Similar to UPSR

    803 13 - 19 Sep 10 Exercises: I Mark Question

    804 20 - 26 Sep 10 Exercises: 2 Marks Question

    805 27 Sep - 3 Oct 10 Exercises: 3 Marks Question

    * Subject to change.



    Or by cancellation1.45 l = 1 450 ml

    1 450 ml= 145 ml

    10 (b) Problem solving question (sentence/story)

    Example: Diagram below consists of several squares of equal size.

    Calculate the percentage of the shaded region of the whole diagram.Working steps: i. making fraction ii. multiplication by 100

    13 100

    x 100 = = 25% 12 4

    (c) Using diagram/table/picture - problem solving question

    Example: Table 1 shows the number of eggs sold by Rahim in 3 days.




    Days Sunday Monday Tuesday

    Number of eggs 78 91 125

    Table 1 Calculate the average number of eggs sold in a day.

    Working steps: Understanding the concept of average (+ and ).

    78 + 91 + 125 294 = = 98

    3 3OR

    78 98 91

    + 125 3 ) 294 - 27 294

    24 - 24

    Candidates must be able to:i. read and understand mathematics sentence.ii. choose the operations base on the sentence in the question.iii. write the steps and answer clearly.iv. check the answer - make sure each answer is complete.

    3 marks questions (5 questions) involves the following skills:i. Money - cost / convert unit RM-sen / buy-sale / profit and lossii. Mass/length and volume of liquid - difference of unitsiii. Percentage / fractions - find one number with percentage or fractioniv. Average - involving three to five groups v. Using diagram/table/picture and figure

    Overall the UPSR 2009 were quite tough compared to before.Candidate needs to read and understand the sentence which is longer and carry more pictures, causing them to spend more time on each question.

    This week, pupils will be given some explanation about types, pattern and method of UPSR 2009 Mathematics Paper 2. The format of the question is still as in 2008, which consist of 20 questions. The questions are conducted in bilingual form (Bahasa Inggeris and Bahasa Melayu). Candidates are required to answer in one language only. The pattern of this years question is quite different in which the sentences are longer than before. There are more words to grasp and understand. This will cause the candidates to spend more time on most of the questions. For the year 2009, the distribution of the marks, 1, 2 and 3 is also different compared to before. The number of questions based on marks are, a) 1 mark question - 6 questions b) 2 marks question - 8 questions c) 3 marks questions - 6 questions Usually one question of each skill. For the UPSR 2010, candidates should master the following skills: i. Place values and digit values ii. Rounding off numbers iii. Write the numbers in word or vice versa iv. Create numbers from numerals. The questions also involve; i. Measurement (mass, length, volume of liqiud and time) ii. Converting units - kg/g, km/m/cm/mm and l/ml iii. Convert fractions to decimal or percentage iv. Shape and space - naming the diagram/line of symmetry One mark questions will test the skills involving the four operations (+, -, , x). So pupils should master the skills and be able to use it. They should also know how to read the measurement (l/kg/km, calibration/scale). Pupils also need to know how to relate the value of percentage, decimal and fraction so that they would be able to do conversion of units. Questions which carry 2 and 3 marks are quite easy as the sentences are not too long. Pictures and diagrams are also provided to help them understand and answer the questions correctly. The focus of the topics are still as in previous years questions: Fractions Decimals Percentage Shapes, perimeter and area Mixed operations Measurement

    Most of these questions focus on graphs, diagrams or charts without sentences. The questions are rather direct and easy to understand. Example: 6.78 + 19.5 =

    It is important to pupils to show their working steps properly and answer accurately. Answer: 6.78 + 19.50




    26.28Pupils should also master their skills on conversion of units especially when answering questions involving time, money, measurement and percentage.(a) Direct question Example: Calculate 1.45 l 10 =

    Give your answer, in ml.Solution: 1.45 l x 1 000 = 1 450 ml

    145 = 145 ml

    10 ) 1 450 ml- 1 0

    45 - 40

    50 - 50 show operations

  • Analisis Soalan UPSR 2010 - 2012


    (BIL 769) 11 - 17 Januari 2010 09(BIL 769) 11 - 17 Januari 2010 09

    Review of Science Section ASCIENCE(Section A)

    By M. Khalimi Dalhan



    769 11 - 17 Jan 10 Review of the UPSR 2009 Science (Section A)

    770 18 - 24 Jan 10 Introduction to the Paper

    771 25 - 31 Jan 10 Flashback Year 4 - 6 Section

    772 1 - 7 Feb 10 Basic Needs

    773 8 - 14 Feb 1015 - 21 Feb 10


    774 22 - 28 Feb 10 Interaction among Living Things

    775 1 - 7 Mar 10 Life Processes

    776 8 - 14 Mar 10 Survival of the Species

    777 15 - 21 Mar 10 Force and Movement

    778 22 - 28 Mar 10 Protection of Animals and Plants

    779 29 Mar - 4 Apr 10 Food Chain and Food Web

    780 5 - 11 Apr 10 Food Preservation

    781 12 - 18 Apr 10 Measurement

    782 19 - 25 Apr 10 Energy and Electricity

    783 26 Apr - 2 May 10

    Waste Management

    784 3 - 9 May 10 Trial Exam 1 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)

    785 10 - 16 May 10 Trial Exam 1 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)

    786 17 - 23 May 10 Materials

    787 24 - 30 May 10 Light and Heat

    788 31 May - 6 June 10 Eclipses

    789 7 - 13 June 10 Trial Exam 2 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)

