93 surah duha tafseer midi

(93) Surah Duha

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Page 1: 93 Surah Duha Tafseer Midi

(93)Surah Duha

Page 2: 93 Surah Duha Tafseer Midi

This surah was revealed during the earliest period in Makkah.

During the early stages of Prophethood, revelations of the Quran were on hold for some time, which made the Prophet (sws) worry that he did something wrong to anger Allah.

So this surah was sent down to the Prophet (sws) to give him a peace of mind that he did not do anything wrong.

Historical Background

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Allah beautifully explained that just like He made the night for peace and rest after a long and busy bright day, he gave the Prophet (sws) a break from the revelation so he does not get burdened with the intensity of the Revelations of the Quran.

Historical Background

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This surah was sent down to reassure the Prophet (sws) that he has done nothing wrong and did not displease Allah.

It was also sent down to comfort the Prophet(sws) by saying that the hardships he was facing during that time would not last long.

Proof of that later during the Prophet’s life was that he successful defeated the nation of idol worship and spread Islam successfully, with Allah’s will and help.

We should always thank Allah for everything He gave us in this life.

Historical Background Con’t.

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Allah swears by the bright morning and also by the peaceful and quiet night.

The day is bright and busy. The day time is when people work and get things done. Then when night falls it is time for everyone to rest and peacefully relax from a busy day.

So Allah swears by the day and night because he uses it to explain why Allah delayed the revelation to the Prophet (sws)/ gave him a break.

Because getting revelations from Allah(swt) was hard for the Prophet and kept him busy like people are busy during the day, he needed a rest (which is what people do at night).

Ayah One: By the bright forenoon,Ayah Two: and by the night when it covers the world

with peace:

ج�ى ج� ج�ا إ�ا إ ي � ج ج�ال ج�ى﴿﴾ � ض ج�ال ﴿﴾

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Whenever a Surah came down to the Prophet(sws), he would always recite it for the people.

So when a new revelation did not come to the Prophet (sws), he became nervous and upset that Allah was angry with him.

On top of that, the disbelievers of Makkah started teasing the Prophet(sws), saying that his Allah was angry with him and gave up on him. This caused the Prophet to be upset.

Allah reassures the Prophet that He is not angry with him and is not ignoring him.

Ayah Three: (O Prophet), your Lord has neither forsaken you, nor is He displeased.

ج�ى ج� ج�ا ج� ج� � ض ج� ج� ج� � ج ج� ج�ا ﴿﴾

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During the early years of the Prophethood, he had only a few followers, the nation was very mean and against him and it seemed like the Prophet (sws) didn’t stand a chance.

In this stage of Islam, the Prophet was worried he would not be successful in spreading Islam.

Allah comforts the Prophet saying that things will get better and promises the Prophet (sws) he will be successful in this world and will also have a higher and nobler rank in the Hereafter.

Ayah Four: Indeed what is to come will be better for you than what has gone by.

جلى ���ض ي� ا ج إ� ج� جل ر! ي ج# ض$ ج! إ# آج% ي' جل ج� ﴿﴾

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Allah makes a promise here that although it seems like it will take forever to make people believe in Islam, He will bless the Prophet(sws) with the power and so much more that it will become easier.

This promise came during the lifetime of the Prophet (sws). Also, the Prophet will be pleased with what he will get in Jannah, inshaAllah.

Over time, the Prophet’s influence reached every corner of the world SubhanAllah!

Ayah Five: Verily your Lord will soon give you so amply that you will be well-pleased.

ج)ى ي! ج( ج* ج� � ض ج� ج� إ+ ي, ض- ج. ي/ ج0 جل ج� ﴿﴾

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This line is saying to the Prophet (sws), how can Allah be angry with you when He has been good to you ever since you were born as an orphan?

As you know, the Prophet’s father passed away 3 months before he was born and his mother passed away when he was 6. The Prophet was born an orphan, but Allah always left the Prophet with support everyday of his life.

His grandfather raised him with love, and when he passed away, his uncle Abu Talib became his guardian and biggest supporter. Even though he had lost his parents, Allah always left the Prophet(sws) in good hands and blessed him throughout his whole life.

Ayah Six: Did He not find you an orphan and then gave you shelter?

ج�ى آجا ج* م2ا إ( ج- ج4 ي5 إ� ج- ي6 جل ج�ا ﴿﴾

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The word “Dallan” means lost. As we have learned from the Prophet’s life, he

never participated in idol worship or any of the pagan customs. He had excellent character.

The Prophet (sws) was unaware of Islam at that time, and Allah is saying before the Truth was introduced to the Prophet (sws) he didn’t know what Islam was until Allah directed him to the straight path after Prophethood.

This was the greatest blessing!

Ayah Seven: Did He not find you unaware of the Right Way, and then directed you to it?

ج5ى ج7 ج* �� م ج)ا ج4 ج5 ج8 ج� ج� ﴿﴾

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The Prophet (sws) was not born rich, his father left him only a camel and a slave-girl.

He later on went on to marry Khadijah(ra), the wealthiest lady among the Quraish, and she made the Prophet her partner in trade.

The Prophet took charge of all the business and trade and became wealthy, not from being dependent on his wife, but by his own hard work and ability.

Allah helped and support the Prophet in every way possible, even financially (with wealth).

He also gave him knowledge. He did not even know how to read and write but he was given the best knowledge from Allah.

He wanted guidance and Allah also blessed him with guidance.

Ayah Eight: And did He not find you in want, and then enriched you?

ج9ى ي: ج�ا ج* م'% إ; ج�ا ج4 ج5 ج8 ج� ج� ﴿﴾

Page 12: 93 Surah Duha Tafseer Midi

Just as Allah blessed the Prophet (sws) when he was an orphan and into every single aspect of his life, it is his responsibility to see that no orphan is treated unfair and harshly.

It is also every Muslims responsibility to be kind to the orphan.

Ayah Nine: Therefore, be not harsh with the orphan;

ي! ج7 ي> ج= ج'% ج* ج6 إ( ج يل ا ج �ا ج�ا ج* ﴿﴾

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This line has two meanings:If someone asks for money, then help them if

you can and be polite even if you have nothing to give.

If someone asks for knowledge, then do not look down on them and be polite in your response.

Ayah Ten: and chide not him who asks,

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All those blessings: wealth, knowledge, guidance, etc. and promises that Allah favored the Prophet (sws) were all given from Allah(swt) due to His mercy.

Since the Prophet received all of that, even through hard times, he should remember Allah and recall all of the blessings he got.

As Muslims, we have the same duty. Even in hard times, we should remember all the blessings Allah gave us and be grateful.

Ayah Eleven: and proclaim the bounty of your Lord.

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Questions 1. When and where was this surah revelaed? 2. In what situation was this surah revealed? 3. Describe the comparison Allah made between day/night

and the pause of the revelation. 4. Why was this surah sent down to the Prophet (sws)? 5. What message did Allah want to send the Prophet(sws)? 6.What is Dallan? 7. List the blessings mentioned that were given to the

Prophet in this surah. 8. What did Allah ask the Prophet and Muslims to do

because of all the blessings He gave? 9. What does Allah say about the orphans? 10. What are the two meanings of “chide not who asks”?

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DisclaimerThese slides are an abridged,

simplified version of tafseer. For detailed explanations, please view

other sources.