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PROGRAM JERAYAWARA E-POCKET 27 Ogos 2014 Dewan Serbaguna Anak Bukit

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PROGRAM JERAYAWARA E-POCKET 27 Ogos 2014Dewan Serbaguna Anak Bukit


Waves of English2E-POCKETEnglish in your pocketPenjualan buku ini akan diuruskan oleh koperasi atau kedai buku sekolah dengan harga RM1 bagi setiap naskah untuk setiap murid. Walaubagaimana pun, koperasi / kedai buku sekolah hanya membayar sebanyak 90sen sahaja bagi setiap naskah kepada PSKPPK.

Semua murid Tahun 4, 5 dan 6 di sekolah rendah; serta semua murid Tingkatan 1 hingga 5 di sekolah menengah wajib membeli buku tersebut dengan harga RM1.

Semua murid Tahun 4 dan 5 serta murid tingkatan 1,2,3,4 dan 5 wajib membuat latihan membina ayat di dalam buku E-pocket ini di waktu lapang. Contoh : 10 20 ayat sehari mengikut keupayaan murid.Aktiviti ini dijalankan di luar waktu PdP.

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E-POCKETGuru subjek Bahasa Inggeris diminta membimbing murid tentang teknik membina ayat serta membincangkan jawapan yang betul untuk latihan tersebut di dalam waktu PdP.Guru kelas membuat pemantauan kerja E-Pocket.

Pihak Pentadbir dan Unit Disiplin diminta mengambil tindakan ke atas murid yang tidak menyiapkan kerja yang ditetapkan.

Unit Kurikulum dan Panitia Bahasa Inggeris boleh melaksanakan aktiviti susulan yang difikirkan sesuai.

Murid Tahun 6 TIDAK DIWAJIBKAN untuk membuat latihan E-Pocket sebelum Peperiksaan UPSR.

Murid Tahun 6 wajib menjalankan aktiviti E-Pocket ini selepas Peperiksaan UPSR dalam program pasca UPSR.

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E-POCKETPihak sekolah diminta memberi penekanan kepada aspek keberkesanan program serta kualiti kerja murid quality over quantityLatihan yang tidak sempat disiapkan, bolehlah diberikan sebagai kerja rumah masa cuti atau disiapkan apabila sekolah dibuka semula pada tahun 2015. Terpulang pada Panitia Bahasa Inggeris untuk menentukannya.Murid-murid di sekolah-sekolah berprestasi tinggi serta sekolah berasrama penuh yang mempunyai tahap penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris yang tinggi serta telah menguasai kemahiran membina ayat boleh menyiapkan E-Pocket dalam masa paling singkat yang termampu.

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E-POCKETGood day Madam Aiza.

First of all, I would like to congratulate you and your team for the launching of E-Pocket. You've done a great job.

As for our school, .. , we distributed the cute little blue booklet to our students on Sunday, August 24, 2014. Once they got hold of the book, they couldn't resist the temptation to write. They kept on writing until they're told to stop doing it. I didn't 'hold' my Year Six from writing. They find it very beneficial.

They love everything about the book. They love the sentence patterns. They love the colour. They love the design. There's only complain about the E-Pocket - the micro font!

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Waves of EnglishProgrammes to improve students proficiency in EnglishQUESTIONS2014 English Language activities is there any difference compared to 2013?Have the activities been supporting classroom T&L?Have the activities been supporting students preparation for exam?Are students more interested and motivated?Have their contact hours with English increased?

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Waves of EnglishIf the answer is YES

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Waves of EnglishThe waves of English are felt in your school.

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Waves of English2014

2014 Waves of English online report:

http://goo.gl/mGBZbkWaves of English10

Waves of English2015

Submit 2015 Waves of English Program by 1st December 2014 to PPPD BahasaAssembly - Sunday 3rd Week of January 2015 School Launching throughout Kedah StateWaves of English 2015 BannerEvery English teacher must talk about Waves of English

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IssuesDasar Wajib Lulus 2016ImplicationIntervention Plan begins the earliest possibleShort term planning vs long term planningA combination of all tools21st century skillsKIDT i-Think / KBAT / KBKKBack to Basics teaching English in English at all levelsDifferentiated learningThe role of English Panel PLC / coaching and mentoring

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IssuesPBSAlive and kickingMust be carried out in all seriousnessThe teaching of language skillsTeaching for language proficiency instead of teaching for examWaves of English13

Make the English language SPM paper a compulsory pass and expand opportunities for greater exposure to the language. The Ministry will make it compulsory for students to pass the English SPM paper from 2016 in order to obtain their SPM certificate. To support students in meeting this requirement, the Ministry is rolling out a variety of support programmes, including a set system of grouping and teaching students by proficiency levels. Beyond that, students will have greater exposure to the language, for example via an expanded, compulsory literature in English module at the primary and secondary level. International research indicates that more exposure time than the current 15-20% is required for students to achieve operational proficiency. The Ministry will also explore the introduction of blended learning models that leverage technology to enhance student learning. (MEB 2013-2025)

Contoh Pelan Intervensi Wajib Lulus SPM 2016 KPM1. Memperkasa Peranan Panitia Bahasa Inggeris PdP BerkesanPLC lesson study Bahasa Inggeris (VLE Frog, iThink, HOTs)differentiated learningb. Sesi perbincangan profesional mingguan 2. Merangka strategi peningkatan prestasi murid dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Inggeris a. Analisis data headcount dan b. Pencapaian bahasa Inggeris PT3 2014 c. Merancang program intervensi untuk mencapai sasaran Wajib Lulus Bahasa Inggeris SPM 2016

Waves of English15IssuesProgram Peningkatan PrestasiUPSR / PT3 / SPMYear 5 / Form 4HeadcountItem analysisPILL - interventionWaves of English16

IssuesiPROBIWaves of English17

Waves of EnglishThank youWaves of English18