    790 14 - 20 June 10 Trial Exam 2 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)

    791 21 - 27 June 10 The Solar System

    792 28 June - 4 July 10 States of Matter

    793 5 - 11 July 10 Machines

    794 12 - 18 July 10 Trial Exam 3 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)

    795 19 - 25 July 10 Trial Exam 3 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)

    796 26 July - 1 Aug 10 Technology

    797 2 - 8 Aug 10 Acids and Alkalis

    798 9 - 15 Aug 10 Constellations

    799 16 - 22 Aug 10 Trial Exam 4 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)

    800 23 - 29 Aug 10 Trial Exam 4 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)

    801 30 Aug - 5 Sep 10 The Earth, the Moon and the Sun

    802 6 - 12 Sep 10 Strength and Stability

    803 13 - 19 Sep 10 Questions Similar to UPSR

    804 20 - 26 Sep 10 Drills: Year 4

    805 27 Sep - 3 Oct 10 Drills: Year 5

    * Subject to change.

    1. Generally, the structure and the type (construct) of UPSR Science Paper 2009 for Section A was the same as the previous years question paper. It is bilingual (English and Bahasa Melayu).2. There are 18 questions based on pictures, diagrams or tables and twomultiple choice questions based on picture. Candidates can easily identify the correct answer, but they can also get confused if they are not careful and interpret the pictures wrongly. 3. Distribution of questions according to categories:

    Type of questions Question number

    1 Facts 23, 26, 27, 28

    2 Sequence 1, 2, 12, 16, 22

    3 Terminology 7, 24

    4 Method 10, 11

    5 Classification 3, 18, 19

    6 Principle 9, 13

    7 Interpretation 14

    8 Translation 6, 17

    9 Extrapolation 8, 15, 20, 29

    10 Application 4, 5, 21, 25 Questions 1 - 5 require students to recall the facts and science phenomena they have learnt and relate them to the questions. Questions 7 - 10 are interpretation questions (make conclusion from information), translation (transfer the data to another type), extrapolation (predict) and application (the using of science in daily life) require students to make observation, inference and to relate the information from diagram, bar chart, table, situation picture, experiment picture and information to identify the most correct answer.4. There are 24 multiple choice questions (choose either A, B, C or D) and 6 multiple combination questions (choose through either A, B, C or D based on combination of four options). For multiple combination questions, UPSR 2008 there are only twocombination answer for each choice answer. These actually, give the students an easier choice.5. Distribution of questions based on Year.

    Year Number of questions

    4 10

    5 12

    6 8

    Total 30

    Distributing of the questions based on Theme:Theme Number of questions

    Investigating Living Things 8

    Investigating Force and Energy 8

    Investigating Materials 5

    Investigating the Earth and The Universe 6

    Investigating Technology 3

    Total 30

    7. Overall analysis of the questions:

    Number Review of questions Suggestion answer

    1 A food chain must start from plants (X). Based on the information given, X is eaten by W. So, the correct answer is X W Y Z.


    2 The steps to investigate competition for space between plants starts from the set-up of apparatus (S), followed by steps Q (placing green beans), P (Placed in cupboard) and R (observation).


    3 The breathing structure for M is lungs and N using trachea structure. So, M is a bat and B is a butterfly.


    4 Among the animals given, animals that eat rats are eagle and owl.


    5 Bacteria spreads easily from our hands to the food. D

    6 A shock reaction by the boy is caused by property of human response to stimulus.


    7 Organic waste means waste produced by living things. So, B is the best description.


    8 The size of the fish will increase when it gets more food.


    9 Use the formula: Speed = 20 metres = 4 metres per second 5 Second


    10 The methods to measure time must be of uniform movements. Among the diagram given, only a swinging pendulum and the dripping water moveuniformly.


    11 The standard unit for measuring objects must be correct and suitable. The correct answer for A = cm / mm, B = Square metre and D = Millilitre.


    12 The smaller the surface of water exposed to the air, the lower the rate of evaporation.


    13 W and Y - Reflection of light, X and Z - That light travels in a straight line


    14 Iron nail is a conductor of heat. The increase of temperature of water is caused by the heating of the nail.


    15 Glass rods are insulators. So, an electric circuit cannot be completed and the bulb does not light up.


    16 The sequence to measure the volume of liquid is T R S.


    17 The transformation from chemical energy to light energy and heat energy can be done when burning a candle (candle is made from petroleum) and switching on a torch light (Dry cells in a torch light have chemical material).


    18 X - Light cannot pass through, Y - All light can pass through, Z - Only some light can pass through


    19 Physical properties of the materials given: Can be stretched - Rubber, Conducts electricity - Iron,Floats on water - Plastic


    20 One of the properties of gas is it can occupy (fill up) space. Smoke is a type of gas.


    21 Among the preservation methods of fish are salting (II) and freezing (IV).


    22 The sequence of the planets given starting from the nearest to the Sun:Mercury Venus Earth ? Mars Jupiter.


    23 The occurrence of eclipse of the Sun is caused by the position of the Moon between the Sun and the Earth.


    24 Asteroids are chunks of rock that travel around the Sun.


    25 The occurrence of day and night are caused by Earth position to the Sun. When it faces the Sun and receives sunlight, it experiences day. The partof the Earth facing away from the Sun does not receive sunlight and therefore, experiences night.The simulation can be done if the observer (from the hole for observation given) put the torch light from I and IV.


    26 The observation on the night of the 15th Lunar shows differences in the surface of Moon. It takes place at night. The phenomenon is known as Eclipse of the Moon.


    27 The direction of shadow from West to East in a day is caused by the rotations of the Earth on its axis from the West to East.


    28 The bigger the base area, the more stable of the structure.


    29 The bigger the size of gear, the less the pedalling force needed.


    30 The principles of simple machines given : A - Wedge, B - Inclined plane, C - Pulley, D - Lever


    9. For 2010 UPSR candidates, lessons are taught in the English Language or in ones mother tongue. However the Ministry of Education has affirmed that questions for 2010 will continue to use both the languages as in 2009. The most important aspect is for us to overcome the weakness and to prepare the student to face UPSR 2010. They should understand all the facts, terms and the principles of learning for Year 4, 5 and 6 and able to interpret an answer questions on application, interpretation, predict, sequence and method. 10. The way to prepare includes participating in Klinik UPSR DIDIK 2010 Phase I & II and use of BUKU SOALAN LATIHAN UPSR DIDIK 2010.

  • Kompilasi sisipan akhbar BH Didik


    (BIL 769) 11 - 17 Januari 201010

    Analysis of Section B SCIENCE(Section B)

    By Ahmad Pua'ad Ibrahim

    Hello children! How was your holidays? I hope all of you had a great time. This week I am providing analysis of Section B for the 2009 Science paper. You may find it helpful. Science Section B is a subjective paper. This means your answers have to be scientifically correct as well as using the correct scientific language. Section B will test candidates on Science Process Skills such as Observation, Inference, Controlling Variables, Hypothesis, Interpreting data and Predicting. The questions will appear in twolanguages, first in English, then followed by Malay. Candidates also got to choose whether to answer the questions in English or Malay. The 5 questions posed in both languages may seem to be a lot, but by doing the exercises diligently both in school and at home, candidates should be able to handle them quite well. Section B have 3 questions on tables, 3 questions on pictures, and 1 question each on bar chart and general statement. Last years exam test candidates on five themes such as:Theme 1 - Investigating of Living Things: Year 5 (question 1)Theme 2 - Investigating Force and Energy: Year 4 (question 2)Theme 3 - Investigating Technology: Year 5 (question 3)Theme 4 - Investigating the Earth and the Universe: Year 5 (question 4)Theme 5 - Investigating Force and Energy: Year 6 and Technology: Year 6 (question 5) The pattern of last years questions was easier compared toprevious year. Based on UPSR 2009, the table below shows the marks for every Science Process Skill.



    769 11 - 17 Jan 10 Review of the UPSR 2009 Science (Section B)

    770 18 - 24 Jan 10 Introduction to the Paper

    771 25 - 31 Jan 10 Pre Test Science Process Skill

    772 1 - 7 Feb 10 Introduction to Observation and Inference

    773 8 - 14 Feb 10 15 - 21 Feb 10

    Introduction to Controlling Variable NO PUBLICATION (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)

    774 22 - 28 Feb 10 Introduction to Making Hypothesis

    775 1 - 7 Mar 10 Introduction to Interpreting data

    776 8 - 14 Mar 10 Introduction to Predicting

    777 15 - 21 Mar 10 Observation and Inference by topic

    778 22 - 28 Mar 10 Controlling Variable by topic

    779 29 Mar - 4 Apr 10 Hypothesis by topic

    780 5 - 11 Apr 10 Interpreting data and Predicting by topic

    781 12 - 18 Apr 10 Science Process Skill in Year 4

    782 19 - 25 Apr 10 Science Process Skill in Year 5

    783 26 Apr - 2 May 10 Science Process Skill in Year 6

    784 3 - 9 May 10 Trial Exam 1 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)

    785 10 - 16 May 10 Trial Exam 1 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)

    786 17 - 23 May 10 Variety of conclusion questions

    787 24 - 30 May 10 Questions before and after fair test

    788 31 May - 6 June 10 Variety Questions in Science Process skill

    789 7 - 13 June 10 Trial Exam 2 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)

    790 14 - 20 June 10 Trial Exam 2 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)

    791 21 - 27 June 10 Tips to answer questions in Section B

    792 28 June - 4 July 10 Common Mistakes by UPSR Candidates

    793 5 - 11 July 10 Drilling Questions in Inference and Conclusion

    794 12 - 18 July 10 Trial Exam 3 (Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics)

    795 19 - 25 July 10 Trial Exam 3 (Bahasa Inggeris and Science)

    796 26 July - 1 Aug 10 Observation and Inferences in Year 4, 5 and 6

    797 2 - 8 Aug 10 Controlling Variable and Hypothesis in Year 4, 5 and 6

    798 9 - 15 Aug 10 Interpreting Data and Predicting in Year 4, 5 and 6

    799 16 - 22 Aug Trial Exam 4 (Bahasa Melayu & Mathematics)

    800 23 - 29 Aug 10 Trial Exam 4 (Bahasa Inggeris & Science)

    801 30 Aug - 5 Sep 10 Drilling 1 - Science Process Skill

    802 6 - 12 Sep 10 Drilling 2 - Science Process Skill

    803 13 - 19 Sep Question s Similar to UPSR

    804 20 - 26 Sep Science Process Skill in Year 4

    805 27 Sep - 3 Oct Science Process Skill in Year 5

    * Subject to change.

    you must observe carefully the information given in the picture. You can get the answer on inference by the knowledge gathered in Year 5 in question 3 (b). This inference, must relate to the topic about Stability but NOT Strength. You have learnt that two factors can affect the stability of an object: base area and height of an object. So, you must use this specific term in your answer on inference. Another question on inference can be found in question 5 (b), which you can relate to in Year 6, about Friction or Simple Machine. Again you must be specific and use correct terms when answering questions on inference.

    3. CONTROLLING VARIABLES (6 questions): Students are already familiar with the terms: thing that we changed, observed (measured) and kept the same, manipulated variable, responding variable and constant variable. All these were used in the 2009 exam and all of them appeared in brackets. All three variables (thing/s you changed, observed and kept the same) can be found directly from the information given, but you must be able to differentiate each variable. These are quite easy questions to score because the answers are straightforward and simple. The keywords to look for are parameter and the substance or object, and youre on your way!

    4. HYPOTHESIS (1 question): Candidates should by now be familiar with the question: What is the relationship between what you changed and observed?Actually it sounds like a question on hypothesis. You can answer this quite easily by using the manipulated variable (things that changed) and responding variable (things observed) given in the information. However you must mention the relationship between the two variables. This question in 3 (d), can be classified as before the experiment. This means, you have to find out the manipulated variable (things changed) and responding variable (thing observed) given in the statement and try to establish the correct relationship based on the knowledge gained in the topic on Stability in Year 5.

    5. INTERPRETING DATA (7 questions): The questions are about trend of change, aim (purpose), relationship and conclusion. Questions on trend are relatively easy to answer because the answer can be found in the data given in the bar chart. In questions on 'aim', you have to find out the things you changed and observed (provided in the information), then write down the sentence. In questions on relationship, 3 (c), the manipulated and responding variable are already given. All you need to do is to establish the correct relationship based on the result of this investigation. In the question on conclusion, 2 (c), candidates need to relate the answer from the table. Make sure the correct relationship is used. For question 4 (d), on conclusion your answer must be obtained from the trend of change, what you observed then make out the relationship between two variables.

    6. PREDICTING (3 questions): In questions on predicting, you can answer in numerical form. Do the calculation based on the number pattern given in the table to get the answer. Overall the questions in section B are quite easy to answer because they are direct questions. Some of the information given can be used as your answer. Make sure that you have a good grasp of the scientific concept and that your answer is factually correct because marks will given on that. The basis of science knowledge is that you have to understand the concept before answering the questions. The skills and techniques of answering are also very important as they will enable you to obtain maximum marks. You will be able to enhance these skills in secondary school. Make sure you have a good foundation (primary school) when you moveon to the next level (secondary school). Good luck to all 2010 candidates. Please follow my column in DIDIK especially on how to answer correctly in Section B. Take care.

    NEXTWEEK: Introduction to the Paper

    Science Process Skill

    Total marks

    Question number and sample questions

    OBSERVATION 1 5 (c) Write one observation to support the reason (inference) in 5 (b).

    INFERENCES 2 5 (b) State one reason (inference) about the distance travelled by K.3 (b) State one reason (inference) based on the observation on model Y.


    6 1 (b) State one information gathered in this investigation.(c) (i) What is changed (manipulated variable)(ii) What is measured (responding variable)2 (a) (i) State, what is kept the same (constant variable)(ii) What is changed (manipulated variable)5 (a) What is kept the same (constant variable) in this investigation.

    HYPOTHESIS 1 3 (d) State one relationship between the twoinformation gathered in the above statement.


    7 1 (a), 3 (a) and 4 (a) - What is the purpose (aim) of this investigation?4 (b) What is the trend of change in the size of the phases of the Moon during this investigation?2 (c) and 4 (d) - What conclusion can be made from this investigation?3 (c) What is the relationship between the size of the model and its stability?





    1 (d) Predict the height of the dough when 12 g of yeast is used.2 (b) Predict the measurement if this matchstick is used to measure the length of the desk.4 (c) Predict the value of U in Diagram 4.

    Based on the data given, we will elaborate and analyse every Science Process Skill in detail. (Note: Refer to the original UPSR Science 2009).

    1. OBSERVATION (1 question): This question in 5 (c), can be used to similarly answer another question on observation to support an inference OR by taking out the result from the data (what to measure - responding variable) but in comparison form given in the table. We can occasionally use logical thinking to answer questions on observation.

    2. INFERENCES (2 questions):

    Students familiar with the word REASON, will understand the meaning of the word inference used in the UPSR exam, which appears in bracket. Before answering the question on INFERENCE,

  • Analisis Soalan UPSR 2010 - 2012


    Analisis 2011

  • Kompilasi sisipan akhbar BH Didik


  • Analisis Soalan UPSR 2010 - 2012


  • Kompilasi sisipan akhbar BH Didik


    The new format of the English Language UPSR paper which was introduced in the 2005 UPSR exami-nations assessed candidates through two papers, namely Paper 1 and Paper 2.

    Paper 1 is a 50-minute paper comprising 40 multiple choice questions. Candidates need to choosethe correct or best answer marked A, B and C or A, B, C or D. The total marks for this paper is 40.

    Paper 2 is a one hour and fifteen minutes paper. There are three questions in this paper which aredivided into three sections. Candidates are required to answer all three questions. The total marks forthis paper is 40 and it is a subjective paper.Paper 1 (40multiple choice questions)Questions 1 - 10Vocabulary questions at word, phrase or sentence level (with or without pictures).Questions 1 - 4:Word level questionsThese questions test your knowledge on vocabulary. One word answers are required. Pupils have topick the best word from the options given.Example:1 When father comes back from his office at night, he parks his car in the _____.A hangar C terminalB porch D garageQuestions 5 - 7: Phrase levelThese questions test your knowledge and understanding of language at phrase level. All the givenoptions are in phrases. Pupils have to study the pictures carefully to get the correct phrase to completea paragraph. The phrases given describe the pictures. The questions have three blanks to fill in.Example:Last week, Anita visited her uncles farm. She saw _______________ (2)walking freely. She wanted to __________ (3)

    but she couldnt as they were afraid of her. Then , she fed them with ________ (4)2 A a herd of cows C a litter of cowsB a flock of cows D a group of cows

    3 A kiss the cubs C pat the pupsB pet the calves D hit the cubs

    4 A some food C some grassB some bushes D some wild flowers

    Questions 8 - 10: Sentence levelThese questions test pupils knowledge and understanding of the language at the sentence level. Theyhave to study the pictures carefully and choose the sentence that best describes the picture.Example:5

    A Maniam dislikes drinking coffee.B Maniam is making a cup of coffee.C Maniam is making a glass of orange

    juice.D Maniam is preparing breakfast for

    his family.Questions 11 - 15Questions on social and language expressions (pictures with speech bubbles)In this section, pupils are tested on their understanding and knowledge of social expressions. Pupilsare given five pictures showing different situations. Pupils must pick the best option to match the situ-ation in the pictures.Example:6

    A That is the only colour we have.B Certainly. Ill get it for you rightaway.C Find it yourself.D Im sorry. Can you come backtomorrow?

    Questions 16 - 20 (Grammar)These questions test the pupils knowledge and understanding of grammar. They have to choose thebest option to complete the sentences.

    Example:7 Samantha was naughty, _____ he was punished by the headmistress.

    A because C neitherB but D therefore

    Questions 21 (Synonym / Antonym)These questions test the knowledge and understanding of synonym and antonym. Pupils have tochoose the word that has the similar or opposite meaning as the word underlined.Examples:Synonym8 There were many errors in his composition.

    A marks C blanksB mistakes D corrections

    Antonym9 The sky was cloudy this morning but it is _____ now.

    A raining C snowingB windy D bright

    Questions 22 - 23 (Spelling)These questions tests pupils knowledge on spelling skills. They have to choose the word that has thecorrect spelling.Example:10 The maid boiled some water in the _____.

    A ketle C kattleB kettle D keltle

    Questions 24 - 25 (Punctuation)These questions test pupils knowledge on the correct use of punctuation. They have to choose thesentence with the correct punctuation.Example:11 A Please leave me alone, shouted the old man.

    B Please leave me alone shouted the old man.C Please leave me alone. shouted the old man.D Please leave me alone! shouted the old man

    Questions 26 - 30 (Text Completion - with one composite picture)These questions tests pupils knowledge and understanding on grammar and vocabulary in context. Apicture and a short passage with five blanks are provided. Pupils have to choose the best word/wordsto complete the sentences based on the passage.Example:

    26 27Rahman and Rahimah are cleaning up ______ garden. Rahimah is ______ a broom to sweep the dry28leaves. Rahman is cutting the grass using a lawn mower. ______ mother is weeding the flower beds.

    The sun29 30is ______ brightly. Their father prepared some ______ orange juice for them to drink.

    26 A a B an C the D -27 A selling B cutting C bringing D holding28 A Their B Her C They D She29 A shines B shining C shined D lighting30 A warm B hot C cold D frozenQuestions 31 - 40Reading Comprehension (1 linear and 1 non-linear text)In this section, pupils are tested on reading and comprehension skills. There are two texts, one linearand one non-linear. Each text contains five questions. Pupils have to choose the best answer from theoptions given.Examples of linear texts: Narrative Factual Dialogue News report Letter

    Telephone conversation SpeechExamples of non-linear texts: Table of event Notice Map Pie chart Plan Labelk

    Schedule Graph TV programme Picture Menu Poster

    Do you havesize 10 for this


    By P. Rangit Singh


    (BIL 820) 10 - 16 Januari 2011 05All About UPSR English

  • Analisis Soalan UPSR 2010 - 2012


    Section B - Information transferThis section tests pupils ability to construct sentences based on a picture. There are also 10 helpingwords given for pupils to use. Pupils have a choice to use or not to use the helping words. They mustconstruct only 5 sentences about the picture. This section carries 10 marks.

    rambutan neighbour porch yard childrenhusband basket tree car garden


    Section B - Information TransferThis section tests pupils ability to transfer information from the pictures and text given. Pupils haveto fill in the table with information from the notes. For part B pupils have to choose one of the threechoices given and give reasons for their choice. This section carries 15 marks; 10 marks for part A and 5marks for part B.

    INDIAN RESTAURANTNorth Indian dishes

    Fish head curry, tandoorichicken, naan

    Free - Khulfi (dessert)10 a.m. - 10 p.m.Subang Jaya


    Lamb, beef, chicken chop,pasta, spaghetti

    Free - Soup in baked bread3 p.m. - 2 a.m.Sungai Buloh

    CHINESE RESTAURANTTen course Chinese dinner

    Shark's fin soup, steam kerapu,sizzling taufuFree - Kaya pau

    4 p.m. - 12 midnightDamansara Uptown

    (a) Complete the table based on the advertisement given.INDIAN RESTAURANT WESTERN RESTAURANT CHINESE RESTAURANT

    Speciality 1. 5. 8.Food 2. Lamb, beef, chicken chop,

    pasta, spaghetti9.

    Free Khulfi (dessert) 6. Kaya pauOperating hours 3. 3p.m.-2a.m. 10.Location 4. 7. Damansara Uptown

    (b) You are planning to treat your cousin on her birthday.Which one would you choose? Givereasons for your choice.I would choose ________ because __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Section C - Note ExpansionThis section tests pupils ability to write a short essay / passage based on a series of pictures. Pupils arealso given words to help them write.

    Look at the pictures. Use the information given to write about an incident in a village in the spaceprovided.

    school prefect - leaves - school

    pupils - obey - rules

    names - break - reports____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    NEXTWEEK: Paper 1 (Vocabulary / Qs 1 - 4) & Paper 2 (Section A)


    Exercises on Paper 2BAHASA INGGERIS(Paper 2)(BIL 820) 10 - 16 Januari 201106

  • Kompilasi sisipan akhbar BH Didik


    This week, we will discuss the UPSR Mathematics format, so thatpupils in Year 6, 2010 will understand clearly what Paper 2 is. It isimportant for them to make early preparation and choose goodreference materials for their revision so that they can score an A inMathematics UPSR.The Mathematics paper in the UPSR examination is divided into 2papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper 1 consists of 40 objective ques-tions and 4 multiple choice options for each question. Pupils are re-quired to choose only one answer. Paper 2 consists of 20 subjectivequestions. Pupils must answer all the questions, write the answersclearly and show all the working solution.

    Characteristics of Paper 2;i. Paper 2 consists of 20 subjective questions.ii. Candidates are required to answer all questions.iii. The duration for answering this paper is 40 minutes.iv. Candidates must write their answer clearly in the spaces pro-vided in the question paper.v. Candidates must show all the working solution. It may help themget The marks allocated for each question is as follows:

    There are 3 types of questions.i. 1 mark questions - normally (4 - 6 questions)ii. 2 mark questions - normally (8 - 10 questions)iii. 3 mark questions - normally (4 - 6 questions)

    (a) Types of questions - subjective questions

    Example 1:Diagram below consist of several equilateral triangles of equal size.

    Diagram 1Write the fraction which represent the shaded region of thewhole diagram.

    3 1Answer: =9 3

    Example 2:Round off 7.093 to the nearest tenths.

    Working step to answer:

    7. 0 9 3 = 7 . 1

    ( + 1 ) More than 5

    Example 3:A solid has 4 isosceles triangles and the following characteristics:

    5 vertices8 edges1 square

    What is the name of the solid?

    Answer: Pyramid

    (b) There are 20 questions which carry 3 categories of marking:

    (i) 1 mark questions- Normally 4 - 6 questions.- Direct questions.- Using symbols and numerals only.- Quite easy, just need to write down the correct answer.- Working steps not needed.- Normally involves the following topics and skills:

    a) Whole numbers - determining digits or place values- rounding off numbers- writing numbers in numerals or words- solving problems involving 4 operations

    b) Measurement and duration of time - state the value ofmeasurement and time

    c) Fractions / decimals and percentage - converting unitsd) Space and shape (2 or 3 dimensional shape) - naming and

    identifying the characteristics of 3 dimensional shapes- However, one must not just depend on acquiring the skills

    above. They need to know other skills that can help them toanswer the questions.Exercise 1 (1 mark questions)

    1 Round off 346 709 to the nearest hundred thousand.

    2 Diagram 1 shows five number cards.

    Diagram 1Using all the numbers above, build the largest value number.

    3 12 168 12 =

    4 Write 0.36 million in whole number.

    5 Diagram 2 shows the weight of a box.

    Diagram 2

    State the weight, in g, of the box.

    (ii) 2 mark question- Normally 8 - 10 questions.- Direct and problem solving questions.- Using symbols, numerals and words.- Need to show calculation.- More than two operations.- Give the correct answer.- Involving unit conversion.- Usually involving the following topics and skills:a) Mixed operations - direct questionb) Fractions, decimals and percentage - involving 4 opera-

    tions, quantity and numbersc) Measurement and time duration - involving operations/reading scales

    d) Finding the averagese) Space and shape - drawing and naming the space/shapeand perimeter

    Exercise (2 mark questions)

    51 2 =83

    2 Calculate 1 m - 75 cm =5Give the answer, in cm.

    53 55 minutes + 1 hours = _____ hours _____ minutes

    64 10 608 - 509 x 18 =

    (iii) 3 mark question- Normally 5 questions.- Problem solving.- Using symbols, numerals and words.- Need to show calculation.- Give the correct answer.- Usually involves diagrams, tables and figures.- Focusing more on the steps to determine the answer to thequestion.- Candidate must showmore than 2 working steps beforegiving the correct answer.

    - To understand and answer the questions, pupils must knowabout:a) Measurement and time durationb) Money - profit, loss and sell/buyc) Shape and space - perimeter /aread) Averagee) Percentage - quantity

    Exercise (3 mark questions)

    1 Diagram 3 shows the volume of water in three beakers.

    Diagram 3The total volume of water is 2.7 l. Find the capacity, in ml, of thewater in beaker P.

    2 Diagram 4 shows a pie chart on the percentage of vehicles.

    Diagram 4The total number of vehicles is 180. Calculate the numberof cars.

    3 Diagram 5 shows the mass of box X and box Y.

    Diagram5Calculate the total mass, in kg, of box X and boxY.

    4 Diagram 6 shows two rectangles of equal size and a right angledtriangle.

    Diagram 6

    Calculate the area, in cm2, of the shaded region.

    Conclusion;i. Master all topics and skills.ii. Master the multiplication table.iii. Do more exercises - at least 20 questions every day.iv. Write the working steps for all questions to get the correct

    answer.v. Do exercises in groups - practice team Always refer to past yearsquestions.

    8 59 0 3

    0.97 l 360ml P

    car lorry20%


    12 cm

    6 cm

    4 cm

    NEXTWEEK:Whole Number: Basic Operations

    Understanding Paper 2MATHEMATICS(Paper 2)(BIL 820) 10 - 16 Januari 201108

    By Cikgu Mokhtar

  • Analisis Soalan UPSR 2010 - 2012


  • Kompilasi sisipan akhbar BH Didik


  • Analisis Soalan UPSR 2010 - 2012


    Analisis 2012

  • Kompilasi sisipan akhbar BH Didik




    872 16 - 18 Januari Pengenalan dan Latihan Bahagian A

    873 19 - 29 Januari (Khamis) Pengenalan dan Latihan Bahagian B

    874 30 Januari - 8 Februari Pengenalan dan Latihan Bahagian C

    875 9 - 12 Februari (Khamis) Bahagian B - Karangan Cerita

    876 13 - 19 Februari Bahagian A dan C

    877 20 - 26 Februari Bahagian B - Karangan Laporan

    878 27 Februari - 4 Mac Bahagian A dan C

    879 5 - 7 Mac Bahagian B - Karangan Dialog

    880 8 - 18 Mac (Khamis) Latihan Seiras

    881 19 - 25 Mac Bahagian A dan C

    882 26 Mac - 1 April Bahagian B - Karangan Catatan

    883 2 - 8 April Bahagian A dan C

    884 9 - 15 April Bahagian B - Karangan Melengkapkan Cerita

    885 16 - 22 April Bahagian A dan C

    886 23 - 29 April Bahagian B - Karangan Fakta

    887 30 April - 6 Mei Bahagian A dan C

    888 7 - 13 Mei Bahagian B - Karangan Surat Kiriman Tidak Rasmi

    889 14 - 20 Mei Bahagian A dan C

    890 21 - 23 Mei Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Melayu dan Matematik)

    891 24 Mei - 10 Jun (Khamis) Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Inggeris dan Sains)

    892 11 - 13 Jun Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Melayu dan Matematik)

    893 14 - 17 Jun (Khamis) Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Inggeris dan Sains)

    894 18 - 24 Jun Bahagian A dan C

    895 25 Jun - 1 Julai Bahagian B - Karangan Surat Kiriman Rasmi

    896 2 - 8 Julai Bahagian A dan C

    897 9 - 15 Julai Bahagian B - Karangan Ucapan

    898 16 - 22 Julai Bahagian A dan C

    899 23 - 29 Julai Bahagian B - Karangan Syarahan

    900 30 Julai - 5 Ogos Bahagian A dan C

    901 6 - 12 Ogos Bahagian B - Karangan Perbincangan

    902 13 - 15 Ogos Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Melayu dan Matematik)

    903 16 - 26 Ogos (Khamis) Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Inggeris dan Sains)

    904 27 Ogos - 2 September Latihan Seiras

    905 3 - 9 September Latihan Seiras

    906 10 - 16 September Bahagian A dan C

    907 17 - 23 September Bahagian B - Karangan Berita

    *Jadual tertakluk kepada perubahan


    872 16 - 18 Januari Kata Nama dan Surat Kiriman Rasmi

    873 19 - 29 Januari (Khamis) Latihan Seiras (Kemahiran Berbahasa)

    874 30 Januari - 8 Februari Kata Ganti Nama dan Surat Kiriman Tidak Rasmi

    875 9 - 12 Februari (Khamis) Kata Kerja dan Laporan Aktiviti

    876 13 - 19 Februari Kata Adjektif dan Laporan Persatuan

    877 20 - 26 Februari Kata Hubung dan Berita

    878 27 Februari - 4 Mac Kata Seru, Kata Tanya dan Pengumuman

    879 5 - 7 Mac Kata Perintah dan Iklan

    880 8 - 18 Mac (Khamis) Latihan Seiras (Kemahiran Berbahasa)

    881 19 - 25 Mac Kata Bantu dan Ucapan

    882 26 Mac - 1 April Kata Penguat, Kata Penegas dan Syarahan

    883 2 - 8 April Kata Nafi, Kata Pemeri dan Perbahasan

    884 9 - 15 April Kata Sendi Nama dan Catatan Harian (1 hari)

    885 16 - 22 April Kata Bilangan dan Catatan Harian (Beberapa hari)

    886 23 - 29 April Kata Arah dan Temu Ramah

    887 30 April - 6 Mei Imbuhan dan Dialog (Perbualan)

    888 7 - 13 Mei Kata Majmuk dan Jadual

    889 14 - 20 Mei Kata Ganda dan Pantun

    890 21 - 23 Mei Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Melayu dan Matematik)

    891 24 Mei - 10 Jun (Khamis) Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Inggeris dan Sains)

    892 11 - 13 Jun Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Melayu dan Matematik)

    893 14 - 17 Jun (Khamis) Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Inggeris dan Sains)

    894 18 - 24 Jun Penjodoh Bilangan dan Sajak

    895 25 Jun - 1 Julai Peribahasa / Simpulan Bahasa dan Syair

    896 2 - 8 Julai Kata Seerti (Sinonim) dan Cerita

    897 9 - 15 Julai Kata Berlawan (Antonim) dan Biografi

    898 16 - 22 Julai Kata Banyak Makna dan Autobiografi

    899 23 - 29 Julai Memilih Soalan dan Cerpen

    900 30 Julai - 5 Ogos Memilih Jawapan dan E-mel

    901 6 - 12 Ogos Memilih Ayat Yang Sama Maksud dan Peta

    902 13 - 15 Ogos Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Melayu dan Matematik)

    903 16 - 26 Ogos (Khamis) Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Inggeris dan Sains)

    904 27 Ogos - 2 September Latihan Seiras

    905 3 - 9 September Memilih Ayat Yang Betul dan Graf

    906 10 - 16 September Kata Hampir Sama Makna dan Rencana

    907 17 - 23 September Penanda Wacana dan Fakta

    *Jadual tertakluk kepada perubahan


    Tajuk Perbincangan Fokus UPSR 2012

    BIL 871: 9 -15 Januari 2012c 12BAHASA MELAYU

    Pemahaman& Penulisan

  • Analisis Soalan UPSR 2010 - 2012




    872 16 - 18 January Vocabulary, Qs 1- 4 & Factual

    873 19 - 29 January (Thursday) Exercises

    874 30 January - 8 February Nouns, Qs 5-7 & Dialogue

    875 9 - 12 February (Thursday) Articles, Qs 8 - 10 & News Report

    876 13 - 19 February Antonyms, Qs 11 - 15 & Speech

    877 20 - 26 February Synonyms, Qs 16 - 21 & Map

    878 27 February - 4 March Present Tense, Qs 22 - 25 & Narrative

    879 5 - 7 March Past Tense, Qs 1 - 4 & Poem

    880 8 - 18 March (Thursday) Exercises

    881 19 - 25 March Future Tense, Qs 5 - 7 & Letter

    882 26 March - 1 April Adjectives, Qs 8 - 10 & Label

    883 2 - 8 April Personal Pronouns, Qs 11 - 15 & Menu

    884 9 - 15 April Possessive, Demonstrative Pronouns & Qs 16 - 21 & Advertisement

    885 16 - 22 April Prepositions, Qs 22 - 25 & Recipe

    886 23 - 29 April Conjunctions, Qs 26 - 30 & Pie Chart

    887 30 April - 6 May Subject and Verb Agreement, & Qs 1 - 4 & Notice

    888 7 - 13 May Quantifiers, Qs 5 - 7 & Dialogue & TV Programme

    889 14 - 20 May Similes, Qs 8 - 10 & Duty Roster

    890 21 - 23 May Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Melayu & Matematik)

    891 24 May - 10 June (Thursday) Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Inggeris & Sains)

    892 11 - 13 June Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Melayu & Matematik)

    893 14 - 17 June (Thursday) Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Inggeris & Sains)

    894 18 - 24 June Verbs, Qs 11 - 15 & Diary

    895 25 June - 1 July Adverbs, Qs 16 - 21 & E-mail

    896 2 - 8 July WH Questions, Qs 22 - 25 & Letter

    897 9 - 15 July Qs 1 - 15 & Factual

    898 16 - 22 July Qs 16 - 30 & Narrative

    899 23 - 29 July Qs 1 - 15 & Advertisement

    900 30 July - 5 August Qs 16 - 30 & Notice

    901 6 - 12 August Qs 1 - 15 & Dialogue

    902 13 - 15 August Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Melayu & Matematik)

    903 16 - 26 August (Thursday) Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Inggeris & Sains)

    904 27 August - 2 September Exercises

    905 3 - 9 September Qs 16 - 30 & Map

    906 10 - 16 September Qs 1 - 15 & Poem

    907 17 - 23 September Qs 16 - 30 & Recipe

    *Subject to change



    872 16 - 18 January Section A

    873 19 - 29 January (Thursday) Exercises

    874 30 January - 8 February Section B

    875 9 - 12 February (Thursday) Section C

    876 13 - 19 February Section A, B and C

    877 20 - 26 February Section A

    878 27 February - 4 March Section B

    879 5 - 7 March Section C

    880 8 - 18 March (Thursday) Exercises

    881 19 - 25 March Section A and Section B

    882 26 March - 1 April Section B and Section C

    883 2 - 8 April Section B and Section C

    884 9 - 15 April Section A, B and C

    885 16 - 22 April Section A

    886 23 - 29 April Section B

    887 30 April - 6 May Section C

    888 7 - 13 May Section A, B and C

    889 14 - 20 May Section A, B and C

    890 21 - 23 May Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Melayu & Matematik)

    891 24 Mei - 10 June (Thursday) Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Inggeris & Sains)

    892 11 - 13 June Ujian Percubaan (BM Bahasa Melayu & Matematik)

    893 14 - 17 June (Thursday) Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Inggeris & Sains)

    894 18 - 24 June Section A and Section B

    895 25 June - 1 July Section B and Section C

    896 2 - 8 July Section B and Section C

    897 9 - 15 July Section A, B and C

    898 16 - 22 July Section A

    899 23 - 29 July Section B

    900 30 July - 5 August Section C

    901 6 - 12 August Section A, B and C

    902 13 - 15 August Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Melayu & Matematik)

    903 16 - 26 August (Thursday) Ujian Percubaan (Bahasa Inggeris & Sains)

    904 27 August - 2 September Exercises

    905 3 - 9 September Exercises

    906 10 - 16 September Exercises

    907 17 - 23 September Exercises

    *Subject to change

    Tajuk Perbincangan Fokus UPSR 2012BAHASAINGGERISKertas 1 & 2

    BIL 871: 9 -15 Januari 2012 c 13

  • Kompilasi sisipan akhbar BH Didik



    872 16 - 18 Januari Latihan seiras


    19 - 29 JanuariKhamis Latihan Seiras

    874 30 Januari - 8 Februari

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